On the first day of 'black history month'...

You might want to consider First Cause: A Novel About Human Possibility.


The main protagonist, Adam Grey, is Caribbean-American, and ne of the central themes in the book is that human advancement would inviove the species' gradual browning and the eradication of its imaginary boundaries.


Moreover, it's a compelling, page-turning read, and hopefully will provide food for thought on other topics of interest to the human condition.


For your Kindle device, you can pick it up on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/First-Cause-Possibility-Terranaut-ebook/dp/B004XQV7ZE/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_t_1


And for different formats, you can get it on Smashwords here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/118368


Everything we know is until we find out otherwise...check out First Cause today, and spread the word!



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