Quantum, BEC et Francais... - BLOGS - Blacksciencefictionsociety

Quantum, BEC et Francais...

Image Source: PhD Comics TV

Topics: Collaboration, French, Humor, Quantum Mechanics

Also found in the first video:

The second video is subtitled in French, but the concept is discernible from the animation. It would be interesting to blend say, a high school French class with a Physics class: industry refers to this as cross-training or joint development; young minds are no different. Translating the video should take a little collaboration and work from both classrooms; post yours in the comments section below. Teachers: Award extra credit where applicable. Juste un petit quelque chose pour pimenter un vendredi...

Chem4Kids.com: Bose-Einstein Condensates
Physics4Kids.com: Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Made Simple: Tout Est Quantique en Francais
(French-English on-page text translation tool available at the site)

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