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the sci-fried mind

Being an artist is hard at times. Try being a scientist, heck, the bottles of chemicals, the clash of molecules, the expectation, the failures but damn that's fun. “Dude, it's time to take your pills!” “OK”, I say to my companion. “We doing the blood check today?” “No, all your systems are stable”.


It started innocently, a blog about PCs being too slow. People have a hunger for instantaneous response from their PCs, even talk of anticipation response. It was the topic of all conversations and being the sci- er, artist that I am, I coaxed a stem cell into boot-strapping some personal DNA. It produced a mini-brain sort of a four function calculator version a full size brain. When the paper was published I got slapped with a restraining order to cease development and ethics violations got me this house arrest. Damn those creative judges, incarcerated me with my device to learn the error of my ways. It would have worked except a near by lighting strike ramped up the energy potential in my yard. I ran out holding a Blackberry and the “Stem-D'NA device. Man, I blacked out, hit by I don't know what. I awoke in a clinic, my stuff in a box. While the nurses scurried about I cleaned the Blackberry but the Stem-D'NA device was fused to the back. I made it home and while watching the news realized only my blood was spilled. My blood, I thought, “Yeah, and you oozed all over me!”, in a muffled voice that sounded a lot like myself. I am hearing myself think, “No, not really!” My eyes open wide, taking a deep pondering breath, started to laugh. “No, wait, let me do it, Wwhhoowawaahaaaa!” Where'd you learned to do that? “It's a standard backyard sci- er, artist talk, everybody knows.....” Never mind.

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another haibun (as usual please critique)

I question why we call them civilized. What kind of civilized being would do something so horrid to itself? It was the second day of our expedition. We had already recorded many of their strange social norms when we were invited by a native to a social event. As described it was a common ritual celebrating the female body. I and my partner eagerly accepted the invitation. We didn’t know the horrors that waited.

At the appointed time we came to the appointed location and waited with anticipation. The ceremony began and we were instantly sickened. Out marched things that were more human embodiments of pain and suffering than they were females. In strange ceremonial garb they showed their corpse like bodies to all in attendance. They had mutilated and starved themselves it seemed. Very little on them looked natural. It was as if they had modified themselves in some inhuman way.

Human ritual
Worshiping corpse like beings
Walking the catwalk

We came to find that this ghastly affair was known as a “fashion show”. We were horrified by the even and immediately seeked to return home. With all the information we collected we set off back to the vessel. We were on our last leg of the journey down a road with many shops. As eager as we were to escape this frightful land I happened to peer into one of the shop windows and I saw it! I have sent the plastic idol to you in hopes that we can understand these barbaric beings. This is only my humble opinion but I believe it is their female idol.

Letter finished
Barbie doll stares
Out of box
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Just saw this one on PBS' "The History Detectives."  Very touching story about Douglas Roach, an African-American who volunteered to fight against the fascists during the Spanish Civil War. He was killed in action in 1938, I believe it was. His touching eulogy was written and delivered by his friend and comrade-in-arms, Sol Feldman. It's a sad and wonderful story.


You can read the eulogy at 


If you Google Douglas Roach Spanish Civil War, you can read all about this formerly unsung hero who, thanks to "The History Detectives" and the InterNet, will no longer be forgotten. He was a member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade -- all American volunteers who risked life and U.S. citizenship to fight in Spain against the DeFranco Fascist Regime.


Check out -- for more info.




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So, you have a community of Black folks living on the backside of the moon without, for all practical purposes, anyone on Earth knowing that they're there.  And, they've been there for four decades before they are "Discovered."


What kind of culture do they have? 

What values govern their behavior? 

What goals do they have and how are they determined?

Who decides the direction of the community's endeavors?


And more importantly...what happens when someone, anyone, doesn't want to go along with the program?


These, and other dilemmas, populate my paranoid musings as I blithely type along.


Tune in later for my next bout of writer's paranoia...



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Gene Therapy

"I can't believe what they called it; Vampirism. They even equated it with mysticism and the supernatural." The Doctor stood over the supine human form in commiseration with a Technician.

"How did the therapy even get to their planet?" The technician was interrupting a virtuality session.

"We had established a base there some centuries ago during a more primitive time in their development. At that point, our stardrives were far slower and a trip between the Outer Colonies and their world took nearly a thousand years round trip. We used the gene therapy to enhance our physiology and make it possible to survive the long voyage. We had tried cryonic methods of hibernation but our water content made it too dangerous, so this was the only way."

"So, somehow, the natives got hold of the gene therapy and used it on themselves." The technician had begun the awakening sequence and monitored the slowly rising body temperature of the man in front of her. He was a big man, more than two meters tall with a powerful build. His skin was blue black and shone with highlights from the operating theater. He was covered in a variety of scars, many resembling an animal attack, his hands were large and strong with carbon-steel tipped fingernails. His full lips, partially open, showed his large, white teeth and with a set of fangs, comfortably set to the sides of his mouth. 

"From what we could tell, they had only gotten access to part of the technology, so they were stronger and faster and occasionally would be psychically operant, but without the proper activating radiant technology, sunlight or strong ultraviolet radiation could cause severe or toxic events, killing them. Those who developed psionic powers were unfortunately, not properly trained, and their extreme levels of superstition caused their powers to feedback on them due to their belief systems. Many died that way as well. Some developed other allergies to allicin found in several of their more pungent flora, metallic poisoning was common, cold iron, silver or other highly pure metals were also able to disrupt their untrained psychic auras causing more feedback."

"Did we ever trace the original event which released the gene therapy in the first place? I had read something about the event in the medical journals which caused significant restructuring of our protocols for administration of the therapies."

"Yes, they did trace it back to a containment error in one of the Great Pyramid structures used as a landing facility and research center. The material not only escaped containment but was flown between several continents before anyone was aware of the lapse. The gene therapy caused mutations depending on which environment it found itself in, so many of the planets indigenous populations have wild myths of mutated beasts roaming the countryside."

"Doctor, why would you say they were myths if there were actually such creatures possible in the literature given their rich genetic heritage? Their planet shares a strong genetic connection with all of the animals on their planet, making it possible the gene recombination sequences did affect plant and animal life on their planet in ways we had never seen." The technician was watching the doctor as she performed a series of micro-manipulations of nanoscopic surgeons within the blood stream of the human. There were several aortic tears she was repairing, and restoring them to the smooth appearance of the undamaged tissue.

"Officially, no information regarding the transformation of their plants and animals has be put on record because it would cause a scandal if it were known that our gene therapy not only worked on their primary species but dozens of their subspecies as well. The therapy was supposedly tailored to make it possible for us to survive the trip to their world and for them to make it to their new home. If it were possible for the therapy to escape, they would be consigned to their new home without any possibility of leaving in the future. Complete this regeneration, please."

"Certainly, Doctor. Why are we trying to save this species anyway, there are several very similar to it, that were recovered over ten thousand years ago. These were the weakest and tolerated the gene therapy the worst, that is why they were originally left behind."

"That's true but those other samples have shown less variability and technical acumen than this one has. All of the cities of their forebears, are simple, unsophisticated structures. We need to know, was it their home environment, that caused their jump in development or was it our tampering that made the difference. If we are the cause, it happened to benefit them now that their sun is going through a deadly radiation phase, lethal to all life on their world. Their genetic deviation and an accident may end up saving their species."

"He's the last one Doctor. When will we be arriving? The technician returned the black man to his slumbers and his tube slid back into the wall bearing hundreds of thousands of tubes just like it.

"We have finished all of their physical repairs from the hasty retrieval from their world, cleaned up any genetic damage and restored reproductive viability to the thirty thousand species stored within this ship. Their cellular structure is far more primitive than ours, so manipulating their genome with such a wide sample, was child's play. It is unfortunate we could not gather more of their genetic materials from their world. Most of this material will not be sent to their new home."

"I understand, Doctor, I have made the arrangements at the new genetic archive where we will scan, encode and store the samples we saved from their world until we can determine if the species is fit to deposit to a world more suited to them. We collectively only managed to save thirty million of their members, many of them in varying states of mental and physical disrepair."

"How effective has the simulation of their new habitat going? Are they adjusting?" The doctor sat down onto her cilia cluster, wiping her central brain sack with a long and multicolored tentacle.

"In the early days, most simply were unable to handle the idea their world was gone. So we have introduced a model we believe has been more acceptable. They now believe their world was invaded by aliens who have begun colonizing and terraforming it. All traces of their former existence has been eradicated. They believe they were infected with an alien parasite, common to many of the fictions of their world, and have now be irrevocably transformed into a race of vampiric humans. Forced to feast on the flesh of the aliens to live, most were revolted and many died, but subsequent genetic replacements took to the simulation and are doing well."

"I would like to call this genetic harvesting and relocation program a success, Technician. Central Command says there are dozens of other stars having a similar solar transition and the source is still unknown. If we can say with some level of assurance this species will transplant well, we can begin other operations to extend the quality of life of other burgeoning races in the galaxy which might otherwise be exterminated before becoming part of the galactic community."

"Take a look for yourself, Doctor. We monitor their development and consider this more than effective, it is a rousing success. My virtuality is so perfect, no single on of them suspects and they will not be able to tell the difference. The planet they are headed to is sending live telemetry which is folded directly into their virtuality. They have virtually lived there already for over three hundred years. Once transplanted, it will be a home they have always known."

Decker stood up, his black skin hidden in the shadows of the invader trees and their purple and red leaves. His pack stopped to look into the red sky and saw the Cintuan flying overhead. There was no way they could hope to compete with a Cintuan group this large, so they stayed low to the ground, avoiding the predator tangle-trees and the wildvines common to this part of the continent. They had just feasted on the blood, meat and bones of a Malulac and the troop was strong and vital. Decker was convinced they were making headway against the Cintuan threat and with the help of the southern tribes retake the Earth under its new terrible red sun. No one has died today, we have feasted, found a new series of organic weapons and the enemy is in retreat for a change. Today was a very good day.


Gene Therapy © Thaddeus Howze 2011. All Rights Reserved

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Getting My Online Presences in Order...

I did two positive things today.


1. I created a blog for myself called Half-Black, Half-Zebra (URL: The blog will be a place where I'm going to act all ignorant and stupid and dumb... If you are the type of person to become easily offended, then perhaps you shouldn't visit my blog. Hey, a sista has to vent some kind of way. :P


2. I created a store on so that I can turn my art into $$ in my pockets! I am broke right now, so my project for the summer will be creating artsy fartsy things to sell.

You can reach my zazzle store by visiting I don't have any items in there as of 6/25/11. That will change soon.


So those are the two main things I did today. I'll reveal more of my master plan in the coming days, or weeks.


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The Priestess Has Returned!

The Priestess has returned and her trio of adventurers have gone back into the 'Black' to find the time and place the Chief's missing men may be. Have they gone deeper into the past, far into the future or made their way to the present? Read the latest phase of The Priestess Saga, "All Things Subject to Grow" to find out! Also, there's a new alternate cover for the

Priestess Page showing her in her semi-godly glory!

All Hail the Priestess!
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Green Lantern (a movie rant)

I saw Green Lantern today. I expected something terrible because reviewers totally panned it. And to add insult to injury, I listened to people on Twitter who also mentioned how bad the experience was going to be. And I almost listened. I am glad that I didn't.


As far as I was concerned the scene of the the Green Lantern Corp was beautiful to see in all of its alien diversity and was the high point of the movie for me. Such a litany of differences, it gave me hope that maybe humanity could one day come together and simply be. I keep hope alive for such as day.

Was it a brilliant movie? No. But it did entertain me and was worth the price of admission. It was not literature, but a visual feast. I knew what to expect. I knew the Hal Jordan origin of Green Lantern, so I was already aware of how Hal gets his powers and the basic premise of the character. 

Did they change things for the movies? Oh yes. 

Did they compress 40 years of character into a two hour window, merging dozens and dozens of stories into a single tale of increasing complexity? Yes they did.

Was it too hard to follow? No. Every critic acted as if there were entirely too many things going on, detracting from the story.

Was the story too complex? No. If you have walked and had a piece of chewing gum going at the same time, you could follow the story.

But I think I found the reasons many critics did not like it. I notice it as a trend in certain science fiction movies. In the recent movie Battlefield: Los Angeles and Skyline, both of which were marginal science fiction movies but their underlying premise cannot be dismissed. Humans got their collective asses kicked. Battlefield: LA tried very hard to make it look like there was a fair fight but for most of the movie humans were losing and even as it the movie concludes, the outcome is in doubt.
In Skyline, we are barely able to muster the ability to resist the alien menace at all. They used a technology to modify our minds and make us easy to harvest for their own purposes. Both movies made one thing clear. ET came from somewhere else and Kilowog mentions it completely as a passing thought, but it strikes a nerve every time I hear it. 

"Humanity likes to imagine itself as the ultimate expression of intelligence in the Universe."
As a result, when any science fiction movie presents humanity as the flawed, imperfect, socially maladjusted and sometimes sociopathic species it can appear to be, everyone gets pissed and offended because they say "I am not like that." But you are. If you doubt it, ask yourself if an alien appeared today and compared your intelligence to that of one of his retarded children, you would certainly be offended. But he may mean no disrespect. It may simply be a truth to him. He crossed the vast gulf of space to be able to sit and talk with us and he may find us only slightly more intelligent in comparison to the intellect we find in our cats and dogs. It is galling to think there may be someone or an entire species, let alone a community of different intelligences far greater than our own.

Humans are notoriously bigoted, short-sighted, and inclined to irrational thinking. If you doubt this, ask ten people or a thousand, how they feel about global warming, world peace, who the current president is and how they feel about him, which political party is the worst one, and whose religion is most likely to be right when the apocalypse arrives. You would find the range of answers staggering from highly informed to the completely insane and you barely have to move more that fifteen meters in any direction. This is a cultural blindness caused by our isolation in the universe. We have turned into narcissistic boobs, masturbating and self-congratulating each other using our social media technologies with alarming frequency as if to remind ourselves we still matter but such desperation for acknowledgement only accents our fear of our alone-ness or worse, our inadequacy.

Green Lantern's Hal Jordan, and his nemesis of Hector Hammond are both mirrors of each other and all of us. Hal, handsome, a talented pilot, but professionally unable to achieve anything like adulthood for more than an hour at a time, spends his life avoiding anything like responsibility. Hector Hammond is a balding middle-aged, out of shape scientist, of modest ambition with an overbearing senator for a father, who constantly pushes him to have some ambition. Hal, growing up without a father, overcompensates for his father's death in a plane accident by indulging in flying to the reckless and dangerous limits. Hammond avoids everything to do with his father and teaches biology in a local community college or university. Both are underachieving, for different reasons. They both have one other thing in common, an interest in Carol Ferris, the future owner of Ferris Aircraft where Hal works and Hector's father is working with the government for a contract for Ferris Aircraft.

The movie has lots of threads, but they despite some choppy editing are able to be resolved satisfactorily. The visuals seemed a little behind the times but nothing I could not deal with. I saw it in 2D, so I suspect it may look better in 3D, but I will never know since I refuse to pay $16 for a single movie ticket.

No, this movie is not Thor. Nor is it X-Men First Class. Thor speaks to the divine spark in all men, the desire to eclipse our fathers and become as great as we can be. X-men speaks to the outsider we all have known at one point in our lives or another. Iron Man caters to our obsessions with technology and its overall cool factor. Green Lantern speaks to a completely different state of mind. Hal is an every-man, a person who has never had to put someone else before himself and has almost never done that, except perhaps with his nephew, who shares his love of planes and flight. Hal is selfish, and self-absorbed and suddenly finds himself with one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. And he is not equal to the task, and he knows it.

All of us relate to that, and that is why this movie strikes home. We hate that feeling. We hate the feeling of fear, of weakness, of coming up short. Hal, even with the ring, felt this way, particularly when he arrives at Oa and finds an entire army of beings who resent his very presence. Discrimination sits poorly for those who are used to sitting at the top of the heap. Hal Jordan receives ultimate power and the ultimate smack-down, all in the same breath. So no, this movie will not appeal to the idea of the super hero as the ultimate expression of all that humanity can be, because this movie is about humanity, not super-humanity. When all is said and done, this movie addresses that which makes us human and how we deal with that can only be improved by technology, never replaced.

Hector Hammond is a tragic figure in this film because he succumbs to the fear which has ruled his life and in doing so, commits patricide. But his tragedy is far worse than that. He is a failed archetype because he has come to believe in his own inner worthlessness, imposed on him by his father. He could have opted to use his power differently but could not get past his own hopelessness at his state. Even with incredible power, his fear consumed him, literally.

Green Lantern has its faults, it wants to merge so many things from the character's rich history that it loses its way. It is not a bad film and if you can handle the truth of our species failings, you may see Hal's slow transformation into something else, a person with whom you share many attributes with and can achieve the same levels of growth, if you could get out of your own way and believe in what you are capable of. Hal Jordan is all of us. Hector Hammond is too. You get to pick.



© Thaddeus Howze 2011. All Rights Reserved

A Matter of Scale (WordPress Tech Blog)

IT Examiner (

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 The heyday of the pulp magazines was before my time. I was born during the dying days of that era, and by the time I was old enough to read and appreciate the fiction those magazines published, they were long gone -- in spirit, at least. But I did delve heavily into paperback books, which are the modern-day descendants of the pulps.


 Some of the old pulp stories and characters were revived in the 1960s, including Robert E. Howard's Conan character, which inspired my own warrior-hero, Imaro. But of course there were plenty of other adventurers that survived the pulps' demise, such as Doc Savage and The Shadow. Of course, none of these superstars of the printed page were black. This is the 1920s-40s we're talking about here, and in the vast majority of those stories, black characters were relegated to stereotyped background roles if they were present at all.


 There were some exceptions. Jericho Druke, described as an "African giant of immense strength," was an agent of The Shadow. Joshua and Rosabel Newton were part of the team of The Avenger, who was similar to Doc Savage. In conformity with the times, Josh and Rosabel posed as servants, though they had both earned degrees from Tuskegee University. But The Avenger treated them as trusted equals.


 Maybe there were other characters like Jericho and the Newtons. If so, they were few and far between.


 Ron Fortier of Airship 27 Productions publishes what is known as "New Pulp" -- new stories in 1930s settings, minus the ethnic excesses of the past. When Ron suggested that I write a New Pulp story of my own, I came up with Damballa.  Damballa is the type of black hero character who should have been -- but could not have been -- published in the '30s. He is inspired by The Shadow, but is no more an imitation of The Shadow than Imaro is of Conan. 


 The newly released novel, Damballa, tells the story of how the mysterious African-American protector of Harlem foils a plot to sabotage a heavyweight boxing championship bout between a black American champion and a German challenger who represents the Nazis. The time is 1938, a year before the beginning of World War II. Similarities between this fictional fight and the real-life 1938 title bout between Joe Louis and Max Schmeling are entirely intentional.


 Damballa features action, suspense, a mad scientist, gangsters, beautiful women, and evocations of the highs and lows of life in 1930s Harlem. It was a lot of fun to write, and I hope readers will enjoy it. I am glad to have had the opportunity to make a needed addition to the New Pulp genre, as I did to sword-and-sorcery way back when.


 Damballa can be ordered from and On Monday, it will be available at and Barnes & Noble. 


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I have been given the go ahead to ask NYC based Black Comic Book Artists to join

me at a proposed book signing at Hue- Man book store , courtesy of Michael

Bannerman, the manager of the shop. Located at 2319 Frederick Douglas Blvd.

near ( W.125).


We need 3 or 4 Comic Artists who write and are self- publishers of their own

Comics or Graphic Novels. Please contact me at or

call me at 718-665-8099 for more information.


Let's make this a great event for all.



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Just two more days before the Priestess returns! Phase III of the saga "The Priestess: All Things Subject to Grow" will see the stalwart trio of the Valley Knight, Little Fish and the Aesir Chief in a strange new land of Golden Towers and the might of the 'Slave-Trader King'! However, there are far more sinister powers at work with in the King's realm and they have their sights on the Valley adventurers! Will the trio find the Chief's men in this city of misery or will they too become commodities of the Slave-Trader King?
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cam cult meets the twinkie revenger

I'm not old school by nature, I came into this way because someone has to hold the line. There was a convergence between cell phone camera people and reality show folks. Scared the heck out of me. They copied the flash dancers and instead of converging in a mall, they have an internet channel. The technology is intrusive, they put their cams on ID cards to wear around the neck, on head bands, buttons, badges and trinkets. There is a rival group who wear flexible video monitors but I believe this is a tele-tubbie cult.


I watched with horror as the reality of the unscripted real opened before me, first a safari where the cam caught poachers. Then the poachers captured the cam and that scene played out.


The rock climbers, the roller-coaster riders, the base jumpers, adrenalin junkies all. Fine when all is well but when disaster is live and real, "that's entertainment".


I watched with morbid curiosity as it all went south. Today voyeurism hit the mainstream, people being real, I've had enough. It takes 20 minutes to get into any building, they search you for weapons, drugs and cameras.


There are rolling video blackouts to regulate the amount of time people can spend in front of their monitors. I was walking down the street, passed a TV store, as I approached each monitor it blanked out, returning to life after I passed. It must be my time, I thought.


I was mad and tired and fed up. My revenge on the state of video life had come. I reached into the back of the bottom desk drawer and pulled out "the Twinkie", perfectly preserved in the original unopened celluloid humidor, a vintage unknown. I could have swapped it for a fresh one but the irony of this was too cool, still springy. I went to the roof and placed it precariously on the edge, snap. Then on a bridge where the current and roar make it all sway, snap. To the zoo's lion's den and in a welder's hand, torch sparking, snap, snap. Under the bus wheel and in every place of risk. In my final yet still unfinished episode I tore off the wrapper, moved it toward my mouth and blanked out the video. The Net went wild, request for the ending, sequels and bids for a bite of the other vintage Twinkie. There was a run of Twinkie costumes and vintage Airstream trailers (painted yellow), police stopped eating donuts, the cupcake became obsolete.


I was arrested for messing with people's minds in a public space. Sentenced to 10 years probation, no cameras and a Twinkie restraining order.


What's become of the other Twinkie? Smithsonian, in a crate, next to the.............. mummified Egyptian yellow sponge cake thing of Tut's.

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He hadn't eaten a thing all day. Hadn't spoken with anyone since early that morning. Shared his nightmare vision.
The research laboratory had been cleared before the crucial final test. Expunged of spectators and colleagues alike. "I'll call you when the procedure is complete." he promised to one and all; ushering all humanoids past radiation-proof molybdenum /boron /titanium composite doors. Shielding ports securely locked.

Mathematical models and scaled tests indicated significant leakage of exogenous radiation far up the Gamma and Theta bands. It had been decided to limit risk. His design, his baby - his was the honor and the liability. Captain of the ship.

The robotic sensors would be there - of course. Silent sentinels - like the statues of Easter Island, waiting to greet the dawn. Waiting to greet the unknown with wonder and awe. Waiting to herald the terror!

They were the first casualties of the truth. Disabled by a single act. A circuit board, light impulse input conduit, urgently ripped from its housing. Silenced before proclaiming the advent. Perhaps, the greatest event in human history. Scuttled by a desperate captain -desperate for time to think. Time to check his facts carefully, review calculations. Consider the implications, ramifications.

A hoax! That could be it, easily explainable. But the small figure stared back at him with unblinking eyes; perched on smooth pedestal of unknown material. One which defied all analysis, except that it reeked of Plutonium 235, 237. Tri-coboltritium and even more esoteric isotopes. Complex mixtures of sub-atomic material unfathomable to his equipment. All with half-lives spanning from nanoseconds to hundreds of thousands of years.

The monochrome figurine which mocked him, indeed all the achievements of mankind was simple, almost elegant in simplicity. Epochal changes almost always were. The captain of this particular ship searched his mind in frenzied pandemonium. 'Should he destroy the lab?' 'Himself? In the process the evidence of this monstrosity?' All that he held dear had, in an instant, been swept away. Head buried in hands he was unsure of his next move.

Ironically, he thought of Charlton Heston in the last iconic scene from the original "Planet of the Apes". He remembered seeing it in the holographic imager at the Museum of Ancient Culture. The dialogue scrawled across his brain: "You did it!" "You really blew it all up!" "You damn stupid apes!"
He refused all entreaties for the remainder of the afternoon.

On the pedestal of the quantum flux generator the little image transported through the portal from the future continued to unblinkingly greet the world. The two foot high image of a cockroach standing tall, tool belt hanging proudly around its waist. Etchings across the base proclaimed a secret message.

The Keeper from Star Trek's: The Cage addressed the dreamer, "That was from a story you once heard in childhood. From deeper in the recesses of your mind there are other even more fantastic tales!"

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An Evening In Tabsyfiide

.                   “Ulafazfi Telidosse.  We killin’ the menfolk or what?” asked the gravel voiced Veyahansa, pointing to a group of men separated from the crowd of women, children and elderly in the just plundered compound of a well off city dweller of the recently taken city of Tabysiifide.    “You! Nedresse blood or Khiv?",  she asked one burly hard staring man, his muscular arms hanging by his side,  fists looking like they shaped and hammered metal into form without need of tools.  They were both of the same height 5’9” but she knew she was outweighed twice over.  “Nedresse mostly, some Khiv too. “ The low bass of his voice suited him.   She could imagine him being heard over the din of a shop floor. There was a lessening in the intensity of his and some of the other men’s look of defiance, when it quickly dawned on them that this might be an excuse to slaughter them all on a count of racial purity or lack thereof.    She let that thought worm through their heads for a moment, seeing the varied expressions race across their features like a herd of antelope before a grassfire.         “You work in a smithy? You know how to work with finished metals from a smithy? Or you're just another over muscled lout wasting my ever so precious time?”   He puffed out his chest and seemed to ready himself to start forward, but stayed still, if he had been by himself he would have tried to kill or maim her before he was slain himself.  But he had these others with him and their families across from them.   The loud intake of breath also told him he’d be alone in his defiance.     “We all work, or worked, for the Gythuma Qwebokloshra. His is the biggest metalwork shop on this side of Tabsyfiide. This was his house you have taken over.”   His Varii was recognizable so she didn’t have to ask him to repeat what he had said.     Also, as much as he could, he kept the heat from his reply tamped down.

       Ulafazi Telidosse appreciated that here at least wasn’t some sad soul looking to atone for not actively defending his city by wishing to die with it and seeing to everyone else in his charge dying as well.    “Okay, go get your women and kids and such and go into the house Qwebokloshra, all of you. Get moving before I think better of it. Veyahansa!  You and six of your buddies stand guard over these folk.  And keep it in your shorts or I’ll tell that little evil midget Hedyonsle you married. And you know she and her hippo momma will run your ass up a tree!”  That brought a round of shield beating and hoots. Little Hedyonsle wasn’t a midget but was not the demure soldier’s wife type: she had an outsized temper, utterly courageous, handy with a knife or hatchet, and had her equally turbulent mother living with her and the five kids still at home.   Thus the hoots and shield slapping as Veyahansa slouched off.    Keeping her face straight, Telidosse called him over to her.    “ Listen. I know you wouldn’t even think of doing something disreputable as that, but some of the fellows you might pick out might be in heat so keep them,  in line.  And by all means, protect yourselves if any of the people here get infected with last minute boldness. But it don’t mean picking on ‘em either you get me ?”  “Yeah, I, mean Yes Ulafazfi Telidosse. I just wish you hadn’t brought up my Hedy into the mix.  A lot of my mates already thinks I be corralled and such.”   “Well, you and I know you’re in a loving , bountiful in blessings house, right?”   “ Except for that knuckleheaded older son of mine and that cranky ass mother-in law, always instigating something that don’t concern her nosy …”   “Not now Veyahansa!  We’ll take this up after we get this settled, okay?” “ I’d really  appreciate that Ulafazfi, I really would.”      

      And so it went.  Many of the residences were empty and dark, others packed with relatives and neighbors giving off the scents of despair and fear.  Telidosse and her mates were more interested in loot than revenge killings though that didn’t stop some poor fool from getting his or herself killed resisting a soldier’s taking some heirloom or entering a room where the younger children had been hidden.   Or a defender who had fled to his home to act out the final, for them, engagement in the battle: who rushed screaming at the invaders to soon be laid out beside his or her family in a variety of poses, pools of the blood that once bound them now  released by the familial slayer’s own hands.    “The bastard didn’t have to kill the little babes, Ulafazfi! We ain’t baby killing cocksuckers like some are!  They could have lived! They should be alive now Ulafazfi!”  

         “ What you was going to do, Miasliedo? Start nursing the little…Oww! Hey! I…Oww!”   Telidosse stood over the prone soldier and between he and the shivering with pain and rage  Miasliedo.    His youngest child had died while he had been marching towards the Mazimensah campaign, the news arriving just as they were enjoying the last day of rest before the final assault.   “Lakalawoxla, I think you say shit just to hear how smart you think it sounds! Get your sorry ass out of here! Leave your bag! You just contributed the main part of our share to the relief fund, oh great wit.  You upset?” “Godsdamn right I am!”  “Want to do something about it?”  “Yeah bitch, I am!”  Two soldiers grabbed him before he could act out his wish. Much could be said against Lal, but cowardice and lack of battle skills were not part of them.   She could have spilt his guts onto the already sodden floor with no questions asked or a need for a report.     


 Instead, she told the two to disarm him and lead him to where a small temple to some cult of these parts, sat like a pig in its most favorite pool of fetid muck, was about to be searched.  If there was some type of feral guardian there, then they could use him as bait.   Miasliedo was weeping now. Telidosse motioned for his friend to get him outside the city walls and back to their camp.      A horror, a Twisted One, was found in the temple. It had been shackled to a most grisly human and animal bone altar beneath that on the first floor.     A great, long armed, black furred, yellowed saber tooth thing that stood on three toed feet with the torso of a forest ape.  Its head was the most horrifying though; except for the fangs, the head was that of a human being, filthy, bestial true, but human.    Telidosse saw the head for herself. Lal carried it proudly on a  priest of  the temple's discarded staff, after having had slain it with another’s spear.  On Lal’s exposed chest, his outer top garments having been slashed to trailing tatters, the tattoo of the Stalker and the Dancer.            The next street away was dark. Only the reflected light of the buildings set afire elsewhere in the fallen city reflecting a weird glimmer on the white plastered walls.    Except for the yellow light issuing from an open doorway.  The fifteen veterans with Telidosse, dropped their loot and started looking at roofs,  darkened alleyways, windows and doorways with even more caution.   


            “I bet you there’s a squad of them Yellow Feather boys wanting another go at us in a more personable way, huh, Ulafazfi?”   They had not seen any of the Freelancers.  There were some bodies laying in the street but they appeared to be the hapless militia of the city, not the heavy hitters with the three yellow feathers in their helmets.  Telidosse called out for a two rank column which they hurriedly complied with.    Those who had kept their shields about them crouched behind them lest a barrage of bolts sought prey from roofs or suddenly death dealing windows.    As they neared the open doorway they noticed the large painted sign in both Varii, called Nedresse here, and Khiv above it.  A waft of cooking odors came at them, even through the smells of battle, death, and smoke.Telidosse was first through the doorway, her sword at the ready.   Inside there were empty tables and chairs neatly arranged and on one of the tables, to the left of the door, were two large bags.      Beside them in two neat stacks were gold and silver coins. 


As Telidosse still at the ready, approached the table,  a fat dark brown woman, of mid height, who had a face that could be called goat like, stepped into the light from behind a table in the shadows of a staircase leading up to the second floor.  “Most welcome of all the patrons who have graced this humble wajkhino, loyal warriors of the one and only true Ak Ghana, Tonoguru, may the sacred bolts of Shango continue to strike down his enemies, may the Stalker’s talons rip out their presumptuous hearts and hurl them, flaming, onto the pox riddled plains of Wzariz’s gloomy dominion, hail to all of you, most proud of the great ‘n true Ak Ghana’s warriors, to the wajkhino of Lologgue.”   The  unexpected recitation, the fat bags of hopefully  gold and silver with their respective coins in neat sample stacks before them, and the scent of tongue enticing food from the open kitchen behind a polished plank bar, atop which were two kegs of mihi beer with the sigils of a famous brewer from the central region of Ne Varii, led a grinning Telidosse to believe she had found herself the most appropriate of headquarters for one of her service and rank.       Sending a still on edge detail of eight to search the immediate area around the tavern which occupied a corner and  sat apart from the other buildings of this particular neighborhood.


Her search of the inside of the tavern uncovered the staff and their family members, and an acolyte of the Dancer who extended blessings upon them. There were at least three neighboring households jammed upstairs quaking in fear.     One man, a foully smelling and dressed bastard, said he was more than willing to offer up his two young daughters if that would please them. Ogejupamo, a father himself, thrust his sword up through the vulture’s throat and into the slime that filled it’s head, lifting the filth up off his feet, the hard driven blade could be seen from the villain’s gaping mouth. 


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Rent-a-Cracker Part 4

Shawnetta said, “Come on. He won’t bite. He’s super polite, and he’s into hip-hop.”

They approached the passenger side of the car. Rapsilico stared straight ahead at the ball-playing kids who had resumed their rule of the street.         

"You know I ain’t into white boys, but damn, that nigga is fine.” Claudine bent down to get a better look at the clone, and Shawnetta nudged her. “Can he hear me?”

“Yes. He has ears.” Shawnetta opened the door. “Rapsilico. This is my friend, Claudine.”

The clone hopped out of the car, and Claudine backed up, a mistrustful frown on her face.

“Whattup, Claudine.”


"Can I call you Claude?”



Claudine studied the White Man. “What’s your name again?” 


“It fits.” She turned to Shawnetta. “Let’s go, before my neighbors see me out here talking to Frankenwigger.”

She reached for her door, but the clone grabbed the handle first. “Let me get that,” he said. Claudine climbed into the car and sat back in her seat, impressed. Shawnetta knew it was because most men in L.A. were sorely lacking in manners. They brushed past Shawnetta to enter the elevator first, let doors slam in her face, and on the rare occasions when they asked her on a date, they were at the entrance of the restaurant long before she’d even descended from the car. Now here was this Companion treating them with more respect than most red-blooded men they knew. After he closed Claudine’s door, he raced around to the driver’s side.

“I got you, Shawnie.”

“Thank you.”

It would be nice to put everything in his hands, to turn the wheel over to her White Man and let him chauffeur them around town. She knew his wallet contained a license that specified he was a driving-enabled clone, but she didn’t want to take the risk. Not yet. Maybe after knowing him for a few weeks, she’d take him somewhere out of the way to test his skills. 

As they drove off, Claudine said, “How old are you, Silico?”

“Rapsilico,” Shawnetta said.

“Right. Rapsilico. How old are you?” 


“Got you a young boy.”  Claudine winked at Shawnetta in the rearview. “Now do they rent you out to white girls too, or are you only leased to sisters?”


“What? Everybody in here is grown. I’m just getting to know Rasp – your friend here.” She reached up to feel the clone’s hair. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this crack – this White Man was the truth!”

Shawnetta glanced over at her Companion. If Claudine’s insults bothered him, it didn’t register on his face. He still smiled that boyish grin as he stared at the street ahead.

“Back to my question, Rapilico.” 

“His name is Rapsilico.”

“My mistake. Back to my question, Rapsilico. Do they rent you to white girls or only black women?”

“I’m strictly into sisters.”

“Good answer,” Claudine said.

“I love black skin,” he said.

Claudine chuckled a good minute before she said, “They trained you well, honey. But those pretty blue eyes must have cataracts, because that sister sitting next to you is far from black. Well, she black, but she as light as they come. What in the world is this country coming to when even light-skinned chicks are hard up for dates?”

Rapsilico put a hand on Shawnetta’s cheek. “She’s beautiful.” 

Shawnetta felt her face reddening beneath his oily fingerprints. The clone had been programmed well … or had her features triggered something in him, some memory of loveliness? 

Claudine sat back in her seat, watching the passing scenery. A dreadlocked man hoisted a toddler onto his shoulders as they crossed the street. The little girl grasped his ears, resting her cheek against his hair. 

“Your windows are dirty,” she said.

Ten minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot at the Baldwin Center Plaza on La Tijera and Heliotrope. Although it had been renamed by its new owners several years prior, everyone Shawnetta knew still called it Baldwin Center. She rarely shopped at this mall because it was one favored by black folks, and too many black people congregating in one place made her nervous. If she was ashy because she forgot to put on lotion after getting out of the shower, they noticed. If her hair wasn’t styled to a T, they noticed. Their unvoiced criticism was harsher than verbalized critiques from the white people she knew. She would definitely stand out with Rapsilico here, but that’s what she wanted.

“Now, this is family,” Claudine said, as they neared the entrance. She linked arms with Shawnetta. The clone was close on their heels like a puppy vying for attention. Claudine swatted at him with her free hand. “Back up, son.” 

“He doesn’t take orders from you.” Shawnetta turned to her White Man. “She meant to say, can you give us a little room, please?” 


Claudine was messing up her plan. Shawnetta wanted to make her entrance hugged up with Rapsilico. Now he lagged behind like a reluctant coworker who had gotten roped into joining them.

“He’s nice and everything, but I can’t wait until his lease is up,” Claudine said. “A little plastic is cool every now and then, but I don’t see how you can wake up to that every day.”

“Why not? He sure is easy on the eyes.” 

“True, but black love is a beautiful thing.” She nodded at a pregnant woman with braids who was stopped at the crosswalk, waiting for an SUV to pass.  

Shawnetta said, “I don’t believe in black love anymore.” 

“That’s because you need to come south of Wilshire Boulevard,” Claudine said. “You’re a beautiful woman, Shawnetta. Bourgie, but beautiful. You always get attention when you hit the hood. Plenty of guys was checking for you at that barbecue we went to on Slauson a few months ago.”

“Not the attention I’m looking for. They were, like, ten years older than me and divorced, or had baby mamas,” Shawnetta said. She finger combed her hair. She usually slicked it back into a ponytail on the weekends, but she had flat ironed it for the occasion. The burnt orange scoop neck dress she wore accentuated her hazel eyes. “Why should I settle? I have a degree. I have a good job in accounting at a top production company. I’m still young, and I don’t have any kids.”

“And you never will with Rap hanging around. Girl, it’s a conspiracy.”  

"What is?” 

“These clones. What if all the lonely, pitiful, black-man-hating, feeling-sorry-for-themselves sisters just up and got a cracker for hire?” Her chuckle had a bitter edge. “They’d be cuddling with clones every night, never taking time to get to know a real somebody – if that’s what they wanted.” 

Shawnetta sighed. Claudine was so old school. And for all her “black love” talk, she hadn’t been on a date in years either. 

“Claudine, black women are dying out. We have to keep our options open,” Shawnetta said. They walked through the automatic doors of a department store, and she glanced around for men’s clothing. “Besides, I’m only going to be with Rapsilico for six months. The Naturally Nordic sales rep said that being with a clone helps attract real white men. It makes them less intimidated because they see you’re open to interracial relationships.”

Claudine sucked her teeth. “Honey, a real white man wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole. You too close to Becky,” she said. “You ain’t dark enough, your hair ain’t nappy enough, you ain’t got enough ass, and you ain’t got them strong Nubian features most crackers are looking for when they get their stroll on through the jungle.” 

Shawnetta paused by a row of men’s suit jackets. She crooked a finger at Rapsilico. “Come try this on, sweetie. We need to find you something hot for the holiday party.”

Shawnetta held out a pinstriped black jacket and the clone slipped into it, but it hugged his biceps too tightly. She looked around. A tall dark-skinned salesman rang up a customer at a nearby register. As he handed the woman her bag, Shawnetta waved at him. He jogged over with a smile, which slipped when he saw the White Man standing by her side. She noticed the diminished cheer in his eyes, the same siphoning of joy that echoed in hers when she saw what appeared to be an available black man later joined by a white woman. 

“Good morning. Need some help, ma’am?” His nametag read Xerxes.

“My boyfriend is buying a new suit,” Shawnetta said. Behind her, Claudine snorted. “Can you help us with some sizes?” 

"My pleasure.” Xerxes gave Rapsilico the once-over. “You’re a 38, right?”

“That sounds about right,” Shawnetta said. The black man turned away from her, rifling through the clothes. He handed the White Man a jacket. “Here you go, sir. I’ll get you a size 32 pants.”

“Thanks, son,” Rapsilico said. 

Xerxes paused, his hand gripping the rack ...


Part I

Part II

Part III

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Rent-a-Cracker Part 3

The clone jumped to his feet and headed toward her. Then he turned around and kicked off his tennis shoes, placing them in the spot where her stilettos had lain.

Damn. Why can’t he be real?

He followed her into the bedroom, and she turned on the light.

“Stay there.”


She opened her walk-in closet and placed her shoes in a wooden rack. She walked past the clone and opened the top drawer of her oak dresser, removing a pair of panties and a pink cotton nightgown. Normally, she’d feel embarrassed about pulling out such intimate items in front of a stranger, but she didn’t feel nervous around Rapsilico. She went inside the bathroom and closed the door. She showered before getting dressed for dinner, so she stepped out of the black dress and changed into her nightclothes. She washed off her makeup at the vanity adjacent to the bathroom, staring at the clone in the mirror. He was standing in the doorway where she’d ordered him, facing the wall behind her poster bed. She knew Rapsilico was self-cleaning, and she wondered what would happen if he got wet.        

I’ll finish reading the owner’s manual in the morning. Shawnetta knew to activate the White Man for the first time, she only had to speak his name. To shut him down, she used the phrase, “Time to close your eyes.” It was a silly command, since the clone couldn’t lower his eyelids all the way. The deactivation phrase reminded her of something she might say to a fussy child refusing to take a nap.

“I like that nightgown on you. That’s a real pretty color.”

“Thanks, Rapsilico.” She gestured to the armless accent chair next to her armoire. She had purchased the chair because the chocolate velvet coordinated well with her bedroom furniture, and she wanted another comfortable place besides her couch to read. But she ended up doing all of her reading in bed. She spent most of her time in bed. Alone. “You can sleep here.”


Rapsilico reclined in the chair, his hands on his legs. He didn’t have a change of clothes, and there was nothing she could offer him to sleep in – no pajamas or even a tee shirt left behind by a former lover. They would have to go shopping in the morning. She turned off the light and climbed in bed.

“Goodnight, Rapsilico.”

“Night, Shawnie.”

“Time to close your eyes.”

The clone fell silent. Light from the street lamp streamed through her vertical blinds, bisecting his torso. Shadows hid one side of his face, but she still saw his unblinking blue eyes.

Shawnetta drove east on Wilshire on her way to Claudine’s house. It was Saturday morning, and she called her friend an hour ago to ask her to accompany her and Rapsilico on their shopping spree. Shawnetta was eager to show off her White Man, even though she knew Claudine only had eyes for men with dark skin. But her clone was so handsome and polite, he could win over the most militant of black women. She needs to keep her options open.

Earlier, when Shawnetta arose, she nearly tumbled out of bed at the sight of the upright figure in her accent
chair, hands on his legs, lids at half mast. It took her a moment to realize that he was not an intruder. She decided to shower and dress before activating him for the day. While he was still in resting mode, she raked a wide-toothed comb through his hair, patting the yellow tresses into place. She straightened the polo shirt and shook a few drops from a sample cologne vial in his general direction. Then she called his name.

Now they cruised down Crenshaw in her Jetta, the White Man’s arm resting on the window ledge.

“I love sunny days. It’s so beautiful outside, isn’t it, Rapsilico?”

“Word.” He turned toward her with a grin. He would look even sexier wearing a pair of designer shades. “Not as beautiful as you, though.”

Shawnetta fumbled for a CD in the case attached to her visor. “What kind of music do you like to listen to?”

“Oh, I listen to whatever – Jay-Z. Snoop. Ice Cube. Whatever you like, Shawnie.”

“So, you’re a hip-hop head?”

"I always have hip-hop in my head.”

I wonder how black they made him
. Shawnie signaled to get into her left lane. Claudine’s street, Adams Boulevard, was a few blocks away. A Latino selling oranges near the freeway on ramp turned to watch as they passed. Does he only have a superficial hood knowledge, or is there some soul in his DNA?

She said, “I loved hip-hop growing up, but now most of it is so commercial. Some ugly, tatted up, gold-teeth fool is always bragging about his money and his bitches,” she said. “But we had real music back then – Public Enemy, Digable Planets, Salt-N-Pepa, De La Soul.”

“Black Sheep. Eric B and Rakim.”

Shawnetta curled her lips in disbelief. “What? You don’t know about Eric B and Rakim.”

“I know Eric B and Rakim.”

“Okay. Whatever.”

The blond Man smiled. Then nodding his head, he rapped:            

            “I came in the door, I said it before     
            I never let the mic magnetize me no more But it's bitin' me, fightin' me, invitin' me to rhyme
            I can't hold it back, I'm lookin' for the line …”

“Wow.” Shawnetta shook her head as she inserted her CD. “Color me impressed.”

She was silent for a few minutes, digesting the experience. She felt more attracted to him now. They liked the same artists. Or was he only reciting from an extensive catalog of rap music that had been preselected for him? Her White Man continued to nod in rhythm to an imaginary beat, and she turned up the volume on her Elton John song.

A few minutes later, Shawnetta pulled up in front of the pink bungalow Claudine rented. Three or four kids played catch in the middle of the street. They separated to let her car pass, and then continued to toss the ball to each other.

“I’m going to get my friend. Stay here, Rapsilico.”


As she opened the gate and headed up the walkway, Claudine poked her head out the front door. She must have been watching from the window. She locked the door, then turned toward Shawnetta with a wide grin.

“If it ain’t the Colored Girl and the Clone.”

“Good morning to you too, Claudine.” 

“You know I’m just messing with you, girl.” Claudine chuckled, zipping up her sweater jacket. Although September was still considered a summer month in Los Angeles, the morning was chilly. “Can’t wait to check out your new man. How’s he treating you?”

"He just came in the mail yesterday, but so far so good,” Shawnetta said as they walked toward the car. “We went out to dinner last night.”

“That’s nice. Who paid?”

“He did.”

That wasn’t exactly true. The NNI Companion came equipped with a wallet in his back pocket, but the debit card he used to pay for their Mexican food was pre-loaded with Shawnetta’s money. He would continue to “treat” her with the card, but she had to check the balance and deposit more money when the funds ran out.

Claudine whistled, opening the gate. “That’s what I’m talking about. I need to get me a White Man. I always heard they don’t mind coming out the pocket.” She paused, staring at the pale arm hanging from the window of the Jetta. 

Part 1

Part II

Part IV

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