Perching Robots...

D.W.A.R.F.s: Drones Wirelessly Automated to Retrieve Forensics, Marvel Agents of Shield Wiki

Topics: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics

Researchers have designed a small, flying robot that can perch on a wide range of surfaces before taking flight once more. The development is highlighted in the 20 May issue of Science. Aerial robots can serve many valuable purposes, such as surveying a site after a natural disaster or detecting hazardous chemicals — but the act of flight is energy-intensive. For animals that fly, such as birds and insects, a key way to conserve energy is to find a place to perch. "Unfortunately, today's flying microrobots run out of energy quickly," explained Moritz Alexander Graule of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "We want to keep them aloft longer without draining too much energy. For our robot, the perching method we developed requires about 1,000 times less energy than flying, thus prolonging the potential mission time."

AAAS: Bio-inspired Robot Perches, Resumes Flight, Michelle Hampson

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