Dr. José Hernández-Rebollar...

José Hernandez-Rebollar -- Electrical Engineer

Inventor of the AcceleGlove, a glove-like device that translates sign language into written words for deaf individuals.

Born in the state of Puebla, Mexico, Jose Hernandez-Rebollar is a young scientist whose made a reputation for himself as a young innovator with big ideas. Long before this electrical engineer moved to the U.S. from Mexico on a Fulbright scholarship to complete work for his Ph.D at Georgetown University, he had dreamed of the possibility of creating a way for deaf people to translate sign language into text and sound by electronic means. Through persistence and the power of engineering, he has achieved that goal.

In His Own Words: Commenting on future applications of his invention, he says: “The idea is not to fix deafness. The idea is to provide an instrument that can translate ASL [American Sign Language] to other languages.”

USA Science Festival: José Hernandez-Rebollar, PhD

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