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Last year I watched the best superhero movie I’d ever had the pleasure of seeing: The Avengers. Very recently I finished reading a book that if turned into a live action movie would be a sweeping effects laden spectacle on par with-even exceeding the Avengers. The Omega Nexus, by Roger Reece and Peter Reece, centers around a young man named Ty Slade who discovers that he is an Ascended, a human being with extraordinary abilities. Eventually, circumstances force him to reunite with members of a group also possessing Ascended abilities. The group, called the Omega Nexus, is led by a brilliant scientist, Dr. Brown who, during the Cold War, worked in a secret government program tasked with creating super soldiers. His former partner turned enemy, General Lassiter, controls an opposing organization bent on using Ascended persons to conquer the world.
From there, the action is fast, furious and uncompromising. The superhero/villain clashes explode from the pages with an intensity that brings to mind episodes of Justice League. Omega Nexus is a fun page-turner with the promise of more sequels to come. I’ll be waiting!
In 2011, an analysis of data from a NASA Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope turned up massive, previously unseen galactic structures. A group of astrophysicists located two massive bubbles of plasma, now know as "Fermi Bubbles," each extending tens of thousands of light-years, emitting high-energy radiation above and below the plane of the galaxy. The structure spans more than half of the visible sky, from the constellation Virgo to the constellation Grus, and it may be millions of years old.
Now, more recently, in 2013, astrophysicists Dan Hooper of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Tracy Slatyer at Princeton University, have published a study suggesting that a massive outflow of charged particles from Fermi bubbles, as they are known, outflows of charged particles (gamma rays) traveling at nearly a third the speed of light from the center of the Milky Way galaxy, may be partly due to collisions between dark matter particles that result in their annihilation, and the subsequent creation of the building blocks of visible matter—charged particles that appear as two lobes or "bubbles," above and below the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Another possibility includes a particle jet from the supermassive black hole at the galactic center.
Daily Galaxy: Colossal Bubbles at Milky Way's Plane --"May Be the Annihilation of Dark Matter"
I see a lot of people using Daz Studio to create African characters to put in their stories or use as illustrations for books, book covers, comic books, etc. In this Daz Studio 4.5 tutorial by Keith D Young you will learn how to put together a basic 3 point lighting set-up that will enhance your 3D renders of Daz characters to make them look more realistic and dynamic.
This is a BASIC Tutorial that is suitable for beginners, though some advanced users may find it helpful, because not only will you learn HOW to create the light set, but you will also be shown WHY this will make your renders better.
This is NOT the definitive lighting tutorial, but you WILL find in it a way to create a great base to start from to enhance the quality of your Daz 3D renders.
I also show you a really cool Photoshop trick to really make your 3D renders appear to jump of the page. Enjoy!
P.S. Please let me know if you're interested in more tutorials of this type as I can create a COMPREHENSIVE 3D video tutorial series that will help all you Daz artists out there take your renders to the next level!
P.S.S. Please let me know how much would you be willing to invest in this type of training?
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An artificial atomic nucleus made up of five charged calcium dimmers is centered in an atomic-collapse electron cloud (Image courtesy of Michael Crommie) |
The first experimental observation of a quantum mechanical phenomenon that was predicted nearly 70 years ago holds important implications for the future of graphene-based electronic devices. Working with microscopic artificial atomic nuclei fabricated on graphene, a collaboration of researchers led by scientists with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California (UC) Berkeley have imaged the “atomic collapse” states theorized to occur around super-large atomic nuclei.
“Atomic collapse is one of the holy grails of graphene research, as well as a holy grail of atomic and nuclear physics,” says Michael Crommie, a physicist who holds joint appointments with Berkeley Lab’s Materials Sciences Division and UC Berkeley’s Physics Department. “While this work represents a very nice confirmation of basic relativistic quantum mechanics predictions made many decades ago, it is also highly relevant for future nanoscale devices where electrical charge is concentrated into very small areas.”
Crommie is the corresponding author of a paper describing this work in the journal Science. The paper is titled “Observing Atomic Collapse Resonances in Artificial Nuclei on Graphene.” Co-authors are Yang Wang, Dillon Wong, Andrey Shytov, Victor Brar, Sangkook Choi, Qiong Wu, Hsin-Zon Tsai, William Regan, Alex Zettl, Roland Kawakami, Steven Louie, and Leonid Levitov.
Originating from the ideas of quantum mechanics pioneer Paul Dirac, atomic collapse theory holds that when the positive electrical charge of a super-heavy atomic nucleus surpasses a critical threshold, the resulting strong Coulomb field causes a negatively charged electron to populate a state where the electron spirals down to the nucleus and then spirals away again, emitting a positron (a positively–charged electron) in the process. This highly unusual electronic state is a significant departure from what happens in a typical atom, where electrons occupy stable circular orbits around the nucleus.
Berkley Lab News: Long Predicted Atomic Collapse State Observed in Graphene
I am ever on the lookout for good black characters in the world of comics, animation and video games and today I stumbled across a great article about the black female protagonist in the PS Vita game Assassins Creed 3: Liberation.
This interview with Jill Murray, one of the writers who worked on the game, discusses the origins and the process behind creating this complex heroine of French and Haitian descent.
Link to the article - http://kotaku.com/5987083/this-assassins-creed-heroine-is-a-great-black-game-character-heres-how-it-happened
Check it out, then let me know what you think! :-)
Every couple years I dust this story off and see if there’s anything I can do with it. I wrote Peter and the Little Boy Eater for a correspondence class I was taking (Children’s something or other) way back in ’98 or so. It’s gone through several iterations, including an almost complete rewrite after I lost the revision I was happy with.
But every time I sent it to an agent or a publisher, I always got a rejection. I never got a specific reason why, but it never went anywhere. Yesterday, while out with my ladies, we stopped at Barnes and Noble. We were in the children’s section and I was walking around with my daughter when I spotted the book, I Need My Monster. My wife and I both read it and the first thing that popped into my head was, ‘Hey, this might not be a bad place to submit my children’s story to’.
After getting home, I opened it, read it over a little, got on Flashlightpress.com’s website and looked over a few of their titles. Even though Monster seemed in the same vein, I wasn’t sure about mine because it’s a rhyming children’s story. But what do you know, they have a book titled, That Cat Can’t Stay and it’s told in rhyme! So I’ve already sent this off as of Sunday night and hopefully I’ll hear something positive in the next couple weeks.
Some interesting developments in tonight’s episode. How many times did you think the very thing that couldn’t have happened? That either Rick or the Governor would shoot the other person. There’s much too much that needs to happen before either man kills the other, but that eventuality shouldn’t have come as a surprise for a show that’s known for surprises. I do have to revise what I think is going to happen: the Governor is going to be killed by a woman, but the question is who?
- Maggie- sexually assaulted by him, still seems to be in shock somewhat.
- Michonne- the favorite as she probably would make it hurt the worst.
- Andrea- she has the best chance considering she’s the only one who has any kind of window of opportunity that doesn’t involve a preceding hail of bullets.
If there’s justice, it’ll be Maggie. Michonne already got his eye and Andrea, although she’s seeing things a lot more clearly, needs to come off as wishy-washy still for the sake of the show. I think the war will happen, the crew that Rick kicked out the prison will be involved, and two to three core cast members will die. Maybe Hershel because he’s living on borrowed time anyway, right? Or Carol, I mean, now that she won’t be midwifing for anyone, what’s her purpose? We already had someone without survival skills get on a learning curve and that was Andrea. And if she dies, that leaves Darryl someone else to pine after and further drives a wedge between him and Merle (if Merle survives, that is–which he won’t).
But don’t be surprised if the Governor is still alive come the season finale. He may yet have more harm to do.
Check out Jay Rauld's The Prophet
The Internet spawned many an unusual technology but none as strange as the Death-Web; a way to allow users to communicate after death with notations, salutations, benedictions and predictions pre-programmed before a person died; a message-in-a-bottle through Time.
Its early adopters were people who knew their impeding time drew near and wanted to leave data-rich missives to loved ones. The terminally ill found it to be of great comfort knowing they could leave messages on anniversaries, birthdays and other important milestones.
But like all things internet others soon found unexpected uses for the idea and began leaving predictions of the future, sometimes of technology, others of faith, some of war and occasionally a well-connected master gardener or farmer might leave a local almanac of planting seasons.
Eventually, it found followers among the technorati who wanted to have an opinion about everything even if they had already died. The technorati and futurists predicted technologies decades into the future and configured the Death-Web to release them upon their death. Keyword algorithms would release their predictions either on the date they were programmed for or in concert with news from active data streams indicating their prediction had come true sooner than expected. To be fair, most tech pundits weren't good at prognostication, but as more of them passed on, that changed.
Living wills were composed on the Death-Web with pre-programmed videos of people mooning hated relatives and leaving vast fortunes to a favored cat or dog. Cuckolded husbands were told off by browbeaten wives, dark secrets revealed to angry children who could no longer take revenge on loathsome parents. As terrible as these things seem, beautiful things were left as well. Graduation videos, songs for anniversaries, still-living eulogies delivered by the Dead at their own funerals.
The Death-Web grew along side the internet, a morbid shadow mimicking life so well, after a while, it began to have an existence all to itself, with predictions for everything from weather, to the stock exchange, world politics and even celebrity gossip. Ten years of Oscar predictions and the Death-Web was always better at picking movies than the living were.
At some point the Live-Web and the Death-Web began to share information, at first tangentially, communication with the Dead were marked as such. Then invisibly, without fanfare, without people being made aware, the Dead were again, among the living. Software algorithms were written which could take an existing stream of social media and extrapolate from the Dead's living stream of choices what choices they might make of new things and ideas. These Amalgams of the social media of a now Dead person, could continue if they chose, to share, curate, and even hold limited conversations with the Living.
Then people began to realize something strange. Not that this wasn't already strange; something really strange. The Dead were right more often than the Living about almost everything.
No one was sure why this was true. Was it a side effect of people only willing to be honest when they had no stake in the game? Were people who knew they were going to die, revealing secrets they would never tell anyone while they were alive? This was a talk show subject of statistical debate for nearly ten years, while the Death-Web grew larger and more accepted worldwide. As families continued to support and pay for services for the Dead, programmers began creating software for the Death-Web at the same rate as any other environment. Companies started developing and harnessing infrastructure for this aberration-turned-engine of prediction.
And then, in a series of events, a group of stockbrokers joined the Death-Web unexpectedly. No one would have noticed them except for their social media streams right after their deaths, predicted an epic crash of the stock markets. All of them. They were dead when their predictions were seen but they had been written while they were alive. At least at first. After their buffered accounts had emptied, their accounts continued to predict the market with alarming accuracy. The source of these predictions could not be ascertained, the only thing known for certain was their accuracy. Soon their calls of collapse were being re-shared, repeated, even cast as news among the Living. And as the market reacted, confidence teetered. Something needed to be done.
Tech-seers, who managed the accounts of the Dead, sought out tampering because before this trinity, predictions were accurate but sporadic. The stopped clock metaphor was liberally applied. The Stockbroker Trinity's predictions were not a single event but a stream of events which predicted the slow transformation of the economy and the eventual failure of commerce from a single series of purchases of stock. They told who would make the stocks buys, why they would, and what the result would be. The Tech-seers found no explanation and repeated the mantra "The Living guess, the Dead know" and continued in their work. Their research revealed no tampering and yet these three brokers would consistently predict the stock market for the next two years. After their deaths. Accurately. In a way no living person had or could. They became more successful in death than they ever were in life.
The government monitored the Death-Web much like they did any other social media network. Initially, no one considered anything said there to be of any import, but as time progressed, the Death-stream was a better predictor of human behavior than anything seen before it. Local skirmishes, the next meme, the next great celebrity, the Death-Web was a form of social consciousness, un-tethered from the meat which once created it, unconstrained, un-repentant and alarmingly accurate. No one was ever able to take credit for its capabilities, and once the Deathstream software was ubiquitous, freely given away on the Internet, it was unable to be stopped. It has become a network unto itself.
When the three brokers and their attendant social media streams predicted the market more accurately than living economists, this was not lost on national security agencies, which made every effort to find the companies involved in their predictions and quietly derail their corporate structures in a effort to prevent the impending economic collapse. Their efforts were successful and the predictions of the three brokers, for a time were broken. The Trinity was dead. Again.
The CEO and the board of directors of the corporation upon whom the blame was being placed for this barely averted collapse were killed in a plane crash in the Swiss Alps. Though the outcome was considered tragic, the problem was resolved to the satisfaction of the three-letter agencies worldwide.
The stock market did not collapse and the Death-Web, now behind closed doors called the Seer-web, had proven its value as a potential tool of social management. For another decade, Humanity and its data shadow moved in step, one arrogant in life, the other truthful in death. And three-letter agencies everywhere trembled in fear; for what can you hold over the Dead to keep any secret?
The Last Divide © Thaddeus Howze 2011. All Rights Reserved
working on this survey for an article I'm writing. Please feel free to fill out.
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Figure 1: See link for descriptions |
While quantum mechanics is by now a well-established theory, it nonetheless still fascinates both newcomers and experts alike with unusual phenomena. The paradox of Schrödinger’s cat and the subtleties of the two-slit interference are timeless classics. Another less-familiar quantum effect, the oscillations of neutral mesons (bound states of a quark and an antiquark), has also intrigued legions of physicists for nearly sixty years [1]. These mesons oscillate back and forth between particle and antiparticle states. The theoretical ideas underlying this behavior involve concepts that are woven deeply into the history of particle physics. In Physical Review Letters, the LHCb Collaboration has now reported [2] the first significant single-measurement observation of oscillations in the neutral D -meson system.
American Physical Society: Viewpoint: Observing Matter-Antimatter Oscillations
“Zuri, the flesh must be divided evenly.” instructed Leena, pointing to her too generous cuts of the meat given to them by the recently returned warriors.
“You mean less the largest portion which goes to the Queen.” The young woman stopped cutting the flesh in front of her, took a deep breath and started dividing the portions already cut into smaller pieces.
“I hear she doesn't even eat it.” said another.
“She doesn't. She says the meat from wild beasts smells bad. I tell her that it's all of the meat we have now. She just drinks the muthi and makes me take the stew away most days– I give it to the those in need of it.” said Olufemi.
“You give it to Wasswa.” teased Nia as she walked by Olufemi carrying a basket full of fruit that somehow she had to divide between so many.
“We give the best to the King's family while the people are starving. It isn't enough and it never is.” said Olufemi.
“You can ignore me all you want Olufemi but I see the way he looks at you...and you he.”
“He is a warrior and I am a servant, bound to the king and his family. These eyes wander no further than the Queen's izindlu.” said Olufemi without looking up from her task.
“We do as we are told and we are lucky to have this much meat. The days of hunger will end and we will have rain again. King Nkosana has shared this from the ancestors, that we will suffer for a short time and the Kishnu will kneel at our feet. It is prophesy!”
"Yes, Leena of course." said Olufemi, nodding her head in agreement.
“Leena, you are old and sound just like the King. Do you have any thoughts that are your own? I'm tired of the prophesy and I want to eat everyday. I'm tired of hearing about the ancestors, what about the living? Why can't we till the soil or go fishing in the sea for ourselves? Why must only Nkosana provide?!” asked Nia for the third time since the last rain.
Without a warning, the elder cook rushed to the girl, raised her right hand up above her, landing it across her left cheek with so much force the girl staggered backwards. All of the others stood where they were, speechless. The young cook's pride alone was enough of a dam to keep tears from her face. She raised her hands to the left side of her face for a moment, then dropped them and faced Leena as if she was ready to strike her back.
“Nkosana comes from a line of kings too great in number for you to count, child. He has always provided us with food even when the land refuses. We don't have to sweat in the hot sun or suffer the dangers at sea like Kishnu women – faces painted black, climbing trees,weapons in hand like men, with not a trace of themselves left recognizable, except for bosoms. Your tongue is a young child running ahead, beyond the reach of your father's spear, into the jaws of a lion. Our duty is to prepare the food given to us by our king. Never again let Nkosana's name pass your lips unless followed by praise or gratitude.”
Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.
The saga of the Osguards continues in Malcolm Dylan Petteway's third book in the series, Osguards: Armageddon. And what a thrill it is! The author truly turns it up a notch. Book One chronicled Laurona and Nausona Osguard's Earthbound experiences prior to the founding of the Universal Science, Security and Trade Association of Planets. In Book Two, war continues to rage between USSTAP and its implacable enemy, the Kulusks. Armageddon rips away the curtain to reveal the shadowy, driving force behind the Kulusk's war on USSTAP: the Tuits, a warlike Amazonian race that rules over a domain far larger than USSTAP. When these two mighty polities clash, the universe itself is ripped asunder in a horrific welter of bloody conflict that will see entire star systems washed away in a broiling tide of destruction. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Tentacles of intrigue weaves fluidly through this tale, extending from the top levels of USSTAP authority to a White House administration thirsting for the benefits of USSTAP technology.
There are heroes and villains in this book, but the heroes are flawed and the villains' motivations bear traces of nobility. The excitement the author delivers in this third installment is threefold. Osguards: Armageddon is a delectable read that will leave you, as it left me, wondering what the author will have in store for us in Book Four. I can't wait to find out!
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Ars Technica |
The first lunar base on the Moon may not be built by human hands, but rather by a giant spider-like robot built by NASA that can bind the dusty soil into giant bubble structures where astronauts can live, conduct experiments, relax or perhaps even cultivate crops.
We've already covered the European Space Agency's (ESA) work with architecture firm Foster + Partners on a proposal for a 3D-printed moonbase, and there are similarities between the two bases—both would be located in Shackleton Crater near the Moon's south pole, where sunlight (and thus solar energy) is nearly constant due to the Moon's inclination on the crater's rim, and both use lunar dust as their basic building material. However, while the ESA's building would be constructed almost exactly the same way a house would be 3D-printed on Earth, this latest wheeze—SinterHab—uses NASA technology for something a fair bit more ambitious.
Ars Technica: Giant NASA spider robots could 3D print lunar base
“You will be torn apart by bullets or teeth.”
Now if you don’t see the huge parallels between Rick and Morgan, then you’re not paying attention. Two fathers, two husbands, two men who should have kept their families safe, both failed or failing.
Morgan is Rick (he’s also the Governor, but more on that in a moment) which means he wears the weight of responsibility for the people around him. I imagine Rick would have been very much the same way had he lost Lori and Carl. He’s halfway to being like Morgan having only lost his wife. And it’s all so important to remember what Morgan said when he saw Rick’s face. You’re wearing a dead man’s face. That’s just another way of saying he’s seeing a ghost. Just like Rick currently is.
I have to amend my predictions a little here. Now that we know the shooter is Morgan, don’t expect they’re partying ways with tonight’s episode to be the last we see of him. Morgan is going to be the person who saves Rick. When he said that Rick would die, that the good guys die and the bad guys die, but weak people like him survive, that’s a bit of foreshadowing. Expect Morgan to play a part in the resolution of this season. With Morgans ability to make traps and his plethora of weapons, Rick’s group is going to be pinned down and just wanted looks like they are on the verge of being overwhelmed, Morgan will arrive.
He will save Rick from death and trade places with him. Morgan will either kill the Governor directly or setup the circumstance which results in his death.
The real question is, who will the Governor take with him?
I repost this poem from time to time to remind myself of why I write... and because I love it :). Namaste Fam!
(for my man Quinton Veal, my children and my beautiful, beautiful writing famiy)
With blood beating at my temples
and horizons beckoning for discovery
land, magical strange taboo
waited for my pen
Miles and Coltrane's nightingales
awoke to trill of moonbeams
and desire
Zora,Langston and Octavia whispered: "We waiting
on you, you better create worlds..."
That's I when I knew it was time to speak
rivers-- funky motifs
rip a piece of soulful sinew
Sweeten it
Season it
cry loud my passion
And shards of gold flecked violet
split the air with sound and fury!
With laughter, love and tears
I touched my lips to them
breathed life into these spirits
freed them to walk across
the page
In that hour liberation found me
In that hour I embraced her
And gave voice to my writing hand
Copyright 2009 Valjeanne Jeffers
Published in Liberated Muse: How I Freed My Soul Vol I
Available at http://www.OutskirtsPress.com/LiberatedMuse
All you have to do is go to www.razorlinepress.com, click on any post and respond with, "Yes, I'd like a free copy of The Prophet." Make sure your email address is included because that's what I'll be using to send it to you as a gift through Amazon's website.
Greg is a reporter who is about to get the story of his life. The Prophet, an elusive figure who makes predictions about disasters has just tapped him to do an exclusive interview. Except Greg's not really a reporter. Two minutes before entering his apartment, he didn't exist and when he meets the Prophet he finds out his true purpose- to kill the Prophet. But killing someone who is near omnipotent isn't easy, in fact, it takes more than one try even if you get it right.
The Prophet is a half horror, half weird, half comedy that will leave your jaw fully dropped by story's end.
No,” the Prophet materialized out of the flashes- shoeless, in jeans with ragged cuffs and his hands stuffed in the pockets of a grey hoodie. His beard hung to his knees, but it was edged at his cheeks and jawline. Locks of hair spilled out of his hood, trailing down to mid-chest. If it weren’t for the eyes, he’d look like a hippie-ish twenty-something. But those eyes held the ancient stare of the bug-fucking nuts. Greg realized this person had the same face, but this wasn’t the man he’d seen earlier in the shower.
“Where?” the Prophet said.
“The guy… y’know, the one standing right there.”
“I don’t see anyone.”
Blue walked over and grabbed Greg by the shirt sleeve, giving it a good tug. “He’s right here.”
“No. Sorry, I see nothing but you making the international sign for jerking off.”
“Wha—oh.” Blue sounded embarrassed and let go of Greg’s shirt.
“I knew Anthony was up to something.” The Prophet scratched under the corner of his lip. He looked in the general area where Greg was. Greg was glad those eyes couldn’t find him. “Did he send you here to kill me? He should have told you I can’t die. I am not a man.” Somebody giggled. “Shut up! You know what I mean.”
The Prophet reached up with both hands and made tight fists around his eyes. He grimaced, a single, strangled cry coming from his throat as trickles of blood ran down his cheeks. He yanked his hands back and Greg saw empty holes where his eyes used to be, blood flowing freely from the empty spaces.
“Gather closer, children,” he said. They all pulled in tight around him and he began reaching out, feeling their faces one at a time.
“Too big… too squishy…” he mumbled as he passed each one by. “I really should have done this part first.” Finally, he settled on a face that seemed to be to his preference. A short, fox-headed man looked nervously right and left, but his body went rigid. He seemed to be struggling, but didn’t move.
“Now open your eyes… wide.” Fox-head reared his head back, but it was a far cry from the distance he needed to get away from the Prophet. He made small, grunting noises as the Prophet raised his hands, turning them so his thumbs were poised directly over his face.
He plunged them beneath Fox-head’s eyes, working his hands like he was trying to work twin combination locks with only his palms. Fox-head’s mouth was pulled back like he wanted to scream, but no sound came out. Everyone was silent. The only sound was the dual squelching as Fox-head’s eyes were being plucked out.
It probably only took seconds, but they stretched on forever as Greg watched Fox-head’s bulging eyes being extracted from the sockets.
They finally came free and he collapsed, his limbs curling up to his torso like a newborn baby. His mouth hung open in agony, but still he didn’t scream.
Greg didn’t know how long he stared at the manimal on the ground, but at some point the Prophet had put the new eyes in his own head.
“There you are,” he said, looking at Greg and wiping the trails of blood off his cheeks with the backs of his hands. He pointed a gun finger at him and fired. “You’re dead.”
Greg felt a flash of white, pain more intense than anything he’d felt in his life and then it was gone. He looked down and saw a perfectly circular hole in his chest and stomach that he guessed went all the way through. Something warm and red squished around in his socks. He looked up at the Prophet, wanting to ask a question, but the words were suddenly a million miles away.
He collapsed.
“Now that that problem’s taken care of, let’s get Neil out of my forge.”
“It’s Harry, master.”
“Whatever. Just get him out. I’ve got a schedule to keep.”
Greg lay on the ground, listening to them talk and mill about. It surprised him that he could listen to anything at all, unless this was supposed to be the afterlife. But then he opened his eyes and looked at his hand and then he began drumming his fingers on the dirt.
“Would somebody scoop that thing up and feed it to something?”
Feet moved closer to him and then two pairs of arms lifted him half to his feet.
Greg raised his head and saw the Prophet surveying the pit.
“You have everything you need,” Anthony had said. Greg wondered at that, but quickly realized he had the solution to his current problem.
He opened his mouth, moving his lips and waggling his tongue. Despite having no lungs, he was trying to speak.
The words came out, but they were thick and unintelligible. But loud enough that the two people-things holding him heard and most importantly, so did the Prophet. He turned and let his hands slide from the small of his back.
“What?” the Prophet said. He had a look of dumb shock, so Greg repeated.
“I said,” Greg began and cleared his throat, “you’re a pizza.”
Evidence of a minuscule force that could exist between two particle spins over long distances could be lurking in magnetized iron under the Earth's surface. That is the conclusion of a new study by physicists in the US, who have used our planet's vast stores of polarized spin to place exacting limits on the existence of interactions mediated by unusual entities such as "unparticles".
The intrinsic angular momentum, or "spin", of a particle gives that particle a magnetic moment, and the interaction between spins generates magnetism. A ferromagnet, such as iron, becomes magnetized when the spins of some of the electrons in its constituent atoms line up, while quantum mechanics tells us that the magnetic force between spins results from the electrons exchanging "virtual" photons.
Some theoretical physicists have suggested that other, as-yet-undiscovered particles might be exchanged virtually and so give rise to new types of spin–spin interaction. In 2007, for example, Howard Georgi of Harvard University proposed the existence of unparticles, which would have the unusual property that their masses would scale with energy or momentum.
Physics World: Search for 'unparticles' focuses on Earth's crust
A fun, loosely-related embed from "minute physics":
Hey, folks!
After talking for awhile with some of you guys in the chat area, I've learned that some of you are aspiring video game makers. In case you didn't know, there is a LOT that goes into making a successful video game, so much that you could fill chapters of books with all you need to know. And we're not talking about knowledge of coding or game writing software. This is where the web show, "Extra Credits" comes in. Hosted by game designer James Portnow, animator Daniel Floyd, and artists Allison Theus and Elisa Scaldaferri, this show tackles the deeper issues of video games and video game design, like understanding your audience to tailor your game for them, content, dialogue, etc. It has been around for about 3 or 4 years now, and has amassed quite a library of shows on a wide range of subjects in the interest of gaming and game design. Here is the link to the current library, found on PATV, an offshoot of the popular webcomic, "Penny Arcade."
If you have any aspirations towards video game design, then you owe it to yourself to watch this show. It's presented in a rapid-fire, funny, and insightful manner, and these guys are very knowledgeable about the subject. Hope you enjoy, and you're welcome! Happy gaming!
For some reason I cant get the video to appear, but heres the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WThSnniic2s