Dear. Mrs. Flynt..

I came across this note from you in an incredibly over-packed memorabilia album. Mom managed to cram K-12 report cards as well as my undergraduate physics transcripts! Thankfully, my graduate ones are in PDF form...Sadly, she's no longer here to hoard them. The unique spelling of your married name (you insisted upon, and now I see why) is the Old English word for "stream."

I found this note from you Mrs. Flynt, your last encouragement to me before I embarked on the journey to the big unknown: middle school, which at this time in most of the country was after the 6th grade. I only regret that I never in this life thanked you for your support and encouragement; encouraging my curiosity with our school science experiments - in and outside of the classroom; correcting my writing, grammar and spelling; making sure I was OK as I faded in-and-out of consciousness after a bully head-butted me "for a place in line" ahead of me, as I recall. I also clearly remember waking up in the school nurse's office - ice pack on face; you by my side as my parents came to school to see about the matter.

I think of you now as education "reform" in this Internet age you never lived to see is taking the shape of computer-delivered lessons replacing teachers; drill-baby-drill to standardized tests that didn't exist in your time. The human species has always best learned via the format of craftsman: journeymen; teacher: students; master: disciples. There is a dearth of critical thinking skills that used to be expected and encouraged. It is instead becoming germane and replaced with national reflection only on the superficial. When I briefly taught high school math and physics, I saw teachers that are just like you were: passionate about their subjects and dedicated to their students. I hope in my tenure I measured up to that as well. The teachers now are blamed for the problems in education by those who can't teach (won't ever teach), but make laws adversely affecting teaching, and ultimately this democratic republic. Another important role of teachers is to prepare the citizens to be informed, and critical of authority and holding it accountable when it wields the reins of power to adverse effects. Some things I wish had not so modernized. Human interaction is in our DNA, and this "reform" is making us more distant, more...cold towards one another. 

You along with my parents have exited this stage. I'd like to think, though it be wishful, that you are still reading over my shoulder; correcting my syntax and grammatical errors; and hope you still think I have some talent at writing.


Your "little scientist" (...humbly, thanks you)

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