Cures and Caveats...

"Nanozyme": IEEE Spectrum

Researchers at the University of Florida (UF) have developed a nanoparticle that has shown 100 percent effectiveness in eradicating the hepatitis C virus in laboratory testing.

That sounds good, right? I do admit, I kind of bristle at claims of 100% efficiency, since in nature...that's supposed to be unachievable.

Of course, this is a long way from becoming a treatment anytime soon. A major caveat is that the use of nanotreatments for the targeting and destroying of abnormal cells like cancer cells is always problematic since those cells are “still us”...meaning we've got to have an "off" button for these critters! They might be a little too efficient.

So too, ignorance is not only bliss, it's easier than sifting through research that we're only mildly interested in. A "Google search" is about the BTUs we're willing to expend to understand (I'm not claiming expertise either, just healthy curiousity).

The author would like to retire the phrase "nanobot," as pointed out some of humankind will imagine Matrix Armageddon and a future of gray goo!


IEEE Spectrum: Nanoparticle Completely Eradicates Hepatitis C Virus

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