Hi everyone! I am new to this group, but I just wanted to share my experience as an author/exhibitor at this year's NY ComicCon with anyone who might be interested in exhibiting next year. You can read about my experience @ http://www.becomeasucces
Happy Holidays BSFS please enjoy a preview of my upcoming science fiction novel, TIC ONLINE. If you're out in the trenches today for Black Friday deals please remember to keep your head down and check your supply of ammo constantly. Happy hunting!
May this holiday season bring you the best of blessings. I'm trying to stay out my daughter's way in the kitchen. (Two queens (maybe it's just us) CAN NOT rule one kitchen. :)
Hope today is a prosperous day for all. I'm knee deep in the novel and trying to keep up with NaNoWriMo. I thought I would give yall a current excerpt of the work in progress.
I hope my mom's picture can be uploaded in a non jpeg format; if not, here is the link. Whatever your military views, I thought I'd share a picture of my mom circa 1957. She went to her glory a day before Mother's Day this year. Thank you Mom and
Still plugging away on NaNoWriMo. Question for the group; should you give your characters some of your philosophic ideas and characteristics? One local writer that I hold in high esteem is adamant on his chara
Heartfelt Prayers and Thoughts to anyone affected by Hurricane Sandy, the quakes, and the massive cold fronts in areas that are already taking it on the chin. Rushing off to my fav place for writing and books so
Week 2 of NaNoWriMo 2012, I'm plugging away. I am at the part of writing where I'm trying not to get overwhelmed. Just to keep motivated; I get on the NaNo site; read forums and plan to go to one of the local write
Hello from the writing front. I'm on day 2 of NaNoWriMo. I placed about 1000+ words from the novelette in progress; Nighttime to Nightmare. Whether you have signed up for NaNoWriMo 30 day event, or if you are plugging away one word at a time; I wi
Hope you have a positive and uplifting day. I would like to begin by saying Prayers and sending Positive Light to the millions affected by Hurricane Sandy. I urge everyone to contribute to places and reputable websites th
To jump start NoMo I'm enclosing an excerpt of my novel in progress, tentatively titled "The Coanda Effect" or "Nighttime To Nightmare". May Blessings be to All.
"First line “People think that shape shifting is so
I hope this is an uplifting day for all. I am still in the note taking phase of my shape-shifter book and doing some research on African God/desses. Can anyone give me the name of a book that would give info on this topic?
I would like to start by saying thanks to all on our Women in Black Science Fiction group. I have seen such a positive energy from this group. I would like to start a book newbie discussion about some of the issues that I have been having trying to
As some of you know, I'm in the early stages of writing a shape-shifter novel. I consider myself a novice novel writer (my comfort zone being poetry, music reviews and essays). Even with my beginning notes, early research and mostly scrat
I just wanted to share that my book just was given a early release by B&N, you can get it now or get it at Amazon. It's also now on Kindle and coming soon on Nook. This tale features strong women of color as well as males and they all kick but
The comic book I created featuring Black Superherorine .. me called the "Black Cat" is now going into distribution thanks to the support ,votes and letter from all my BSFS homies. There is now a black Syfy Heroine on the shelves and soon to webseries