Silly Science Predictions...

"Silly science" Cartoon by NilbogLAND

I used this as an intro to "Why not S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)?" at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church to 31 students last Saturday. Kids put together their own original circuits & demonstrated to the group. BTW: the young ladies ROCKED. Two girls - 7 and 9 - needed a sliding or push button switch for their "flying saucer." When they couldn't find one in the kits provided, they designed and made their own!

The video "Silly Science" was created in 1960 (Cold War days), and I recall seeing it on Saturday morning shows. Some "predictions" of this 52-year-old cartoon:

Remote Control Box: Universal Remote Control

Robot Dishwasher: Automatic Dishwasher

Robot Vacuum Cleaner: Roomba

Talk-o-Vision: Video Conferencing / Skype

Glass Bottom Boats: See-Through Boats

Remote Control and Radioactivity: Remote Control for Nuclear Power

Instant Highways: Interstate Highway System

Aerial Refueling… (Not of cars!)

Rental Cars… (Not inflatable!)

Drive-Along Movies (now car DVDs)

Auto Parks... Mega Theme Parks

Toll Roads… (Sigh!)

Humans Riding Dinosaurs…ahem, not really!
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