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[When I first saw the movie Crash, I remember all the rave reviews it got for tackling race. And though I liked it well enough, something just didnt' sit right. Wasn't until I read Jeff Chang and Sylvia Chan's scathing deconstruction of the flick that I put my finger on it. Same can be said for District 9, which I found odious when it came to race, despite claims it was actually *addressing* race. Seemed like only Nnedi Okorafor (at least early on) was feeling my gripes. Not telling people what to think--cuz hey, everybody can be their own judge. But given this track record, refreshing to find a review on Hollywood's latest attempt to get "deep" (about race, culture, colonialism, etc) that diverged from mainstream consensus.] See below.When Will White People Stop Making Movies Like "Avatar"?By Annalee Newitz have called alien epic Avatar a version of Dances With Wolves because it's about a white guy going native and becoming a great leader. But Avatar is just the latest scifi rehash of an old white guilt fantasy. Spoilers...Whether Avatar is racist is a matter for debate. Regardless of where you come down on that question, it's undeniable that the film - like alien apartheid flick District 9, released earlier this year - is emphatically a fantasy about race. Specifically, it's a fantasy about race told from the point of view of white people. Avatar and scifi films like it give us the opportunity to answer the question: What do white people fantasize about when they fantasize about racial identity?Avatar imaginatively revisits the crime scene of white America's foundational act of genocide, in which entire native tribes and civilizations were wiped out by European immigrants to the American continent. In the film, a group of soldiers and scientists have set up shop on the verdant moon Pandora, whose landscapes look like a cross between Northern California's redwood cathedrals and Brazil's tropical rainforest. The moon's inhabitants, the Na'vi, are blue, catlike versions of native people: They wear feathers in their hair, worship nature gods, paint their faces for war, use bows and arrows, and live in tribes. Watching the movie, there is really no mistake that these are alien versions of stereotypical native peoples that we've seen in Hollywood movies for decades.Read full review here.
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Okay.We spend a lot of time talking about geting our stuff "out there" and chasing agents and publishing deals. I think that's the nature of the beast and, frankly, I don't really know any more about how to "make it" in that respect than anybody else. My advice is always, work hard, be tenacious, take risks and expect a LOOOOOOOOONG haul before you get some success.However.Once again, the Force, or, as we call it on Earth, the INTERNET, provides an alternative.John August (look him up) published a short story on AMAZON for their KINDLE platform and chronicled what happened after. I read the articles he wrote about his experience and I found it pretty inspiring. One short story, up for sale, on its own, for 99 cents.I'm not sure you can beat that, provided people know about it and want to take a look.I checked out the procedure and, after a couple of false starts (do NOT waste time on the Dreamnasium Kindle comics. they didn't work), I think I got it short story, RED/SHIFT, is up for the Kindle platform now. There's also a software for PC users that lets them download Kindle books and stories without having to buy a Kindle. Nothing for MAC users like me.Like Mr. August, I will keep you guys up on how it goes but, frankly, I have no expectations whatsoever. he's got a fan base and a blog that people seem to hit with frequency so his Kindle experience may not be the norm. Mine, I think, will be more like what happens when Joe Average takes a shot.So, if it works, it's a new avenue. If not? On to the next.Happy Christmahannukwanza, Storytellers.See ya in 2010.GT
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Origins of the chronicals

I’m the mid night writer from the house of “O”, meaning there’s a lot of Orisha thereand this blog is in regards to a recently published Orisa and ancestor based Novel, and why I wrote and published it. For far to long non-African descended individuals in the media, the movie industry, and European writers have been seizing our spiritual traditions and interpreting and depicting them images that are misleading, misinterpreted, distorted, misrepresented. I have observed this phenomenon all too often; especially in Marvel and DC comics. I have witnessed Ogun the Orisa of the Yoruba of West Africa depicted as a European playing the role of a villain. That in and of itself is cause for me to reclaim our spiritual traditions, and culture. As an African descended writer and published author it is my responsibility to reclaim our cultural and spiritual traditions within the scope and realm of the media / entertainment that it may be represented authentically in the proper historical, cultural, and traditional context despite the avenue of expression.Being the author of Beyond Deceptions Myths & Lies a book that was published over a year ago. Beyond Deceptions Myths and Lies reveal the origins of distorted misrepresentations of traditional African spiritual systems and how the slave trade was responsible for spiritually de-Africanizing 80% of African descendent population in the Diaspora fragmenting numerous Africa cultures, spiritual systems and traditions. Beyond Deceptions Myths and Lies unlocks the truth in how systematic methods of self hate, and mis-education through western religious concepts have vilified African spiritual systems and concepts of those enslaved by Christian colonizers whose religious traditions justified and sanctioned one of the world’s most heinous atrocities in history, the trans Atlantic slave trade. The media, Hollywood, European racist scholars, and socio-political education system have dominated the realm of the publishing world in every genre including the ever grow realm of Science Fiction. In writing and publishing “Cosmic Beginnings the Chaos Chronicals Vol. 1 I am attempting to reverse negative and derogatory images them have been associated with African culture and tradition. The purpose of this novel is to empower through creativity and imagination. I hope to gain your support through this endeavor. I wrote Cosmic beginnings because I was tired of seeing African culture and traditions exploited by Hollywood, and their screen writers, producers along with other non African writers depicting African traditions and culture in a less then admirable light; despite the fact that yes we are talking about Sci-Fi we are also talking about positive images being depicted in the story. The main characters are strong courageous intelligent, and educated women, and this is a story created outside of the urban scope of what we are all use to. I wrote this story in such a way it not only removes you from your city and state; it forces you to think outside of the box. I use speculative elements being that it is not only a Sci-fi story, but it’s a historical fiction as well. All throughout the history of the trans Atlantic slave trade there was a question lingering in the air in regards to the mysterious ship wreck of the Henri-Etta Marie. It is that element which I incorporate into the story. I know you’re asking why it’s titled Cosmic Beginnings. They are part of a chronicle; an ancient prophecy, one where the war in heaven thunders across the known universe. This is a story told through the cultural eyes of mother Africa. These are her legends her heroes and heroines that have been brushed beneath the surface or politely bleached out of the world view. This is the story of African gods and goddesses that have existed long before western man’s civilization came into existence.Every culture from around the globe speaks of their deities the benevolent and the malevolent. Norse, Greek, Roman and so forth. Throughout the decades comic books, cartoons animations and novels are dedicate to them acknowledging their triumphs and defeats. Sometimes you have to ask the question… Where are mother Africa’s heroes outside of those Egyptian deities who have been so politely Europeanized and dissected away from the continent of Africa? Where are those deities with complexions like onyx, hematite, and cooper with pepper corn hair looking as if they had been chiseled from granite? Can anybody tell me why non-African persons including media, screen writers, authors, and the so called academic society write about Africa in such a degrading fashion and gain national acclaim while talented writers of color are met with numerous blocks, barricades, and barriers when attempting to bring about a truth, positive, and uplifting images. Are people of color worthy of writing sci-fi…..wasn’t Edgar Allen Poe the Steven king of his time? There is a hand full of us surviving the ocean of Eurocentric domination within the realms of sci-fi fantasy. A dominate force is writing about the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt, and other African ethnic groups and erasing and slowly bleaching them to their favor until their origins are no longer recognized.Cosmic Beginnings contains some of the most unique and original characters bringing pages to life revealing a world shrouded in illusions and mystery, for instance unsuspecting and unknowing Kenyatta is part of an ancient prophecy despite her being unaware of the prophecy her spirit is completely aware leading her into the dream time where she encounters horrific dream imagery that literally draws blood. Her Native American ancestors urge her to seek out the blood that is strongest in her veins; thus she embarks on a deadly journey through West Africa for answers.Captain Fatima Jatari is a seasoned seafaring black woman and captain of the H20C.A.T.a vessel commission solely for the purpose of investigating unexplainable incidents, bizarre accidents and fatalities off the coast of Nigeria. When a series of mysterious events leaving a wake of turmoil and chaos erupt she and her crew are immediately dispatched to investigate the source of the upheaval, but unbeknownst to her she and her crew all share a part in the ancient prophecy. On land and sea these two woman’s paths must cross to rise up against an unimaginable malefic force.Cosmic Beginnings is a multi faceted fast pace story it’s a historical fiction in regards to the Trans Atlantic slave trade, the socio political atmosphere in Nigeria due to colonial rule by the British and the scars left on the country after Nigeria gained her independence. Political turmoil certainly played a roll for the suspenseful dynamics of the story. Cosmic Beginnings went through quite a few transitions, from a children’s book to a comic book, to a graphic novel, and then finally to a bona fide Sci-fi novel it was a couple years in the making. In order for me to properly write the ocean scenes I had to take classes with the U.S. Coast Guard on chart reading, Basic Seamen ship, Navigation, Advanced Navigation.During that time I had begun to travel back and forth to West African up and down the coast bouncing around spending time talking to anybody and every body…checking out anything to everything; especially places of historic interest.After returning back to the states I began taking Astrology and Natal birth chart classes to get a better understanding of astrology and astronomy so I could write the cosmological aspects effectively.This story encompasses a wide range of elements, at some points it could be considered horror, suspense thriller, and fantasy. I intentionally wrote a little humor into the story to show our character’s human nature.Another rather compelling aspect of the story is the cosmological elements. Here you have all these celestial bodies with personalities possessing numerous characteristics and emotions ranging from admiration, fear, curiosity, malevolence, anxiety, rage, compassion, aggression. They’re alive in the heavens performing their daily task, and interacting with one another. Imagine if you will a community of quasars, dwarf stars, suns, moons, nebulas, star constellations, and planets all playing a role weather they’re getting along with one another or not….here’s where the issues come in they exert a certain amount of influence on the atmosphere in general. It’s the roles that are being played out by these astrological and celestial bodies concerning the war in heaven before the arrival of man.The most important aspect of Cosmic Beginnings is that it’s a Nigerian genesis belonging to the people of south eastern Nigeria referred to as the Yoruba; it is their creation story originating from their traditional, and cultural spiritual system in how they acknowledge the creator. I hope to have Vol. 2 of the Chaos Chronicals published and available by the spring of 2010….ancestors willing

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For the most part, I tend to find secret society based conspiracy theories...very annoying in my reality-based world. But, they do make for great speculative fiction! - Djeli

Why We're Fascinated by the Paranormal, Masonic Myths and Secret SocietiesBy Anneli Rufus, AlterNet.The paranormal pops up everywhere these days. In the last week, two different people have warned me against Ouija boards. In a video posted on YouTube, Richard Heene—who pretended a few weeks ago that his son was trapped in a runaway weather balloon—ponders the question of whether Hillary Clinton is one of those bloodthirsty, shape-shifting, humanoid alien "reptilians" that conspiracy theorists believe are planning a global takeover. At least three different ghost-hunting reality shows are currently airing on cable, all of them featuring muscular dudes storming down hallways in deserted schools and jails clasping electronic recording devices and howling, "Did you hear that?!"This is hardly the first time in history that people have suddenly started spouting prophecies and speaking with the dead. These fads come in waves, usually fostered in the wake of unbearable tragedy. What else to do about earthquakes, floods, epidemics, dictators and wars than wonder which demon or deity devised this living hell and why, and what sacrifice or sorcery might make it stop? It is always fear and despair that sets us on this train of thought. During a gold rush or when we've just been given a clean bill of health, we need not believe in magic.In the Black Death-ridden Middle Ages, chilled and starved by a climate shift now known as the Little Ice Age, Europe became obsessed with the body parts of saints. Crystal-encased, gem-bedecked bones and hanks of hair and half-mummified fingers, heads and hearts were credited with curative powers. Pilgrims packed cathedrals housing so-called holy relics, sometimes trampling the sick and weak during stampedes. Centuries later, the occult became the next big thing again as World War I and the 1918 flu epidemic found seances filling entire auditoriums around the world. Yet another paranormal paroxysm crested in the early 1970s: Think Watergate, Vietnam and the post-'60s awareness—a tragedy for some—that nothing would ever be the same again.And now: Twin Towers. Financial collapse. War. Flood. The H1N1 virus is our plague.Or is it? "In recognition of the continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a nation," as he put it, Barack Obama declared a national state of emergency on October 23. This declaration allows the federal government to waive certain requirements regarding prevention and treatment procedures because "the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities," Obama said.But the folks at would probably say this is just his latest step in "progressing the Antichrist system that is gathering pace after the recent world economic upheaval"—a system that "implicates not only Barack Obama but also Javier Solana of the European Union, Prince Charles of Wales, Queen Beatrix of Netherlands and Prince Hassan of Jordan," a "power bloc" that "will drive the Antichrist world government." The folks at call it "amazing stuff going on here, right before our eyes ... and it fits the pattern set out in Revelation 13."Every paranormal paroxysm involves politics. That's only natural. We cannot help but brood about whomever rules the world. Is their might the result of keen diplomacy—or sigils chiseled into halls-of-power floors? Who's really in that entourage? We cannot help but wonder as, joking-but-not-quite-joking, we doodle cartoons of George W. Bush with devil horns.It's all about control, as that's what wizards, angels, demons, gods and elected officials wield. Is it such a long leap from superpower to supernatural?Full article is very long. Only posted it in part. Read the rest here.
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Okay.The book is not actually out. We are letting folks know about it so that they can ORDER IT from their comic shops. If you don't order it, the shop won't, as a rule.You can see the first half of issue #1 on our site in digital format.Each complete issue will be 48 pages are some interviews that have been posted up around the web.COMIC BOOK RESOURCESSEQUENTIAL TARTOMNIUM GATHERUMAnd more to come.We will be doing a podcast next week.Word to the wise: this is what you have to do when no one knows who you are and you want folks to actually purchase your magnum opus.The work doesn't stop when the book is done, believe me. Just the fun.
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Chronicle of the Liberator -- Review

Chronicle of the Liberator (Paperback)By Ronald T. JonesAugust 15, 2004Iuniverse$12.95Ronald T. Jones’ Chronicle of the Liberator is a thrilling science fiction read. Ronald definitely captured the true essence of a military sci-fi story with this story.Chronicle of the Liberator is about Thomas Richard Jackson, a mild-manner man living a boring life, who breathes the spirit of low self-esteem. One day, during a horrific episode, which highlights his meekness, he is snatched from Earth and transported across the universe onto a ship. There he befriends an alien, Likir, and Likir’s servant, Coowald. Likir tells Thomas that he is destined to save Earth. However to do it, Thomas must assassinate a great and powerful leader of an interstellar empire. Together, in order to build his mind, body and spirit into a warrior, Likir and Coowald train Thomas in military fighting, leadership and strategic planning. Soon after, Likir tests Thomas in a live-fire exercise, which stresses Thomas to the breaking point. The knowledge that he must survive so he can save Earth, fuels him to keep going.Chronicle of the Liberator is a self-awakening story, showing playing it safe in the journey of life isn’t really living. Ronald lightly seeds Thomas’ character with internal and external prominence and like a master, magnificently steers the reader through ebbs, swirls and surges of his growth. Ronald designs a powerful backdrop of believable military campaigns, battles and techniques in which Thomas thrives and eventually leads to his rebirth as a battle-tested combat-forged leader. Watching this unfold in the pages of this book was both enjoyable and heart-wrenching at times.I enjoyed reading the battle scenes and compared the combat strategies to present day teachings. As a military veteran, experience in military planning and strategy, I found this book to be on target. I recommend this book to all sci-fi enthusiasts, but especially those with a penchant for military sci-fi.Malcolm “RAGE” Pettewaywww.ragebooks.net
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Well besides weilding crochet hooks like they are bop guns, I tend to dabble in dance and poetry. Since this is a share and critique group, I thought I would post my most recent poem on this site... This was written on Saturday...enjoyMorpheusHey, hey mister dream merchantCome from your shadowsWhisper midnight secrets in my earsSpin my bitter reality into a sweet dreamSing sweet lullabies, your ancient hymnsTo soothe my ravaged soul,Silence the cacophony of dayTake the stars in your eyes andHang them from the moonAnd bring illumination to my nightMold the space in my mind until I can traverseThrough space and timeTo places unknown by mere mortalsBut known by you@KLW 12/5/09
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Storms of the Orisha - Book Review

Mr. Bernard Bayard, Instructor of ESL and Bilingual (French) Studies wrote on 12/2/09. “Storms of the Orisha is a riveting cultural expose. Deborah Hendricks is a young African-American woman caught in a whirlpool of ancestral identity crisis. She, like so many others, is in a desperate search to fill a void for self-expression. What she experiences is a constant and tragic struggle between good and evil. Her transcendence to become Adesanya Fayemi Olatunde and giving birth to a divine baby girl, Sikoya brings her nothing but pain, betrayal, and cruel treatment.Storms of the Orisha is a masterpiece carved by the author. He has kept true to cultural aspects and presents them with sincerity and undeniable authenticity. I would recommend, without reservation, this book to anyone interested in learning about cultural diversity within the Afri-centric diaspora.Mr. Oloye Karade is explosive. He writes in a vivid, picturesque, and sometimes bedeviled prose that keeps the reader completely absorbed. The novel keeps you guessing, predicting, and hoping only to be hit with the unexpected (an enjoyable quality of the book).Note: Storms of the Orisha may be purchased at or Seaburn
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Book of Sacred Metaphysics

I know this is not technically a sci-fi book but the occult sciences themselves are considered fiction to many.This is my first baby due to come out Summer 2010...Then look for my ScienceFantacy books to follow...Oh I am loving the site...thanks AdminBook ofSacred MetaphysicsCome Back to Her B.O.S.M : The GoddessThe first hands on and practical, Book of Shadows:For the Conscious Modern Black Woman Practicing Metaphysics-By TakayuI ~ Introduction- My Goddess Given Birth Write ~1) Water Magick:Dedicated to Mother Tefnut (learning to flow): Here you get to rediscover whom your inner goddessis as well as heal the wounds of your inner child through journals, positive affirmations, and visualizationbecause this is Your Goddess Given Birth Write. Right!Who is the Goddess?Types of Goddess EnergyHealing your Inner GoddessNurturing Goddess Energy2) Air Magick:Dedicated to Mother Auset (releasing burden): Float on the winds of intuition and knowingwith your sacred sensory perceptions also known as extra sensory perceptions.Clear VisionClear HearingClear Feeling3) Earth Magick:Dedicated to Mother Maat (bringing balance to life): This is what is termed Sacred "Maata Physics" or"Sacred Metaphysics" The science of creating balance in one's life by use of metaphysics.9 attributes of a Sacred Metaphysical SisterColor MagickElemental Magick4) Fire Magick:Dedicated to Mother Bast (finding your passion): Personalized section for your particular herbs, aromas,spells,rituals,goddesses, nurturing practices and your specialized craft. "My Sacred Metaphysics"Goddess Spells and RitualsMy Herbs and AromasMy Sacred CrystalsMy Spells and RitualsMy Sacred GoddessesMy Sacred NurturingII ~Glossary of Metaphysical Terms ~III~References~I.~Introduction ~My Goddess Given Birth Write~This personalized sacred book is a delicate blend of Ancient Egypt,Extra Sensory Perceptions and Metaphysics, creating a form of modern day Magick called Sacred Metaphysics. If you do not relate to Egypt by all means call on and express your infinite consciousness with the energy that feels right to you, after all, it is your “Goddess Given Birth Write”. This coin phrase is packed with meaning simply because your Goddess Given Birth Write means that you have the right to re-write your life however you choose. It also means to me personally that I have a right to write. I have the divine right to express infinite consciousness through me in the form of poetry and this book. So, please join me in this journey from Mortal to Sacred Meta-physician.So what exactly is metaphysics? Metaphysics is a branch of science that deals with the nature of reality and states of being or existing or (not existing). According to Metaphysics all is a form of energy in a state of existing: we are energy in a condensed form termed matter. Deep in the core of your being you know why you are existing, the only problem is we are suffering a severe case of amnesia. Do you exist to continually search, yearn, and strive for a particular goal or outcome? Do you exist for a purpose? or are you already the purpose? Does this constant searching open doors to answers of only further formulates more questions, therefore taking you deeper into the " rabbit hole". Are you the door? Are you the key? Did it ever occur to you that you exist simply because you exist. I am that I am. I am, I was, and I always will be a continual flow of energy in a state of existence. Ponder on that statement for a long moment and you will see time stand still. In existing you enable your energy to be free to allow consciousness to flow through you freely by following your intuition and knowing.This book is designed to aid you in knowing again, hearing your inner voice,trusting your intuition and reclaiming your Goddess given birth right. Let's take the word metaphysics and add sacred in front of it and get the following definition that describes all of our ancient sciences into one modernized term called Sacred Metaphysics. The great thing about it is, it can be what ever you feel comfortable with. I present to you Sacred Metaphysics as an alternative for Women who feel trapped in religious indoctrinations and stereotypes and wish to take back control of their spirituality and their Goddess-ness or Goddess Nest a place or sanctuary to develop your goddess qualities.~Who is TAKAYU?~My spiritual or alter ego is, Takayu which means Earth Spirit, was given to me by my spiritual teacher and I attached Bast to it because I feel the energy of this ancient deity guiding my pen, aiding my upliftment and urging me to inspire others to express their infinite consciousness.We all know who we are, however, we have just forgotten. In my awaking, I saw my signs and I used to take them lightly but now I reflect on them and piece them together. I do believe that there are no coincidences or strange occurrences there is meaning in it all. Like the time I found a charm of a cat shortly after I had a dream of Bast the ancient egyptian female cat headed deity, I will elaborate on that later, not to mention the fact that my zodiac sign is Leo and Chinese Astrology is Tiger. Coincidence? I think not, I believe it all has meaning.I was born to a family whose roots are from West Africa, Liberia to be exact, and raised in NJ. I went to catholic school from kindergarten till I graduated from high school. During my childhood years I was strongly attracted to the “supernatural”. I attracted a best friend that I am pretty sure was a witch. I use to visit her and my intuition would tell me the energy was different but, my senses had been so overly pacified I was not fully aware. She use to confide in me about her supernatural experiences and I was the only one who would really be interested and believed her. She showed me pictures of ghosts that were captured on film in her home or her stories of how she felt a tugging at her bed at night. I am not for sure what they were into but I am pretty sure her and her mom were into something metaphysical. I just observed until later on in life.Basically,I learned about my higher senses on my own. I started discovering my intuitive powers when I would loose objects and when frustrated I couldn’t find it, I would feel for it’s energy. This worked most of the time. I also have premonitions from time to time. What my mom would call having a “Good Head” like my Grandmother. I often dream of someone and find out that what I dream is true or comes true. My ancestors communicate with me this way as well. My strongest aspect is mind transference. If I didn’t want someone to bring up a topic I would be sure not to think of it too hard. When I realized I was transferring my thoughts I would just play with it. I tested it many times. For instance this is a fun game to do when you are just out waiting for a bus or something, pick a spot on a person like their head and just focus on it(try not to draw attention to you) and I guarantee at least 8 out of 10 times that person will do something like scratch their head or turn around. They will feel it in some way. I was noticing when I focused on a specific thought that with no doubt someone would mention something pertaining to it. I also know like anything else if you don’t use it you loose it. This is the main reason why alot of people chalk it up as just coincidence. Your intuition and mind power needs to be exercised like everything else. If you stop drawing at kindergarten I doubt that you will be able to produce a artistic masterpiece at age thirty without practice.Anyway, time went on and I became a teenager still questioning things in my mind and egar to experience life, I became a hip hop junkie and even briefly pursued a rapping career due to my passion to share information through music. I got side tracked when an eloquent speaking rough around the edges young man intrigued me with his words of higher learning by showing me many contradiction in the bible. Oh I didn't mention I started to get heavy into Christianity because it was the only spirituality I knew at the time. I then began to study and study, until I realized that the book that had been a foundation for so many years and was happily handed to me as a "life saving tool" had fallacies. I was quite devastated to say the least. I then learned "Right Knowledge" for several years and raised my consciousness to a great degree. During the beginning of the Millennium that same period I acquired a Clinical Laboratory Degree as well as Certification as a Natural Health Consultant enabling me to give Online Herbal Advise for several years under the name Herbalists Takkiyah on . I continued to enjoy delving into many metaphysical topics, until, I had an inspiration to create a sacred sisterhood for conscious black women, out of a desire to build with my sacred sisters. This inspiration came out of my growth from religion to metaphysics and occult sciences. However, that idea did not come to realization till several years later when I ran into an online social network provider called which enabled me to connect and create Sacred Metaphysical Sisters.I soon came to realize that I possess my own reality of thinking. There is no absolute reality ,you see, we create it on a daily basis as you think it you create it. It is very much like writing a virtual book where you are the main actress. This is the thought I like to call "Writing your Destiny and Living it" We each are little universes, you being the sun and your thoughts are different planets, so constantly revolving around you are the gravitational pulls of these thought planets. Any moment you start thinking different you change the atmosphere of your universe for better or worst. With these realizations I accepted that all religions and schools of thoughts are planets that you visit and remaining in only one keeps you in a "box" or traps you in that particular universe of thoughts; unlike dealing in Sacred Metaphysics you adhere to the metaphysical laws of the universal mind also known as the All or Mass Consciousness and start creating at will your own reality. It sounds very simple in theory,however, it takes time,patience and practice to re-wire your brain but it can be done.Regardless of my conscious awareness, my West African roots couldn’t teach me much by way of Metaphysics, my family is also predominately Christian and that was not considered "normal" to believe in metaphysical occurrences unless “God” created it. My parents made it quite clear that anything other than Christianity was “Evil”. Some religious fanatics feel they have been given the unalienable rights to decide why you choose to be born. My soul yearned for more, for answers that were apparently not being answered by Christianity. I questioned and was labeled everything from a devil to an anti-Christ by those closest to me. Why? Simply because what had be forced fed to me was not digesting well? I was nauseated by the food poisoning and my soul was seeking a cure. This was the same if not worst than being physically restrained and not allowed to grow. But little do they know you can't keep an ancestry hidden that is encoded and encrypted in your DNA waiting to be unlocked only by YOU!! It was not until I learned to KNOW that my true Goddess self began to unfold. I urge you to allow your true goddess selves to unfold as you read this book; reawaken her because our elevation depends on coming back to her B.O.S.M

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The Age of the New Politics: 2010 MARKS THE TRUE BEGINNING OF A NEW PROGRESSIVE POLITICS IN THE THAT IS AT THE SAME TIME INTELLIGENT, MUSCULAR, EMPATHETIC AND DOMINATING THE COURSE OF OUR COUNTRY. ARE YOU ON BOARD WITHN THE NEW PROGRESSIVISM? ARE YOU READY TO LEAD IN THE 21ST CENTURY?The New Military Policy - How our overall military policy is the prototype for the new Progressive ideal.The New Social Policy - Healthcare and jobs; how the new Progressive policy supports stability and expansion.The Policies on Crime - The execution of Bobby Woods - When a person's IQ is significantly below average, should they be subject to the death penalty? How does the New Progressive policy deal with gray area crime prevention and protection of human rights?Join us Saturday Night at 9pm CST on In Like Flynn at 718/508-9683 to share your thoughts on this issue or join us in the Chat Room. We'll talk war, policy and what this all means in the grand scheme of things.
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Landisium curaBy: William LandisThe plant Landisium cura was an annual plant native to the West African island of Madagascar. The plantwas known for its ability to cure the common cold. The plant produced extremely high amounts ofvitamins C and D which have been proven to combat the common cold. It survived in the gently acidic highorganic matter soils of the Madagascar tropical rainforest.Landisium Cura commonly known as the “Cure Cold” plant was discovered on an expedition into junglesof Madagascar in which members of the expedition were taken captive by a tribe with limited contact tocivilization. Much of the expedition was slaughtered in ritual sacrifice until they came upon a member ofthe expedition who had contracted the cold before leaving for the trip. The tribe’s witch doctor made a teafrom the Common Cold plant and gave it to the sick man. The very next day the sick man was feelingbetter and the witch doctor then proceeded to sacrifice the man to the tribe’s goddess of good medicineTylenolarius.The last remaining members of the expedition were able to escape from the murderous, and primitive tribeby going to tribal airport, and booking the next flight to JFK international airport. With them they took asmany specimens of the plant as they could gather, and in respect to their deceased friends they sold themiracle plant to the highest bidder, and got paid beyond their wildest dreams.The pharmaceutical company then set up locations in Madagascar to procure more of the miracle plants.In the process they wiped out the primitive tribe that the expedition had encountered, and all the peacefultribes in the area, and overthrowing the government in a bloody coup that sent the country into a decadeof civil war.The pharmaceutical company then proceeded to produce a herbicide that would wipe out all Landisiumcura plants because it deemed it would not be profitable for the company to produce a cure for thecommon cold but a treatment. They succeeded in doing so, and also wiping out much of the flora andfauna of the island as an “unforeseen” consequence.
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My fiance and I are running for TAFF, the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund. As a fundraiser for the fund, we got together with our fellow candidate, Frank Wu, and organized a few auctions for the fan fund.I asked a number of authors I know to donate "Tuclerizations" to the auction - to offer to use the name of the fan who wins the auction in an upcoming novel or short story. I am very excited that Nalo Hopkinson is one of the authors who agreed to donate to this. I hope lots of people bid and pass the word on so it gets attention.The auction is here.
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Immortal 2nd edition is on Smashwords!

Hey BSFS Fam:Immortal has been converted into several types of e-books on smashwords, and is available for purchase. Here's the link: if anybody needs help getting their book through "the meatgrinder" (conversion process) I'll be happy to share my knowledge -- limited though it may be (smile).
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The Story of Eve/A War from Within pt. 6

African American actress Dorothy Dandridge also became a casualty of the so-called "Problem Era" (1940s-1950s). Like Hazel Scott, Dorothy Dandridge came to Hollywood with a successful singing career behind her. But she desperately wanted to be film star. By the age of 42, she would be dead.One of Dandriges's best know roles is that of "Carmen" in the Black screen opera Carmen Jones (1954). A flamboyant, passionate siren Carmen seduces Harry Belafonte and, after getting him into serious trouble, goes away with another man (Leab, 1975; p. 203).Obviously though Carmen Jones was marketed as new and daring it was really only a reworking of the myth of the Black woman as Jezebel, dressed up in a shiny new package. As the great James Baldwin observed, the movie, "leaned very heavily on a certain lack of inhibition taken to be typical of Negros" (Leab, 1975; p. 201).Just consider Carmen's opening musical number, which she sings while wearing as sexy an outfit as the production code would allow:Love ain't nobody's angel childAnd he won't pay any mind to you...You go for me and I'm tabooBut if you're hard to get, I go for youAnd if I do than you are through... (Leab, 1975; p. 206).Let's stop here for a minute and consider, if love's not an angel than what is she (he)? And why is Carmen taboo? The message of Carmen Jones, of all films with this type of symbolism, is that when one pursues love and sexual passion, one is courting disaster. This is the control mechanism of our culture --the mechanism that functions to keep men and women apart. At odds. At one another's throats.When I first sat down to watch Carmen Jones I thought: "How bad can this be?" Believe me, it's that bad. The acting is marvelous, as is the music, but Carmen is the lover from hell. She annouces in song that as soon as a man falls in love with her she loses interest: "once I got you...I go my way." (Carmen Jones, 1954). This alone is bad enough, but Carmen does more to "Joe" (Harry Belafonte) than seduce him and leave him. She convinces him to desert his military post, breaks up his engagment, and destroys his chances of ever going to pilot school.If controlling a "roaring sexy woman" (Woods, 1975) was the ultimate in male fantasy then the double crossing sexpot was that fantasy turned nightmare -- the nightmare of the incredible, insatiable man-eating p---y, and of male powerlessness: a nightmare that was played out again, again in Hollywood's dreamland.Copyright Valjeanne Jeffers-Thompson 1997, 2009 all rights reserved
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Passion leads inevitably to murder:it cannot be extricated from death.Passion will destroy domestic security,just as surely as domesticity will smotherit. There is no possibility of union, nohaving it both ways. One must chose.Either/or. Passion or home (Conlon, 1988; p.153).Passion is death. Or so said mainstream media during the 1980s. This why film characters were not allowedto enjoy sex without paying for it -- often with their lives.This is the virgin-whore mythology at work: the censorship of passion and sexual love in our culture. This is what is used to control both men and women -- to keep them ever pursing the nymph that can never be captured. And this censorship unites with racism and sexism to keep us apart from one another.There were many films this during the 1980 -- films like A Married Man, in which a mistress (whore) murders her lover's wife (virgin).Yet this mythic beast had many other disguises as it twirled its tenacles through our culture. One such guise was the beauty backlash (Wolf, 1991). The media has always used the fear of ugliness to control women. But during the 1980s, beauty became a national obssession. Popular culture taught women that to feel loved, sexual, to have a man, to have an orgasm they had to be beautiful: so said videos, films and magazines while cosmetic revenues soared.For men the attack was different:When aimed at men it's effect is useful inkeeping them from finding peace insexual love. The fleeting chimera ofthe airbrushed centerfold, alwaysreceding before him keeps the manalways in pursuit, unable to focus onthe beauty of the woman -- known, lined,familiar -- who hands him the paperevery morning (Wolf, 1991; p. 145).Copyright Valjeanne Jeffers-Thompson 1997, 2009 all rights reserved
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This charming composition is an example of Rap songs that became popular during the late 80s:Now do we love them 'hos?Hell naw!Why is that?Because you're Snoop Doggy DogAnd you never gave a f**k about a b**ch'Cause to you b***ches ain't s**t but 'hos and tricksBig Pimpin Snoop Doggy DogHence if political commentary was made, Black women were not active participants. They were window dressing -- like the cigars Rappers smoked, the gold wathces they wore and the cars they drove.Can the devaluation of Black women be separated from the media's attack upon all women? Can the Rap's glorification of Black-on-Black violence be separated from the escalation of crime in the African American community? I maintain that Rap is the figure against popular culture's background.Having said thus, I will say that Rap is controlled and censored by a music industry that gets to say which musician's tracks gets played most often (something my son Toussaint explained as "heavy rotation") or if they get played at all. And there are positive Hip Hop artists out there who stubbornly refuse to be bought out -- artists like NAS, Common and K-OS.Yet one cannot ignore the participation of various musicians in the cultural brainwashing of their own people, and I am reminded that during slavery there were slaves who sold out their own brothers and sisters. You feel me knocking?Copyright Valjeanne Jeffers-Thompson 1997, 2009
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2012- Brief Review & a Question about the Ending

Okay. First things first, this post is going to include a big phat SPOILER. So this is your official SPOILER alert. If you don't want to hear about the ending of this movie, stop reading, go away, get out of here now! After this however, abandon all ye hope! So...moving on...Saw this flick over the Thankstaking holidays, part of family ritual and my Pops loves this kind of thing. Wasn't going to see it because I just thought it'd be a silly blockbuster--even though the apocalyptic scenes looked great. But, I gotta admit, this flick wasn't so bad. As far as science goes--not to mention anthropology (butchering Mayan belief systems)--it was laughable. And the heroes defy the odds of imminent destruction so often they are evolutionary wonders. But, perhaps it won me over because I was surprised that they had a black character of depth (Chiwetel Ejiofor) who plays a scientist--not a military guy or the sidekick, but the actual brainiac. Yes there was a typical black president at the end-of-the-world (a running theme in Hollywood) but even he was given a differing role. What did annoy me about the movie was that except for the Chinese and Japanese, no other country populated mostly by people of color made the survival list. Even when they're saving "humanity's culture," it's the Mona Lisa and Michaelango's David that you see--nada else I can remember. There's an explanation for this a bit at the end, which fits nicely into the plot, that it's mostly the wealthy (and hence wealthy nations) that get to select who lives or dies. The "poor South" or "Third World," where most of humanity lives, is left to die in the massive upheaval--even if some of them are the smartest people on the planet, as is shown through a graphic scene in India. As for Africa--in what has become typical for these flicks, the entire continent does a disappearing act. Who doesn't remember Independence Day, when Africa is represented by two half-nude Maasai children walking through tall grass, to gaze at the wreckage of alien ships, not a hint of modernity about them. So just when I thought about the only thing directly from Africa in this flick would be the elephants and giraffes to be preserved aboard the "arks" with the fortunate few of humanity, the ending leaves a surprise.The only continent left on Earth is...Africa. And as the film ends, and pans away, the several hundred thousand survivors of the apocalypse are seen heading towards it, to begin anew. Following The Day After Tommorrow, where the survivors of the "First World" are sent scurrying to live in dependency on their once scorned neighbors of the global south, this is the second apocalyptic flick with this theme.So here's my question--what the heck happened to Africa? Was there upheaval there too? Was it "wiped clean" of it's inhabitants so that others could come settle? That's a disturbing thought rife with colonialist sentiment. But then I recall, the images they showed of the continent had familar swaths of green, which would be vegetation that could not have survived the floods that consumed the rest of the planet. So does this mean Africa went mostly untouched? Did most of its population and culture and ecosystems survive? And will the continent now have to contend with the arrival of the most recent colonizers of what is left of the industrial world? That'd make for a heck of a sequel--"2013- The Scramble for Africa." Fanfaction anyone?Your thoughts if you got em'...
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"The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house." Audre Lorde ( from Yearning bell hooks,1991)Hip Hop was born during one of the many nadirs of the modern Black experience, just as the Spirituals were born during slavery. During the mid-70s through the 1980s as Reganomics took hold the rage, pain and frustration of Urban American gave birth to Rap. "When you're all wrapped up and frustrated you gotta try and get it out..." (Jazzmatazz, 1993).Certainly this was not unique to the Black experience. During slavery African Americans sang Sprituals: the code of the Underground Railroad. And Black Folks created the Blues: the cultural mother of Jazz, R & B and Rock n' Roll. This Blues homespace spoke through the powerful, throbbing Mississippi voice of Muddy Waters declaring manhood in an age where all Black men were "boys" and women "gals."Sitting on the outsideJust me 'n my mateI made the moonCome up two hours lateWhatn' that a man?Mannish Boy Muddy WatersFrom these roots, Rap evolved as the voice of the poor, the outsider, the imprisoned and built a homespace in America's urban ghettos. It is this voice one hears in Queen Latifah's rhythms-- the voice of a Sister standing her ground in a society where women of color have always been third best.The ladies will kick it, the rhythm is wickedThose who don't know how to be pros get evictedA woman can bear you, break you, make you...Ladies First, Queen Latifah (Tricia Rose Black Noise 1994)It is this voice one hears in GURU's vivid portrait of povety and crime in New York City.This is a New York Transit thingDon't wear too much gold and hide your diamond ringsAnd don't smile at anyoneCause people out here like to travel with handgunsTransit Ride GURUYet during the late 1980s, Rap began to mutate from a movement fueled love of Hip Hop to a multimillion dollar industry moved by love of the almighty dollar. And as the music industry took notice of Hip Hop's money making power, rappers became less concerned with speaking the voice of social commentary and more concerned with who's the biggest gangster, who has the biggest gun and the most money. Hip Hop devolved and Black women's voices were both silenced and distorted.Mainstream media is notorious for it's sexist imagery -- scantily clothed women are used to sell everything from chocolate candy to automobiles. Thus Rap only mirrors popular culture. Yet I doubt that there has ever been a movement in the history of America, except during slavery and Reconstruction to rival Rap's debasement of Black women. We have been looked upon as whores, b-----es, golddiggers etc. with no other value than as sexual commodities by Black men -- we, women of color, who already struggle in nation that renders Black and Brown women at best invisible (Pope, 1991-1992).Copyright Valjeanne Jeffers-Thompson 1997, 2009 all rights reserved
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