Science Literacy...

From the National Science Education Standards: a succinct definition.

The COSMOS reboot in March needs our viewership, support, conversation...and literacy. A lot of myths and untruths are being pushed for an agenda that enriches a few and damages many (and the planet). Prepare for the self-deluded and ignorant to be lit. I speak from experience, and don't want anyone surprised.

Quoting part 3 of Bill Moyers' interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson:

January 24, 2014

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson unwittingly triggered a controversy in the blogosphere last week when he said this on our show: “If you have a religious philosophy that is not based in objective realities that you then want to put in the science classroom, then I’m going to stand there and say no, ‘I’m not going to allow you in the science classroom.’”

This week on Moyers & Company, Bill weighs in on that debate with an essay on politicians and others who refuse to accept the reality of evolution and climate change.

And in part three of their conversation, Bill and Tyson discuss why science literacy is important for the future of our democracy, economy and standing in the world: “Science literacy is an inoculation against charlatans who would exploit your ignorance of scientific law to then take your money from you or your opportunity from you.” And that literacy is at risk, Tyson concludes.
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