Colloidal Quantum Dots and Solar...

PbS/Cd3P2 quantum heterojunction colloidal quantum dot solar cells. Source: Link Below

PbS = lead sulfide, Cd3P2 = cadmium phosphide

Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) provide a tunable bandgap via the quantum size effect. They are solution-synthesized and -processed semiconductor nanocrystals. They are very attractive for application in low-cost, high-efficiency solar cells capable of harvesting the broad solar spectrum beyond the Shockley-Queisser limit. This is a result of the tandem or multi-junction strategy and their promise in multiple exciton generation. Reporting in Nanotechnology, researchers demonstrate quantum heterojunction CQD solar cells and explore the versatility of the concept.

Researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Soochow University in China synthesize well crystallized and nearly monodisperse tetragonal Cd3P2 CQDs. They demonstrate the quantum heterojunction solar cells employing the PbS CQDs/Cd3P2 CQDs architecture. Here, both the p-type PbS and n-type Cd3P2 CQD layers are quantum-tunable and solution-processed light absorbers. Colloidal quantum dots: solar applications

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