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I'm truly surprised. This is probably the best response I've gotten to any of my books. I'd written Where the Monsters Are way back in 2006, maybe even earlier and shelved it because I didn't like it. But I chanced across it, read it again and thought it only had 'potential'.
Since I only had it in hard copy I had to scan it and re-type the stuff Adobe Reader didn't recognize (which gave me an opportunity to edit) and when I came to the ending which actually was bad, I changed it, then changed it again.
What a difference a little a few years makes. Check out CM Briggs' review!
Actually, the reverse of the cliche is true: It's no fun writing a rave review especially if the reviewer wants to work in the same genre as the author. Folks, don't read this stuff! Gerald, get's writer's cramp or blocked or something because this one's so good that it's scary on many levels.
It's difficult to discus a short story (not quite a novelette by my word count, but why split hairs?) in any detail lest you ruin it for the reader. I can tell you that "Where the Monsters Are" is metaphorical little gem of a fright, ambiguous enough to keep you guessing long after you've finished reading and yet immdiately accessible. I agree with the reviewer above who states that you want to go back and reread it a few times to get the full flavor, all of the psychological nuances, of the work. So, not to put you off, let me tell you that there is substance here. This isn't pretentious in a college, lit class kind of thing written to impress a girlfriend, but an intellectually stimulating and yet emotionally gripping to challange you.) The basic story is vivid and well written enough to keep you reading up until the end as the problems escalate and the narrator's life gradually goes to to Hell - maybe. Then again, it could be his mind. Nicely done. "Where the Monsters Are" is a perfectly balanced outing from a rising star. If this guy doesn't end up anthologized along with some of the big, big guns in the horror field.... well, there just isn't any justice in this world..
There are a hundred, masterful touches here as Gerald builds the suspense, from the initial appearance of "The Man in Black" in the narrator's favorite coffee shop to several rather cool Raymond Chandler style turns of phrases. When the bad guy's assistant is introduced part of the description reads: "a smile that should have been sexy but wasn't." Just enough.
Right now this is a Lindle "dollar baby" and cheap at half the price. It's no fluke. There's real talent at work here. I've seen an advance of the author's newest, "Dead Pictures." The concept is killer, the execution, even in its unfinished state, chilling.
This is a talent to watch.