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Sci-Fi Just Got Interesting...


Rise in Excellence...

Afro-Futurism attracts the forces of creativity...making Science-Fiction realistically Sexy. According to the Principle of Gender, everything participates in sex and everything has gender. For a long time in your experience of Science Fiction, you have rarely been exposed to what the act of sex should engender...until now...

Ask yourself how many Sci-Fi Novels you know use 

sex as a means to actually reproduce life, intentionally, and as a means of healing...only in Afro-Futurism...only at: 


Sci-Fi just got interesting...order now!!!Rise in Excellence...

Afro-Futurism attracts the forces of creativity...making Science-Fiction realistically Sexy. According to the Principle of Gender, everything participates in sex and everything has gender. For a long time in your experience of Science Fiction, you have rarely been exposed to what the act of sex should engender...until now...

Ask yourself how many Sci-Fi Novels you know use 
sex as a means to actually reproduce life, intentionally, and as a means of healing...only in Afro-Futurism...only at: 


Sci-Fi just got interesting...order now!!!
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The Pendulum and Dimensions...

Discover Magazine

While most of us take gravity for granted, physicists have a big problem with it. Their beef: As forces go, gravity is implausibly feeble. (Try asking a physicist why a kitchen magnet can pick up a paper clip even though the gravitational force of the entire Earth is pulling the clip down.) In 1999 University of Washington physicist Eric Adelberger heard a lecturer offer an intriguing explanation: Perhaps gravity only appears weak, because it operates in additional spatial dimensions beyond length, width, and height. These extra dimensions would be imperceptible in our macro world but might have a detectable influence on gravity at scales of less than the width of a hair.


Discover Magazine:

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"A Career on the Fence"...

Dr. Mark J. T. Smith

...in quotes because I did not come up with the title/clever double entendre.

Elizabeth Pain, July 27, 2012: With the 2012 Olympic Games set to kick off in London, Science Careers decided to have a chat with electrical and computer engineering researcher and former fencing athlete Mark J. T. Smith about what it's like to combine science and serious sport. Smith served as head of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, West Lafayette, in Indiana, for 6 years and is now dean of the university’s graduate school. Smith was the national fencing champion of the United States in 1981 and 1983 and a member of the U.S. Olympic fencing team in 1980 and 1984. He carried the Olympic torch toward the opening ceremonies in the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, one of the last torch-carriers. The following highlights from the interview were edited for brevity and clarity.
What attracted me was not only the diversity, but that fencing is similar to my martial arts activities (30+ years and counting). My father started me in western boxing, then I gravitated to Kung Fu, Japanese/Korean Karate, Silat and Jeet Kune Do. I'm currently studying [a type of fencing in] Filipino Kali. As I recall, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson used to wrestle, among other social activities. If you know a 'nerd,' they're not usually one-dimensional, tied to their video game console, nor inept at social skills.
Besides, for the less evolved of the species, it's good to have some mastery of defensive skills.
More of the interview, and the relation science has to fencing:
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Applied Physics...

Credit: TheRoot

Well done, Gabby! Smiley

LONDON (AP) — Make it a pair of Olympic gymnastics gold medals for Gabby Douglas, who added the all-around title Thursday to the one she won with the U.S. team two nights ago at the London Games.

Douglas became the third straight American to win gymnastics’ biggest prize, taking the lead on the first event Thursday and never really letting anyone else get close. She finished with a score of 62.232, less than three-tenths ahead of Viktoria Komova of Russia. Aliya Mustafina won the bronze.

I wanted to seize the moment,” Douglas said. “It hasn’t sunk in yet. Team finals hasn’t sunk in yet. But it will.”

Douglas brought the house down with her energetic floor routine, and U.S. teammates Jordyn Wieber, McKayla Maroney and Kyla Ross jumped to their feet and cheered when she finished. Douglas flashed a smile and coach Liang Chow lifted her off the podium.


TheGrio: Gabby Douglas' Gold Medal Winning Performance
TheRoot: 16 Black First at the Olympic Games

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Black Dynamite...the cartoon...the disaster

Remember when they were hinting about having one.  Then you saw the movie and the hot animation  and was like, hell yeah...make that animated series.  I waited patiently for this to come about.  Then you saw it was coming up on adult swim and was like oh man...can't wait....

And then you saw it....and then you saw it....ahhh yeahhh....

What can I say...What can you say....I was really disappointed...I'll tell ya why...Hold on..Don't rush me...

It didn't have the same feel as the movie...Black Dynamite was too damn serious, no change in the expression that you loved in the movie....Shoot...I thought it was just me but no one is talking about it...............................................................

With all the things I thought could be done with the story line...

What's your take?  Do You have one? Do ya even care.

That's what I got...Signing off...And not matter what I love ya and there's nothin you can do about it...

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Black life superheroes ( BLSH ) are part of the broader, media-labeled real life superhero ( RLSH ) movement while also being apart from it in some instances.  

Civil rights activists who faced down state-sponsored terror from the first captive African who rebeled on these shores to epic change agents in the mid-10th Century are all BLSH.

Unlike our great peers who commute into our unsafe, need overrun inner city, Black life superheroes either come from these desperate places or have family still imprisoned within them.

BLSH isn't about separatism- it's about defending your community alone
and alongside any good person who comes to help!

If urban crime could create the great fictional Batman the real life inner city should be over run with caped crusaders???!!!

Black life superheroes ( BLSH ) are the community caped/cape-less crusaders Black America has been waiting for to save the inner city from within!

We have no other choice.

Famous BLSH of our era include Martin Luther King; Malcolm X; Rosa Parks; Nelson Mandela; Clarence Thomas, etc.

Notable BLSH you may not readily know include:

James Farmer, whose 1966 March Against Fear
is something every creative activist should


Fannie Lou Hamer, whose Mississippi
Freedom Democratic Party pushed voting

rights under threat of death.

Medgar Evers, Mississippi NAACP field secretary assassinated
June 12th, 1963 to silence him- which didn't work!

Herman Wrice, " the John Wayne of Philadelphia " whose white hard hat and bull horn closed many crack houses across America.

Joe Clark, the no-nonsense high school principal immortalized
by icon Morgan Freeman in the 1989 hit movie, " Lean On Me "

Black life superheroes ( BLSH ) started out fighting external enemies. Now the enemy is alot closer to home!

Nadra Enzi
Cap Black Anti Crime Activist

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082.

nadracaptblack@gmail is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my citizen patrol efforts which support civic duty and due process.

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Don't want to start no mess, but then again.......but I will say don't shoot the messenger. You know how selective we can be in searching the Internet. We steer around the knuckleheads, dingbats and the weirdos as fast as a mouse click. And then I came across a researcher named Joseph Atwill who has shocked the bejibers out of me. Said the New Testament and other biblical books were entirely or partly written by Josephus Flavius and/or his family. Well, in any case all you folks who claim Hebrew origins plus that the bible is your book, you need to weigh in. But the real sticking point is what happened to all the various parties involved between 60 AD and 325 AD. The Roman government, the Hebrews, the so-called Christians, and the Jews (distinct from the Hebrews). To think a family of Jewish/Roman aristocrats who were also wordsmiths, concocted a tale that has deluded the whole world for 2000 years. The idea was to make a passive Jewish hero to stem the tide of a militaristic Hebrew culture that would not bow to Caesar (the god). The end result was a compromising Israel, Hebrews killed and scattered and the birth of Christianity (the Roman religion).

This would be simple if Rome didn't have a habit of looting and burning libraries across Europe and North Africa. All non-Rome supportive literature had to go. So there is a huge vacuum of recorded histories for that time period. But it just so happens that the Flaviuses one of whom is Josephus, just happens to be the Roman govs chief historian. What?, he wrote the battle plan into the text of the NT (as an autobiography and prophecy), then recorded the play by play (the wars of the jews)!! And some aftermath stuff to boot.

The power of the story upon the unassuming masses? OK check out Joseph Atwill's 'Caesar's Messiah and the True Authorship of the New Testament. Both downloadable as PDF files. One thing is a story as a tool of control even to the empire level. The other thing is the truth hidden and misaligned. You are suppose to have blind accepting faith, unquestioning, unwavering, the Caesar said so, he after all is God in the newer part of the book. But the Jews who left Jerusalem and fled into Africa and only have the Torah even after all these years, are they.........? who said a pen is mightier than a sword? or was that the s-word?

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Reducing CO2...

Climate Lab

With a series of papers published in chemistry and chemical engineering journals, researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology have advanced the case for extracting carbon dioxide directly from the air using newly-developed adsorbent materials.

The technique might initially be used to supply carbon dioxide for such industrial applications as fuel production from algae or enhanced oil recovery. But the method could later be used to supplement the capture of CO2 from power plant flue gases as part of efforts to reduce concentrations of the atmospheric warming chemical.

In a detailed economic feasibility study, the researchers projected that a CO2 removal unit the size of an ocean shipping container could extract approximately a thousand tons of the gas per year with operating costs of approximately $100 per ton. The researchers also reported on advances in adsorbent materials for selectively capturing carbon dioxide.

As much as I want to "stand up and cheer": technology has never been the issue. Do we have the political will to carry out - in this climate (pun intended) - such an audacious enterprise? Capturing CO2 from the air could mean things like: jobs for those suitably prepared. But, for those invested heavily in the science or the lobby pro/con climate change, it announces [to me] an inevitable fight, that in our effort to score "sound bite points," that by the time any compromise is reached, we all in the end may lose.


Georgia Tech Research News: Reducing CO2

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NASA Mars Science Laboratory

Today (25 July 2012), the Mars Science Laboratory's terminal descent sensor is being checked out in preparation for Curiosity’s entry, descent and landing. The sensor is a radar system that is mounted on MSL's descent stage. Following separation of MSL's heat shield at an altitude of approximately 5 miles (8 kilometers) and a velocity of approximately 280 mph (125 meters per second), the sensor begins collecting data on the spacecraft's velocity and altitude in preparation for landing.

Sometimes, I think we forget we're still exploring deep space, with the eventual goal of manned missions to at least Mars for starters.

Some proposed ideas I've heard in the past: terraforming the Martian atmosphere with - smog, of all things - to warm it up a bit for human habitation, an ironic positive effect of warming a planet, i.e. if we can control it.


For more on the countdown:

NASA - Mars Science Laboratory

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Pores are Pores...

A snapshot of a helical stack of macryocycles generated in the computer simulation: anl.gov

Scientists have overcome key design hurdles to expand the potential uses of nanopores and nanotubes. The creation of smart nanotubes with selective mass transport opens up a wider range of applications for water purification, chemical separation and fighting disease.


Nanopores and their rolled up version, nanotubes, consist of atoms bonded to each other in a hexagonal pattern to create an array of nanometer-scale openings or channels. This structure creates a filter that can be sized to select which molecules and ions pass into drinking water or into a cell. The same filter technique can limit the release of chemical by-products from industrial processes.

Argonne National Laboratory:
Synthetic nanotubes lay foundation for new technology

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Quantum Dots and Cells...

From the article:

Physics Central

Quantum Dots

The study of quantum dots began in the 1980s. Quantum dots are very small amounts of semiconductor material (nanoparticles) whose size affects the allowed energy levels of the material. The electrons of the material usually reside in the lowest band of energy levels called the valence band. When the electron absorbs energy it is excited to a higher band of energy levels, levels called the conduction band, leaving behind an empty spot known as a hole. When the electron returns to the lower valence energy level it emits energy. How far apart the valence band and conduction band are depends on the size of the particle. The size of the particle controls what is known as the confinement energy, Figure 1. This means that the size of the particle can be used to control the different types of light the particles absorb and emit. Quantum dots have been created that absorb ultraviolet light and emit all of the colors of the rainbow depending on their size, rather than just what it is made of.

Quantum Dots and Cells

How does the quantum dot make a neuron fire? When a quantum dot is excited by light shining on it, it becomes polarized so that one part of the material is more positive and the other is more negative. This in turn sets up an electric field, which can interact with a neuron or other cell of interest. How strong that interaction is depends on how close the polarized quantum dot is to the cell. The closer it is, the stronger the interaction. The strength of the interaction also depends on the type of ion channel on the cell membrane. If the field set up by the quantum dot is strong enough, it can cause the ion channels to open and a transfer of ions out of and into the cell. For a neuron, this is "firing" the neuron or switching it on.

Physics Central: Quantum Dots and Cells

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I'm trying to get away from vendor lock-ins, which includes the kindle. I want to be able to have access to my e-books locally not just in the cloud. I want to be able to use any variation of software or device to read my favorite sci-fi and fantasy books. The Ideal file format would be .epub. I have begun my search for a viable replacement for Amazon's kindle book store. The problem is that none of my favorite titles from the folks here are on these new sites? What's going on people? What gives? How many of you make your books available to more than just people with a Amazon or Barnes & Noble account? I really would love to continue reading great stories from you all, but I won't continue to buy my books from Amazon. Here are some sites I'm going to; kobobooks.com ,ebooks.com , and epubbooks.com. I hope to see your publishings there.

Wikipedia: Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, theme, or setting.

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when are we in the future?

I have struggled my whole life to get a livable wage, secure the american dream and a decent retirement. Things have "went south" as they say. Was thinking of my dependency on all the systems and materials promoted my whole life long to make retirement as comfortable as when I had a good job. Then I started talking to ones a tad bit ahead of me and ones retired for a while, I am no longer optimistic about retirement. I am actually thinking about home scale garden plots, solar energy, wind energy, greenhouses, micro-farming, urban villages, all the ways to use technology to sustain life without sharecropping on the "grid". Supermarkets sell engineered and prepared foods to our bad health so that the healthcare industry is booming. The media is so mind-bending and mind-blending today, an indigenous culture is become an odd throwback. Jobs today require so much education only the poor can afford to ignore it. Don't worry, in the future we will have figured it all out so that every person can push the button. Er, ah, what's does this button do?

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Cures and Caveats...

"Nanozyme": IEEE Spectrum

Researchers at the University of Florida (UF) have developed a nanoparticle that has shown 100 percent effectiveness in eradicating the hepatitis C virus in laboratory testing.

That sounds good, right? I do admit, I kind of bristle at claims of 100% efficiency, since in nature...that's supposed to be unachievable.

Of course, this is a long way from becoming a treatment anytime soon. A major caveat is that the use of nanotreatments for the targeting and destroying of abnormal cells like cancer cells is always problematic since those cells are “still us”...meaning we've got to have an "off" button for these critters! They might be a little too efficient.

So too, ignorance is not only bliss, it's easier than sifting through research that we're only mildly interested in. A "Google search" is about the BTUs we're willing to expend to understand (I'm not claiming expertise either, just healthy curiousity).

The author would like to retire the phrase "nanobot," as pointed out some of humankind will imagine Matrix Armageddon and a future of gray goo!


IEEE Spectrum: Nanoparticle Completely Eradicates Hepatitis C Virus

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McKenzie Files. Book 1

The United Protectorate is under attack by the reptilian race known as the Brelac. The Brelac’s bloodthirsty onslaught brings forth the creation of the genetically engineered Humanoid weapons known as Reploids. These Reploids are the perfect weapon. They are the identical copies of real Humans that have been captured, killed, cloned, embedded with powerful psionic based abilities, and programmed to kill for the Brelac. They are untraceable as they blend into Human society.

Colin McKenzie is a second generation Reploid planted in the Protectorate military. When he turns on his commanding officer in an attempt to protect a shipwrecked band of Brelac soldiers, he is captured and reprogrammed along with two other arrested Reploids to serve the government that they were created to destroy.

A dark alliance between the Brelac and the separatist organization Vendetta looms over the Protectorate. The balance is upset when the traitorous Doctor Howard Fenlow, the scientist who is the very creator of the Reploids, manages to produce a weapon powerful enough to bring the Protectorate to it’s knees.

And there are only three that can stop it.

Order from Amazon.com books. And Barnes and Noble.com. Or click on the link below to order from the publisher.
Paperback version, $10,99. E-Book Version. $2,99.

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Good evening fam :) If anyone would like to purchase print copies of Immortal and Immortal II: The Time of Legend, I'm having a sale: Immortal & Immortal II for $20. Individually: Immortal will be selling for $10 and Immortal II: The Time of Legend for $12.


So hit me up here or at sister24moon@gmail.com. And you can always visit my site.




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Our beloved comic book culture, as fans and for some. superhero theme activists, was used as a back drop to commit mass murder inside an Aurora Colorado movie premier of ” the Dark Knight Rises. “

Americans and world citizens who love this medium should look deeply into unfolding events and resolve to use one of its core values, individual vigilance to enhance public safety, to help people better secure what’s always been society’s soft under belly: theaters; malls; stores, eateries, etc.

Members of what media calls ” the real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” now have a golden opportunity to put aside petty squabbles in the face of a masked assault embodying the worst villainy of fact and fiction. Their use of superhero imagery can assume new seriousness in wake of this tragedy.

The Free World is being tested these days. From domestic crime to foreign terrorism free people are being battered by angry dissidents and worse. Those who enjoy comic books unbridled freedom and the few who even take this to the streets should unite to pump new life into tired appeals about being vigilant in public.

Whether this shooter is a loner or part of a plot our beloved comic book culture nonetheless has preached awareness against sudden evil from its inception. We ( meaning fans and activists ) shouldn’t go spastic and stage embarrassing fan boy pr exercises or misguided vigilantism as clumsy attempts to calm a frightened populace.

Using our beloved comic book culture as fans and activists to creatively high light the need for real life vigilance will be more than enough.

Our fictional heroes and heroines once again have shown us the way.

Whether we use their example to make horrible facts like this movie massacre history remains to be seen.

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims; their families and nations wondering if anywhere is safe anymore?

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082. nadracaptblack@gmail is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my citizen patrol efforts which support civic duty and due process.


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It was all the rage after a year of sweating it out with jobs and kids. Taking a vacation was a right of spring, especially after the ultra cold winter and blistering summer. Seems a waste to dwell on all this now. The sky is permanently etched by clouds and gray, greenery has receded like the hairline of a young man whose genes betrayed his good looks. People have left the cities for the endless shanty towns that connect them. A simpler life we all thought. What we got was chaos and disrepair.

They were all over the city, quonset huts on stilts, no windows, no apparent door. Mega-tek used to be an on-line video retailer. People still wanted theater experience but with mistrust and terrorism we avoid the old dark palaces and crowds. Mega-tek devised these self sustained video huts, you rent the key and help yourself to an eye-full and a mind-full. Mega-tek is a huge, self sustained complex in the city. They have access to every video footage on the planet. At least that's what I heard. No one goes to the city anymore, who's running the show? I don't know.

I found a key while rummaging for coupons, that's todays currency. The key is a coin shaped disc about the size of a quarter and twice as thick. Has the logo and instructions in texting script. Walk under the unit, stand on the spot. The place is on the edge of town, somewhat desolate. I stand on the spot beneath it's stoic form, a small light greets me. I watch an overhead trapdoor slide away and the earth at my feet raises to meet it. Needless to say I am scared. I come up into a ring of lounges surrounded by a ring of screens.

I sit and the screens burst into life, cartoon like instruction, commercials, offerings of syn-food refreshments. I just cried out, 'what happened to us?' All went dead at first as if putting all kidding aside. Then one by one each screen took it's turn retailing history. I don't know how long I was in there. I was OK but out side things were worse, it seems. Maybe it was because of all I saw. Some virtual vacation I said. I took out the coin looked at it again, it read, 'toss it for someone else to find.' I can't go back, I've been changed...................This story clip inspired by this equipment storage unit construction picture off the net.

Old sketch from old 'knowtbook' of a livingroom suite that could apply to this story.

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