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BSFS has some of the most brilliant writers in the world. So I decided to list my favorite authors that I found right here:) Centuries from today they will still be spoken of.
Charles Saunders author of the Imaro series... his most recent release is Damballah
Edward Uzzle author of Neters and Retro-KM
Quinton Veal author of Her Black Body I Treasure
Milton Davis author of Meji I and Meji II... his most recent release is Changa's Safari
Joe Bonadonna author of Mad Shadows
B. Sharise Moore author of Taste: An Erotic Fantasy Series
Ronald Jones his most recent release is Warriors of the Four Worlds
Angela Nicole Parker her most recent release is Specter of War: Guardians of Destiny
D.K. Gaston author of The Friday House
Larry Winfield author of Banjo Strings
"Valdar is city of swordslingers and necromancers, witch cults and half-human races. It's a city in a world of darkness... This is my city. This is my world." Mad Shadows, Joe Bonadonna
Take a wisecracking detective who's handy with both sword and dowsing rod. Take a mosaic of deadly villages with evil lurking in every alleyway. Take a hoard of supernatural villains. Take all this and more and you've got Joe Bonadonna's Mad Shadows, one of the most amazing reads of my summer!
I had a blast matching swords with "Dorgo's" enemies, hunting down treacherous beasties and seeking out magic with his dowsing rod. In short, I give Mad Shadows an enthusiastic five stars as a thoroughly enjoyable and exciting read!!! Check it out and tell them Sister moon sent you :)!
Pick up Mad Shadows here
This event is about bringing the Black Age to the masses. To this end we will be at the Annual free outdoor "Back To Our Roots" Arts & Crafts Festival at the DuSable Museum in Chicago July 9th & 10th. This will expose several thousand folks to the Black Age over the week end. Plus Friday July 8th we will host signings at Graham Crackers and the First Aid Comic Book stores. One in downtown Chicago the other in the same 'hood as President Obama & Minister Farrakhan's personal homes and the birthplace of the Black Age movement.
After 30 plus years of Black Aging I see that progress, profits & pride are winning in this war for minds & marketshares!!!!
Along with my 12 years of being an Art Therapist plus over twenty of being a Public School Teacher and Coach I am glad to be so honored to be in this struggle. Indie today: Black Age forever!!
What it do BSF folks?! This community is growing so quickly its beautiful to see. i could see some great things blossoming from so many minds. A Black Science Fiction event? Online store w/ books from all the members who are already there w/ their game? Maybe a distribution company? Anyways, love and light to you all. here is the 7th in a series of short stories Im working on. Please let me know what you think.
-Rob (live from the Bay Area-California!)
To see more of the process please check out my blog, and add me here on BSFS!
Hello, fellow writers! My name is Elwin Cotman. I was recommended to this site by Charles Saunders, and I can't wait to meet everybody!
I'm an author from Pittsburgh, PA currently living in California. My first short story collection, The Jack Daniels Sessions EP, was published recently by Six Gallery Press. It's a collecton of folklore, urban fantasy and horror stories. Here's the blurb:
"A Washington D.C. punk club gets a visit from very ancient--and dangerous--guests. The mythic and the mundane collide at a general store in the segregated South. A young boy becomes apprentice to the Angel of Death. In the debut collection of fantasy author Elwin Cotman, the humorous mixes with the historical and the epic mixes with the deeply personal. Cotman combines the language of high fantasy, urban fantasy, black folklore, teen angst, punk rock and horror to create American fairy tales with landscapes all their own."
And it's on Amazon! Check it out!
Doing readings is one of my favorite things and I've toured across the country. I've also been a guest at several conventions. My influences are way too numerous to mention, but here's the short list: Robert E. Howard, Richard Wright, Toni Morrison, Mary Gaitskill, Clark Ashton Smith, Hans Christian Andersen, Jhumpa Lahiri, Warren Ellis, Wendy Pini, Neil Gaiman, Peter S. Beagle, Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman. I love Greek myth, African-American folklore, Japanese anime and Germanic fairy tales. I'm excited to rap with all of you.
Here's an excerpt from the second story in my book. It's a series of vignettes based on black folklore. Enjoy!
The Right Way to Worship
It came to be, sometime in the year nineteen twenty-three, when Jim wuz wukkin the gen'ral stow one morn. Jim wuz a good sort, a skinny-bone fella with gray sidewhiskers and his apron alluz dusted in flour. He carried on him the stow's smell o' wheat and garlik, so's that evuhwhar he went he left a li'l scent o' stow. Folk round them parts said Jim had wukked there a hunnerd years. You would guess he'd never been young at all.
Fact wuz, he hadn't been. Many years ago, he burst forth full-growed, right in the middle o' the gen'ral stow, in a great sploshun o' fire. It wuz a feat he'd grown tired o' talkin bout and, to evuhbody's disappointment, the ole clerk never came close to doin it agin.
He wuz stackin bags o' fertlizer when in come Miss Molly, all mad and fussed-like, draggin her son Jeremiah by the horns. Now, that boy wuz half-boy, half-bull: he had two giant horns curvin on top his head and hooves instead o' hands. They said his mama wuz right awful to a tree witch one day, so she put a hex on her that made her baby come out with horns and hooves. His face wuz red from cryin so hard.
"Mawnin, Miss Molly," sez Jim. "Wut'choo need t'day?"
"I don't know wut to git," she sez, slappin the boy's behind. "This boy done embarrassed me at revival."
"Now wut did he do?" Jim ast, smilin at the li'l fella.
"When it came time to give praise," sez Molly, sez she, "this li'l heathen pulled down his pants. Then he starts gruntin like a pig. Then, in front o' the whole congregation, he takes a piss. But that ain't the end of it! He starts screamin and throwin things at evuhbody, jumps up and lands right in the mud. He embarrassed me in front o' Reverend Hawkins and the whole town. Lawd! Why wuz I cussed with such a wicked son?"
"Well," said Jim, "that is a right strange way to worship. Why don't you 'splain y'self, young man?"
The li'l half-bull boy sniffed, tuckin his cow-tail tween his legs. "That's how you give praise, I swar! I wuz jest doin wut Mister Young over by the creek tole me to do."
"Wut Mister Young tole you to do, huh?" Jim knew all about that sinner.
"I wuz fishin," said Jeremiah, "and I sees him walk up to that yallah lady's house, and he knocks on the doh' and takes his pants off. Then he goes inside and he starts gruntin. Then he comes out and pees on a tree. I knows I shouldna been so curious, mama, but I followed him back to his cabin. He's creepin round, and Missus Young opens the doh' and starts throwin things at him, and she's screamin and hollerin. Then Mister Young runs away and falls down right in front o' me in the mud. Then he tells me that evuhthin I jess saw wuz how he and his friends give the glory, and I shouldn't tell nobody."
Jim laughed. "Boy, I don't think wut you saw wuz worshippin."
"But that's how you worship," the boy insisted. "Cuz Missus Young got the spirit at revival. When I 'splained m'self to the reverend, I went to go talk to him by the Youngs, and when she heard me she started screamin and throwin things at Mister Young all over agin. So it must be the right way!"
Hello Black Science world!
I am an erotic romance and urban fantasy author and I’m super excited to be here. My boy, Sean Harley told me about this site and I came right on over to check it out. I wanted to share with you an excerpt from the first book of my urban fantasy novel Black Rayne Silent Screams (Dragon Queen Series).
It’s on sale now at Red Rose Publishing -
And on Amazon -
R&B sensation Sharayna “Rayne” Piers lives a life dedicated to her music. On stage and in the studio, she pours her heart and soul into the lyrics of her songs. But every since her twentieth birthday, her seemingly
normal life has taken a turn to the dark side.
Piercing screams and horrid visions of horrendous acts of murder haunt her night and day. Women similar to her in age are vanishing all over the world without a trace, leaving Rayne wondering if the mass of disappearances are connected with her visions.
Soon she will discover that the world she was raised in is just a cover to what really hides in the shadows, and that her life as a human is a deception to mankind, a guise to conceal her true nature. Will she shun the
darkness that has befallen her or step up to the throne to become what she was created to be…the Dragon Queen?
Rayne’s heart began to thump erratically. A static charge started at her head then worked its way down to her toes. In waves, it rolled back up her body and left the center of her back pulsating. Bewildered, she dropped her eyesto the ground and reached back to brush her fingers over the dragon tattoo she had slapped on her back years ago in Hong Kong.
Why was it throbbing?
In the thick of her confusion, time shifted in slow motion, and then everything went mute. No longer could she hear the sounds of cars whizzing by, or the chatter of the people walking along the strip. She could only hear the rapid heartbeat knocking against her chest.
A presence, she felt a presence that made her insides churn. She’d felt this presence before, in her mind. Could it be him? Demetri? Had he actually found her? Nervously, she clutched the end of her shirt and scanned the area for just a glimpse of him. No one stood out. No one even looked her way.
Was he teasing her, or was her mind truly playing tricks on her? Damn!
Along the side of the street, a cab pulled up next to her. The driver, a middle aged man with a cropped haircut and broad smile, stepped out of the car, trotted around it and opened the back door for her. Compelled, she found herself sliding into the vehicle without a question asked.
It was a quiet ten minute ride to the beach. Still smiling, the driver helped her out then waved for her to follow him. The rubber soles of her Tims dug into the sand as they trudged along the deserted beach.
Off in the horizon, the pale pink tint from the moon beamed over the small waves in the ocean and the light grains of sand. They sparkled under her appraisal like a trillion tiny diamonds in the spotlight.
The driver led her to a small gazebo with sheer red curtains covering the openings. Through the transparent fabric, a chaise lounge sat in the center of it. On the side was a tall bucket filled with ice, chilling a large bottle of wine. Long metal torches set on either side of the shelter added to the glow already cast from the orb above.
She turned to question the driver to find him nowhere in sight.
A sudden breeze blew ripples over the water and pushed the curtain back, as if to welcome her into the cozy enclosure. Swallowing hard, she moved forward.
“Do you like it?” A deep croon brushed the side of her neck.
Startled, she whirled around and tumbled back. Before she could hit the ground, a pair of hands caught her. She was drawn against a hard body. Her breath came out in shorts spurts as his arms circled her waist.
“Oh God,” was all she could whimper.
Deathly afraid to look up in his face, she clutched the lapels of his jacket and squeezed her eyes shut. Panic picked at her nerves then she realized she was holding her breath.
Breathe Rayne, breathe.
This was no dream, nor vision. It was actually happening. The alluring scent of him swirled around her. He smelled so good she almost passed the hell out.
His fingers slipped beneath her chin and tilted her face up to his. “At your request, I am here for you.”
She opened her eyes and her next breath got caught in her throat.
Jet black, wavy hair draped his broad shoulders, and framed his porcelain face. Accented by a fan of thick black lashes, bright and exotic eyes, shimmering like the ocean beneath a full moon, were fixed on her.
Never in her life had she seen a man so incredibly beautiful. Just looking at him made every muscle in her body tingle.
“Demetri?” she whispered, giving into the shudders ripping up and down her spine.
His sexy lips curved up in a smirk, enhancing his beauty as he slowly removed her shades. “Hello, Angel.”
Book 2 Black Rayne Scarlet Moon will release this year at
I also want to share with you a wicked image done my boy, and brilliant comic artist, Sean Harley of the two main characters from the Dragon Queen Series, Rayne and Demetri. I wanted to post the image on this blog, but I believe the image size was too big. You can view it on my wordpress blog.
If you love this image as I do, you’ll surely love his Lucero comic Book.
For more on Sean, check out Plan B Comics.
And for more on the Dragon Queen Series, check out my website.
My name is Sean V. Harley. I am an indepentant comic artist and the creator of the character Lucero. I currently work with a group of artist and we call ourselves Plan B Comics. Currently I am working on some pages for "The Plan B Showcase II" , "Lucero #0", and the cover for Yvonne Nicolas's next book. The names of the books that I have been involved with that are currently published are as follows:
The Acadia Anthology issues 1-5
The Plan B Showcase
The Plan B Pin-Up Book(cover A)
The Plan B Pin-Up Book(cover B)
Z Pin-Up Book
A799 (Lucero's Origin Story)
I also put out a few T-shirts as well and they are as follow:
Lucero Black T-Shirt
Lucero White T-Shirt
Deviant By Design T-Shirt
On another not, I want to be honest with you guys. I do this out of my passion to create books and at the moment not as a living. I am currently in the US Navy. I am about to retire really soon after 20 years of service and am about to be a civilian. My wife sometimes gets on my case because between working and my art I dedicate a lot of hours towards what I do, but in all she is very supportive of me. Well that is me in a nutshell folks. Before I forget I did mention my friend Yvonne Nicolas and it wouldnt be right if I didnt give you the link to her website. Well here it is: and her facebook page!/yvonnenicolas09
Ok peeps. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Being an artist is hard at times. Try being a scientist, heck, the bottles of chemicals, the clash of molecules, the expectation, the failures but damn that's fun. “Dude, it's time to take your pills!” “OK”, I say to my companion. “We doing the blood check today?” “No, all your systems are stable”.
It started innocently, a blog about PCs being too slow. People have a hunger for instantaneous response from their PCs, even talk of anticipation response. It was the topic of all conversations and being the sci- er, artist that I am, I coaxed a stem cell into boot-strapping some personal DNA. It produced a mini-brain sort of a four function calculator version a full size brain. When the paper was published I got slapped with a restraining order to cease development and ethics violations got me this house arrest. Damn those creative judges, incarcerated me with my device to learn the error of my ways. It would have worked except a near by lighting strike ramped up the energy potential in my yard. I ran out holding a Blackberry and the “Stem-D'NA device. Man, I blacked out, hit by I don't know what. I awoke in a clinic, my stuff in a box. While the nurses scurried about I cleaned the Blackberry but the Stem-D'NA device was fused to the back. I made it home and while watching the news realized only my blood was spilled. My blood, I thought, “Yeah, and you oozed all over me!”, in a muffled voice that sounded a lot like myself. I am hearing myself think, “No, not really!” My eyes open wide, taking a deep pondering breath, started to laugh. “No, wait, let me do it, Wwhhoowawaahaaaa!” Where'd you learned to do that? “It's a standard backyard sci- er, artist talk, everybody knows.....” Never mind.
At the appointed time we came to the appointed location and waited with anticipation. The ceremony began and we were instantly sickened. Out marched things that were more human embodiments of pain and suffering than they were females. In strange ceremonial garb they showed their corpse like bodies to all in attendance. They had mutilated and starved themselves it seemed. Very little on them looked natural. It was as if they had modified themselves in some inhuman way.
Human ritual
Worshiping corpse like beings
Walking the catwalk
We came to find that this ghastly affair was known as a “fashion show”. We were horrified by the even and immediately seeked to return home. With all the information we collected we set off back to the vessel. We were on our last leg of the journey down a road with many shops. As eager as we were to escape this frightful land I happened to peer into one of the shop windows and I saw it! I have sent the plastic idol to you in hopes that we can understand these barbaric beings. This is only my humble opinion but I believe it is their female idol.
Letter finished
Barbie doll stares
Out of box
Just saw this one on PBS' "The History Detectives." Very touching story about Douglas Roach, an African-American who volunteered to fight against the fascists during the Spanish Civil War. He was killed in action in 1938, I believe it was. His touching eulogy was written and delivered by his friend and comrade-in-arms, Sol Feldman. It's a sad and wonderful story.
You can read the eulogy at
If you Google Douglas Roach Spanish Civil War, you can read all about this formerly unsung hero who, thanks to "The History Detectives" and the InterNet, will no longer be forgotten. He was a member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade -- all American volunteers who risked life and U.S. citizenship to fight in Spain against the DeFranco Fascist Regime.
Check out -- for more info.
So, you have a community of Black folks living on the backside of the moon without, for all practical purposes, anyone on Earth knowing that they're there. And, they've been there for four decades before they are "Discovered."
What kind of culture do they have?
What values govern their behavior?
What goals do they have and how are they determined?
Who decides the direction of the community's endeavors?
And more importantly...what happens when someone, anyone, doesn't want to go along with the program?
These, and other dilemmas, populate my paranoid musings as I blithely type along.
Tune in later for my next bout of writer's paranoia...
"I can't believe what they called it; Vampirism. They even equated it with mysticism and the supernatural." The Doctor stood over the supine human form in commiseration with a Technician.
"How did the therapy even get to their planet?" The technician was interrupting a virtuality session.
"We had established a base there some centuries ago during a more primitive time in their development. At that point, our stardrives were far slower and a trip between the Outer Colonies and their world took nearly a thousand years round trip. We used the gene therapy to enhance our physiology and make it possible to survive the long voyage. We had tried cryonic methods of hibernation but our water content made it too dangerous, so this was the only way."
"So, somehow, the natives got hold of the gene therapy and used it on themselves." The technician had begun the awakening sequence and monitored the slowly rising body temperature of the man in front of her. He was a big man, more than two meters tall with a powerful build. His skin was blue black and shone with highlights from the operating theater. He was covered in a variety of scars, many resembling an animal attack, his hands were large and strong with carbon-steel tipped fingernails. His full lips, partially open, showed his large, white teeth and with a set of fangs, comfortably set to the sides of his mouth.
"From what we could tell, they had only gotten access to part of the technology, so they were stronger and faster and occasionally would be psychically operant, but without the proper activating radiant technology, sunlight or strong ultraviolet radiation could cause severe or toxic events, killing them. Those who developed psionic powers were unfortunately, not properly trained, and their extreme levels of superstition caused their powers to feedback on them due to their belief systems. Many died that way as well. Some developed other allergies to allicin found in several of their more pungent flora, metallic poisoning was common, cold iron, silver or other highly pure metals were also able to disrupt their untrained psychic auras causing more feedback."
"Did we ever trace the original event which released the gene therapy in the first place? I had read something about the event in the medical journals which caused significant restructuring of our protocols for administration of the therapies."
"Yes, they did trace it back to a containment error in one of the Great Pyramid structures used as a landing facility and research center. The material not only escaped containment but was flown between several continents before anyone was aware of the lapse. The gene therapy caused mutations depending on which environment it found itself in, so many of the planets indigenous populations have wild myths of mutated beasts roaming the countryside."
"Doctor, why would you say they were myths if there were actually such creatures possible in the literature given their rich genetic heritage? Their planet shares a strong genetic connection with all of the animals on their planet, making it possible the gene recombination sequences did affect plant and animal life on their planet in ways we had never seen." The technician was watching the doctor as she performed a series of micro-manipulations of nanoscopic surgeons within the blood stream of the human. There were several aortic tears she was repairing, and restoring them to the smooth appearance of the undamaged tissue.
"Officially, no information regarding the transformation of their plants and animals has be put on record because it would cause a scandal if it were known that our gene therapy not only worked on their primary species but dozens of their subspecies as well. The therapy was supposedly tailored to make it possible for us to survive the trip to their world and for them to make it to their new home. If it were possible for the therapy to escape, they would be consigned to their new home without any possibility of leaving in the future. Complete this regeneration, please."
"Certainly, Doctor. Why are we trying to save this species anyway, there are several very similar to it, that were recovered over ten thousand years ago. These were the weakest and tolerated the gene therapy the worst, that is why they were originally left behind."
"That's true but those other samples have shown less variability and technical acumen than this one has. All of the cities of their forebears, are simple, unsophisticated structures. We need to know, was it their home environment, that caused their jump in development or was it our tampering that made the difference. If we are the cause, it happened to benefit them now that their sun is going through a deadly radiation phase, lethal to all life on their world. Their genetic deviation and an accident may end up saving their species."
"He's the last one Doctor. When will we be arriving? The technician returned the black man to his slumbers and his tube slid back into the wall bearing hundreds of thousands of tubes just like it.
"We have finished all of their physical repairs from the hasty retrieval from their world, cleaned up any genetic damage and restored reproductive viability to the thirty thousand species stored within this ship. Their cellular structure is far more primitive than ours, so manipulating their genome with such a wide sample, was child's play. It is unfortunate we could not gather more of their genetic materials from their world. Most of this material will not be sent to their new home."
"I understand, Doctor, I have made the arrangements at the new genetic archive where we will scan, encode and store the samples we saved from their world until we can determine if the species is fit to deposit to a world more suited to them. We collectively only managed to save thirty million of their members, many of them in varying states of mental and physical disrepair."
"How effective has the simulation of their new habitat going? Are they adjusting?" The doctor sat down onto her cilia cluster, wiping her central brain sack with a long and multicolored tentacle.
"In the early days, most simply were unable to handle the idea their world was gone. So we have introduced a model we believe has been more acceptable. They now believe their world was invaded by aliens who have begun colonizing and terraforming it. All traces of their former existence has been eradicated. They believe they were infected with an alien parasite, common to many of the fictions of their world, and have now be irrevocably transformed into a race of vampiric humans. Forced to feast on the flesh of the aliens to live, most were revolted and many died, but subsequent genetic replacements took to the simulation and are doing well."
"I would like to call this genetic harvesting and relocation program a success, Technician. Central Command says there are dozens of other stars having a similar solar transition and the source is still unknown. If we can say with some level of assurance this species will transplant well, we can begin other operations to extend the quality of life of other burgeoning races in the galaxy which might otherwise be exterminated before becoming part of the galactic community."
"Take a look for yourself, Doctor. We monitor their development and consider this more than effective, it is a rousing success. My virtuality is so perfect, no single on of them suspects and they will not be able to tell the difference. The planet they are headed to is sending live telemetry which is folded directly into their virtuality. They have virtually lived there already for over three hundred years. Once transplanted, it will be a home they have always known."
Decker stood up, his black skin hidden in the shadows of the invader trees and their purple and red leaves. His pack stopped to look into the red sky and saw the Cintuan flying overhead. There was no way they could hope to compete with a Cintuan group this large, so they stayed low to the ground, avoiding the predator tangle-trees and the wildvines common to this part of the continent. They had just feasted on the blood, meat and bones of a Malulac and the troop was strong and vital. Decker was convinced they were making headway against the Cintuan threat and with the help of the southern tribes retake the Earth under its new terrible red sun. No one has died today, we have feasted, found a new series of organic weapons and the enemy is in retreat for a change. Today was a very good day.
Gene Therapy © Thaddeus Howze 2011. All Rights Reserved
I did two positive things today.
1. I created a blog for myself called Half-Black, Half-Zebra (URL: The blog will be a place where I'm going to act all ignorant and stupid and dumb... If you are the type of person to become easily offended, then perhaps you shouldn't visit my blog. Hey, a sista has to vent some kind of way. :P
2. I created a store on so that I can turn my art into $$ in my pockets! I am broke right now, so my project for the summer will be creating artsy fartsy things to sell.
You can reach my zazzle store by visiting I don't have any items in there as of 6/25/11. That will change soon.
So those are the two main things I did today. I'll reveal more of my master plan in the coming days, or weeks.
I am the author of this article. My thesis is that the modern American Presidency was heavily influenced by the institution of monarchy which was invented in ancient Nubia circa 3800 BC. If you're interested in history then check it out!
Peace everybody, just sharing the latest illustration in a series of characters Im drawing. Was checking out Ghost Dad and had to do this one. What do you think?
BLOG link
The Priestess has returned and her trio of adventurers have gone back into the 'Black' to find the time and place the Chief's missing men may be. Have they gone deeper into the past, far into the future or made their way to the present? Read the latest phase of The Priestess Saga, "All Things Subject to Grow" to find out! Also, there's a new alternate cover for the
Priestess Page showing her in her semi-godly glory!
All Hail the Priestess!