THEM by MG Hardie opens with the protagonist running for his life through a murky swamp. His clothes burned and his pursuer closing in on him. The novel takes the reader through a collapsing cave to South American sights and sounds to ocean depths to African castles to Middle Eastern villages.
“THEM starts deep and hard and continues in this vane, it’s thoughtful and fast. The insights into the human condition and the system had me asking myself questions and staying up late to finish reading. This is no normal superhero novel, Devon is more like Captain America, with a masters in law. The final scene is as in depth and thought provoking as any book I’ve ever read.”-
"The way MG Hardie achieved that balance between story moving forward and philosophy reminds me of Richard Bach and Michael Crichton books...this one had me hooked." - Corey at Carbor Reviews
Alongside world travel are supernatural battles and explorations of social and political issues. In THEM, Hardie takes unflinching looks at complex issues such as the moral ramifications of violence, along with the nature of history, with themes of redemption, and belief. 
MG Hardie's THEM poses the question: Does talent, hard work, or fate determine who gets the contract, the promotion, the gig, or the role? Or it's THEM...
In Paperback and Ebook on May 23
Listen to chapter 1 of THEM by MG Hardie for free.
THEM review video
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