Years ago I had an interest in all things mystical, of late African astrology. I thought it was maybe similar to today's horoscope so I was ready to match up Egyptian names to Roman names and call it a day. Now I read that African astrology was not star science alone. Then they showed a person 'consulting the bones" and I said wait a minute. Then they explained a system similar to Iching. How in the heck can you...........the key to this "science" is geomancy. I understand because geomancy has to do with magnetic lea lines in the earth. I have read about people finding water with willow sticks and churches built on sites where lea lines crossed supposedly a place of power. Natural forces that many unknowing religious people call pagan. Prayers said on places of power are more in touch with the creator, it is said. Forget god as some man in space, no man in personage or imagination, raw cosmic power and men's minds in harmony.
So many stories of Africans being natural people in tune with the earth. I am believing we with our education, religions and technology have become the savages because we overrun nature, we disregard nature.
I was threatening to deforest my yard of all trees. I looked up into the sky and saw jet trails crisscrossing and lingering longer than the clouds. I wonder what their spraying, jet trails are supposed to be momentary. Then I thanked the trees for covering my yard and protecting my health.
How simple my life would be if I could celebrate nature, the seasons, my ancestors and be done with it. All the stupid notions I've been taught swamp my mind with their importances, most really don't matter. I step out of my house into my yard, look at the trees, the sky, the earth. I take a big relaxing breath and feel it all about me, I'm in my creator, my creator is in me. I wonder if I can sense lea lines and what power do they hold for me. The ancients had ways we call all kinds of evil names and yet at a distance we marvel at the science they knew. Nah, it can't be that, that's witchcraft, that's voodoo, that's pagan-heathen and we are fill in the blank whatever. Let's see you build a pyramid or obelisk or smell the wind or sense the presence of "spirits". We live blindly, beat each other with remote media, stupid conversation, are addicted to entertainments. My bandwidth is full and when it all stops I sleep. Damn those dreams, by the time the crap plays out, the sun is coming up again. I'll have to get a drum again, listen to the wind whistle through the branches and accompany with noises of my own.