(c) 2 September 2012, the Griot Poet
"We want our country back!"
The question is: back to when; to what?
Gil Scott-Heron rests in peace
Yet, his piece "B-Movie" might as well be prophesy,
Predicting a looking forward two-faced like the Roman Deity Janus: facing forward while looking back at least to last week (or, our own anus),
To a majority utopia existent only in your Amygdala fear-driven reptilian minds...
Descendants of migrants from Europe to Plymouth Rock and Ellis Island
Dependent on newer ones from Africa or Central America as servants until the PIE: performance, image and exposure, has to eventually be upturned in 2042 when you are no longer a numerical majority.
The White House, so named in 1901because it was easier than “Executive Mansion”
Became a symbol of what you’d refer to as American Exceptionalism
And like fascism, cloaked it in a flag, and carrying a cross.
So, while you’re still culturally “the boss”
You're willing to put out obfuscations and outright lies,
Whacked-out conspiracy theories on falsified birth certificates, death panels, “he’s going to take away our guns,” “secret-Muslim-in-the-church-house-Resurrection-Sunday,” etcetera’s,
Voter ID cum Diebold voter purge cum 21st century poll taxes...
**********In a February appearance on The Daily Show, Bruce Bartlett (former Reagan Economic Policy Advisor), said "Frankly one of our political parties is insane, and we all know which one it is.'
"They have descended from the realm of reasonableness that was the mark of conservatism…"
"They dream of anarchy, of ending government.''
Bartlett argues a new radical right in the Republican Party will oppose anything - even good conservative policy - if Democrats agree to it.
Tell me: since when did obliterating the 8th commandment constitute a "family value?"
Or, running from your own policies because your opposite tries to reach consensus constitute reason and governance? Sounds like tyranny…
You rail against gays and lesbians, yet have them prominently in your Grand Old Party, for one (no, two): George W’s reelection campaign manager and Dick (Darth Vader) Cheney’s daughter and her companion.
Hell, Rush Limp-bah had Elton John perform at his fourth “traditional marriage” from-the-previous-train-wrecks wedding ceremony with notably his beau from the UK in tow.
(And Rush: we THANK YOU for practicing good birth control/safe sex and not procreating!)
Let’s not forget: Newt-the-scoot’s blood sister,
You blithely dog whistle at the tin edges of racial insurrection, yet think yourself a big tent because you have Condi Rice and Allen West? Keep ‘EM!
And when disturbed minds take your wit as holy writ resulting in a congresswoman’s recovery from a murderous attempt, or your pundit’s caustic rhetoric causes an abortion doctor’s assassination in a house of worship, you’re quick to quip: NOT ME!
If you have an argument, voter ID cum Diebold voter purge cum 21st century poll taxes is completely unnecessary.
The electorate in a representative democracy votes rationally, not like text-in adherents to American Idol.
No wonder you ride the train of “limited government,” by which you mean:
- Education
- Police protection
- EMS and Fire Departments
Or, the very bedrock of representative government
Because your avarice Mammon billionaire gods can afford that,
(And wonders why the rest of us can’t)
Kissing butt on Scrooge McDuck is the height of idolatry (and hypocrisy)
And idiocy to the “trickle-down” fantasy
You listen to lobbyists outnumbering you five-to-one senator or congress member
And you can’t remember
Any promise you made beyond the grace of their campaign donations
To “protect and defend The Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic”
And have the “Audacity of Dopes”
To not see
That enemy
Is in your own