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A Change in BMI?...

Dr Ian Robinson with the NPL watt balance

NPL (National Physical Laboratory) has produced technology capable of accurate measurements of Planck's constant, which is a significant step towards changing the international definition of the kilogram – currently based on a lump of platinum-iridium metal kept in Paris, France.

I doubt it will change our BMI, but "hope springs eternal"...


NPL: One step closer to a new kilogram

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Changa's Safari, Volume 2

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

CHANGA'S SAFARI, Volume 2, by Milton Davis

Once again, Milt Davis has scored a homerun with Changa's Safari, Volume 2. The novel opens with a quiet and subtle start, a sea voyage to a peaceful island to return a young beauty to the place where she belongs. Then it builds from there into a true "ripping yarn"  worthy of Sabatini and Dumas. Davis takes us into realms of intrigue and betrayal, battles royale, demons and djinn. Changa's courage, his skill in battle, his honesty and loyalty, and above all, his humanity, will make you want to sign aboard and sail with him to Hell and beyond. And rest assured, you'll enjoy the safari there and back again.This is historical fantasy, with lean yet elegant prose, and characters that live and breathe --- characters that are real. The dialogue rings true, and each character has his/her own distinct voice. Davis' sense and sensitivity of character, and his sensitivity to his characters brings humor, drama, poignancy, and pathos to this novel. This is sword and soul adventure on the high seas, swords and sorcery in legendary cities and kingdoms, with plenty of derring-do, romance, and magic. As I said about Volume 1 --- I urge you to read this one. You'll enjoy it. I guarantee it.
Order it today from
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Closer to MORE than Moore...

1st Single Atom Transistor - University of New South Wales

...8 years earlier than predicted! Smiley

Physicists at Purdue University and the University of New South Wales have built a transistor from a single atom of phosphorous precisely placed on a bed of silicon, taking another step towards the holy grail of tech research: the quantum computer.


Revealed on Sunday in the academic journal Nature Nanotechnology, the research is part of a decade-long effort at the University of New South Wales to deliver a quantum computer — a machine that would use the seemingly magical properties of very small particles to instantly perform calculations beyond the scope of today’s classical computers.


...the New South Wales team — lead by professor Michelle Simmons — advanced the cause by demonstrating that Ohm’s Law of electrical resistivity extends to the world of very small particles, and now, together with Gerhard Klimeck and his team at Purdue, they’ve made a more significant breakthrough by placing a single-atom transistor exactly where they want to place it.

Wired: Physicists Foretell Quantum Computer With Single-Atom Transistor

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Maps of the World - Africa


Africa is quietly undergoing a tech revolution that could transform the continent. CNN's African Voices has highlighted 10 leading tech voices from different African countries. Each one comments on the role technology plays in boosting entrepreneurship and empowering communities in Africa.

CNN links:

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StateofBlackSFLogo2012 Our online Black History Month event ended on February 27, 2012but we're still participating in the discussion. Join our FB group created by Balogun

If you're new to the discussion. Start with these links: 

Day 1: What is the State of Black Sci-Fi 2012? 

Day 2: Why I Love Teen Dystopian Sci-Fi? 

Day 3: Why is it important to show race, class, minority politics, or ethnicity in SciFi?

Day 4: Giveaways and Upcoming Paranormal Romance from Alicia McCalla

Day 5: I heart Onyx Con!

Day 6: My Tribute to SF Icon Octavia Butler

Day 7: The Grand Finale with a New Short Story from Alicia McCalla

Keep the discussion going for longer than the month of February.  Please share it with university professors and high school English teachers.  There's still  time to talk to the participating artists, authors, and bloggers. 

Check out the other members of this Online Black History Month Event: 

L. M. Davis, Author--began her love affair with fantasy in the second grade.  Her first novel,Interlopers: A Shifters Novel, was released in 2010, and the follow-up Posers:  A Shifters Novelwill be released this spring.  For more information visit her blog or her website


Milton Davis, Author– Milton Davis is owner/publisher of MVmedia, LLC . As an author he specializes in science fiction and fantasy and is the author of Meji Book One, Meji Book Two and Changa’s Safari. Visit him: 

Margaret Fieland, Author-- lives  and writes in the suburbs west of Boston, MA with her partner and five dogs. She is one of the Poetic Muselings. Their poetry anthology, Lifelines is available from  Her book, "Relocated," will be available from MuseItUp Publishing in July, 2012. The Angry Little Boy," will be published by 4RV publishing in early 2013.  You may visit her website,


Valjeanne Jeffers, Author -- is an editor and the author of the SF/fantasy novels: Immortal, Immortal II: The Time of Legend and Immortal III: Stealer of Souls. Her fourth and fifth novels: Immortal IV: Collision of Worlds and The Switch: Clockwork will be released this spring. Visit her at: and


Alicia McCalla, Author- writes for both young adults and adults with her brand of multicultural science fiction, urban fantasy, and futurism. Her debut novel, Breaking Free will be available February 1, 2012.  The Breaking Free theme song created by Asante McCalla is available for immediate download on itunes and Amazon. Visit her at:

Carole McDonnell, Author--She writes Christian, speculative fiction, and multicultural stories. Her first novel is Wind Follower. Her short fiction has appeared in many anthologies and have been collected in an ebook, Spirit Fruit: Collected Speculative Fiction. Visit Carole: or

Rasheedah Phillips,Author--is the creator of The AfroFuturist Affair in Philly. She plans to debut her first spec/sci-fic novel Recurrence Plot in Spring 2012. You may catch her ruminating from time to time on her blog,

Nicole Sconiers, Author-is also a screenwriter living in the sunny jungle of L.A. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Antioch University Los Angeles, and she recently published Escape from Beckyville: Tales of Race, Hair and Rage.  Visit her:

Jarvis Sheffield, M.Ed. is owner & operator of, & Visit him:


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Beyond Bird's Eye View...

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there

I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.

Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace

Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod

The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.

Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee
No 412 squadron, RCAF

"High Flight"

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Todd's Quantum Intro

I recently gave a lecture, screened on the BBC, about quantum theory, in which I pointed out that “everything is connected to everything else”. This is literally true if quantum theory as currently understood is not augmented by new physics. This means that the subatomic constituents of your body are constantly shifting, albeit absolutely imperceptibly, in response to events happening an arbitrarily large distance away; for the sake of argument, let’s say on the other side of the Universe.


This statement received some criticism in scientific circles. Not because it’s wrong, because it isn’t; without this behavior, we wouldn’t be able to explain the bonds that hold molecules together. The problem is that it sounds like woo woo, and quantum theory attracts woo-woo merde-merchants like the pronouncements of New Age mystics attract flies – metaphorically speaking.

This is an article that appears in the Wall Street Journal (link below) by Professor Brian Cox on how Quantum Mechanics can be so misunderstood. Of course, at the end of the article is the obligatory Amazon link to the book on the subject he co-authored.

I've run into a few physicists - in-person and online, that take a dim view of popular books on physics.

Largely, because science is a field of inquiry, so value is given to how you pursue said inquiry, and how many people reference your research in their inquiries (in the right technical journals by all the right people). Kind of incestuous, but essentially how it works. Nobel Prizes in the sciences are awarded for a lifetime of plodding along (in the right direction), and peer review.

Oddly, the conundrum is that popular books on science tend to sell better than free downloads on physics arXiv; also science fiction short stories that sometimes birth movies that nerds and graduate students motivated by common cause (and hormones) go pay money to see.

I agree that inspiring the wonder of science is what is needed now. We've become consumers and not anticipant producers. I've been criticized on this point before, that education is not so "utilitarian."

Science, however is primarily a way of thinking, of organizing one's thoughts around The Scientific Method towards problem-solving. Plays, opera, poetry, sermons, concerts: these things are also enjoyed by scientists as welcome respite from the lab, a break from the questions raised in the lab/fab to tackle problems refreshed; anew.

However, as a society, we are motivated by the entertainment-industrial-complex: all must be show biz - education, science, religious life, engineering, politics, governance or, it is not valued. "Walking Encyclopedia" is replaced by "Walking Google" in the lexicon, answers not instant ≠ value.

Pity [not] the Billionaire: but the researcher striving to strenghten her/his signal; in so much noise.
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Mjolnir-Fiction prologue sketch...

 Mjolnir – the hammer of Thor, used as a weapon against the Jotuns, heard as thunder by humans.


“If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, it would be like the splendor of the Mighty One. [Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.]"

Bracketed quote uttered by J Robert Oppenheimer, 16 July 1945, quoting the Bhagavad Gita, at the first atomic bomb test in New Mexico.


© 3 March 2012, Reginald L. Goodwin


In the aftermath of denials, false statements and outright lies for political gain, the science limped along as the Earth’s temperatures steadily increased.



The science limped as the educational system was emasculated, flaccid and impotent. Libertarian-inspired charter schools oscillated between hope to abject disaster, with no real world result to compare its outcome to. “Teaching-to-the-test” for fifty different yardsticks for a certain theocratic group that had co-opted God, convincing an electorate that theirs was the better political way, did not want critical thinkers: but mindless automatons that would keep the stratification between themselves and the bewildered proletariat intact, experts more at obfuscation than reasoned conclusions from data.



So, giving such a group controls over the nuclear football touched off short-term conflagrations that threw enough radiated dust and atomized humanity to block the exit of carbon dioxide – thankfully, not enough yet for a Sagan-prophesied nuclear winter, but enough to destabilize a teetering world economy collapsing on its own hubris.



Super storms struck continents: hurricanes that made Katrina look quaint by comparison threw tons of beachfront property into surrounding seas; tornados that made African villages existing for millennia extinct; Harlem, Brooklyn, Detroit, Vegas – settled urban concrete jungles with century-old brick and mortar swept clean to pristine, bare emptiness; polar bears that had resorted to cannibalism as polar icecaps reduced their hunting grounds for survival now like many humans…among the missing.



In the aftermath of denials, false statements and outright lies, no contrition from those that allowed this tipping point to happen. No apology for obfuscation: the remaining talking heads resorted to Blog Talk Radio – as the power grid had been decimated – and doubled-down on insanity in the only thing that they could say and could not prove: it was God’s punishment for humanity’s many sins.



Indeed, if Deity was the cause of the receding shorelines, if Divinity was the cause of our planet’s slow death, those who contributed to our slothfulness in action; they who polluted our thoughts with dogma eschewing scientific method as we polluted our terra-formed home could at least admit their contrition in our environmental iniquities.


We had reached the tipping point, there was no going back, nor solar sail, fusion engine, or warp drive to spirit us away. 

...or, so we thought.


Reference link: Predicting and managing extreme weather events - Physics Today

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breaking free is hard to do

At the urging of some close Christian friends I watched the movie "The Book of Eli". I was underwhelmed by the apocalyptic degradation theme, but I watched the whole thing. At the end I said "Eli was blind and my friends had to watch it again. They didn't get that part. In real life this is also true. I have been trained to read the bible from a certain perspective and giving weight to the "new testament". In my upbringing we ignore prophecy, the law has all been put on the cross, and the guy who saves us is the worse looking hippie I ever saw and Greek to boot. No, that's Greek to sandal, Roman to boot. There were a part that pertained to us and the rest was between god and those phony ones in Israel today.

Anyway I so embraced that Eli became "the book", was able to speak it's entire contents. I was also pissed that after the miracle of Eli's delivery, the book was printed, then shelved with a cavalier archival attitude, next to other so-called sacred literary works. So much for one god. Oh Arnold, there are many divinely inspired books. I don't know. We fight over "the book" who wrote it, who it is addressed to, what it is about. It has been altered, tampered with and yet by faith and by god's great power has been delivered to us intact (as if unaltered). We got a question as to what something meant, we go to the Greek, and yet the Torah and Prophets were all originally written in Hebrew by Hebrews. The new testament was written Greek, but they found some stuff in Hebrew, not sure. Ooh, they despised each other, had vastly different culture, language and thinking. I guess that explains why library looting and burning was a Roman army mainstay of subjugating other peoples. How easy it was to write a lie and pronounce "read'em and weep or die!". It has been used as the vary means to keep us down. Yet if you actually read it, if you can do it outside the enslavers construct, it will liberate you.

"Hey you, where are your chains, everybody's got chains, a man without chains is a threat to my freedom, my liberty, my way of life. You must read the book this way, see you must have chains."

"I hate reading but even more a Greek trained one telling me what I'm looking at."

"Damn son, I keep putting you in chains and they keep falling off, boy, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm sorry but they don't seem fit me, I think these are meant for you. It is not my fault you believe your own lies. I am immersed in your culture, schooling, thought paths, I go to church, watch you on TV, I can't understand why these chains don't fit. I started turning a def-ear to what you say and chains started dropping. I feel better though everybody thinks I'm odd now, I don't mean to be trouble."

"I hope this is not contagious, can't have all like you to be like you. This global plantation thing is not working."

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Diaspora, 29 February 2012

T Shirt Guru

Starting tomorrow, I will blog once a day. It's been a busy month.


I've long championed what I like to term "conversational physics concepts," as well as diversity on this blog, particularly gender ascendancy in science, technology, engineering and math. Thus, my concentration this month wasn't all physics (though, I'm admittedly partial). For the nation to advance in the future, we need every one of us.

It is my hope one or several posts during the month informed, entertained and inspired. I started these posts with something that struck me as wrong: that due to someone's name and attending a historically black college and university as an undergrad, they would most likely not get a grant from the National Institute of Health. It affected me because I know and have taught one such young man that in his future, this impediment will affect him: he currently attends Howard University in Biology Pre Med, and plans to research in Ear, Nose and Throat ailments. Something that because of my own struggles with Sinusitis, I sincerely HOPE he's successful in getting research dollars!


I post this as a father, with two young men with dreams, hopes and futures in medicine (USARMY) and Civil Engineering. I have watched over Robert and Mildred Goodwin'sgrandsons. As they did for me, I hope and work for a future that they can contribute to positively.


It's a leap year, and my hope is that teachers, professors...and students have found something of themselves in these postings. (Shout out to the students and teachers at Manor High School Smiley)


For students, your futures lie not just in sports or rap music; a future in science, technology, engineering and math is not only possible: it is "what you can do for your country" (John F. Kennedy)...and for yourselves.

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FlareThis is the last week of our amazing online Black History Month event.  It’s been an enlightening experience.  I’d like to take the time to thank everyone who has participated from the other bloggers to the readers, retweeters, and commenters. You all have been wonderful. My winners this week are Chicki Brown and Ellen Barrow.  Congratulations!  This week we have a special treat.  Each participant has created an original short story.We each created a short story that uses a bracelet.  The ATL authors shared their stories at the Georgia Tech discussion so after my short, take a look at the reading of the Mathematical Genius. To read the rest of this post, please visit:

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Diaspora, 28 February 2012

Mayer                                            Mason

Nadya Mason, PhD

University of Illinois


"For innovative experiments that elucidate the electronic interactions and correlations in low-dimensional systems, in particular the use of local gates and tunnel probes to control and measure the electronic states in carbon nanotubes and graphene."


I attended her talk at the NSBP conference in Austin, Texas. Nobel Prize next, Dr. Mason!

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Cosmic Microwave Background mapping

The theory is called Big Bang nucleosynthesis and describes a stage early in the universe's evolution when, at temperatures of thousands of degrees, protons and neutrons began to assemble into atomic nuclei and form the first light elements: deuterium, along with isotopes of helium and lithium. As temperatures dropped, nucleosynthesis drew to a close, and eventually electrons began to add themselves to the nuclei during a period called recombination. At this time, photons stopped scattering off charged particles and the universe became transparent.


Sikivie and colleagues point out that axions can form a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC). Such condensates contain particles that have all fallen into their lowest energy state, and are best known to occur in low-density gases at temperatures close to absolute zero. But since the critical temperature for transition to a BEC depends on density, say the Florida researchers, particles can form BECs at higher temperatures as long as they are dense enough. Even in the primordial heat of the Big Bang, the researchers say, axions would easily be dense enough to form a BEC.

All well for the universe: what about my laptop battery? Smiley

Physics World: Axions could solve lithium problem

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