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Perching Robots...

D.W.A.R.F.s: Drones Wirelessly Automated to Retrieve Forensics, Marvel Agents of Shield Wiki

Topics: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics

Researchers have designed a small, flying robot that can perch on a wide range of surfaces before taking flight once more. The development is highlighted in the 20 May issue of Science. Aerial robots can serve many valuable purposes, such as surveying a site after a natural disaster or detecting hazardous chemicals — but the act of flight is energy-intensive. For animals that fly, such as birds and insects, a key way to conserve energy is to find a place to perch. "Unfortunately, today's flying microrobots run out of energy quickly," explained Moritz Alexander Graule of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "We want to keep them aloft longer without draining too much energy. For our robot, the perching method we developed requires about 1,000 times less energy than flying, thus prolonging the potential mission time."

AAAS: Bio-inspired Robot Perches, Resumes Flight, Michelle Hampson

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Physics Identities...

Image Source: Physics Today home page

Topics: Commentary, Diversity, Diversity in Science, Mark G. Raizen, Women in Science

This was an article that gave me a slight chuckle (the obvious double entendre of superhero secret identities and by inference of the topic trigonometric identities we all used to have to memorize). I can personally attest there are four major epochs (my reference) one goes through in the field:

"I major in physics";

"I 'majored' in physics";

"I work in a 'physics-related' field" also "my physics background helps me in my current field";

"I am a physicist."

Mark G. Raizen, one of the smartest physicist I know doing cutting edge research in atomic physics and quantum optics, was once a theoretical physics grad student under Steven Weinberg before he changed focus to being an experimental physicist. (Trivia: he even has a Wiki page on Mark once wished me a happy birthday on Facebook, referring to me as a "fellow physicist." I was at the time pursuing my Graduate Certificate in Microelectronics and Photonics from Stevens University I've since completed. I start again with the graduate physics department in the fall, as I only have 18 hours to a full Masters degree. With this background and my current industry focus on Implant, I hope to go as far as my preparation takes me.

I admit, I was flattered and honored, thinking my diversions - the military, industry, selling home security systems (long story) and high school physics teacher wasn't a "pure" path, and thus I bounced quite liberally between #2 and #3. Though he said it quite casually, it did knock me for a loop and change my own self-perceptions. Mark and Alicia Raizen's friendship has been inspirational (I met Alicia on an appointment with the aforementioned security company; then Mark who took me on a tour of his laboratory with his graduate students at UT Austin). I admit some evolution had to take place for me to get to and accept the fourth epoch. From that point and ever since, I have been referring to myself publicly, and proudly... as a physicist.

A series of interviews with undergraduates yields some surprising insights into how the students come to think of themselves as physicists.

Are you a physicist? How did you become a physicist? The answers to those questions are not as straightforward as one might think. The routes into physics are as diverse as physicists themselves. The sources of our early affinities for physics range from childhood fascinations with the universe to that introductory physics class that made you ask more questions than you could answer.

Acquiring a professional identity is a fundamental part of any student’s development.1 Students are significantly more likely to persist with a program in physics—or any other discipline—when they identify themselves as students of that discipline.2 However, developing an identity as a professional physicist and member of the physics community is a complicated process that can take a long time and involve overcoming multiple barriers.

To examine how identities change over time, we studied the experiences of 20 undergraduate physics students (3 women and 17 men) at Kansas State University over six semesters beginning with their modern physics class. Seven of the students remained in the study until the end. We interviewed each student several times, focusing on their developing experiences with physics and their perceptions of what it means to be a physicist. Our methods are described in the box on page 48.

We tracked changes in their perceptions over time as they engaged in more physics practices, such as upper-division coursework and undergraduate research. Students’ experiences with different authentic physics practices changed their perceptions of what it means to be a physicist. We used those changing perceptions as a starting point to investigate the students’ evolving physics identities.

Physics Today: Developing Physics Identities, Paul W. Irving and Eleanor C. Sayre

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the 1830s, computer science has been trying very hard to race ahead of its time. Particularly over the last 75 years, there have been many astounding developments – the first electronic programmable computer, the first integrated circuit computer, the first microprocessor. But the next anticipated step may be the most revolutionary of all.

Click here for the rest of the story

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Happy Ending

Sinead O'Connor found safe after going missing.  Turns out she was with friends.  A happy ending save that there was no sad beginning. Unless you count the number of adults concerning themselves with the whereabouts of a celebrity, which we probably should.  

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A week ago on Genesis Radio, I talked about my new novel, "Ruins of the Fall: Tree of Might".  It's the first part of a trilogy telling the story of a militant civil rights leader, Ramsus Zephyr, as he sets his sights on Caucasian genocide, pushing Black America to develop weapons of mass destruction.  Of course, everything is not as it seems as the Blacks beneath him begin to see ulterior motives outside of Black freedom.  It has ninjas, superheroes, and some sci-fi tidbits I picked up from this very website.  There's a chapter from it in one of my old blogs.  You can give the book a review here but here's a chapter from the upcoming sequel.  Remember it's still a work in progress (estimated release November 2017).

The Disposable









The Grand Hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel is a marvelous building, one of the best the country has to offer.  Zisa and her team, the Southern Pines are standing in one of the luxury suites on the upper floors.  Long ceiling-high windows stand together on two walls flooding the room with the sunlight of the afternoon.  Stairs accented with gold leaflets lead to an upper level bedroom with a view of the entire suite and the sprawling metropolis outside.  A sunken den with a theater-size monitor add to the decadence with a whirlpool Jacuzzi providing the final touch.  Zisa Francoeur are here to guard this suite’s current resident:

Israel Stein.

The red-headed man approaches Zisa as she stands in the overhanging bedroom.

“I hope you can forgive the reassignment,” he says to Zisa.  “I have some guests coming here and your team comes highly recommended for providing the proper…entertainment.

Zisa looks down at the entertainment center, where her beta and gamma teammates are laying plastic sheets over the couches.  “Thank you, sir,” she replies.  “It’s always an honor to serve the Convention in any capacity.”  I’m sure Full Moon squad can protect Ramsus in our absence.

Israel nods.  “I agree.  My guests will be along shortly.  Be ready when I give the signal.”

Zisa watches from above as Israel’s guests walk in.  One by one, they arrive, pudgy men, softened by wealth.  Some are portlier than others.  Some are Arab.  Others are Jewish.  None of them are happy.  Mr. Stein is nowhere to be seen.  Her beta and gamma teammates are greeting the men and directing them to the entertainment area.  As the guests begin to number over a dozen, Zisa sends her gamma to fetch some extra chairs from one of the meeting rooms downstairs. 

Mr. Stein is still missing.  Zisa can understand why as she observes that several of the men have brought bodyguards of their own.  These Arab and Jewish men do not trust Israel Stein.  Neither should they, Zisa thinks, as she stands still in her Brahmin armor, invisible to the naked eye. 

Zisa urinates into the suit’s catheter.  The Brahmin armor will convert the urine into energy and store it in its reserve batteries.  The process produces water which Zisa srinks silently through a tube in her mouth.  Excess heat is dissipated through air holes on her back.  Metal hooks attached to thin metal strings hang from her belt, hidden from view by a long flap of dielectric cloth, the material that enables the suit to turn invisible.  Her beta and gamma teammates are dressed in purple and black dress uniforms.  Mr. Stein wants to use them as a distraction.  Only Zisa is dressed for “entertainment” purposes.  Zisa watches these men from beneath an invisible helmet masking her face. 

When three o’ clock arrives, the theater-size flatscreen cuts on by itself.  Israel Stein’s face fills the screen.  “Good afternoon, gentlemen,” greets Mr. Stein.  “I apologize for not being able to be among you today.”

One of the Arab guests shouts at the screen, “You will pay for what happened in Gaza!”

Zisa remembers the slaughter of innocent Palestinians in Gaza.  She was there protecting Ramsus Zephyr, who was manipulated by Israel Stein into slaughtering the impoverished Arabs.  He did so to regain favor with the Israeli prime minister.  Zisa surmises these Arabs must be exiles from Palestine and the Jewish men are political dissidents from the country of Israel.

Mr. Stein responds to the Arab’s outburst with, “Please, please, gentlemen.  Our partnership was forged in the understanding that peace would be brought to Palestine.  This has been achieved.  The fact that you are all here proves it.  The long awaited two-state solution has been implemented and the Palestinians of the West Bank are free of Israeli rule.”

Another angry Arab yells, “The deaths of thousands of Arabs are on your head.”  A Jewish man yells, “The two-state solution is not a guarantee of peace!”

From the television screen, Mr. Stein offers, “Please, calm yourselves, gentlemen.  The two-state solution will grant Palestine peace as the nation of Israel will only expand into Gaza, not the West Bank.  Yes, thousands did die when Gaza’s populace was decimated, but after three thousand years of war, the deaths of 1,033,642 people is a bargain.”

“How do we know the prime minister will keep his word?” several men grumble aloud.

“Well,” Mr. Stein answers, “The prime minister has become aware of the racial tensions that have exploded in America, thanks to the Convention and your silent, but generous funding, and he and I have come to an agreement.”

A tense quiet grips the room.

“You talked to Bibi?” someone asks.

Israel Stein smiles casually.  “Yes, I talked to Bibi,” he answers, “and I assured him that the Convention will never cause any trouble in Israel as long as the country deals favorably with its darker-skinned neighbors, especially its neighbors in and from Ethiopia.”

The men look around at each other and at the two young men in purple outfits that welcomed them in.

Someone asks, “You assured him?”

“Yes, I did,” says the red-haired man on the screen, “I made the prime minister aware of the funding the Convention received, the funding you were giving them, in exchange for his non-interference in the West Bank.”

The men become nervous.  Zisa gets ready.  Mr. Stein goes on, “With your deaths, Bibi can assure the hardliners that Zion will not meet the same fate as America.”  The red-headed man gives a salute.  “Gentlemen, it has been an honor.”

The screen goes black.  Her two teammates reach under the sports jackets and begin hurling knives at the bodyguards’ throats.  Arterial sprays mortify the pudgy targets, freezing them with fear.  Zisa leaps from the upper level, flipping through the air.  Hooks fly from her hands and embed themselves deep into tender flesh.  Metal filaments attached to the hooks go taut in Zisa’s fingers as she flies through the air.  She yanks the strings.  Chunks of flesh populate the air as Zisa’s feet touch the ground.  Crimson gouts of blood gush and break forth from their venous prisons.  Zisa stands still for a second to listen to the pitter-pater of blood droplets falling onto the plastic her teammates laid out for these guests. 

Zisa scans the room for the remaining men.  Her hooks go out and she reels them back in.  Throats are ripped open.  Blood is set free.  The pitter-patter of the plastic applauds the arrival of fresh-fallen blood.  Zisa turns off the Brahmin armor.  She’s so drenched in blood, her form is clearly visible: a red mistress holding meat hooks in her hands.  She scans the carnage for survivors. 

She sees one. Zisa delicately steps over the bodies, making sure not to slip in the copious pools of human fluids.  The survivor is crawling towards the door.  Zisa reaches down and lifts his head up by cupping his chin from behind.  She makes sure the survivor can still see the door.  Zisa wants the man to have some hope of escape in his heart.  A life without hope is a cruel fate, Zisa knows.  In her mercy, Zisa will not allow the man to die a hopeless death.

She lets the survivor, who’s still in shock, look at the hotel room door for another second, letting dreams of miracles dance through his mind.  Zisa smiles to herself.  This is the moment.  These, she thinks, should be his last thoughts.  Zisa puts the point of a meat hook at the base of the man’s head, where his throat meets his jaw.  Zisa yanks back hard on the hook.  She hears the cartilage crunch as the hook breaks through his wind pipe.  Zisa feels the hook pierce the tight groove between the man’s cervical vertebrae.  She angles the hook as she pulls to get more penetration.  All of this happens in an instant.  Zisa feels the body go limp.  Then Zisa yanks the hook around the man’s neck, tearing at the flesh as she goes.  When she’s done, Zisa gives the neck a twist and…


The head comes off.  Zisa takes a moment to admire the slack-jawed expression of miracles dared dreamt on the face of the severed head.  “Ah,” Zisa exhales with pride.  “A job well-done.”

The beta chides Zisa for not killing the survivor on top of the plastic.  Now they’ll have to get some heavy duty cleaner to wipe down the walls and floor. 

The monitor clicks on again.  Israel Stein appears and speaks, “Miss Francoeur, on behalf of our Great Master, Ramsus Zephyr, I would like to extend his gratitude towards you and your squad, the Southern Pines, for your years of service to the Convention.”

Zisa responds, “The honor is ours.  We live to serve the Master, Ramsus Zephyr.”

“Sadly,” Israel expounds, “with the death of the Convention’s financial backers, the Convention as you know it has come to an end, Miss Francoeur.”

Zisa and her teammates exchange quixotic looks.

“Your service is no longer required,” states Mr. Stein.

Gasping, as if the words hit her physically, Zisa utters, “Your attempt at levity is not appreciated.  We are loyal Simonites.  Ramsus knows this.  We have proven it.”

“The question is not of loyalty, Miss Francoeur,” says the man on the television, “but of politics.  As I said before, the Convention as you know it is over.  We are not in the real estate or organ trafficking industries any longer.  We are military contractors with the nation of Ethiopia, to aid  in their expansion.  Ethiopia, Miss Francoeur, is a Christian nation with a low tolerance for the Muslims within its borders.  They would never dream of bringing in Muslim military contractors from outside their borders.  Thus, in the interest of Ethiopian expansion and African Unity, your relationship with Ramsus Zephyr is now terminated.”


Her gamma teammate explodes suddenly into fragments of human meat.

“Yes,” Mr. Stein reiterates, “Terminated.”  The screen goes black.

Zisa looks into the face of her beta teammate, a warrior she grew up with and fought beside.  There’s a flash of light, and he’s gone.

Zisa stops thinking.  Her legs jump backwards to distance her body from a bomb Zisa hadn’t noticed was there.  The blast form it blows her back. Her ears are ringing, but she’s okay.  None of it seems real.  Taking lives is easy, but watching her comrades die is the hardest thing Zisa’s ever done.  Her hearing is clearing up.  Her mind is not.  They’re dead.  They’re both dead.  Why?  How?  And the most pressing question in her mind…

“Why didn’t I kill you first?” says a voice in the room.  “I bet that’s what you’re thinking right now.”

Zisa twitches her head from side to side, looking for the source of the voice.  She hears chittering laughter.

“Big, bad Zee,” the voice mocks.  “The Master’s favorite.  How’s it feel to fall from grace?”

“Who are you?”

A form materializes near the windows.  It’s wearing armor, Cloud Jumper armor, like Kamau and HeBoy used to wear.  This armor’s different though.  It’s smaller and the frame seems designed to compensate for a woman’s curves.

“Didn’t Mr. Stein tell you?” the armored woman asks.  “I’m the entertainment.”

Zisa takes note of the woman’s helmet.  The visor doesn’t go all the way across, as if designed for a wearer with a missing eye.

“Phaedra…” Zisa surmises.

The famed explosives expert and alpha of the East Wind takes a bow in her armor.  “Y’know, Zee, this Jumper armor is so much better than the Brahmin armor.  It has shields, fields, strength enhancers, flight capability…the works.  I’ve always been curious though.  How would it hold up in an explosion?”

Zisa hears a beeping noise.  Then she hears dozens of beeping noises.  It’s coming from the ceiling.  Zisa doesn’t bother looking up.  She knows what’s going on.  Phaedra rigged the roof to explode, so if the explosions don’t kill Zisa, the falling debris will.  It’s the kind of overkill “Crazy” Phaedra is famous for.

Zisa watches as Phaedra pulls out a detonator switch.  The Southern Pines are dead.  Ramsus has betrayed her.  Hatred begins to fill the very core of her being.  I can’t die today, she thinks, I have too many people to kill. 

Then her world becomes white fire roaring in her ears, punctuated with the hysterical laughter of Phaedra Willis.


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A Discussion on The Future of Black Sci Fi

I wrote a short essay today briefly discussing my thoughts on the paradigm of Black Sci Fi, specifically dealing with technology and future speculation. Anyone have any thoughts on the subject?



My statements will often be in conflict with popular scientific opinions (which is not the same as the latest scientific research). Because this essay is not geared toward the academia crowd, I will make several claims without providing sources. This is because I have already done my research and I believe in your ability to do yours. It would also make this essay very long. However, please feel free to ask me for sources or debate points.

I also do not believe that Western physical science is the pinnacle of what has or can be achieved and I have no reason to, according to official peer-reviewed research. I believe that ancient science surpassed Western physical science. More specifically, I believe that Westernscience has not surpassed Melanoid (people with significant melanocytes [darker skin colors] and neuromelanin) science. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let’s talk about Science Fiction.

Two Types of Sci-Fi


Western science is aggressive toward life.

I do not feel the need for in-depth discussion of the definition of Sci-Fi. Let us focus on the element of futuristic speculation. What is the future as depicted by the paradigm of Western science? Devastation. There are only a handfull of scenarios foreseen for Western White civilization: dystopia, the end of humans on Earth, or the former plus planetary colonization. And the fourth option is the perpetual recycle of the first and third scenarios.

If I really wanted to talk about the causes for the eventual end of humans on a particular planet, this essay would be several pages long. However everyone should be familiar with at least four: belligerent A.I., mutually assured nuclear destruction, ecosystem annihilation, and plague.

These scenarios all are caused by the progression of Western science. It aims to control and subvert–even destroy–nature. The air quality continuously drops. The world’s waters become increasingly inhabitable and unconsumable. The ecosystems’ balance is imbalanced. Humans’ suffer unnatural sickness directly because of it. Western science is aggressive toward life. And the Western world has no intention of changing its course, as this Yale University “Atmosphere, Ocean & Environmental Change” course snapshot clearly shows. Reduce human populations and slow 3rd World Economic Growth?! Obviously, they feel that some people are gonna have to stop polluting and it’s not going to be the Western world.

My question is this: why does the future necessitate bleakness? The answer is that it doesn’t.


I went to college to be a historian. I did not complete that degree path, but I never lost the love for history or the knowledge of how to research. In my three-and-a-half semesters in college, and even more years of independent research, I have never seen evidence of the fear or reality of a dystopian Melanoid (remember that word from the disclaimer?) civilization.Melanoid science has never been found to be aggressive toward life.

If you look at the records, Melanoid architecture was not rife with rife toxic materials. It used the natural materials in the surrounding area. Large-scale cities did not produce air pollution, ecological imbalance or chemical-related sicknesses. What Melanoid science did do was explore the workings of the universe and successfully ensure healthy futures for the next generations.

Feats of Melanoid Science

Megalithic Structures

I would like to begin winding down this essay, so I will briefly showcase some examples of Melanoid science. The most commonly known is that of megalithic structures (which Western science cannot currently reproduce). Take the Giza Pyramid complex. These massive structures were built without mortar–very important. They contained several standard, yet complex, mathematical measurements such as the Meter and Pi. They harnessed energy. How these structures were built is not known in the popular narrative of Western science. However, many including myself believe a gravity-manipulating sound technology was used. As the pictures below show, megalithic structures are global.

Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun 1024w, 469w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" width="294" height="170" />Teotihuacan Pyramid of the SunAngkor WatAngkor Wat

The Cosmos

Melanoid Science has long had expansive knowledge of the cosmos. Many people are familiar with the fact that the Dogon people were aware of the Sirius Star System (invisible star in there) for ages before Western science could even conceptualize its existence. We also did things like build cities and spiritual building complexes in line with the stars. I do not know why at the time.

Dogon Ritual Dancer 1024w, 360w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" width="294" height="221" />Dogon Ritual Dancer

Unified Perspective On Science

One of the most crucial features of Melanoid science is the successful realization that the physical realm is not the only realm. Melanoid science took a unified approach: the physical and metaphyical/spiritual realms were intertwined and not mutually exclusive. That is why in Melanoid civilizations the priests would be the scientists, would be the doctors, would be the physicists, would be the astronomers.

Walking On Water

In India an 30-mile long bridge accross 250px-Adams_Bridge_aerial 203w, 250w" sizes="(max-width: 225px) 100vw, 225px" width="225" height="300" />ïthe water to Sri Lanka was built about 1.7 million years ago. It was crossable until a hurricane destroyed it in the 1400s.

Tying Into Sci-Fi Afrofuturism

In conclusion, I believe that Black Sci-Fi creators should be aware of an alternate to Western futuristic speculation and science and accordingly create worlds with these alternate elements. For one, it is directly relevant to our Melanoid lineage. Second, if nothing else, it would provide interesting new-ish narratives and could become a defining mark of Black Sci-Fi.

Please share your thoughts in the comments. If you want sources or more information and examples, feel free to ask. I apologize if this seemed long-winded. That is the historian in me coming out.

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More Terrifying Than Foreigners...

Image Source:

Topics: Calculus, Differential Equations, Diversity, Politics

I think someone created a meme on Facebook from this incident. A little poking around the Internet revealed this WaPo article:

On Thursday evening, a 40-year-old man — with dark, curly hair, olive skin and an exotic foreign accent — boarded a plane. It was a regional jet making a short, uneventful hop from Philadelphia to nearby Syracuse.

Or so dozens of unsuspecting passengers thought.

The curly-haired man tried to keep to himself, intently if inscrutably scribbling on a notepad he’d brought aboard. His seatmate, a blond-haired, 30-something woman sporting flip-flops and a red tote bag, looked him over. He was wearing navy Diesel jeans and a red Lacoste sweater – a look he would later describe as “simple elegance” – but something about him didn’t seem right to her.

She decided to try out some small talk.

Is Syracuse home? She asked.

No, he replied curtly.

He similarly deflected further questions. He appeared laser-focused — perhaps too laser-focused — on the task at hand, those strange scribblings.

Skipping further into the article:

And then the big reveal: The woman wasn’t really sick at all! Instead this quick-thinking traveler had Seen Something, and so she had Said Something.

That Something she’d seen had been her seatmate’s cryptic notes, scrawled in a script she didn’t recognize. Maybe it was code, or some foreign lettering, possibly the details of a plot to destroy the dozens of innocent lives aboard American Airlines Flight 3950. She may have felt it her duty to alert the authorities just to be safe. The curly-haired man was, the agent informed him politely, suspected of terrorism.

The curly-haired man laughed.

He laughed because those scribbles weren’t Arabic, or another foreign language, or even some special secret terrorist code. They were math.

Yes, math. A differential equation, to be exact.

Had the crew or security members perhaps quickly googled this good-natured, bespectacled passenger before waylaying everyone for several hours, they might have learned that he — Guido Menzio — is a young but decorated Ivy League economist. And that he’s best known for his relatively technical work on search theory, which helped earn him a tenured associate professorship at the University of Pennsylvania as well as stints at Princeton and Stanford’s Hoover Institution.

Guido Menzio is a recipient of the prestigious Carlo Alberto medal, given to the best Italian economist under 40.

Did I mention he's Italian (not Arab/Near Eastern)? There are myriad other ethnic groups with "swarthy" complexions on the planet. Besides, here in the US, the threat of terrorism statistically may be of the homegrown and non-swarthy variety.

Majoring in a STEM field yields more than its own stereotypes: dorky, nerdy, socially awkward (I'm talking to you, "Big Bang Theory"), unattractive, but TERRORIST? I admit, the course we all affectionately called "DIFFY Qs" was daunting, but it didn't rewire any of us for violence. Have we gotten this addled in the brain?

So, in the era of not wanting actual experts in government or well, ANYTHING; in the era of racism, xenophobia, bombast, blatant lying, homophobia and misogyny as crass, carnival-barking political tactics (applicable when you've subordinated the processes a republic uses selecting its leaders into "reality TV," from a public caricature having more in common with "A Pimp Named Slickback") appealing to our lesser angels, we are SHOCKED that mathematics has literally become "Thoughtcrime"? Instead of a "shining city on a hill," we've become a dung heap infested with maggots in a junkyard - a joke! "Idiocracy" as a comedy was placed 500 years hence. That Apocalypse is now. All the hand-wringing about this being a strange election cycle is now solved. After telling Gorbachev to "tear down that wall," we're apparently intent on building another more lasting monument in the thick mortar paste of breathtaking stupidity. Sadly, the minions of this effort are PROUD of who and what they DON'T know. For them, ignorance is not just bliss: it's a belief system. And, you cannot explain science, mathematics, history, the economy or climate change... to a cult.

Rising xenophobia stoked by the presidential campaign, he (Guido) suggested, may soon make things worse for people who happen to look a little other-ish.

Washington Post:
Ivy League economist ethnically profiled, interrogated for doing math on American Airlines flight
Catherine Rampell

Blog break for ten days. Back on 23 May.

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ExoMars 2016 liftoff - ESA

Topics: Astronomy, Astrophysics, ESA, Mars, Planetary Science

This was obviously in March, but we're five months from the actual encounter with the red planet. I'll keep up with any updates and note progress and hopefully, a successful planetary landing.

The first of two joint European Space Agency (ESA)-Roscosmos missions to Mars has begun a seven-month journey to the Red Planet, where it will address unsolved mysteries of the planet’s atmosphere that could indicate present-day geological — or even biological — activity.

The Trace Gas Orbiter and the Schiaparelli entry, descent, and landing demonstrator lifted off on a Proton-M rocket operated by Russia’s Roscosmos at 05:31 a.m. EDT (09:31 GMT) March 14 from Baikonur, Kazakhstan.

The payload fairing was released following separation of Proton’s first and second stages. The third stage separated nearly 10 minutes after liftoff.

The Breeze-M upper stage, with ExoMars attached, then completed a series of four burns before the spacecraft was released at 4:13 p.m. EDT (20:13 GMT).

Signals from the spacecraft, received at ESA’s control center in Darmstadt, Germany via the Malindi ground tracking station in Africa at 5:29 p.m. EDT (21:29 GMT), confirmed that the launch was fully successful and the spacecraft is in good health.

The orbiter’s solar wings have also now unfolded and the craft is on its way to Mars.

Astronomy: ExoMars sets off to solve the Red Planet’s mysteries

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Nano Thermometer...

Alexis Vallée-Bélisle and his research team have developed DNA-based thermometers that allow the measurement of temperature at the nanoscale. Design: Kotkoa.

Topics: Biology, DNA, Nanotechnology

Researchers have known for more than 60 years now that DNA molecules unfold when heated and refold when cooleddown again. More recently they also discovered that living organisms employ biomolecules such as proteins or RNA (a molecule similar to DNA) as nanothermometers thanks to this unfolding and folding. “Inspired by these natural nanothermometers, we have now created various DNA structures that can fold and unfold at specifically defined temperatures,” explains team leader Alexis Vallée-Bélisle.

The team used the simple Watson–Crick base pair code of DNA and the so-called Hoogsteen interactions to create their DNA structures. The good thing about DNA is that its chemistry is relatively simple and programmable, says team member David Garreau. “DNA is made from four different nucleotide molecules, A, C, G and T. Nucleotide A binds weakly to nucleotide T, whereas nucleotide C binds strongly to nucleotide G. Using these simple rules, we were able to create DNA structures that can be programmed to fold and unfold at specific temperatures.”

Nanotech Web: DNA makes tiny thermometer, Belle Dumé

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Today is the last day of beta testing for the video game "Overwatch".  If you're a gamer, you've probably seen the ads.  It's a first person shooter, like Call of Duty, but this one is set in a different, more colorful world, without the cookie-cutter military characters.  The idea is that you're on a six-man team and you have to choose a character from 4 different types: offensive, defensive, support, and tank heroes.  Offensive characters are quick with strong close-combat abilities.  Defense characters are better at longer ranges.  Support characters offer healing, shields, armor, and status effects.  Think white mages from the Final Fantasy franchise.  The tank heroes are built like, well, tanks.  They can absorb lots of damage and deal out the hurt.  They're also slow for the most part.

After playing the Beta for the past 2 weeks, I can tell you that the gameplay is phenomenally smooth.  Even for a game that's purely multiplayer.  That's right.  It's nothing but multiplayer, and Blizzard (the company behind it) does its level best to cater to the player.  If somebody drops out while you're in the lobby, the game will let you fool around and wander the map until the server finds another player.  You can even shoot at your opponents and feel each other out.  As you level up, you don't get new abilities, but you do get to customize your favorite characters' colors, style, quips, victory poses, highlight intros and graffiti tags.  Yes, you can spray graffiti in this game.  You can only tag one spot though.  I usually do it in the homebase.  Every character has they're own feel and strategy behind using them, from sneaking around to full frontal assaults. 

Overall, the game is HIGHLY addictive and I do not recommend getting this game if you have a full schedule of work, school, and family.  You will end up eschewing those three things.  They encourage a team play dynamic and even incorporate signals you can give to your teammates without having to put in a microphone and deal with all the racism and obnoxious comments.  Oh, and as far as diversity goes, they have a Black character, an Indian character, an Egyptian, a Brit, a fat guy, a dwarf, a gunslinger, a ninja, a samurai, several cyborgs, and two robots.  Yes, it's that kind of game.  You'll love it.  It launches May 24th on XBox One, PS4, and PC

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Image Source: Pics About Space

Topics: Einstein, FTL, General Relativity, Star Trek

For the record: \\//_. Now that my "Trek creds" have been established...

Gedanken is a German word for "thought." It is often colloquially defined along with the word experiment, which is where a lot of the notions of Special and General Relativity took place in Einstein's mind; his innate ability to conceptualize a tough idea.

It is also by definition, an experiment that is impractical to carry out. Part of it being impractical is the incredible energies that would be needed to propel a star ship to even 0.10 c, or in Trek parlance: "impulse." An aircraft carrier is ~64,000 metric tons (I'm using it as my "Enterprise," which is supposed to be pretty big). That's 64,000,000 kilograms. Simply multiply it by 0.10 x 3.0 x 108 m/s2 this will give you the energy output in Joules: 1.92 x 1015. The PLANET in 2013 generated 5.67 x 1020 Joules.

Part of the constant research is that sometimes what you're looking for may not be found, but the techniques you use in any analysis may have an application in areas you may not have imagined. As such, it becomes a part of the research one can reference and build on, thereby increasing the overall knowledge of a subject area.


Warp drives are very interesting configurations in general relativity: At least theoretically, they provide a way to travel at superluminal speeds, albeit at the cost of requiring exotic matter to exist as solutions of Einstein’s equations. However, even if one succeeded in providing the necessary exotic matter to build them, it would still be necessary to check whether they would survive to the switching on of quantum effects. Semiclassical corrections to warp-drive geometries have been analyzed only for eternal warp-drive bubbles traveling at fixed superluminal speeds. Here, we investigate the more realistic case in which a superluminal warp drive is created out of an initially flat spacetime. First of all we analyze the causal structure of eternal and dynamical warp-drive spacetimes. Then we pass to the analysis of the renormalized stress-energy tensor (RSET) of a quantum field in these geometries. While the behavior of the RSET in these geometries has close similarities to that in the geometries associated with gravitational collapse, it shows dramatic differences too. On one side, an observer located at the center of a superluminal warp-drive bubble would generically experience a thermal flux of Hawking particles. On the other side, such Hawking flux will be generically extremely high if the exotic matter supporting the warp drive has its origin in a quantum field satisfying some form of quantum inequalities. Most of all, we find that the RSET will exponentially grow in time close to, and on, the front wall of the superluminal bubble. Consequently, one is led to conclude that the warp-drive geometries are unstable against semiclassical backreaction.

Physics arXiv: Semiclassical instability of dynamical warp drives
Stefano Finazzi,1,∗ Stefano Liberati,1, and Carlos Barcelo2

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Image courtesy of Ilsa van Meerbeek
The material is capable o both withstanding heavy loads or deforming under them as needed.

Topics: Materials Science, Metamaterials, Robotics

For all the discussion surrounding artificial intelligence and robots recently, the stiff, dull metal exterior of robots has only recently begun to evolve. While human-like robots, with silicon skin, can simulate emotions but robots with the shape-shifting ability of the Transformers have yet to hit the market. However, Prof. Robert Shepherd, mechanical and aerospace engineering, is developing a material that could soon bring that to reality.

Shepherd and his team at Organic Robotics Lab is working on a metal-rubber composite by harnessing the strength of a metallic alloy and the flexibility of a soft silicone foam. The material can withstanding heavy loads or deform under them upon command. The only requirement for switching between these properties is a change in temperature.

Cornell Daily Sun:
Cornell Researchers Create New Material Capable of Shifting States, Arnav Ghosh

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Nano, Gold and Cancer...

Illustration of receptor–mediated endocytosis.3 Image Credit: Illustration courtesy of Professor Emeritus Danton H. O’Day, Department of Biology, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada

Topics: Biology, Cancer, Nanotechnology

Cancer is an inherently difficult illness to treat. Sometimes residual cancer cells remain even after removing tumors; sometimes parts of a tumor cannot be removed because of the way the cancer cells attach to a vital organ. A way to detect and kill cancer cells in vivo has been sought after for a long time, and some lines of research are finally showing great promise. The latest? Having cancer cells envelop dozens of nanoparticles that then are used to obliterate the cancer cell from the inside, leaving healthy cells untouched!1

The Gist of It

Essentially, nanoparticle therapy works by getting about a hundred gold nanoparticles clustered into a cancer cell, then blasting the area with an infrared laser pulse. Energy imparted by the laser causes the fluid around the cluster to reach temperatures high enough to vaporize the fluid, which causes a rapid expansion and collapse. This results in the obliteration of the cancer cell, but healthy cells are not affected because they don’t incorporate enough gold particles to cause damage. As the high temperatures remain confined within the nanobubble formed around the cluster, nearby cells are unharmed by the process.

How Do You Get Something Inside a Cell?

Cells can incorporate foreign objects in a number of ways, but the method that this research utilizes is called receptor-mediated endocytosis. In this process, the foreign object attaches itself to a point on the outside of the cell called a receptor, which is embedded in the cell’s outer membrane. Receptors have active ends on either side of the cell membrane, each of which attaches to certain molecules; the exterior side is selective for certain particles that the cell needs, while the interior end attaches to the proteins and signaling molecules that regulate cellular processes based on what’s happening outside the cell. The cell uses this method, for example, when it ingests a cholesterol molecule; the molecule binds to a receptor at the cell membrane, leading proteins to attach to the interior end of the receptor, thickening the cell membrane. A pit forms that then envelops the bound molecules into the cell.

Physics Central: Using Gold Nanoparticles to Kill Cancer,H. M. Doss

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When people ask me for advice on writing I tell them to go buy Stephen King's book "On Writing" and leave me alone. When that doesn't work, I tell them this; Writing is a craft. As with any craft you need to know, and understand, all the nuances. So go write a press release, a technical paper, a sample legal brief, a newspaper article, a short film script, something out of your genre. Do the last one more than once in different genres. Make sure you format your work to the specifications of each industry (there are free sample templates all over the internet) and, no matter what, write every day.

Believe it or not, I take my own advice. This has led to me having a political horror story coming out in a couple of months and working on comic books. As a writer I would strongly suggest any writer interested in fantasy or sci-fi write for a comic book. The skill set is wildly different from anything else. In a film, or play, script you can leave settings to the director's imagination. The same applies to fiction in general, just substitute "reader" for "director." You can not do that in a comic. The artist needs to know exactly what the hell you want. You'll also learn why comics are done in pencil first. Things that seemed like great ideas when written can, easily, look like you suffer from brain damage.

Trust me on this one. I damaged my brain a lot when I first tried to do it.

Anyway, this year, for you comic fans, watch for the mature rated Legends Parallel and His 7 Valkeries and then watch for the kids' books Clarity Girl and Jax & Claus.

Yes, I wrote a Christmas story.

No, really. It's cute too.

Still, buy King's book. It's the most useful guide I've ever read.

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