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ONYXCON 3! AUGUST 19th & 20th!

The Entire event takes place at:
AUGUST 19th is the Day for The ONYXCON INSTITUTE and THE OFFICIAL ONYXCON ART EXHIBITION!The Art exhibition is from 6PM - 9PM and is free & open to the public. We will be honoring the late great writer of Popular Arts fiction, Mr. Dwayne McDuffie. for more info on this legend. 
ONYXCON INSTITUTE  - 9AM TIL 4PM  ARRIVE EARLY!The ONYXCON INSTITUTE costis $35 general admission. $25 with proper High School or College ID.

ONYXCON - The CONVENTION  is on Saturday AUGUST 20, 2011 from 11AM - 7PM.General Admission is $10. Ages 6-12 are $3. 5 and younger are free.
 Experience Vendors showcasing unique comic books/graphic novels, novels, video games, toys, promotional clothing (T-shirts,etc.), the Arcade, activities, games, displays, the Art Show, book signings, cosplay/masquerades, music vibes and performances! WELCOME  TO ONYXCON! 

The ONYXCON INSTITUTE will feature tutorials/workshops by professional Artist in 2D and 3D techniques common in todays comic book, animation, and film industries. There will also be presentations in writing techniques. Finally, there will be a panel Discussions on SEX & VIOLENCE in The Popular Arts & how both are approached, analyzed, challenged, embraced, and the impact on African Diaspora's creators and consumers of Popular Arts. THIS PANEL WILL CONTAIN LANGUAGE, SUBJECT MATTER, IMAGES, AUDIO, AND DISCUSSIONS FOR A MATURE AUDIENCE! PARENTAL DISCRETION IS ADVISED!

Only 16 years and older are admitted to the Onyxcon Institute with proper ID. Parent or Guardian must accompany anyone under 16. 18 and older are admitted to the Sex & Violence Panel. Anyone younger must present the approval of a guardian for attendance. e-mail to RSVP or for information:



The ONYXCON INSTITUTE consist of workshops/tutorials and panels by industry professionals in comics, gaming, animation, writing, and various other areas of interest for the popular Arts community. 
ONYXCON 3 is proud to showcase the following presenters:

MSHINDO KUUMBA I Digital PhotoShop CS Master! 10AM -11:30PM


MAURICE NOVEMBRE  3D rendering digital Maya &     THEATER 1- 2PM

RICH 'URAEUS' TYLER - Networking & Brand Building your Concept  10AM -11AM
N STEVEN HARRIS - Cenematic Sequence    BLACK ROOM 2-3PM

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No Internet=Itty Bitty Progress

I had to choose between burning eyelids/power nap and working on the short story while the guys were napping. I chose to soothe the burning eyelids first. However, I did manage to get some of the end-of-chapter exercises in my short story book done this morning. Baby #2 kept me company with his impromptu 6AM potty-training session. (Semi-successful session because he only pooped half of what he had in there. He laid in wait for his pull-up and then let out the rest).


Our internet provider was NOT on the ball with the internet connection today. To quote my husband, “Comcast can go eat a dick."  I am actually composing this blog post offline in preparation for when my Internet is once again functional. I have a list of about ten things to get done today. Work stuff, domestic stuff, all tasks I planned to complete online. As I peruse the list, only one of the items can be accomplished offline without making about fifty phone calls and burning up gallons of gas. 


Last week my eight hour electrical failure worked in my favor. This week my Internet failure is simply pissing me off. BUT, I did manage to sweat out FIVE whole sentences! No Internet connection needed.


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 Chapter Four - The Gentle Art


Sitting in his personal tower, the Rex looked out over his wife's domain and for a moment, smiled. A smile filled with sharp teeth and massive jaws, his wife's favorite feature. The scent of wild life was rich and abundant and for a moment, he felt the urge to leap from the tower and stalk a wild surbuck, just for the thrill of it. 


He turned his back from the open window hesitantly, regretfully before making his way into the keep. Smelling the hyper-oxygenated air of Galtan II, one of the twenty Gaian super-moons of the Toranor System, the sting of bitter ozone reminded him, while this was where he now resides, it was not home.


It was the primary enclave of the Pan-humanity and Sjurani governments. It is also home-world to the Beteans, a plant and animal symbiosis, strange even by galactic standards. On this world of forests, whose great trees rivaled the skyscrapers of modern worlds, both in  size and complexity, the ambassador to the Imperium contemplated leaving home again under less than ideal conditions. 


While not exactly family-oriented, he had promised the Queen-mother once he had been awarded his genetic viability rating, he would have children to help perpetuate his beleaguered species. Entering deeply into the lair of the duchess, the hot air was still and smoky. This, of course, was the desired effect. One's home should reflect the nature of the revered Homeworld's beautiful tropical forest. 


Insect life flew abundantly through the air and were fed upon by the various primitive house lizards, which occasionally became a snack for one of the children in the middle of the night if there were no adults nearby. The Rex moved though the household, which had the appearance of an old-world Sjurani castle estate made with the most modern equipment. And while it looked primitive, the security systems of the building were state of the art. The Rex marveled at how well organized the household appeared to be; almost military in its precision. 

The lights of the audience chamber were kept at a low level allowing the eyes of the Family to maintain their hunting sharpness at night. The air was redolent with musks and other scents from dangerous animals of the local forest near the ducal estate of Shishe and the House Su-xing-qu. The Duchess insisted the surrounding countryside retain some of its wild nature and forced her hunt squads to travel deep into the nearby forest for prey. 


She sat amid a variety of cushions covered of various silks from the Qiandong Human province on the continent of Chen. The silks from the region were some of the finest in the quadrant and even though mechanically created silks seemed as good in quality, all Sjurani preferred the organic nature of true silk to anything created by machine. The claim was an awareness of the true nature of silk to their enhanced senses. The silk trade was one of the great businesses of the the House of Su-xian-qu. 

The walls were covered with a variety of wooden reliefs painstakingly carved from the dense hardwoods of distant forests and each window was shuttered with doors of exotic corals from the deep seas. The house was arranged with an artist's eye, with each element enhancing everything around it. A perfect balance of space, dimension, color, and art. The eye of the Duchess ensured the natural energies of her estate flowed freely enhancing reproductive fecundity. The household boasted three clutches in fifteen years, an extraordinary number considering the state of Sjurani reproductive politics. 

There was a quiet hum of activity until Essver entered the chamber and stood awaiting the attention of the Duchess. As he strode into the room, the lesser males quieted the children they were attending and retreated backward into the room. As he approached, Duchess Su-xian-qu spoke and the room grew silent. "Greeting beloved, I understand you are making plans to depart the system. But I say to you, nay I implore you to reconsider your plans. Your duties lie here, my mate. Your clutch is barely three standard years of age. They need thy strong influence for them to imprint properly. Thoomas can take care of himself. Your days of constantly gating all over the galaxy are over. I regret being the one to say these things to you. I know you value your freedom and I have done all I can to allow it." 

With a smile on his face and a light tone, Essver looked at the duchess, deeply into her terrible green eyes. "I say to you, dear Duchess, these tiny hellions can take care of themselves. The Nine Devils pray daily none die before they are able to evacuate the Seven Hells for these beasts to roam free in. Imprint on me? They are more likely to feast on me whilst I slept." 

Undeterred by his commentary on the strength and beauty of his children, she continued, "We have a duty, Dream-Singer, our people have been devastated by plague, war and now a pestilence of our own devising. Your genome is strong and produces healthy and viable offspring. There are too few Rex remaining who are able to do that in these days. The Gene Council has begun to consider taking samples of our clutches for gene bank profiles. The time for saving the galaxy one world at a time is over. You must save our people too." When she finishes her statement, one of the second husbands brings a youngster to the Duchess and she gives the child some meat from a nearby platter. The child, beautifully formed with scales of a glittering greenish gold, hungrily stuffs the food into his mouth and chews noisily. 

Essver watching this bonding ritual is only mildly repulsed and continues, "This is not about Thoomas, my lady, this is about our contractual obligations to the Imperium. We would be poor citizens if we did not employ our capabilities to the benefit our families as well as the Triune Council. My Queen-mother, three starred general, though departed, would be unhappy to know her son turned completely away from the Gentle Art before his two hundredth birthday. Would you be the cause of such personal shame for me?" Essver paused for a second, before making the next pronouncement. "I will consider turning fully toward the First Trade upon the completion of this assignment." Essver was actually very good in the First Trade, and had made several fortunes even as he performed his work in the Gentle Art, or working with Thomas Wilks and his human interpretation of the Gentle Art. 

A look of deep sorrow crossed the reptilian face of the Duchess and looked as if she wanted to say something that would sooth her mighty Rex but knew no words for what must come next. The Duchess raised her arm and several distant doors opened and some shadowed forms had begun to move into the room. Their scent and their movement indicated their youth. The glinting of their scales reinforced that supposition. 

Strong forms in a variety of colors, golden, red, green and teal scales approached him and he recognized them as they came into the light. They are all dressed in ceremonial armor and weapons. Essver knew this was his first clutch with the duchess. These were the survivors. Of the original twelve, seven survived to adulthood, the others lost to disease, weakness, carelessness or put down by the Duchess herself, if they were unfit. 

They were approximately fifteen cycles and ready for their final adulthood rites. Several of the middle clutch and almost all of the youngest were upset as the seven surrounded their Rex in the center of the audience chamber.They would be forced to watch as their siblings became adults. "They need you, my Rex," she began, with her voice louder and more angry, "today you are here for their blooding and passage into adulthood, but your next brood will need you again. You cannot risk being lost before they are adult. They will need you to provide for their genetic stabilization and their social status. We are slaves to our genetics. Without you, your children may not be able to become parents themselves, should they survive." 

The children moved gracefully as they gathered their weapons together. Sword, spear, axe, ranthip, each chose weapons according to their body types, mental prowess and physical power. They were all graceful killing machines, trained since they were five to be the best warriors the next generation of Sjurani could want. 

Ten years of vigorous and aggressive combat, tactics and military education was their birthright. Essver was proud of his children as they surrounded him and prepared to show him their fighting skills. He would try his best to kill as many as possible. It was the Sjurani way. Only a fight, where they believed they might die would galvanize their genetic potential into actuality. 

As he dropped into a combat stance, he activated his force shield and flex sword and whispered while the blood-fury filled his veins "Show me, my children, your Gentle Art." 

* * * 

When Essver received his summons, he had already said his goodbyes to his mate, her lesser husbands, and his clutch and was already at the spaceport making the final preparations and checking the dossiers of new Pilots recently released from the Universitas Magistrorum et Humanitas. 


He had a slight limp from a deep cut his first son had made in his leg. It was a minor inconvenience he would heal on his way to the Lorissi system. He had a number of other smaller, less challenging injuries. A day of bacterial cellular regrowth and he would be fine. Four of his first clutch would be able to become parents. Their injuries were serious, however, and would require weeks in regeneration chambers. But the genetic activation took place. Two died and one would become a sterile male. This group was considered wildly successful by Sjurani standards. The Duchess was already considering to which families they would become affiliated with.  

The University was the final training facility for homo sapiens conscientia, mechanical sentients of the highest order capable of being created by the combined sciences of the Triune governments of Pan-Humanity, the Sjurani and the Beteans who initially inhabited Galtan II. These mechanical humanoids work with soldiers of the Resurrection Corps and using modern psychometric tools maintain their humanity after the rigors and trauma of dying, potentially repeatedly in their line of work. These mechanical sentients function as Pilots, technologists, scientists and companions to their Soldier. Fully aware of themselves and their work in the Imperium, the Conscientia are highly paid and highly regarded in their own right and have made significant advances to the program during their long term study, analysis and support of the Corps.  

There were several promising Pilots but only a few would be ready in time and none would have been assigned a ship in time for this trip. Essver did not let this deter him and had several ships of his own to draw from during his time as a mercenary. All had been kept fit and ready in case of need, so he would use the most heavily armed of them, Glorious, as a base while he and Thomas sought the stolen Frame. It could also be refit to mount the Frame facilities in less than a day. He made several calls and the Glorious would be ready in time to transit to the fleet. He also made a request to the University's dean to have several of the more promising students prepared, reviewed and the best of them made ready in a week to send to Lorissi, once issues had been settled there.  

The communique arrived by an Council messenger while he was checking the Glorious and the messenger was officious and upon delivery retreated without much pomp, but surprising all the same, since Council messengers were rarely seen at the space docks of Rekein. His wardrobe had already been delivered to the Glorious and he chose his most impressive uniform, which was festooned with medals from his time as a leader of both a Sjurani ground assault team and as a mercenary commander in the employ of the Sjurani Council. Armed with his tribal weaponry, as effective as their modern equivalents but covered with more ornate and beautiful constructions, he arrived at the Council headquarters in the center of the Triune City of Rekein at the required time.  

Led into the council and announced it was a long time since he had heard his full title: Triune Ambassador to the Imperium, Essver Dream-Singer, of the People of the Sjurani, son of Minru, son of Daor the Terrible, warrior-poet of Galtan II, Sjurani Rex, mated to the nugongjué, the Glorious Pielienhis (pe-le-en-hiss) seeking the audience of the Phoenix and the Triune Council.  

The room was ornate, as is the habit of the Sjurani, covered with a variety of artworks, metalcraft, stonework reliefs reflecting ancient heroes of legend, of every caste and every race. The chamber had been held on one of the Greatships of the Sjurani fleet that landed here and was over twenty thousand years old. It had been moved to this location as the center of government for the Sjurani, Pan-Human and Betean Councils. The Phoenix stood and her august plumage was in full release with her arms outstretched. Her coloring was brilliant and each feather a work of natural art and genetic manipulation blended perfectly. Her proportions were strong and even indicating her supreme heritage and likelihood of descent from the greatest heroes of the Phoenix line, the Flame King and the Summer Queen, the first of the Line of the Phoenix. While she was a Phoenix and he a Rex, he felt some level of attraction at a subconscious level. He could also feel her powerful operant psychic presence even though his psychic potential was limited to physical expressions of power.  

The Phoenix was small in comparison to Essver, but it did not stop her from being physically imposing. Her two Raptors, armed with dual pulse pistols, flex-swords and the highest quality flex-field armor stood vigilant even though they were actually more ornamentation than true defense. The courtroom, was liberally sprinkled with a variety of defensive technologies, mechanical sentience, and a good portion of the Sjurani council were capable and armed warriors themselves. She stood nearby as she paced in front of Essver who was in a supplication position on one knee in the center of the council chambers.  

As he had entered she had been speaking about the Corvan government and their recent loss of a squadron of Resurrection soldiers and their support troops due to poor intelligence. It was bad enough to have been using them against the Dalrothi on the edge of the Imperium, but to irrevocably lose nineteen to the True Death was unthinkable. Now they wanted to take the one survivor, who had lived for two years in completely inhospitable surroundings and through over twenty deaths without a Pilot and accuse him of treason?  

This soldier, Wilks and his Frame were a treasure trove of data that simply must be recovered. He was sent to Bel-ha to allow his suit's information to be downloaded and for him to experience psychological support of the type the Bel-ha's superior technology could provide. He was the perfect example of the superiority of this program and why we must be allowed to continue to develop it further. The Imperium was the primary client of the Resurrection Corps, but the technologies created allowed this group to manufacture something of lasting value to the Imperium and take their rightful place as quality sentients in the eyes of the elder galactic races, who considered Pan-humanity to be upstart races at best and vulger abominations at worst.  

She turned her sharp eyes toward Essver and he could feel her psychic might pressing against him. "You must recover that Frame, there is no alternative. Use all means at your disposal to discover what has happened to the technology. We sent a recovery team to Brennan 326 and nothing remained of Those That Served. In the proper procedure, Majoris Wilks disposed of any remains that survived the crash, and the normal automated self-destruct procedures. We must continue to maintain our patents and you will see to this, Ambassador."

She paused, considered a data-tablet handed to her by a minor functionary and continued. "On another note, since you are making a trip to the Bel-ha Collective's main planets, we would like you to establish a connection to the planet and see if it will be possible for us to establish a more solid trade arrangement. We already get many of our nanite programming from their world but the distance simply makes it difficult for us to maintain our relationships. We would like to establish one of their facilities, complete with scientists, on Galtan II near the Resurrection facility. That mission is both a cover and a secondary objective. Recover that soldier and that Frame."  

She stopped for a moment and shuddered, her feathers fluffing and spreading. "I understand he is your friend as well," she began, "I am happy to hear he has survived his ordeal and I have reviewed your service records together and find that you have both been extremely successful and fruitful as agents of Pan-Humanity and the Sujurani. We are at your disposal. What would you ask of us?"  

Essver considered himself and then raised his eyes. "Your greatness, the Corvan Fleet is leaving today and will arrive in four days in Bel-ha space. The Corva are going to expend a considerable amount of energy to make the jump in that short a time. The fleet commander, Admiral Lolikai has requested an opportunity to speak with me, in regard to our people and continued good will between the Imperium and our tiny piece of the Empire."  

Making eye contact with the Phoenix, he declared, "I believe the Imperium values the durability, accessibility, and resourcefulness of our agents. I do not think this Admiral will want to do anything that will risk that relationship considering the quality of the success of our operations in Imperium Space. I have all that I need, save a new Pilot. One will be selected, outfitted and sent to Lorissi in less than a week. Thank you for your generosity and I will return with our technology and our Soldier. You have my word."

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Allegedly, scientists have recently received transmissions from what may be an alternative future Earth. So far the only proof, besides the strange radio waves that have entered our atmosphere, is a Science Fiction Novel called Renpet.

Although, many of the transmissions have already been collected and published as a Sci-Fi novel, there have been many more transmissions. Transmissions from a town called our near possible future.

LIVE FROM KHENSET - In Georgia there is town called Khenset. Two neighborhoods are always in a constant struggle with one another.

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Let The Galaxy Burn! (Baby)

I added the 'baby' part because I am a dork. Two things happened today that were good. 


1. The electricity went out in my apartment for EIGHT hours today, allowing me to pick up my short story research material and get to reading uninterrrupted. If you are having a hard time keeping away from the internet, distractions and whatnot, I suggest you try losing the electricity. It really worked because I had no other choice! 


2. My husband gave me "Let the Galaxy Burn" today for inspiration, a collection of science fiction short stories. Warhammer 40,000 series. He is a huge fan, the bookcase is full of these things. Seriously, a lot of reading to do.


I am researching so much because this will be my first work of fiction, ever. I come from the romance genre, sue me, so this is way out in left field for me. But it is a challenge, and I do like those. Wish me luck.


Did anyone feel that little nip in the air this evening? It was delicious! I am on the East coast, so I've been enjoying the swamp that is DC for the last month. The little chill brought back so many summer evening memories...


I digress.


I guess my tip for the day is (from the novice, I know): Send your ideas to the gym until they look like Lou Ferrigno. Night!

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How to Write a Short Story

I picked this book up yesterday at Barnes. How To Write a Short Story by SparkNotes. I always flip through before I buy, and I liked. I am already working on the first exercise. The book is only $7.95 and cheaper used from other sites. 


What else would I would like to share? Oh, yes. I learned right away that I don't need to put down as much material as I first thought. I learned the difference between a short story, a novella, and a novel. I was falling into the novella category, at first, but my true intent is to write a short story. Such a relief. This is the perfect starting point for an extreme novice like myself.


I was frustrated at first at not being able to sit down here at the computer and write immediately, but I find that I don't need to become a stressed out maniac and get it ALL done right away. I am just starting my adventure, I can't off myself at the very start. I'd be like that black guy who gets it right at the beginning of the first Jurassic Park movie. Pitiful. Then I would lose all motivation, and my short story book would find a nice drawer to live in. 


I am happy today because I got in this post before 8PM AND I am not drooping with exhaustion. I am excited because maybe soon I will have some actual material to share. 


ALMOST FORGOT!! I just discovered this today. If you have children, grown or not, you will appreciate this book, "Go The F*** to Sleep". I was about to pee on myself in the bookstore, I was laughing so hard. Sam Jackson delivers the narrative for the e-book version. If you've already heard of it, you can pass on the click. Enjoy!

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Today Was Ruff (misspelled on purpose)

Today was hot. Kid #1 was a lunatic before bedtime. I think I want to cry. Too personal? Sorry. I think one of the hardest parts about starting any project is the research. I want to jump on here and lose myself in my own head, write what I see and hear in my brain, shock and awe! But I can't! It doesn't work that way! I can't write what I don't know. 


That means, I have to dial it back a bit. LEAVE the computer alone, (I love my Mac keyboard, how flat the keys are and the little clicks they make), and go pick up a book. Reading to write. My short story is basically a "spin-off" of another larger project, for lack of a better term. My husband is writing his own graphic novel, "The Godeater", and my characters will be the extras walking around in the background. Flash fiction. 


Is it necessary to feel a connection to each and every character in your story, long story or short? I would like to. I wonder is it realistic? Is it necessary? For me, I think, yes.


So my husband and I have teamed up to improve our way of life, and since we're both creatives, we have both decided to release our creative juices on the page.  My brain is a complete jumble, which seems to be the normal state of things once I sit down in front of the computer. But I have to fight through the jumble, right?


That's all for tonight. If I was boring, I apologize. I will improve with time. Check Out Hubby's Project!

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Become A Successful Author

Dee, how do I …fill in the blank with anything to do with publishing from research to the craft to formatting an eBook to self publishing to marketing to creating a website…? In the decade that I’ve been in publishing, I’ve answered the questions to the best of my ability and done everything I can to help my fellow authors, but since I began self publishing titles, the questions have increased ten-fold. I’ve been spending so much time answering the same questions for numerous published and aspiring authors that I decided to write a book. Now that’s a novel idea, an author writing a book. LOL.


I often teach workshops and learned a long time ago that I can’t tell you everything you need to know in the confines of a workshop. Same goes for a book. In order to tell you everything you need to know, I’d have to write an ever changing publishing encyclopedia. I can’t tell you everything, but I can tell you enough to get you well on your road to Become A Successful Author.


I begin this journey with aspiring authors and work all the way through marketing of your brand. Yes, I said “brand” on purpose. I want you to be in the writing game for the long haul and building a reliable brand is the key. Below is the Table of Contents for Become A Successful Author. Once you all have your book, I know many of you who are published will be tempted to jump down to Chapter Eight where I begin explaining “How To” self publish. I’ve accepted that and tried to write in a way that if you skip around, you won’t miss too much. Go satisfy your curiosity, but then please go back and read the rest of the book, especially the Branding section and the Developmental Editing chapter. Actually, just read the entire book. It’s okay to review things you already know, and you may find new nuggets of information.


On this website, I’ll have guest bloggers from time to time to help you Become A Successful Author, so be sure to spread the word and sign up for the newsletter. The newsletter will be released a maximum of once a month. If there are topics you’d like covered or questions, use the contact page of this website and let me know.


The publishing industry has shifted 180° in the decade I’ve worked in it. The traditional route is no longer the only way to become a legitimate published author, and self publishing is no longer a dirty little secret. As an author, should you travel the traditional or self published route? Become A Successful Author does not tell you to pick one over the other or pit one against the other. Become A Successful Author gives you steps to capitalize on the strengths of both to build a strong brand readers can’t get enough of.

What is branding? How do you grow a large, loyal reader base? How do you break into traditional publishing? How do you publish your backlist? How do you format a book? How do you find your target audience? How do you market your books? It’s all in there and a whole lot more.


With the advances in technology, anyone can be a published author, but not all authors are successful. Keep your focus: Increase quality, credibility and visibility of your brand. Become a Successful Author.

Become A Successful Author Table of Contents


Purchase the eBook from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. The print version will be available February 2012. Don’t have an eReader and can’t wait until February for the print? Amazon and Nook offer free applications for reading eBooks.


Happy Writing,

Deatri King-Bey



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Hierophants Chapter 1








Page one


Panel 1: tight on a masked figure sitting down we can't see his face, we're behind the figure, and they’re wearing what appears to be a long shroud. This is a close shot at a high angle.


1 caption: I sometimes get into feeling sorry for myself, how easy it is to make myself the victim


2 Caption: About what you ask? The plight of my people my families expectations, my relationship well usually the last thing but sometimes the others. Sometimes all three



Panel 2: close up on a book the person seems to be writing in, we can't see a hand only a pen. This is a slight high angle.



3 Caption:  everyone has these problems or variations of them, right? So why should I be feeling sorry for myself 


            4 Caption: well for one it's human nature



Panel 3: wide shot, birds eye view. We see the figure sitting on a rooftop, below we see a large mass of people crowding around police cars, and this shot really should display how grandiose the city is.



5 Caption: because when I get depressed, I lose track of time and when I lose track of anything people suffer.


Panel 4: insertion panel of the Geist’s eyes.


No copy


Panel 5: extreme wide shot of the street below. There are people spread out like ants in front of police barricades while cop cars line the end of the street.






Page two


Panel 1: Birds eyeshot the figure leaps off of the roof, the book seems to have disappeared, his shroud flying up. We can see the figures long dread locks going every which way.  This is a foreground shot with the background, which is the street below is blurred.


1 caption: about a month ago police stopped a young male up here, something about him fitting the description. Which I’m assuming is young male black anywhere from 5'1 to 7'0 and about 90 to 250 pounds. Additional features include pants a shirt and hair anywhere from bald to dreaded. Do rags and fitted caps optional.


2 caption: anyway the kid has some weed on him gets scared and takes off, and of course subduing a suspect and fatally wounding him are one in the same so, the cops take action. Add that up to all the police beatings and the gentrification of Far South that followed; throw in the fact that during the summer black folks get disgruntled and presto instant riot.



Panel 2: the police are pushing people back, some barricades have been placed up and there are a couple of police cars flashing lights, the cops are facing us but we can see the backs of the crowd. It's important to note that most of the cops on the inside are black with white cops sprinkled on the outside. This is a full shot seen from an angle level with the horizon.


            3-crowd member #1: murderers


            4-crowd member #2: fucking pigs


            5 black cop #1: calm down folks


Panel 3: focus on a crowd member a male about late 20's we see his back he's facing a black police officer, named roger drake. Here Roger’s attempting to calm down the crowd making slow gestures. This is a low angle medium shot


6 roger: Darren what are you doing here, your mother will be worried sick. 


7 Darren: fuck you sell out ass nigga. Don’t act like you know me.



Panel 4: this is a close up on. Roger he's pained by this response and we see it on his face. This will appear later and be a constant theme in his head.


            8 Roger:  I do know you we went to school together. 


Page three:


Panel 1: Another black officer, Derrick Thomas comes up to Roger, noticing the expression on his face he attempts to comfort him.



            1 Derrick: Hey man don't let these no goods get you down, we ain't sell outs we're just trying to do our part for society.


            2 Roger: yeah man, you're right.



Panel 2: this is a Mid- shot; two police officers are talking.



            3 Officer #1: ...yeah it started with some kid talking shit to one of our boys, when the cop got in his face, he attempted to attack and the cop defended himself, as the kid was being arrested a crowd formed, but not like they always do, these folks seemed more angry than scared.






            4 Officer #2: when are these people gonna learn that times are changing, with the yuppie kids moving in, and all this eminent domain stuff. I mean why resist change?



Panel 3: same shot, the second officer is smirking, But behind them we see the shadow of something large and fast approaching on top of the cop car.


5 officer #1: So whada ya thinks gonna happen here ta night, think we might have to start bustin' heads


6 officer#2: I dunno, but it don't matter to me either way, folks gotta show some respect for the badge and if we gotta be the ones to show' em then who are we to argue?






Page four


Panel 1: splash page. Takes up the whole of the page. The young man in the mask we saw on the roof earlier has just made his decent right onto the cop car, two officers were standing near, it buckles and the windows blow out. The two cops hit the deck make this as grand an entrance as possible.


            7 sfx: booooooomm


            8 officer #1: oh shit!


            9 officer #2: what the fuck!




Page five


Panel 1: the cops and crowd look stunned this is a shot medium of derrick and roger turning around, the looks on their faces says, “oh shit”. Some people in the crowd are awe struck others still angered others scared a few are smiling.


            1 roger: oh my god


            2 derrick: what the hell


            3 leon : he's here. The geist is here.


             4 darren: ya'll niggas done fucked up now.



Panel 2: takes up the rest of the page. Big establishing shot of the geist our hero aka marcus ripley. His locks flow in the wind while dust swirls up from behind and around him, his shroud flutters majestically. His costume is a red and black jumpsuit, on the elbows and knees are red lines. His long shroud is black on the outside and red on the inside. His gloves had red lines on the fingers and his boots have a red toe. A symbol that looks like an oroburos is emblazoned on his chest; we can see it through his open shroud. The mask he wears looks like it's molded to his face it's not but its mystical properties make it seem that way, it's black with red strips pointing inward but never meeting. His eyes appear to glow.



            5 geist: haven't been to Far South in a while, looks like it's getting the Mongrave treatment too huh?



Page six



Panel 1: we're seeing roger and derrick still a bit shocked reaching for their guns, geist is in the middle of them and the cops on the other side. This is a full-shot in the middle of the panel should be the geist standing in the rubble of the cop car.


1 derrick: stay the fuck back you nut. We don't need your help.


2 roger: yeah, stay where you are



Panel 2: close on the geist looking a bit amused. Raising his arm under his shroud, it should start to move.


3 geist: i don’t recognize your authority. I only recognize the will of the people.


Panel 3: we're seeing the crowd cheer, now knowing that he's here for them. This is a wide, meduim shot so we’re seeing the rows of the crowd from the waist up.


4 crowd: yeah show those pigs, kick they assess, sell out nigga's



Panel 4: we see a teenager leon close on. He's yelling angry, wanting justice.this is a close up of him, just give me head and shoulders


            5 leon: do to those pigs what they did to my brother.


Panel 5:  the cops point their guns at the geist. We're facing roger and derrick now they're pointing their guns up toward us. This is a medium shot at a high angle.



6 derrick: y-you're under arrest for vigilantism and destruction of police property as well as reckless endangerment.


Page seven


Panel 1: the geist does a somersault into the air; the cops get scared and begin firing. At him. The bullets blaze past him.


            1 derrick: fire!


            2 geist: is this the same amount of excessive force you used aganist kenny maxwell last month?


3 geist: cause if it is then someone should call a civil rights activist…


Panel 2: the geist lands right in front of a white officer disarming him by grabbing his gun and smacking him across the face.


            4 officer: unffffff!


            5 geist: i'll take that.


Panel 3: we're behind an officer now so it’s partially from his pov but we can see the back and side of him in the foreground and in the background we see the geist is using his warping ability. It seems to leave after images. The officer is firing at the after images


            6 officer: oh my god, oh my god.


            7 sfx: wommmmm



Panel 4: the geist’s swings his shroud at the cop making the weapon disappear. This should be a two shot and a fairly close up one.


            8 geist: yahhh!


            9 officer: gasp.!


Panel 5: the officer is unharmed but the geist follows up with an elbow to the face knocking the officer out.


            9 the geist: sit down


            10 officer: arghhh



Panel 6: we're looking from rogers point of view derrick is beside him shooting, he's watching the geist take the police apart. With speed and grace. He is kicking one in the face and punching another in the head.


11 derrick: damn it we don't need this shit i don't need this shit.







Page eight


Panel1: geist filps up in the air ready to pounce on derrick and roger. They're looking up so this is from their pov at a low angle but we can see them.


                        1 roger: gasp!


                        2 derrick : oh shit.


Panel 2: the geist kicks derrick in the face planting him in the ground. Roger is still stunned, we can see the geist's face. He loves it. This is a low angle shot we’re over rogers shoulder. 


                        3 geist : allie oop


                        4: derrick : argghh


Panel 3: two shot of the geist and roger. Roger’s pointing his gun at the geist. The geist is smiling an invicble smile. If you can imagine a look that says “what’s a gun going to do to me” then please draw it.  This is a foreground shot.



            5 roger: stay back man you're under arrest.


            6 geist: oh please. Put the gun down.


Panel 4: we see a similar shot but this time the crowd is in it. They're cheering the geist on. Roger is still holding the gun. Leon's up in front.


7 roger: get on the ground man or i’ll be forced to shoot you.


8 geist: if you we're gonna shot me you'd have done it already.


            9 leon: roast that pig.


            10 darren: yeah kill that uncle tom ass nigga.


Panel 5: roger is looking back at the crowd he knows he's out numbered he looks distrested. The geist is approaching him fast. This is a full shot we’re seeing ruined scene in the back ground.


11 geist: look you're hearts obviously not completely in  this cop thing. There are some many other postive things you could be doing. So why not put the gun down and leave before the crowd get's in on my act, and i don't think they'll stop until you're dead. 



Page nine  


Panel 1: full page shot; we're seeing the geist, holding roger by his collar and the crowd so this is a pull back so you can get all of them. The geist looks really confident in this picture he's looking at the crowd and points at the police from under his shroud.


1 geist: i'm here to let you folks know that you're now under the protection of the geist. If you'd like to be, i’m here to defend this city. Remember to keep your communities close; the more we work with each other the stronger we become. 



Page ten


Panel1: the geist walks away from the crowd and roger. His back is to us and so is rogers. This is a full shot of the both of them. It’s back round centric


            1 geist: you're not cut out for this cop stuff officer drake


            2 roger: how did you?


3 geist: i read your badge.


Panel 2: the geist holds leaps into the air and the space around him is bending. Below we see the crowd and roger looking up at him in amazement. Below t.v. crews and van's come into veiw.  This is a low angle.


            4 geist: peace people. 



Panel 3: we see a worms eye view of leon looking up at the geist making his exit. Note this because leon will return.



Panel 4 : tight on the geist in the air we are looking at him from the front this is kind of an establishing shot. He's coming up at us, behind him is the Acacia skyline.


            5 geist caption: next stop Mongrave to get some sleep.


Panel 5: mid shot the geist is falling from the sky on to an old apartment building in Mongrave. It looks odd beside condos; there is one window slightly open. The building is about 4 floors high could be in bushwick or bedstuy.



Panel 6: the geist leaps into the window. It's dark and there's nothing to tell us what's in the room.



            1 female voice: took you long enough.


            2 geist: sorry babe, had to stop a riot.



Page eleven


Panel 1: full page. The light flicks on we see a voluptious young black woman with thick lips, named Téa with her locks tied in a ponytail. She's wearing a close fitting night gown, that's having a hard time not ridding up her ample butt. Her gown is slightly open exposing her cleavge which is about as close to a d cup as a c cup can get. She's wearing green slippers and a look that says “i should kick your ass for making me wait.” And she could too. We're seeing a two shot of them and the geist now marcus ripley is taking off his mask and putting the note book from earlier which is his journal down on the a table in the living area. Next to the table is a couch across from that is a tv. And so on you know the usual crap.



            1 Téa: sorry doesn't stop me from worrying. Or allow me to go to sleep.



2 marcus: you knew that when i inherited the title of the geist i’d have to protect the city. And that comes with a lot of risk.




Page twelve:


Panel 1: two shot of marcus and Téa, she's still upset. Marcus costume seems to be rising off of him like dust. 


1 Téa: is it worth you dying? Or getting found out and getting locked up? All of the drug dealers you put away, they'd kill you in jail.


2 marcus: relax i'm too fast and agile to get shot and the dealers shoot worse than cops, plus they're all scared of me.



Panel 2: close on marcus getting hit with a slipper. While putting on a t-shirt


            3 Téa from off: dodge this then


            4 marcus: owww no fair i wasn't ready.


Panel 3: close on Téa more worried than angry now.


5 Téa: that's what i'm talking about, what if you're not ready, the next time some cop starts firing or some dealer get's scared and starts lickin' shots?


Panel 4: close on marcus taking off his pan'ts,


6 marcus: not gonna happen babe, i'm trained too well and       well             you know about my gifts.


            7 Téa from off: don't they come with the mask, what if some                                     one sTéals it then what?


8 marcus: doesn't work that way, it's just a conduit. It only             helps me access the powers more easily. Plus my shroud absorbs bullets, so i'm good. 


Panel 5: two shot of marcus and Téa, Téa is touching a wound on his ribs and he's flinching.


            9 Téa: oh yeah, what about this?


            10 marcus: ouch! That's just a scracth.


            11 Téa: but what happens when it's more than just a scratch                            what happens when it's a hole?





Panel 5: marcus kissing Téa passionetly, her arms are wrapped around his neck, his are around her waist, she’s an inch taller than he is, him being 5'7 and her being 5'8.


12 marcus: could we not worry about that now. Let's just worry about us. Mmmmmm


            13 Téa: i am baby i am. Mmmm.


Page thirteen  


Panel 1 we're outside a bedrom, a dim light comes from inside it


            1 caption : later that night


            2 Téa from off: right there baby, yesssss


            3 marcus: hold on let me... Yeahhhh


            4 Téa: ohmmmmmm


Panel 2:we're seeing Téa and macus between the sheet's doing their thing, marcus is on top. This could just be silhouettes


            5 marcus: uhhhhh


            6 Téa: ummmm.


            7 marcus: baby i'm ...


            8 Téa: just uh, hold on, um a little bit, longer


Panel 3: marcus is thrusting into Téa although peneteration is covered by sheets. Both eyes closed.


            9 marcus: hmmmmm


            10 Téa: faster baby, i'm almost there.



Panel 4 money shot so to speak, both people releasing in unison, Téa is biting her lip and clawing his back, marcus is thrusting into her hard, mouth agape.


            11 Téa: yess baby... Ohhh,


            12 marcus: uhhhhhhh.



Panel 5 after glow shot we're seeing Téa lying next to marcus both smiling, this is a close birds eye veiw.  The moon light is peaking out of the corner of the panel marcus' eyes are closed


13 Téa: so explain to me again how the geist energy needs to be released through sex.


14 marcus: it doesn't actually have to be sex, but we'll it's all apart of these sacred pricipals between the masculine and feminine energies…why? Would you rather we didn't have sex?


            15 Téa: i didn't say that i'm just asking.


            16 marcus: ok, well good night


            17 Téa: should'a saw that coming. Sigh. Good night.



Page fourteen


Panel 1: we are seeing an apartment buildin, a window on the 4th floor, the illumination coming from a window cast the siluohette of a young man. This is the aparment of leon and his mother esther, her son kenny was killed a month ago.


            1 from inside esther: leon don't you have to be to bed.


            2 leon : i'm going to in a second ma.


Panel 2: we're in a room from the windows point of view looking in, we see leon looking at a news paper article, with the head lines, the geist: vigilante menace or hero. Leon is seated at a desk and other clippings related to the geist and police burtallity, are scattered around it. His door is closed. Leon has cornrows, he's wearing a white tee and basketball shorts. He's brown skinned with dark eyes.


3 ester outside the door: not in a second, now! I don't want you late for school.


            4 leon: okay mom.


            panel 3: same shot execpt now leon is looking annoyed.


5 ester: and i won't be able to take you to practice tomrrow, i've got a church meeting.


            6 leon: yeah, ok mom i'll walk


Panel 4: close up on the geist article from the “ Acacia chronicle”, it should list how he's cleaned up neighborhoods full of drug dealers and gangs, but is now taking on cops and maybe linked in the crane incidents at two constuction sites and is now labeled a menace by some and a hero by others. The article should list marcus ripley as the writer.  


Panel 5: now we see leon get up and stand in front of his closet.  This is a side veiw so we see both the closet and leon.


            5 esther off: i'm going to bed. G'night baby.



Panel 6: we see leon open his closet half way to reveal what appears to be a jacket it has a green oroburos on it, next to it is a baseball bat. It's painted black. He's staring at both intently. Same shot.


            6 ester: i said goodnight baby!


            7 leon: goodnight mom.



Page fifteen



Panel 1: we see a birds eye veiw of roger drake, in the police man's locker room. There are different groups of cops talking. White cops, some black cops, hispanic cops and a few asians.


1 white cop # 1: ... Heard you guys had a run in with the geist. How'd that go down?


2 white cop # 2: yeah, sonofabitch, attacked us. He does all this fucking acrobat shit. Man i'd like to get that motherfucker alone with out all that shit.


Panel 2: we're seeing a side view of roger now closing his locker behind it is derrick . Roger looks sad still thinking about the comments directed at him by the crowd. This is a mid-shot


3 derrick : hey man, what's up? You look like somethings eating you.


            4 roger: that situation today. That crowd, they hated us man. They             really hated us.


5 derrick : look man, let me tell you something we perform a service, we protect them from themselves. I mean come on they're just jealous, crabs in a barrel man.



Panel 3: we see the two white police officers looking at roger and derrick who are off screen, they both have “ what the fuck” looks on their faces.


6 from off roger: from themselves? You sound like you didn't grow up on that same street. The very street we used to run.


7 from off derrick : hey man we didn't do what they do on the streets, we hung out man we had fun.


8 from off roger: and now the hanging out we used to do, is now a crime. Hell it was damn near a crime back then.


Panel 4: birds eye view. We see the white cops walk toward, roger and derrick , the locker room is clearing out. Both cops o'brian and siglino are in civilian clothes, so are roger and derrick .


9 o'brian: what's all this i hear? Sounds like you don't wanna be an officer anymore.


10 siglino: yeah this badge is a brotherhood, if you're not with us then...


Panel 4: were seeing a shot of derrick standing in front of roger, putting his hands up in a calming gesture. Roger is in the background, he looks slightly angered.


            11 derrick : hold on guys , let's not jump toconclusions  here, roger's just concerned.


12 from off o'brain: concerned, for who? You should be concerned for us. The people who watch your back everyday, your brothers in arms. Not some gang banging, drug dealing, shiftless...


13: derrick : now hold on o'brian, there's no need for all that.


Panel 5: close. O'brian is pointing at roger who is trying to move beyond derrick , they're sqauring off. Siglino, is behind o'brian holding him back. Both roger and o'brain both look mad.


14 o'brian: yeah there is, i wanna known that when i'm out here on the streets dealing with the scum, i can count on you people to watch my back.


            15 roger: you people, what the fuck does that mean?


            16 siglino: hey o'brain man maybe it's time that we go?


            17: derrick : calm down rog, we're all on the same side.


Panel 6: o'brian and siglino are walking out of the locker room, their backs are too us. We're seeing derrick and roger still in the same spot. Roger is looking angerliy at derrick .


            18 o'brian: yeah it is.


19 derrick : roger what's gotten into you man, you're gonna let some rowdy black folk and a crazed vigilante make you forget that we're all on the same side?


20 roger: you know what, i'm not so sure what side i'm on anymore.


            21 derrick : don't talk like that man.


22 roger: and you know what, i can see why our people hate us.




Page seventeen


Panel 1: this is an establishing shot of the “Acacia chronicle” news paper building during the day. We're focusing on the tenth floor.


1 from in curry: i don't know how in the hell you do it but you get the best coverage of urban affairs i've ever seen.


            2 from in marcus: thanks sir, i try.



Panel 2: were seeing the inside of an office building, it's actually a publication office. Various people are moving around, think daily bugle or daily planet set up. If you need some refrence i'll send it. I want the focus to be on a frosted glass door that reads editor-in-chief. On it below that should be the name albert h. Curry.


3 from in curry: you succeed, you've got a real handle on this especially on issues related to the geist.


4 from in marcus: well sir i'm a natuarl i guess, i mean my dad did it so...



Panel 3:we’re seeing marcus' back it's obscuring us from curry, he's sitting down at a desk. From what we can see of the office there are two metal cabinets lining the walls, there is a coat rack on curry's right side and a bookshelf on his left.


5 curry: this is the second gathering of people since the shooting last month, if it keeps going like this we may have a riot on our hands, and excuse me if i say that'll sell papers.


6: marcus: uh... Yeah of course, at the expense of other people. Which is wrong.







Panel 4: we're now seeing a close shot of curry he looks like he's being accused of something, he's nervous looking. Curry is a middle aged  man with pink skin, he has no hair in the middle of his head and hair on the sides, he's got hairy arms and wear's a gold watch, his nose is hawkish but not too long.  He’s actually not a bad guy.


7 curry: n-n-now, i don't buy these papers and i don't know    why people like seeing violence, wars over seas, riots and the like, i don't tell people to buy them i just sell them.




Panel 5: marcus is looking annoyed, or more of a “are you fucking kidding me” look his arms are now folded. This is a close up of him.


            8 marcus: yeah i know. So what is it you'd like me to do?



Panel 6: two shot of marcus and curry. Marus is standing over the sitting curry. Curry's smiling nervously marcus is looking down indifferently.


9 curry: to keep up the good work, that's all, maybe to stick with             this geist angle people love this nut.


10 marcus: oh sure thanks. And i've got an idea for a new piece called “vigilance”, it'll be geared towards the geist and any other possible vigilantie activity that may go on. I was wondering if the chronicle could back it.


11 curry: sounds great, type me up a pitch and we can work, with it.




Page eighteen


Panel 1: we're seeing a full page shot of marcus, we're seeing him from the front, he's on the phone with his grandfather, he's smiling. We see the oroburos symbol of the geist in his shadow. If you could make it so his shadow is just a black shadow, which has the symbol in it that'd be great. Marcus is wearing a small gray collared shirt with fitting beige slacks and our favorite sketchers. His dreadlocks are turnicated in a ponytail by a gray bandana.


1 hannibal from phone: you did some great work last night, a lot more folks are taking notice.


            2 marcus: see i told you that doing self-publicity would   help; our people watch the news and read the papers.


3 hannibal from phone: yeah well just make sure you don't give yourself away, you're way too important to be caught.


4 marcus: yeah i know, granddad look i'm going to pick Téa up from work i'll call you later.


            5 hannibal: tell that cutie of yours i said hi. 


            6 marcus: will do granddad later.




Page nineteen



Panel 1: we see marcus walking down the street past various people, it doesn't matter what they look like they could be tourists or whatever he's in manhattan so put a bunch of hipsters in there if you need reference for hipsters i'll send you it. Close on.


            1 marcus caption: and now for the best part of my day.


Panel 2: we see marcus, standing in front of a book store named “bookjacket”. Which is painted on the glass on the front door it's basically a barnes and noble. Téa works here as an assistant manager.  He's looking at his phone for the time. Close on.


            2 marcus caption: it’s 5 o'clock she should be done by now.



Panel 3: we see marcus walking in to the store, he's facing us. Walking at a casual pace the black security guard who is noticabaly bigger than him keeps a watchful eye. Marcus notices this but pays no mind. There are yuppies and hipsters moving about a good deal are looking at marcus. This should take up the bottom of the page. 


3 marcus caption: don't worry i'm not gonna try to engage you in front of your masters.



Page twenty


Panel 1: Téa is facing us, in front of here we see kevin a hipster who works at the store, he's dressed in your run of the mill cigarette jeans. Skinny jeans for those who don't know with a run of the mill tight black t-shirt with a band on the front. Lets have it say pretense. Téa is looking as beautiful as ever her hair is nice and natural, done up in a head rap. She's wearing a burgandy tank top and a black skirt with white spots, as well as a pair of leather sandals. Kevin's obviously trying to holla at Téa the way white boys do, to black girls they think are vulnerable to their charms.


1 kevin: so what are you gonna do when you get off? Cause i was thinking of going to that new resturant that just opened up in Mongrave with some friends.


2 Téa: well my boyfriend marcus is coming to pick me up, and we were going to “sankofa” when we get back into Mongrave.


3 kevin: oh that's where we're going, how'd you learn about it?


            4 Téa: oh my boyfriends family owns the place.


Panel 2: we're seeing marcus walk up the stairs from Téa's pov. We can see the back of her and kevins back to the side of her again Téa is well endowed back there so make it show, this should be a background shot.


            5 Téa: there he is. There's my man.


            6 kevin: oh.



Panel 3: Téa is practiclly leaping into marcus' arms they could be kissing or just hugging the force with which she's jumping on him almost knocks him over. This shot should really show how much Téa loves marcus and how much marcus loves Téa in turn. Kevin is in the background looking jealous and a bit angery.


            7 Téa: babyyyy!  


            8 marcus: whoa, hey hun.



Panel 4: this should be a three shot of marcus, Téa and kevin. Téa is smiling ear to ear, and marcus has an uncontrollable grin, kevin is smiling too but its kind of sardonic grin.


9 Téa: i'll see you tomorrow kevin, unless you'd like to come with             us.


10 marcus: yeah i mean you can if you like being the third wheel and all. Heh     


            11 kevin: nah i'm gonna wait for my friends to give me a call,             maybe i'll see you two there tonight.


Panel 5: marcus and Téa are walking away, marcus' arm is around Téa's waist and their walking close together she's kissing him on the cheek, in the back we see keving walk off.


12 marcus: was that the one you were talking about, the reason you wanted me to come down here and pick you up.


13 Téa: shhh. Not so loud. And yes that is, he's always trying to ask me out, i've shut him down like ten times, now can we go? I haven't eaten since 1 o'clock


14 marcus: so all that affection was to ward away some white boy             who has a crush on you?


15 Téa: if all the work i put in last night wasn't enough of a show of affection baby i'm not sure what is.


            16 marcus: i'm Téasing you relax. Let’s get going.


Page twenty-one 


Panel 1: we're seeing a mid shot from the sky a big resturant with the words “sankofa” on the awning. It's Mongrave but slowly genetrifiying Mongrave, so i wanna see brothas and sistas walking around the place along with those yuppy hispter white folks who are trying to sTéal culture. All sorts of people are walking into sankofa.


1 from inside hannibal: so glad you two could make it, you all order anything you like.


            2 from inside Téa: thank you mr. Ripley.



Panel 2: we see the interior of the place, beautiful moorish paintings line the walls, paintings of black people from all over, from the kings and queens of kemet to saint maurice of germany. There are pictures of james brown, jimi hendrix, billie holiday, you name it. This is a kind of wide panel so it should take up the page end to end. But not the whole page itself; marcus and Téa are sitting down at a table in front of the bar. At the bar various people sit down doesn't matter what they look like. Note that at the top corner of the bar there is a tv. The bartender is a bald black guy whose assistant is a caramel skinned sista with wild light brown hair. In front of Téa and marcus stands a stout muscular black man with a salt and pepper fro, and a mustache he should resmble marcus and he's smiling. This is hannibal ripley marcus' grandfather and former protector of the city. Both Téa and marcus are looking away from us and at him.


3 hannibal: call me grandpa, dear. I hope you're treating my grand son right. Heh


            4 Téa: don't worry i am. Right honey?


            5 marcus: yes granddad she really is.


Panel 3: close on hannibal his smile widens, in this shot we can see that though he's short he's quite muscular, like a little battle tank.


6 hannibal: that's what i like to hear, our men and women need to get back to loving and taking care of eachother. That's the only             way for us to survive.



Panel 4: hannibal is walking away and Téa and marcus are looking at each other, Téa is grining, marcus his resting chin on the heel of his palm, admiring her. This is another mid shot the news is now on.


            7 hannibal: oh and nice work last night.


            10 marcus: thanks grandad.          


            9 Téa: he's nice. I think he likes me.


            10 marcus: he'd have to, cause i do.


11 Téa: i never know what to think when you look at me like that.


Panel 5: same shot.


            12marcus: yes you do.


            13 Téa: oh yeah and what's that?


            14 marcus: that i love you.



Page twenty-two


Panel 1: similar shot except that this time marcus is sitting up looking sincere, Téa is sitting up looking a bit stunned and not a little breath taken. Romantic shot. Show the glare from the t.v.


            1 Téa: you say it like you’ll never see me again


2 marcus: i don’t mean to, but sometimes i don’t feel like i tell you enough


            3 Téa: oh marcus, i-...


4 from tv: this footage is being streamed live from someones camera phone.


Panel 2: close on the t.v. screen we see blurry picture of what appears to be the geist fighting off a group of thugs. Don't be too discriptive we don't need colors just show that he's in all black.


5 from t.v male annoucer: it appears that the vigilantie the geist is attacking gang members up in Far South. This is the second night in a row, the geist whose normal stomping grounds are Mongrave has ventured north, but with the recent police activities i suppose it makes sense.


6 from t.v. female annoucer: guess he got enough money to take the 2 trains huh mike.


            7 from t.v. male annoucer: i guess so jen.


Panel 3: this is a mid shot. Hannibal is standing in front of the bar, i want you to draw an afterimage of him looking at marcus and then the t.v.marcus and Téa are facing us, mouth's agape. None of the customers are paying attention they’re all enthralled in the t.v.


            8 hannibal: (whispering) what the hell, who the hell is that?


            9 Téa: (whispering) yeah i mean you're right here


10 marcus: (whispering) i don't know but, i'm gonna have to find out. Excuse me baby.


Panel 4: we're seeing from behind marcus as he's getting up, Téa is standing with him holding his shirt slevee. She looks worried, her eyes are wide. We still see the glow of the t.v.


            11 Téa: (whispering) baby please be careful.


            12: marcus: (whispering) i will honey, i love you, i’ll be back. Wait here please.


Panel 5: marcus is walking out the door, his back is to us we can see  black smoke trailing off of him. We see the other guests still not paying attention, to him. Téa is now standing up we can see her from a back side view she is staring at marcus, her mouth is open as she whispers, hannibal is looking at his grandson. He has his hand on Téa's shoulder.


            13 Téa: (whispering) i love you too.


            14 hannibal: he'll be fine, trust me.



Page twenty three


Panel 1: full page shot, we're seeing all of the patrons staring at the t.v. the scene on it is a street corner, we're seeing a man who appears to be the geist execpt he has cornrows, we don't see his mask or face, but in his hand he has a jet black baseball bat, and on his jacket is a green oroburos. So we now know that this is leon.  In the background are some gang memebers all “brick town boys” who wear orange flags, some are on the floor others are holding guns at, him.


1 : leon as geist: didn't you assholes hear that Far South's now under my protection?, now drop your weapons before someone get's hurt.











                                    © 2009 , Ra’Chaun Rogers.

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I recently interviewed Syd Mead, the man who designed the light cycles for Tron, the flying cars for Blade Runner, the ships and vehicles in Aliens, and V'Ger in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.


With over 50 years experience, Syd Mead has made a major contribution to concept art, and our collective vision of what the future looks like.


Read my interview here: Red Moon Chronicle

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Kickstarter Project!

Dear literary-minded folk,


I hope you are all doing well. Just writing in the interest of shameless plugging. I have a Kickstarter project! It can be found here: Me and my fellow genre writer Christine Stoddard are working on a project based on the Ace science fiction double novels from the 1960s and 70s. One half of the book will be hers, the other half mine. We are in negotiations with Six Gallery Press, the publishing firm that produced my first book. Being a small press writer is not easy. There is much that you have to handle yourself, and we've got all sorts of ideas regarding marketing. Being highly independent people, Christine and I are trying to raise a modest $1000 with which to do independent promotion for a May 2012 release.
A bit about us:


Writer, performer, and artist Christine Stoddard has won recognition from USA Today, The Poetry Society of Virginia, The National League of Pen Women, The Washington Post, the International Cinematographer's Guild, and many other companies and organizations. Comicality, the magazine she co-edits with artist David Fuchs, appears in the permanent collections of The Glasgow School of Art and Virginia Commonwealth University. Two of her book art projects appear in Virginia Commonwealth University's permanent collection. Furthermore, Christine is the founder of The D.C. Indie Arts Festival and The VCU Reel Dame Film Festival. She is also the founder and executive director of Quail Bell Press and Productions, LLC, which operates Quail Bell Magazine.


Her side of the project is Once Upon a Body, a collection of fairy tale-inspired graphic work dealing with women's body issues. It was her project as a Cyberpunk Apocalypse visiting writer in 2010, and is the culmination of many years of graphic work.


Me? I am the author of The Jack Daniels Sessions EP, a collection of myth-based short stories that has received accolades from notable authors and critics. I have toured the country as a writer and performance artist and sat on literary panels at a number of genre conventions.


The Motley & Plume Players is my first novel-length work. Its foundations lay in a novelette I started writing in 2006, which has since expanded in many different directions. It is a story about love, obsession, memory, regret, the repercussions of words said and unsaid, and the magic of the theater. My good friend Vanessa Strickland is doing illustrations for it, so the spirit of collaboration is high. In this piece I have had the opportunity to further explore my interest in melding the domestic and the fantastic, and I feel it is my finest work.


Did I mention there are donor incentives? My personal favorite is reading the donor a story via Skype. They also include a free copy of my short story collection, the upcoming audiobook, original artwork from Christine and, another favorite, a short story written for YOU.
I am very excited for this project, and to have all sorts of launch parties and readings next spring. We are two up-and-coming authors who do things our own way, and any bit helps. Thanks!


Elwin Michael Cotman
Author. Performance artist. Storyteller.
The Jack Daniels Sessions EP is out now!
Facebook group:!/group.php?gid=274822316789
"The Jack Daniels Sessions EP is revolutionary, riveting and remarkable. Elwin Cotman's prose grabs you from word one, and you don't want it to let you go. This book marks the unveiling of a major new voice in science fiction and fantasy." — Charles R. Saunders, author of Imaro
"Cotman has an amazing voice, and his fabulist descriptions are so vividly communicated, they almost lift from the page and become three-dimensional beings that are impossible images to forget."—Savannah Schroll Guz, author of The Famous & The Anonymous
"Mr. Cotman’s interests are wide-ranging: Punk rock intersects with D.C.’s Dominican community, African American folktale intersects with Greek myth, Goth teen suburban angst in 1990s Ohio sits side by side with racist atrocity in the pre-Civil Rights South, and magic is going on. Yeah, there’s magic in some of these stories, but the real magic is in Cotman’s words themselves—stark and deadpan one moment, lushly descriptive the next."—Michael S. Begnal, author of Ancestor Worship
"In The Jack Daniels Sessions, folktales and modern landscapes collide, exploding and reforming in the form of an intriguing and intelligent collection. Cotman seizes the stories of tired tradition and galvanizes them, setting them to dance for us in wonderful, new interpretations."—Cat Rambo, author of The Surgeon's Tale
"Elwin Cotman is one of the most original new voices you will encounter—he is a synthesizer of the domestic and the fantastic, of soaring myth and the grittiest realities, of lewd dialect and high lyricism. His stories are profound engagements with suffering of every stripe—they will also make you hoot with laughter. I was amazed by the force of Mr. Cotman's pinwheeling imagination."—Karen Russell, author of Swamplandia! 
"With raw and sometimes shocking authenticity, Cotman turns the ordinary into the sublime. There is no pretension here, just a million-​​watt light shining into corners of the human condition that many people would prefer forgotten, with a large helping of fantastic creatures, classical myth, and modern mayhem."—Erzebet Yellowboy, Cabinet des Fees

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Scrawl of Dreams 4

Chapter IV: The Way Home


            Scrawl, The Past

                        The black sun hung above his head, only four more days through the Onyx

Desert and he'd be at village of Abiola-Rey, the Inkdwellers there were visited less by the Winterborne because of the climate of the desert. Being born of the winter, their people could not take the direct contact of the black sun's data. The Inkdwellers however have been absorbing its information for as long as Scrawl has been around; they have become the color and hue of the sun they at one time worshipped along with the other aspects of the land. Now the sun domes that were erected by the Winterborne and maintained by their Secondborne children block any high-level information from reaching the people, which is probably why their abilities no longer work. At least that's what Blaq thought to himself, since his birth he'd been passed from person to person, no one could hold on to him for too long for fear of the Second-borne overseers finding him. Darr-Woolf and Black-Phoenyx, had told him that he was the true descendant of the Obsidian Empire and that he had to be kept safe to restore it and Scrawl to its rightful place. He had his doubts about his own lineage, however he did know one thing his existence was bad luck to those around him and everyone who helped him end up dead or exiled. Woolf and Phoenyx were his ideological parents meaning Woolf coded him and Phoenyx housed and birthed him after nine streams. He did have a number of spiritual parents most of whom had died protecting him throughout the years, rather than have his last family slaughtered he ran away, hearing a rumor he traveled north toward Winterborne country; to the very hands of those who wanted his life. The Fourth Wall was said to have existed from time immemorial, supposedly the Mother and Father had created it when everything was nothing and dawns were young, back when G.O.D first created them. That was his chance to escape that is if anything anyone said about the Wall was true, the legends said that the Fourth Wall was a gateway to other worlds. Several stories surrounding the Wall stemmed from the “Fall”, the little remembered war between the Inkdwellers royal families and the capitulation of their remaining power by the Winterborne that resulted in the current decaying state of Scrawl.

In Winterborne territory to the north, vegetation ceased growing and the animals that were herded need to be used as the main source of sustenance, they were processed, In the Winterborne capital city of Eventide. In the western cities of the United Bastions, Data from the Black sun had begun to turn much of the landscape to ash that coupled with the increasing number of Fantoms and Unbound appearing in the area it became less habitable every cycle.

            'If there is one thing that can save our world it's you, but you must get through the Fourth Wall'. Phoenyx used to say, he believed her, which is why he risked life and limb now to travel to this place.


            A loud bang erupted to his left and as he turned to look at the dune there he saw a group of males, Inkdweller males, surrounding a female wrapped in an earth tone shawl.  His head told him to keep moving but his soul said that he had to help, he was not raised to pass by one of his people in need and so he turned and made his way toward the group.

Though he had no weapons to speak of, he possessed a special ability the vast majority of Inkdwellers still lacked.  Sea ran down the basin toward the group and then slid down a steep crevice. “Hey what are you doing to her?”


            The group all looked at him as he came sliding down, they were armed with sharp crystal weapons and a few had Ricochet spheres floating about them. The largest man in the group broke the circle and began to walk towards him. “Leave here boy, it's not safe.” His voice filled with more worry than threat. Behind him the young woman turned to lock eyes with Black- Sea, she regarded him with a seductive smirk, then gestured that he put his hands over his ears and after he did, she screamed. The black sand around her began to kick up into an instant storm the leader of the group turned back toward her and they all charged in unison, Blaq crouched and closed his eyes, with his hands still covering his ears, and he heard or rather felt bodies or at least their parts flying past him. He felt weightless as the storm lifted him from his spot and a few more minutes he passed out. The feeling of warm, dark, bare skin sliding across his own jolted him awake, he looked up to see the young woman from the storm mounting him, she arched her back, licked her lips and ground her nails into the dirt beside him.


            “MMMMM.” She looked down and got off of him. “That’s a nice soul you have, interesting taste to it.


            She sat up and took a drink from a strange gourd to her right; it appeared to Sea that he was in a house or tent of some kind with a very high ceiling. Cool air blew in from the desert night. Black- Sea scrambled up to find himself naked and he instinctively put his back to the farthest wall he could find. “W-who are you?”


            She smiled at him and put the gourd away. “Don't be afraid, I just had to see what kind of man you were.” She stood up and walked toward him. “I am known by many names, most call me Dear Daughter of the Onyx Desert, but you can call me Dee Dee.”


            “Why were you on top of me?” He stood up naked and looked around. “Where are my clothes?”


            “Like I said I was sampling what kind of man you were, don't you know anything?” She walked over to one side of the structure, picked something up out of the darkness and threw it at him. “Here.”


            He caught a handful of clothes, which he realized were his. “Where are we?” He asked as he began to put his things on.


            Dee Dee picked up her shawl and it instantly wrapped itself into a dress around her. “We're in my home, what does it look like.” She then looked him over from where she stood. “You're not from the desert are you?”


            “No, I'm from Anoki-Can in the grassland region, to the south.” He finished dressing.


            “Oh ok, so that's why you don't know who I am, in that case.”  She walked up to him took his hand and led him to another section of the house. “Follow me.”


            He walked reluctantly, into the other room, which had candles all around it, she sat him down on the floor. “I will show you who I Am.” she sat down next to him and began to draw something on the floor. “I am the Daughter of the Desert Goddess Onyx, well the daughter of her descendant to be exact.”

            At his feet she drew the Black sun and the Silver moon in the vast sky, below it she drew a woman standing on top of an ocean on the firmament. “When Scrawl was still young, my mother was born along with the Great Black and Silver eyes, she covered it all. With the permission of the Great Mother and Father she allowed things to be born from her womb, from her came my father Earth Lord, he spewed flame across her surface to make land, and intern life was eventually created.” She finished her drawing. “Or at least that's what I was told by my mother before she left.” She shrugged. “I could never get it completely straight.”


             Sea sat back “That had nothing to do with the desert.” He arched an eyebrow.



            “Well I can't remember it all.” She put her hands on her hips.


            “So why did you tell me the story if you didn't know it?”


            “It's a tradition my mother made me remember it, I only told you because you're not from around here.” She got up. “I personally don't care for tradition, especially since the Winterborne tried to erase our history by destroying the Speaking Crystals and the Talking Tree.”


            “Most Inkdwellers don't know those two things existed at one time, I almost didn't believe it myself.”


            “So how did you know about them?”


            “My parents Darr-Woolf and Phoenyx-Blac told me about them.” He looked down.


            She stared at him, with a knowing gaze, trying to recall something told to her as a child but unable to quite remember. “I'm sorry to hear that.”


            “Where are your parents, you said your mother left, where did she go?”  Sea ran his fingers through his hair nervously.



 “To pass on, when a daughter of the desert comes of age the daughter before her must travel out into the mouth of the desert and meet with the Goddess again.” Dee Dee looked down.


            “Oh, and what about your father, where is he?”


            Dee Dee looked down, at her hands. “He’s dead, remember the big guy in the desert, the leader of those men.” She looked out an open window into the night. “That was him.”


            “You killed your own father?”  Sea backed up from her. “Why?”


            “Well for starters he would have killed me.” She then looked at him. “But the real reason is because he blames me for my mother’s sacrifice.”


            Blaq looked down on the ground. “Must’ve been tough, killing your own father and all.”


            She smirked at him. “Not really he never loved me anyway.” She twirled a finger through one of her onyx locks. “So where were you headed?” she asked changing the subject.


            “To the Fourth wall.”


            She let out a loud laugh. “You believe in that place?”


            “What do you mean believe?” He adopted a serious expression. “It’s real.”


            “Sure it is; what did you plan to do when you got there?”


             Sea took a deep breath. “Use it to leave Scrawl.”


            “And go where?” She smiled and cocked an eyebrow.


            “Endwater.” He said solemnly.


            “Of course you believe that exists too.” She rolled her eyes.


            “It does.” He yelled. “It must.”


            “Oh yes and why must it?” She leaned back.


            “Because if it doesn’t I’m going to die.” He looked down at his hands.


            She moved closer to him. “Why, who are you?”


            He looked her in the eyes, his glinting sliver to her shinning gold. “I am the child of the Sun and the Moon.”


            She smirked, she knew what that meant. The sun and the moon were one of the many analogies for the Empress and Emperor who had created their people’s first empire. The phrase was to denote those of Noble spiritual birth, but last she had heard all of the members of the Obsidian Empire had be exiled or killed, mostly the latter. However even if some were still alive could this young man be one of them? She did get that “interesting” feeling from him, that low hum, that steady vibration that hit the base of her spine and the center of her head at the same time, filling her with beautiful emotions. The more she focused on the sensations the easier it became to believe what this boy was saying. Smiling she looked upon him. “If you do make it to the Fourth wall, and to the other side, would you search for my other self and remind her of this?”


            Blaq smiled and his eyes shown brighter than ever. “Yes, of course.”


            She took his hand. “You promise?”


            He nodded to her. “Yes, I promise.”


            She picked up his hand and kissed it. “Thank.” She then lay down next to him on her side and pulled him down to her. Her back was facing his stomach. “I’m tried; stay here tonight and in the morning I’ll send you to Abiola-Rey.”


            He lay down next to her. “O-ok.”  He rested his head behind hers.


            She smiled in the darkness and then turned her head slightly. “Put your arm around me would you; I don’t sleep alone if I can help it.”


            He obliged her and wrapped his hand around her waist. “Is this ok?”


            “Mmm, that’s perfect.” She closed her eyes and smiled. “Oh and if I start moving during the night, just hold me closer ok?”


            “Uh, o-ok.” Blaq stammered


            “Sleep well.” She said with a smile.


            “Y-you too.” Blaq exhaled slowly, closed his eyes and felt the weight of his body drop away.



Endwater, Now



            Roderick sat up; he was perspiring, his clothes and parts of his bed sheets clung to him. It’s like having a wet dream with your whole body. He peeled off his covers, got up and while he stretched his mind-attempted piece together the fading fragments of dream approaching the edges of his consciousness. Was it a dream or was it a memory He put on his glasses and walked to the bathroom groping for the lights in the pitch-black hallway, more out of habit than anything else. Coming up on the open door he flicked on the light and looked into the mirror, nothing out of the ordinary. No wide smile, no silver eyes nothing just plain old Roderick Parker. However he didn’t feel plain at all, on the contrary he felt quite extraordinary or at least better than normal. It was as if he couldn’t remember what thoughts currently depressed him and if he could the feelings of melancholy the thoughts brought with them were gone. Was this what Blaq meant when he said he’d make his life better? He did seem to have the courage to express his feelings to Sierra and she did seem to respond in kind. At least she returned both kisses. He was able to take on Randy twice, although he didn’t remember the first time. He smiled at his reflection and then remembered the Unbound, How can that exist in this world, in its true form. He ran his fingers through his hair, the thought that he had less time then he assumed ran through his mind. The shuffling from outside caused Roderick’s head to whip around to attention, he looked outside the bathroom door and saw a long shadow stretch across the floor. Leaning against the doorframe he peered around it and saw a figure shambling out of his mother’s room. Though he couldn’t make out the features he could tell it wasn’t his mother, the figures shoulders were broad and it was taller than her. It’s a man, must be James. His mother’s boyfriend never stayed at their house however she had been talking about having him spend the night. It didn’t matter to Roderick as long as he was safe down the hall with his nice sturdy walls. The figure cocked its head back at an odd angle and Roderick swore he heard the sound of loud sniffing. Roderick turned off the light and slinked out of the bathroom and back into his own room. After a moment he heard it stalking down the hallway toward his room and picked up his acoustic guitar, the one he never played and readied it for attack. He was certain that wasn’t James, what wasn’t sure of was if it was a human being at all. Since Blaq and I merged a lot of strange shit has been happening. A thought clicked in his head as if he was remembering something from another life, a memory that the other side of him had, of something grim and horrid. “Fantom.” Was the single word he whispered as the very thing came bursting through his door he swung with all his might smashing the polished wood against its head. He flicked on the switch and was face to pale, emaciated face with his brother Avery. His eyes were blood shot and he twitched uncontrollably, springing to his feet he lunged at Roderick and was on him in seconds. “Get off of me.” Roderick positioned his foot under Avery’s groin and kicked. Letting out a howl of pain he rolled off of him and curled into a fetal position. “Well your weak point was easy to find.” Roderick got up and took off his glasses as the air began to become thick and the hairs on his body stood up, his eyes became gleaming silver discs. “Now we can play, but not in here.” Roderick ran out of his room and past his mother’s noticing the crimson trail leading from her door. Mom The panic that began to flood his mind was quickly overcome by another calming force, something that made him stop at the stairs. The recovered Avery was now running toward him at a furious speed.  Roderick crouched into a defensive position and as Avery came upon him, Roderick shifted his weight and tossed Avery down the stairs, sending him through the banister and to the floor below. Roderick’s body moved on its own, he felt as if his muscles recalled prior fights of this nature and a way to handle them. So Blaq was a fighter? Roderick looked down at his brother’s body as it began to stir. This has to end leaping down the steps where the body was he was caught in mid-air by Avery’s iron grip. “Ack.” Clutching at his arm to relive the pressure he looked into Avery’s eyes, they were dead and vacant; nothing remained of his brother. His eyes began to glow and their silver sheen shown brightly causing Avery to drop him and shield his eyes.


            “You know, I was gonna waste my time thinking of some elaborate emotional speech before I ended this, but I know that wasn’t your thing, so I’m just going to kill you.” Roderick threw a kick to Avery’s side sending him rolling.


            “Argghhh” Avery let out a primal roar, picked up a chair and smashed it against Roderick’s head sending him flying into the kitchen.


            “Damn it.” Roderick hit the kitchen counter and cleared it of its contents. Rolling on his side he glimpsed a kitchen knife inches away from him.


            “Rahhhh.” Avery leapt onto the counter his movements were quick and primal. Gazing at the floor he grunted in frustration when he noticed Roderick was gone and then wailed in agony when he felt cold, sharp steel pierce his side.


            “Gotcha.” Roderick smiled and attempted to remove the knife but Avery, who proceeded to punch him in the face and then lift him over his head, seized his arm.


            Avery launched Roderick into the stove causing the mechanism to collapse and the gas line to be exposed. “Argh.” Roderick yelled at the pain. I’m lucky to be Alive but that hurt like hell.  Avery towered over him picked him up and tossed him back across the kitchen counter into the living room where he broke through the coffee table. Lying there in a haze he rolled to his feet he watched Avery come toward him slowly in the same manner a predator stalks its prey. Roderick shuffled over to his mothers well stocked liquor cabinet. He doubted that the bottles would stop him but he was sure that he could find something that would blind him until he could figure something out. Avery lunged at Roderick and was met by a bottle of scotch in the face, the glass and alcohol disoriented him as Roderick continued with various alcoholic beverages. Looking around frantically, Roderick spotted and auto lighter just as Avery was upon him. Pulling the trigger he threw it at Avery, setting him ablaze.


            “Arooooooh.” Avery spun in a circle as the flames engulfed him, the alcohol causing it to spread rapidly.


            Roderick made for the door and was almost out of it before he noticed Avery ‘dance’ into the kitchen and slam into the damaged stove with its open gas line. He felt more than heard the explosion as it rocketed him through the door; he felt the searing heat on the back of his neck and the bone jarring impact as he hit the pavement. That should’ve killed me; Blaq must give me a superhuman constitution. As his eyelids hung low he heard a distance voice calling to him, it wasn’t Blaq’s, it was a woman’s voice


            “I guess I got here too late.” The woman sounded worried but familiar. “At least you’re still breathing.” Roderick attempted to place it but wasn’t able to cycle through his memory and battle the wave of unconsciousness that threatened to over take him any moment. He fought it his body was limp and for the most part he could only hear and feel what was going on around him as his eyes were too weak to open. There was movement though and that woman’s voice, who she was he didn’t know but she didn’t seem to mean him any harm. Roderick realized then that he was losing his bout with the waking world and passed out again.

            There was a dull ache in the base of his skull, but he was still alive. He opened his eyes for a moment and then immediately closed them as the piercing rays of the sun shot through the blinds. He didn’t know where he was but he felt that a familiar presence was near by. He got up off of the hot leather couch and in a haze stumbled over to the kitchen table where a glass of water was waiting for him. He downed it in one gulp.

            “I guess I found you instead huh?” He opened his he looked up and their before him was the smiling face of a honey colored young woman. She had a ring in her lip and another one in her tongue. She walked over to a stove that had a number of things boiling over on top of it. “You want something to eat, I’m making rice and veggies.” He smiled this young woman had an air of familiar newness to her. Something he could use at the moment, with his mother having been murdered by his-possessed? He didn’t even know what to call it-brother; he had no home to go to. Especially since he had to kill the aforementioned brother in a fire that burned his house down and he was now in need of something different. He wanted to escape this craziness that had become his life Blaq had said it would make his life better, but now he’s homeless and alone.

                        “I’m gonna let this stuff sit and take a shower.” She walked into the bathroom. “The names Adriana by the way.”

Her apartment was your standard affair; he sat at the kitchen table made of some wood he hadn’t seen before. She had a half kitchen that connected to the dinning room. A leather couch parked in front of a dusty television set, a few potted plants and walls lined with bookshelves.             He sat in silence going over the past couple of hours in his head. What about Sierra he thought? Should I even bother to pursue a relationship with her? First the Unbound and then the stuff at my house, it seems like everything in my life ends suffering. I don’t think I can put her through that, he intoned. I should call her and tell her that we can’t be together, but it’s probably best if I just disappear.

            The sound of footsteps took him out of his head. Adriana walked back in wearing a towel. She was glistening and putting her tongue ring back in as she walked toward him. He gave her an odd look and she responded. “ I take it out when I’m brushing sometimes.”

            “Um It’s not that, You’re walking around in a towel and you barely know me.” Roderick was a bit flushed.


            “Of course I know you, wouldn’t have saved you if I didn’t.” She smiled. “ Scrawl, remember the desert?”

            Something clicked in Roderick’s mind. “Dee Dee?”


            “He remembers me.” She grinned.


            “I guess you saved me twice huh?”


            “Looks like it.” She walked over to the stove and he noticed the top of a tattoo on her shoulder blades. “You wanna eat?”

            “No thank you I’m not hungry.” He looked down at his hands. How could he be after killing his brother? The one he wanted dead anyway that was irony though.

            “ Okay.” She fixed herself a plate. “What were you doing in that rubble?”


            Roderick looked around; nervously he wasn’t ready to talk about this much less think about it. “Uh can we talk about something else please?”


            “Sure like what?” She looked up at him from her plate.


            “Your piercings did they hurt?”


            “The first couple did but after that nah.”


            “Well how many do you have?”


            “ Seven, one in each ear, one in my tongue, one in my lip and the rest are covered up by this towel.” She grinned lasciviously.


            Roderick blushed. “Oh.”


            She stood up and walked around to his side of the table and took his hand. “You wanna see the rest?”


            He looked into her eyes and they were a peculiar gold. “Yes, please.” She took him by the hand and led him into her bedroom.



Read more…

Scrawl of Dreams 3


Chapter III: The Unbound 


            It had dwelled in the corner of the eye, jumping from consciousness to consciousness; dream-to-dream in search of its prey it had been given a mission. Its mission was its purpose, if it had no mission it would not exist, could not exist. So it hunted and hunted, and suddenly, it found its prey. Though it had no eyes or ears to speak of, it could ‘see’ him clearly, there was a problem another being was in its way attempting to take its prize, its purpose away. Shouting loudly the other one waved a small weapon in its hand. Its prey seemed unwavering as always, its trip through the fourth wall had transformed it into a dog it was still as ferocious and steadfast as ever. From the rooftop, it crept down the building, proving that though it was confined to a form of the reality its laws did not confine it.


            “Put the knife down Randy.” Roderick relaxed, he was calm and oh so collected. “You wouldn’t want to hurt yourself now would you?”


            “Shut the fuck up, I don’t know what you did to me last time but it won’t happen again.” Randy’s voice cracked under his hysterical scream.


            Roderick put up his hands in a placating gesture. “Listen to me, there’s no need to do this. You and Sierra can sit down and talk.”


            “Fuck that.” Randy broke into a run, knife waving wildly in front of him.


            This isn’t going well; I have to stop him before this gets out of hand. Roderick breathed deeply and closed his eyes; a surge of electricity began to build in the center of his skull and shot straight down his spine. He formed an image in his mind and then called it forth. “Stop!”


            Randy’s eyes went white, his arms slapped to his sides causing him to drop the knife and his legs stopped mid run as if caught in a snare and tied together. He hit the ground and due to the inertia slid a few feet forward. Completely paralyzed, he lay there like a rock.


            “I’m sorry Randy but you forced me to do this, I’m going to leave you here and when I go you’ll regain your ability to move.” Roderick walked over to the knife, picked it up and put it in his pocket. “Just so you won’t get any ideas.” He adjust his glasses and began to walk away, but a loud thump stopped him in his tracks and slow, measured foot steps caused him to whirl around; he took a step forward attempting to peer into the darkness beyond Randy’s comatose body. Strange gleaming eyes peered at him and a sense a familiar dread washed over. It was a German Sheppard, lithe and muscular; it crouched into position ready to spring like a coiled serpent. It opened its mouth wide; its jaw unhinged and down its throat was an extra set of jagged teeth. Roderick knew what this was, or at least Blaq Prince did and he didn’t think it would find him so soon. He took off his glasses and his pupils began to glow like fireflies in the pale moonlight. Crouching in a defensive position, he watched as the animal’s eyes move from him to Randy. No The beast crept closer a glistening pink tongue more reptilian than canine extended from it’s mouth and wrapped around Randy’s leg. Roderick, reached into his pocket to retrieve Randy’s knife.

            She had come to a halt in a short time, her years of athletics, conditioned her to run for long periods without getting winded, but tonight’s happenings all but stole her breath. What the hell am I doing, I can’t let Roderick get hurt over me.  Stopping short of the entrance to her building, she spun on her heel and turned around. She thought about the day and didn’t think that breaking up with Randy would lead to this series of events. It wasn’t as if they were together for that long and it wasn’t like she considered him a serious suitor. They had slept together a couple of times and despite his begging, he never met her family. For the most part, they were in a physical relationship, with the title of boyfriend and girlfriend at his insistence. She was using him in a sense but wasn’t, she grew up around guys like Randy, or those he claimed to be like, guys who went from girl to girl no strings attached. So why was it when he landed on her he started to “catch feelings” as they say, or was it she who landed on him? Her thoughts jumped to Roderick, she was never sure of Roderick’s actual feelings for her until tonight. For a short while, she wasn’t even sure if he liked girls, and then once or twice she caught him staring at her ass out of the corner of her eye, mainly at the arcade, where she dressed her best. In hindsight she wondered why she dressed so attractively to go to such a place, it wasn’t like any of the guys there were her type. The only explanation was to catch Roderick’s eye, but she hadn’t been trying to, at least not consciously. She wasn’t even sure if she’d thought about Roderick in an amours way, sure she had a few fleeting fantasies of what kind of lover he’d be, though after tonight she’d love to make them come true.  I’ve got to stop them she took off like a bullet, sprinting down the four long blocks with ease and grace, her mind focused on saving Roderick’s life. Rounding the corner she stopped in her tracks awe struck and partly horrified, her eyes went wide and she jumped back.  

            Roderick’s eyes glowed wildly as he ran toward Randy’s unmoving body. “Move!” He called out coming to a halt just as the young man jostled to life.


            “What the hell is this, get it off of me.” Randy screamed, it appeared that while his body was unmoving he was conscious up to this point. “Gimme the knife.”


              Roderick crouched down and Randy snatched the blade away, taking the knife to the creatures tongue as it began to drag him toward its wide jaws. Metal touched flesh and an unearthly wail sounded in response, dragging its tongue back the beast shook unsteadily and darted forward, in two fluid leaps it was upon Randy locking it’s jaws around his leg. Not good Roderick’s eyes flashed brighter as he kicked the dog hard in the face. “Off!” It retreated but not without leaving a nasty bite on Randy’s leg, he fell back and all but cried like a baby.

            “Call an ambulance…that shit might have rabies.” He rolled around clutching his leg.


            Roderick turned from Randy to the Sheppard, their eyes locked as it shook off his attack. Why hasn’t it come after me yet? He looked at it trying to figure out its motives. This was an Unbound any doubts he had about that, were thoroughly washed away when he met its otherworldly eyes. He thought of how he could kill it, in Scrawl he had the entire world at his command, his power granted him control over the forces of reality. Here in this reality, his abilities were greatly diminished, not knowing what he could and couldn’t do wasn’t going to help him, and the rules of the realm didn’t come with a manual. All he had was his ability to command, hoping that this would be enough to best the ferocious creature he took a gamble. It had moved before he finished his thought and if it weren’t for his otherworldly abilities the animal would’ve mauled him, but he hit the ground as it leapt at him causing the creature to fly clear over him. Sliding along the floor, he watched it turn around and was upon it before it could leap up again and although he couldn’t avoid its tongue, he didn’t stop and in one fluid motion grabbed the muscle, wrapped it around the dog’s throat and began to pull.

            “Roderick!”  Sierra stood with her eyes wide and her mouth open. “What the hell is that?”


            Damn it “A stray dog that attacked Randy, call an ambulance I think he’s hurt.” I don’t want her to see this. As Roderick contemplated his image in front of Sierra, he failed to notice the growing form below him until he was floating weightlessly eight feet in the air. The impact jarred his entire skeletal system, knocking the wind from him with great force, his mind worked frantically as his eyes caught sight of the creature in front of him, its form so hideous it was almost beautiful. The Unbound had cast off its disguise, and was now towering over Sierra and the fallen Randy who she sought to. It was at least eight feet in height, its gangling oddly angled limbs still had pieces of fur and flesh on them. Its twisting skull made one revolution making it impossible to tell which end was the top and which was the bottom. Its ashen skin had the texture of old leather and the strange X patterned stitching that served as a mouth opening made it look like something out of a marvelous horror film. How the hell is it able to manifest in this realm, If I need a body how come it doesn’t? Roderick turned to look at Sierra, she was frozen starting awe struck at the creature before her. Roderick figured she was in shock, and if he had to get her and Randy out of here safely, he’d have to act quickly. Dashing with greatest speed, he positioned himself between Sierra, Randy, and the Unbound.


            “I’m your prey, your purpose, leave them alone.” Roderick spread his arms in front of them. His eyes flared and his ponytail came undone draping his locks on his shoulders. “Sierra, Randy, move now!” His voice was low, but forceful, it carried with a persuasion that almost forcibly pried the shock from Sierra’s mind and the pain from Randy’s leg, they both scrambled back across the street.


            Sierra now in full control of her faculties pulled out her cell phone and dialed 911. “Yes hello, I’m at South window Avenue on the corner of Jones place my friend was bitten by a rabid dog.” She hung up as soon as the chatter on the other end subsided. “Are you ok?” She looked at Randy’s leg; it was bleeding but not profusely.


            “Mutha fuckin…what ever that is bit me, what do you think?” Randy snapped, his eyes were red from crying. “Tell them niggas to hurry, I could have rabies…I don’t wanna get no shot.” At that moment, Sierra wondered what she ever saw in him. As his heavy masculine façade fell away, she saw him as a little boy and not the charming type.


            Sierra’s eyes looked up to see Roderick stabbing the creature as its tongue held him in the air and slammed him into a wall. His skin showed darker in contrast to his now flaming silver eyes. As his body hit the red brick, she called out putting her hand to her heart. She didn’t know what was going on, but she knew whatever it was, wasn’t good not for her, or the city of Endwater. The creature darted toward Roderick, who had just gotten to his feet and was unarmed. These were the longest minutes of her life, she was terribly afraid for Roderick and that fear trumped the notion that none of what she was seeing could possibly be happening. Roderick rolled out of the way of the creatures tongue, got up and threw the recovered knife into its open mouth. It staggered, regained its balance, and then screamed at him, charging wildly. Roderick’s back was against a wall as he eyed the beast , Sierra stared wondering why he didn’t move out of the way and she then noticed he’s saying something, but what she couldn’t hear. A deafening yelp sounded from the creature as it tripped and hit the floor hard. It came to a stop right before Roderick and Sierra watched as the hideous form convulsed and with each movement, began to decay.

            Roderick’s breath slowed and as it did, the gleaming in his eyes subsided; he leaned against a wall slowly sliding down it as an ambulance’s sirens blared into the earshot. Klaxons bathed the block in red, temporarily blinding Sierra and Randy who had since  Seased crying. The paramedics hopped out of the van and opened the back doors where a third rolled out a stretcher; the first two gingerly helped Randy up on to it.

            “Will you be going with us?” The first paramedic turned to Sierra; he was a stocky man of Hispanic descent with short cropped black hair.


            She shook her head slowly, her eyes on Roderick leaning in the shadows across the street. “No, I’m ok, I wasn’t attacked.”


            “Oh he saved you eh?” The man smiled at her. “I guess chivalry isn’t dead huh?”


            Sierra flashed Randy a disdainful look as he was wheeled into the vehicle. “No…it’s not.”


            “Can you get home from here do you need a ride?” He offered.


            “I’m a few blocks up, I can manage.”


            The paramedic shrugged and walked back to the ambulance and then jumped into the driver’s seat. Sierra didn’t notice when the van pulled off, nor did she care about the on coming cars as she crossed the street. Her eyes were trying to adjust to the dark alcove in which moments ago Roderick Parker slouched, catching his breath after having fought with something that most certainly could not have been real.


            “Roderick?” She walked closer to the now shadowed area. “Are you there?” She crept closer and the sound of sudden movement made her jump back.


            “Stay there.” his still even voice shot back. He walked out of the shadows his hair tied back; he adjusted his glasses and looked up at her. All hints of silver were gone he smiled gently at her. “Everything’s ok.”


            “What was that?” She blinked rapidly. “What happened?” Her breathing began to increase. She wasn’t sure if it was the fact that she was seeing him after the maddening event that had just transpired, or because the need to help Randy was bigger than her need to quake, but now with no life or death situation and no buffers, shock set in like a run away freight train. Her pupils dilated and she began to tremble, Roderick put his hands on her shoulders to keep her standing and then looked at her hard. Her reality is crumbling came a voice in his head. Blaq Prince side of Roderick had some how known that this would happen, somehow being of two worlds a person intrinsically knew these things. He put her up against the wall, and thought, If everything I knew to be impossible started to happen right in front of me, how would I rationalize it? Roderick looked up at her vacant teary eyes and removed his glasses. His eyes were instantly alight. “This was a dream, nothing more!” His words bounced around her skull and flew up and down her nervous system; she stopped trembling and breathed in deeply as she came to.

            “Roderick, what’s the matter why am I leaning against this wall?” She said In even breaths.

            Putting his glasses back on, he looked at her. “You said you were feeling light headed, it might have been the food.” He smiled convincingly


            “Oh, yeah, that must have been it.” She blinked slowly.


            “I was just walking you home.” Roderick grabbed her hand and they headed toward her house. She looked at him as they walked to her stoop.


            “Thank you for, tonight.” Sierra’s words wrung in her own ears making her feel numb.

            He looked in her eyes and she was lost, again glowing in a bewilderment called romance. They kissed slowly tenderly, like lovers, old lovers Roderick thought. When they stopped he stepped backwards off of her stoop.


            “Please call me, let me know you got home ok.” She sighed and then smiled, she opened the door and went in as he waved goodbye.


            Walking down the block Roderick clenched his fists. He hated what he had to do to Sierra regardless if it was for her own good, he would have rather told her the truth then rearrange her thoughts. “I’m sorry.” He whispered in the night air, he continued on till he reached the train station, the last hour had been trying and if it was any indication of what was to come he’d need help and fast.





            The moon hung out in distant space, the clouds framed it to look like the eye of some majestic god, like a child looking into a fish bowl. The windows of the mayoral mansion fogged as the heat from the room gathered with intensity.


            “Go faster.” A young woman moaned as she neared climax. “Faster.” Her tan skin glistened in the moonlight as sweat coursed down her neck, chest, and thighs.


            The young man between them smiled at her, his curly brown hair bounced as he pushed deeper, his skin was just a shade lighter than hers marking his mixed ancestry, he’d never felt at home with any group of people, a kid who looked black with green eyes and wavy hair, found it hard to relate to many people mayor’s son or not. That didn’t stop him from being popular with women of all colors, black women seemed to love green eyes for whatever reason, and white women seemed to love the extra edge his melanin gave him. He didn’t care for either particularly; none had seemed to peak his interest not even the girl he was with now. He couldn’t remember her name and at some point didn’t care she was a fun time, a shiny new toy that would lose its luster.


            “I’m in control, not you.” He whispered as his right hand shot out clasped around her neck. Despite his stature, he was quite strong and as a hand reached up and clawed his arm, he pushed faster.


            “Ack…ugh…eck.” The girl’s gasps came short and sharp as she fought to remove his hand. She began to turn red trying to pry his iron-clad grip from her neck. Finally he let go and she was greeted by the most powerful sensation she had ever felt, sliding from her brain stem down to her nether region. She convulsed around him as she felt something wet and warm enter her.


            He looked down and smiled. “Wasn’t that good?” He pulled out of her and got up.


            She shook her head to affirm his question she was breathless, shaking, and completely satisfied despite having been choked a few moments ago.  She looked up at him in the moonlight and found herself oddly fascinated, though she had been with a number of men all attracted to her wide hips and ample butt. It felt like something otherworldly.


            “You just gonna stand there staring up at me, or you gonna get on this?” He pointed to his dick.


            As she put her lips around his member and began to suck, she was surprised to feel his hand grasping her face. “Faster….”


            “Nahbia.” She mouthed around him, her name was Nadia and he probably didn’t remember, but she’d make him remember, a favor for a favor she always thought. Being a sycophant was how she’d ended up in this position and when she thought about it being on her knees sucking off the mayor’s son wasn’t half bad.


            He grew impatient thrusting himself down her throat faster than when he had been inside of her. His smile became a maddening deaths head grin as he took pleasure in the sound of her choking once again.  I could be a porn star, this is how they do it right?  He shuddered before climaxing down her throat.


            She coughed as the sticky fluid filled her esophagus. Pulling away, she spit on the floor. “Are you trying to kill me?”


            He smiled at her. “If you don’t swallow next time I just might.” He stepped off the bed and walked into his own bathroom located to the far wall of his enormous room. 


            “Next time.” She said wiping her mouth and looking for her clothes. “What makes you think they’re be a next time?” For a moment, she was filled with a sense of outrage.


            “Because I’m Ian Redgrave, there’s always a next time.” He looked out at her from the bathroom.


            Her anger faded as soon as it came she dropped her clothes and stood up. “You’re right, you are.”


            He smiled at her. “You wanna join me?”


            “Yes, please let me.” Nadia ran into the bathroom and Ian closed the door behind them.  

            As the moon and the sun sat across from one another in the sky Ian lay alone in his bed, drifting between sleep and thought, he’d kicked Nadia out long ago preferring his own company to anyone else’s. The noises coming from down stairs shattered his beautiful solitude. Getting dressed he walked out of his room and down the snaking spiral staircase. His mother was drunk again and rambling about his philandering father and how she thought white men were different when she first met him. Ian would later realize that men were all the same most of the time. And being a man like his father he didn't stay in one place too long. His dad's latest take was barely out of high school but legal, and because his mother wanted to remain, the mayor’s wife and keep all of the nice things she'd gotten, she said nothing. Ian wandered off into the garden surrounding the mayoral mansion and had come across the pond at its center. There he heard a voice, calling him like as siren song to the edge of the pond. The strangest thing about it was the voice was coming from the pond, like some mystical talking fish of legend. Traveling to its edge Ian sat down in front of it, but when he looked over to see his reflection in the still water, he saw something else, something more mystifying and beautiful than he could imagine. It was a man, with ash gray skin; his short wavy hair reminded Ian of his own.

            “Where did you come from?” Ian was startled to here himself ask the question.  As if a reflection could answer back,


            “I'm not a reflection I assure you.” The man began to move, he wore a long blue coat, knitted of a strange material, his pants fluttered as wind swept the pond and his heavy vest seemed warm in these summer months.


            “You talk?” Ian didn't move he stood still contemplating whether or not what he was seeing was the onset of some sort of insanity. “But how?”


            “I assure you I do.” The man smiled. “And you’re not crazy.”


            “Well coming from you, that helps.” Ian shifted.


            “Listen I need you to join me in the water. “ The young man reached his hand up toward the surface. “I'm here to rescue you from your life.” his gray lips split into a smile.


            “Really?” He looked toward his house.


            “Iannnnnnn!” Ian's drunken mother called for him. “Come help me out of this chair.”


            Ian turned away from the house and toward the pond. “Tell me more.”


             “Take my hand.” The gray man gestured again.


            Oh what the hell. He reached his hand into the pool and was pulled into the water, but what he found on the other side was not water at all. It was a large stone cavern with a large pool of water in the middle. Ian looked across to see the gray man.


            “Welcome Ian, I am Pariah Gray, the crown prince of the planet of Scrawl. “


            “That's a funny name for some one so important.” Ian thought about his own heritage and position in society and frowned. “So what happens now?”


            Pariah gray gestured to Ian to follow him. “I want to show you something.” He stopped and then turned. “Oh and be prepared it's hot outside.”


            Ian followed him out of the cavern as the cool climate gave way to an increasing humidity. The winds blew black sand at the mouth of the cave, Pariah handed Ian a scarf and Ian wrapped it around his face and head. “So why do they call you Pariah, I mean I get the Gray part.”


            Pariah turned to him regarding him with red eyes. “I am like you.” he looked down. “Of dual parentage.”


            Ian said nothing but followed Pariah out into desert. “This is my world, it’s called Scrawl.” Pariah swept his hand across the expanse of black sand.


            Ian looked at the mounds in the distance and the sun ascending the sky. He saw birds flying across the sky. “Looks kinda nice except for the wind.”


            “It's a dying world.” Pariah looks at Ian. “I need your help.”


            “With what?” Ian looks at Pariah.” What can I do?”


            Pariah smiled at him and extended his hand. “Take my hand.”        


            Ian stared at him, his smile causing any apprehension he had to be washed away in a sea that felt like familiarity. He took Pariah’s hand and was over come by a sensation so intense he lost consciousness. When Ian came to, he was beside the pond, the wind stirred around him. Getting to his feet he felt different, not as good as he did a second ago but savoring the glow, what ever had just happened, it had felt good and right. A smile crossed his lips, as his shoulders relaxed.  This is the feeling I’ve been searching for, this feeling of peace, of kinship, of self.



Read more…

Scrawl of Dreams 2

Chapter II: Blaq Prince








            Roderick sat up in his bed, cold sweat ran down his back like a serpent snaking across a desert. He looked at his surroundings; the bed room was cool and black. He put on his glasses, which were slightly cracked, the light from his alarm clock blinked 8:30. How did I get in my room.


            “Roddy?”  Natalie’s voice rang out through the hollow hall. “Are you up?”


            Roderick rubbed his eyes with is hands.  Of course I’m up who could sleep with you yelling like that? “Yeah mom I’m up.” Roderick stepped out of bed and ran his fingers through his hair. Walking out into the hallway he noticed his mother putting on her earrings in a hallway mirror. “What’s the matter why were you yelling?”


            “Well, your brother Avery didn’t come home last night, have you heard from him?” She maneuvered her earnings as if they were wires of a bomb, and one false move would set them off.


            “No mom sorry, can’t say that I have.” Roderick closed his door. He wouldn’t ask Avery for a molecule of air if he were drowning, so talking to him causally wasn’t going to happen. However, on the edges of his mind something told him that Avery was gone and may never come back.


            “Ok well, I’ll call him later I’m going out, love you honey.” Roderick heard her descend the stairs.


            Roderick swung his legs toward the edge of the bed, and felt a small tinge in his stomach. “How did I end up here, I was in school, getting my ass kicked by Randy.”


            “I made contact with you.” Roderick’s reflection began to speak. “That’s what happened.”


            “Contact, but that was a…?”


            “That thing in the bathroom earlier, I couldn’t let you get your ass kicked, there’s still so much to do, and my enemies from Scrawl are still on my trail.”




            “But Scrawl’s just at story I created.” Roderick plopped back onto his bed.    



            “Hate to break it to you but Scrawl existed long before you did, you were just taping into the Stasis, I’d tell you all about it, but it’d be better to show you.” 


            “How are you going to do that?” Roderick raised an eyebrow.


            His reflection sighed heavily, the glass stretched out like bubble gum. “I need your body.”



            Roderick crawled backward, a sinking fear framing his face.  “What’ll happen to me?”


            “Nothing, we’ll be sharing the same body.” He shrugged. “Look I can explain better to you once you’ve seen the Stasis.”


            “How do I do that?” Roderick’s face calmed a little bit.


            “Well you just Sleep” The last word was a voice in his head, and he was out.



They stood at the edge of a stream both on either side. Roderick walked toward the reflection that stood on the opposite side. With each step, he spun taking in the beauty of the new area. The sky was a powder blue and there was a thin haze all around, small green lights twinkled in the distance and the trees blew but there was no wind. Roderick noticed that his reflection didn’t wear, his eyes were silver, his locks were wild and untamed, and from what Roderick could tell, he was very athletic.


            “I thought you were supposed to be me.” Roderick raised an eyebrow. “You look different, better.”


            “Well I’m more of the other you, from Scrawl.” The smile was normal this time.


            “Right, do you have a name; I mean I don’t recall giving you one.” Roderick scratched his head. “I mean it’s mine but I assume you want your own.”


            “I have a name.”


            “You do, what is it?”


            “I’m called Blaq Prince back in Scrawl.” he smiled.


            “So if I give you my body, what do I get?”


“I’ll make your life better, I’m an Ink Dweller, we have power. Not only that but, I’m charming, I’m witty and I kicked Randy’s ass although you weren’t awake to see that.” Blaq laughed


            “About that, what happened?”


            “When I’m awake you’re asleep, but you can see what I’m doing and vice versa, but that’s only for now.”

            “So will I be like schizophrenic?” Roderick gave a puzzled look.


            “No, once this happens I’m you, it’ll be like the conscious and the subconscious or two halves of the brain.” Blaq rubbed his onyx chin. “It’s not like two people in one body, it’s more like a synthesis.”  


            “Oh ok, so how do we do this?”    


            “You just walk to the edge of the Stasis and you’ll wake up.”


            “Oh ok, whose gonna be in control?” Roderick asked.


            “I’ll take over, as I recall you have to meet with Sierra at the arcade, and I know how you feel about her, just leave it to me.”


            “Oh ok.” Roderick and Blaq walked to the edge of the Stasis, looking back he watched Blaq Prince vanish. Breathing deeply he walked toward the infinite expanse before him. 




          The sounds of exploding cars and bloody fights filled the air. Lights flashed from machines that prompted their users to dance on time to a beat. He stood still adjusting to the sounds and light

People went head to head on steep highways and racetracks at break neck speeds. If you’d like to kill an hour of your life, take a walk in the park, if you’d like to waste it, hit the local arcade. The Cyber Chest was an arcade and video game retailer that had been around since anyone could remember. All of its patrons were what you expected the younger versions of seedy bar flies that rarely had sex and used date rape drugs to do so look like. Roderick pushed his way through the crowd lining the arcade machines, beyond the smoke and smell of unwashed bodies he’d hoped to find a bit of fun while trying not to get sucked in. Now arcades usually had a high male to female population, that being 99:1, the females that were regulars sometimes made you wonder whether it wasn’t a 100:0 ratio. On occasion, an attractive female did show up and if she wasn’t on someone’s arm, she fell into three categories, Shrew, Crazed, and Rare. Tonight Roderick was looking for one in particular 

            There she sat staring at the lights of the newest racing game cooling off, from having danced her heart to a screaming pace. Roderick had seen her when he walked in ,hips like you wouldn’t believe and an ass to go with it; her hair was braided in a way that reminded him of tree roots. She wore a fitting novelty t-shirt, and pant’s so tight, you could see the change in her pocket. He brushed his hair in front of his face, to imitate the fashion of the day, his locks perfectly framing his glasses. Adjusting his t-shirt so that the logo on it was clearly visible, he tightened the belt on his skinny jeans to make them look even tighter. Finally he dusted off his sneakers and walked over.

            “Mind if I join you?” Roderick stood next to her seat. 


            She looked up a bit annoyed, but then her eyes changed, lighting up like stars. “Roddy, you made it, I was worried.” She got up and hugged him tightly.


            “Why would you be worried?” He hugged her back a bit closer.


            “I heard you and Randy had a fight in the bathroom.” She looked at him with a hint of sadness. “And he’s bigger than you…so I was afraid…”


            “Well as you can see I’m ok, but enough about that, let’s play some Zero fist.”


            “Oh well I didn’t know you were in such a hurry to get your butt whooped.” She laughed.


            Zero Fist was a 3D fighting game that both Sierra and Roderick had become acquainted over. On Roderick’s first day, he’d come to the arcade to find some competition. Here he and Sierra ran into each other and preceded to a match, after realizing they went to the same school, they began hanging. They walked up to the game cabinet, slotted their coins and selected their characters, they both picked Caporeia fighters.


            “How about we make this interesting, the loser buys dinner.” Sierra smirked.


            “Oh, sure, I hope you have enough to spot me though.” Roderick laughed.


            The first round she beat him badly inciting combo after combo, but there were three rounds in a head-to-head match and he’d have two more to win. The second round he used a flurry of kicks and acrobatics to throw her off guard and win. The third round would be tough, she didn’t seem at all worried, but he knew she was. Roderick could read people and he’d known from experience Sierra’s little nervous ticks. He watched her lips twitch and knew she was as nervous as he was. She began a simple combo, a barrage of kicks coming for him, the trick to winning would be anticipating her final attack. He waited for her to charge up a finishing blow and attack at the exact same time.


            “Double K.O.” The voice from the machine blared.  


            “I guess we’re going Dutch.” Sierra smiled.


            “Yeah well let’s go now.” Roderick wiped sweat off of his face.


            They exited the arcade out into the cool night air. “You know I’ve always loved nights like this.” Roderick said as they began to walk, the moon hung large in the sky closer than it had ever been.


            “Oh yeah, why’s that?” Sierra put her hair in a ponytail using a rubber band.


            “Well it’s one of those nights, that makes you want to fall in love.” He smiled taking off his glasses to wipe the fog off.


            Sierra looked at him vacantly, as if transfixed by his words. “Yeah, I guess so.” She forced a laugh.


            They arrived at a small, Asian restaurant and were seated immediately; the place was almost empty and very quiet. They picked up their menus and looked them over. Instinctively Roderick checked his pockets for the money his mother had given him. God damn it Avery you fuck.

            “I’ve gotta go, I just realized I don’t have any money on me.” Roderick got up.


            “No, sit, I’ll pay for you.” Sierra had a worried expression on her face.


            Roderick sat back down. “Are you sure?”


            “Yes now sit and order.” She smiled.


            The waiter walked up to them and took their orders, she had shrimp with garlic sauce, and he had broccoli in the same manner. One thing Roderick loved about Sierra, besides the other things, was that she never made fun of him for being a vegetarian. So you only eat plants, it could be worse you could eat people.  


            “Hey did my remark about the night make you uncomfortable?” Roderick adjusted his glasses.


            “What, no, why would it?” Sierra looked around.


            “Well you gave me this kind of vacant look.”


            “It kinda caught me off guard.” She smiled nervously.


            “Well you know I’ve always been a hopeless romantic.” He tented his fingers.


            “I know, just not around me.”


            “Sorry, I’ll try not to be it so often.” He sighed.


“No, no it’s ok just give a sista some warning before you do it.” She laughed again this one was lighter.


            Roderick took a deep breath and thought about, what he came here to do. He hadn’t realized it but once he began talking to Sierra, everything became easier and seemed less depressing. He knew how he felt about her and now thanks to the Blaq persona had the courage to let her know. He reached across the table and grabbed her hand.


            “Sierra, would I be wrong if I said I wanted to kiss you?”


            She sat stunned; with a look so vast, she could’ve been calculating the expanse of space itself. “N-no.” She said almost breathlessly.


            At that moment Roderick leaned across the table and kissed her, a hot bolt of warm electricity, shot from his heart to his brain and nether region at lighting speed. It was as if the longing built up in a two-year friendship had culminated in this kiss. Time stopped and it could’ve stayed that way for all Roderick cared. He pulled back and she stared at him.


            “Maybe you should sit next to me.” He smiled


            She shook her head slowly. “Y-yeah.” She went to get up, but their orders had arrived.

            They were both slow to start they just stared at each other from across the table, then began taking little bites of their food. Roderick had lost his appetite; the electricity had settled in his stomach and refused to leave. The only thing that could satisfy him now was her and he knew she felt the same way. They finally finished and began to walk Sierra’s building was a few blocks ahead and as they walked they said nothing, Roderick listened in the night, he’d thought someone had been following them but wasn’t sure. Looking ahead, he stopped and held her hand for her to do the same.


            “What’s wrong?” Sierra looked at him puzzled.


            “Shh, someone’s following us.”


            “So it’s true, you were cheating on me bitch.” Randy had stepped out from a door way behind them; he had a knife in his hand, his face was bruised and strangely pale. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked disheveled, his cornrows were undone and out of place.


            “Randy, what are you doing?” Sierra stood in front of Roderick.


            “Catching you and this nigga in the act, just like I knew I would.” Randy advanced toward them. “You may have gotten lucky last time but now, I’m gonna kill your ass.”


            Roderick moved Sierra behind him something about Randy was off; it was most likely the effects of their previous altercation. “If you want a rematch we can have it, I’m sending her home though.” “Run.” He whispered to her.


            Sierra cocked her eyebrow at him. “And leave you to get stabbed, hell no, we just started something and I’ll be damned if he finishes it.”


            “Sierra.” He cradled her face in his hands. “Trust me, we’ll have a lot more time together just get home.”


            She looked in his eyes for any sign of hesitation, but he was dead serious, what ever was going on it wasn’t anything she’d experienced before. “Ok, but you better not die.”

            “I won’t, I promise.” He kissed her passionately. “Now go.”


            She ran away from Roderick and Randy, down the block, toward her building hoping that this wouldn’t be the last time she saw Roderick. They had begun something new and though her last relationship had been bad, she knew Roderick would be different and she’d welcome it.  Please live.


Read more…

Myths: Chapter 1: Black Book

By Ra’Chaun Rogers

Chapter One: Black Book

The sky was a dull blue, the tires of an old gray car screeched along a curving highway.
The wind blasted furiously through the trees, cutting a swath through them, like an angry army through a field of weeds.
“Damn, it’s windy.” said the driver of the vehicle, a man with dark skin and darker hair, an Afro that gave the impression he had played with light sockets to much as child.
At the moment, Jared was fiddling with the radio attempting to get weather updates, not that he thought it would do him any good, if only for the false sense of security that it would provide during his excursion.
The trip he embarked on was to be one of inspiration, which he hoped would help him write his novel. However coming from a line of teachers and civil servants could not afford his family a cabin upstate, or a hotel in the hills. So, he decided that he was going to find a small town in upstate New York rent a hotel room take notes on the town and then sit at his laptop until he was able to write something. A process he knew would yield him nothing but frustration, however he would give it a shot anyway, if only for the sake of trying.
“… And Wilt Warf, New York is going to see some heavy winds this weekend and a chance of showers…”
“Damn, I really don’t need to be stuck inside.”
Driving until he reached a tunnel, Jared stopped short of it realizing it was pitch black and longer than his eyes could follow. Hmm, that’s one eerie tunnel. The horn of a truck blared a few feet behind him. He instinctively put his foot on the accelerator and speed through, all the while realizing he saw no lights within the tunnel . When he was finally through the sun had almost completed its descent over the horizon, but the truck never followed him out. That’s odd, trucks don’t usually do that.
Raising his head caught sight of the sign reading “Welcome to Wilt Warf”
He drove into the town slowing his pace to watch the people walk against the wind, get they’re hats blown away, bundle up they’re children and make they’re way home. Hmm seems normal enough. He thought driving up to what seemed to be the only motel in town the Wilt Warf inn.
Parking his car in the small lot he braced himself for the gales that attempted to carry his bags away, like a thief. He made his way with determination and some amount of cursing through the wind and into the motel.
“Hello, I’d like a room.”
“Sure.” Said the person at the front desk, a bronze skinned, brown haired girl with a friendly smile and a nice body, she wore overalls, glasses and a name tag that read Jasmine. “ Credit card and Id.” He handed her his credit card and Id both bearing the name Jared Grayson.
She checked his ID swiped his card and returned them both to him with a smile and a wink, the later of the two he kept in mind as she slowly gave him the key.
“ Your room is 202, call if you need anything, and I’ll be up in a hurry.”
“He Thanks.” Jared cracked a smile
“Hope to see you later.” She accentuated the L, revealing a metal tongue ring.”
Jared decided to keep that in mind too. Think I just found inspirations for an erotica heh, heh. He climbed the stairs and stood face to door with room 202, plunging the key into the lock he twisted the knob and it opened.

As soon as Jared left an older taller man, wearing a once white lab coat and spectacles walked through the door. He looked like a younger version of Morgan Freeman and smiled at Jasmine who watched him as he approached. “Morning Jazzy.” He scratched his graying head of hair. “I was wondering if you could do me a favor and pick something up from the library for me?”

“I work for the hotel not you” she said defiantly

“C’mon give your dear old dad a break.” He said smiling wider.

“What is it?” she said impatiently

“Just some stuff about the EEG.” He said nonchalantly

“Oh come on, I thought you were done with that stuff once they kicked you out.” She yelled.

“Calm down, its just some extra research I’m working on.”


“Now excuse me I’ve gotta use the john.” He hurried off down a corridor that said restrooms
Jasmine was never on good terms with her father, he left when she was child, deciding to return out of guilt after her mother passed away from cancer. Also in light of the fact that he needed more help with the restaurant he owned outside of town. What bullshit ‘a scientist who liked to cook’. That’s what I am a scientist who enjoys cooking. She remembered him saying. To bad the damn place was so far from town.

Then she thought. Hmm the guy who just came here has a car, maybe he’d drive me if I acted interested? Worth a shot.

Upstairs Jared placed his bags near the door locked it and hit the bed. His eyes drooped slowly like the blinds of weary neighbors with a secret to hide. Drifting into to sleep his mind turned inward. With careful moves and fluid motion his subconscious floated down into a section of his brain, which was part memory and part imagination. A knock on the door pulled him back from the sea of unconsciousness.

“Just a second…” He muttered dragging himself from the bed.

Pulling open the door he was surprised to see Jasmine standing at his door wearing jeans and a sweater.”

“Uh hey what’s up, I didn’t send for room service?”

“That’s fine I’m off duty.” She smiled nervously. “I was kind of bored and was wondering if you wanted to catch a bite to eat with me?”

Girls up here are forward, nice “Yeah sure let me just wash my face and I’ll be right out. Jared walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

Looks like the story might be an erotica after all. The cold water hitting his face startled him but the thought of Jasmine and the blood rushing from his heart woke him up.
Jared dried his face and walked out ready for anything and hoping that Jasmine would be lying naked on his bed waiting for him. But she was only standing outside the room door.

“Ok let’s go.” Jared said closing and locking the door behind them.

As they walked down the stairs, the lanky man emerged from the bathroom. “Hi Jazzy and who is this?”

“Oh this is Jared, Jared this is Moses.”

“I’m her father. He grinned.

“Pleased to meet you” Jared shook his hand.

“So what brings you to ol’ Wilt Warf Jared?”

“Um, I’m looking for inspiration for a novel.”

“Well don’t look too hard you might find what you’re looking for, Know what I’m saying Hahah.” Moses slapped Jared on the back. “Well I’ve got to be going see you all.”

Moses hurried to the door, waived goodbye and walked out the door.

“He’s friendly.”

“Yeah.” Jasmine said in an annoyed tone.

They exited the motel and got in Jared’s car. “So where to?” he asked pulling out of the lot.

“Well there’s a nice restaurant called Witchdoctor a little ways outside of town. I try to go there when I can, but it’s long walk and I don’t own a car.”

“Yea, how’s the food?” I wonder what her bra size is.

They drove through the town, watching the locals move about in they’re daily routines. All the while Jasmine pointed out the places of interest in Wilt Warf.

“See there’s town hall.” She pointed to a large archaic building with odd tribal masked statues on the sides and strange markings.

“There’s the founders gate monument.” They slowed as she pointed to a large bronze statue of a group of run away slaves lead by a hooded figure with writing which Jared couldn’t make out engraved on it.

“What’s that writing on it?”

“Hell if I know, something from the towns past I guess.”

They drove past another large building again sporting the same statues.
“Stop here I have to get something.”

He parked the car and she stepped out. “I’ll only be a second. She walked up the large steps and into the building.

The cold, stale air made Jasmine’s throat dry reminding her why she didn’t like coming down to the library storage area, “The Vault’s” as they’re called. Today she was looking for notes in an item call EEG. The large storage draws resembled stone caskets, and were made of something that looked like baked clay. The inscriptions on the Vaults were of a language lost in the town’s heritage.

“You need anything in particular or just random things on the EEG?” came a voice from behind her.
Jasmine stood up and turned around to look at a sharply dressed albino man whose red eyes illuminated his face. He’s wearing a long gray coat and holding a large three ring binder; the front cover read Extra-dimensional Electronic Gate.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Jasmine snapped

“I’ve come to pick something up, but I’ve got it so I’ll be going.” The young man smiled, turned, and head toward the exit.

Jasmines finger nails grew “Don’t move Blake, I mean it.” She clenched her fingers and her claws glowed a fiery red in the dark. “Law Mirage, Lady of wind, and the motion protect us and seek vengeance on our foes.”

Vanderstopped in his tracks; turning slowly he met her with a smile. “You won’t hurt me, you can’t.” His smile widened.

Jasmine put her hands in front of her face in a defensive stance. “Don’t… do that.”

“Fine, kill me then, go on ahead.”

Vander spoke in something of whispers, causing Jasmine’s skin to crawl and her spine to tingle. Damn you Vander .

Vander’s eyes widened and images of he and Jasmine broke from the vault of her memories and assaulted her mind.

“Ugh” Jasmine closed her eyes but still kept her balance. She heard Vander moving but this time toward her. “Stay where you are.”


She opened her eyes to see Vander standing over her, smoke rising from his coat. He grabbed her by the throat pining her to the wall. “I told you, you wouldn’t do it.” His hand released her neck and caressed her cheek slowly causing her to shudder. Turning he vanished from the vault in a cloud of smoke.

“Damn.” Jasmine took in deep breaths. She began her accent up the stairs, all the while her bracelet pulsated violently.

Jared looked at his watch. “It’s already been ten minutes.” He got out of the car and ran up the large stairs. He stopped at the sight of the statues whose attention seemed to shift to him.
At that moment, a sharply dressed man about his height bumped into him while hurrying out. “Hey buddy watch it.” Jared called.
The man turned back to regard him with crimson eyes. “Sorry” He smiled an eerie smile, turned, and continued down the stairs.
Weird. Jared shook his head and ran up the stairs into the large heavy doors that lead into the building.
The walls were lined with books. Ah a library huh? Jared walked forward admiring the various paintings of people whom he didn’t know and shelves of books he’d never seen.
“Are you looking for something?” a young woman with raven hair mahogany skin and 3 inches of height on Jared’s 5’9 came up behind him.

“Um I was just looking for someone.” Jared said coolly.

“There are a lot of someone’s in here.” She said crossing her arms.” Does this someone have a name?”

Jasmine came running up toward them. “Jared sorry I took so long.”

The young woman smiled. “Oh he’s with you Jazzy.”

“Yeah he is, um could we talk for a second.” Jasmine pulled the young woman whose name was Vanessa to the side. “This’ll take a second.”

“Ok” Jared said with a slight hint of Impatience.

Ten minutes later Jasmine walked up to him. “Ok let’s go.”

They walked out side, got into Jared’s car, and drove down the street through several green lights. “I’m sorry again I took so long.”

“Not a problem, what was it that you were getting?”

“Oh just a book I’ve been dying to read.”

“Did you find it?” Jared stopped at a red light in front of them.

“No someone walked off with it.” Jasmine sighed.

They continued to drive until they reached a gloomy building on the outskirts of town. It was rather plain from the outside gray with tinted windows allowing little sunlight in and no view of what went on inside.

“Here we are.” They parked the car in a lot nearby. Jasmine leapt from the car.

“It’s not what I expected, but if you say its ok.”

“Yeah it’s a great place trust me.”

Jasmine walked toward the entrance and knocked on the door. A tall lanky young man with a necklace made of animal teeth opened the door. They exchanged words that Jared couldn’t make out. She motioned Jared to follow her.

Probably some club for the eccentrics of the town, If anything it could be used as a location in my novel. Jared thought following her inside.

The air was chilled there was music playing, which seemed to be a mix between African polyrhythm’s and house music. He expected people to stare at him being an outsider, but they went about they’re business of eating, drinking making out and other things.
Jasmine sat down in a booth near the back of the restaurant, Jared followed noticing a woman performing on a man sitting directly across from them.

“This is a lively place, although I was expecting to get the common awkward stare.” Jared smiled.

“Sorry, but here all awkward is the same.” She stared at him intently. “But if it makes you feel any better I’ll stare at you.”

They both chuckled as a waitress wearing a dress and head wrap came up to them. “Hi Jazzy, what would you like?” She said moving her raven hair out of her face.

“Hi Marlene, I’ll have the usual.” She looked at Jared.

“And for you sir?”

“Hmm, well what do you have?” Jared looked up at her. “I don’t see a menu here.”

“Well I guess you’ll have to…” Marlene sassed.

“Marl he’ll have what I’m having.”

“Oh ok.”

Marlene walked back into the kitchen. Jared stared at her wondering if all women in the town excluding his present company were this sassy.

“What did you order for me?” Jared turned his focus to Jasmine.

“Oh, it’s vegetable platter with couscous”

Jared felt cold air blow from the back room and could have sworn he heard the sounds of a voice riding it. After a while Marlene arrived with platters, and two ginger ales

“Enjoy.” She said hurrying off.

“Oh Marl could you tell Moses I want to speak to him?” Jasmine called after her.

“Ok.” She said walking into the kitchen.

Jared and Jasmine ate. All the while Jared swore heard faint cries coming from the back room. After finishing his couscous, he laid back.

“So Jared, what kind of novel are you writing?” Jasmine said picking at the remains of her vegetables.

“I don’t actually have genre specifics, but its fiction and about people, and well metaphor’s I suppose”

“Well I hope you find the inspiration you need.” She smiled.

“Yeah, but I could use a little more.”

Under the table, Jasmine rubbed against Jared’s leg with her own. They both smiled.

After a while “Is there a bathroom in here?” He asked.

“In the back, first door to the left.”

Jared got up from his seat and strolled through the plastic partition into the even colder air of the back room. He turned to see the sign men’s restroom to his left. He walked in and immediately noticed a man sitting down next to a stall with small shells, throwing them into a bowl laughing. Hmm must’ve been what I heard he thought walking to the graffiti covered urinal. Ugh, who has time to do this to a toilet? He quickly emptied his bladder and walked out of the bathroom. He began to head back toward the front when he heard the same cries he heard before. The cries then seemed to amplify in his ear. He turned around and began to walk towards the sound, it got louder the closer he got, and the air became much colder. He heard an echo down a set of stairs he hadn’t noticed coming in. Hmm wonder where those came from?
He peered down the stairwell hoping to see where the sounds emanated from but saw nothing, he decided to see what was up and slowly descended the stairs. At the bottom was a long dimly lit corridor with other conjoined hallways on both sides.
He slowly approached door at the end of the corridor where the sounds seemed to be coming from. It was large and wooden with a small window and bars at the top. Peering through them he noticed a lone stone casket in the center of the small room, leaning to get a better look the door swung open and he stumbled inside, falling on top of the object.
“Ouch, Damn.” He got up and rubbed his elbow.
The sounds he had heard came from the coffin. “What the hell is this?” Jared nudged it with his foot. His logic told him that this was trouble and that he should just return to Jasmine upstairs. The writer in him however told him that this could be the basis for the greatest story ever written. He kicked it open and the inside was a black stone the size of a mango. The cries were now in stereo and Jared picked up the stone.
“What the hell is this?” he turned it in his hand.
Inside he could see what appeared to be movement and with a start, the makings of a face not quite human leapt out at him causing him to drop the stone smashing it to pieces.

Jasmine got up and walked into the back. Where is this guy?

A tall, lanky man with thinning hair approaches her in his once white lab coat. “Marl said you wanted to see me.”


“Well did you get it.”

“Blake…” she paused and clenched her fists tightly. “He was in the Vault”

Moses gave a startled look “Come down stairs and we can talk about this.”

She followed him down the dank stairwell. “So what’s this about Vanderbeing in the Vault’s?”

“When I was there collecting the info on the EEG that you asked me for, I saw him.”

“What happened?” Moses cocked an eyebrow causing the lines of aging on his forehead to smooth out.

“I tried to stop him… he got away.” They neared the bottom.

Sigh “I won’t even tell you how this will effect us, you have to go out and retrieve it if the outside world were to find out about this well, It won’t be pretty.”

“I know, I know…”

A loud thud echoed through the hall way

“What the hell?” Jasmine began running down the hall with Moses in tow.
They came to the open door and noticed blood was coursing out of it. They flung open the door to see Jared convulsing on the floor.

“Oh my god Jared”

“How the hell did he get in here?” Moses mumbled. “Lets get him into the office.” Moses hoisted him up putting his shoulder under Jared’s arm, Jasmine did the same. Blood trickled from his head They walked him into a room and laid him on an operating table, the atmosphere was cold and sterile. Moses shuffled through a cabinet of vials until he came to one filled with purple liquid. He pulled a syringe out from the drawer in front of him. “This should help.”

“What was in that box?”


“What was it!?”

“It’s what happens when you fuck around with Alchemy.”

“Was that one of your things?”

“I guess you could say that, it was a fluke really.”

“Well what now?” Jasmine crossed her arms.

“I don’t know, I never thought it would be disturbed.”

“Sounds like you all over.” She turned to look at Jared shivering on the table. “You didn’t know what would happen to me and didn’t know what would happen after mom died, you never think things through.”

“Look I’ve fucked up in life I know, but I’m certain that this won’t kill him.” He sighed deep and heavy. “It has a host body, but he may take on its characteristics.”

“Which are?”

Moses paused for a moment took out a book full of hand written notes and handed it to her.

“There is a way to seal him, see that thing was made from Circuit Alchemy, fusion of energies and some light equations.”

She looked at the book and breathed deeply. “ So this will happen?”

“It may not if you keep it sealed inside him.”

“May dad?”

Raising his hands in an “I don’t know” gesture he said. “Nothing’s 100% certain.” And then. “Hey at least you’ll have someone to accompany you on your little retrieval mission.

“What do I have to do?”


Jared awoke in a bed wearing only his boxers. “What, where am I?”

“You’re in the Wilt Warf inn.” Jasmine came walking in from the bathroom wearing a bathrobe.

“What happened to the Concord” ?

“You got a bad bit off food poisoning I think, but you’re fine now.”

“What am I doing in my boxers and why are you half naked.”

“Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to, silly boy.” The word’s Jasmine’s father spoke were bouncing around in her head You have to get close enough to draw a circuit.
She sat on the bed lie next to him and leaned between his arms.

They began to kiss and remove what little clothing they had on. In an instant Jasmine was on her back and Jared was inside of her pushing slowly in and out, causing a gasp to escape her lips. She dug her fingernails into his back, enticing him to move faster. She scratched him like a cat, all the while, something inside Jared surged with animal lust, causing him to push deeper into Jasmine. They both finally reached climax. Lying limp on the bed a pile of spent lust and sweat. Jared closed his eyes to the sound of Jasmine breathing next to him and fell asleep.

The sun peered through the window like an anxious child on Christmas as Jared moved lightly as not to wake Jasmine who was lying beside him. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. While washing he noticed the scratches on his back were not only deep but formed a pattern.
He walked out of the shower. “Jasmine what did you do to my back?”

“I drew a circuit, sealing the thing that now inhabits you.” She said sternly.

“That dust?”

“Yes, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Jared but I need your help with something. “

“Wait what?” Jared said half furious half confused

“Look that coffin that you opened contained homunculi which needed a human host it found you.”

“Am I gonna die?”

“No, now please come back to bed and go to sleep.”

Jared looked at her with narrowed eyes and heavy breath. He walked toward the bed and lie next to her. “What’s going to happen to me?”

“I don’t know really.” She sighed “Sleep ok”

Jared found he was unable to keep his eyes open and passed into dreams.

Ever since she had hit puberty, Jasmine had been hearing the sentence “Come on baby and I love you.” Usually in that order and from some guy who didn’t mean it the exception to the rule was now in possession of an item, which she must forcefully retrieve. And it seemed to be fitting do to the fact that most of her boyfriends were bad and occasionally abusive. Her poor choosing of suitors ultimately stemmed from her sordid relationship with her estranged father. All of these experiences allowed her to develop a cynical view of the dimwitted, animalistic species she knows as men. The one she was currently traveling with seemed a bit more subdued than the rest and she took comfort in the fact that she could easily deal with him given the right circumstances. The car jumped over a bulge in the road, waking her passenger.

“Wha?” Jared stirred and slowly got up, his mouth tasted of ash or at least what he though ash would taste like. “Where am I, whose driving?”

“You can lay back down sweetie; we’ve got a mile or so till we reach the nearest motel.” Jasmine leaned back in her seat.

“What the hell happened?” Jared turned toward her. “How the hell did you get my keys?”

“Don’t sweat the details.” Jasmine said sounding as causal as she could. Truthfully, she didn’t want to do this, even if she had to get the book back having this guy tag along would just slow her down.

“No I think I better sweat the details, how did you get my keys, how long have I been out and where are we going?”

“Those are all apart of the same story, a story which I’d be happy to tell once we got off of the road.” Jasmine smiled in the rearview mirror.

“Fuck that stop the car.” Jared put his hand on her shoulder.

Jasmine glanced at him, restrained the urge to strike him and stepped on the break, Jared rocketed forward landing face first in the front seat. Jasmine smirked as he pushed himself up.

“You crazy bitch, are you trying to kill me?” Jared fumed.

“Next time you’ll think before touching me.” Jasmine got out of the car.

Jared followed and walked to the driver’s side. “Oh so, now I can’t touch you, does that mean the inside is off limits too or was that only for one night?” Jared’s voice was full of spite.

Jasmine’s eyes went wide with anger as she lunged at him with clawed finger nails. A strange reflex allowed Jared to grab her wrists right before she was at his throat, his eyes opened wide with bewilderment. He looked at her finger nails gleaming in the afternoon sun and then he looked at his hands and felt how easy it was to restrain her. When did I get so strong?

“You son of a bitch, How dare you.” She thrashed at him. “I’ll kick your ass.”

“Not from where I’m standing.” Jared’s smirk turned into a grimace as he felt a sharp pain between his legs, he let her go and stopped himself from doubling over. “Damn it”

“Asshole, now get in the car, we’re losing daylight.” Jasmine had regained some of her composure. She began to smile emasculating someone always brightened her day.

Jared slowly stood up; his mouth twisted more in anger than pain. “You’re gonna tell me what the hell is going on.”

Jasmine got into the passengers seat. “When we get to the next motel, now drive.” Agitation hung from her words.

Jared spat on the floor and got into the car, he didn’t know why he felt the urge to obey her, but he hoped it went beyond that for her sake, because at that moment he felt the unyielding urge to throttle her, but didn’t. “How far is it?”

“Another mile or so, the faster we get there the faster I tell you.” She pointed ahead. The car lurched forward and began to make its way down the vacant highway.
Read more…

Shadow Guard: Malpractice

Shadow Guard: Malpractice

By Ra’Chaun Rogers

Part 1: Nights like these




It was quite a wet night. The kind of night that really makes you wanna curl up in bed and never wake. The kind of night that makes you down, melancholy, depressed. He loved these nights, melancholy made him feel poetic and he’s always found certain poetry in justice. He smiled behind his gas mask as they plunged down to the alley below on a drug deal in progress and he hates drug dealers. He landed right in front of them making as much noise as possible, he could have been silent but he wanted them to know he’s coming, the rain bounces off of his Kevlar armor. Their horrified looks say it all; they recognize the red and black costume and the haunting gas mask. How could they not, they’ve been all over the papers for the past year.

She landed silently on top of the buyer; she loved being silent, anything to defy him. She never liked the idea of striking fear, that’s why she wore blue and white, she didn’t care who could see her coming they wouldn’t be able to do her any harm anyway. She loved this stuff and she knew he did too, because as much as it’s been about cleaning up the streets, it had also become a game they played. By the time she looked up the dealer was already begging for mercy and Fearless was doing his dark and scary bit. It’s the mask she says it was always the mask, which is probably why she opted for her high collar, hood and goggles. For a guy whose name is Fearless he sure liked to instill it in people. But then again she was known as Thrill and that’s mainly why she did this, especially with him.

They leave the trash for the cops to pick up, he hates them but he doesn’t own his own prison. By the time she’s called it in they’re ascending into the midnight sky. They say nothing as they leap from one roof to the next, what they found today on the dealer was one in a disturbing new drug that has been popping up at all the parties around town. Fearless grimaced under his mask and as they entered the storm drain that leads to their home base he could only hope that they found who was manufacturing this stuff quick and hoped that it wasn’t what he feared it was.

“So what do we have?” She walked out of the bathroom into the living room. She wore a bathrobe and slippers; she toweled her hair as she approached him. She was only 5’7 but that didn’t matter in a fight, not with her abilities. “Is it the same stuff?”

He stood over the stove steam rising from a large pot, his 5’11 175lb frame looked awkward cooking dinner. His once white t-shirt had seen better days as had his black sweat pants. His dreadlocks draped over his face obscuring his troubled expression from her. “Yeah, unfortunately.”

“And what is that again?” She walked into her bedroom as the hallway lights danced off of her honey colored skin.

“Human Adrenal Gland.” He was annoyed, he had told her several times, but he swore she asked again just to annoy him. “Which may I remind you is a very bad thing.”

“All drugs are bad, for the most part.” She smiled and walked out of her room wearing boxer shorts, a t-shirt and slippers.

“Yes but this drug came from the body of a living person or a once living person.” He turned off the flame and strained the contents of the pot. Spaghetti and tomato sauce with mushrooms and onions. “Which means that someone is killing living people and harvesting their adrenal glands.”

She began to set the table. “Yeah can we talk about that after we eat?” She poured a glass of water for both of them as he piled spaghetti on her plate and the on his own.

“Yeah sure thing, but talking about it on a full stomach might make you vomit.” He smirked.

“Shush, lets eat.” They began to tear into their meals, protecting the city always made them hungry or her at least. She then stopped and looked across the able at him. “I might not be home tomorrow night.”

He stopped eating and looked up from his plate. “Yeah?” his question had an edge on it that he tried to hide but couldn’t. “So who is he?”

“Why must there be a he?” She pointed her fork at him. “You’re just waiting for me to up and quit aren’t you?”

“No it’s not that, It’s just that we patrol tomorrow night” That was a lie and they both knew it, true it was easier to patrol with two people but he could do it all by himself and had been up until he recruited her for his war on crime in this city. He was jealous, in spite of himself; and he had no right to be.

“Jacob, I don’t hassle you when you’re out with, well…” Erica stopped herself. Malcolm hadn’t been on a social outing since his fiancée Michelle died two years ago. She felt sorry for him and sometimes put off going out to stay around and keep an eye on him. The air of melancholy was constant and very apparent to those who knew him.


“Right, I’m sorry, have fun.” Melancholy must have been plastered all over his face because he moved just in time to avoid a slipper from hitting it.


“Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it, that’s my job.” She grinned at him and he couldn’t help but smile back. They continued their meal together unaware that half a mile away someone would be enjoying their last.


Leroy Harper had been homeless for the last two years, he and his wife had become victims of predatory lending and when she moved back in with her mother, he ended up on the street. That was until last month when Dr. Felix Holder opened up a new homeless shelter funded by his own private foundation. Dr. Holder was a successful surgeon who extended his healers hands to the ills of society and sponsored several programs to help those less fortunate. A few months ago Dr.Holder was embroiled in a scandal involving his secretary, his wife divorced him and took his kids. He closed down his private practice and almost vanished from the medical world. The city was given control of his various public works projects. At the Holder House as it was called Leroy enjoyed job training a warm bed, clean clothes and three square meals a day. He had some rough times but things were looking up, nights like these gave him hope. He thought this as he bit into the nights Saul-berry steak, devouring it as he did most of the food there he decided to go to the bathroom and brush his teeth before going to bed. When he got there he noticed that the light was abnormally bright and that the white walls irritated his eyes. He splashed some cold water on his face and took a look in the mirror his own tired reflection was the last thing he saw before everything faded to black.

When Leroy woke up he was lying down and a bright light was pouring into this eyes, he couldn’t feel anything his arms or legs or even his face but he knew something was wrong. He attempted to move and succeeded in moving his head a bit however at that moment he wished he hadn’t because what he saw when looked down was his own stomach opened and on display like a diorama. Though he didn’t feel pain he screamed or attempted to he wasn’t sure if he did, all he heard was the movement of bodies beyond his vision.

“The donor has woken up, put him under.” That was the last Leroy heard before sleeping gas was put over his mouth and administered.

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Scrawl of Dreams 1

Chapter I: The Concord. 


He walked, it was cold as usual, not blistering, but to him no cold was good. He wouldn't be out here if he didn't need to, but of course, he did. Walking with a cautious step mindful, that no one must see his face, not that any sane soul would travel this way. Still this was no consolation, for this was Winterbourne country and a Winterbourne he was not. They had taken everything and in doing so gained complete control although how they rose to prominence was a mystery, he was sure that his destination would provide a remedy to the cancer plaguing his world. The wilderness swirled around him in the torrent of snow; the howls of distant animals graced his ears. Slowly he entered a hollow wound in the earth. As he went deeper, the freezing cold gave way to a tingle. There was a dim light, which became brighter as he approached. There were rumors that this cave was guarded by something so horrible, the realm of nightmares wouldn’t dare conjure it up. Finally, he reached a cavern, illuminated by a translucent green fluid, hanging from stalagmites. They were like hesitant tear drops, cried by the cave long ago and along with the soft light they gave off there was also warmth. Below, a mirrored pool waited its surface calm, unmoving, beautiful, this was the ‘Fourth Wall’. He blinked at his reflection, his hair had grown, long black locks draping over his shoulders and his eyes, almost feral, were alien to him. How long had it been, since he’d been told about this place? He took a deep breath, pealing off his heavy clothes; he shed them for slender, white collared shirt, black jacket, pants, and gloves. As he prepared to plunge into the liquid below, a sound reverberated through the cave, a sound much like that water moving through strained metal pipes. Was this it, the horrible guardian of the fourth wall?  Jumping back he braced himself, a gale force wind slapped his locks back into his face, followed by a vertical wall of water. It spouted up from the pool and hit the ceiling, Where is it? The liquid hung in the air like a cloud of smoke, if formed a sphere as a light moved across its reflective surface. And then he heard it, the ear splitting screech, followed another gust. He covered his face and tried not to lose his balance, the wind stopped and standing directly across from him was something constructed of his childhood nightmares. It was a deathly gray, bent backward as its head spun in around to observe him, its mouth or what counted for one appeared stitched shut, along with it’s eyes. It jerked around horribly as if it were on the verge of seizure, it’s elbows and knees were bent in the wrong angles and it stank of death, of violence. I’ve come too far to be stopped now.  The young man placed his hands at his sides, took in deep breathes, closed his eyes. The creature reared back ready to lunge toward him, it shook uncontrollably and launched itself over the hole.

Show time, the young man opened his eyes, which were now gleaming silver and a bright flash filled the room.  

Roderick stopped, saved his work, and logged off; he’d been writing this story for as week. It started as a project to relive stress and exercise recommended by his friend Sierra, but now he couldn’t stop as if something compelled him to write, as if he had a duty to tell this story. He walked over to his bed removed his glasses and laid down, it was as if his entire life force went his work, scrawling his dreams on to paper making them real, solid, dense. Sleep now hung on his eye lids; he’d write tomorrow, for now sleep.

He closed his eyes slowly dwelling between the point of reality and the rapid eye movements that awaited him in dreamtime. As his eyes closed he imagined himself in the story he wrote, nothing was different. Same town he lived in, nothing different except he could do what ever he felt like.  He was rattled awake by the sound of footsteps and his eyes shot open. “Who’s there?”  He waited for a reply but none came.

   It’s probably just Avery. He closed his eyes again and tried at a second attempt to go to sleep, and seemed to be succeeding.


   “Yes” he whispered. He shook his head.  

   Roderick got up out of his bed, opened the door, and walked into the hallway. “Avery did you call me?”

      “No.” said a loud voice from a door in the middle of the hallway.” You hearin’ things go to bed.”

  Roderick was about to ask his mother but stopped himself when he realized that she was at her boyfriend’s house across town. He closed his door and hit the bed, closed his eyes and hoped that he could get to sleep. And he did.

During the night he’d dreamt of a young man with dreadlocks like his swimming in a tunnel filled with water, no, not water; something else. He was woken up mid dream and seemed to be stricken by sleep paralysis. Of course, the only parts of his body that worked were his eyes and mouth. At the foot of his bed, he caught sight of a young man sitting down.

      “Hello Roderick” the young man dread locks that were covering his eyes.

       Roderick closed his eyes tight and utilizing the ostrich theory he hoped it would be gone when he opened them.

      “Open your eyes” the young man had a wide grin on his face too wide to be human. He wore a T-shirt with a soccer ball on it, blue jeans, and converse. “I’m not going anywhere just yet.”

     “What …I…I…Is it that you want?” Roderick broke into his nervous stutter. 

   “Only to talk”

     Roderick blinked and the young man was sitting in his computer chair. “I'm here to give you what you want.” The figure moved in the chair a bit.

    “What I want?” There were a couple of things that Roderick wanted.

          “I want to escape”

    “Great me too.” The Young man spun around in the chair playfully. “So do you want it or not, what am I saying, of course you do.”

     “How do I get it?”

        “Just shake my hand.” The young man smiled beneath his locks.

            “But I can’t move, sleep paralysis.” Roderick breathed.

            “Yes you can, get up.” The young man motioned for him to rise.

            Roderick bolted up immediately as if by some strange magnetism. “Ok… so we just shake and that’s it?”

            “That’s it, come on.”

          “What do I call you?” Roderick asked

          “It doesn’t really matter because by tomorrow, I’ll be you.” The Young man smiled and his eyes shown a bright silver.




     Roderick lay in his bed staring at the ceiling. It was 7:00 AM.  A cold sweat coursed down his brow and caused his hair to stick to his face. He looked over at his alarm clock flashing 7:00 and buzzing loudly.
   Why do I keep this thing, all it does is make noise. He slammed his fist down on the snooze button and got up. It was Thursday and school was at 9:00. Roderick put his hair in a rubber band, put on his glasses, walked to his dresser, and stepped over the pile of clothes on the floor. Reaching for the drawer, he took out a pair of boxers and an undershirt.  Opening the second drawer he pulled out a pair of Levis, then shuffled through his bottom drawer looking for a shirt to wear. He picked out a shirt with a fox on it and threw it next to the pants; he then picked up a dirty towel with boxers and undershirt in hand and walked out of his room.

            A few seconds after Roderick left a man two inches shorter than him, but obviously older walked in quietly. Slowly picked up Roderick’s wallet, he removed twenty dollars and crept out again.   

          After ten minutes the door flew open and Roderick walked back in. “Damn it, my hair.” stepping in front of the mirror he attempted to move the wet, matted mess from its entanglement not noticing the small thin crack that formed as he stepped in front of it.

    He walked up to his stereo and hit the Power button as raging guitar riffs and screeching vocals roared from the speakers.

         “Turn that shit off.” A voice lumbered from behind his door and a body followed” Nigga you black. You can’t’ listen to that shit”

          Roderick cringed. The word Nigga cut him like barbed wire.  He hated that word. He also hated his brother Avery the living embodiment of It. Avery rushed through the door. He never approved of Roderick leading the lifestyle he did or the music that came with it. Avery was your typical black stereotype, thuggish, listened to rap, spoke improper English, and was generally negative.

            Roderick never liked Avery, not in sight or in mind. He’d often times wondered why his mother didn’t abort him. He was an accident. 

        Roderick put his clothes on with no hurry and hadn’t even turned to acknowledge his brother shuffling through his drawer for his keys, wallet chain, and MP3 player.

         “You hear me?” Avery’s tone was annoyed.

         “Yeah, but do I care?” Roderick still didn’t turn around.

          “Man whatever” Avery walked out the room slightly angered.

            All the while Roderick hadn’t noticed that his mirror was cracking nor did he notice his reflection moving of its own accord. He turned to get his cell phone from the dresser. He stopped to notice that his reflection was staring at him. Its gaze was cold and distant. 

  “What the hell!?” Roderick stepped forward

     It made no attempt to move, if only to watch him move forward.

      He raised an eyebrow and tried to touch the mirror. At this it moved to match him. The mirror rippled like water and as the reflection reached out the glass bent around its hand.

        “Oh shit!” Roderick Jumped back and hit his bed causing it to make contact with the wall.

        Avery ran into the room “What the fuck happened?”

       Roderick looked at the mirror. Nothing was out of place; his reflection was where it was supposed to be “Uh I slipped...” Roderick looked for something he could have slipped on, he wasn’t in the mood to deal with his brother calling him crazy. “On my socks”

        “Well keep it down.” Avery was attempting to sound like the adult he was supposed to be, rather than the Child he was. “You gonna wake da dog.” He slammed the door behind him.

           Asshole. Roderick got to his feet put on his sneakers then picked up his messenger bag lying on the left side of his bed near the window. He crept passed the mirror regarding it as a sleeping giant. He opened the door and glanced at the mirror quickly to see if anything had changed. But all stayed the same.

     He walked out his door ignoring the loud music and weed smoke coming from his brother’s room then continued down the long hall. Roderick stopped in front of his mother’s room. Natalie kept her room like any other woman. Lots of jewelry, too many clothes with an abundance of shoes. On her dresser was a five-year-old picture of her Roderick at 12 and Avery at 22, right next to the new photo of her and her boyfriend James. There was no indication that his father Malcolm and his mother had been together or that he had a father.  

         Roderick never liked the idea of his mother attempting to erase his father from the family’s collective memory. The methods she used to do so, included but were not limited to letting the phone ring out when ever Malcolm’s name appeared on the caller ID and calling Roderick a cab rather than risk a direct encounter when he visited his father.  

      He stepped out, jogged down the stairs, opened the front door, and left his house.

      Roderick read an old worn copy of the book Vigilance on the bus ride to school. That was coupled with a song rock, which was steadily damaging his eardrums so as not to be disturbed. He sat in one of the single seats to further make sure no one bothered him.  Despite his trying the book failed to hold his attention and his mind teetered between thoughts and dreams, the music as loud as it was only did to mesh both together.

          With heavy eyelids, he glimpsed something like a dog running beside the bus, and then he began to doze off, glasses hanging off of his face.

           “Where are you!?” a loud obnoxious voice behind him broke through the barrier of guitar riffs and into Roderick’s lucid dreaming. “Oh yeah well hurry up I ain’t got all day and I gotta meet Trina to go shopping.”

     Damn, please shut up. Roderick adjusted his glasses and turned his head to glare at the person only to realize it was his brother’s girlfriend Latisha. Roderick tried to look away quickly enough so as not to be noticed but had no luck.

  “Hey, you’re A’s brother right?” her voice was even louder although she sat behind him.    “Uh, yeah… hi” Roderick trailed off and looked away 

     “Yeah well tell him I’m going shopping, so I’m gonna need money.”  She said nonchalantly

       Guess that means he’ll be doing more illegal shit or stealing from mom … not that she’d notice. “Sure. I’ll tell him.” Roderick buried his head in his book.

      Latisha leaned over his shoulder and looked at the yellow pages of the book he was reading. “Damn that book looks old, what is it” she said loudly.

     Roderick winced at the sound of her voice and its volume. “It’s Vigilance; it’s about a young man who goes about saving a city in the mid-west, using the occult.”

     “Oh, that’s for school?”

“No. It’s for me”

“You know, you don’t seem weird” Latisha looked at him somewhat puzzled

   “Excuse me?” Roderick raised an eyebrow.

“Well Avery said you were weird, you’re trying to be white and shit”

  Son of a bitch. “Listen Avery’s a liar with a Peter Pan complex.”

 “What, does that mean?”

   Roderick turned around “It means he’s damn near 30 living with his mother”

  “Naw, you lying, he said he was 22”

    Roderick had enough sense in his head not to try and contest her. Who knows what his brother had said to make himself look good and credible. “You’re right. I am lying. I’m only his brother right?”

     Latisha was quiet for the rest of the ride to school.


          The day went as usual a blur of long speeches about the important part classical literature played in our daily lives, the fact that PIs are squared and not round, and the glory of the rock cycle. How do I endure this everyday? His thoughts time traveled to the figure of a young girl with braided hair, chestnut skin, and beautiful full lips. Oh yeah that’s why. Time was apparently knee deep in a swamp so; it took a considerable amount of time for the day to come to a close. It did however in spite of itself.    

      The hallways were barren except for the few who had tutoring or wanted to be out of the house. Roderick strolled along nodding to those he knew sitting and standing. It was 3:00 and with his classes finished he’d bum around for a while, locate a quite corner to read or a loud open space in which to get lost. Roderick dreaded his house, even its aura was oppressive, and his only alternative was to go to his father’s house. Like he’d be home or crash at Sierra’s and well, that wasn’t doing anything but causing trouble. 


                      “I’m sorry Randy, its over.” The familiar monotone yet feminine voice raised an octave. Roderick turned his head to see the tail end of a bad scene.


          “But Sierra, can’t we just talk a little, I mean, we can work this out.”


          “No, we can’t, you’re too jealous…first you start a fight at the movies, because a guy, who was obviously gay, said he liked my shoes and now you’re accusing me of sleeping with Roderick?”


          “What am I supposed to think, you go out like every night with the guy, to the arcade and then I found out that nigga’s spent the night at your crib?” Randy gave his best thuggish scowl. “I haven’t even spent the night with you.”


          “It’s not like that, his older brother attacked him with a bottle one night and he was afraid to go home.”


            “Well tell that bitch ass nigga to handle his own problems.” Randy yelled.


            “Randy , I don’t turn away friends and when we started dating you told me you had no problem with me having a male best friend.” Sierra crossed her arms and cocked her hip. “And since you’ve shown me you can’t do that, we’re over.”


            Randy turned and walked away, caught sight of Roderick and walked toward him, Randy was four inches tall than Roderick and about forty pounds heavier. “You’re real lucky there are people here right now, because I’d fuck you up.” He breathed heavily . “But if I catch you alone or outside of school, it’s on bitch ass nigga.” With that he pushed passed Roderick and down the hall way. 


            Sierra came up to Roderick and sighed. “Don’t worry about him Roderick he’s all talk.”


            “I’m sorry I was a party to that.” He replied, a melancholy expression plastered on his face. “Maybe we shouldn’t hang out for a while, at least until you two can sort things out.”

            “No, this has nothing to do with you.” She sighed again, her newly braided hair framing her angular mahogany face.  “It’s my bad choice in men, I don’t know why I can’t I ever find one that’s not a jealous, thug with violent tendencies.”


            Roderick shrugged, he didn’t like to think about why Sierra kept dating the wrong guys, mainly because he wasn’t one of them. “It’ll work out for you, look at me, I haven’t been with anyone in…forever.” He allowed himself a bitter laugh.


Sierra had been Roderick’s best friend since he’d first attended Endwater high school. Endwater was the second largest city on the eastern seaboard and had been a trading post for many years. It was divided into five districts; Roderick lived in Endwater Flats a suburb of Endwater city, which was the center of commerce. The three other districts were Endwater sound, which severed as a port fort the City, Endwater Fields which was literally a university island and Endwater Commons. The Commons as they were called was the most dangerous part of the City, where crime was a common occurrence and some people estimated that its residents perpetrated crimes committed outside of it. Sierra was born and raised in the Commons, she’d taken a liking to Roderick a right away enjoying his quit wit and sarcastic humor. Her environment had made her less of a lady and more of a survivor and Roderick respected that, even if it meant that she wouldn’t ever think of him as anything other than a friend. Her type was tall, athletic with broad shoulders, a voice like a base drum, and a carefree swagger. Roderick was 5’7 and as wide as a toothpick, not to mention that his voice was in a perpetual bout with puberty and thanks to a car accident, what could’ve been a carefree swagger was now a nervous shuffle. But she tolerated him, whether for entertainment or out of some slight emotional attachment he could only guess, but he hoped for the latter.


          Sierra looked apologetically at him and then swiftly changed the subject. “So what’s up?”


          “Not much, except I realized that seeing you here is the best part of my day. Roderick exhaled slowly. “I’m now deciding whether I should cry about that now or later.”

            Sierra smirked and slapped him on the shoulder. “Man, you always got jokes.”


            “Yeah, I was thinking of trying stand up.” Roderick said with a tinge of melancholy. She was the brightest part of his day.


            “So are we heading to the chest tonight or what?” The Cyber chest or the ‘Chest’ as it was called was a local arcade, she and Roderick liked to frequent.


“Sure I’m just gonna, take my stuff home, and meet you there.” Roderick adjusted his glasses nervously.


“Ok, I’ll be waiting for you.” She giggled and smiled with just a little seduction behind it. Maybe there was something to Randy’s assumptions.  “I’m going to head home and change.” With that she turned and walked away.


            Roderick stared at her, his forlorn eyes held until, a swift movement to his right caught his attention, a shadow on the periphery of his vision, Must be imagining things, that’s been happening a lot lately.  Traveling down the hall he turned right, making his way into the bathroom. It was cold, the smell of urine filled the air, the once white porcelain walls now marred with graffiti, and the steel stalls were riddled with fake phone numbers and scribbles. Standing in front of a urinal he emptied his bladder, Whew I needed that.  At that moment the hairs on Roderick’s neck stood like soldiers, something had moved past him, fast.


            “Hello.” He turned, zipped up his pants and looked around. What the hell is going on?


            There was no sign of who may have been behind him and if someone was there, I’ve gotta get out of here.  Turning on the sink Roderick lathered up his hands and splashed his face with cold water. Chill out man.  

            “Yeah relax.” The voice wasn’t behind him but in front of him, in the mirror.


            Roderick looked up and came face to face with himself, well a version of himself. His hair was long and he wore stylish wire frame glasses. He had on the same clothes but wore them differently, better. Roderick began to breathe heavily and he shook just a little bit, as his mind attempted to adjust to what it was seeing.


     “I’m losing it right?” Roderick put his hands over his eyes, shaking his head causing his pony tailed locks to bob. “This isn’t happening, a daylight hallucination, like in that movie I saw.”


          “Relax man, you know me, we spoke last night.” The reflection put it’s hands up in a calming motion. “I’m just here to let you know you’re about to be in some trouble.”


          “Trouble. What kind of trouble?” Roderick still cradled his head in his hands but looked up between his fingers. “From where, from whom?”


            At that moment a fist rammed in to Roderick’s jaw nearly lifting him off his feet and knocking his glasses off his face, spinning in slow motion he caught a glimpse of his attacker. Randy, I should’ve known.  He hit the floor with thud.


            “Think I’m gonna let a bitch made nigga like you take my girl.” Randy landed a boot to Roderick’s ribs.


            Tears streamed down his face, as he clutched his side, another followed lifting him off of the floor momentarily, he hit the ground and pathetically groped for his glasses.


            “Get up.” Randy yelled.


            Roderick rolled over to face Randy blood trickling from his mouth, You need help. The voice was so clear in Roderick’s mind so familiar even more so than the pain he felt right now.


            “Help Me,” Roderick whispered.


            “What?” Randy grabbed Roderick by his collar and hoisted him up. “what did you say bitch, You want help.” He delivered a cross to Roderick’s jaw but didn’t let him go, another punch came as Randy began to pummel him.


            You need my help I’m taking over.  At that moment Roderick felt another presence enter his mind and then blacked out.










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*Banging Head On Desk*

I finally assembled my new desk. I now have a writer's station, right next to hubby's. But I am so freaking tired. Is this going to be the theme of my posts? I hope not. So in the interest of sharing actual information, I will now say...


I got nuthin'. 


Sorry, so sorry. *yawn* 



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