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A video link to explain from the founder, brother Refa 1
The project is will happen regardless, but join this campaign like this too:
After spending the Memorial Day Weekend watching both seasons of 'The Walking Dead', it occurred to me there needs to be a set of rules to guide those who plan on surviving a Zombie Apocalypse.
Though there are people out there who are actually stocking up on guns and what-not in preparation of a real 'pock-y-clipse' featuring zombies or worse, 'furriners', I believe these rules will help them as well.
While your neighbors, co-workers, family and friends are freaking out as to 'what's going on?', you will no doubt have these rules hardwired into memory or on a cheat sheet you always keep with you. So pay close attention and take notes (no there won't be a quiz, but you damn sure don't want to fail the practical exam!)
Rule #1- Everything has changed
In every ZA flick you always hear people flipping out asking questions like, 'what's going on?', 'why is this happening?, yadda, yadda. The answers are simple: 'Mofo's are running around eatin' people en masse' and 'Because it is, now shut up and run for your life!'
From the moment you see the reporter and camera crew get overrun and eaten on TV or look out the window and see your neighbors literally ripping your former loudmouth neighbor to pieces, the world as you knew it is over. Accept it.
Rule #2 - All bets are off
In every ZA flick there's always someone whining about 'morality', 'feeling attachment for a zombified loved one' or 'being hostile because of racial, ethinc...' you get the picture. Let me break it down for you. First refer to Rule #1 when you want to rely on your usual thinking or modus operandi. Then recognize all that crap doesn't mean jack anymore. From now on, there are only two kinds of people left in the world; those who are not being eaten and those who are. In the ZA scenario, Humanity is back in 'Savannah Mode'. That means you and every red-blooded person still alive are 'rabbits' and there are hordes of hungry undead wolves on your tails. So that means the honkeys, chinks, greasers, spics, towel heads, redskins, dot heads and nigga's you were arguing with 10 minutes ago are now your allies! Every extra set of eyes and hands are going to come in damn handy. So you better get over your differences quick 'cause they no longer apply.
Rule #3 - Unless you're already there, Don't go home
What's the first thing you hear mofo's say when the feces hit the oscillating air flow cooling unit? 'I've got to get home! I've got to find my family!' Yeah, about that. Here's the thing. Odds are, stuff is jumping off in all directions. So the chances things are already popping off on the homefront are unfortunately pretty good. You're probably saying, 'but I've got to save my family!' Yeah, but you've got three major problems with that. Location, Distance and Time.
Location - If you're in a city, you've got your own problems. Cities are the overflowing 'cornucopia' of zombies. Depending on how fast the 'Sickness' is spreading, you may have only hours or moments to un-ass your current location before you get overrun and turned into 'zombie chow'.
Distance - If there's a considerable distance to cover like 10 miles or more, forget it. Yeah, yeah, I know, 'I've got to save my family!' Well consider this, they've got the exact same issues you do at the same time. Depending on their location, they could already be ass deep in zombies whilst you're trying to literally 'fight' your way through traffic! More than likely you never got around to turning your house, duplex or apartment into the armed citadel of your dreams fully stocked with food, water and armaments. With that in mind, your home is no doubt just as 'soft' when it comes to keeping out zombie hordes as everybody else's is! So more than likely your familia are probably fighting off the hungry dead as you read this....
Time - The real 'killer' in this scenario is time. The more time passes, the worse the situation is going to get. In the initial hours of the outbreak, the number of infected will grow exponentially. Before or if Rigor Mortis sets in, the zombies are going to be fast. Damn fast. Unless you've kept up your high school track skills or made your living as a purse snatcher, you'll have to fight and run. Clock keeps ticking, you're going to get tired 'cause you can run on adrenaline only so long. The infected unfortunately don't have that problem. So the more time you'll have to spend trying to get home, the greater the odds your family will have run for their lives by the time you get there.
So even now if you're still saying, 'but I've got to save my family!' refer to rules #1 and #2.
Rule #4 - Be prepared to go 'Conan' on a mofo
Let's face facts. In the ZA scenario, you've got dead mofo's trying their damndest to turn you into 'Fool under glass'. You also have around you as Agent 'K' from MIB eloquently phrased it; "A bunch of dumb, dangerous and panicky animals' represented by your fellow homosapiens. 'Wise men' by the way who in blind panic are knocking each other over and trampling the fallen, thus making the zombie's dining selection process that much easier.
In order to clear a safe path for yourself and your fellow survivors, you're going to have to get your hands dirty. Big time. It is highly probable, the most efficient way to dispatch the infected will be a shot or crushing blow to the head. Let's just say it is all but certain you won't have a rifle, pistol or assault weapon with plenty of ammo on hand when things start jumping off. You're going to have to get a suitable blunt or edged weapon... right now. When you do, you're going to have to get as Clint Eastwood said in "Unforgiven", "... Plum mad dog mean." That means if it's dead, bash it in the head. If it's live, bash it 'till it dies.
What? You're saying I should kill potential survivors? If they are panicked and are about to put you in a situation where you can't escape, yup. With extreme prejudice. In the film '28 Days Later' when Selena thought for an instant her longtime comrade had been bitten, she instantly hacked him to death. Despite his screams, she mercilessly did him in. She survived. Let that be a lesson! If you have a problem with that your choices are; allow the person to turn and infect you and your fellow survivors or stop whining and accept rules #'s 1 and 2 then dispatch your bud quick!
Rule #5 - Adapt
I cannot stress enough Rule #1. Because of rule #1, you must adapt to the new situation. Your days of corporate austerity, girly-girl chic or metrosexual style are over. Clothes that restrict movement or reveal skin are absolutely out! Perfume, cologne, scented deodorant, baby powder, scented soaps are also out. It's a pretty good guess the infected are working with the basic senses alone. It's probable dead noses could transmit sensory info for a while in the initial hours, days and weeks, as the sense of smell will be the primary source of detecting the living. You don't want to help them sniff you out 'cause you couldn't let go your fav' scent.
Adapting means you're going to have to do what the situation requires. If the only way to hide from 'Walkers' is to jump into a sewer, get to jumping. If you have to cover yourself in walker guts and gore to pass among them unnoticed, don't forget to get that hard to reach spot on your back!
If you are claustrophobic but the safest place to hide is an air conditioning vent, get your ass in there and keep your trap shut.
You will also have to change your behavior. If you're a talker when you're nervous, shut up. If you fidget, be still. You a farter when you get scared? Put a cork in it. Teeth chatter? Stick something between your teeth thick enough to keep your jaws from moving and bite down.
Rule #6 - Heroes get eaten
Before you say, 'but I've got to save people!' Yeah, when you can and if you can. But not at the expense of your own life. The price of selfless heroism is being dinner. Save your bravery for when you have to be cunning or stealthy or when it's time to bust open a hole so you and your fellow survivors can make a run for it. What your fellow survivors need to see from you is your determination to get out alive. If you've got a problem with that see rules #1 and 2.
Rule #7 - Let those who are about to die... die
This is the harshest rule of all and where rules #1 and #2 apply the most. It is safe to ascertain a ZA is an 'unnatural situation'. Now that you and your fellow survivors up to now are in a prey-predator dynamic, you have to recognize that everyone in the group ain't gonna' make it. Babies, young children, the extreme elderly, the non-mobile, semi-mobile injured/disabled and the mentally disabled will all be the first to go. I know, I know, 'but we have to help everybody!' Again, I refer you to rules #1 and #2.
Yes, it's a horrible thought to even think about babies, small children and grandma/granpa being devoured by zombies, but remember the rabbit analogy. There's a reason you never see baby or elderly rabbits in the wild. If you can see them something's about to eat them. Also, you have those individuals who get what is called 'Deathstruck'. Those who are deathstruck
are stricken with a panic that literally causes them to move or freeze in the path of potentially fatal activity. These people are dangerous! All too often those who are possessed of the heroic impulse leap to save these persons and usually both end up dead. In the situation of a ZA, that 'bad end' is certain. If someone is deathstruck and throws themselves into death's jaws, don't let their sacrifice go in vain!
These are just the first few hard and fast rules, for Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse. In Part II, you'll learn what's necessary for staying alive once you escape the initial event! Until then, RUN, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
© 2012 H. Wolfgang Porter. All Rights Reserved. Images used are owned by their prospective copyright holders.
Chemistrylanddotcom |
Single photons are a key ingredient in quantum information systems, but producing them on demand is difficult.
This is a very short article on using the Rydberg excitation state. From the Wiki world:
A quantum computer is a device for computation that makes direct use of quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. Quantum computers are different from digital computers based on transistors. Whereas digital computers require data to be encoded into binary digits (bits), quantum computation utilizes quantum properties to represent data and perform operations on these data.
Eventually, we'll hit the limit we can print physically, Moore's Law or More Than Moore. After such a milestone/limit, carbon nanotubes will march us towards the technological singularity, an idea that apparently had its Genesis in the 19th century. I wryly compare this to Prometheus ("Forethought").
Physics Today: A Rydberg-atom photon source
I have read alot of books over the years, too many to count but now finally i can write my own books and i have plenty that i write from my mind not anyone elses. I have currently 6 books that i am writing and cant wait to get these out of my head and down on paper. I have to title the last book still but i am working on it and this year alone i will have at least 2-3 books completed. I have been scouring the web looking for a site like this and did cartwheels when i found it. Black media is seriously deprived of any thing mainstream. Oh sure we can put out a comedy show and be the but of every joke and get air time but what about some real quality movies? And why not Sci fy? I think its time to change that and change lives and times as we know it. I dont know how many times i have went to the fantasy book section looking for a black face on the cover or in the author spot. Growing up i loved comics but always wondered where were the black heroes and heroines? When Milestone came online i went nuts and tried to grab everyone i could get my hands on. I knew they would kill it right away when it came out. They still dont understand the black market and i dont think they want to up in hollywood. So yes we need to support each other but we need to do it with the knowledge as well which is the key to our weakness and our strength. Fantasy writing is a skill and one that we do well just from what i have seen on this site their are some very talented people on this site. I hope that my writings are met well here and are of substance enough to keep your interest and merit your comments and advice but we shall see.
Summer is here and so is the Priestess! Much has happened since the close of the saga which sent the
Priestess and those she loved across time. In the peaceful days that followed, the rhythm of the Valley's seasons allowed its residents to live and grow. Now as the now young adult Little Fish takes his first steps on his life's path a new threat from the Chief's past casts a dark shadow. Will the Priestess allow this new potential danger to threaten all she loves? The answer to that and more will be found in, 'The Priestess: A Question of Regret'!
Afro-Futuristic Visions -
It is important that an Afro-Futurist remain firmly rooted in their travel to unravel the expression of their culture, which lay in dormant in the bundles of strands (DNA) and stars (atoms/molecules) that circle about in their vessel (body). The culture of an Afro-Futurist is the living source (matrix) that gives birth to body, soul and spirit expression in this word.
With that in mind, as we write, it is important to know the origin of some 'coinage' or 'sayings' that we use.
To some, 'Psychic' ability is some strange occurrence outside the normal thought and concept of our everyday living and is often perceived as something supernatural. Yet to the Afro-Futurist, who is steadily seeking their roots through the use and exploration of Afro-Futurism, Psychic Ability is a birthright and an ability to use the senses and electrical pulses of the nervous system and brain in order to communicate with others and their environment.
Psychic - psychic
1871 (n.) "a medium;" 1873 (adj.) "of or pertaining to the human soul" (earlier psychical, 1640s), from Gk. psykhikos "of the soul, spirit, or mind," from psykhe- "soul, mind" (see psyche). Meaning "characterized by psychic gifts" first recorded 1895.
"having psychic gifts," 1847 (in clairvoyance), earlier "having insight" (1670s), from Fr. clairvoyant "seeing clearly" (13c.), from clair (see clear) + voyant "seeing," prp. of voir, from L. videre "to see" (see vision). The noun in the psychic sense is first attested 1851, from the adjective; earlier it was used in the sense "clear-sighted person" (1794).
23rd letter of the Greek alphabet. Use for "psychic force, paranormal phenomenon" dates from 1942.
Within the framework of my own writing, I have taken to commitment to unravel the cloth (language) around concepts and disseminate (disseminate (v.)
c.1600, from L. disseminatus, pp. of disseminare "to spread abroad, disseminate," from dis- "in every direction" (see dis-) + seminare "to plant, propagate," from semen (gen. seminis) "seed" (see semen). Related: Disseminated; disseminates; disseminating. M.E. had dissemen "to scatter" (early 15c.).)
the essence that is within, the essence that has the soul of our culture. I write about 'Psychic" occurrences from the standpoint of it being a natural progression of communication and in some circles an already naturally established communication. It is not my attention to create marvel and wonder about abilities that we are moving slowly back into.
In my first novel, Renpet, I spoke much about Psychic abilities:
Chapter Mdjw Shemt - The Cradle
...The term 'psychic' that the Terrans use so carelessly translates to regular communication in the lives of my people. Since we are leagues away from the Terrans on the evolutionary scale, none of my kind ever attempted a direct link with them. What my kind perceives as physical in relation to each other the Terrans might see as spirit or pure mind. Approaching Kenitha's mind I cautiously held it as one would a delicate object. Her defensive layers of energy are very sensitive but I am getting through without being detected...
Thank you for taking a few moments to read into my Afro-Futuristic Vision. Please spread the word and support my works at:
Check out what I have in store for you.
Bayne watches over what was once a thriving world. His mind toils with the destruction of mankind. Not sure if he's content or a feeling of regret that he himself will out live mankind anyway. Whatever the case may be, Bayne watches as what use to be a place of Life, Music, Violence, Prostitution, Athouritive figures and so forth is now home of his greatest enemmies. ....THE WARWOLVES & THE PALE ONES
As he stares out over the city, Century year old memories haunt him. He knows now why he watches. he knows now why he hunts. He knows now who his allies and enemmies are but most of all the memory that haunts him the most, is the memory of he knows not why.
Scorched skies. Specks of sunlight appear through the grim colored clouds.
The City is in ruins. Desolate buildings. The streets are cracked from the residue of previous quakes. We follow a well dressed man as he heads to his car. He passes a few other people along the way. Once to his car, we see a massive warwolf, slowly creep from the shadows and head towards him. Just as he gets into his car, the warwolf comes out of the shadow and reaches out for him. Unbeknownst of the warwolve’s presence, the well dressed man pulls off. The warwolf snorts, turns in the opposite direction and walks off.
An entrance to an underground subway station is covered by rubble. The rubble slowly begins to move as if on a mechanical sliding grid. From the entrance, a group of people dressed in tattered clothing, explode from the entrance and make a break across the desolate street. In an instant, three of the group members are blind-sided by a group of massive warwolves. Two of the remaining group members make it into an abandoned buildings.
Two of the remaining group members are peeking out through a boarded window. They look from left to right. They scan the area thoroughly.
What are we going to do?
I don’t know? We need to get over
to the shop and get food dammit!!
We’ll never make it. I told you we should
have never came.
We’re fuckin dying! We need food!
Shhhhh! Quiet! Shut the fuck up or they’ll
hear us.
Born from the thirst of a King Vampire and the bite of a werewolf, Bayne was born dead but revived as a hybrid through the combination of these two supernatural creatures.
Born -1620 Died - 1620
Re-Born - 1620
The world as we know it, has immulated Movies and movies have told the story of a world absent of life. With the consistant preaching of the end is here and the end is near, it has finally come to past. Mother nature has had the last say about life as we know it. With a simple push of the reset button, the core nucleus of Mother earth proved to be unstable due to the constant raping of her nutrional value.
And God said "the world will never ever perish by water but shall feel the heat of Fire". The thing about God is, he doesn't have to be specific just know when the fire comes it can come in any form. And in a form it did. Molten lava. Massive Earthquakes giving way to the inner rage of the planet's distain for humanities lack of respect for her.
Once her rage subsided, Mankind's reign over her ended. In their place, the creatures of legends walked the surface and humanity with all it's posturing and boasting and proving they are at the top of the food chain, all turned out to be empty words. Frome hence forth The Pale ones and Warwolves walk the surface and mankind has become cattle.
We all thought it would end in a bang.
Or biological warfare. From the dawn of
time, man’s conviction since his creation,
has been to destroy the world.
The skies are scorched. The San Francisco bridge, is partially demolished. Abandoned. Dilapidated cars some occupied with skeletons of the deceased, are strewn about. Random cables holding the bridge up, have snapped from their housing.
A man in white, holding two custom made battle axes which are engraved silver axe heads with a hooked shaped wooden handle and wardog’s K9’s extending from them, walks across the San Francisco bridge away from the city with deadly intent.
Always preaching the end is near. The end
is here. Warring for position and power.
The man in white continues on. Suddenly out of nowhere, a car flies in his direction. He tilts his head slightly evading the oncoming vehicle.
Fighting for political gain. No one ever
knowing their place in the food chain.
He grips his battle axes tighter.
No one ever took into consideration who
held the real power. God, if there really is a
God said the world would end by fire. So when
the end finally came, it wasn't by man’s doing.
The man in white stops.
Mother nature made the call and decided to push
the reset button.
He tilts his spectacles down to get a better look at hordes of Warwolves snarling and growling in front of him. The man in white, smirks.
Warwolves. Looks like it’s going to be a long day
and I have nothing but time on my hands.
With a quick twirl of his battle axes, The man in white, leaps high into the air poised for combat.
See my previous post from last year. Apparently, they've decided on two locations for the Square Kilometer Array:
Credit: Physics World |
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project will be hosted by South Africa and Australia, following a decision made by the SKA organization today.
I found this spin on Abe Lincoln to be intriguing….
The bus hurtled toward him. Victor ‘Ace’ Jackson wrenched himself out the huge projectile’s path. The bus speared into a five story apartment building, punching a massive hole through brick and glass. A ruptured tank hemorrhaged gas and a colossal fuel-fed eruption swallowed the bus, magnifying the size of that hole. An incendiary carpet unfurled upward, racing to the top of the building.
Jackson whirled about to face the one who flung that bus. His Adjusted View Display (AVD) filtered out a swirling haze of previous damage to provide a vividly enhanced image of his nemesis.
Garbed in signature red and gold with a Black letter I displayed on his broad chest, Invinci-Man, stood in the middle of a gutted out street. He cut a majestic figure, as if carved out of cobalt. Built like Mr. Olympia, endowed with the strength to move mountains, the ability to soar beyond the heavens, the durability to shrug off any weapon short of a nuke, Invinci-Man once reigned as a shining exemplar of goodness and integrity. Once upon a time, billions called him a hero. That was then. This was now.
Jackson stared at his former friend, briefly torn between reasoning with him and continuing this contest. No. The time for reasoning was long past. Jackson solidified his resolve and prepared to meet whatever his opponent could dish out.
Invinci-Man’s costume appeared fresh and crisp, its wearer assuming an air of casual indifference as if he were strolling through the park on a sunny afternoon. Jackson, by contrast, seemed to have attracted every particle of debris to his Energy Field Supplemented Hyper Fortified All Environment Battle Suit, until its olive green surface was caked in gray ash.
Despite the suit’s climate control, Jackson sweated bullets.
A burst of thermal energy rippled from Invinci-Man’s eyes, striking Jackson in the chest. The Battle Suit’s contact shield deflected 89 percent of the blast as Jackson tumbled backwards. A windstorm of a shock wave roiled equidistantly from point of impact. A gasping Jackson plopped on his back. The center of his suit radiated a crimson patch of deadly intense heat. He felt like his chest had been caved in. A diagnostic readout crawled across the bottom of his AVD. His suit registered a nine percent power drain from that single hit. Jackson neuro-linked a command to his suit’s core computer to compensate its powerplant’s loss…and just in the nick of time. Jackson leapt upright as Invinci-Man came at him. He linked a second command, phasing his shield from contact to absorbent mode and braced himself.
BAP! A combination of super speed and immeasurable strength barreled into Jackson, knocking him through the air at a velocity exceeding the force he received. One building, two buildings…after that he lost count of the buildings he penetrated before crashing on another empty street. A fifty foot trench ending in a dredged up mound of smoldering black top marked his hard landing.
Muscle stimulating fluids from his suit pumped into Jackson’s body, accelerating his physical recovery. A dopamine compound cleared the fog from his brain.
Invinci-Man swooped from the sky, his fist reared back for a devastating followup.
Jackson raised his arm and his ordnance bracelet roared, releasing a spray of rockets. Each rocket was a tube of graphene, impregnated with a seething core of energy so dense it was as if the mass of Mount Everest were compressed into a space the size of an index finger. Jackson didn’t take the time to aim. He couldn’t. Fifteen out of 30 rockets pummeled Invinci-Man and the very fabric of existence seemed to come apart at the seams from the fury they unleashed.
Jackson witnessed his opponent being swallowed up in a boiling brew of unleashed energy. Invinci-Man flailed to the ground some distance away, landing yards short of an SUV. The close proximity of Invinci-Man’s impact swept the vehicle end over end as if swatted by the careless hand of an impetuous giant.
Jackson’s AVD status indicator elevated off the scale. By engaging Absorbent Mode, his suit had borrowed the kinetic energy of Invinci-Man’s blow, channeled it to its servos and stored it for potential use. This meant that for exactly two minutes and 35 seconds, Jackson would be as strong as the most powerful being on Earth. At least theoretically. Absorbent Mode was a new feature he hadn’t tested. Now was as good a time as any. Jackson catapulted himself half a block, landing in front of Invinci-Man.
The super being looked groggy and was slow to rise.
Jackson delivered a roundhouse kick that sent Invinci-Man cart wheeling through a wrought iron gate fifty feet away. An astonished smile flashed across Jackson’s face. It worked. He reveled briefly in his extra strength, ephemeral though it was. No time to waste. The clock was ticking and when this mighty strength was expended, he wouldn’t be able to engage Absorbent Mode for up to eight hours.
He rammed into Invinci-Man with all the speed his suit could muster, inundating his foe with kicks, chops and punches.
Invinci-Man took the barrage for an initial few seconds, before defending himself. He lifted an elbow, blocking a punch and countering with a fist to Jackson’s face plate.
Jackson’s head snapped back with bone rattling force. Briefly, he wondered how far it would have flown were it not shielded by field-augmented armor. He reeled on the defensive, straining the agility function of his suit as he tried to elude a flurry of strikes from Invinci-Man. A kick boxing style blow from a super powered foot landed solidly in Jackson’s gut, bending him over, but not knocking him down.
Invinci-Man switched to a short, sharp karate kick, but Jackson caught the other’s leg and shoved, plowing his foe to the ground. He attempted to slide underneath Invinci-Man’s guard, apply an arm lock, and for an instant he achieved a hold.
Invinci-Man shifted. It wasn’t a brute motion. It was more of a soft, subtle, judo-style reflex, containing just enough exertion to free his arm and topple Jackson off balance.
Jackson pushed off the ground with one hand, flipping to his feet.
Invinci-Man stood, still appearing irritatingly unwinded. He regarded Jackson with keen, measuring eyes. “Your suit has always amazed me. I used to wonder what it would be like going up against it with you in it. My natural powers versus your mechanized prowess.”
Invinci-Man’s expression hinted at a smile. He so much resembled a young Sidney Portier, with a deep, resonating Barry White voice. A charismatic combination, one that used to wow the masses, especially the female element.
Jackson snarled a challenge. “Well, I hope I’m satisfying your curiosity. Allow me to satisfy it some more!” He charged. Jackson had one minute remaining of borrowed strength. He was determined to make the most of it. He delivered a forearm to Invinci-Man’s rib, receiving a thunderous uppercut in turn.
Invinci-Man’s close quarter skills were superb. Jackson never understood why for all his prodigious powers, the super being trained so rigorously in martial arts…until the latter clashed with a villain of comparable strength years ago.
A warning alert warbled in Jackson’s ear at the same instant a blip popped up on his AVD’s threat sensor display. An incoming aerial bogie. But it wasn’t a machine.
Jackson dove left, narrowly avoiding a vivid orange beam that burned a bubbling hole into the spot he just vacated. His auto-targeter captured an image of the airborne aggressor: a dark skinned woman, clad in silver breast plate armor, anatomically correct to the smallest detail. A matching kilt of glimmering lamellar flowed to mid thigh. She wore black ankle high sandals, attached to gray, spike studded shin guards. She wielded an intricately designed staff that appeared to be carved from hard wood. The world knew her as Candace, the Nile Goddess.
Jackson fired off an anti-personnel laser from his shoulder emitter.
Candace lifted her star staff faster than an eye blink, using it to catch the beam. The staff grew bright as it absorbed the laser, so bright it appeared a second sun had formed overhead. Instantly, the glare subsided and the staff reverted back to its cool earth tone. Candace dove toward Jackson, her face a mask of ferocity. “Let me have at him!” She shouted to Invinci-Man.
Jackson soaked in her rage, and for a second, vestigial fear gripped him as he pictured how much of an avenging goddess she must have appeared to her ancient subjects. Assuming her claim to godhood was valid.
The Nile Goddess pointed her star staff, summoning a second stream of orange fire.
This time Jackson was not quick enough to elude its bite. The beam caught him in the side, wrapping him in a writhing hot blossom.
Candace reached into the mini-conflagration, grabbed Jackson’s arm and hurled him effortlessly a full four blocks.
Jackson ricocheted off the corner of a building, ripping the roof off a parked station wagon before slamming headfirst into a dumpster. The large metal container crumpled around him in a distorted hug.
A red tint shrouded his AVD. Diagnostic alerts shrilled with urgency until Jackson silenced the clamor. His suit’s power level took a grave dip, forcing him to draw additional juice from his powerplant. At this rate, it wouldn’t be long before he had to tap into his reserves. He managed to pry his way out of the remains of the dumpster just as Candace arrived, looming over him like a hungry raptor, her star staff raised.
She brought her staff down in a swift, gleaming arc. Jackson leapt clear. The staff struck the dumpster, incinerating what was left of it. Jackson slid behind the Goddess, neutralizing her staff arm while clamping a forearm to her throat.
Normally, Candace would have broken such a hold with contemptuous ease. Her strength was second to Invinci-Man’s. While Jackson had 35 seconds left of Invinci-Man’s strength, the physical advantage in this instance was decisively his. It was an advantage he utilized with zest as he increased pressure on the Nile Goddess’ throat…squeezing…squeezing…
Candace strained to break free. She tried to wrench her other arm from Jackson’s grip so as to gain room to direct her staff. Jackson tightened his hold on both her arm and throat. The Goddess’ struggle began to slacken.
Could he do this? He questioned himself. Could he kill her…like this…in cold blood? A former colleague?
A warning alert interrupted his musing. His scanner detected massive air displacement, an indicator of something or someone moving very, very fast. The threat was inbound on his five.
Hello Black Science Fiction Society,
I am a co-producer of a TV series written and directed by Keith Josef Adkins (Girlfriends tv show) called The Abandon.
We've been told there is no audience for a sci-fi show with a black cast and therefore are attempting to shoot & release it ourselves.
I am contacting you in hopes that you can forward our indiegogo link for The Abandon ( to members of your community as well as blogs that you use for information updates and bulletins.
The Abandon is a sci-fi TV series. After a possible alien invasion, five black men discover they may be the last humans on Earth and quickly learn the importance of survival, loyalty and manhood.
Kendall - early 30s, an unemployed attorney, divorced, but lots of vices
Craig - early 30s, a lit professor, calm demeanor
Aaron - early 30s, computer engineer, urban flavor
Dennis - early 30s, attorney, ladies' man, very smart
Jeff - early 30s, graphic designer, intellectual, bohemian
Friends from college, these five men will also discover why they are being hunted down by an alien species. And why the alien species may have a message that will disrupt the entire universe.
The Abandon is inspired by my desire to see black and brown people work in the sci-fi genre. It is inspired by knowing so many black people who deeply love and respect the sci-fi genre and my interest in making them happy.
Future episodes will use flashbacks to introduce significant others, family, co-workers, and the hours leading up to the invasion.
My name is Keith Josef Adkins. I'm an award-winning playwright and screenwriter. Several years ago I worked as TV writer for the very popular show Girlfriends starring Tracee Ellis Ross. I have pitched ideas to networks and studios and penned a few original pilots. I even wrote and directed a few short films which screened in Toronto, Berlin and Atlanta.
I love sci-fi. I watch stories about UFO sightings and close encounters of the third kind. Alien and Aliens are two of my favorite films. Sci-fi provides me the opportunity to imagine a world where race, gender and class are insignificant and the only thing that matters is humanity's responsibility to preserve earth and each other.
I always get these in my email and have kind of ignored them, but with so many of us involved in creating and producing our own materials maybe some of this production music will be useful. I am thinking of getting a set just in case.
Maybe it will be of use to someone!
If a photo is worth a thousand words, imagine the understanding that can be captured from 10 minutes at 30 frames per second. A scientific journal dedicated to video—a medium seldom seen in peer-reviewed publications—is finding out.
Increasingly, scientists include short video clips when they submit their manuscripts to a journal. But the Journal of Visualized Experiments—JoVE for short—is an online journal where video is the main medium rather than a supplement.
Each JoVE article consists of a short video segment that visually documents the required steps for performing an experiment. The video is supplemented by several paragraphs of peer-reviewed text. JoVE has developed a following in the life sciences, where being able to reproduce the results of an experiment in a timely fashion is a critical component to becoming a successful researcher.
They plan to offer an Applied Physics section July of 2012.
Technology Review: Science Journal Produces a Different Kind of Viral Video
Web site:
In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster that occurred 15 months ago, the American public would be very displeased to know of the imminent potential for American children to play and frolic on their glowing backyards.
It’s actually quite comedic how the general consensus has allowed distraction and propaganda to fog the path that will ultimately trace back to the root of the problem.
Once I turn into a radioactive mutant/zombie, maybe my dancing skills will start to improve by 30%. Finally, I can get that Thriller sequence down like a legendary pro.
Enter Kenneth Neal (you can call me Ken):
A multimedia journalist doing my part to promote social, cultural, and class destruction awareness with my blog.
Thank you for your time. If you have any questions after viewing my work, feel free to let me know.
-Kenneth Neal, A Modern Day Abolitionist
Facebook, "Ken Project-EFAT"
From one vet to all others...
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