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Yes! This October the Street Journal Crew will be center stage in the biggest convention in the world, the New York Comic Con at the Jacob Javitz's Center for the NEW YORK RE-RELEASE of their highly coveted book, "Street Journal," and this time we are bringing along some guest. After our success on our first showing, the Street Journal Crew has come back for another appearance, and there is a lot in store. Copies of our original behind the scenes book (the prequel to the story) will be available, along with the first and second issue, and get this, there will be a special limited print alternate New York Cover available but that is on a first come, first serve basis since the demand is high, so join us at Booth 2750 from October 13th to 16th, and join in the fun…you don't want to miss this!
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Black's and our love affair with Japan.

i have been creating for myself and other professionally  for over 15 years now, primarily in the pen and paper role playing gaming business. i have had the opportunity to be exposed to a great many artistic styles over the years from 70's sci fi to steampunk and I have taken pieces from them all to create my style. I happily include anime and manga in my bowl full of influences as I have been reading and watching since the early eighties. 


However, over the last few years, I have noticed that young people have increasingly incorporated the Japanese Aesthetic into their art. This in and of itself is not a problem, as I have clearly illustrated, we artists incorporate a great deal of what we have picked up through observation into our work. My issue lies elsewhere and it is a problem I have on the Macro with a great many of us black creators and on the Micro specifically with the black anime and manga crowd. A have observed that lot of us black artists tend to gravitate toward a few mindsets.

1.Either we reject our cultural artistic heritage in favor of a more eurocentric asthetic." MACRO"

2.We celebrate the aesthetics of asian artists, particularly the Japanese "MICRO"

3. We overcompensate by Egyptifying our work, when Egypt was just one of the great many advance African civilizations


4 We use the urban expressionism and the visually artistic elements of  hip hop culture to express ourselves. 


While I have either large or small issues with each one these manifestations, I find our celebration of all things Asian, TO THE EXCLUSION of our own culture ghastly to say the least. II have meet very well respected artists of African decent who have extolled the artistic and social virtues of the Japanese the exclusion of all others. Some I have talked to have visited Japan , basically, as tourists or in finite programs. So they ultimately have no idea what day to day life is for people of non Japanese decent. 

While it is fine to like an aesthetic, it is my personal belief that no aesthetic holds rank superiority over another.So when these individuals essentially viliify anything not having to do with ASIA artistically, they not only pigeon hole themselves as artists, they fail to see what their own culture contributes to the artistic mix. Thus these people are just as maliformed artistically as a guy who thinks that western art styles are the end all and be all. Or a black guy who feels he has to create a black version of the popular white superhero.

We should sit back as artists and examine what truly motivates us. We as black people suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and it is no surprise that we don't like anything that looks like us  but gravitate towards things created by people who  look totally opposite. 

We just have to be honest about this as artists, so we can use our art to examine who we really are. 

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Published Short Stories

I always considered myself more of a fantasy writer than sci-fi, but that doesn't stop me from writing and submitting sci-fi stories for publication.

Fortunately it has paid off. I have 2 sci-fi short stories appearing in magazines this month.

"Decontamination" takes place in the future, where the world responds to an outbreak of a deadly virus by quarantining infected individuals. One of the infected people is sick and tired of being locked away and demands answers. It's available in the new issue of Genesis Science Fiction Magazine.

"Becoming Historic" is about a man and his partner who use time-travel as a short cut to change their future and become heroes. The piece might be familiar to some members, because I had it posted in one of the workshop groups (I think it was the Anvil). I made some changes, and it appears in issue 5.3 (Fall 2011) of Black Magnolias Literary Journal. I'm pleasantly surprised my story was accepted, since it is a lit mag, not a genre mag. Just goes to show that just because it isn't a speculative fiction journal doesn't mean it won't consider your speculative fiction piece.

Thanks to the editors at Genesis Science Fiction Magazine and Black Magnolias Literary Journal for choosing my work.

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CILF Haibun continued yes it gets worse

It’s a trying day when your thoughts of superiority are proven false. When your races ego is crushed in an instant with just one message. It went to the United Nations during a meeting of the general body. How they knew when to send it is beyond me but of course these are smart creatures remember. The actual contents of the letter were never revealed but the gist of it was released by the media. It appeared that the Congress of Intelligent Life Forms (CILF) was going to annihilate all indigenous life forms on the planet earth in order to make way for the Intergalactic Monument for Interspecies Peace and Coexistence. Though as done in the case of their previous projects and the ecocides they would pick the top five species on each planet and relocate them to a reservation on another planet. The species would be judged on criteria of intelligence, efficiency, level of civility, and complexity. The leadership of humanity sat comfortably knowing full well that mankind was the most dominant of the species on earth and that the humans would no doubt be picked. “Why who else would they chose?” the politicians chuckled. Imagine their surprise when the listings were finally released.

Superior species:
Ants, bees, elephants, grass, trees…
No human beings

All of humanity was outraged and soon afterwards a committee was formed to appeal the decision from CILF. Not long after the committee who submitted the appeal, the committee disappeared and was never heard from again effectively ending all attempts at diplomatic solutions. The only thing left to do was for humanity to prepare to defend itself. Humanity prepared to do what it did best, fight. War, is mankind’s favorite pastime. As you would expect the atmosphere was rather giddy as soldiers were trained and planes were and tanks were built. Mankind actually looked forward to it. “If they weren’t going to live they weren’t going to die without a fight” they thought.
As time passed earth came to one-hundred percent military readiness. They were ready for the attack and waited for the fateful day in which the proof of their superiority or the their annihilation would come from one bloody battle. But to the humans disappointment the battle never came. The CILF knew the human strength was in was and even though they could still easily defeat them they decided on a different approach. Instead of using the power of war to whip out humanity why not the power of love? So one day while the humans sat around patiently cleaning their guns waiting. CILF fire a single barrage of missiles into the earth’s atmosphere. The missiles glided through the sky releases behind it a stream of gas. No one knew what the gas was until a strange thing start happening… people began to make out.

Oxycotin gas
In the air guns drop
so do pants

That is right CILF released a concentrated human love hormone into the atmosphere inducing a lust like trance in which humanity would never recover from. That is right CILF made mankind sex itself to death and sex itself to death mankind did. The whole affair was video documented by the CILF war cancel for future analysis of sex based warfare. The documentary was viewed by the public and was nominated by the Academy of Sensual Species for the award for best full participation orgy of a now extinct species. The documentary can still be viewed at the Library of Interspecies Coordinated Killing or your local intergalactic adult film store.

Aliens questions
War library or sex shop?
Will wife want to watch?

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Pledge Of A Grievance

I pledge allegiance to myself
Take your flag and fuck yourself
A nation under God and indivisible
But you act like I'm invisible
You chose the colors white, blue, and red
And idolize men who are already dead
The only dead president's I care to see
Are coming home from the bank with me
All the songs we were taught to sing
Are only words that don't mean a thing
America the beautiful, I can't tell
On every corner there's crack for sell
I say fuck 'em all, high class dope boys
But they run the country with dangerous toys
So worried about Clinton getting his dick sucked
And you wonder why the country's fucked
Liberty and justice for all, my ass
Cut the games and give some cash
You've been covering shit up for so long
Oh, say can't you see what the hell's going on

(c) Shayla Price
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Black Man

Black Man

You don't understand when I try to explain
I need you near or my heart is in pain
You're in my thoughts every single day
There really is no need for me to say
I want you, I need you and love you
There's no other man I'd place above you
You are the one I'll always cherish
Ours is a love that will never perish
I'm willing to follow you no matter how far
I'll be at your side where ever you are
For the pleasure of your touch the comfort in your kiss
To feel your nakedness brings me closer to bliss
The sight of your body dripping wet from a shower
makes me raise my fist and shout "Black Power"
The curl of your hair the curve of your lips
The way your back rolls when you move your hips
The heat of your passion the sheen on your skin
You look good to me overweight or too thin
I remember making love in the backseat of a car
Can't you see I'll do anything to be where you are
I have your back and I'm not being funny
If you get locked up, I'm raising bail money
Whatever you need, if you're hungry I'll feed you
Just be there for me if ever I need you
(c) Shayla Price

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The Black Mau Chronicles: 12.12.12.


The New Deal!

Posted in graphic novels and Comics, I.G.L.E.A^R.E., Sci-Fi film, Science Fiction Writers & Authors, Speculative Fiction, Taj Sonchai's The Black Mau Chronicles with tags , , ,   on October 8, 2011 by blog4tsotsm


Ohlum Locati~

This is the Mauist greeting. This is what is going on

with the Black Mau Chronicles and I.G.L.E.A.^R.E.

The entire series will be posted on this blog for

your entertainment pleasure complete with


People have been telling me that they have

been waiting too long. I just wanted to get it

right before I made it public. The series will

begin 12.12.12.

There will be previews, contest and prizes given

throughout the year until the premier of

The Black Mau Chronicles and I.G.L.E.A.^R.E.

These are two different series but some of the

characters will  make guest appearances or be

regulars in both series eventually. With the BMC

We will start from the very beginning and evolve

Into what new life will be like on the new planet

called “Rare Earth”. As one of the characters

Wilemeana Bast said… “To understand who they

are in the modern age, you must first understand

from where they came.”

Stay Tuned!

Locati Ohlum!

~Taj Sonchai

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My first memory, for a long time, was of me waking up in the middle of a forest, naked, having no idea how I got there, where I’d come from or who I was. There was a pain in my chest; it was faint, but very persistent. I could find no scar or wound, the pain was not unbearable, so I ignored it as best I could and started to explore my surroundings.

I was in a forest of fruit trees. The trees grew in no noticeable order, peaches, cherries, lemons, oranges and bananas all grew together, not in rows but in large clusters. As I continued to explore, I saw the same strange clusters with nut trees and even on the ground. Patches of pumpkins, eggplant, and potatoes grew right next to onions, peppers and beans.

All around, there were shallow streams that fed from a large, swiftly moving river. There were several natural caves that could be used for shelter and none of them too far from a water source. In the river itself, there were several species of edible fish, swimming slowly enough to be caught in my hands. I tested this theory by catching several slippery fish and letting them go. I could survive here with ease.

I am not sure how much time passed before I grew tired once again and sought out a cave to sleep in for the night. As I drifted off to sleep, it occurred to me that while I knew nothing about myself, I could name everything I came across. I knew that I was in a cave, and I knew that I was going to sleep and awake, though I could not remember having ever done either before. As my eyes grew heavy with the need for sleep, I finally gave in. In the morning, I would see if there were more than just fish alive in these woods.

I awoke painfully hungry. I had chosen a cave close to both fruit and nut trees. I went to the closest tree and shook free several pecans. I ate them quickly, followed by several gulps of cold stream water. I had killed the pain, but not the hunger. I would have to catch some fish…

… a blinding flash of pain took over my head. So intense was the pain that I could only see the color white. Almost as soon as it began, the sensation was just as suddenly all but gone. The pain had knocked me to my knees picked myself up from the ground, I saw something moving in a cluster of various berry bushes. I stood very still, not wanting to scare whatever it was away. I stood unmoving for a short time and finally I was rewarded for my patience. A small brown rabbit, and four tiny rabbits behind it, made a dash for the shelter of another cluster of bushes. My hands went to my breasts, which now ached for some reason. Babies. The very word made me smile while tears stung my eyes. Curious.

Still thinking of aching breasts and baby rabbits, I followed the same direction that I saw the animals go. I walked a long time in the same direction because I was hearing a sound that was so beautiful, I had to find the source. The further I walked, the fewer trees there were and more open fields of grass. Finally, the trees ended in a field of flowers of every kind. The smell was indescribable. It smelled liked everything at once. The sight was the beautiful. Hundreds of butterflies fluttered about and beyond the field was the source of the sound I’d followed. It was birds, thousands of them, all singing their own melody. They were perched in the branches of yet another forest. Their combined song rivaled any angel’s. I sat down in the flowers and listened for a long moment. As I sat there, several different creatures scampered by. Squirrels, mice, larger birds with no songs to sing, dogs, cats, even a sheep or two went by. I sat there and watched the creatures live their little animal lives. They ate and drank, fed their young, stalked their prey or ran from predators. As a pair of dogs chose me as audience to their mating, I felt the same ache in my breasts as when I saw the tiny rabbits. I was all alone. I was the only thing that looked like me and I was lonely.

I made my way back to the area with food, water and shelter, my home I guess, and almost immediately felt the urge to sleep. I was barely in the cave before I fell unconscious. When I awoke, I felt differently somehow. I did not know what it was but something was not as it had been before. My body looked the same, so the change wasn’t physical. Then it hit me. I knew more! I had a name for all of my body parts that I could not see, but was painfully aware of. I was painfully hungry again and I wanted meat. I knew now that I had to cook the fish. Yesterday, I would have devoured them right from the water, with no thought of cooking them. Now, I was aware that uncooked fish could make me sick. I also knew that if I got sick from the raw fish, which plants would make me better. I was now aware of poisons to myself and the animals. Overnight, I had somehow received a complete education in medicine. There was a lingering headache and I chewed some leaves, and soon the pain was mere memory.

My head filled with new information, I went in search of reeds to weave baskets, wood to build a fire, and clay for bowls and pots. I was apparently civilized now and no longer found a cave satisfactory. I started to build a shelter from wood and mud. After another ten nights in the caves, my house was done. I had formed benches from clay along the wall and woven a mat from soft, dry grasses to sleep on. I had shelves for my baskets and shelves for my pots and bowls.

I’d made a low clay table in the middle of the room and after spending my day exploring, gathering food or collecting materials, I would take a sharp stick and carve pictures into the table. Before long the table was covered with my picture stories and I started to draw on the walls of the caves, using flowers and rocks for colors.

It was around the time that I started drawing that I started to remember that again that I was the only thing like myself I had ever seen. It was also when I wondered why I knew the name of everything I saw but had nothing to call myself. Why did every creature have a mate but me? Why were the animals able to have babies and I wasn’t? I knew now that my breasts were meant to feed my young, but had no clue how I would ever have young.

“Why am I all alone?” I said aloud, looking up to the sky for some reason. “Where is my mate? Where are my young?”

No sooner than I spoke out loud, I felt compelled to sleep. I couldn’t have kept my eyes open if I tried. I fell asleep, right where I sat on the floor.

Awake again, I found myself on my mat and very hungry. I went to my shelf where I keep my food baskets, reaching for an apple and grabbing a dried husk instead. All of the food in my baskets were dried up or rotting. How long was I asleep?

I went outside to find more food and water and instantly forgot all about my hunger and thirst. I saw, not far from my door, another house. It was unfinished but nearly the same as my own. There was another like me! None of the animals had ever built a house, so I knew it was another like me.

I approached the house slowly and peeked inside. It was empty except for a low clay table and a large mound of clay along the wall where I had built the benches in my house. Small piles of weaving grasses, vines and leaves were piled in the corner carelessly, as if the collector was only gone to find more supplies. I quickly returned to my house and grabbed a pot and a basket. I gathered some nuts and collected some water and ran back inside my house to hide, suddenly afraid for the first time.

I heard when the other one returned; I risked a peek out of my door covering and saw only a pair of legs and arms carrying a large bundle of wood and dry grass. It was much more than I could have carried and I was strong. After so much time alone, I was now unable to leave my house to meet this new animal that walked on two legs like me. What if it was mean? What if it wanted to hurt me? Why had it built a house so close to mine? Where did it come from? Why didn’t it try to see who was in this house?

Not daring to make a fire and draw attention to myself, I sat and nibbled nuts in the dark and waited until I thought the other one was asleep to answer nature’s call. It was very dark in the area I used for this purpose but I knew it well. I finished relieving myself and ran back to my house as quietly as I could. I crawled over to my mat and it wasn’t there! I made my way over to my bench and found only a large mound of clay. I was in the wrong house.

“Please don’t leave.” A voice said to me, “I won’t hurt you.”

“Do you have fire? I need to see your face.” I heard flints scraping together and soon a tiny red glow burned in the pit on the floor. With no warning the fire flared up and I saw him then. His large brown eyes, black hair and beard, soft looking lips, and smooth brown skin like my own. He was larger than I was, and much taller when we stood face to face, but I was no longer afraid. He was like me. Larger, hairier and harder underneath the skin, but he was like me.

“I’m sorry if I scared you. They said you would sleep for several more days.”

“They? Who said that? Are they like us?”

“Not like us, no. they said you asked for me. Is that true?”

“No! I … yelled at the sky that I had no mate yesterday, then I fell asleep and now… you are here.”

“They made me for you. I am your mate.”

“Who made you?” I asked again.

“I have no name for them. They are the makers of all of this.” He explained, spreading his arms as wide as he could.

“I do not understand. What do I call you? I don’t even know what I am.”

“They told me that much. I am a man, you are a woman. We are mates. From me, will come your young.”

“Babies? You can give me babies?”

“Yes. They said we would know how before long. When we completely forget about them, we will know how to make babies. You seem to have already forgotten them.”

I had long forgotten them. I was only aware of having been alone for a very long time.

“Will you stay with me tonight?” I asked him. “At my house there is a soft mat for you and food.”

Without a word, he led the way to my house and we lit another fire. We ate a meal of fruit and roasted meat and went to bathe in the river together. We talked and laughed and cried until the sun was up again. I found I liked this Man much better than being alone.

Several days went by. We slept embracing each other each night. He told me stories about the makers, but remembered less each day. One morning, Man woke me by pressing his outer organs against my thigh and I pressed my buttocks against him in return. It was in this manner that we discovered how to mate. As he entered my body I experienced divine pain and burning pleasure.

“Oh, no. I forgot, I was supposed to tell you something before we forget everything. A warning.” He said.

“What was it?” I moaned into his mouth.

He whispered something in my ear as he moved deeper into me. I did not quite hear him, but it sounded like he said something about a snake.


© Shayla E. Price 2011. All Rights Reserved


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Excerpt from Supernature by H.V.Lyons

Here is a brief excerpt from my soon to be released book Supernature. I hope you enjoy it.


Excerpt from Chapter 1


It’s 9:00 am on the Fourth of July weekend and the temperature is already in the upper nineties.

Highway Patrol Officers Cliff Johnson and Brad Williams are on patrol down Route 377, also known as Dry Lake Road.

In the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest of Arizona the sky is clear and blue but the air is still. There are only faint sounds of life: a few birds, a few bugs, but mostly stillness.

“Quiet,” Officer Williams comments, as he drives the vehicle.  Equally unusual is the fact that he already has to crank up the AC.

Officer Johnson doesn’t reply beyond a grunt of agreement, looking out onto the monotonous stretch of desert-like land that they have been assigned to patrol ever since the two Hernandez kids went missing.

Normally during this time of year this area is teaming with life. The forest is home to over 400 species of wild life and it spans over two million acres of untainted wilderness with more than thirty lakes and reservoirs and more than 680 miles of rivers and streams.

Once two separate forests, Apache-Sitgreaves is now managed as one. It runs along the Mogollon Rim, which defines the southwestern edge of the Colorado Plateau, the White Mountains in east-central Arizona and extends partially into New Mexico.

A favorite forest for tourists, hikers and nature lovers, the Apache-Sitgreaves terrain ranges from a desert-like environment on the outer perimeter to an interior of thick rich vegetation. The heart of the forest is lined with aspen, maple, and pine trees and is populated by deer, wild turkeys, elk, eagles and osprey. Among the smaller animals found in the area are rattlesnakes, squirrels, roof rats and black widow spiders. During the summer months the sounds of the forest usually play like a living orchestra. Birds sing, crickets chirp, frogs croak all playing their part of a natural ensemble. All this while hawks slowly circle over head and rabbits quickly scurry through the bush. But today the music is silent, the sounds are few and the feeling in the air is has an eerie stillness to it and the two patrol officers can’t help but feel uneasy in what has been their normal route for about four years now. 

This long deserted highway that is now under Officer Williams’ and Johnson’s jurisdiction stretches through the Sitgreaves portion of the forest from the small frontier town of Holbrook all the way to the mountain community of Heber-Overgaard.

Patrolling Route 377 may be part of their daily routine now but it wasn’t always. Originally, their job was to assist vacationers who were lost or had car trouble along the thirty-three miles of road.  But over the past two years things have changed because of the unusual high number of missing persons being reported in and around the area. In addition, many ranchers along the outskirts of the forest as well as the neighboring Native American communities have complained about missing cattle, unexplained horse and livestock mutilations, and other strange occurrences. Last year’s incident with the Hernandez kids put everyone on alert. A five-year-old little boy and his seven-year-old sister disappearing without a trace and two hysterical parents was more than enough for people to decide that this area needed to be watched closely. And with no bodies or evidence of foul play ever recovered, it only served to keep every one more on edge.  So Officers Johnson and Williams set out early each morning, driving their white and blue Crown Victoria police interceptor up and down Route 377 and keeping their eyes peeled for anything out of the norm.

Today it’s early on a holiday weekend and nothing seems particularly noteworthy except for the heat and the unusual stillness in the air. They’re traveling south down Dry Lake Road towards its intersection with Route 277, with Brad driving and Cliff riding shotgun. It’s a dry stretch of road lined with small shrubs, cactus and rocky sand. There is no real tree line in this part of the forest which is more desert-like than anything. The largest shrubs found in the area only grow to about five feet.

Cliff, a few years younger than Brad at age 32, reaches for the patrol car’s radio as his partner, muscle-bound and athletic, drives. He takes a sip of coffee in his right hand then clicks on the mic in his left saying, “Dispatch this is forty-nine.”

“Go ahead, forty-nine,” replies the voice over the radio.

“Heading south on Route 377. All’s quiet, nothing to report.”

“Ten-four, forty-nine.”

Cliff runs a hand through his close-cropped blond hair, still staring out of the window as he takes another sip of coffee, “Sand, nothing but sand as far as the eye can see. Damn, I’m getting tired of this,” he mumbles in between sips of coffee and adjusting his six foot muscular frame in his seat.  Yet all of his cop’s intuition tells him that something isn’t quite right out here, and he keeps his eyes fixed on the passing outskirts of that forest that had swallowed those kids.  Cliff didn’t have children, but having helped raise his younger siblings had fostered a protective side to him that made him want to get his hands on--

“What’s the matter with you?” asks his partner, a friendly African-American with ten years on the force.  Officer Williams could sense that something was wrong. 

“Nothing,” Cliff answers, eyes still fixed on that eerily still forest.

“Nothing? You barely said a word all morning. What’s eating you?”

“Nothing,” repeats Cliff, still staring out of the passenger side window.

“Come on, how long have we known each other, five, six years? You don’t think I don’t know when something’s bothering you?”

Cliff takes another sip of coffee and mutters, “It’s nothing--I’m alright.”

In an attempt to lighten things a bit Brad comments, “You know they say when you’re having problems it’s always good to talk to an elder,” Cliff turns and frowns at Brad, “and since I’m the oldest you should feel comfortable confiding in me,” he glances over at Cliff and flashes a wide grin.

“You gotta be kidding--you’re only six years older than me Bradley,” says Cliff as he turns back to the window.

Brad’s brow furrows with frustration as he lifts his blue baseball style cap and scratches the barely-there, closely cropped wool on his head.  He replaces the cap and mutters, “Just trying to help,” before focusing back on the road ahead and drives on.

Officer Williams is trying not to take things personally, knowing this dry stretch of desert road, bleak forest and now a brooding partner could easily get you down if you let it.  They’ve been driving in silence for twenty minutes and have just passed a sign which reads, ‘DESPAIN RANCH ROAD NEXT RIGHT.’

Brad glances over at his partner and observes Cliff still staring out of the passenger’s side window at the bushes whizzing by along the plain two lane stretch of road.

Brad decides to give it another go and launch full-steam ahead into a conversation.

 “You know you and Doris really should have come by the barbecue last night, we had a ball. Pat kept asking, ‘where’s Cliff and Doris? Where’s Cliff and Doris?’” Cliff says nothing but continues to sip his coffee, “we didn’t shut the grill down till 12:30,” he again glances over at his partner waiting for a response, but nothing. 

Undeterred Brad continues, “Woodberry came, Hernandez was there, Singletary came over, Brown and his wife showed up. Simmons came with another new girlfriend, I think that’s the third one this month, and even the Sarge came through for a while. Oh and you’re not going to believe this but Pepper showed up. You know that muscular dyke from the SWAT unit? And she brought her girlfriend with her, a drop dead gorgeous blonde with big tits. I had to stay at the grill so Pat wouldn’t catch me staring at her. But no Cliff and no Doris.”

After another slow sip Cliff mutters, “Doris and me had a fight.”


With a slight grin Brad replies, “What! Again? What is it with you guys anyway? And I bet it was over something stupid, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, you’re right it was.”

“All right what was it this time?”

Cliff looks over at Brad’s grinning, mahogany-brown profile then takes another sip before explaining, “It’s like this. We were going to come to your party. I was already dressed and watching the end of the heavyweight ultimate fighter match. She’s in the bedroom taking forever to get ready. Then she comes out, stands in front of the TV and asks me if her new dress makes her look fat.”

Brad winces and interjects, “Wait a minute let me guess, you said, YES.”

Cliff shrugs his shoulders and looks at Brad like a little puppy that soiled the carpet and replies, “Well, yeah!” Brad bursts into laughter as Cliff tries to explain, “Well it did make her look fat. What was I going to do lie?”

“Then what happened?”

“She threw a beer can at me. Hit me right in the back of the head. That shit still hurts,” says Cliff as he reaches under his cap and rubs a spot on the back of his head.

Brad laughs even more, “And I bet the two of you spent the rest of the night making up, right?”

A long devilish grin forms across Cliff face, “Man it was great!”

“You know it never fails with you guys. I think you both are crazy. I think you guys just start fights just so you can have make-up sex.”

“Come on man you have to admit, make-up sex is great!” 

“Yeah I’ll admit that but me and Pat never fight as much as you guys. You guys are crazy.”

“Come on man we’re not that bad.”

“Are you kidding me? What about last year’s Christmas Party?”

“Okay, we were both a little drunk.”


Cliff gives a devilish smile and says, “We made up after that.”

“And Cancun?”

“Come on now you can’t talk. What about that time we caught you and Pat at Sunset beach?”

“What?”  Brad’s dark-brown eyes widen in mock innocence.

 “Last year in Jamaica? You remember now?”

“Oh boy, here we go again. If I told you once I’ve told you a thousand times we weren’t doing anything. We were just holding each other.”

“In the nude?”

“It was a clothing optional beach!”

“Okay, and?”

“Nothing, we were just enjoying each other’s company,” says Brad in a sheepish tone of voice.

“I’ll say you were enjoying a whole lot more from where I was standing.”

“Oh shut up. It’s bad enough you saw my wife naked.”

“And that’s not all we saw. Doris couldn’t stop laughing,” replies Cliff as he begins to laugh out loud.

“Alright, alright, that’s enough,” says Brad in a serious tone.

“What’s the matter is somebody getting sensitive?”

“Well how would you like it if someone caught you and your wife--?”

Brad trails off, glancing out of the driver’s side window for a moment, before putting his eyes back on the road.

“You and your wife doing what?” interrupts Cliff.


 “Ah hah, I got you! Come on, admit it already! The two of you were doing it on the beach weren’t you?”

“Oh grow up. Hey, what about the time you tried your uncle Bill’s Viagra and had a five-hour erection? Now that was funny,” Brad begins to laugh uncontrollably, “I’ll never forget the phone call: ‘Hello, Brad? It’s getting bigger! It hurts and it won’t go down’,” Brad laughs so hard he has to wipe tears from his eyes.

All mirth dissolves from Cliff’s face.

“Hey, that wasn’t funny. That really hurt.”

Brad chuckles, “I bet it did. I don’t know why you took that stuff in the first place. And how did they make that thing go down anyway?”

“I had to go to the hospital man; you know how embarrassing that was?”

“I can imagine.”

“Yeah after the doctors stopped laughing they pulled out this super long needle and stuck me.”

“Stuck you? Where at?”

“In my dick! Can you believe that! In my dick! It hurt like hell!”

“What? They stuck it in your dick?”

“Yeah, they said they had to drain out all the blood.” Brad begins to laugh even louder while slapping the steering wheel with his hands.

As Brad shakes his head, laughing heartily, something catches Cliff’s eye through the passenger side of the patrol car.  At first he thought it might be some rags strewn by the side of the road but as the vehicle approached, he knew it had to be a body.  A small body.  Could it be a child?  Another kid? 

He reaches over and nudges Brad’s muscular forearm, pointing. “Hey, hey, hold on a sec. Slow down partner.”  The urgency in his voice causes Brad to sober up immediately.

Brad slows the vehicle and now they could both see a small framed figure lying on the ground about 200 yards off the side of the road partially obscured by some shrubs.

After slowing down the vehicle Brad leans over his partner to get a closer look while pulling the car off of the road.

“What is that? Is it a body?” asks Brad.

Cliff still squinting replies, “Jesus I think it is,” he swings open the door just as the car comes to a stop and jogs off toward the figure on the ground. Brad jumps out and follows. As the two men approach the figure they notice a bare-footed young woman in her early thirties lying on her stomach. She’s very pale with short dark hair, wearing a pair of badly torn jeans and a ripped tee shirt, both lightly splattered in blood. Her eyes are closed and the left side of her face is in the dirt. Parts of the woman’s face and arms are dark red, dry and clearly sun burnt. She is also covered in dozens of small cuts and scratches.  As the two officers examine her they also notice that her feet are dirty, bleeding and blistered. On her right cheek and on her right forearm there are what appear to be large reddish swollen abscesses both about the size of golf balls. The abscesses are dry, peeling and slowly leaking a yellowish puss. Cliff looks down at the woman and softly calls out to her. “Miss, can you hear me? Miss?” There’s no response. The woman just lies there very still and breathing slowly, showing little sign of life. Cliff kneels down and checks her neck for a pulse with two expert fingers, “She’s alive! But just barely, better call it in.”

Brad unhooks his portable radio from his belt and calls the dispatcher as he briskly walks around the area looking through the bush, “Dispatch, this is car forty-nine, over.”

“Go ahead forty-nine,” the radio crackles back.

“Ah, we have an eleven forty-seven on route 377 about one mile south of Despain Ranch Road, requesting Medevac ASAP, over.”

“Ten-four forty-nine, requesting Medevac for eleven forty-seven, route 377, one mile south of Despain Ranch Road, there’s already a chopper in the area, ETA about twenty minutes, do you copy?”

“Ten-four Dispatch, twenty minutes.”

Brad walks back over to Cliff and the woman and hunkers down next to them, “Chopper will be here in twenty. What do you think happened to her?”

“I don’t know. Her breathing is very slow and she’s covered in all these cuts almost like she’s been in a fight with a cat.”

“Damn, she does look real tore up,” adds Brad.

Cliff looks at the wounds and twists his face, “Have you noticed that odor?”

“Yeah, smells like she was sprayed with vinegar,” Brad slowly scans the area around the woman, “strange, this is real strange. You hear me partner?”

Cliff looks up at him slowly, “I know what you mean.”

For fifteen minutes the two officers sit with the female while they wait for the medical helicopter to arrive. They check her back pockets for any signs of identification and repeatedly check her pulse and breathing. As Cliff kneels by the girl’s side Brad searches the surrounding area for any clues as to what might have happened. He follows some partial tracks from the woman leading south but only manages to find blood spattered foot prints in the sand. While kneeling down to study one print he stops and looks around slowly. The silence they noticed earlier seems especially oppressive now.  “What could have happen out here?” He thinks to himself.

He begins to scan the area more intently. There’s nothing around, normally in this part of the forest there are birds over head, flies buzzing around, even the occasional scorpion scurrying by. But today there’s nothing but silence. The stillness unnerves Brad and he stands up and begins to make his way back towards Cliff and the woman.  Just then Brad’s radio crackles to life, “Car forty-nine, Car forty-nine this is Medevac two, do you read?”

“Go ahead Medevac two this is forty-nine, what’s your ETA?”

“We are five minutes out forty-nine, Just thought you should know we just flew over a camper off the side of the road about two miles south of your position. Appears to be abandoned, could belong to your Vic.”

“Ten-four Medevac two, we’ll check it out as soon as you clear station.”

“Ten-four forty-nine.”

Brad approaches Cliff and knees beside him, “Chopper will be here in five.”


“The chopper spotted a camper down the road. Could be where she’s from. We should check it out when we’re done.”


“How is she?”

“Still no response, no movement, nothing, and her breathing is getting even slower.  You find anything?”

“Naw, no clues, but…I don’t know, it seems a little weird but remember I mentioned how quiet it is out here?  Something’s not right.”

Cliff slowly looks around and scans the area then turns back to Brad, nodding, “Yeah it’s pretty quiet today isn’t it?”

“Yeah, a little too quiet if you ask me. It’s giving me the creeps.”

“I know exactly what you mean.  Like, it’s kind of--”

“--Dead,” his partner finished.

In the background the low rumbling sound of the four bladed Bell 407 helicopter can be heard approaching.  The sound steadily grows louder as the red and white chopper slowly appears overhead. The pilot hovers for a minute while he looks for a clearing to land. Brad covers his eyes and Cliff angles his broad, muscular frame in an effort to shield the young woman as the machine kicks up a cloud of dust. The skilled pilot softly lands the helicopter just in front of the officer’s patrol car on the side of the road. As the engine slows to an idle, two paramedics dressed in bright orange jump suits jump out, one carrying a medical kit and the other a portable gurney. Both wear pilot helmets and multi-pocketed vests loaded with bandages and other small medical tools. They run over to the two officers and their victim.

Dave, a short stocky seven-year veteran of the Medevac service, crouches beside the young woman on the ground. His partner Nancy, a thin light skinned young woman with freckles, quickly runs to the other side and applies the inflatable bag of a portable blood pressure machine onto the woman’s left arm.

Dave examines her body, being careful not to move her too much as the extent of her injuries are as yet unclear. While wearing protective gloves he examines the abscesses on her face and arm.

 “Damn! I’ve never seen anything like this before. How long has she been like this?”

Scratching his head Brad responds, “Don’t know, we’ve been here for about twenty minutes. Don’t know how long she’s been lying here before that.”

While closely examining her burnt skin Dave then says, “Must have been at least an hour by the look of these sunburns.”

Cliff then jumps in, “Have you noticed the odor? Kind of like vinegar.”

Dave leans closer to the woman and sniffs, “Seems to be coming from these big sores.”

Suddenly a steady beeping emits from the blood pressure machine. Nancy checks the LED display and calls out its readings.

“Blood pressure’s 55 over 40!”

Dave looks up, “Not good, not good at all”

“Is that very bad?” asks Cliff with a look of concern.

“Yes it is, very low, probably due to dehydration. She could slip into a coma if we don’t get her some fluids and to a hospital ASAP!”

Nancy pulls an IV bag of clear fluid out of her medical kit and attaches it to the woman’s arm.

Dave pulls out a small light from his vest and shines it into the woman’s eyes as he pulls them open with his other hand, “Her eyes are dilated and her breathing is erratic and with the low blood pressure she’s in real bad shape. We have to get her out of here now. Come on, give us a hand.”

“Where’re you going to take her?” asks Brad.

“The trauma center at Lincoln Hospital in downtown Phoenix. We can be there in about thirty-five minutes.”

Dave gently lifts the woman over to one side as his partner Nancy slides the portable gurney under her back. The two officers assist the paramedics in lifting the woman up and carrying her to the waiting helicopter. After securing her inside of the copter the two officers back away and watch as it slowly rises into the air and speeds off.

Brad turns to Cliff and says,” I don’t know what’s going on but we need to check out that camper.”

“You’re right, let’s get a move on it. Someone has to know what happened to her.”

The two officers enter their patrol car and speed south down Route 377 with lights flashing and sirens blaring. About two miles down the road they come upon a thirty foot motor home parked about 200 yards off the side of the road among some light brush. Brad spots the camper’s tracks and follows them up to the rear of the vehicle. He cuts the engine and kills the lights as the two men cautiously step out of the patrol car.

With their hands on their weapons they slowly approach the right side of the motor home. The camper, a Bigfoot 3000 series Class C motor home built around a Ford E-450 chassis, is white with brown stripes and has the side door wide open, broken and hanging off the bottom hinge. The windows along the side of the motor home are also broken. Brad and Cliff exchange knowing glances, silently encouraging one another to proceed with caution.  As the officers approach the camper they notice debris scattered around the campground: torn clothes, broken furniture, and trash.


Cliff moves alongside the camper and presses his back against the wall of the motor home on the left side of the open door, Brad approaches from the right. Both men draw their weapons as Brad yells out toward the opening, “This is the police, is there anyone in there?” After a pause he continues, “Is there anyone in there?” after no reply he motions to Cliff as he aims his gun toward the dark interior. Cliff, with both hands on his weapon quickly swings into the motor home as Brad follows.

Inside, to the right there’s a small dinette and the cab of the vehicle with a small bunk bed on top. Dishes and papers cover the floor.  Bloodstains are splattered all over dishes and up the walls in no particular order; some stains are even on the ceiling.  To the left there’s a small bathroom, with a missing door, and a narrow hallway leading to the back bedroom, also splattered with dried blood.  Cliff looks at Brad grimly and mutters through clenched teeth, “Jesus, what the hell happened in here?”

“Looks like one hell of a fight,” Brad replies, his voice barely above a whisper.

The two men slowly and carefully walk around the ransacked area, shuffling through broken dishes and torn papers. After finding nothing more than broken furniture and splattered blood on the walls, Cliff, with his gun held up and pointed, cautiously moves toward the rear of the camper. He moves down the narrow hall with Brad following close behind. They cautiously push the bedroom door open and gasp at the horror within. Lying on a blood-soaked bed are the remains of a white male in his early thirties. The thick stench of blood and death hang heavily in the hot Arizona air.  There are no legs, just a right arm, a head, and most of a badly mangled torso torn from the rib cage down with the spine still intact. The head is disfigured and covered with gashes and scrapes similar to the ones the young woman had. The man’s face is cut up and the left eye is hanging out of its socket by a few veins. The left arm is missing and appears to have been ripped out at the shoulder. In the right hand is a Glock-19 9mm semi-automatic handgun and on the bloodied bed are about fifteen 9mm shells. The room is in a shambles and bullet holes pepper the walls.  Flies swarm the inside of the room and crawl all over the body. Brad and Cliff struggle for breath at the horrific sight. In their line of work both men have seen death but nothing as grisly as this. This body was ripped apart!

Brad’s eyes widen and his mouth drops open in shock, before he quickly whips out a handkerchief and covers his mouth and nose. Cliff steps back from the bed with the back of his hand over his mouth, trying to control a gag reflex. He re-holsters his gun and unclips his radio. “Dispatch, this is car forty-nine, over.” There’s a moment of no reply so he tries again. “Dispatch, this is car forty-nine, over.”

“Go ahead forty-nine,” the voice on the other end answers back.

“Dispatch we have a one eighty-seven on Route 377 about four miles north of Route 277”

“Ten-four forty-nine, one eighty-seven on Route 377”

“Requesting CSI, possible connection with earlier eleven forty-seven.”

“Ten-four forty-nine, notifying CSI, please stand by.”

As Cliff holds the radio Brad re-holsters his gun and moves around the bed, being careful not to disturb anything. On the left nightstand at the head of the bed he finds a photograph and calls his partner over to look at it.

“Looks like this is our Vic’s place alright.”

Cliff looks down at the picture. It’s a photo of a couple in their early thirties sitting under a tree with a little boy. The woman is the same one they found up the road.  She has an air of quiet confidence about her, with excellent posture and an aura of strength.  The man by her side is clearly the same one as the one on the bed—at least, what is left of him. 

“And we have another problem on our hands,” comments Cliff.

“What’s that,” says Brad as he examines the photo closer.

“What’s wrong with that picture, Brad?”

“Ah, shit! Where’s the kid?”

“Right, hopefully he got away like his mother.”

“Cliff, remember what shape she was in?”

“I know. How old do you think he is?”

“Looks about eight or nine.”

Cliff’s jaw tightens and he shakes his head.

“Jesus, Doris has a niece that old.  You remember Tammy?” He shakes his head again and looks away.  As he does so he happens to glance at the floor by the night stand and notices a black rectangular object. 

 “What’s this?” After pulling on rubber gloves Cliff picks up a battered and bloodstained black wallet and looks inside. “Damn!”

“What you got there, partner?”

“Looks like our Vic here is an FBI agent.”

“You’re kidding!”

“Naw, Agent Allen Henderson, look for yourself,” he holds the open wallet for Brad to see. 

There was a photo of a nondescript man in glasses and a white collared shirt.  It appeared to be the same man in the photograph on the nightstand and in the messy pool of blood, bone and the remnants of organs on the bed.

“Man, this case keeps getting weirder and weirder. And did you notice the odor in here?”

Cliff nods his head, “Sure did, vinegar.”

“Just like the woman.”

Cliff’s radio squawks to life, “Car forty-nine, Come in forty-nine.”

“This is forty-nine go ahead,” Cliff answers.

“CSI in route to your location. ETA thirty minutes. Command advises to secure the area.”

“Uh, ten-four dispatch. Please advise command that victim is FBI and we may also have a missing child.”

“Ten-four, forty-nine, will advise.”

“Well looks like we’re stuck here for awhile. Better make the most of it.”

“So much for a quiet holiday.”

Both officers leave the motor home and walk quickly to their patrol car. Cliff snatches several rolls of caution tape out of the car and hands a few to Brad.  The two hurriedly rope off the area around the camper attaching the tape to the trees and brush around the camper. They work quietly while wondering to their selves what could do such mangling damage to the man inside. 

Cliff keeps thinking about the little boy somewhere out there, with a dad who clearly died fighting and a mom who seemed about to lose the fight for her life.

After they finish they return to their vehicle, lock the doors, and wait without another word for the Crime Scene Investigators to arrive.

After about ten minutes another patrol car pulls up behind theirs. Driving it is Officer O’Brien, a young two-year rookie and in the passenger seat is Watch Commander Lieutenant Maddox. The gray haired Maddox is a twenty-year veteran who was part of the investigation of the disappearance of the two missing Hernandez kids that Brad and Cliff worked on. He’s a pot bellied stone-faced bull of a man with a head of white hair who’s known for being tough on the officers under his command but for some reason he seems to have a soft spot for both Brad and Cliff.

After seeing the newcomers exit their vehicle Brad and Cliff exit their own.

“Lieutenant,” says Cliff as he nods to the approaching Maddox.

“Johnson, Williams,” Maddox nods back, “so what do we have?”

Brad and Cliff slowly glance at each other for a moment.

“Well? What is it?” Maddox asks impatiently.

Cliff steps forward, “Lieutenant, we have a real mess in there,” he says as he points toward the camper, “first we found this unconscious woman up the road and then we traced her back here and find a bloody massacre.  We also think there might be a missing little boy! This is the craziest thing we’ve even seen!”

“Alright, alright calm down,” Maddox turns to O’Brien, “Let’s check it out to see how bad is really is.”

Cliff glances over at Brad.

“You want to know how bad it is. Lieutenant it looks like someone put that guy through a wood chipper!” shouts Brad, “I mean he’s missing his whole body from the waist down!”

Maddox and O’Brien give each other a glance of disbelief.

O’Brian looks at Brad and comments, “Come on guys.”

Cliff and Brad just stare at him in stoic silence.

Seemingly unconvinced about the level of savagery reported, Maddox and O’Brien move to enter the motor home to examine the scene for their selves. After barely five minutes the two men hurry out of the camper with a look of repulsion on their faces. O’Brien vomits beside the camper, and then gasps, “Who or what could have done that?”

Maddox, mopping the sweat from his forehead, nose and upper lip looks at Brad and asks, “No other clues? No sign of what happened to the boy?”

The heat was starting to weigh down on them.  The heat and the silence.  Brad removes his blue baseball cap to wipe perspiration from his brow before pulling the hat low over his brown eyes. “No, nothing,” he replies.

“You know the feds are going to be all over this one. They don’t like it when something happens to one of their own.”

“You think it could be some kind of terrorist attack?” asks Cliff.

Maddox looks at Cliff and says, “Don’t know. These days anything’s possible. Remember when those terrorists cut that guy’s head off on the news? You never can tell these days. But what I do know is that we’re going to need more help out here.”

Maddox glances over at Cliff and says, “Johnson, Get on the horn and call Air Search and Rescue we need some eyes in the sky if we’re going to have any chance at finding that kid.”

Just then in the distance a faint siren could be heard growing steadily louder. Maddox stares south down Route 377, “Sounds like the cavalry’s finally here.”



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Individualized Tactical Surface Vehicle. That was the name the Gray Armor gave to the thing that was a large green metal sphere resting atop a pair of backward bending legs. It was taller than the height of five men standing shoulder on shoulder. Projecting from its spherical portion were twin tubes, which the Gray Armor instructor referred to as being likened to muskets, only the tubes shot fire instead of solid shot.Annan and the four other captives assigned as part of his Squad watched half fearfully, half in wonder as a hatch opened beneath the sphere. They all wore brown, form fitting garments of an odd stretchy material that was utilitarian, yet more comfortable than any clothes woven by human hands. A ladder lowered from the hatch and the Gray Armor climbed into the vehicle. Seconds later, the ITSV’s sphere rotated about. A low, whirring sound emanated from the vehicle as it put one leg in front of the other.It was a good thing the Gray Armor told them ahead of time that he was going to operate the vehicle. Otherwise, any unexpected motion from this behemoth was liable to cause a panic. Of course, three of the Squad members outside of Annan had military experience, which tempered their disquiet.William Ross, the ship captain who had been briefly tortured by the drone, Ahmed, a Hausa cavalry officer, and Kofu, a full time fisherman, part time soldier. There was a woman among them named Femi. Of course she was not a warrior. Yet despite that deficiency she carried herself with as much emotional resilience as the men.Annan got on well with Ahmed and the comely young maiden. Ross was another matter. Thanks to Kofu’s briefing and Annan’s gradually resurging memory, the latter was now aware that he and the bearded white man had a history. Well, any black person who was on the big boat, before the appearance of the Light, had a history with the whites among them.The blacks naturally harbored acrimony toward those who were transporting them to slavery in another land. The whites would not have felt particularly fraternal toward these Africans who rose against them in revolt. Yet, with both groups sharing a common captivity, past grievances were grudgingly put aside.Not so, it seemed, for Ross. Hatred was etched into the former captain’s craggy features with a hammer and chisel. Though Ross was as contemptuously silent toward Annan as he was toward the other Africans, the former captain bore the latter a special animus. Not only had Annan led the shipboard revolt, but he had struggled with the captain, subsequently wresting the man’s weapon out of his grasp. That was after the captain had shot at him and missed…then the Light shone overhead. After that…nothing.Annan cut a malicious eye toward Ross. Too bad I didn’t have time to beat you to death with your own weapon.At first, Annan’s control of the ITSV was typified by stuttering fits and starts. A Gray Armor instructor was squeezed in the cockpit with him, providing sometimes impatient tutelage of the vehicle’s operation.Eventually, Annan came to understand the controls. There was a stick…the Gray Armor called it a control lever…that guided the vehicle’s motion. There was a computer that told him the ITSV’s status. There was a communicator switch that Annan could toggle to talk to other ITSV operators. There were screens below the window that showed everything that was in front, back and on the sides of the ITSV. Finally, there was a second lever with a thumb button that operated the fire weapons.It was all so simple. Soon after, Annan became proficient in piloting the vehicle.Of the operators in his Squad, Ahmed was fastest in learning to pilot the machine. In the land of the Hausa, horses figured prominently in warfare. His expert equestrianism easily carried over to an expert handling of another, radically different type of conveyance.What came as a surprise to Annan and his male Squad mates was Femi’s progress. The woman’s sex had been no hindrance to her ability to operate an ITSV as well as a man.“Your skill amazes me,” Annan praised, watching Femi descend the ladder jutting from the machine’s exit hatch. She had just completed a complex battle maneuver.Femi lowered her eyes. “I’m no more or less of an operator than the others. Well…maybe more.”The Asante’s brow arched in surprise. He broke into a grin when he realized he had been fooled by the woman’s false display of humility.Femi smiled and suddenly the sunsets Annan longed to see on Earth dimmed to dull twinkles next to her beauty. “Your turn,” she reminded. “Perhaps you can match my performance.”“Perhaps?” Annan playfully turned his nose up. It was initially strange for him, competing with a woman. But the more Annan perceived Femi as the competent operator she was training to be, the less her sex mattered to him. Eventually, men and women were going to go war. If they were to survive whatever battlefield they were plopped down in, humans, male and female, needed to fight together.Many of the men continued to be resistant to the idea of women being soldiers.The Gray Armors, of course, cared not for human ideas of gender roles. Their only concern was making sure every human they put in a war machine knew the basics of its operation.The most inveterate chauvinist had no choice but to accept this new Gray Armor-imposed reality.Annan gripped the rungs, threw a wave to Femi and climbed into the cockpit.Annan’s Squad as a whole were catching on quite a bit faster than the other Squads…which was still much too slow for Gray Armors unaccustomed to training blank slates. In many cases, those blank slates recoiled in babbling terror at the very sight of ITSVs. Some refused to board the vehicles and had to be forced into cockpits at the agonizing prodding of drone-issued light beams or Gray Armor force. It wasn’t just the machines that contributed to the humans’ angst, but the strange generality of their circumstances. It remained exceedingly difficult, despite their time on the Battle Fortress, for the humans to grasp the sheer alienness of their surroundings.The whites clung to the familiar comfort of their Christian God to help them cope with these mysteries. The blacks, too, sought solace in their medley of beliefs. Rarely a ‘night’ sailed by when prayers, songs, and all manner of spiritual invocations did not drift mournfully through the level where the humans were confined. And now, confronted with that which their minds continued to have trouble processing, the humans were required to learn skills far removed from the simplicity of their previous lives.The Gray Armors provided no indications of sympathy or understanding of the humans’ plight. All they saw was a species trailing a prodigious learning curve. They would bring these primitives up to speed on an ITSV’s technology as ordered and accept no excuses or failures.
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Adobe Photoshop Design Styles

You know, a lot of Photoshop users spend a lot of time making great designs. Picking every color,layer, and tool. We use our brain and creativity to come up with stunning visual treats for all to look at.

There are little hot-keys and shortcuts around Photoshop, all to make navigation easier. I'm going to show a basic but very useful palette in Photoshop called styles. Do you take notice when go and shop for your favorite clothes the verity thatrsquo;s available? Sure you do! Thatrsquo;s in a nut shell what styles are. Check out the rest @

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A Review of Warriors of the Four Worlds!

Check out this very thoughtful review by superlative filmmaker and writer H. Wolfgang Porter!"Warriors of the Four Worlds" by Ronald T. Jones is the Sci-fi Adventure/Drama about the interaction between three interstellar species and how their relationship collapsed with tragic consequences. Humans, Vingins and Zirans are three species which could not be more different in their cultural let alone physical make-ups. Throw in disparate philosophies for living and you have a potentially volatile mixture. However, the relationship lasts for hundreds of years as the pacifistic Vingin are a technologically advanced species whose symbiotic relationship with their predatory Human and Ziran allies are the glue holding things together.The story opens during the final phase of a genocidal war in which the Human Race is engaged in what they do best, killing. The enemy, a murderous interstellar species called the Tacherins are on the verge of being anihillated after attacking Vingin space. Having found Humanity to be an implacable and merciless foe, the Tacherins make ready to fight to the last of their species. More than willing to give the enemy what they want is Commander Lev Gorin. Gorin is the standard 'hard as nails with a conscious' commander readers have come to know and love. However, unlike prominent members of this archetype Lev Gorin has no problem with genocide if it will protect his species and allies.Under the Commander's leadership, the war reaches its inevitable conclusion. but before Humanity can claim final victory, their allies the Zirans suddenly take the field crushing the last of Tacherin resistance. With the war ended, Humanity's great war machine is ordered dismantled and their millions of warriors are sent back to the four Human Worlds to begin the peace.Yet, the Ziran's military force not only stands to despite the lack of an enemy they have been secretly building their forces. This information comes to the now retired Lev Gorin who is the CEO of a successful security business. However, civilian life has taken the edge off the former Commander and he ignores it. Yet when a human hit team shows up on his manicured lawn, Lev Gorin is drawn into a dark world of intrigue where human fanatics pave the way for the end of humanity at Ziran hands! With just a rag-tag group of former military men and women, Gorin must convince the Human Race to rise in their own defense before it's too late.Initially, Wo4W seemed to be yet another pat 'Humans run roughshod over an inept enemy' type of story. The initial battle sequences though detailed and exciting, seemed all was too easy. Humans had the superior tech and cunning which equaled to a bloodbath on the enemy side. Yet, that wasn't the case.As the story unfolded, an immediate sense of menace undercut the victory parties and orgies engaged in by the victorious Humans. It became clear all was not well after a meeting with the Ziran General, the Vingin Representative and the then Commander Gorin. Distain and jealousy reeked from the General and as a reader, I could tell right off no good would come from it. When it came down to the Zirans attacking the now disarmed humanity, there was no surprise.That Humanity was able to mount an immediate though much reduced offense, lacked surprise either. Though this lent to the pat feeling, it didn't detract from the story because there were plenty of clues presented to let the reader know Humanity wasn't rolling over completely just because they were told to! When the conflict begins in earnest, initially the Humans again have the advantage despite being significantly outnumbered. However, that doesn't last long after humans themselves begin to derail the resistance!From there, Commander Gorin's 'easy days' come to an end. Gone is the pat feeling and in enters the 'are we going to survive this at all?' stage. Grim realities of war, losses of family and comrades begin to take their toll on all the characters as humanity's chances of surviving genocide dwindle.Ronald T. Jones has created a gritty, 'boots-on-the-ground' war epic with intrigue and a thoughtful approach to a warrior's journey towards his own sense of humanity. Warriors of the Four Worlds is without doubt a page-turner and more than worthy of a trip to the small or large screen.H. Wolfgang Porter
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"I'm going to commit suicide..." she said.  "What?" was the murmur from the assembled crowd. 

She began to tremble.

"I can't do it anymore.  I.....don't know ANYTHING!  I don't know how I got here...wherever here is.  I just....was..."

"Come on now honey..." the one closest to her started.  "Stop that nonsense."

The trembling became more of a sway...back and forth. 


"I just feel like....I have to go.  I HAVE to leave this place.....make a sacrifice."

Just then, the sky opened.  The beam of light shone on her.

"'s for me!  It's my time....."

A great sigh permiated the air as she was lifted. 

The sacrifice...made.


She rolled down my face....that single tear......and helped my soul to heal.

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The Probe (excerpt)

Be careful what you wish for...


Allandra set her dials for landing. “This is the one
Leonardo! I can feel it! Just like the readings indicated!”

“Humph!” her partner retorted, but with a smile in his voice. “ITS says that
every mission. We've never find anything but plants – not even an
animal. And I had my heart set on a pet, space monkey... Why don't
you give it up, babe?”

She laughed throatily. “Now you know I can't do that.” Besides
this time they're right.

The young astronaut couldn't see Leonardo. But she knew he was there,
traveling parallel to her descent.
They'd been in space for a week and

both were ready for some R&R, even it was on the surface of an unexplored

planet. Moving through the crusty, mist-filled atmosphere, Allandra reduced

her speed: coasting the tiny ship in.

Her heart sank.

From a distance the dust that surrounded the atmosphere had  given off a
shimmering, mauve glow – hence the name:
Red Stone. But up close, it was an

ugly, crater-filled rock covered in red dust.

Intergalactic Space Travel's (IST) readings had been wrong.

The astronaut spotted a plateau between two boulder, a small valley, and
headed for it. She easily maneuvered the ship into a smooth landing.
She was operating a
probe: a craft roughly the same size as the small, private

planes so popular during the 21thcentury. Yet probes had the weapons capacity

and power of the much larger phoenix crafts. Allandra scanned the surface. With

the naked eye, it appeared to be mid-day.
Or whatever passes for mid-day on this desolate rock.

She pressed the blue button on her console, activating a test of the

No readings of intelligent life species, no readings of other animal
a mechanized voice intoned. “Oxygen levels too low to sustain

human life. Analysis indicates acceptable levels of toxicity.”

That means it's safe for us to get out.
She activated her ship log, and began speaking. “This is Lieutenant
Allandra Rex, commander of Probe 12. It is 2600 hours Earth Time, Day
seven of the Probe mission. Lieutenant Leonardo Cash and I have
landed on Planet Red Stone. There is no sign of life.”

But we could still find something – oh, I hope so! 

“Preliminary analysis of the planet indicates that there's not enough

oxygen to sustain human life...” Keep it simple and straightforward.

She'd learned this the first year in the space academy.


                                *         *         *


She clicked on her helmet communicator. “How you doing
over there?”

“Copathestic baby,” Leonardo's bass voice responded.

“What about you?”

“Just making the rounds.” She pushed another button on her suit and
Coltrane began to softly play.

Allandra was a curvaceous, yet petite young woman with cafe au lait skin
gray eyes, and shoulder-length, black hair. Many of ITS astronauts
thought her beautiful. Leonardo was no exception. But she had no
interest in romance, unless it was casual.

She' d had her heart broken her first year at ITS Academy by Professor
Sidney Barnes, her mentor. Sidney was a slender, lithe man, ten years
her senior, with piercing blue eyes. He'd easily seduced the
wide-eyed young cadet, who hung on his every word.  Even now Allandra
could remember his touch [censored].

Professor Barnes was exquisite in bed and brilliant. He was also married

with four children – something he managed to keep from her until he'd
had her over and over, in every imaginable position.

Just the thought of him still hurts.

After Professor Barnes Allandra kept her eyes on the stars and the planets

beyond them. They would would give her what she yearned for.

And they would never leave her.

Allandra was born in 2065: 50 years after Planet Earth's decline. The same
year IST began building the probes: lightweight spacecrafts that
could humans could live in for years, if needs be; and that moved
fast enough to break the sound barrier – traveling millions of
miles within weeks.

In 2065, global warning had accelerated. The final stage in Earth's
destruction had begun. Temperatures of 150 degrees scorched the
planet. Tidal waves, monsoons and cyclones tore it apart.

Those who could afford it moved underground. Food became the

world's most valued resource. The rest were herded under domes.
Scientists scurried to genetically reproduce fruits and vegetables –
with horrible side effects.

Money still ruled the world. But money was becoming worthless. That's when

the government saw the writing on the wall and created IST... and the probes:

spacecrafts designed for one purpose, to seek out planets capable of
sustaining human life.

Copyright 2011 Valjeanne Jeffers all rights reserved

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October is UK Black History Month!

Yes it is that time again! Some of us completely miss the point and say, "What we have a black history month?", "How come I never heard about it?" Okay maybe that was just me a few years back, because it wasn't publicized enough. In fact I remember the way I found out was though seeing a banner promoting it outside my family's local police station! The only other place after that was by visiting the local library where there was a small corner of black authored books that were put in a slightly more predominant position than usual, with a little sign above it. Well we have come a long way since then. I have come a long way by becoming one of those black authors myself, yay!

In celebration of black history, in celebration of black people proactively continuing to make ourstory, my little humble offering is to discount my book Hypknowlogy for the duration of October by 15% bringing the price down from £27 to £22.95! Now there are a few things you might be interested to know:

  • Hypknowlogy is actually a compliation of all three of by books in one. That's right, the whole trilogy in one book.
  • At the end of the book it has a Q&A section where all the questions were those sent in by fans/readers etc.
  • This book is currently only available online and even then only available for purchase through my personal online bookstore.
  • At this reduced price the purchase of Hypknowlogy is the equivalent to getting one book absolutely FREE.

So what are you waiting for?

(click image to purchase)

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