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Want a Postcard? I'll send you one

Hey folks, Just want to share a free postcard. If you would like one of these, please comment or message me. I have about 5 or 6 left of each, so I want to get them on people's refrigerators. Shout out to all the illustrators on here giving each other feedback and inspiring us to keep creating regardless of how tough the path is. Much love BSFS!!


If you dont want to message me here you can hit me up at info@robdontstop.com

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Trojan Asteroids...

Image and excerpt source: COSMOS: The SAO Encyclopedia of Astronomy

Asteroids sharing an orbit with a planet, but which are located at the leading (L4) and trailing (L5) Lagrangian points, are known as Trojan asteroids. Although Trojan asteroids have been discovered for Mars (4 to date, 1 at L4 and 3 at L5) and Neptune (8 Trojans, 6 at L4 and 2 at L5) and even Earth (1 Trojan at L4), the term ‘Trojan asteroid’ generally refers to the asteroids accompanying Jupiter.

SETI Institute: Scientific Premises and Technological Challenges of Deep Space Round Trip Exploration to Jupiter Trojans and Even Further
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I thank God for my wife!

December 18th thru the 22nd  Squirrels & Puppies Dark Morality Tales will be free for the Amazon Kindle.
In the meantime, I'm still working on "Ruins of the Fall".  I have about 14 chapters written so far, making it already longer than my last book.  My lovely wife has been supportive of my endeavors.  I recently have found out that my wife has actually been paying attention to my work.  Before I thought she was simply telling me that my work is good because I'm her husband, but I let her read my latest chapter entitled "The Colored Girl" and she told me, flat-out, it needed work.  
The main character, Zisa Francoeur, transformed from a mild-mannered victim to a cold-blood killer far too quickly, she said.  Then she dropped the bomb on me.  She said that my main character wasn't angry enough and didn't have enough pain in her life.  I like to think that I torture my main characters as if I were some sadistic god-figure.  However, my wife has informed me that this last story was a little lacking in that department, so I'm going to have to go back and do a major re-write on the chapter. 
I feel very good about this.  For a while, I was worried that "Ruins of the Fall" might not be as good as "Squirrels & Puppies" because I haven't had the opportunity to workshop "Ruins" but with my wife giving me honest critiques (even though she finds my works disturbing) I know "Ruins of the Fall is on track to be my best work yet. 
Thank God for giving me such a wonderful, beautiful wife!
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DNA Codex...

Scientists have discovered a code within a code (Source: cosmin4000/iStockphoto)

While we all know DNA instructs our cells how to make proteins, scientists have now discovered a second DNA code that suggests the body uses the same alphabet to speak two different languages.

The findings in the journal Science may have big implications for how medical experts use the genomes of patients to interpret and diagnose diseases, say researchers.

The newfound genetic code within deoxyribonucleic acid, the hereditary material that exists in nearly every cell of the body, was written right on top of the DNA code scientists had already cracked.

Rather than concerning itself with proteins, this one instructs the cells on how genes are controlled.

Its discovery means DNA changes, or mutations that come with age or in response to viruses, may be doing more than what scientists previously thought, say the researchers.

"Now we know that this basic assumption about reading the human genome missed half of the picture."

"Many DNA changes that appear to alter protein sequences may actually cause disease by disrupting gene control programs or even both mechanisms simultaneously."

ABC Science: Scientists discover second, secret DNA code
IEEE Explore: DNA and Quantum Theory

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Interrupted Journey: Part 6

The pilot gripped the control levers as if they were attached to a lifeline. Air friction rocked the ship as it knifed into rapid deceleration. Bridge crew members were strapped to their chairs…except the captain, whose chair was occupied by Tunnal. The other hijackers held onto whatever they could to maintain their balance through the heavy jostling of a high-speed descent.
“We’re losing the central turbine,” announced the pilot.
“Compensate!” The captain held on tight to the back of his chair while Tunnal looked on stone-faced.
“32 percent deceleration,” said the engineer. “Increasing reverse boosters.”
“Initiate flank attitude thrusts,” ordered the captain. “That should aid our decel.”
Alita sat at the astrogation station observing the hijackers. She noticed how focused they were on the forward display screen, their faces wrought with trepidation. Her gaze slid to the bridge exit less than twelve feet from where she sat.
“Central turbine output is reducing.” The engineer paused to check a reading. “Damn! It’s shutting down…”
The ship took a gut churning dip, knocking most of the hijackers off their feet.
Alita seized her opportunity. She quickly unstrapped herself and shot out of her chair toward the exit. The door slid open and shut behind her.
One of the hijackers tried to go after her, but was upended by the ship’s wobbly motion.
“Forget about her,” Tunnal ordered the hijackers, forestalling their pursuit. “She’s on borrowed time.”

Alita made her way to the engine room, deftly maintaining her footing on a quaking ship. As she advanced further into the room a huge hole in the bulkhead brought her up short. The floor was littered with debris and smoke spiraled from a pair of severely damaged generators. Half the engine room lay in ruin.
Alita looked around, moving tentatively toward the hole. Was Dern down here?
A faint noise caught her ear. She whirled about, finding herself in the shadow of a towering figure in scorched armor. A mirrored faceplate retracted, revealing a familiar dark skinned visage.
“Dern…thank God!” She brushed over his armor. “What happened to you?”
Dern placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Let’s just say I was on the wrong end of a very powerful explosive. Are you all right? How’d you get away?”
Alita grinned in spite of herself. “I ran…as fast as I could.” Horror displaced the grin. “Dern, this Tunnal is an animal…a murderer. He killed our comm officer. Shot him down like it was nothing!”
“They’re all murderers,” Dern stated harshly. “The passengers are dead. They were massacred.”
Alita stepped back, her mouth and eyes agape. “No…”
An alarm blared from a status board above the nearest generator. Alita looked up at the board, skimming its data. “We’ve got less than five minutes of airborne time. It might be a hard landing!”
“Then we need to get you to safety.” Dern lifted the woman and draped her over his shoulder.
“Wait! Where are we going?”
“The stasis level. The tubes are crash fortified. I’m putting you in one.”
“What about you?”
Dern moved swiftly through the hole in the bulkhead and sprinted toward the cargo section exit. “I’m sure I’ll be able to withstand a hard landing.”

Alita gasped when she saw the stasis level corridor clogged with bodies. “Put me down!
Dern zeroed in on the first stasis room. “No time.”
“Put me down,” the technician repeated insistently.
The former SD soldier huffed impatiently but acceded to Alita’s request.
She slid off his shoulder and eyed the corpses around her in stunned, horrified silence. “I thought we left this behind.” Alita struggled to hold down her bile.
“I did too,” Dern said soberly. He tapped her elbow. “Come on, we’ve got to get you in a tube.”
Alita started forward, but paused. She bent and plucked an RI4 rifle from the cold, grip of a dead hijacker. She looked up at Dern with a sordid gleam in her eye. “Been a while since I held one of these. I’m going to enjoy this reunion.”

The sleeper ship screamed past a jagged mountain peak, avoiding a collision by inches.
That was expert maneuvering on the pilot’s part. The rest lay in the hands of fate as the ship lost power and fell into a perilous glide toward a rocky valley. It touched the ground, bouncing once, twice then sliding a half mile, dredging up a gusher of dirt and gravel, pulverizing rock outcroppings in its path. Finally it slowed to a grinding halt.
The crew faired well enough in the landing since they were strapped into chairs. A few hijackers were sprawled on the deck, having suffered minor injuries from falls or collisions. The captain held tight as he could to his chair, almost losing his grip on the ship’s second bounce. He let go, massaging a right that felt as if it had been pulled from its socket and reattached.
Tunnal released the chair straps holding him in place and rose. “Not a bad landing,” he remarked to the pilot in a tone more mocking than complimentary. To the engineer: “What’s the status? How banged up is this bucket?”
The engineer examined damage readings on his console screen. “Four generators and two turbines are down. Five coils, fractured…”
The hijack leader waved a hand impatiently. “I don’t need details just tell me if the ship can be fixed.”
The engineer shrugged. “It’ll take time since this planet likely lacks the fully equipped maintenance facility a ship of this class requires. I’ll need spare parts assembled to specs.”
“Routh’s maintenance accommodations may not be first class,” said Tunnal. “But the man running it’ll have whatever you need to make decent repairs.” The forward display caught his attention. “Speaking of which…”

Twenty-five Terrain Variable Vehicles sped toward the downed space vessel, whipping up voluminous clouds of dust in their wake. TVVs were large, thickly armored personnel transports, equipped with forward turrets, and flank mounted rocket pods. These were essentially discard vehicles, distributed throughout the colonies after their replacement by upgrades. They were not intended for illegal settlements. And yet, here they were, in the hands of a crime lord with the resources and tenacity to acquire the very best hardware that he possibly could.
Tunnal smiled admiringly. That’s why he enjoyed doing business with Hooper. And with Hooper’s added muscle, this Dern Lowtower’s chances of survival just decreased drastically, armor or no armor.
Tunnal turned to the engineer. “Get your techs together and get started on the repairs.”
The captain stepped in front of Tunnal, anger radiating from his eyes. “We have done what you wanted, yet the price we paid for our cooperation resulted in the death of my officer, a good man. The very least you can do is release us immediately so we can figure out a way to reach our original destination.”
Tunnal’s arm whipped out with expert precision, delivering a vicious chop to the side of the captain’s head.
The captain stumbled sideways, plopping on the deck when he tripped over his feet.
Several outraged crew members rose from their chairs, but guns thrust in their faces curtailed further movement.
The hijack leader stood over the groggy captain. “The passengers are dead, Captain. So don’t you dare presume to make demands of me. I’m already pissed off about the condition of this ship. Maybe I’ll let you and your miserable crew live after I have this Lowtower’s head in my clutches. If that be the case then you will spend the rest of your lives as Hooper’s slaves. That may or may not be a merciful outcome for you. Either way you’ll be in no position to report us to Coalition authorities.”
The shock in the captain’s eyes appeared to have accelerated his recovery from Tunnal’s abuse. “You killed the passengers?”
“End of discussion,” Tunnel growled, pointing his Viper at the captain’s head. “Open the emergency exit doors. We’re all leaving, except the engineer and his techs.”
“What about Lowtower?” Welch queried with bloodthirsty relish.
“Hooper’s people will handle him. And we’re going to help.”

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Interrupted Journey: Part 7

Dern initated a sequence, opening the stasis lid’s cover.

            Alita rose and hopped out of the tube. She gave Dern a quick appraisal. “Are you all right?”

            “It was a rough landing,” Dern commented.

            “I barely felt it. Great idea throwing me in one of these.” Alita patted the side of the stasis tube in amused gratitude. What’s next?”

            “There’s an emergency hatch in the ship’s rear compartment. That’s where we’re headed. Once outside I’m going to do everything I can to rescue the crew.”

            “We’ll go out together.” Alita checked her rifle’s round clip.

            Dern shook his head. “No. This is what I need you to do…”




The hijackers prodded crewmembers down the protruding ramp leading from the forward exit hatch. Tunnal was the last to emerge from the ship. He breathed in a lungful of warm, crisp, clean planetary air and with uplifted spirits proceeded down the ramp.

            The TVVs assembled in a semi-circular laager twenty yards from the ship. Their desert camouflage colors perfectly blended into the desert backdrop.

            Armed men in gray one piece active garb, black helmets and flak vests poured out of the vehicles’ side doors. There were anywhere from fifteen to twenty men per TVV. They carried duel purpose Venom 12 assault rifles with directed energy emission capability. A smaller segment wielded portable fusion launchers. Clearly they knew what they were up against and equipped themselves accordingly.

            A large black bearded man strode toward Tunnal with a launcher cradled in his arms. Scowl lines wrinkled his forehead highlighting his displeasure. “You should make a habit of checking passenger manifests before you steal sleeper ships.”

            “That wouldn’t make a difference,” Tunnal retorted in his defense. “You can’t expect ex-military to announce themselves as such. I don’t. Let’s just get rid of this fly in our soup and call it a day.”

            Hooper thumbed a control on the fusion launcher, activating its scope. “I would hardly refer to a person with an SD background as a fly. But as you say, let’s get to it.”

            A commotion rang out among Hooper’s enforcers and the hijackers.

            Tunnal and Hooper pivoted at the same instant to see a person in armor standing at the rear of the ship.

            Tunnal instinctively reached for his sidearm, but Hooper raised a hand. “Wait.” He elevated his voice to everyone. “Hold your fire!”

            “What are you doing?” Tunnal demanded.

            TVV turrets whirred ominously in figure’s direction.

            “I think he wants to talk,” Hooper replied.

            Tunnal’s face reddened with fury. “I say let our guns do the talking. Blast the son of a bitch!”

            “Relax,” the crime lord said wryly “We can at least hear him out.”



            “Who’s the leader here?” Dern called out, using his suit’s voice amplifier.

            “That would be me,” a large, bearded man next to the exit ramp responded. “My name is Urias Hooper, Administrator of Routh Settlement.”

            Dern observed the vehicles and the armed men, taking their measure like a hawk studying its prey. The fifteen crew members sat huddled on the ground with hijacker guns trained on them.

He began walking toward the procession and could not only see the armed men tensing, but felt their disquiet.

A rush of Flare tickled his senses, heightening his urge to shed blood. He reveled in these criminals’ fear.

“I have no quarrel with you,” Dern explained, though it made him queasy to say those words. This so-called administrator’s association with a group of murdering thugs made him every bit as much a target for Dern’s contempt as the hijackers themselves. “Since you are an administrator that means the prisoners taken by that man…” Dern indicated Tunnal with a raised chin. Any hand gesture was likely to provoke a response from nervous men with itchy trigger fingers. “…have fallen under your custody.”

“They have,” replied Hooper.

Tunnal shifted, hissing a virulent whisper. “Like hell.”

“Shut up,” Hooper ordered. “This is my show now.”

“You also have the power to release them,” Dern reminded.

“Is that what you want? The prisoners?” Hooper asked.

Dern nodded. “Yes. I also want you turn the hijackers over to me so that they can be punished for their crimes. You can keep the ship.”

“You’ve clearly lost your mind, Lowtower!” Tunnal mocked with a burst of scathing laughter. “I’ll tell you what you can do. You can kiss my ass and walk away. We’ll keep the prisoners!”

Hooper favored the hijack leader with a long suffering glance. He returned his attention to Dern. “You can have the prisoners. As to your other request, no deal. I reside over a sound and effective judicial system. Tunnal and his people will be tried before a judge and jury. If found guilty, they will be punished in accordance with our laws.”

Dern wasn’t surprised that Hooper turned down the second part of his demand. But he figured it didn’t hurt to make the demand. As for Hooper’s claim that Tunnal and his minions would be tried…well he chose not to justify that fiction with a response.

“There are three crew persons aboard doing repairs,” Tunnal protested. “They can’t go anywhere until those repairs are complete…at least two of them can’t go. The engineer is with us.”

Dern bristled. The engineer. He was the traitor, the hijackers’ inside man. It would have taken a crew person with intimate knowledge of ship operations to change the ship’s coordinates, redirecting it and everyone on board to this godforsaken corner of the Coalition frontier. Reprehensible as the hijackers were, Dern reserved special enmity for the person who betrayed his own.

“Agreed,” he bit off. Dern sent a signal.

Seconds later the top of the sleeper ship retracted. A small globular craft with a flat bottom rose from the ship.

“That’s an evacuation pod,” Dern said, allaying Hooper’s concern. “The pod will pick up the prisoners.” Through the pod’s mildly tinted panoramic window, Dern saw Alita at the control. The facility with she handled the craft demonstrated her better than average proficiency as a pilot.

The pod made a gentle touchdown a few short yards from the crewmembers. The hijackers looked to Tunnal who offered a reluctant nod. The prisoners were ushered to their feet by their captors and practically shoved into the pod.

Dern accessed a private link. “Alita, as soon as the crew are onboard and secured I need you to get out of here at maximum acceleration.”

“I’ll push this thing as hard as I can,” Alita replied.

The last crew person stepped inside the pod and its hatch hummed shut. A few seconds later, the small craft shot into the air at full power.


Hooper tapped his subdermal. “Open fire, open fire!”

Turrets on half the TVVs redirected on the fleeing evac pod and spat searing bursts of tungsten shells. Flocks of rockets followed, screaming in pursuit of the pod like a horde of rabid insects.


Alita wrenched the control lever, forcing the pod into a tight swerve that it barely possessed the tolerances to withstand. The maneuver enabled her to avoid a cluster of rockets. Fortunately, the rockets were dumb munitions so she didn’t have to worry about shaking target locks. Tungten shells were a different matter, being far more numerous.

The smaller projectiles peppered the pod’s hull, striking seven crew members. Three died instantly as shells turned their bodies to bloody tatters.

A shell swished inches past Alita’s head, exiting through the window just left of her view. Alita tried to gain altitude, but the control lever seized up. Damage alarms clamored and the acrid stench of burnt relays filled the pod. Through a spider webbed view Alita saw a rocky plain below give way to a maze of deep canyons. The pod was going down, and she struggled mightily to control its descent…


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Interrupted Journey: Part 8!

Rocket explosions broiled around Dern. He weaved through a barrage untouched, rolled and rebounded to his feet with bracelet arm extended. Plasma bursts discharged from the bracelet stabbing into three TVVs. The vehicles went up in sheets of flame and molten alloy.
Dern leapt dozens of feet in the air, switching his bracelet’s setting to anti-personnel. He swept his arm back and forth and fifteen criminals death-danced amid a fatal shower of particle clusters.
A rocket clipped his right arm turning what would have been a flawless landing on his feet into a spinning tumble. Tungsten shells exploded against his suit, keeping him momentarily pinned to the ground. He unleashed a plasma beam, destroying a fourth TVV, and shot upward as a storm of tungsten savaged him. He gritted his teeth in pain. The shell impacts felt like chunks of hot lead slamming into bare skin. A red warning bar beamed across his view.
His suit in its down grade mode was not designed for battle conditions. Power levels were plummeting with each hit it absorbed, and his plasma bracelet was nearly spent. A rocket struck him square in the gut and the force of its impact combined with the resulting blast knocked him backwards thirty yards.
He needed to withdraw, but not before he took a final shot…

Tunnal roared his frustration. He went through three clips firing his Viper at the highly elusive former SD bastard. He had no way of telling if his shots hit their mark, amid the thousands of projectiles being hurled at a single individual. He ejected the empty clip and quickly inserted a full one. A rocket struck the armored man and the explosion threw up gouts of smoke and dust.
Tunnal ran forward, gun pointed ahead, straining to get a glimpse of Lowtower through a dusty haze. At that point he realized he had ventured too far from the others, that he was isolated, thus making him a very inviting target. He glimpsed movement in the haze, catching a man size shape with an arm raised in his direction.
Pure instinct drove Tunnal’s reaction. He dove left just as a blade of plasma rippled above him, bathing his body in a heat bath hot enough to singe clothing and skin. The ground behind him erupted in a blazing plume where the beam struck. Tunnal lay face down, smarting from the pain of first degree burns. He still held his Viper and swung it in front of him fully expecting to be roasted by a follow-up blast. The smoke cleared and he saw that Lowtower was gone.

Dern ran as fast as his suit’s power servos could deliver. Armor power levels continued to decline. He ignored the blinking warning readings on his display. He already knew he was in bad shape. If he didn’t stop to allow his suit’s vital functions to recharge and mend some of the damage, it would shut down. On the other hand, stopping too soon would allow his pursuers to over take him. Dern kept pushing it, covering much ground in loping strides, gambling that he could make it to the canyon up ahead before his suit succumbed to catastrophic failure.
Explosions large and small nipped at his heels. A file of rockets zipped over his right shoulder spiking his path in fiery founts. Then came silence, save for labored breaths through his respirator.
A cliff lay up ahead. Beyond that a canyon network stretching across half a continent.
Dern approached the edge at full speed and leapt off, tapping into his remaining reserves to activate his repulsers. It was a 500 foot drop.
Power flows ceased during the last 40 feet. His repulsers winked out and Dern plunged unceremoniously to the bottom, deflecting off a slope in the canyon wall before hitting the ground at a flailing roll.

Five hours crept by. The rust tinted sky above darkened to a foreboding blood colored hue with the encroachment of nightfall. The bottom of the canyon was covered with stalactite shaped rock outcroppings, overhangs, boulders and small craters. Many of the outcroppings loomed so tall they could have been mountains in their own right. Patches of vegetation dotted the canyon bottom. Sturdy sprigs in all their hideous glory, sprouting from ground that looked more like gravel than any soil capable of producing plant life. Cave entrances existed at various points along the cliff rockface.
Dern ducked into one of those caves immediately after his short and bruising freefall.
As much as he wanted to find Alita and the remaining sleeper ship crew, extreme necessity dictated he lay low for a while and let his suit recharge.
Hours later, the recharge completion bar on his display blinked. While regenerates did the best they could to repair the extensive damage to his suit, they could only do so much. He missed his SD support techs. They would have had him patched up in less than an hour. There were other things about the past he missed…more than he cared to admit. A quiet posting as a lawman on Ceres 3 would have forever lain to rest those violent stirrings that had plagued him since his departure from the service. Recent events reawakened that monster inside him and he feared it would never be contained.
He conducted a diagnostic. The results were not encouraging. Seven ruptured micro servos, degraded impact repellants from upper back to midthigh, thirteen burnt out relays, faltering power boosters, and a weapons bracelet operating at 73 percent capacity.
Not encouraging at all. But he would work with what he had.
He slipped out of the cave, embarking on a quest to find his friend.

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Ubiquitous Antiquity...

Life on other planets could have been warmed by the afterglow of the Big Bang.

Aliens might have existed during the Universe’s infancy. A set of calculations suggests that liquid water — a pre­requisite for life — could have formed on rocky planets just 15 million years after the Big Bang.

Abraham Loeb, an astrophysicist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has realized that in the early Universe, the energy required to keep water liquid could have come from the cosmic microwave background, the afterglow of the Big Bang, rather than from host stars. Today, the temperature of this relic radiation is just 2.7 kelvin, but at an age of around 15 million years it would have kept the entire Universe at a balmy 300 kelvin, says Loeb, who posted his calculations to the arXiv preprint server this month.

Loeb says that rocky planets could have existed at that time, in pockets of the Universe where matter was exceptionally dense, leading to the formation of massive, short-lived stars that would have enriched these pockets in the heavier elements needed to make planets. He suggests that there would have been a habitable epoch of 2 million or 3 million years during which all rocky planets would have been able to maintain liquid water, regardless of their distance from a star. “The whole Universe was once an incubator for life,” he says.

Nature: Life possible in the early Universe
Physics arXiv: The Habitable Epoch of the Early Universe, Abraham Loeb

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4 for you... Ebooks Galore.

         Just in for the holidays... Ebooks Galore.  

         My father found Bin Laden is now available as a kindle download or any other

         electronic reader.

         Plus, let's get some Jello Pudding Pops in the mix with some interesting

         anthology series, called Immortal Fantasy, which is my version of  Heavy Metal

        magazine.  Its an all genre book, so there is something for every fan of all

         storytelling media in graphic form.

           And speaking of graphics, last but not least is the Little Miss Strange graphic

           novel for kindle and nook.

            Time for those links, dont you think ?

             Of course, these title are available in paperback editions as well but you

             can find them by checking out these e book downloads.

                 My father found Bin Laden.... wait for it...


          Get this ebook from the below link....  


            Up, next.... the poignant story of Jello Pudding Pops




         Ah, shucks, time for the graphic novel stuff... 





                     check this bad boy out... all genre in your face action, humor, etc.


                 Here's the book that started it all...

                     Little Miss Strange....the world's first black alien sorceress.  


                    link for this ebook is here....


             Now that a cool collection of e books... check it out.



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Life on Earth...


The American Association for the Advancement of Science had an insightful title: "Global Challenges: Sustaining Life on Earth." Some excerpts from each sub link:

Will The World Have Enough Energy in 2040?

By 2040, planet Earth will be home to nearly 9 billion people — up roughly 2 billion from today — all requiring access to energy supplies in order to participate in modern life. We have the natural resources to meet global projected energy demands in 2040, but how to do so equitably and without exacerbating global warming are more difficult questions, experts said at a AAAS event.

The challenges will be less acute in the developed world, where energy use is projected to stay mostly steady in the next three decades. But the next 30 years should see energy demand surge in other countries whose economies are growing rapidly, especially those in Asia, according to representatives from Exxon-Mobil and the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which is part of the U.S. Department of Energy.

Though they differ in their finer points, projections by both organizations show global energy use growing from roughly 400 quadrillion BTU's in 2000 to over 700 quadrillion BTU's by 2040 with virtually all of the increase coming from outside today's high-income countries. At that point, less than half of the world's oil resources will be consumed, according to Rob Gardner, manager of the Economics and Energy Division of Exxon-Mobil's Corporate Strategic Planning Department. The company also estimates that the remaining recoverable global resources of natural gas are enough to meet current demand for about 200 years

Societies' Nearsightedness Poses Main Obstacle to Extreme Weather Preparation

Extreme weather: Everybody talks about it, but human nature often gets in the way of our doing something about it. This was the consensus among scientists who participated in a discussion about "Building Resilience to Extreme Weather," at the AAAS headquarters auditorium in downtown Washington, DC.

Scientists, engineers and others who study extreme weather have proposed numerous ways to reduce the suffering and damage inflicted by hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, deluges, droughts and such. Obstacles to implementing these measures often arise because peoples' perspectives are short-term and localized, while nature's patterns are vastly longer-term and global, the speakers said.

Society could benefit greatly by taking the same approach to natural hazards as that taken by the aviation industry toward air disasters, which means "learning from experience," he said. For instance, if a wing falls off a plane, the official reaction is that "this must never happen again.'"

Promising Advances in Conservation Science May Test Existing Policies

Already, scientists have cloned an extinct goat-specifically, a Portuguese subspecies of the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica), said Haig, one of three speakers who joined moderator Richard Harris of National Public Radio to discuss the frontiers of conservation science and policy. The ibex clone, produced after Spanish and French scientists inserted preserved DNA into a modern goat egg and made 57 implantation attempts, died shortly after birth. In Australia, researchers also have so far cloned early embryos of a mouth-brooding frog (Rheobatrachus) that used its stomach as a womb before habitat loss prompted it to go extinct some 30 years ago. Other research teams have announced plans to try and resurrect the carrier pigeon, the woolly mammoth, an extinct type of cattle known as the auroch, and other animals, using a combination of cloning and selective breeding methods.

Energy, climate, biodiversity: three tall-orders that science is up to the task with the noted exception (lack) of political will and obfuscation from our leaders. At issue is the engineered public distrust of prepared experts on science, and their misplaced trust in "thought leaders" that parrot talking points for respective myopic energy industries. Change at this point could affect their business model, and it might. I'm betting with the right incentives, that change could be mutually beneficial: the climate on earth somewhat stabilized, meaning the economies of nations stable as well, thus more with the means to consume responsibly, and would so gladly. Making money on war, misery and social stratification can only go so far (after all, the Earth is only an estimated 1,097,509,500,000,000,000,000 cubic meters), rather large, but not infinite. Especially for 9 billion souls that will require food, housing and employment. Our species will have to become space faring to survive.

It would be a shame our venture into the stars via Mars is an evacuation versus a colonization. The Red Planet's atmosphere is currently too thin for human life. It would take several centuries of Terra-forming to get it habitable. It would take starting that process.

Our planet is our star ship, and our only practice field. It will stand testament as evidence of our stewardship...or lack thereof.

American Association for the Advancement of Science:
Global Challenges: Sustaining Life on Earth, 11 December 2013, Kathy Wren
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Urban Planning as Zombie Defense

On a recent trip to Japan, I had the opportunity to stroll through some of Tokyo's residential districts. Through a combination of war, natural disasters and economics, modem Tokyo is a sprawling high tech megalopolis. However, within this city of skyscrapers and gleaming trains, vestiges of the older city remain.

Many temples, shrines and even single family houses in Tokyo take the form of small walled compounds. From a functional standpoint these walls are not really designed to deter a determined intruder, but they generally provide the boundaries of the particular homestead or site of importance.

 Importantly, whole communities exist with within arms length of these compounds and one another. Sometimes, the less then 7 feet separate one walled home compound from another.  

While the gate in the picture is not likely stopping a contingent of alien invaders, it might prevent the wandering, shuffling type of zombie featured in most fiction.

All of this leads this leads to an interesting thought experiment about the suitability of different cultural architectural styles to resist an encroaching disaster.

American architectural preferences led to wide suburban sprawl. Large homes are placed on large tracts of land, usually without significant walls or fences encircling the property. The same is true from churches is most of the western world.  Americans, it is often remarked, like their space. However this abundance might work to their detriment.

Isolated homesteads can be overrun or worse, subject to siege. Suburban occupants could easily be cut off from resources, eventually running dangerously close to starvation while an ever growing inhuman horde gathers outside. You can not eat bullets and gold bars. Eventually, by desperate act or carelessness, the hordes will eventually find entry through a broken window or a battered screen door


In contrast, it is easy to imagine a network of makeshift bridges spanning the short distances between Japanese homesteads, temples and shrines. Resources and skills sets could be combined to colonize abandoned neighborhood homes. Eventually a network of homes, roof-top gardens, protected construction sites, fenced athletic fields, and sundry stores could be maintained, cultivated.

Eventually a new city would build itself over the infested ruins of the old, spreading itself out along ribbons of past density. The inhabitants of this new city would use and adapt the machinery of inherited urbanity; the sewers, canals, underground infrastructure, to short circuit the dangers and maintain living standards.

This new city and others like it would resemble Venetian cities crafted over zombie seas.

Most apocalyptic fiction focuses on a return to wilderness; man as an inherently rural being. This, I think, is a uniquely American fantasy.

However,  it might be that cities, as they always have, retain their role as the epicenters of human civilization after the fall of man.


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a reason to read fantasy again By david mccauley on December 12, 2013

I'm not a huge "fantasy" fan... loved Howard, Wagner, Moorcock, but there havent been any in the genre that have "caught" me... however, i found myself loving this entire series... i have read all 3 of the books... i got "hooked" in the first one... pulled in by the second one... but this 3rd one really blew me away... there is an epic "fight" / conflict scene that twists and turns and just freaking exhausted me, when the fight was over, i was as worn out as the survivors...

all that being said, the thing that drew me in originally and pulled me in even deeper has been the politics and intrigue that drive the story and provide a solid and deep contextual foundation for the entire series... i'm looking forward to more...
Rating: 5 Stars.
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On The Cusp of 5G...

See Technology Review link below.

The fifth generation of mobile communications technology will see the end of the “cell” as the fundamental building block of communication networks.

Today we get some interesting speculation from Federico Boccardi at Alcatel-Lucent’s Bell Labs and a number of pals. These guys have focused on the technologies that are most likely to have a disruptive impact on the next generation of communications tech. And they’ve pinpointed emerging technologies that will force us to rethink the nature of networks and the way devices use them.

The first disruptive technology these guys have fingered will change the idea that radio networks must be made up of “cells” centred on a base station. In current networks, a phone connects to the network by establishing an uplink and a downlink with the local base station.

That looks likely to change. For example, an increasingly likely possibility is that 5G networks will rely on a number of different frequency bands that carry information at different rates and have wildly different propagation characteristics.

So a device might use one band as an uplink at a high rate and another band to downlink at a low rate or vice versa. In other words, the network will change according to a device’s data demands at that instant.

At the same time, new classes of devices are emerging that communicate only with other devices: sensors sending data to a server, for example. These devices will have the ability to decide when and how to send the data most efficiently. That changes the network from a cell-centric one to a device-centric one.

I think out of force of habit, we'll still call it a "cell phone."
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Its Impossible Until Its Done

Real life can be much more fantastic than anything we can create in fiction. Even the great bard Shakespeare is said to have based his play Othello on a real African military man who commanded soldiers during the Medieval Ages when Europe was conquered by Africa. Many popular cinema and TV cowboys were based on Black Buffalo soldiers who roamed the country after the American Civil War.  As the United States became an international power to be feared, Black enlisted men, military officers and political statesmen risked their lives in foreign lands; they became legendary and help to spawn our courageous interstellar starship captains and masked, caped heroes wielding super powers to protect our planet. Sport figures such as Jack Johnson may have  forged the template for Luke Cage, a popular comic book superhero.

There have been and always will  be many great men and women of African descent who inspire visionaries to capture the essence of incredible deeds within the timeless realm of literature and art.

Doubtless, with the passing of an individual such as Nelson Mandela, many seeds for science fiction and fantasy have been sown. These works will propel us into the impossible as we follow the exploits of heroes who struggle and win against the odds in short stories, novels, theatrical productions, comic books, art and dance.

Even after life, Mandela can become a new beginning for creative minds seeking  to bring forth extraordinary characters and themes in their works.

Reach beyond yourself; visit the official Mandela Foundation website at: http://www.nelsonmandela.org/

You can find me at: http://www.staffordbatttle.com

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At City College of San Francisco, student Daniela Cardenas prepares DNA for analysis during the biotechnology module of Bio 11: Introduction to the Science of Living Organisms. This course was developed with funding from the NSF-ATE grant titled, "Incorporating Molecular Biology into the Undergraduate Curriculum."

Credit: City College of San Francisco, Biology Department

In the U.S., almost half of all undergraduate students are educated at community colleges. The most recent data show that about 40 percent of community-college students represent the first generation in their family to attend college. Eighteen percent are Hispanic, 15 percent are Black, and 12 percent are students with disabilities.

The community college environment reflects not only demographic changes in the population, but also changes in the economy. As less-skilled jobs are less available, there is a need for more education and training in specialized fields to build or rebuild a career path toward a secure future.

This microcosm of students is key to the National Science Foundation's (NSF) commitment to support high-quality educational experiences in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (the STEM fields) while recruiting underrepresented groups into STEM and building the STEM workforce.

In 1992, Congress presented NSF with its first-ever mandate for program creation, known as the Scientific and Advanced Technology Act. In response to this legislation, the NSF established the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program, with the overall goal of increasing the knowledge and skills of technicians who are educated at associate-degree-granting colleges.

In funding community colleges, the program gives them a leadership role in strengthening the skills of STEM technicians. The community colleges work in partnership with universities, secondary schools, business and industry and government agencies to design and carry out model workforce development initiatives in fields as diverse as biotechnology, cyber security and advanced manufacturing.

National Science Foundation: Preparing high-tech workers, meeting needs of employers

"Those in America with the most favorable view of science tend to be young, well-to-do, college-educated white males. But three-quarters of new American workers in the next decade will be women, non-whites, and immigrants. Failing to rouse their enthusiasm - to say nothing of discriminating against them - isn't only unjust, it's also stupid and self-defeating. It deprives the economy of desperately needed skilled workers."

The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, Carl Sagan, Chapter 19: "No Such Thing as a Dumb Question"
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William Hayashi has given birth to an extraordinary story, defining a new era in the Black Science Fiction genre!

By Khafra K. Omrazeti "ancient text"

Hayashi's "Darkside Trilogy" is shaping up to be a masterpiece, one that provides an exciting reading experience. This book is an amazing adventure and a science fiction journey that will keep you engaged for over 600 pages.

I started this trilogy on the second book, however I'm now convinced that I should also read the first book and I'm waiting anxiously for the third book to be completed. As coauthor of "Black Futurists in the Information Age: Vision of a Technological Renaissance in the 21st Century", I found this book fascinating on many levels:

(1) The reality of African American involvement in revolutionary science and technology developments (in both the industrial age and the information age) is significant, and Hayashi has the vision and courage to bring this out in this extraordinary story

(2) The institutionalize racism that is prevalent throughout American culture is brought to the surface in this exciting journey; Hayashi is relentless in making sure that we understand the consistency of how people (of all races in America) are being "dumb-down" and kept ignorant about the truth concerning many things regarding Black people and the world at large

(3) That given the opportunity of a self-imposed exile on the moon, Black people demonstrate their brilliance in science and technology that far exceeds anything that they could have achieved in an American society that place severe limitations on their abilities and creativity

(4) Hayashi demonstrates an excellent grasp and working knowledge of the scientific discoveries discussed in this saga and brilliantly uncovers the fact that many Black people are working in these fields and unveiling the mysteries of the universe and

(5) In knowing the true intellectual and scientific capabilities of Black people, from the ancient world (ancient Kemet (Egypt), Kush, the Moors, Songhay, etc.) to the present, it is my hope that this book and others in this science fiction genre will bring forth an awakening in the Black world for extraordinary scientific achievement in the 21st century and beyond.

Writers like William Hayashi are invaluable to our present-day civilization, especially when it comes to helping Black people break FREE of the severe mental, scientific and creative limitations that this civilization seeks to impose on the Black world.

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The fruit of a lot of labor from some very talented people (and me too!) has produced the first edition of O.T.H.E.R. Sci Fi Magazine, a Journal dedicated to the promotion and review of speculative fiction, horror, fantasy, science fiction and fantasy that have world-building and inclusiveness at their center.

We invite you to take a tour and to consider contributing, joining the staff or submitting your works for review!


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