Eyes on Juno...

Image Source: NASA.gov

Topics: Jupiter, Moon, NASA, Space Exploration

I've had some fun with the following app, courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Lab:

At the bottom of the NASA mission pages, I found this link: Eyes on Juno. The app is versatile for any mission NASA is currently undertaking, plus your curiosity will be pleased with the excellent motion simulation. Juno is currently going at 9,187 miles/hour, not "warp speed," but faster than our respective cars. I'll update once more info comes up on the local news.

Enjoy your holiday if in the US. I hope yours is a safe one, with respect to current situations around the world.

Here's more info I found at NASA.gov:

Monday, July 4 – Orbit Insertion Day
Noon -- Pre-orbit insertion briefing at JPL
10:30 p.m. -- Orbit insertion and NASA TV commentary begin

Tuesday, July 5
1 a.m. -- Post-orbit insertion briefing at JPL

To watch all of these events online, visit:




Live coverage on orbit insertion day also will be available online via Facebook Live at:



I found this related and quite funny. This parody is pure satire, funny and sad in its true depiction of our online selves. I said in sharing it: "we're seriously doomed."

Tomorrow: Brexit and Exits

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