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Synopsis of Renpet:
RENPET is the ancient Kemet feminine cosmic principle who personified fertility, spring and youth. She was often known as the "Mistress of Eternity" and her name was used to express the term "year"........
The world after Renpet, The Year, takes place after the planet earth passes through a photon field. This takes place during the solar system's complete orbit around the central sun of the Pleiadesconstellation known as Alcione. Following this event, the earth goesthrough strong continental shifts, dramatic weather pattern changes,intense exposure to ultraviolet rays and the transition of half of theworld's population either into the next world or into a higher form.
It is comparable to an organism like an amoeba springing forth in evolution to become a bird. The survivors on the planet gain an increased amount of pigmentation and the adolescents receive enhancedabilities. The earth is in a state of rebirth and regeneration, itspopulation is in a state of challenge adjusting to their newenvironment. Due to the extreme jump in evolution, many of theinhabitants suffer psychological trauma which causes conflict in themidst of the restoration of the planet.
Enter the world after Renpet, the year, where all that was unknown is being re-discovered. Follow the journey of Serqet, who is of an advanced race of humans from the future. She is given the task of guiding a group of youths throughtheir growth in the new world. Of course, any youth finds it difficultadjusting to adolescence, and it must be near impossible after yousurvived the upheaval of an entire planet. Imagine everything you knewwas turned upside down...the attachment to the trials of politics,racism, and human injustice pales in comparison....
Djadja N Medjay is a student of martial sciences, spiritual sciences and an Ohashiatsu Instructor. The vision of Renpet came to him in a dream 2 years ago and the pen was close to him.......
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