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Got another cool idea today while trying to think up something for an anthology.  Much too involved for what they're looking for (sorry, Matt) and I'll just have to go it alone.  But it's much too hot an idea--at least to me--for me to idle on it.  I have to get it down now before it cools.  Any writer worth his salt will tell you a cooled idea is as good as dead.  Can't tell you too much, but it's call It's Dead and it approaches zombies in a very unique way.

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First Cause: A Novel About Human Possibiity

Available on Amazon, Smashwords and Barnes & Noble as ebooks, and with new cover art soon to re-release as a paperback...check it out! Fans of Margaret Atwood or Octavia Butler might like First Cause. Description and links are below.


From Smashwords:

Ebook Short Description
Journalist Adam Grey has just woken up in the hospital, a week after the world was thrown into chaos by a battery of explosions. A woman named Angela, whom he recently met, might have something to do with the attacks. As the truth emerges, it will challenge their conventional assumptions about what it means to be human.

Extended Description
The world is in chaos from a two-day battery of explosions in many of its major cities.

A week after the explosions, journalist Adam Grey wakes up in the hospital. He pieces together the events leading to his injury, involving a woman named Angela.

Senator Cyrus Reardon has been appointed the new President of the United States' decimated government. A politician who isn't generally fond of his peers, he's faced with leading a discordant provisional Cabinet, addressing the nation's growing panic, and trying to separate fact from fiction.

Confronted with the truth behind the attacks, they--along with the world at large--are forced to reconsider conventional assumptions about human nature and possibility.


First Cause on Amazon's Kindle


First Cause on Goodreads


First Cause on Smashwords

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The State of Black SciFi 2012

The State Of Black Science Fiction

Day 1

I believe that Black Science Fiction as a genre is in its infancy.

Historically as a rule, black involvement is science fiction has been that of secondary support roles or those that do not show us in a positive light. There have a few exceptions to that rule. To counter that, Blacks have been slowly infiltrating the science fiction genre. One way has been to create our own media that portrays us in a positive light. This black science fiction genre continues to grow and spread.

It is not enough to simple be included but audiences are demanding that we play center stage in the realm of science fiction. This demand is not limited to acting but behind the scenes in such areas as development, writing, as well as ownership.

It has not been widely publicized but truly great things going on in a close knit independent underground culture of black sci-fi. There has recently been a boom in independent black science fiction related conventions, sites, magazines, books, movies, shows, animation movies and yes even toys.

There continues to be a wealth of talent in all areas of black science fiction. The challenges faced however include, financing, marketing, promotions, distribution and support to make the gains sustainable. There are great things to come. As time passes solutions to the challenges will be minimized and those involved will gain greater audiences and recognition which in turn will help the genre grow and flourish.

Jarvis Sheffield, M.Ed


Check out the other members of this Online Black History Month Event: 

L. M. Davis, Author--began her love affair with fantasy in the second grade.  Her first novel, Interlopers: A Shifters Novel, was released in 2010, and the follow-up Posers:  A Shifters Novel will be released this spring.  For more information visit her blog or her website 

Milton Davis, Author – Milton Davis is owner/publisher of MVmedia, LLC . As an author he specializes in science fiction and fantasy and is the author of Meji Book One, Meji Book Two and Changa’s Safari. Visit him: and

Margaret Fieland, Author-- lives  and writes in the suburbs west of Boston, MA with her partner and five dogs. She is one of the Poetic Muselings. Their poetry anthology, Lifelines is available from  Her book, "Relocated," will be available from MuseItUp Publishing in July, 2012. The Angry Little Boy," will be published by 4RV publishing in early 2013.  You may visit her website, 

Valjeanne Jeffers, Author -- is an editor and the author of the SF/fantasy novels: Immortal, Immortal II: The Time of Legend and Immortal III: Stealer of Souls. Her fourth and fifth novels: Immortal IV: Collision of Worlds and The Switch: Clockwork will be released this spring. Visit her at: and

Alicia McCalla, Author- writes for both young adults and adults with her brand of multicultural science fiction, urban fantasy, and futurism. Her debut novel, Breaking Free will be available February 1, 2012.  The Breaking Free theme song created by Asante McCalla is available for immediate download on itunes and Amazon. Visit her at:

Carole McDonnell, Author--She writes Christian, speculative fiction, and multicultural stories. Her first novel is Wind Follower. Her short fiction has appeared in many anthologies and have been collected in an ebook, Spirit Fruit: Collected Speculative Fiction. Visit Carole: or

Rasheedah Phillips,Author--is the creator of The AfroFuturist Affair in Philly. She plans to debut her first spec/sci-fic novel Recurrence Plot in Spring 2012. You may catch her ruminating from time to time on her blog,

Nicole Sconiers, Author-is also a screenwriter living in the sunny jungle of L.A. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Antioch University Los Angeles, and she recently published Escape from Beckyville: Tales of Race, Hair and Rage.  Visit her:

Jarvis Sheffield, M.Ed. is owner & operator of, & Visit him:






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Drive Through

"Welcome to Suffering Shack, if we didn't beat it, you shouldn't eat it. Can I take your order, tonight?" 

"Um, we're new in town and heard from a friend about the food here and wanted to know if we could get an order of your cuisine, to go." 

"Certainly, sir, thank your friend for us. What would you like to order?" 

"We have heard about your beef burgers and their particularly excellent "fear factor" flavoring. Can you tell us more about it?" 

"Absolutely, which one are you looking at? We have the Fear Factor Special, with enhanced horn removal torture, or would you prefer the Bolt Gun Special, where the animal is shot clearly through the skull but not killed immediately. The fear in that burger is absolutely palpable, so I am told." 

"Do both of these come with the Dangling from the Hooves, Blood Sauce?" 

"Of course, made from the bleeding out of the animal as it hangs and expires. The fear rich blood is captured and processed with all natural ingredients." 

"Is it true the animals are sent directly while still living into the meat grinder?" 

"Of course, sir. At Suffering Shack we pride ourselves on the flavor of our factory grown beef. We use the best antibiotics, lowest quality feed grain, often enhanced with the entrails of animals from earlier in the week." 

"Do you still provide the milk cows for the children's meals? The ones with the reduced lifespan who have never been exposed to fresh air?" 

"Yes, ma'am, our children's burgers are made from the finest milk cows, whose lives have been shortened by the extreme schedule of extracting milk from them, feeding them corn instead of grass, and with a hole in the side we can reach inside them to ensure they are properly secured from bacteria until the moment of their early and untimely death. We take up to sixteen years from these animals lifespan and give it to you in your Children's Special Meal." 

"Father, do they have anything besides beef?" 

"I'm certain they do. Young lady, do you serve fish at Suffering Shack?" 

"Yes sir. Our best seller is called the Last Fish Filet, made from the last fish able to be hunted near into extinction. Using giant trawler fleets, we scour the oceans for the last of the fish of the oceans and turn them into the Last Fish Filet. Made from a variety of white fish meat processed right at sea onboard our factory ships. For flavor, we add a variety of dolphin and porpoises that are caught in the nets as well." 

"Dolphins? Doesn't that taint the overall flavor of the fish?" 

"No, at Suffering Shack, its the suffering that adds the flavor. We include a percentage of whole dolphin in each catch, asphyxiating right on the deck of those ships, and then slid as they are expiring into the fish preparation center. Then that suffering is flash frozen and prepped at our breading factories and shipped directly to Suffering Shacks worldwide. Guaranteed to have at least twenty percent dolphin in each patty." 

"Aren't dolphins considered intelligent?" 

"No, young sir, since the Fishing Accords of 2033, no animal living in the oceans is considered sentient or intelligent allowing us to continue to fish at the levels we do today without interference from groups like GreenPeace or PETA." 

"I am very hungry today, young lady, I would like to sampler your Whaler's Surprise." 

"I am sorry to report sir, that menu item was discontinued just today. Let me clear that from the menu. We have unfortunately hunted killer whales to extinction and can no longer provide that as a choice on the menu." 

"I was so looking forward to that. Do you have any other whales you can offer instead?" 

"Please wait a second while I check the whale meat rosters. Ah yes, we have some Blue Whale, that can be shipped via orbital drop in less than fifteen minutes. It's very rare, and will have a surcharge for the suborbital delivery." 

"I want the best, it was killed by harpoon, the old fashioned way, yes?" 

"Yes, sir, I have read the manifest and this whale was killed in the classic methods. The manifest said it was hunted for two weeks and had several near misses before its eventual capture. It would have appeared to put up quite a struggle." 

"Excellent, I will pay whatever it costs. We are sparing no expense for our anniversary. Two hundred years of happy marriage. Speaking of which, what would you like to order, my dear?" 

"I am interested in trying the veal. I hear after plucking it from its mother's womb, it is suspended never touching the ground to keep it tender. It has never been exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, enhancing its disorientation. I understand from the literature, they are fed but the diet is designed to keep them supple and delectable. It's rumored to not be the best for their development, rumored mostly to keep them alive but in a state of perpetual hunger. It sounds so exquisite." 

"Yes, ma'am, we do have several veal choices on the menu, The Sun Never Rises Veal Patties, or the new Never Walked a Day grilled variety, unbreaded for the flavor of pure misery." 

"I will have the Never Walked a Day. Don't like that breading they use on the patties." 

"Will there be anything else, sir?" 

"Yes, my older son and daughter have made their choices. My son is interested in hearing more about the "Candy of Meats" specials." 

"Certainly. The "Candy of Meats" is our pork line of products. It is one of Suffering Shack's signature products. We take the greatest care in our factory production of pork, keeping it in the tightest of quarters of any of our food products. Their diet, literally anything we can find, mostly genetically-engineered bio-fodder along with hormones, is crafted to cause them the fastest and most uncomfortable growth possible. Some become so massive they cannot walk and are dragged to their processing facility." 

"That seems as if it might cause a bit of flavoring, young lady but we are connoisseurs of suffering, this sounds as if it could only give nutrition to the smallest of my children." 

"Not to worry, sir, our processing includes the dipping of the animal into vats of boiling water to sear away the upper layers of skin and hair to make the processing easier. They are alive during this process and it should be excruciating as the upper layers of the skin are sloughed off after dipping. Immediately afterward, they are bled and their organs removed, often while they are still alive due to the need to keep up with the demand, hence the name, the Candy of Meats." 

"That sounds much better, young lady, I want only the best for my children. What is this tiny disclaimer I see flashing beneath all of the Candy of Meat products?" 

"Oh, that. Ma'am that is a notation indicating our farms occasionally produce a variety of dangerous pathogens which may escape into the ecosystem of surrounding communities. The list includes e. coli and listeria, which are especially dangerous to Humans, Fogro and Maledictons. The meat may also contain a variety of said pathogens in dangerous densities, so we recommend those communities avoid the Candy of Meat products as a safety precaution." 

"Nothing to worry about, my dear, those pathogens are a flavor enhancer to us, so Junior can eat as much as he can carry. Give us one of every product on the Candy of Meat line, my son is a growing boy." 

"Do you have anything, that hasn't suffered unduly?" 

"Please forgive my daughter, she is a Sufferingarian. She is trying to reduce the suffering of food in her diet. We hope it's just a phase." 

"Yes, miss. Suffering Shack prides itself on catering to the growing Sufferingarian Movement and have a line of Kosher products from our facilities in Canada, Turkey, and New Africa. In the U.S. we are a Suffering Community and proud of it. In our Kosher lines, we have our "Gently Managed" product lines. Animals are raised in communities where they are allowed to move, breath and see the sun. They are each given handlers who make every effort to ensure as little difficulty in their lives as possible until they are prepared in their Kosher facilities. We also use organic wheat, corn and grains instead of our standard "Franken-food" engineered plants in all of our Gently Managed lines. We are certain your daughter will receive an absolutely minimum dosage of misery, pain or suffering in her food. Our Misery Free Brand, is completely vegetarian but absolutely the most expensive product line as everything is hand-raised, no chemicals are used and live insects are allowed free reign as pesticide use are absolutely forbidden." 

"Oh Daddy, that sounds absolutely perfect. Can I have anything off of the Misery Free Label?" 

"But Honey, how will you learn to be a terrible overlord of an entire world if you have a misery-free diet. Remember, you are what you eat?" 

"Let the child be. If she wants to live misery-free, we should embrace her choices. Besides, we know you always planned to leave the planet to Junior anyway." 

"This is true. With so much suffering made illegal in the galactic empire, its getting so a tyrant can't even torture his own food anymore. Young lady, do you have our order?" 

"Yes, sir, your whale has arrived and will be prepared to your satisfaction. The rest of your orders will come with sides of Freedom Fries, made by hand in factories in outsource nations that still use human child labor, the younger the better, genetically-enhanced salad greens enhanced with fish and tiger genes, harvested before species became extinct for hardiness and enhanced flavors. Your order will be twelve thousand American dollars. We accept Intergalactic Express, Indentured Servants Exchange, let me check, your meal would require three sentients for at least four years and two thousand hours of work. We do not accept Galactic Credits as the exchange rates vary too much for real-time purchases." 

"Do you accept gold?" 

"Yes, sir, gold is still an acceptable currency. We would find Linimiran Bars to be acceptable. In keeping with our standards and company policies. Suffering Shack prides itself in only accepting currencies harvested under slave labor with a toll of no less than twenty lives per ounce." 

"Very good, young lady. Your service has been exemplary. You represent your company well. Do you enjoy the food served in your restaurant?" 

"In keeping with company policy, we are forbidden to eat anything else, except with medical dispensation. I am currently under a doctor's care so I am exempt." 

"I notice you don't serve chicken on your menu any longer. Can you tell me why?" 

"Sir, Suffering Shack has standards. With the things they do to chickens in factory farms, even we have to draw the line somewhere."

Suffering Shack © Thaddeus Howze 2012. All Rights Reserved

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The Six-Letter Four-Letter Word...

Theory: it's a word that's confused with uninvestigated opinion, so politically if one doesn't want to accept the implications of Evolution or Global Warming, "theory" is supposed to disqualify any further discussions.


From Wikipedia:

"Social Darwinism is a term commonly used for theories of society that emerged in England and the United States in the 1870s, seeking to apply the principles of Darwinian evolution to sociology and politics.[1] It especially refers to notions of struggle for existence being used to justify social policies which make no distinction between those able to support themselves and those unable to support themselves. The most prominent form of such views stressed competition between individuals in laissez-faire capitalism but it is also connected to the ideas of eugenics, scientific racism, imperialism,[2] fascism, Nazism and struggle between national or racial groups."


I get that, and chiefly as a member of a group that's been used on, identify with the concern. However, with global warming there will come a point where there's "no turning back" and no starships to Exodus us to the stars.


The Bible has also been twisted to justify slavery as well as a perpetual curse of servitude. Mainstream Mormonism has since repudiated the notion of lighter skin being a sign that you did something right in the pre-existence during the war in heaven, and dark skin, well...we were "neutral"; we did not pick sides, our skin a sign of "the curse" (Mormon eschatology). Before the 2008 presidential elections, a friend forwarded a photo from England of an American riding a Harley. On the back of his T-shirt, this statement: "N----r please! It's the WHITE HOUSE!"


Any dominate group that wants to remain dominant latches on to the most convienient theory that justifies their already set opinions of themselves. It is a pathology that self-esteem is only justified by another groups subjugation and misery.


Pythagoras would have a time today!

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Story from art.

I admit that I’m an art slut. If a stunning work of art is set before me, I’m instantly distracted. The same goes for erotic art. ^_^ Every now and then I come across a piece that inspires me to write a story. Swing by and check it out. Be warned, it’s erotic art that has explicit material. Enter with caution.

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Hell Melted a Sovereign’s Crown

  Outside of a Memphis, Tennessee courthouse, a shoeshine stand acquired one of its regular customers.  Three elevated chairs were available, the patron took the middle seat.  Looking up at the middle-aged Fats Domino-like man in need of service, a slender white teenager, who wore a blond crew cut, greeted the gent.  Unsullied was the milky suit of the customer.  However, the shoeshine boy’s grey t-shirt, blue jeans and blue tennis shoes had dirt smudges.


   “Summer in the South is worse than a grill at full blast, especially this time of the day.  At twelve noon, no divine hand is goin’ to adjust the charcoal grill’s temperature.  Nothing is goin’ to be exempt from this great Clambake.  What’s wrong with you, Elvis Aaron Presley?  You’re workin’ like some King Creole.  Wake up, boy, it’s August 16th, 1977 in America.”  The customer placed his newspaper on an empty seat to the right of him. 

   “Hello there, Colonel P, I-I-I was rememberin’ this here dream I had about a night ago.  It’s got me “All Shook Up.”  While recalling and discussing the dream, the boy stopped polishing the large black man’s White Bucks. 

   “Go on and tell me about it, but don’t get so distracted that you forget what you’re doin’.  I do declare, son, somethin’ made you Girl Happy.

   “Uh-huh, yes, sir.”  Upon realizing that he was neglecting his work, the boy proceeded to polish the shoes.  “Well, it’s like this, in my dream, I became this big music star loved by millions.  Oh, yeah and the President of the United States gave me a law badge and shook my hand.”

   “You got to be joshin’.  Next you’re gonna tell me that you was rich.  Plus you had long greasy hair and you was wigglin’ like a red light hoochie coochie mama.”

   “I-I-I don’t rightly recollect.”

   “That’s got to be the biggest fool dream that I ever heard about in my whole black life.” 


   The portly man began to laugh hard.  Disturbed by the thunderous guffaw, pedestrians looked over to find the reason for the amusement.


   “I-I-I know, Colonel, I know it was a weird dream.”

   “Perhaps you were famous in another life.  And as some kind of punishment for something you said or did, you were given your present life in Hell.”

   “Ain’t I still in Memphis, sir?”

   “Forget it, son.  You got to be the craziest redneck that I’ve ever seen, but you sure are the best shoeshine boy in the South.  You know how to make a brother’s shoes out gleam stars.”

   “Thank you, thank you very much.”


Copyright 2011

by Bob McNeil





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Sneak Peek


This is something I've wanted to do for some 
time and, as usual, don't have enough cash to 
pay anyone to do for me. I don't like waiting 
for other people to come around and I really 
don't like begging people for favors so....


1) it's the first segment of the first episode 
of the DREAMNASIUM web series which 
will be debuting this year. Each episode will 
be done in different formats so, while this is 
the first look, it's not representative of 
everything that will come. Not hardly.


2) it's the animated adaptation of an existing 
comic I did some years ago so, if you want to 
know the rest of the story and don't want to wait,


I'm not kidding this year. 
I'm really, really not. 
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Greetings to all our Friends here at Black Science Fiction Society!!

Please Join..Support..and Follow our blog!! We have just added the new revisited 9th Episode

to the blog..and would love your Feedback!!

Just a few more Episodes and we are off to find a Publisher!!

Thank you for your Support in advance...!

Blessed Happy New Year~

The Croco Team

D. Jahman Deidotree

J. Peterson

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