My Book Isn't Selling! What Do I Do?
My Book Isn't Selling! The Chargan Book of Marketing Ideas [Kindle Edition]
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Read more…10 Ways to promote your book without spending a cent
You probay are not getting the responces to you book sales without diligent marketing as a self publisher. What generally happens is a big percentage of mostly new authors spend the first few week
Hey Self-Publishers Coalition!
Thank you all for watching my film "The Visitor" for the Hollywood Black Film Festival mobile challenge. We truly appreciate your support!
I am a HUGE fan of Black romantic Scifi films and Octavia Butlers work has definit
Read more…INDIE BOOKMAN on Making an Audiobook!
Posted by LM Preston on November 13, 2010
Audiobooks are pretty popular. I listen to them when I am on long roadtrips, but I know many of you listen to them much more frequently. And now that we can podify them
Read more…Basic Marketing Plan for Authors
Posted by LM Preston on December 31, 2010
What are the elements of a marketing plan?
Research the demographics of your audience. Like, where do teens hangout? How do they buy? Research other authors of like books
I've put up a series of posts and articles concerning crowdsourcing/crowdfunding and in them brought up significant points concerning issues involved before, during and after the process. Now the question I said would come up now has as a large scale
Many of us here in the SPC and the BSFS have either looked at starting a crowdsourcing campaign or even ventured forth to do so. Whether you used Kickstarter, Indie Gogo or setup your own independent donation array, getting the ball rolling trying to
These days 'Crowd Sourcing' is the way many independent (and now mainstream) creators are getting investor dollars for their projects. The two most common sources today are 'Kickstarter' and 'Indiegogo'. You can also make your own crowd sourcing port
Read more…It almost seems obvious that we should approach black owned book stores to carry our books but it's not as simple as it seems. We write in a genre which is probably not as popular as it should be among our own, possibly because of
Read more…Having been a published author since 2005, I've dealt with selling books on my own and dealing with bookstores. Bookstores don't want the risk of having unsold books filling their shelves and hedge their bets by getting terms for 'Returns' to publish
Read more…Whether you're preparing to publish for the first time or are an old hand at it, your work is going to need an ISBN. The International Standard Book Number is the identifier (i.e. fingerprint) for your written work once published and made available f
Read more…Here is a resources I fall back on. Hopefully you can glean some usefulness from it.
Instantpublisher, as a leading book publishing company in the U.S., we are proud that we can offer and meet any of your publishing n
Read more…I found a believeable review of the recent Hydra imprint by Random House that is being offered to writers...... Proceed with caution...... I submitted two books but were turned down.... I am excited about being turned down because of this review. R
Read more…FREE EBOOKS - APRIL 4 & 5, 2013
THE UNIVERSITY OF PERDITION, includes: Case Study #53, 55, 57
The University of Perdi
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BOOK PIMPING is JAM-PACKED with information, resources, videos, links and other helpful tips on how emerging and seasoned writers, authors and book publishers alike may increase their book marketing campaign
ON DAY 09, AND 10 OF MARCH OF 2013
The University of Perdition
Volume I
(An EBook Horror Series)
[Amazon Kindle Edition]
So, you've finished your novel, comic, film, whatever that's wonderful. What needs to happen next is to let people know about it. Sending out a press release is the next step. Yes, you can spread the word via Facebook and Twitter. But to reach those
Read more…Hi folks,
This group is exactly what I've been looking for. I've been a black sci fi member for years but on the quiet side.
A couple of days ago my arts collective The Black Futurists launched our 1st ebook. The book is based off a performance we di
Read more…Hey everyone!
It's been a while but I've come across something that some of you may be able to take advantage of. Random House via their specific online departments; Loveswept, Alibi, Hydra and Flirt are accepting submissions for their launch of digit
Read more…Check out this contest. You can enter your self-published novel.
I'm entering a self-published novel with African-American central characters titled "Second Nature." Here is my pitch:
When the heart sees more keenly than the eye, beauty is unexpectedl
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