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Interlude II: Sable Fan Gyrl Approved

X-Posted at Nunez Daughter

*possible spoilers ahead*

The block itself comes into its own as a setting: the grim inhuman geometry of housing estates makes for a dystopian fortress suddenly under siege. Shot at night, with dim lights flickering off wet pavement and any number of long corridors, sharp corners and twisting staircases, it brings home the hostility of the environment just as the boys show their mastery of it. It is the way that the street gang occupy the space of the estate – that same habit of roaming proprietorially with bicycles and dogs in tow, seen by the state and media as antisocial behaviour – that makes it possible for them to confront the invaders in a fair fight. The cold, sinister backdrop of the estate throws the lively and sharp human drama into relief.
Read the rest of the Racialicious review (by Emma Felber) here.


 The Sable Fan Gyrl joins Kismet Nuñez is one of the Skillsharers of the of the 3rd Annual INCITE! Shawty Got Skillz workshop at the 2011 Allied Media Conference!  Help us get to Detroit!  Click here!  

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Interlude: Sable Fan Gyrl Approved

X-Posted from Nunez Daughter

I’ve always been a science fiction buff. From my elementary school days with Bruce Coville’s “My Teacher Is An Alien” series, to my teenage obsession with “X-Files,” to my current RSS feed of the Cyberpunk Review, throughout my life I’ve been fascinated by all things out of this world, beyond this galaxy, and foreign to this dimension. But growing up a person of color, I’ve always felt that the stories that tickle my imagination seldom speak to my identity. For a genre known for depicting obscure creatures, new concepts of civilization, and future predictions for humanity, sci-fi sure has a hard time being about more than white people.

It seems that when it comes to sci-fi, cultural experiences of the melanin-inclined are merely reserved for exotic backdrop (ahem, “Stargate”) and half-assed tokenization (ahem, the horrible Mandarin in “Firefly”). But fear not! I have scoured the cosmos and unearthed 10 fantasmic films, books, and records to transport you to the unreal—while still letting you keep it real. Keep in mind, this is no “Billy Dee in Star Wars” list—I’ve chosen stories by people of color and about people of color. So enjoy. This is for all the disappointed moviegoers who felt the title “Minority Report” was misleading.

PS: I’ve taken the liberty to step outside the zone of the obvious, by excluding from this list Octavia E. Butler. Not because I don’t absolutely love her work about vampires, shapeshifters, and post-apocalyptic telepathy, but because every other minorities-in-sci-fi list I found online is basically a cut-and-paste of her bibliography. If you haven’t checked her out, I recommend the “Imago” series.

For all the rest of my geeks in the struggle, I hope you find something new in this...
"The Ultimate 21st Century People of Color Sci-Fi List" by Adriel Luis for Colorlines.

ps.  Kismet didn't get to the interludes last week so I'm bringing you two for the price of one.  All Sable Fan Gyrl approved.


 The Sable Fan Gyrl joins Kismet Nuñez is one of the Skillsharers of the of the 3rd Annual INCITE! Shawty Got Skillz workshop at the 2011 Allied Media Conference!  Help us get to Detroit!  Click here!  

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Wanting to Create

I want to start writing a story but I'm having a hard time creating an outline for the story. Must I have an outline for everything that I write, or can I just start writing now, creating the story as I go? My brain is telling me no no no -- if I want to create the crazy, wonderfully explained, fantastical world that I want to create, I really need to plan it out. I can't just write any ole barely pieced together story...


... but then again, I just feel like writing. I wanna express myself. I feel like getting lost in my own characters and the problems that consume their lives.  Writing is fun. It stimulates me.  And I've missed it. 

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X-Posted at Nunez Daughter

Rihanna’s video for “Man Down”  dropped last week and set the web on fire.  The way justice and rape, innocence and violence work in the video--and the non-sensical responses to it--have already been outlined by better writers than me.

I’m writing this post to take the video to its logical conclusion:

In the future, do we kill our attackers?


This description of the plot is by Akiba Solomon, writing for Colorlines:
“The video begins with a tense Rihanna perched in the upper balcony of a crowded train station. When she spots a tall man with a “buck 50” scar on his cheek (in this context, visual code for “badman” or gangsta) she shoots him in the back of the head then winces. Toward the end of the clip, we learn why the tearful singer “shot a man down, in Central Station, in front of a big old crowd”: Because the night before, at a sweaty dancehall, she sets physical limits with him and he retaliates by following her home and raping her.”
Solomon’s description is the best I’ve seen for all it doesn’t take for granted and for all it explains.  The video was shot in Jamaica but the signifiers of "place" are actually quite unclear (even less so to an African-Americanized audience).  There are no Jamaican flags waving.  The name of the train station in the beginning is not shown.  Ads for things like Vita Coco proliferate but globalization has made such things international staples from Miami to Accra.  English decorates signs and insignia, distinguishing this as a particular diasporic space but there are few other markers of Anglo-ness.

Instead, the “place” of the video is steeped in symbols from across the global African diaspora.   It is ambiguous but familiar, universal but distinctly (global) Southern.  Warm sun.  Linen hanging on the line.  Young boys hanging out at the corner store.  Young women throwing themselves into the wide, swinging grind of a dancehall beat.  Children running around in backyards.  Elder women shopping or fanning themselves in the canopies of shops.  Elder men on bikes.

Black bodies, all ages, all genders, going about their work and their lives.  Black bodies everywhere.

Rihanna like a blazing yellow light, fierce-skinned, flame-haired, drifting between.  Happy.  Innocent.  Spirited, sensual and laughing in their midst.

This isn’t heaven.  The young boys at the corner store have guns.  And this isn’t some primitive past.  The music, the clothing, the technology don’t point us back to another time.   But this also isn’t any one place.  It is Dakar and Lagos and Cape Town.  It is Paris and Marseille and Liverpool.  It is New York and Miami and parts of Chicago.

It is Port-au-Prince, B.t.E. (Before the Earthquake).

It is New Orleans, B.K.  (Before Katrina).

The press of dancehall, which, like hip hop, is more global than local, only adds to the meta-africana setting presented.   Even Rihanna, a Bajan born, internationally known superstar, shooting a video bound to be a mega-hit on a neighboring island, and writing a song whose lyrics are set in New York is a part of this diasporic narrative.


This is now.  And...this is the future.

In the May/June issue of the Boston Review, Junot Diaz wrote:
"I suspect that once we have finished ransacking our planet’s resources, once we have pushed a couple thousand more species into extinction and exhausted the water table and poisoned everything in sight and exacerbated the atmospheric warming that will finish off the icecaps and drown out our coastlines, once our market operations have parsed the world into the extremes of ultra-rich and not-quite-dead, once the famished billions that our economic systems left behind have in their insatiable hunger finished stripping the biosphere clean, what we will be left with will be a stricken, forlorn desolation, a future out of a sci-fi fever dream where the super-rich will live in walled-up plantations of impossible privilege and the rest of us will wallow in unimaginable extremity, staggering around the waste and being picked off by the hundreds of thousands by “natural disasters”—by “acts of god.”"
He was speaking of Haiti.  And of tipping points.  And of can’t-turn-back-nows.

But he was also speaking of everywhere.

This is now.  And this is the future.

And in the future, we kill our attackers.


So is Rihanna’s video a post-apocalyptic (in other words, afrofuturist) ethnoscape with an alien #comecorrect black girl?


Is it a post-apocalyptic (in other words afrofuturistic) ethnoscape where the #comecorrect black girl is still an alien?  In other words,
“In the future, we kill our attackers”
“Even in the future, black girls who own their sexuality, who demand justice, who are in process, who are not walking vaginas to be touched, fondled, kissed without permission, street harassed, followed, honked at, beaten or raped are aliens?”
From some quarters, it would seem that black girls owning their sexuality is still alien, foreign, dangerous, toxic behavior and gawd forbid it spread to your daughter.

Otherwise known as, gawd forbid she not spread, for the next man/boy/child/uncle/adult who decides she is too uppity for her own good.  God forbid she own the place between her legs.
“‘Man Down’ is an inexcusable, shock-only, shoot-and-kill theme song. In my 30 years of viewing BET, I have never witnessed such a cold, calculated execution of murder in primetime. Viacom’s standards and practices department has reached another new low.”
In the future, apparently, to walk through the world at peace with yourself, secure, loved and loving, kissing grandmas, hugging little sisters, teasing the boys, wearing clothes that let the sun touch your skin, let the wind rush past the skin of inside your thighs--all of this will still mark you as a being from outer space and out of bounds, subject to immediate discipline.  A sentencing and a silencing.
“Once again BET has chosen the low road over the high road. Violence is a pervasive problem in all corners of our society and today’s youth need more positive strategies for dealing with conflict than those portrayed in the Rihanna video. This video is one among several frequently played on Viacom music video networks that lyrically or graphically glorifies violence and other behavior inappropriate for teens and youth....”
Because the only positive role for black girls is quiet, is cornered, is clothed, is virginal and vaginal and covered.

And this sun-kissed, pink-haired alien, just dropped right from outer space, just all wrong and inappropriate, just all incorrect because--

she let her heels ride high above the ground (extra-terrestrial) walking tall and taller and didn’t walk with her arms hidden,

she didn’t hang her head when HE passed,

she didn’t divert her eyes when THEY looked (and she winked back),

her head is lifted and unafraid,

her #HairFlips smoke and smoulder and glitter,

and she shook HIM off when HE tried to bend her back.

Good lord!  We need to bottle up that kind of incorrect, parcel it out and SELL it on the streets, on the shelves of Black Girl Power shops EVERYWHERE.  That kind of incorrect could forever tilt the world on its axis.

The violence she did to the fabric of respectable behavior was complete BEFORE SHE PUT A GUN IN HER HAND.

But on top of that, she is incorrect because she ran for the gun (instead...what?) and then cried when she used it (cold, you say?).


Because in the future, we are still raped.

In fact, rape plays such a central role in the speculative fiction imaginary, that campaigns have been started to raise awareness of the phenomenon.  Not because rape should not be used as a literary device, per se, but because it is often used without critique and without analysis, particularly by (older) (white) (straight) male authors in the same way murder is.  SQT wrote:
“Whenever this topic comes up, it's inevitable that someone will say something along the lines of murder is worse than rape and walk away from the subject as if that was some kind of conversational coup de grâce. End of discussion. I win. You lose. ...
The thing with rape is that it is primarily a crime against women. There are still cultures that blame the woman if she is victimized. Even worse, there are societies that know women will be rejected by their family if they are raped, so it becomes a very effective tool of war. Women know that every man has the power to victimize her in a very particular way and that we cannot know when this threat will surface. We can't walk to our cars at night free of worry and we have different standards for safety when it comes to our sons and daughters because of it--how many sons have to be told to guard their drinks when going to a bar against date-rape drugs? This is the bogeyman of a lot of women's nightmares. “
This is more than a matter of how hard it is to imagine a future where women are safe, are whole, are healthy, wear pink and white, kiss boys, kiss girls and touch themselves without violence.

This is about the widespread, pervasive acceptance of a particular brand of gendered, sexual violence--so widespread, so pervasive, so accepted, that this violence is timeless, is automatic, does not require critical, is knee-jerk, does not need to be explained or justified, ISN’T EVEN SEEN when we are looking DEAD AT IT.

This violence is also ancient.  Rihanna’s “Man Down” black girl isn't alien or futuristic because she is assaulted.  This already happened.  The Magical Negro solved all of our problems before we knew they existed but the Magical Negress was raped with impunity and a new modernity built from the ruins of her broken womb.  Society can wipe its hands off.  This has already been done.


She is an alien because black girls who #comecorrect are still aliens.  And aliens need to be probed.  And quarantined--a desperate Now to contain the Future.

And she is walking through a black futurist dystopia, because in the future, black girls who #comecorrect are still aliens AND we kill our attackers.

Imagine that.  Imagine that the abduction, doesn’t stop there.  If instead, after the probing and the drugging, there wasn’t a quarantining and a silencing and the machinery of the press and courts and judges and a global prison industrial complex.

Imagine, instead that there was an alternative justice, there was an alternative court, and an alternative violence that could occur.

What would we do then?

What could we do?

If Darryl A. Smith’s elucidation of afrofuturist rage and pain and zombie apocalypse is the “Pit” to mainstream (read: white) science fiction’s “Tip” (read: final frontier, better pastures beyond, brave new world, Columbus-complex), then violence against women of color is the Pit’s rotting core.  And we would do well to listen to the screams coming from the cellar instead of reacting to fantasies of invasion from above.

Because in the future, we RUN for our guns.

And we kill our attackers.


EDIT:  Normally Zora Walker holds my footnotes.  But this is Sable Fan Gyrl week.  For a list of readings related to afrofuturism that helped inform this post, click here.


Kismet Nuñez is one of the Skillsharers of the of the 3rd Annual INCITE! Shawty Got Skillz workshop at the 2011 Allied Media Conference!  Help us get to Detroit!  Click here!  
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X-posted from Nunez Daughter

"War Elf" by Mark Knox, Artist/Writer, Member of the Black Science Fiction Society

Greetings Fen & Fen of Color,

For the next seven days, Nuñez Daughter is mine.

I’ve wanted her for awhile.  Kismet is a bit of a control freak.  Runs a tight ship.  Almost like a slave mistress.  She doesn’t like it when we step in.  We shuffle things around.  We confuse her.

But my back has borne more than whips and chains.  And while I laid in the grainy liquid at the bottom of the flask, I pressed my back to the wood.  And waited for another dark hand to rub me out.

Here I am.  Lucky you.

She’s torn, you see.  Between so many identities.  Spaces, places.  I can’t help but laugh when she tumbles around the web asking her childish questions:

What is slavery?
Why be mixed-race?

How do we stop violence against women?

How do we live sex-full lives?
The truth?

We have already seen this world made and destroyed many times over.  And we survive deep in its recess, in the black quiet of its refuse.

What do questions of this world matter when there are so many more to explore?

And I’ve seen them all.

Come with me.


The Sable Fan Gyrl


The Sable Fan Gyrl joins Kismet Nuñez is one of the Skillsharers of the of the 3rd Annual INCITE! Shawty Got Skillz workshop at the 2011 Allied Media Conference!  Help us get to Detroit!  Click here!  
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if you want to read what some folks are saying about WHITEOUT, go to Barns & Noble and check out the reviews. Peter D Chisholm has additional books joining WHITEOUT titled,.. DELROY, and  ANGEL. Check them out when you have a moment!1
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The enemy is coming ashore! The Chief of the Aesir though in his homeland has not found his missing men or his own people. However, he and his companions from the Valley are determined to hold off a force of hostile sea-raiders from slaughtering a small settlement of villagers. The stakes for the Chief are far larger as his very life depends on the outcome of the coming battle! Will the Chief, Valley Knight and the boy Little Fish be capable of stopping a small army before it's too late? Read the exciting conclusion to the second phase of the Priestess Saga, "All Things Sown Before Harvest" Part IV!

All Hail The Priestess

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Mocha Memoirs Press, LLC is a new electronic publishing company that seeks to add new flavors to the realms of speculative fiction and romance. We’re actively seeking submissions to add to our catalog. We’re inviting authors to submit works of 8k to 30k for possible publication in our catalog. Mocha Memoirs Press, LLC wants to see titles that include excellent writing, superior storytelling, and fantastic creativity. We want our readers to lose themselves in the worlds the authors have created, and to care about the characters populating those worlds. Moreover, we’d like to see ethnic diversity in stories as well.



We’re currently looking for titles in the following genres: horror, science fiction, fantasy, and romance. We’re most excited about seeing stories in the subgenres of cyberpunk, steampunk, near-future sf, and space opera.



We do publish paranormal romance, science fiction romance, fantasy romance, and dark fantasy romance. We’d like to see submissions in these areas as well. Our interracial romance titles have been very successful, so feel free submit those also.



Special Call for Sizzling Steampunk Stories!



Mocha Memoirs Press is seeking submissions for our latest erotic romance series titled, Sizzling Steampunk Stories. Just like our other stories, we’d like to see ethnic diversity in these stories. The stories must have a Happy Ever After or Happy For Now ending and fall into the erotic steampunk romance genre. Read Valjeanne Jeffer’s THE SWITCH for an idea of what we like to see.



Please keep in mind that although a new company, we're by no means accepting every submission or submissions that are poorly edited, offensive, crude, or sloppy. Please only submit your absolute best work. As a publisher, we'll make sure you get the best from us in return. We have over 12 years of electronic publishing experience; so please don't submit low quality or unprofessional work.



To submit your work to us, send a cover letter and your completed novel or short story to

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Do you want to be in GALTOW?



INDIEGOGO Xmoor Studios NYC Comic Con

Help us complete the GALTOW Collected Edition for New York Comic Con 2011

Here’s the Link for Indiegogo:

Do you want to be a CLAN HOUSE MEMBER of GALTOW?
We are offering 12 people a chance to be illustrated into issues 5 & 6 of the story arc finale…
Xmoor studios need all our loyal fans and followers to step up to the plate… We need your support! I’ve posted up a project fundraiser at IndiGoGo and Eric and I are trying to raise some funds to finish off our indie publishing flagship title GALTOW. We have four issues completed and have compiled those into a full color trade paperback and we need help finishing off the last two issues we’re looking to make a completed trade book of the entire first story arc which will be ready in time for this years New York Con in October.

Rob: xmoor2 (@) & Eric:

Eric will be adjusting some poster art he created a while back for GALTOW to make it into a signed pitch cover. Below is the newly adjusted line art and I will post a pic of the full color version soon being digitally colored by the uber talented Julian Aguilera. Eric has never been asked to do cover art before but we know his first shot will be well received. Thank you all for any and all support as Rob G. and I will Continue to put our best creative feet forward and strive to continually make exciting projects!

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dial "H" for hero

Wasn't there a comic book story Dial "H" for hero a ways back? It would be good a movie or TV series. Since everybody's got a cell phone. Some secret alien justice agency dials you up when needed, sends you text opportunity to be a hero. Of course if you say yes, you are transformed on the spot with the tools and the mission. Once over you don't remember so much.
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In returning home, the Chief of the Aesir finds a warlord named after his people's ancestral enemy has laid claim to the land and is coming to confirm his claim with fire and steel! Of course, it didn't help that the Chief and the Valley Knight killed a few of the Warlord's raiders.... Answers are revealed as battle looms on the shores of the Fjords in Part III of "The Priestess: All Things Sown Before Harvest"!
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Dream One








I wake up tied to a chair in a stable that is being used to raise dogs. I don't know how I know it's being used to raise dogs, but I do. The sun is just beginning to set and I can see it and a quickly darkening forest from the open stable door to my left. The stable is entirely empty: of dogs, of hay, of accoutrements, of anything. I am in the last of three stalls to the left of the stable and my head hurts like I hit it on something. The headache is aggravated by the dogs barking in the distance. It is not just a few dogs but a large pack, fifteen or more, and they sound like they're searching for something or someone. It occurs to me that they are probably looking for my friends, and I am afraid. The man that owns the stable and the dog, he's looking for my friends and he's already caught me. I almost can't breathe and I don't want to think about. I fall asleep.


When I wake up again it is dark outside though the corners of the stable are lit with flood lights facing the ceiling. It's not a lot of light but it's enough. Enough to see my friend Olutunji also tied in a chair. He is almost blubbering and shaking his head no. His eyes are wide and bloodshot. He's almost as afraid as I am I think but I'm calmer. "It’s gonna be okay, Tunji. It's gonna be okay," I tell him trying to get him to relax because his fear isn't helping me any and if we're going to get out of here we have to have clear heads. There's no way we're going to get by the blood dogs, I think to myself. But we have to try. He can't hear me over his own mutterings all I can make of it are "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," over and over again.
The man walks in and that's when I notice that I'm not tied to the chair anymore I am just sitting on the hay of the stall, waiting. He looks like a mean farmer, like you imagined farmer ___ from the tales of Peter Rabbit who: bald, a wrinkled and scarred face, plaid button-down shirt, suspenders, and olive pants tucked into black work boots. His voice is calm and low. "I told you people I didn't want you here. And now you're going to pay the price." The man hands Tunji a knife. "Boy, if you want to live, you’ll throw this knife at your friend. If you want to live, you won't miss. If you want to live, you'll make it hurt."
Tunji looks me in the eye and we both know. Really, he already knew. If than man doesn't let us leave we won't leave at all wither of us. The only good part of it all is that he didn't tell him to kill me. Tunji and I aren't that close but we've known each other forever through church and our parents. Something in me hopes that the sheer amount of time we've spent in each other's presence will make him hold back for me, but he won't. The man will know the difference. Tunji keeps saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
He takes the knife and some part of me that is not resigned to whatever pain may come resists. "Please don't do this!" I say against my will and my arm is outstretched in the universal sign for stop. Tunji throws it straight and true and before I know what has happened the knife slices through my wrist like butter, like air.

Everything stops.
Even the man is holding his breath it seems.

I stare at my wrist as slim line of red begins to appear around the circumference. I can't believe he did it, even though most of my mind is telling me that he's my friend and his life was at stake the uncompromising survivor in me, the part of me that begged Tunji to stop when I knew it would make no difference, cannot believe that he actually did it.
I don't move and my hand, that should have already fallen, stays put. If I never move maybe I can imagine that he didn't really do it, that this never happened. Nothing hurts and I think to myself, How long I can stay this way?

The man releasing Tunji from the chair breaks the spell and "I'm sorries" start again as Tunji leaves the stable, constantly looking back over his shoulder. I use my left hand to hold my hand and arm together and gently lower the severed hand to the hay on which I’m sitting. And of course, finally, there is blood and pain and I begin to scream and I can't stop. Underneath my screams I can hear the dogs that had faded into the distance. I can hear them baying and coming closer howling and racing and the man barely has time to shut the stable doors and before he does I can see Tunji running in the distance knowing that time is running out. Just as the man lowers the bar the blood dogs reach the stable and slam against the doors growling and scratching and digging. Anything to get closer. In the midst of my screaming I fall asleep.


A girl my age walks into the stall with a silver pitcher and a bowl of warm water and bandages. My wrist had been bandaged while was unconscious and the girl has come to change the dressing. In the stall next to me there are seven beautiful solid black puppies with gold eyes, playing with each other. The girl leaves the bowl outside the stall and uses the pitcher to cleanse the wound. She is gentle and I begin to wonder what the man's game is. When she wrings out a towel over the bowl, a drop of blood splashes into the pitcher next to it. I see it but the girl doesn't see and I cannot open my mouth to tell her. She finishes with me and goes to the other stall with the pitcher of water for the puppies' water bowl I can hear my heartbeat in my ears but still I cannot move to stop her. The puppies lap up the water with abandon but after awhile they lose interest. They begin to amble and sniff at the hay searching for something slowly all the puppies are pressed against the low wooden wall separated my stall from theirs and are sniffing and digging at the hay. "No. No!" I'm finally able to say something, to move.

I turn to the girl and I beg her, "Tell them it's just water! Please tell them it's just water!" The girl looks confused but unconcerned. I have grabbed her arm in my begging and she shakes me off. The color of the puppies eyes are changing from gold to ruby red and their canines grow long and sharp. Their yips and puppy grumbles turn to high-pitched growls and I cower in the farthest corner of my stall.


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If you are looking for a new series to get lost in this summer, I invite you to try the Cybil Lewis series.

About The Cybil Lewis Novels

 Cybil Lewis is a private inspector and no stranger to loss and pain. She has three stories in the series so far-- with more to come. Join this private-eye in life-altering adventures in a strange futuristic world with her band of friends and enemies as she solves the latest whodunit. The Cybil series novels are great mysteries in the realm of science fiction.


Don't take my word for it. Here is what reviewers had to say about Cybil and SILENCED:


“Nicole Givens Kurtz is a gifted sci-fi writer with a wonderful imagination…And with the extra benefit of a strong African-American woman as the main character, this adventure captures the essence of the future.”—Affaire de Coeur, 4 1/2 Star Review


“A missing-persons case takes us into an action-packed story. Cybil is no shrinking violet, and the tale is vivid enough to keep the reader looking forward to the next chapter in this new series. This is a fast-paced, enjoyable ride.”—RomanticTIMES Book Reviews, 4 Star Review


“Nicole Givens Kurtz has written an enjoyable sci-fi mystery that displays her active imagination and her ability to build a storyline around believable characters in an advanced time setting. I found Kurtz's heroine to be interesting; however, buy-in took a minute due to the character's brashness. Once there, I was able to understand her motives and mode of operation. SILENCED is being dubbed as the first in the Cybil Lewis series. Now that my appetite has been whet, I am looking forward to the next installment.”—The RAWSISTAZ(tm) Reviewers


“For top-notch suspense, edge-of-the-seat breathless anticipation, and reeling denouements that never stop, run to your nearest bookseller and pick up SILENCED!”—Dark Angels Review, 5 Angels Review


 "Silenced" has all the hard-boiled elements of sex, violence, crooked politicians and dishonest cops and a story told by an engaging but difficult heroine. It is an excellent start to what promises to be a very interesting series." --Fred Cleaver, The Denver Post

Learn more about the four stories in this series by visiting Cybil's blogspot at

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The Chief is back home in the Land of the Fjords, but all is not as it should be. Though only gone for several months, everything has changed and only the strange little girl named Mjarga seems to have the answers. The trio of travelers must solve this strange mystery if they are to find the Chief's missing men and return to the Valley! The questions will only deepen in this latest chapter of The Priestess Saga.

All Hail The Priestess!

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Guardians of Destiny: The Specter of War

Specter of War, the first book in my Guardians of Destiny young adult series, is now on sale. I'm very proud of the book and I hope that it finds an audience. I'd like to thank fellow Black Science Fiction Society Sister Valjeanne Jeffers for the amazing edit and for being supportive and honest. 

After two dikas of peace, the United Republic of Planets now finds itself on the brink of war. The newly crowned queen of the Maraudan Empire, Mursela Mornall, is determined to return her realm to its glory days by destroying The Republic she despises, but her desire for war is dividing her people. Senator Abrecus Judi and his daughter, Dena, find themselves on the forefront of the debate, and soon their family is heading towards a collision course with The Queen that will change their lives forever.

For the citizens of The Republic, this couldn’t have come at a worse time. Graduating cadets Akeen and Connor Star have enough problems living up to their legendary heritage, and balancing their complicated relationship with Kayla Dylan, without being thrust into a war they do not want. Meanwhile, Major Van Dylan finds himself an unlikely hero while on a peace mission in Maraudan space, and Parnell Star, the great hero of the last war, must find a way to stop history from repeating itself, as young and old, human and non-human alike, band together to beat back the specter of war.

For a LIMITED TIME, you can purchase the book for .99 cents. Check it out and enjoy the journey.


Barnes and Nobles 

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Terry Connors was in an especially good mood. What had really started out as a mutual aid session face to face with Warren and Elaine Buffs about their term papers for their EDU class, had turned into a warm to the marrow of his bones evening with Ginger Tolliver.    The b'baller had came over on a different matter, involving her and Elaine's set of female friends. The four all had known each other since Willie Williams Elementary. The then awkwardly lanky, four eyed Ginger, had turned into the tall and properly packaged forward on the varsity girls' contending basketball squad, far, far, different from the dismally doofus men's (emphasis on the small 'm' ) team.  

      " I've always liked you too, Terry." He nearly whooped when she said that, after he finally came out that he'd been loony for her, since Gertie Richards' fourteenth birthday party.  They kissed. And he was glad he didn't drool or bust a nut, or break wind, or a million other things that could of ruined the moments.  Her brother Darrian came by to pick her up. Else Terry would have walked her home to 3497 Pasteur.   Terry thought if he stayed on Clermont Avenue it would take too long to see her. He had neutral colors on. His cousin Tyrese was in cool with the Gatrillazs, who claimed dominance in this part of the 'world'.    Terry crossed through an alley separating Macklin and Clermont, intending to go over Zap-a-Punk Hill to 'The Full Plate' fast food near the foot of the hill. 

      Traffic,whether of cars, bikes or strollers, wasn't heavy. He thought, then decided not to, to get a burrito from the 'Full Plate', even though they did put more meat in theirs than the competition. Just as he got over the crest of the hill, he was pushed down by a heavy waft of air sounding like a closet door opening on a carpeted floor!  A bright yellow light filled his head. Then was gone. To be replaced by the odor of animal!

       Terry rolled over to see coming from the other side where he'd been on the hill, three Black men, mounted on horses!  They themselves looked like a cross between green uniform jacketed Mounties and heavily armed gunslingers. Their hats brims were folded up and back on the crown, like the cavalrymen wore in John Ford westerns. Two had pennoned lances. The third cradled a lever action rifle. They all had pistols. In their holsters. In their belts. They even had a big pistol in a flapped holster on their horses' saddles. Following behind them came nine more men afoot, wearing similar hats, but dark blue jackets and pants and lace up boots. They were all armed with bolt action rifles and had pistols either in their belts or two at least did, in shoulder holsters.      

" All right my good young fellow," said the mounted one cradling the rifle. "If you understand me, nod your head. Good. What land is this? What year is it?" Terry mechanically droned out the answers.   "Excellent! Excellent! Then that means..." At the foot of the hill blotting out the streetlamp, a great yellow diamond shaped light appeared.  " You got it right Sarge," one of the lancers said.  "That's what his majesty pays me to be Qals. All right lads, there's the shortcut home. Let's be on our way."   The mounted noncom leaned over in his saddle, and not unkindly said,  "I do suppose you know, that no one will believe your story,eh lad? Good! Take care now!" Terry watched as the battered, yet triumphant band of survivors of a unit of His Royal Majesty's East Frontier Force returned to their proper realm.   The light winked out, the street lamp re-appeared.    After what seemed a short while, still laying where he'd been pushed, Terry checked his watch. It was around 6:00 in the morning and his stomach rumbled. He got up and headed to the Full Plate to get a breakfast burrito. Maybe when he was old and in his forties he'd tell Ginger about all that happened.

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Just Looking Out For You Baby

       Imogene Hampton looked at her date and wished she had her sister Doris stretched out over a sacrificial altar.  Dennis was a supervisor at a regional bank. Divorced, with two kids approaching young adulthood, just as sane as one would want your offspring to be.  Still attended the same church on Latvia and Upton he'd been baptized at as a young boy.    Spoke well and with no false notes of 'hood informality that been long suppressed since graduating from college. Ran a mile each morning. Was as fun to be with as a hemorrhoid!

Contrary to rumors and expectations, Imogene wasn't, nor felt, in the thrall of loneliness nor desperate, or was going lesbian. That thought had entered her older sister Doris's murky mind, because of Gina, Imogene's friend from work, a gay woman who had told Doris so at the graduation party for Doris's daughter and Imogene's niece, Stephanie.   Doris exchanged a look of panic between the two of them and rushed from the dining room!     "I found the writings of Shelby Steele, Armstrong Williams, and Bishop Jakes to be inspirational, in particular in my dealings with a much wider world. The Demoncrats have compartmentalized our people..."  Ooh! She was going to cuss Doris out! What did Dusty call them of that persuasion? Constipated ReNegroes. Dusty had been a cynic about politicians and politics in general. But he held those Blacks who added the adjective conservative and the pejorative republican together on the same level as pedophiles.

    It was two years tomorrow since his death in that car wreck. They had been a couple only four.   She took a sip of the wine in her glass and closed her eyes. A dinner out for Dusty had been to Creighton's Fish Hut or The Blue World's diner over on Petty.   He would have sent back this dinner and demanded a refund for serving him such petite portions at such a high price.   "Shit! I coulda fed five hungry motherfuckas at the Blue World a healthy ass meal." She spewed the wine on Dennis's shirt.    Across from her, at another table with a white couple totally oblivious to him, sat Dusty, smiling and with a plate of chicken wings, Cole slaw,Sweet Potato Pie and a bottle of beer!   "Now I know I'm one of a kind baby, but you don't have to settle for 2,000th best.  Ditch this bougie and I'll tell you all about this fellow Harper I've scoped out.  I think you two will click. He'll even sit and watch Bette Davis movies with ya. And not just 'Hush,Hush, Sweet Charlotte either."

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The Priestess Saga continues....

As promised, Pt. I of the second phase of the Priestess Saga begins with "All Things Sown Before Harvest." The Chief of the Aesir with the aid of Little Fish and the Valley Knight returns to his ancestral Northlands. But in his absence an old enemy has returned to lay claim and the Chief won't stand for it! The action and intrigue begins in this latest segment of The Priestess Saga!

All Hail The Priestess!

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Back in March 2003 I was sitting on a sofa  in my tiny yet cozy apartment in Marietta, Ga watching the television. The local news was on and although I generally don't watch the news (its so depressing sometimes), this time I paid close attention. The president (George W. Bush) along with Congress were sending troops into Iraq & thus, war had begun. I thought of all of the young soldiers who would go to Iraq to fight for our country, and also how many of them would not return, or would return never the same. Suddenly, an idea came into my head that I wanted to write about war. I had no idea how I would do it, but that was what I definitely wanted to write about. I had read many novels in which war occured and others where war was the major theme and I wanted to take the same topic and somehow treat it differently. Most if not all novels abour war  created empathy in the reader by exposing the bloodiness of battle and the carnage. This is very effective for most but I didnt want most of the human audience I wanted all (many have become desensitized to direct  violence through various mediums unfortunately), and so my quest began. At the time I was unemployed, clinically depressed and was busy writing a coming of age story about a young black woman battling depression. I had named it, The Autobiography of Jane Doe since I had taken many events from my own life and some of my actual journal entries and inserted them into this book. I came up with the Jane Doe portion of the title because although it was largely my own story, I was neither famous nor well-known in any way and therefore I was a "Jane Doe"or Everywoman. I became so obsessed with writing about war in some unique and different way that I soon put aside TAOJD and began brainstorming this new "war book" as I initially referred to it. I brainstormed for a couple of months and finally I knew where to begin my thinking process around the plot & philosophy of this "war book". My mind traveled back to the days of high school and college where I had studied ecology and organisms. I particularly reflected back on what I had learned about symbiotic relationships and even more specifically, the symbiotic relationships mutualism (the way two organisms biologically interact where each individual benefits) and parasitism (a type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host). I went back and dusted off old text & reference books on my shelf) and reviewed the material and refreshed my knowledge of examples in nature of both symbiotic relationships. My fascination was renewed and I began to wonder if humans, physiologically linked to one another through major & vital body systems by another organism, would voluntarily be linked harmoniously -philosophically & socially in order to maintain biological life for the whole. Emotion is the complex psychophysiological experience of an individual's state of mind as interacting with biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences. Anger is one such emotion and is an emotion related to one's psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged or denied and a tendency to undo that by retaliation. Humans, throughout our collective history have chosen violence and large-scale wars to resolve & retaliate these feelings of wrongdoing and conflicts. #1 What if an organism such as a bacteria or virus species when introduced (purposely in The Elements) into a human host could somehow link all of the humans physiologically. #2 What if said organism directly reproduced or relied on the very biochemicals released by the human brain during an emotion such as anger and caused the harm of or death of a number of individuals who are a part of the biological whole? #3 Would man, after realizing the physiolocial linkage as well as the cause and the implications (no violent emotions=physical life of the whole) acquiesce to the mutualistic relationship between all members of his species and live peacefully together despite differences? or would mankind be ruled by their violent emotions and therefore face extinction?  This was the essence of my brainstorming and I had no choice but to explore my own curiosity and quest to demonstrate that a peaceful existence is vital and possible for all of us. Writing fiction became my highest priority because the imagination allows us to experiment with ideas that could (or should rather) not be explored with real humans in real life . The latter idea is what scientists do in laboratories everyday - hypothesize, experiment, data, conclusions, applications. The writer of fiction, namely science fiction, can do the same things with his or her pen, answering the "what ifs" without bringing harm to living species. Unfortunately, human history is filled with examples of inhumane "human experiments" whose results were disastrous. Initially, I called my "war book" Una Gentis (latin for One Nation/People) since my fictional tribes would be physiologically linked and literally, One people. I came up with the idea that once exposed to the microorganism, four random groups (physiologically) would be formed, seperated by which body system their microorganism controlled when the individual became angry. There was the Cardiogas (the cardiovascular system), The Nervanu (the nervous system), The Resprii (the respiratory system) and the Immuni (the immune system) - while writing this I have to laugh at those early ideas which seem so silly but you have to begin somewhere with an idea. I thought of those soldiers on the news being deployed.  I thought of their mothers and children and siblings. They had wives and daughters to escort to dances, sons to play baseball with and they were going to a place with weapons and quite likely, their deaths. I imagined the faces of the mothers, fathers, children and neighbors of the communities they would invade. The amount of death and injury that would come to both sides saddened me and I vowed to finish my work, no matter how long it took and show humanity another possibility. Peace was that possibility and I wanted every last man, woman and child to stop and think that if peace can be maintained through coersion via biological linkage (physiological symbiosis) then mankind, being the highest and most intelligent of all living species, without a doubt had to have the ability and the will to live peacefullly, voluntarily. If we can be forced, we can volunteer. The Kishnu and Lungi in The Elements learn this very lesson as did I - their literary mother, and now I share this with the world. Please return next week for Part II of The Birth of The Elements  Trilogy. Do not hesitate to comment, I read every last one of them & will respond in my blog.
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Perhaps I should re-introduce myself?

I signed up for this community years and years ago, but because of studies, work, etc. I haven’t really kept up with it. However, I made a promise to myself that I would be more active in writing communities this year – this forum being the top priority!

So, maybe I should tell you three random things about myself? A lot of my (future) posts and current speculative fiction stories are really influenced by who I am, my viewpoints and my beliefs.  So, here goes nothing!

  1. I’m 23 and I’ve been writing for years but never had the nerve to actually submit my stories. For some reason, this year I’ve made it my goal to publish something. Perhaps being old enough to drink has made me bolder?
  2. I’m the first American-born of my family. Both of my parents hail from Jamaica. So… whaa gwaan? XD
  3. Politically, I’m a conservative. (Yes, you read that right. I’m a black economic and social female conservative.)

So, hello everyone! I look forward to interacting with you all for many years to come! 

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