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I had over 50 people look at my book and give me a repart on it from 1 to 10. 35 came back with a 10. I will get 15 more reparts soon, but i would love for 5 people on Black Science Fiction Society to look at the book and give me a repart on it from 1 to 10. I need to get it back from you two weeks of getting it. If anyone would like to do that email me at so i can send you the book by email. You need to love superhero science fiction books.You also need to post on your B.S.F.S, Facebook, Twitter What you thank of the new book King Clayshon the Fredom Maker. Thank You Author: Rory M Smith
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What is Science Fiction

What is Science Fiction?

I read somewhere that science fiction was like the saying about pornography. You may not be able to completely define it, but you know it when you see it. However, from my conversations about my writing, I’m not too sure this is true.

When I tell people I write science fiction novels, I get one of three reactions. The reaction I get the most is I don’t like science fiction. Then I ask them, what’s the latest movie they seen or what is their favorite T.V. show?

They would say to me something like Avatar, Transformers II, or even Iron Man II. They would tell me their favorite T.V. show is Lost or Heroes. Then I tell them, you like science fiction…you just don’t know it.

I would categorize Avatar, Transformers II an Iron Man II as science fiction. However Avatar is categorized as an Action Adventure Fantasy Sci Fi. Sci Fi is listed last. Transformers is listed as Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller. At least Sci Fi is listed second. Iron Man 2 is listed as Action Adventure Sci Fi. Here Sci Fi is listed last again.

Lost is listed as Adventure, Drama, Mystery and then Sci-Fi. Finally, Heroes is listed as Drama, Sci Fi.

The pattern here is Sci Fi is getting low billing as a genre with many of today’s visual arts and entertainment. Why?

It appears science fiction has a bad connotation with the general public. I believe this is because they don’t really understand what science fiction really is. I am a science fiction writer and I have a hard time defining science fiction.

To me science fiction is a cross cutting genre. What I mean by this is that any type of story…drama, adventure, action, thriller, and even romance can be a science fiction story. All you need is an element of plausible and or possible science and technological as a crucial element to the story.

Unfortunately to the mainstream audience, science fiction is all about space ships, aliens and ray guns. They are missing the point that science fiction is much more than that. Science fiction can tell a story with heart and soul. It can tell a mystery, it can spin a drama, it can encase a romance, it can be the backdrop of an adventure, it and breathe the excitement of action.

Pundits of Sci Fi argue about what is Sci Fi within the community. There are proponents of Hard Sci-Fi and advocates of Soft Sci Fi – again with the pornography reference.

From what I can tell, Hard Sci Fi is the stories with space ships, aliens and ray guns. The stories are base in the hard sciences with suspension of believe or better said, a leap of faith that the unknown will someday be known. Isaac Asimov and today, Larry Niven are best known for this.

While Soft Sci Fi uses science and technology to set the stage, pepper the environment and / or create the challenge. Ray Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles, George Orwells’ Ninety Eighty Four are excellent examples.

Then there are subgenres to science fiction. Cyberpunk, Time Travel, Alternate History, Military SF, Superhuman, Apocalyptic, Space Opera, Space Western.

Then there are the cousins to Science Fiction: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery and Superhero fiction. Many times stories blend these genres so much you can’t tell what they really are. Sometimes, I think pieces that have this blend should be called Science Fantasy, Science Horror, and Science Mystery. Fortunately the term Superhero, already implies Science Fiction, so I don’t think that name should change.

In summary, many of fiction literature touch on Science Fiction. Just because it’s not labeled Science Fiction, doesn’t mean it isn’t Science Fiction.

This and much more will be topics of discussion at my upcoming Book Signing.

21 Aug 2010

Book Signing

Time: August 21, 2010 from 1pm to 3pm
2904 Prince William Parkway
Woodbridge VA 22192
(703) 897-8100
Organized By: Ms. Jenn Stewart, Events Coordinator, Borders, Woodbridge VA

Please come out and join me if you are in the area. If you can’t make it out, please feel free to post your definition of Science Fiction.

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Product Description

Changing Bodies in the Fiction of Octavia Butler is the first monograph of literary criticism invested in examining the complete body of fiction produced by Octavia Butler. This book interrogates Butler's feminist/postmodern/black woman's science fiction from an interdisciplinary perspective while maintaining its capacity to translate/extrapolate some of the most esoteric theories in modern thought.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 200 pages
  • Publisher: Lexington Books (October 16, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0739137875
  • ISBN-13: 978-0739137871

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When people hear the term science fiction, it conjures up images of future settings and technology far beyond what can be imagined today. The homicidal robots of Battlestar Galactica and the vast spaceships of Star Trek are some of what typifies this type of entertainment. While sciencefiction is very visible and much of it is popularized, elements of itremain a niche genre. One of those elements is Afro-futurism.

What is that you may ask? Afro-futurism is the exploration of science fiction themes and how technological advances will affect the Black experience. Speculative fiction is the preferred name for it in writer’s circles. Much of it is in the literaryworld, and some proponents of the sub-genre trace it back to Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.

Mainstream science fiction takes inspiration from things that are going on in society, but often does not include the viewpoint of those in the African Diaspora. In the spirit of filling in this gap, the artists and writers in the Afro-futurist tradition seek to include us inthe future settings that we are often left out of.

Unfortunately, not a lot of this tradition is known. Having come across some of the literary people that I have in the past few years has been eye opening. I must admit that my familiarity with science fiction comes from the staples of the genre. Shows like Alien Nation, V, War of the Worlds, Lost in Space, the O.G. Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, and countless others were my introduction to sci-fi as a young person concerned with the future and what it might hold.

Today, we have the works of people like Walter Mosley and Nalo Hopkinson, and a whole bunch of other authors I need to get caught up on. I am anxiously awaiting my copy of Dark Matter, the first in a series of anthologies of speculative fiction. What I would like to see is more of this type of writing in differentformats. I think it’s a shame that the work of Octavia Butler was neveradapted to film. There is a potential here to introduce people who arefans of science fiction to new concepts and delve into areas untapped bywhat is currently out there. District 9 was one of the betterscience fiction films of last year, and it came from outside theover-franchised Hollywood factory. In the era of Youtube and all theshort films that come from it, there is no reason this can’t happen. Aslong as we don’t get another Homeboys in Outer Space, we will do just fine.

Marc W. Polite

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Last Sun

Our world is a silent one. Not by choice, but by necessity.

There can be no waste, not a breath, not a sound, not an echo. We communicate with sound but our walls recollect that sonic energy, our clothing absorbs that energy and storing it for future use. Contemplation before speech; no rushing to communicate our thoughts. Telepathy is preferred.

Our world is a darkened one. Not by choice, but by necessity.

We use no light we do not need, so our eyes and ears are adapted to darkness. Tiny, light emitting matrices dot the walls of our living ships, providing light only while we pass and only when necessary. Every erg is cultivated from our environment. The long rays of dying stars, the short waves from our only source of nearby light, Sindin, red dwarf, last star for five thousand light years and from where we sit, the last living star we know of.

Our world is a nearly motionless one. Not by choice but by necessity. We are trained as children, that all of our lives will be filled with activity, energy and movement and not to waste it. Silent and still concentration drills are a fact of life for children, being trained to harness all of our bodies energy.

First we control the mental energy, marshalling our minds, our very thoughts, ordering them, structuring them into a crystalline lattice of logic and reason. Then our bodies, first in the physio-chambers that toned our muscles, enhanced our hearts, challenged our lungs, tempered our carbon-hardened skeletons, tightened our muscles until we were like polished onyx, smooth, cool and without flaw. We learned to control our very internal energy, raising and lowering it at will, our organs under our mental command, generating biles and fluids to regulate our life-force.

We are then injected with sehrwinzig that allow us to manipulate the very molecular energies at the very threshold of existence. We can harness those energies for limited feats of physical strength, speed or endurance far beyond our primitive ancestors of our distant homeworld. In homage to them, we have not changed our outer appearance, but our inner appearance would completely belie our origins. We had no choice.

We are grown in labs, without contact, and almost all aspects of our being has been changed to maximize our use, creation and dispersal of energy. Our skin is a photo-absorptive mesh, dark in hue, blue, purple, burgundy, black, dark brown are the choices that ensure maximum absorption from our wan sun.

We no longer have the luxury of gestation. We are now fully functioning and able to exist outside of the birthing chamber in less than three months. We are able to mature to the size of a five year old in three to six months. During that time, knowledge is encoded into our brains with programming that will allow us to develop our personality.

We develop that personality in simulacra, living virtual lives at a timescale that allows us to experience all the things we could as children in a world more conducive to happiness. Yes, it is virtual happiness, but it will likely be the only happiness we know.

There was a time when we did not allow this childhood period. Some deemed it an unnecessary expense in energy and resources. We lost far more than we saved for our efforts. More of our people choose death, far sooner than ever in our history. Childhood was reintroduced when too many quality minds were lost.

When the childhood phase of our lives ends, and we are aged toward puberty, that is the time of the first physical changing and linking that teach us how to harness our life-force both as a resource and as a weapon. We begin to live without the benefit of our simulated worlds of light and life and are acculturated to our real world. Our births are regulated, so no one is born unless someone chooses to die. Even in a community of near-immortals, the choice of death occurs more often than one would think.

The burden of living becomes more than even the most resolute spirits can carry. Some of us, who are weary but not to death, choose the rest chambers where we sleep a century or two until something new or interesting happens that meets our criteria before we entered sleep. Then we rise from our rest and carry on the search.

Our world recycles all of the energy that is created within it. There is no excess. There are no stars save the tiny red dwarf we circle. It is estimated that sixty trillion souls surround this tiny beacon of light. Sixty trillion beings huddled against the dying of the light in our Universe. We harvest and store every second of this light.

We are so desperate, that we harvest even the cooling husks of no longer lit stars, beaming long wave energy to receptors scattered throughout the galaxy. Storing that energy, it is periodically collected through the slow-motion gate system allowing for objects to be moved with the minimum amount of energy lost between gathering and movement.

In our way, we are returned to our primitive arboreal ancestors, gathering energy, everyday, hoping to have enough to feed everyone at the end of the day. Even with all our solar arrays, long-wave gathering, planetary compression systems (planets of immense size are crushed together using gravity and the resultant heat is absorbed) Magnetic field manipulations, kinetic draining systems, there is only one inescapable truth.

Our universe is dying. And we are dying with it. From where we sit, our Universe is dark, no stars remain, one trillion years after the birth of our Universe, it is ending; not with a bang but with a whisper.

The ruddy light of Sindin Prime was home to sixty trillion lives. Circling in a variety of close orbits, mega-constructions with superconductive surfaces struggled to pull in the vital energy from this, one of the last dying stars in the galaxy. As the stars have waned, multiple intelligent races have come together to harvest what energies remain from the Last Suns of our galaxy. Around Sindin Prime, there have been over three hundred separate species sharing space above the worlds.

Several factions of the government are losing control of their people. Predation from the Outer Dark has increased as Entities, life forms who have adapted to the darkness, but still hunger for light have begun to circle Sindin Prime, in ever closing orbits.

They once attacked every few centuries, now decades separate their stronger and stronger attacks. They destroyed an orbital construction above Sindin Prime, killing two billion sentients. There is very little energy to spare on defensive technology because we are so energy poor.

Recent computations indicate they will be making another pass in a decade or two, so plans to slowly accelerate asteroids toward their likely entry points to the system should kill an estimated thirty to forty-two percent of the approaching attackers and hopefully low energy point defense systems will do the rest.

I am Judira Corm Hex-aka and I am charged with creating a technology that will likely murder fifty trillion sentients, eighty percent of all the known life left in our galaxy for a chance for ten trillion to have a life in a statistical possibility, a parallel universe. This technology is called a dimensional emission array. My fathers and mothers have spent hundreds of standard years working on this project with the permission of some of the collective governments.

Time is growing short. Sindin Prime's energy output is diminishing and we will need to utilize it as the primary power source for the dimensional bridging array. This will exhaust the last of the nuclear potential of the red dwarf leaving only an burning cinder when we are finished.

If we fail, we will all die. Not quickly. No we will struggle against the coming darkness. We will expand our technology to harvest the dark stars final wavelengths of energy, extending our reach and our lives, such as they are, for another two hundred millennia.

A last gasp after the lights go out.

Thaddeus Howze © 2011

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The Complete ebook...

Ok,I dropped the price of my novel from $4.95 to .99, shifting my marketing focus back to my original intention of exposure over revenue. The novel is now in over a dozen or more "free ebook" directory websites. I even sent a review submission to RAW Sistaz!

Here's the download link for the novel from my website's book page in PDF format:

If you have a device that needs the book in a different format, click this link from ManyBooks:

Now that the book is released, I'm hoping to see some reader reviews, perhaps by Labor Day.

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passing through the grey matter

Was cruising the net today, saw a vid about Neanderthals. Some claim when Africans migrated north they met and intermingled with Neanderthals. I don't want to go there!

I saw in my head a movie about sightings of a white ape like creature who was causing havoc and de-stabilisation of jungle neighborhoods. They put a bounty on his head, captured and deported him.

The last vision I saw was about a race of extraordinary runners. The city is huge, yet you couldn't tell by the roads, narrow and worn. People are spread out yet seem so close, blink and they are gone.

And the tale about the chameleon that got left in the geeks room while he went on vacation. The computer was running and the chameleon learned to mimic the display on his body. When the geek saw it he tried to clone the chameleon's DNA into an elephant. It worked and the chameleon and the elephant teamed up to get back to the wild.

Funny how you bits and pieces of stuff when you peruse the net.

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Hello to all my new BSFS friends! I would like to share with you all that I had a difficult time upgrading my dual boot Windows xp32 and xp64 operating system to Window 7. Most of my applications and files are restored now.

Additionally I would like to share a matter of the heart with you all. I long to hear those four word that fulfill me and make everything all right. I am sure you all long to hear them too.


LOL, the first chapter of my book is on my website Take a look when you can, I really need some honest feed back. Already started on my next.



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King Clayshon the Freedom Maker the first race of man created on the planet Natobea. He is a Neptirbilling superior to any species of life in any galaxy, and he is the strong is of them all. All other superhero would fall to the king of all galaxies. Even his species, Neptirbilling would fall to the king of galaxies. Soon the planet Earth will unlock the key to its existence
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For Immediate Release: July 22, 2010

The Speculative Literature Foundation (SLF) is accepting proposals for the Gulliver Travel Research Grant from July 1st 2010 until September 30th 2010.

SLF travel grants are awarded to assist writers of speculative fiction (poetry, drama, creative nonfiction) in their research. They are not currently available for academic research. We are currently offering one $800 travel grant annually, to be used to cover airfare, lodging, and/or other travel expenses.

PLEASE NOTE: This grant, as with all SLF grants, is intended to help writers working with speculative literature. If you're not sure what areas that term encompasses, we recommend referencing our FAQ (question #2) on the web site.

Travel Grant Application Procedures

Send the following three items to as attached .doc or .rtf files in one e-mail:

1. A writing sample in the proposed genre (up to 10 pages of poetry, 10 pages of drama, or 5000 words of fiction or creative nonfiction)

2. A bibliography of previously-published work by the author (no more than one page, typed); applicants need not have previous publications to apply

3. A one-page written description of the project in question (maximum 500 words). Please include: Where you intend to visit (be as specific as you can), when you intend to travel (including the completion date), and what you will gain from field rather than desk research via a library or the internet

If awarded the grant, the recipient agrees to write a brief report of their research experience (500-1000 words) for our files, and for possible public dissemination on our website.

Travel may take place from any country to any country, or internally within a country; the grants are unrestricted. Funds will be disbursed in U.S. currency (but can be sent through PayPal if that is more convenient for international recipients).

The grant recipient will be announced by October 15th. All applicants will be notified of the status of their application by that date.


The Speculative Literature Foundation is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the interests of readers, writers, editors and publishers in the speculative literature community.

"Speculative literature" is a catch-all term meant to inclusively span the breadth of fantastic literature, encompassing literature ranging from hard and soft science fiction to epic fantasy to ghost stories to
folk and fairy tales to slipstream to magical realism to modern mythmaking–any literature containing a fabulist or speculative element.

More information about the Speculative Literature Foundation is available from its web site:

PO Box 1693
Dubuque, IA 52004-1693
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Listen to In Like Flynn on internet talk radio

This Saturday night Penelope & Otto update you on the week in news, sports and entertainment then give their best advice to the love and lust lorn. Listen as they present the cases give the diagnosis and offer a cure. Call in and go toe-to-toe with Penelope and Otto in the affairs of the head and heart.Call in a put in your two cents worth at 718/508-9683 or Join us in the Chat room.

We look forward to hearing your voice!

From Politics, to relationships to Jobs we'll guide you through it!

Saturday 7/17/10 9:30pm CST 90 Minutes CLICK ON THE LINK or call 718/508-9683 and TELL US WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND!

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I just watched Pumzi last night. Phenomenal! I have been waiting for soooo long to see a film like this. I can go on and on.

FYI- If you are in the Chicago area, there will be a screening of Pumzi and I'll be doing a reading/booksigning on August 1st at the Dusable Museum.

Here is the Facebook announcement where you can learn more about the event.

Info about Pumzi:

Pumzi, 2010, KenyaA 20 min

Sc-Fi film about futuristic Africa, 35 years after World War III “The Water War”.Directed by Wanuri KahiuNature is extinct. The outside is dead. Ashalives and works as a museum curator in one of the indoor communities set up bythe Maitu Council. When she receives a box in the mail containing soil, sheplants an old seed in it and the seed starts to germinate instantly. Ashaappeals to the Council to grant her permission to investigate the possibilityof life on the outside but the Council denies her exit visa. Asha breaks out ofthe inside community to go into the dead and derelict outside to plant thegrowing seedling and possibly find life on the outside.

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Who Fears Death Conjures a Different Kind of Wizard

Nnedi Okorafor steers clear of J.K. Rowling

In the 1970s, black fantasist Octavia Butler named the central protagonist in her "Patternist" series after an Igbo goddess. Back then, a publishing industry resistant to non-white characters (and writers) in genre fiction would never have predicted that, today, an American daughter of Igbo immigrants would publish critically acclaimed speculative fiction using Igbo elements and philosophical borrowings from the folklore of Central Asia, India, and the Middle East.

Superficially, Nnedi Okorafor's Who Fears Death is built around fantasy literature's most popular cliché: the mysterious, predestined child messiah. She pushes that cliché into psychologically (and physiologically) messier territory. The result of rape, a girl wizard named Onyesonwu hopes to murder the racist warlord who sired her. UnlikeHarry Potter, Onye's style of magic is Nomadic Shaman, not Medieval Mage. So not only does the novel read more like Carlos Castaneda than J.K. Rowling when describing Onye's magical apprenticeship, this angry young sorceress validates every patriarchal fear of powerful women. In the process of constructing this unabashedly neofeminist fable, Okorafor critiques Africa's endemic poverty, gender prejudices, female circumcision, and the twin plagues of Islamic and Christian fundamentalism.

It's an ambitious agenda for a single book, particularly since Okorafor also reworked the prose style of her award-winning teen fiction to better suit this, her first adult novel. But with few exceptions, it all comes together beautifully. Her pacing is tight. Her expository sections sing like poetry. Descriptions of paranormal people and battles are disturbingly vivid and palpable. But most crucial to the book's success is how the author slowly transforms Onye's pursuit of her rapist father from a personal vendetta to a struggle to transform the social systems that created him. SF and fantasy already claim many classic tales that are thinly veiled allegories of the Holocaust, the Stalinist purges, even China's "cultural revolution." So little wonder that Okorafor appropriated the narrative strategies and loopholes of speculative fiction to tell a cautionary tale inspired by the more recent political horrors of Biafra, Rwanda, and Darfur.

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Note* There are eight great points to consider in the body of this blog when publishing; whether self or through mainstream. I hope this is helpful to everyone who is trying to take their work to a universal and commercial level. This is really great for those that have already self-published. Write on! ~Moses


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Normally I do not write love scenes however, please sample a taste ofone from Renpet. And then obtain a copy of Renpet to find out whatmakes this scene unique......this is not erotica, this is about theunity of spirits......


Shakuan’s lower back felt warm with a caressing touch followed by
more wet sensations to his chest.
"Uh, Kenitha is that you?"
"Uh-huh," she answered seductively.
"How are you doing this?"
"I really don’t know. I just thought about being with
you and the next thing I knew I was able to touch you."
"Well keep going, let’s see what else comes up,"
Shakuan said mischievously putting an emphasis on the
word come.
She licked his chest and fingered her way up and down
his back. The feeling left a sensation of hot gel wherever
she contacted him. He wanted to do the same to her. He
focused on the times they had together and the way she
looked to him.
In his memories he experienced how curvaceous her
frame was and soft her skin felt. He extended his arms outward
and brought them towards his body to hold her. She
squeezed him hard when his touch petted her curves. The
sleekness of her body excited Shakuan, he grabbed her
backside and got lost in its plumpness. Gradually he
became aroused, she lay on top of him and he could hear
a faint heartbeat. She in turn felt his hardness press against
"Take off your pants."
"Way ahead of you."
He practically ripped his jeans off, leaving his socks on
his feet like he always did when they got together.
"Same old Shakuan. Naked to the socks when he’s
about to get some."
"Shut up," he said softly to her as he began to finger
her gently.
These Terrans have interesting ways of expressing
unity of bodies and spirits. If he was not still in a state of
shock, this whole scene would have freaked him out. The
fact of her getting wet to his fingering should have bewildered
him alone. Kenitha removed his hand from between
her legs and held him. Little by little she took him inside
of her. She sat on top of him gyrating her hips, pressing
her hands to his chest. She let out a satisfying and somewhat
painful moan like it was her first time.......


more in Renpet...much more.....
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Listen to In Like Flynn on internet talk radio

Join Penelope & Otto tonight at 9:30p CST and discuss the LeBron James manipulation and Sundown Towns ( And listen in as Penelope & Otto give the best answers to those relationship and "strawberry letter" questions! Call in a put in your two cents worth at 718/508-9683 or Join us in the Chat room.

We look forward to hearing your voice!

From Politics, to relationships to Jobs we'll guide you through it!

Saturday 7/10/10 9:30pm CST 90 Minutes CLICK ON THE LINK or call 718/508-9683 and TELL US WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND!

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