I finally located traces of my amazing Aunt Raven in the (Alpha Scorpii) Antares (meaning "Rival of Mars") which is the brightest star in Scorpius, one of the constellations in the human zodiac. Antares is a variable red supergiant star that is 520 light-years from Earth and is 230 times bigger than our Sun. Many of the winged faery folk from Africa have parties there during the magnificient sunrise. Ancient Africans terraformed a planet in orbit around Antares and have created one of the most amazing urban cultures in the heart of a lush jungle. Lions lounge in the parks where human school children learn and play. There is no poverty; astrophysicists are rock stars. I seek to gain some of their knowledges that perhaps we can use on earth. Fortunately, I met a female scientist -- just finishing her daily swim -- who was willing to guide me.