

Stereotype: "people who think about science and technology are not human." (from the video)

Sorry if I sound sensitive, but I've lived this with bullying in my own life as I assume others have as well. We've made the "dumb down" a national mantra; we've elevated athletes and reality stars to godlike status for "much ado about...nothing." (Shakespeare) Our success as a nation is apparently supposed to just "happen," our technological advances are supposed to just drop out of the sky. Harold O. Levy's grim synopsis in Scientific American is stated quite well in this excerpt:

The full depth of America's educational failure is actually masked by the diversity of nationalities among grad students in those fields: Of the 1,777 physics doctorates awarded in 2011, for example, 743 went to temporary visa holders from many lands—and that figure excludes foreign nationals who had won permanent resident status. Only 15 of those 1,777 doctorates were earned by African-Americans. The totality is less and less American students PERIOD are going into science...why? May I posit few observations:


We disdain kids for wanting to learn; express curiosity and excel academically: they are the "outcasts." We applaud kids for spending hours in the gym or on courts to fit through a narrow probability = raw talent + LUCK with a limited shelf life: for every ~30 draft picks, the same number are going to D-Leagues or out of the game; the leagues if the 2nd part of the formula - LUCK prevails! For their time in the secondary sun: they are "the cool ones."

It appears it is literally *nothing* that we celebrate; nothing of worth, self-satisfaction, personal gratification, value or that makes a difference. With few exception, most of the sports have updated rules, equipment and training methods only, with little fundamental change of mechanics from each sport's inception. It would be like running the global economy on Newtonian physics. We've become a "Seinfeld nation."

This moribund myth is as false as eugenics theories, xenophobic racists prejudices, and the height of breathtaking hypocrisy for narcissistic techno-bullies to Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, Text or Tweet their threats and disdain of nerds...on platforms CREATED by them!

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