What do YOU Want?

I just wanted to reach out to you to see what you would like to see in a horror story. As I'm coming to the final leg on my work-in-progress (more on that in a few months). But as soon as I'm wrapped up on this I'm looking to jump back into a few short stories. I'm hoping to edit an anthology this year (more on that in a few months!), but I don't plan on waiting to get back to my first love in fiction writing: short stories. 

Some of you may have read My Horror Snippets. I have some ideas on what I'd like to do and once I have a sizable amount, I'll likely publish them, but what other stories would you like to see? Nothing is too far off-the-wall or too taboo. If I like it, I'll write it and put it on my blog (and give you credit for the idea). I'm not sure, perhaps I'll take the best ideas and put them up for a vote. Maybe I'll love and write them all.
But here is your official invitation to actually have an impact on something I will write. Just post a comment and I'll get right back with you!
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