Now You Don't...

Credit: NSF

Topics: Applied Physics, Invisibility, Metamaterials, Optics, Transformative Optics

Andrea Alù, an engineering professor at the University of Texas at Austin, has an amazing job description: he makes things invisible. Alù is a leading innovator in metamaterials, artificial materials with properties that allow electromagnetic waves to wrap around them. Those include radio waves--creating the possibility of more efficient antennas--and, at a very small scale, even the light waves that our eyes perceive. That light-bending technology could allow for the creation of microscopes with drastically improved performance. For his work, the National Science Foundation presented Alù with its 2015 Alan T. Waterman Award, which recognizes outstanding young researchers.

National Science Foundation:
Andrea Alù makes small things invisible--and that could mean big things for technology

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