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My Voting Story is in Essence!

OK it's not really a story -- more like a blurb -:) And it's beside I'm sure countless others. But my feelings on the night Brother President was elected were (and are) heartfelt and I'm so proud!!Here's the link:The Obamas: Portrait of America's New First Family: From the Editors of Essencehttp://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Valjeanne+Jeffers&x=13&y=24P.S. I sure wish Brother President would pick up a copy of Immortal -- he likes Harry Potter (laugh)!
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Theyre all mine!

Just finished the script on the third installment of my new webcomic titled they're all mine. My kids make my job so easy...they just keep coming up with material. We put aside a few of our other projects to finish this because its been so fun to write but I think we will be releasing out next straight to mobile comic sometime in September so stay tuned for some behind the scene looks at the creation process on that one.
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Ain't The Twenty-First Century Fun?

Hearing what that Fat sack of festering feces ( Rush Limpburger) burbled on the propaganda network about President Obama and his appearance at the final coming home at Dover AFB of the Afghan War's dead, and thefact that none, zero, nein, there callled him out on it, fills me with a disgust. The mainstream news media allows such hatewhippers as Limperoo to getaway with this by allowing them to mask themselves with "political entertainers." They held themselves shocked with the same froth when Pres. Carter called the nation out for its flareup of racism. Pres. Obama an example of being a centrist politician tried not to give the befouled furtherammunition by being called an angry Black Man by agreeing with Pres. Carter openly. And if he called the backward Dems and the reprehensible Lieberman out on health reform, the backlash would be fevered if he did so forcibly and in public. Those registered "Uncle Toms" inc. Ron Good Colored man Elder, Foureyed Beanhead Ron Christy and that Mikey Rusted Steele, would be screeching how ashamed they are of the President and by the way he's uppity. And let's not forget Armmmy "Weak" Williams that bought off 'ho who didn't gag when he said he counted the King of the Dixiecrats, as his mentor. Vile, Vile, Vile ConstipatedRepoobs Coloreds are vile. We see the content of their character, what ever Boss Moneybags thinks theys sho nuf should be. And if some bloated bag of... slanders the President, well massa got the 'nawledge and I beleef what he say. Bastards.
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Chat Anyone?

Hello everyone,
I see a few brave souls have joined us on in our Black Science Fiction virtual online space on small worlds. Make sure to sign the guestbook when you login. If you need help just send me a quick note. I want to start the weekly chat sessions back up and this would be a good place to do it. Send me your suggestion for a convenient time to have the weekly chats.
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The deadline for the Speculative Literature Foundation's Older Writers' Grant is fast approaching! The grant of $750 is available to any writer of speculative literature of 50 years or older at the time of application who is just beginning to work professionally in the field. There are no restrictions on the use of the grant money.Applicants are asked to submit a brief autobiographical statement, a writing sample, and a bibliography. For full details on how to apply for the grant, please see the SLF web site: http://www.speculativeliterature.org/Grants/SLFOlderWriters.php, or email olderwriters@speclit.org. Applications must be received by March31st 2009. The successful applicant will be announced on June 1, 2009.
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Call for information: SciFi and Fantasy

Call for Information: Sci-Fi and Fantasy-- Publishers Weekly, 3/2/2009 12:31:00 PMFeature: Science Fiction & FantasyIssue: April 13Deadline: March 20Needed: Publishers’/editors’ written comments on the state of this category: latest trends, bestsellers, effects of the recession, etc. Particular attention to themes of apocalypse/dystopia/global warming etc.; non-white and non-Western authors and characters; and short-story collections and anthologies. We’ll be looking at titles pubbing between March 1 and November 30. Story and sidebar ideas are welcome. E-mail submissions strongly preferred, to rose.fox(AT)reedbusiness.com; or mark packages "SF/Fantasy Issue" and send to Rose Fox, PW, 360 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10010.http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6641114.html
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Introduction of the Osguards

Hello,My name is Malcolm Petteway and I'm new to the group. It is wonderful to network with other Black Science Fiction fans. I am a up and coming science fiction author, who has written four novels and published three of them through the "small press" Iuniverse. Presently, my novels are not available while I again search for a traditional publisher.Let me tell you my first search for a traditional publisher was frustrating. All the rejection notices had the same theme; 'there is no market for a science fiction novel with Black protagonist.' One publisher even offered to take another look if I made the characters White.So I went the self-publishing route, and did faily well with the first book. I had a small fan base of White consumers. So that only goes to show, that a good story crosses all racial barriers. Unfortunately, I had a smaller fan base of Black consumers, which supported the rejection letters.Now I am represented by Tee C. Royal of Royal Literary Management and we are tackling the traditional publishers again.Let me tell you about my Novels. It is a four book series called the Osguards. Osguards is a gripping ride through time and space detailing the horrors of American slavery, the rise of racism during the post reconstruction era, the grit of U.S. urban life at the turn of the century and ultimately the terror of an escalating war played out in the heavens—all surrounded by complex military and political stratagems for power.Osguards contains flash and technical wizardry, thrilling suspense, and historical intrigue. The difference from other books in this genre is that Osguards revolves around the present day with African Americans as the lead characters. The historical subplots are critical, giving birth and allowing resolution to the main characters' inner and outer conflicts.The Osguards are descendants of twin princesses from the planet of Chaktun. Over one hundred years ago, the sisters escape to Earth, a former Kulusk prison planet. They arrive in the state of Virginia, just prior to the United States Civil War. The sisters, Laurona and Nausona Osguard, are enslaved, beaten and raped prior to their rescue and return to their home planet of Chaktun. Unable to save their children, they leave them to mature in the post-civil war United States. Michael Genesis and his cousins are the present day descendants, who have become the leaders of their ancestors' organization, the Universal Science, Security and Trade Association of Planets (USSTAP). Each Osguard is a Commander and Chief of an individual galaxy with signatory planets to the organization.If you want to learn more, please visit www.osguards.com.I'm looking forward to being a member of this group.ThanksMalcolm "Rage" Pettewaywww.osguard.comwww.malpetteway.blogspot.com
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My 3D Prototype of Earth Squadron Game Is Ready For Download and Testing. It's been about 10 years since my last video games so I'm ramping my skills back up for the Earth Squadron 3D Shooter Video Game. This is just a one room demo. Right now it's PC only. The faster your computer the better. To Check it out go to www.EarthSquadron.com

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The Story of Eve/the early years

The business of films is the business of dreams.Michael Woods 1975 America in the Movies...Our time machine sets down at the turn of the century. America is young, fresh and full of ambition. Across an orange and purple tinted dawn walks Eve...she is still beautiful, still hopeful that some one will recognize her true, true name. She doesn't know that soon she will be exploited by the Hollywood dream machine... Let's roll forward to the year 1915: W.D. GrIffith's notorious classic The Birth of a Nation is about to debut.Audiences are squirming in anticipation...
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The dream of blacks making science fiction as a concept has been in the minds of many of us since we were all children watching science fiction movies and television shows such as Buck Rogers, Star Wars, Battle Star Galactic and Star Trek. Most of us have however, found that the characters that are ethnic, as a general rule most often have been relegated to secondary roles, sidekicks, stereotypes, sex objects, dope heads, not in the show at all or my favorite the first to die in the show. We however, feel it is only right to present science fiction with a different face, one that is not filled with the normal negative representation of ethnic characters. We think that it is essential for characters of all colors and creeds should be represented positively and fairly. The Digital Brothers Company is made up of individuals directly involved in a multimedia, web design, computer technology, graphic design, animation, photography and advertising. With this background coupled with talented writers, we decided to start making our own short films after seeing disappointment after disappointment in our representation in present science fiction shows. Eventually we hope to do a major feature when the opportunity presents itself. With this said we hope that you will enjoy our shows and ask that you spread the word and support us in our endeavors. As I write this, we have set the things in motion to create our first science fiction project. The story was written back in 2002 and is set to become a comic book, movie, action figure set and video game. Wish us luck and check back for more info on the project as it develops. I think what pushed me over the edges was that my 7 year old son and I were watching tv together and he asked me "Why are all the bad guys black people? " I tried my best to explain things to him as best I could. But I was ashamed that the situation was so dire that a then 1st grader could see it. So given that. I decided that since there were not enough positive images out there for him then I would create them for him. www.EarthSquadron.com
I want to ask for your support on BlackScienceFictionSociety.com’s first independent movie, Earth Squadron. It’s a tale of what happens when Earth’s unwanted become its only hope. This project is sponsored by our parent company www.TheDigitalBrothers.com please check out the blog on TheDigitalBrothers BSFS page to find out more about it. We are trying to raise $10,000 to finance the 30 minute video movie so please donate $20 or more what you can, no amount will be turned away.

SEND ANY DONATIONS VIA PAYPAL TO: info@thedigitalbrothers.com
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