Crystal Temptress and Loyal Fang

Listen to internet radio with Crystal Temptress with Loyal Fang on BlogTalkRadio
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I'm Valjeanne Jeffers (aka Crystal Temptress) and I'll be reading live from my first novel Immortal. I hope this will give me and my co-host, Quinton Veal, a chance to connect with our beloved readers even more! Listen in and email your questions to us and we'll read our answers during the next sechduled broadcast.Immortal/ synopsis: Her dreams are terrifying. In the year of our One 3075 Tundra has been at peace for 400 years. There is no racism, poverty or war. Karla is a young Indigo woman working as a successful healer.Yet she is tormented by lucid and erotic dreams. Dreams in which she is: Immortal. Two men emerge from these phantasms: the first a Copper Shape shifter and the other a demon more dead than alive. But when this creature appears in her apartment Karla realizes that they share a lust that may one day consume her...

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