for anyone who reads writes or has an interest in speculative poetry. this includes science fiction poetry fantasy poetry scifaiku etc.
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racist science fiction poetry

the science fiction poetry associations publication star line is catching heat for publishing a percieved racist poem "Green Reich". the organization has since been ripped apart by differing opinions of its members regarding if it should or should not have been published and if political correctness has a place in science fiction poetry or the organization. what are your opinions?

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The Black People of Mars

She came to me, hungry and bruised a short while ago. Seasons changed and Red skies filled our bug-eyed goggles as we looked to the sky. Dust cloths covering our mouths and noses. Here she comes the Red mother, the Harvest cloud gusting through. My whole family lined up and down our vineyard and throughout the family- sized garden with sacks and baskets in hand. Ready to gather up the fruits and vegetables Red mother will ripen in mere seconds before she says goodbye for another six…

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The Not (short poem)

No. Negative. Nae. Not going. Not doing. Not feeling. Not there. Not here. Not anywhere. Not you, not the male on the corner. Not the female in the gym. Not the fat, not the muscular, not the round, not the square, not the thin, not the anerexic. None of the above. No sad, not happy. Not night or day. Not this, not that. Not alternative, not underground, not mainstream, not pop. Not radio, not techno, not sound, not silence. Not anyone in my stream of consciousness. Not a ghost, not a living…

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