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The Priestess Returns in August....

The Priestess returns in August and she has her hands full with a new goddess and the growing power of the now teenaged Little Fish! If all that wasn't bad enough a troubling vision and the meddling of the mischievous God Qatula will lead to no good. All will be revealed in 'The Priestess: A Time for Finding One's Place'.

All Hail the Priestess!

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Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas

My palindrome post: 868.

A fathom (abbreviation: ftm) = 1.8288 meters, is a unit of length in the imperial and the U.S. customary systems, used especially for measuring the depth of water.

On a voyage to New Orleans down the Mississippi, steamboat pilot Horace E. Bixby inspired Twain to become a pilot himself. A steamboat pilot needed to know the ever-changing river to be able to stop at the hundreds of ports and wood-lots. Twain studied 2,000 miles (3,200 km) of the Mississippi for more than two years before he received his steamboat pilot license in 1859. This occupation gave him his pen name, Mark Twain, from "mark twain," the cry for a measured river depth of two fathoms. (Wikipedia)

Today is my 50th birthday. I was born on a Tuesday, the day before a full moon.

So in celebration of living half a century in reasonably good health, I depart from physics ever so slightly. Mark Twain apparently loved science and technology, balancing friendships with both Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison (the AC/DC war rivals).

"My boy: you are a thinker," I recall my father saying to me. I do think on things deeply, and sometimes pour into paper/cyberspace what I don't think to say publicly or personally.

I am Ronin. I am also Giri. I say that with some sadness, chagrin, satisfaction, double entendre and satire. I do not say it, however with regrets.

Living half a century does give one the licence to look back on the achievements and mistakes of one's life, and consider the lessons learned.

Plus, as I age, I am using the licence to not care what others think about how I apply those lessons...Smiley

Vicomte de Valvert: Such arrogance, this scarecrow. Look at him! No ribbons, no lace, not even gloves!

Cyrano de Bergerac: True! I carry my adornments only on my soul, decked with deeds instead of ribbons. Manful in my good name, and crowned with the white plume of freedom.

"The soul that is within me, no man can degrade." Frederick Douglass

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Rigid Flexibility...

Post title: 1st heard in US Air Force; title of Google e-book: "Rigid Flexibility - the Logic of Intelligence,"Pei Wang, author.

John Maynard Keynes, when accused of being inconsistent, said, "When I get new information, I change my position. What, sir, do you do with new information?"


* * * * *

The poorest people in the world face additional hunger as the price of staple foods soar.

The growth of crops in 2012 has been badly affected by drought in the US and Russia and prices have risen 50% since June.

According to a report about the hike in food prices, from the international agency Oxfam, 40% of US corn stocks are currently being used to produce fuel.

The US Renewable Fuel Standard mandate requires that up to 15 billion gallons of domestic corn ethanol be blended into the US fuel supply by 2022.

The chairman of the world's largest food producer is highly critical of the rise in bio-diesel.

Peter Brabeck-Letmathe of Nestle says crops produced for biofuel use land and water which would otherwise be used to grow crops for human or animal consumption.

His comments have ignited discussion about the second generation of biofuels.


BBC: New biofuels offer hope to hungry world

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Plenty of Room at the Bottom...

Physics World: Probing Single Atoms

Quote for the post title from a talk given at Cal Tech by Richard Feynman.

Researchers in Japan are the first to have succeeded in detecting single atoms using X-ray spectroscopy. Although a difficult technique, the work is an important step forward in studying and characterizing nanoscale structures and devices using X-rays.


Previous work in this field has largely focused on using electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) to detect single lanthanide metal atoms and light atoms like carbon. However, EELS can only be applied to certain elements thanks to the high-energy beams used in this method that can damage samples. Nobel metals, such as gold and platinum, are also difficult to detect with high sensitivity using EELS – a major drawback when it comes to investigating meteorites, catalytic clusters or anticancer drugs, where only a very small number of noble metals are looked at in any given sample.


Physics World: X-ray spectroscopy detects single atoms

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view future

I guess one can only draw from what one has seen to project into the future. With me it was art history. They tried to teach that the Greeks were the main thrust of civilization. Then a remedial English class, the subject, "the utopian novel." These were the two threads, a material culture exemplified by architecture, then how a society was meshed with it. We are conned to think these strains are evolving. Society has improved, fell back, improved, sided off, come back, not changed. Architecture has changed with the glaciers, very slow. Then, we all are stuck with structures (the ones we live in) till we die. Corporate buildings may look like spaceships but the humble home looks like Paul Revere lives here. We are lost in home recycling, flipping, rehab, remodel, retro and don't let me go off on building codes. Incremental advancement by adding on to lingering presidents. Architecture to glorify what has become of the Greek strain. Not me? Huh! What kind of columns hold up your porch? Probably the same as the ones holding up the courthouse, hmmmmmmm!

Reality smacks hard, how many Black Architects can you think of? What of the buildings they built? Do they show off the ingenuity of a Black civilization or are they an add on to the Greek matrix? Paul Williams was the Hollywood man in the 30's - 50's, he was very, very advanced. I myself met the Madison brothers, Julian and Robert, in the Ohio area. They are heroes to me.

Back to the future, the humble implements of a material culture for us is summed up in the stuff we own as we move from place to place. I have moved many times. Even when I bought a home the thought was this is temporary, not really mine. I did not design this or build this. You see I lived also in the home my grandparents built. They had this way of ignoring the shortcomings of what they had done. They knew all the corners and the squeaks and quirks. It suited them. My life there was fix and repair and finally the bulldozer. The developers fixed up the old hood. It looks like any suburb in Ohio......same old.

If a fancy custom home is built it is an anomaly, but what if that were the standard and the whole neighbourhood was that way. Who would be bold enough, (probably wealthy enough), to forsake the past to embrace the future in reality, a material culture. First one on your block to buy a greenish car, good luck! You oddball whacko bag recycling ingredient reader. Hey fool compost this!! This is changing.

As I said before, towers of glass and steel pale to the potential of the steel shanty towns. Because it is a peoples architecture on a human scale, it's honest. Add to this the quonset barns and cargo containers. Who doesn't want to turn a rustic barn into a home or is not awed by the space within an aircraft hanger. Our first words are usually is it safe in a storm, does the wind seep through? We see the container's insides and go hummm, I wonder.

So in the spirit of the utopian novel, what if we give up the gabled roof, wood constructs and reminders of a romantic past for adventure of a new material culture? Not so much mix of old and new? What kind of people will we become if we embrace the future?

I see the picture of a modular home factory (lots of wood working tools), building a standard wood house. Flip to the modern car factory with robot welders, imagine them building modular home units instead of cars. What an industry and the variety of options available all ready to be welded onto the frame in factory or on site. Deco skins, thermo skins, solar skins, stiff and flexible, neutral and colored and panels able to take a bullet or a sonic blast. Strong as steel yet supple as tissue. What about decor, folks still need rest, whither sleep or stasis, standing or planking. You turn on your GPS to set your destination and your neural-net displacement generator (the geeko zombi unit, $19.95) puts your mind to rest, yet your feet walks or jogs till you get there. Talk about sleep walking! No need to ask how I got here, also great for sleep learning.....! Protection, the matrix app will have you master martial arts while in the zombi state. The jump suit has detachable sleeves, trouser leggings and hoodie, has full kevlar micro-mesh and sonics to keep away predators. If the zombi state persists beyond the units up time, you are having a near death experience, see your doctor immediately.

The future, you write but also it is foretelling of a possible material culture. This is the stuff of sci-fi. Madame Walker invented the straightener and then the wave maker, that's a metaphor...makes your hair stand on end, lol.......


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1st Nanowire Logic Gate

This is huge! Dopants require introducing impurities with high temperatures and energies. This should, in theory, have some impact on the final cost (though with all the functionality, I think they'll find a way to charge top dollar). However, it does make it more "green tech" in a sense...and reduce the cost of industry OSHA compliance. Again, I am enthusiastically hypothesizing; dreaming future jobs.
Technology Review

Silicon nanowires are one of the great hopes for electronic devices of the future. Unlike features carved using photolithography, nanowires are easy to make on a nanometre scale. Electronic engineers hope to use them for everything from optoelectronics to biochemical sensing.

But there's a problem because at the nanometre scale, the electronic properties of silicon can depend on the precise location of only a few dopants. That's difficult to control and causes wide variation in device performance.

Consequently, nobody has been able to make reliable diodes, transistors or logic gates out of silicon nanowires.

Today, Massimo Mongillo et amis at the Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, in France demonstrate a way out of this conundrum. These guys show how to fabricate diodes and transistors from undoped silicon nanowires and how how such devices can be wired together to make logic gates.

Technology Review: First Logic Gate Made From Undoped Silicon Nanowires

Physics arXiv:
Multifunctional Devices and Logic Gates With Undoped Silicon Nanowires

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MAS Media Studios is an independent publisher established back in 2007 by three guys who wanted to bring something to the comic book world that was more than just super heroes in tights. A few years back we were able to print a small run of a graphic novel entitled Street Journal. The book sold well so we decided to reprint the novel with a larger print run and a new dynamic cover. To do so, however, we need your help.

What We Need & What You Get

We are looking to put together $1000 and we are almost at our mark! This will cover printing costs, paying an artist for a shnazzy cover and a promotional budget to be able to raise awareness of the project.

As a contributor, you will receive great perks that include original artwork, unique laminated prints, sketch cards, and if that's not enough, we are also throwing in the  limited edition first prints of the graphic novel signed by the crew!

The Impact

Street Journal is unlike any other comic book in that it gives a real portrayal of one young man's push to build a new life for his two year old daughter. Each person has an obstacle to over come, Tyreke Miles becomes that literal living testament and for many, we believe a symbol of hope. Through your contributions, our goal is to print and release this book so that young indivuduals can be inspired to find their own purpose inspite of their environment and push on. Plus, it's a fun read.

Other Ways You Can Help

Now, we do undesrtand that some people may not be able to contribute at this point in time, but that doesn't mean that you can't help.

Help us spread the word by either word of mouth or directing people to this link. You can also follow us on twitter @MASMediaStudios and @tyreke_miles and friend us @ our website- or on facebook @

Thank you for your support and contributions! Read MAS!
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We now have a much clearer idea of how American astronauts will get into orbit in the coming years.

Nasa has selected three companies to help develop launch systems that can take people to the space station.

They include the SpaceX firm, which recently sent an unmanned cargo capsule to the 400km-high outpost.

But agreements have also been signed with aerospace giant Boeing and the Sierra Nevada Corporation. The latter has a design for a mini-shuttle.


BBC News: NASA announces space shuttle replacement shortlist

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from the attic

No, seriously the attic. We are the repository of my mother-n-laws things after she passed away. Among the books are several volumes of Ladies Home Journals from around 1889, Outline of Jewish History from 1890 and a small tattered book of Aesop's Fables from 1831. I like to see what they wrote about the Jews and if there are a diff between Jews and Hebrews (they don't say with emphasis, but they do say), so much word slinging about history these days.  The Aesop identity crisis a problem? No, but if truth be told there is a context, a point of view and a perspective (African or Greek), but also I think Aesop was the spook who sat by the door (an African in the Greek culture) perhaps.

Damn, logistics and semantics skewers the mind with riddles of reason and motive. The thin veil of pen names, pseudo-names, aliases, ghost writers was a popular way to air an opinion from a distance while standing next to your enemy, smiling at him, cheers! Lite bard anyone or did Shakespeare really get his name into the King Jimmy script. Just joking or serious jesting, the classical tales were, plays of ridicule, contempt and unyielding satire, that's entertainment.

Ooh, what's all that laughter down in the village? A play about a king's weird ways and all the king's men are in on it. The king slips in incognito (wearing his royal plain brown wrapper hoodie), sees for himself, is enraged. Get my scribes, write me a refute, a rebuttal and find me a scapegoat. If he hits the big time hang him, if not shoot him, we'll sell his name later in a retrospective. Either way I will have my say. Can you trust the writings of the past, is the hero the archetype, the worship target, the I want to be like Mike? or the YOU WILL BE LIKE MIKE or lose your miserable lives in the playoffs (battlefield). The village knew all along it was the king, he has the hoodie but didn't jack his pants every 3 minutes as is the standard interval in the hood. The next play, king2 the sequel. In the village tabloid, "king's pants jacked by valet crew."

I'm picking the book up in my attic, reading it as if it were truth, I don't know better. Good story, seems historical, sound wisdom, I could run my life by this. I am not the illiterate masses of the pass. I don't have the stage as my means of receiving the common thought of the day. The thought scripts pour in from every media from every source. Still, I don't question much. It doesn't matter if it is pseudo or not, "it's the written word, it must be true!" And Washington had wooden teeth, no his teeth were as brown as wood. There is so much concern when I seek the truth these days.

Next the story about a planet of super humans saved by it's only non-super resident.

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Rise in Excellence,

We must constantly keep in mind the program that automatically runs anytime we think of Sci-Fi. Our world is has many construct of thought and it is important to recognize, given our genetic and spiritual make-up, that we have our own unique expression of energy and habits. Although everything is truly one, it does not have a be under the perception of one culture which claims it is uniting everyone as free individuals.
With that being said, within the realm of Sci-Fi, when I speak about technology, I will mostly be referring to elements of the body and nature synchronized (although they are never apart).
Let's look at downloading an essence or force. OR EMBODIMENT.
Through chanting and visualization, we can download, an essence or force into our bodies and take on the characteristics. In many of our cultural expressions, you will see statues, carvings or pictures in stone with these downloadable programs. Today they have the same thing in the form of webinars, DVDs, YOUtube, etc...
Keep in mind that the less involvement with external machinery, the more involvement there is of you. It is not a strange nor new idea. We do it all the time in life, taking upon elements of another person, animals, insects or even objects. And when it comes to art and what was left by our family (what many call ancestors), we are embodying not only the concept but the energy of the words spoken about the concept that inhabit the air and the ethers (akashic records).
In Renpet, Serqet is pushed to her limits and calls upon Sekhmet, the eye of Ra, power manifest, a lioness, fire. All that animates the power needed to serve justice and all that animates justice unchecked. Derived from the sound (word) sekhem coupled with the 't' sound to represent feminine energy, its closest expression would be chi or ki or prana, energy as a definition falls short due to the lack of hue-man involvement and connection to intelligent spirit.

Here is an that excerpt from Renpet:

My anger’s escalating into rage and my body’s temperature
is rising immensely. I sense a primal force released
in my body at a cellular level tearing through any restraints
held in place by my mind. Actually, my mind shifted from
a state of clarity to a reckless craving for justice and would
not settle down until it was satisfied. The serpent recognizing
this drastic rise in sekhem decided to feed off whatever
it could from me. Nevertheless, it was too late, I
reached such a high level of rage that whatever it took
from me would not diminish my strength. The mere
thought of the serpent thinking it could absorb my
sekhem only further excited me.
Brutal thoughts of crushing Apep are filling my mind.
I am going to pummel it, revel in its helplessness and then
devour it. I’ll call upon Sekhmet’s consciousness and do away with this intruder.
The howl from the pit of my gut spiraled to the top of
my head giving me a charge of ecstasy. My trembling
hands grow heavy with the increased circulation of blood
and sekhem running through them. Where did that blinding
red flash come from?
“Do you want it? The power to crush your enemies?
The ability to bring order to chaos?”
Sekhmet is calling out to me. The stinging in my eyes
makes it difficult to see much less focus on her whispering
voice. What’s that? What is this red orb glowing brightly
in front of Apep and myself?
Ughh! I guess Apep squeezed my body tighter more so
out of fear than attacking me.
“The power is yours for the taking. All you need to do
is embrace me and I will breath in the spirit of Herukhuti
into your lungs.” Sekhmet urged me, goaded me with her
feline seductiveness.
She did not literally mean to embrace her but rather to
accept her, be open to her spirit entering my form. Her
voice is so alluring I can’t help but to do as she offered.
The touch of her lips to my nostrils is so welcoming. The raw sekhem carried in her breath fills my being with vitality.
My thoughts feel flushed of all doubts and replaced by
a burning desire to triumph over my ordeals. This primal
part of me roaming freely throughout my limbs urging me
to grind my teeth is exhilarating. Running my tongue over
my canines I can feel their increase in length and razoredged
sharpness…it sends tingles down my spine....

Find out more about Renpet at:!renpet-excerpt/c1mg5excerpt/ce6j
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Hello everyone,

I pray all is well. After three long years, many late nights, and many hours of hard work, it is a blessing to announce that my first comic, Lightweightz: The Anthology Part One is now available for purchase! It's a 35-page pdf, and it's only $2! You can learn more about the comic and purchase it by checking out the links below. Soon I will be sending a follow-up e-mail with a trailer for the comic as well as a press-release in case you want to post it on your blogs/websites, and know of any individuals and websites to send it to. 
Purchase from my website
What people are saying so far...
Want to know what people who have purchased the comic are saying about it? Then check out the link below:
What I'm aiming for...
Initially my primary goal was to just see the project through to completion, and I didn't care too much about how many copies I sold. I figured that since there are many comics out there for people to choose from, and given that this is my first release, it's best to keep my expectations very modest. While I'm not in this to make money, I've recently had a change of heart. It is only through the God's grace that this comic came to be, so there's nothing wrong with trusting in that same grace for the comic to do well. So I'm looking to sell anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 copies at the minimum. If I only sold one copy I would be good (although thank God for me already surpassing that goal, lol!), but why not step out on faith?
Where you come in...
There are many ways you can help support me in this goal, and support what I'm doing in general. If you did one of these I would extremely grateful. If you did more than one, then I would be even more grateful than that, lol:
(1) Pray for me/keep me in your thoughts.
(2) Purchase the comic.
(3) Let others know about the comic and what I'm doing through sharing links to my website ( and Facebook Page ( within your networks.
If you want to know more about the idea behind R-Squared Comicz and Lightweightz...
Here are a few resources to learn more, including two interviews I was fortunate enough to be asked to do:
About me (and before you say something I know, I need a new picture, lol)
...and that brings me to the end...
That's all I have for now, and thanks for taking the time to read through this e-mail. Until the next update, take care, and have a blessed one!
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We Are All Sikhs...

Sikhism message of love

After 9-11, the French newspaper Le Monde had the title: "We Are All Americans"; "Siamo Tutti Americani" in Italiano. Suddenly, we'd become Israeli, Egyptian, Irish, British, Roman et al: a long list of countries that suffered terrorist attacks.

Two weeks after Colorado, we're here again: 6 souls versus 12; worship versus movie premire; peaceful immigrants versus Sci-Fi Action fans.

I list here some of the tenets of the Sikh faith. I ask if this, their color or culture, is reason to attack a house of worship, as if there is ever any good reason for violence:

1) One Source
One God is the Creator of the Universe.

2) Equality
All human beings are equal
People of all religions and races are welcome in Sikh Gurdwaras.
Women have equal status with men in religious services and ceremonies.

3) Human Life Precious Above Other Life
The human life is supreme and it is through this life that we can achieve oneness with God's will. Finding God in this life and living by his commands helps us to attain God's mercy.

4) Defending Against Injustice
Sikhs are a peace loving people and stand for Truth and Justice Guru Gobind Singh Ji said, "It is right to use force as a last resort when all other peaceful means fail."

Wikipedia: Sikh beliefs
About: Top Ten Sikh Beliefs
CS Monitor: Why US Sikhs Have Feared Attacks for More Than a Decade

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We Are Earthlings...

Curiousity Rover: NASA

NASA: Curiosity, the car-size, one-ton rover is bound for arrival on Mars at 1:31 a.m., EDT on Monday, Aug. 6.

The landing will mark the beginning of a two-year prime mission to investigate one of the most intriguing places on Mars.
Curiousity has landed!

NASA: Curiousity Lands on Mars
NASA2: Mars Exploration Program
JPL: Infographics
MSL: What to expect from first photos

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Start-Up Moolah...

The Superconducting Super Collider in Waxahatchie, Texaswas supposed to be where we'd discover the Higgs Boson. My wife's cousin was employed as an engineer there at the time before the budget ax. Thus, CERN and the Large Hadron Collider got the honor of discovering what gives mass well...mass.

Peter Higgs will likely get the Nobel Prize as will the researchers that confirmed his theories; Europe will become a Mecca of particle physics and science research. That will impact their educational curriculum, pedagogy and how they prepare their students to meet the demand of a complex world, learning how to problem solve, a skill becoming bereft in the US relegating evolution to "just [a] theory," the earth to 6,000 years old and the universe much younger despite the knowledge of light speed and the time it takes images to travel vast distances.

It is doubtful our relationship with money, politics and budgets will change in the foreseeable future. Fights in the echo chamber also known as "The Hill" will never get to a place that moves us forward as a nation, almost guaranteeing a stratified educational system that soon will not be able to produce talent beyond the usual privileged suspects, nor compete on a global level. We are soundbite-driven and jingoistic to inanity, fiddling as a modern Rome burns.


Unlike Star Trek, we won't evolve to just do science research for the greater good.

Such fantasies will be the providence of poets...and Trekkies.

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Sci-Fi is Dead...


Sci-Fi is Dead...
Simply put, if there is an absence of Afro-Futuristic thought in Sci-Fi, then Sci-Fi cannot reproduce life...only duplicates. In fact,  although Sci-Fi is alive itself, it cannot produce anything that is a duplicate of a structure/construct already created by nature.  Without a basis for creation to stand on, then of course, what can be created. That basis  is Afro-Futurism.
What is Afro-Futurism?
One that is very apparent, is the fact that people of 'Afrikan Ascent' are not represented well within the Science Fiction Genre. With good reason...Currently Science Fiction does not possess the terms to adequately describe our expression in the art-form. 
Through my writings, I work to take my readers out from the metal and experimental banks of Sci-Fi into the forest of organic awareness of exodus.
Our perception will be changing very rapidly...

Renpet - An inexperienced inter-dimensional being is thrust into the chaotic lives of a group of reckless young adults who survived the globally cataclysmic changes of The Great Year. With barely enough skill to keep herself from being swept by their psychologically and spiritually crippled minds...Can she keep them together long enough to realize the true cause of the dramatic transformation of the world's population into one heavily pigmented race? 

N Eternity Reclaimed - A cosmic being, Neith, uncovers forgotten secrets on a hostile planet of giants. Neith finds herself forced to deal with decisions she made during the eons she spent as a warrior...the death of her son, the transformation of her husband into a malevolent beast... and the attacks by a planet that wants to kill her... Can she mend the wounds of her traumatic past before she's forced into bloodshed once more ORDER, SUPPORT, RISE

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Sci-Fi Just Got Interesting...


Rise in Excellence...

Afro-Futurism attracts the forces of creativity...making Science-Fiction realistically Sexy. According to the Principle of Gender, everything participates in sex and everything has gender. For a long time in your experience of Science Fiction, you have rarely been exposed to what the act of sex should engender...until now...

Ask yourself how many Sci-Fi Novels you know use 

sex as a means to actually reproduce life, intentionally, and as a means of healing...only in Afro-Futurism...only at:!n_/c19c9

Sci-Fi just got interesting...order now!!!Rise in Excellence...

Afro-Futurism attracts the forces of creativity...making Science-Fiction realistically Sexy. According to the Principle of Gender, everything participates in sex and everything has gender. For a long time in your experience of Science Fiction, you have rarely been exposed to what the act of sex should engender...until now...

Ask yourself how many Sci-Fi Novels you know use 
sex as a means to actually reproduce life, intentionally, and as a means of healing...only in Afro-Futurism...only at:!n_/c19c9

Sci-Fi just got interesting...order now!!!
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The Pendulum and Dimensions...

Discover Magazine

While most of us take gravity for granted, physicists have a big problem with it. Their beef: As forces go, gravity is implausibly feeble. (Try asking a physicist why a kitchen magnet can pick up a paper clip even though the gravitational force of the entire Earth is pulling the clip down.) In 1999 University of Washington physicist Eric Adelberger heard a lecturer offer an intriguing explanation: Perhaps gravity only appears weak, because it operates in additional spatial dimensions beyond length, width, and height. These extra dimensions would be imperceptible in our macro world but might have a detectable influence on gravity at scales of less than the width of a hair.


Discover Magazine:

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