Call it "Slippin' Into Darkness," part 2.
Research universities: that means major and Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Historically Hispanic Colleges and Universities, Historically Native American Colleges and Universities - ALL of us.
We've got to get beyond the partisan politics of Animal Farm, and actually, finally SOLVE problems for the long term versus score sound bites! How would it look in history, if we need a martial plan (in reverse): from Europe!?
NPR: "[Professors] are not the beneficiaries of large increases in college spending that has gone on," he says. "In fact, the percentage of all students taught by non-tenure-track professors — adjuncts, teaching assistants — has gone up and up and up."
"I'm sure that most of those people [provost, deans, assistant deans] are working hard at real jobs," he says. "But that doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good idea to increase spending and pass along many of those costs onto students in the form of higher tuition. ...
"And the more the prices go up, the more that these students who are squeezed out of opportunity are middle-income students, low-income students, and the net effect over time is to make our college and university system no longer the engine of economic mobility that it once was."
Rant done...