First Breath

I repost this poem from time to time to remind myself of why I write... and because I love it :). Namaste Fam!


(for my man Quinton Veal, my children and my beautiful, beautiful writing famiy)

With blood beating at my temples

and horizons beckoning for discovery

land, magical strange taboo

waited for my pen

Miles and Coltrane's nightingales

awoke to trill of moonbeams

and desire

Zora,Langston and Octavia whispered: "We waiting

on you, you better create worlds..."


That's I when I knew it was time to speak

rivers-- funky motifs

rip a piece of soulful sinew

Sweeten it

Season it

cry loud my passion


And shards of gold flecked violet

split the air with sound and fury!

With laughter, love and tears

I touched my lips to them

breathed life into these spirits

freed them to walk across

the page


In that hour liberation found me

In that hour I embraced her

And gave voice to my writing hand

Copyright 2009 Valjeanne Jeffers

Published in Liberated Muse: How I Freed My Soul Vol I

Available at


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