Women In STEM...

Image Source: [3] below

Topics: Diversity, Diversity in Science, Economy, Women in Science, Science, Research, STEM

Most STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) fields are dominated by men. That makes these fields an excellent career choice for women!

STEM Careers Just Right for Many Women

Men outnumber women in most STEM careers. For example, just 17 percent of chemical engineers and 22 percent of environmental scientists are women. But that doesn't mean it's hard for women to get jobs in those fields. In fact, many companies want to hire and keep qualified women for STEM jobs.

There are challenges, but help is out there. If you're a woman considering a STEM field, don't be put off by some of the challenges you may face.

Challenge 1: Shortage of mentors for women in STEM fields.

- Solution 1: If you can't find a mentor in your organization, join a professional association.

Challenge 2: Lack of acceptance from coworkers and supervisors.

- Solution 2: Work for a company with female-friendly policies and programs.

Challenge 3: Coping with gender differences in the workplace.

- Solution 3: Educate yourself. [1]

1. Iseek.com: Women in STEM
2. US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration:
Women in STEM: A Gender Gap to Innovation
3. White House Office of Science and Technology Policy: Women in STEM
4. Brain Pickings: Einstein's Advice to a Little Girl Who Wants to be a Scientist, Maria Popova

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