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Phoenix Jones is a young Black man and self-proclaimed crime fighter in a socially progressive city ( Seattle ). He famously has a two-fisted approach to stopping urban crime.

To his credit he’s living proof that all young Black men aren’t what I call “chocolate klanmen” thugging their way through life.

As an older Black man who’s also in what the media calls the ” real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” community I’ve marveled at Jones’ color blind acceptance from the press, liberal and conservative. This argues well for where America is since its most famous costumed crusader is also part of the late Trayvon Martin’s generation.

I’d assume ( thank God ) Phoenix didn’t grow up under Jim Crow-lite like I did. His biography shows challenges in his upbringing which are indicative of our era.

My acute concern as a RLSH while Black is that Phoenix needs to be very, very careful during his interventions. Already arrested once ( case dropped ) local police are not exactly thrilled with his activities. While no racial angle has emerged it’s worth noting nonetheless.

He’s still a Black man using force and detaining White people- even in the liberal Pacific Northwest that’s risky.  The same caveat applies to Black suspects he encounters. One biased cop; upset complainants   plus one biased prosecutor equals life changing potential trouble for this young man.

My analysis might be a little too Old School for Phoenix reality but is offered anyway. As a Southern RLSH activist who began in progress-challenged Savannah, GA., being Black while wearing a mask ( “superhero” or not ) would have created more problems than it would have solved- like being mistaken for a criminal and shot by police! ( LOL ).

Phoenix Jones is the flip side of the Trayvon Martin tragedy: instead of a victim or too often for young brothers; a suspect, Jones is a self-appointed crime fighter or vigilante depending upon opinion. Should scores of other Black men follow his example will society be so accommadating?

Black while wearing a mask Jones isn’t a ” Black “activist vocally focused upon racial issues. He’s no cowled Al Sharpton and thus accepted much more readily. His brand is simple: red-blooded American male decides to do something about crime beyond fuming or dialing 911.

All I’m saying is, ” Be careful brother. ”

People have mostly accepted you for what you say you are but beware those who can’t accept America’s number one “real life superhero” being Black. Look at the grief President Obama gets in some quarters and learn.

My duty as a fellow anti crime activist while Black and male is to pass this unsolicited advice along to Phoenix Jones.

Phoenix Jones; race and being a real life superhero has yet to become a viral debate topic. Perhaps it never will.

But, you never know what direction this stuff can take- esepcially if people begin plotting against you for whatever reason.

NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT BLACK promotes creative crime prevention and homeless outreach. (504) 214-3082


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BBC: At meeting today in Geneva, CERN scientists announced that the Large Hadron Collider’s two main detectors, ATLAS and CMS, had collected data that are both statistically significant and consistent with properties of the Higgs boson. ATLAS detected a signal at a mass of 126 GeV/c2 (133 times the mass of the proton). The CMS value was slightly lower at 125.3 GeV/c2. Both signals met the 5σ threshold for a detection—that is, they were at least five times stronger than background fluctuations. Although the particle’s mass is about where Peter Higgs and other theorists predicted it would be, more data are needed to determine whether the particle is fully consistent with the so-called standard model of particle physics or whether it partakes of more exotic physics. Exotic or otherwise, the Higgs is not just another particle. According to those theorists, it’s responsible for giving other particles their masses.
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Flee: A Short Story

Cover for 'Flee: A Short Story'

Rating: Not yet rated. 
Published: June 29, 2012 
Words: 5780 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781476479491

Extended description

Flee: A Short Story is the prequel to the Soul Eaters: An African Elemental Novel. After the death of her grandmother, Shania Moore, a 27-year old African-American woman is tormented by her ex-boyfriend and a paranormal serial killer. When Shania falls into a dream realm and connects with an ancient African Goddess, her earth magic awakens. Shania realizes that in order to save her daughter’s magical soul, she must run into the arms of the white man that she lied to about having an abortion and stood up at the altar ten years before. 


Here's the direct link: 


If you'd like to discuss some of the themes in this short story, join the discussion on

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What Should Not Be...

Credit: Discover Magazine-Bad Astronomy, link follows

It’s generally said that discoveries in science tend to be at the thin hairy edge of what you can do — always at the faintest limits you can see, the furthest reaches, the lowest signals. That can be trivially true because stuff that’s easy to find has already been discovered. But many times, when you’re looking farther and fainter than you ever have, you find things that really are new… and can (maybe!) be a problem for existing models of how the Universe behaves.


Astronomers ran across just such thing recently. Hubble observations of a distant galaxy cluster revealed an arc of light above it. That’s actually the distorted image of a more distant galaxy, and it’s a common enough sight near foreground clusters. But the thing is, that galaxy shouldn’t be there.

More at: Bad Astronomy, Phil Plait

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Fireworks Wednesday?...

Image: CERN

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Within a sliver of a second after it was born, our universe expanded staggeringly in size, by a factor of at least 10^26. That's what most cosmologists maintain, although it remains a mystery as to what might have begun and ended this wild expansion. Now scientists are increasingly wondering if the most powerful particle collider in history, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Europe, could shed light on this mysterious growth, called inflation, by catching a glimpse of the particle behind it. It could be that the main target of the collider's current experiments, the Higgs boson, which is thought to endow all matter with mass, could also be this inflationary agent.



The Higgs announcement
The announcement is expected to a big one – especially with the predicted discovery of the Higgs by the end of the year. The status of the Higgs will not be changed to ‘discovered’, but we will get to know how far we have actually reached.

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Black SF Primer

I have been composing a Black SF Primer and blogging about Black SF authors here: Black SF Primer.

I am still looking for the names of authors who were publishing before 1970.  If you have any names of authors that were writing in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, please leave a response. 


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The Story Continues....

A new power has arrived at the gates of the Valley. Will this power turn out to be destructive or beneficial to those who live there? Will the mighty Priestess and her mortal protector, the Valley Knight be able to hold this strange entity at bay? Those questions will be answered and more will be raised when the next Priestess story is told in July!

All Hail the Priestess!

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Can I Rant A Minute?

I'm always trying to find more age appropriate books for my website, featuring protagonists of Color.

Maybe I've found a book, or I've found a reference to a book.

I can't find any information on age ranges, young adult, mature theme warnings, nothing! And lets not even get into trying to figure out the protagonist's race, ethnicity, etc. I just need a hint!! Blonde? Warm brown skin? What?

And you can't just judge by the cover. How many books "from the day" had a white hero on the cover, and the inside reveals that the protagonists are POC. (Gods and Androids is a good example. Andre Norton's stories, bind up of two books with Black protagonists, and what's on the cover? The Salariki wingman and a white guy. WHAAAAA???? And one of those books, The Wraiths of Time, the original paperback? Well that woman on the cover looks awfully pale to me. Does anyone even THINK before they design a cover!)

Just today, someone announced in a Linkedin group that his science fiction book was out and you can get a copy for free from Smashwords.

So I look it up. Ok, I don't see sample pages, maybe I missed it. (I do like to read the sample pages.) The synopsis is interesting but I'm wondering as I read it, some signs of maybe not appropriate, but well, I don't know. So I go ahead and get the free copy. THEN I look up the previous book. OH, adult themes, sex addict. JEEZ, so I wasted how much time on this? And it's totally not appropriate for my audience, so....



I'd better go back to my money writing today, I think I've wasted enough time on trying to find good books for one day.


Thank you for listening.

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Source: Science Daily

A new study published in Science examined a particular class of high-Tc superconductor, known as an iron pnictide. ("Pnictide" refers to an atom in the same column as nitrogen in the periodic table.) K. Hashimoto et al. found evidence of a quantum critical point (QCP): a place where the material's properties change radically due to quantum fluctuations rather than changes in temperature or pressure. While many physicists suspect the presence of a QCP in high-Tc superconductors, none have found unambiguous evidence for its existence. The current study is still not definitive, but the particular iron pnictide material the researchers used provides far cleaner data—and stronger hints that the QCP is actually there. Its presence would reveal a great deal about the inner workings of high-Tcsuperconductors, perhaps helping lead to even higher temperature superconducting devices.

In the case of high-Tc superconductors, the key parameters are temperature and doping. The iron pnictide superconductor in the recent study was BaFe2(As1-xPx)2, where "x" is the doping fraction. (In this case, the pnictide is the arsenic.) The researchers picked this particular pnictide due to the ease with which pure crystals of the material can be grown and how clean the resulting data is. For x values roughly between 0.2 and 0.7, BaFe2(As1-xPx)2is a superconductor; outside those values, the material isn't superconducting at any temperature.

A QCP—if it is present—marks another type of phase transition [beyond solid-liquid-gas-plasma], where quantum fluctuations at absolute zero change the superconducting behavior of the material. While absolute zero isn't experimentally achievable, the quantum fluctuations start at (relatively) higher temperatures, changing the behavior of the flow of the charge carriers.


Ars Technica:
Quantum fluctuations may uncover a clue to high-temperature superconductivity

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Level Playing Field...

Call it "Slippin' Into Darkness," part 2.

Research universities: that means major and Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Historically Hispanic Colleges and Universities, Historically Native American Colleges and Universities - ALL of us.

We've got to get beyond the partisan politics of Animal Farm, and actually, finally SOLVE problems for the long term versus score sound bites! How would it look in history, if we need a martial plan (in reverse): from Europe!?


NPR: "[Professors] are not the beneficiaries of large increases in college spending that has gone on," he says. "In fact, the percentage of all students taught by non-tenure-track professors — adjuncts, teaching assistants — has gone up and up and up."


"I'm sure that most of those people [provost, deans, assistant deans] are working hard at real jobs," he says. "But that doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good idea to increase spending and pass along many of those costs onto students in the form of higher tuition. ...


"And the more the prices go up, the more that these students who are squeezed out of opportunity are middle-income students, low-income students, and the net effect over time is to make our college and university system no longer the engine of economic mobility that it once was."

Rant done...

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Hello All,  I've created a reader's group on Facebook and expanded it to include Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Paranormal books by Black authors. You are all welcome to join (please note, this group is geared toward readers). We'd love to have you.

I need to update the header for the group and need a sci-fi cover and a paranormal book cover. If you are interested in having your cover on the header for the group, please send it to me at I will be changing up the header every now and again and you do not have to join the group for me to use your cover image.


Thanks a bunch for your time and I hope you all decide to join us. The group's genres are Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Horror, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Paranormal.!/groups/127625754040455/




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Slippin' Into Darkness...

I was slippin' into darkness, yeah

When i heard my mother say

You've been slippin' into darkness

Oh oh oh oh

Pretty soon, you're gonna pay.

Yeah, yeah.

WAR, 70s funk band
National Research Council


US research universities face serious decline unless the federal government, states, and industry take action to ensure adequate, stable funding in the next decade, says a new report by the National Research Council. Universities must work harder to contain costs, enhance productivity, and improve educational pathways for students to careers both within and outside academia, the report says.

Written by a 21-member committee chaired by Bank of America chairman Charles Holliday Jr., the report responds to a request from Congress to recommend 10 actions that the nation should take in the next five to 10 years to maintain top-quality US research institutions. Among those steps, the committee urged, was that of doubling the budgets of NSF, the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, and NIST that was called for in the 2007 America Competes Act. But for fiscal 2013, the administration requested just a 4.8% increase for NSF, and a 2.4% increase for DOE’s Office of Science. Only the relatively tiny NIST R&D programs got the magnitude of increase needed to keep it on a doubling trajectory.

While federal funding for research has flattened or declined since onset of the recession, state funding for research universities has plunged by 25% to 50%, the committee found. Tuition increases at both private and public universities are threatening to put college education out of reach for many. At the same time, other countries have increased their R&D funding and are pouring significant resources into developing their own research institutions, patterned after US universities.
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Seeding Greatness...

Credit @ link below

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: A couple of months back, we looked at the notion of time crystals, an idea put forward by Nobel-prize winning physicist Frank Wilczek and his pal Al Shapere.

These guys examined the fundamental properties of ordinary spatial crystals and asked why similar objects couldn't exist in the dimension of time instead.

One of the basic properties of spatial crystals is that they form when a system drops to its lowest possible energy state. They are not the result of adding energy to a system, but of taking it away. All of it.

Another basic property is that when these objects reach their lowest energy configuration, their symmetry breaks down. Instead of being the same in all directions, like the laws of physics, these objects become the same in only a few directions. It is this symmetry-breaking and the periodic structure it produces that defines crystals.


Wilczek and Shapere persuasively argued that there's no reason why similar periodic structures couldn't exist in time. And they said that finding them would give physicists a new way to study the process of symmetry-breaking and the laws of physics behind it.


There was just one problem, however. These guys hadn't worked out how to build a time crystal.

That changes today with the work of Tongcang Li at the University of California, Berkeley and a few buddies who say they've worked out how to do it. These guys say they know how to create an object in its lowest energy state that shows periodic structure both in space and time--a space-time crystal.
I had the pleasure of meeting Tongcang Li just before his PhD dissertation defense under Mark Raizen. This obviously builds on his research with the Raizen Group. This is amazing!


Physics arXiv: Space-time crystals of trapped ions

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Writing dialogue can be challenging to new  and veteran writers alike. However, if you are new to writing there are a few simple things to keep in mind when constructing dialogue for your short story or novel.  Here are some things to keep in mind:


What Not to Do When Writing Dialogue Tip #3: Betraying your character

When writing dialogue, you must keep in mind the character you are talking about. I can’t stress enough the importance of keeping your character ‘in character’ as much as possible. Example: If your character is from the1800s, he will not use today’s slang to describe his thoughts and feelings. Now this may seem obvious to some writers, but I can’t count the  times I’ve seen such an obvious mistake when reading a story.

Therefore, in order to keep your character ‘in character’,  research, outline, and finalize your characters before you start writing. This may take more or less time depending on the type of story you are writing (if a short story only a skeleton is needed, but if a series – a key character development map is a must) , but it will make your writing a bit easier in the long run.  


What Not to Do When Writing Dialogue Tip #4: Betraying your reader

Betraying your reader is one of the big no-no’s in writing! Whether you are writing fictional or non-fictional works, if you betray your reader, you are in big trouble. How can a writer betray their reader when writing dialogue? There is a way and that way is by creating  dialogue that does not match your story’s plot procession, theme, or distracts a reader unreadily.

This is a tricky balance a writer must work with and be under no illusions – creating the right piece of dialogue and deploying it at the right moment is tough!  Dialogue is a form of action and depending on the story can be the most important action your characters undertake (this is especially true for introspective  or observational story pieces). Make sure that your dialogue matches your story’s overall themes; Your reader will notice if it does not.


More on Dialogue in the Next Post

If you have any questions, please post them below in the comment section!

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United Souls: Stories and Poems of Seduction

Twilight Time

(an erotic tale)


He said: “Baby you know what I like, and I love showing you time after time. Let me give you my lips anywhere I want to put them on you. . . so romantic and very intimate.”

She said: “I love doing what’s right to you giving you all of mebeing freaky and naughty to make you happy...”

Unexpectedly, she lifted up her miniskirt: showing her thick, smooth thighs and fire-engine red  panties and boots. She walked slowly over to him, and put her arms around his neck...

Copyright 2012 Quinton Veal all rights reserved

Available at amazon in print and kindle

and Barnes&Noble nook

also from author

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Physics First-Agreed!...

Partnering Organizations

Physics is a gateway course for post-secondary study in science, medicine, and engineering, as well as an essential component in the formation of students’ scientific literacy. Physics classes hone thinking skills. An understanding of physics leads to a better understanding of other science disciplines. Physics classes help polish the skills needed to score well on the SAT and ACT. College recruiters recognize the value of taking high school physics. College success for virtually all science, computing, engineering, and premedical majors depends in part on passing physics. The job market for people with skills in physics is strong. Knowledge of physics is helpful for understanding the arts, politics, history, and culture.

Currently only 25% of Black and Hispanic high school students take any course in physics[1]. Thus many do not even get to the gateway. The availability of physics as a course for high school students is not equitably distributed throughout the United States. While some schools provide physics for all who wish to take it, a more common scenario, particularly for urban schools, is limited availability[2]. The existence of policies that restrict science opportunities for secondary students results in diminished outcomes in terms of scientific proficiency, and lack of diversity in the STEM professions.

First: before chemistry, before biology - it will aid in understanding, and build a solid foundation, even if participants don't pursue STEM careers.


Vector: National Alliance of Black Educators Endorses Physics First

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Get Paid What You're Worth (AGIA)


You go to you're favorable design school, you get you're degree and/or certification, and then you finally start freelancing. But, how do you know how much you're worth? Some schools talk about this, others don't at all. You go around doing design after design, getting little in return for your work. Why? Because they can!!! If you don't know how much your worth as a professional designer, guess what? You want be professional very long!

Being a freelance designer is hard enough! You don't need you're profits being ripped from you as well! So what's the best resources to learn you're worth? First I would like to show you a powerful web site for the information standards for creative designers. It's called AIGA


Let's say for example your a Graphic Designer with a focus on print media. You have about a year experience doing this for a profession. For a quick over view of price range check out part of the site on this link @ They have the info for print design rates and more. I would really like to recommend becoming a member here too, because of the wealth of information and the association benefits you gain also. There is a important document to download for contracts in design work @


Do you need some some legal protections also? I'm not a law type guy myself, but as you can imagine it's greatly important just as the design work you're doing. To help with this, check out


They have good info and sales plans for LLCs, In-corporations, and so on. Remember to look for the essentials only when choosing your freelance business model. I would recommend keeping up to date with AIGA to match your legal needs. I would also recommend a book to help in conjunction with Legal Zoom called "Talent is Not Enough", it's a very formal but down-to-earth book on creative business practices.


Lastly, as a freelancer you will have very high feeling of loneliness as far as the support of doing this yourself. I will give my final site advice, and it is known as


This site is a great support structure for freelancers doing there thing! It's a vast community of freelancers with  information on insurances and more!  

So there you have it! Some powerful resources to help you on your quest to get bank! But, remember this is just the beginning. There so many unknown factors in freelancing that something wrong is going happen. But, remember to go step-by-step. Stay on the AIGA's site, go around other designers and build a relationship with them to learn much as possible. Do not just blindingly depend on your education in schools for vital information! 



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