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Editing with a Partner

I am going through my second science fiction novel chapter by chapter with my writing partner. The experience has been very positive. The first positive is she understood what I was doing with race in the book. I am still struggling with the point of view. There are two main characters but only one voice. I have written the book from two points of view but it felt really awkward, so my latest version had just one. However, my partner suggests that I return to two points of view. My potential publisher also indicated that the second voice would be better for the African American market. Strong incentives. 

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Strong Force...

Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson: when you see the PDF of the first chapter of a very short, remarkable book, you'll peek into a remarkable life. She was the first African American graduate of MIT, and is the president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y. There are always "firsts": make sure you reach back so that it's not "only."


"The Graduate" Source: Mo'Kelly Report (Ernie Barnes, R.I.P.)
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The Power of Pencils and Stubborness...

Einstein answering a question regarding his acumen at science, said God had allowed him born "as stubborn as a mule." The video from Ainissa Ramirez shows people of color exceling in the sciences - sister is a prof at Yale in Material Science!


The dilemma is the expected instantaneousness of any posed question. Google has sadly hindered our patience in problem-solving or storytelling. A student is more prone to say: "So...what's the answer?" versus "what's the next step?"


The quality of the question and the stubborness of the seeker determines the height of the outcome.



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Longer Lasting Lasers...

Longer Lasting Lasers: I don't know if at our perception range as humans we can notice a pulsed versus a continuous laser. However, this is some good information if your fiction requires it as a background.

I actually pulled this off in a high school physics class demo of total internal reflection (though, I'm not sure the kids appreciated it):

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Here it is. And just in time for the holidays. My official third free book giveaway contest. Are these 25 questions too easy? Or too hard? You be the judge. But the first person to E-mail me a list of the correct answers will recieve a free autographed copy of Assassination Anxiety, McKenzie Files-2. The rules are simple. All answers must be 100% correct. And E-mailed with the date and exact time of entry. No day and date and you are disqualified. The winning answers will be posted on my facebook. So put on your thinking caps and send your answers either to my Facebook E-mail or to my regular E-mail. violator1@earthlink.net. Also, your answers must be part of the body of your E-mail. No E-mail attachments. All E-mail attachments will be deleted and disqualified. Good Luck.

1. Name three members of Nomad Squadron.

2. There are two characters answering to the name, The Night Stalker. One on TV. The other in real life. Who were they?

3. This 1979 horror movie featured a scene where a zombie fought wit ha shark.

4. Secret identities revealed. Who are these three characters? Kletus Cassady. Fred J. Dukes. Mac Gargan.

5. This was the weapon used in an assassination attempt against Reinhart Heydrich.

6. Name the members of the Warbound.

7. Astronomers recently discovered a planetary system with twin suns and named it after a planet in this well known science fiction film.

8. This man was known as the butcher of Plainsfield.

9. Secret indentities part 2. Who are these thre characters? Johnathan Crane, Todd Arlis, Cain Marko.

10. It was rumored that Adolph Hitler copied his small moustache from this silent film star.

11. This man used to be Al Capone's boss.

12. Where can you find these villians? Tchernobog, The Enclave, Makron.

13. WHat are the three kingdoms in nature?

14. This man was the only German field marshal ever to be taken prisoner in World War-2.

15. Where is Little Lamp Light?

16. This Toho Studio's monster was a mutation created by micro oxygen.

17. This long time member of the X-Men lost his life in a firey plane crash.

18. This woman was Adolph Hitler's secretary.

19. David Vincent had a hard time getting people to believe that aliens were invading earth in this classic TV series.

20. This coin was often mistaken for a quarter.21. Name the three German generals who committed suicide.22. Where can you find the Arm fighting the Core?23. This man was fired from Al Capones gang because he was too violent.24. Secret Identities part three. Who are these characters? Otto Octavious, Sam Sterns, Morrie Bench.25. WHere do these three characters live? Rigel the 16th, Mr House, Arthas.
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AfroFuturism Transdisciplinary Seminar

PSAM 6700 CRN 6822

December 6th, 6pm-8:40pm

Tuesday evenings from 6 - 8:40pm

Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Auditorium, Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, 66 Fifth Avenue

Free; no tickets or reservations required; seating is first-come first-served

The Transdisciplinary Seminar in Fine Arts was implemented in 2009 to explore intersections of art and other forms of creativity and knowledge, from the natural sciences to social theory and various areas of design.

The Transdisciplinary Seminar on Afro-Futurism will consider how representations of science, technology and social engineering intersect with African diasporic cultural expressions. Science fiction will be the organizing trope that unites all the guest presentations and works under consideration. Visiting artists and cultural theorists will lecture on the role of futuristic projection in African diasporic art, architecture, film and music. The expediency of science fiction as both a fractured mirror of historical experience and a heterotopic projection of the collective desires of a displaced people will be discussed throughout the semester. Guest lecturers will present lectures that relate to the fields that are central to their research: painting, electronic music, film, video installation, and built environments.

Guest presentations will be interspersed with seminar-style discussions. Students will be expected to complete weekly reading assignments and write brief thought-papers in response to lectures. They will also be required to prepare questions in advance of guest lectures.

Guest Lecturers

1. Alondra Nelson, Associate Professor, Sociology, Columbia. U, editor of Social Text Issue on Afro-Futurism
2. Kodwo Eshun, Artist and Cultural Theorist, co-founder of The Otolith Group, Lecturer at Goldsmiths College
3. Mabel Wilson, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Columbia U.
5. Julie Mehretu, Visual Artist
6. George Lewis, Composer and Cultural Theorist, Associate Professor, Columbia U.
7. Wanuri Kahiu, Filmmaker, Director of the award winning science fiction short, Pumi (in dialogue with NSGS Professor Sean Jacobs)

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Been working on a new novel.  It's an alternate history crime drama.  I finished my sci-fi/fantasy novel not too long ago, and a friend is helping me edit it.  If any of my friends here on BSFS would like to help out.  Email me at gatecrasher6@gmail.com  Make sure to put Black Science Fiction Society in the title, and a note on which one of my BSFS friends you are :)



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2011 Winding Down....

I've been out of pocket at the 'Society for a minute and apologize for not giving my usual drops of info for my blog and the groups I sponsor. It's been a rough year on the homefront, but in the meantime I managed to knock out a short-story epic, some video productions and getting my third novel 'ready for primetime'. Now that I'm starting to see some daylight, the info drops will pick up in the coming months. That's the nature of the 'creative biz'. In spite of all the distractions and BS from the real world trying to get in the way, you just gotta' keep on creatin'!

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This is the story about the young Shaman KaKo on his journeys to be initiated and what happens

all along his way!!


It starts like this...

Episode One


The Warrior-Equilibrium Chief's compound...All this is taking place in a Village called (WE-Village)

Warrior-Equilibrium Village, where all of the people are talking about "The Crocodile-Factor" because,

in the Chief's compound of WE-Village, there's a big, big crocodile roaming heavily and freely as the Chief wanted it to be so....

Please join D. Jahman Deidotree's blog and follow his saga!!!


Thank you...

J. Peterson

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Quality Editing
at Affordable Prices



Editing Services starting at $1.00 per page
Ebook format starting at $25.00
Cover design starting at $100.00

Manuscript layout

Proofreading services

Copy editing

PDF files sized to your specification

ebook formatting

Cover art

We will work within your budget!

Contact: Quinton Veal quintonveal@hotmail.com

Valjeanne Jeffers sister24moon@gmail


Quinton Veal is a poet, graphic artist and a student at Southwest Illinois College. Quinton designed the covers of: Her Black Body I Treasure, Immortal 3: Stealer of Souls, Probe and Grandmere's Secret (by Valjeanne Jeffers). He has also released his own book of erotic poetry and art, Her Black Body I Treasure, now available at Amazon Kindle and in print.

Dr. Trellie Jeffers earned her doctorate in Humanites from Atlanta University. She has extensive experience writing grants, editing and proofreading theses and dissertations. She has also been published in numerous journals including: The Black Scholar.

Valjeanne Jeffers has been published in numerous anthologies including: Griots: A Sword and Soul Anthology. She is also the author of the Immortal saga. Valjeanne works as an editor for Mocha Memoirs Press and is part of the Genesis Magazine editorial Staff (http://www.blacksciencefictionsociety.com).

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day star

I keep my eyes on the day star
Its light reaches through galaxies
It illuminates all dark places
I ramble through dark despair
Striving to reach its glow
Darkness of fear blinds me
But its brilliance lights my way
It is the most lustrous
It makes white of the night sky
Unobscured it shines to me
And like the day star I shine now too

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PRODIGAL DROPS on the 24th

It's coming, folks.

WIRED! magazine gave us an awesome review.

We've started actually building our official website.

If your local comic book shop owner won't order it, you can order PRODIGAL online.
Here are some places you can get issue one

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The House of Gales

Well after a long delay, I want to announce that I have completed the first book in my series of Novellas in the "LOST CHILD" Fantasy series: The HOUSE of GALES.

There are some great illustrated images included in the e-book and I'm already hard at work on book Two which I'm shooting to release for the begining of the year.
I hope that folks embrace the book because I'm sure you're like the ride and the multitude of dynamic characters that I will be introducing
Barnes and Nobles as an e-book!

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