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Hamba Kahle Madiba...

Message from The Nelson Mandela Foundation, The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and The Mandela Rhodes Foundation

5th December 2013

It is with the deepest regret that we have learned of the passing of our founder, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela – Madiba. The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa will shortly make further official announcements.

We want to express our sadness at this time. No words can adequately describe this enormous loss to our nation and to the world.

We give thanks for his life, his leadership, his devotion to humanity and humanitarian causes. We salute our friend, colleague and comrade and thank him for his sacrifices for our freedom. The three charitable organisations that he created dedicate ourselves to continue promoting his extraordinary legacy.

Hamba Kahle Madiba

I will never cease to be amazed at the sheer callousness of our species.

During postings honoring the death of Nelson Mandela, someone took offense at his stance of forgiveness; could not fathom how he could forgive his enemies after such harsh treatment. More "eye-for-an-eye" than anything civilized. At issue was a quote from Madiba expressed in a similar meme as below:

"No person can forgive/love their enemy," and then referred to this great man as weak and by an epithet I assume would also culturally insult them if applied. I've also found those who advocate armed insurrection usually are armchair enthusiasts with no history nor track record of successful violence. I won't bother repeating it: profanity is evidence of limited vocabulary, shallow values and underdeveloped thought processes.

Madiba was 95 as he passed on, his frame worn out from trial, imprisonment and abuse by the system the world would come to know as Apartheid.

It mirrored almost without variation, the system of suppression and segregation in the Jim Crow south, just as unfair, brutal and deadly.

Yet, like King, he refused to hate. Like Gandhi and King, his nonviolent methods were identified with weakness, not strength. [He was a part of forming a counter insurgency after slaughter by the police leading to his arrest and harsh imprisonment, the more remarkable that with that memory, he could still forgive and not forget.] We no longer have segregated lunch counters, education, water fountains, transportation; South Africa and finally America shattered the opaque ceiling of presidential exclusion to their respective highest offices. Sadly, both nations still have a long way to go, even achieving so much.

Despite evidence we've all descended from the same genome that had its origins in Africa, some insist on their specialness; their apartness by essentially giving divine powers to Melanin and particular exalted shades of its gradient hue. It is no wonder the heavens are silent: ET does not phone, and refuses to be bothered with our present unevolved drivel.

Mandela refused to let the psychopathology of others in charge of an unfair and brutal system - Apartheid/Jim Crow - define his humanity: after arrest and imprisonment on Robbin Island, presumably at the time for life. He and F.W. de Klerk - despite a stormy relationship born of those tensions - would share the Nobel Peace Prize and usher the nation's 1st multicultural elections. For that, he was an inspiration in South Africa and the American South.

No, this post has nothing to do with science. But science, like the pursuit of human dignity, should be a shared, noble endeavor. Sometimes the best among us set the example by their humility and courage in the face of crushing adversity. Such courage may be cursed by a demented, myopic few as cowardice; I prefer instead to celebrate it as it passes on to the ages.

World English Dictionary hamba kahle (ˈhæmbə ˈɡɑːʃlɪ) — sentence substitute goodbye, farewell (esp to the dead) [from Xhosa, literally: go well]

Go well, Madiba...go well.

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My Father Found Bin Laden... A Children's Book

          There are many things that an artist can do to fulfill himself, paint, drawing, storyboarding, etc.

           I have always been fond of the Dr. Seuss books, even unto this day and wanted to illustrate

           something that would be just as unique as his titles.

           I think this is it.

             My Father Found Bin Laden is about following the humorous misadventures of a young

            girl who adores her father who is a navy doctor and wishes for him to come home

             dearly... but first Bin Laden must be found.

              Yes, indeed... he must.

               Brought to you by Window Sill Children's Book headed by writer Donna Matthews.

    She has received a BA in Social Work from Morgan State University and a Masters in Fine Arts from the American Film institute. Donna is a strong advocate for children and cares about the issues children must contend with on a daily basis. The Window Sill Children’s Series was created to give children a voice. Many of these generations’ children are dealing with abandonment issues.

         For me as an artist, this is a goldmine for creativity... since I have been assigned to illustrated

         all six titles in the series.

          I hope that you will find this children's literature interesting enough to pick up a copy

          at amazon.com... or tell your friends about it.  Here is the link below.





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Setting Writing Goals and Keeping Them

Download a copy of my latest story, Where the Monsters Are. It already has six 5-star reviews and is only $0.99!

Like many other authors last month, I accepted the NaNoWriMo challenge last month. And like many of those authors, I fell way short of my goal. Part of the problem was not seeing how much I was writing. Sure, I could check my word count, but that wasn't really putting it in the proper perspective for me.

So I wanted to pick up from where I fell down miserably sometime in mid-November (approximately 7,000 words). I've already espoused the virtues of Google Drive and writing with your smart phone. Now while I'm currently having some issues with writing on my smart phone, it's still beats the hell out of writing in a notebook and transcribing later.

I wanted something more concrete for me, a definite means of seeing exactly where I was and how much further I have to go. So I created a spreadsheet to do just that. This is my actual spreadsheet, titled Goals. Feel free to look it over and if you think it might be of use to you, copy it for yourself.

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Genius Materials...

LOOK at your cell phone. No, seriously: the embed below will hopefully inspire you to.

Your smart phone, your Kindle, your Nook, your pad (name the brand), your flat screen mounted proudly above your fireplaces are not the result of "magic," wishful thinking or dumb luck. The skills required to understand and design them are as accessible as an open book, electronic or analog pulp variety, and the will to read it and work out the difficulties with the material.

The technological advances you enjoy will not create themselves in perpetuity. You need scientists, engineers; you need an education system that prepares our youth for the competition that in every other country is advancing quite successfully. We are once again lagging international PISA results, albeit in this country, biased by socioeconomic factors (purposely, my hypothesis) not accounted for in the PISA eval. Wealthy kids against the globe do reasonably well; inner city children have myriad challenges for their attention. The testing curriculum in this country also assumes no impact from social stratification.

We can, as national ostriches with our heads buried in sand and up our collective anal cavities, ignore this disparity; continue on our inane "teach-to-the-test" regime, or accept our coming decline gracefully. Magic nor magical thinking* will be our salvation (STEM will, if allowed), and grace is something from the American electorate I've seen wanting.

* "A new era of the magical explanation of the world is rising, an explanation based on will rather than knowledge. There is no truth, in either the moral or the scientific sense." Adolf Hitler (Carl Sagan, "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as A Candle in the Dark," Chapter 14 - Anti-science)

* "The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

—Unnamed White House aide[1] 

The quote is now widely attributed to Karl Rove. (Rational Wiki)

More at: Science.NASA.gov

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NEMS Transistor...

An Oscillating Graphene Drum. Source: Link below

Researchers at Columbia University in the US have built the smallest frequency-modulated (FM) radio transmitter ever. Based on a graphene nanomechanical system (NEMS), the device oscillates at a frequency of 100 MHz. It could find use in a variety of applications, including sensing tiny masses and on-chip signal processing. It also represents an important first step towards the development of advanced wireless technology and the design of ultrathin mobile phones, says team co-leader James Hone.

"Our device is much smaller than any other radio-signal source ever made and, importantly, can be put on the same chip that is used for data processing," he explains.

Graphene is a sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb-like lattice that is just one atom thick. Since its discovery in 2004, this "wonder material" has continued to amaze scientists with its growing list of unique electronic and mechanical properties, which include high electrical conductivity and exceptional strength. Indeed, some researchers believe that graphene might even replace silicon as the electronic industry's material of choice in the future.

Physics World: Nanomechanical FM transistor is smallest yet

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Heroes Like Me Universe in 2014

Thank you for reading about the adventures of The Shining Star, The Fiery Furnace,The Human Pearl, The Buffalo Soldier John Henry-The Steel Driving ManThe Black Dove and, The Mysterious Maestro. 
Heroes Like Me Entertainment is here to showcase  stories of action/adventure, sci-fi, mystery and suspense.   
We have some great plans for 2014.
First of all, we will be adding a new hero to our roster
Introducing The Flying Bullet Tuskegee Airman Lt. Curt Master finds himself in the far flung reaches of outer space and DANGER!!!

Also stay tuned and come back to Heroeslikeme.com on December 24th 2014.  We will premiere the short video for The Alien Ambassador which will be the launching pad for The Alien Ambassador: The Movie.  
That will make a great early Christmas present.
The movie will premiere in the summer of 2014.  A teaser trailer for the movie will be at the end of the Alien Ambassador short video.    
If you like what you see so far, then please tell a friend about Heroes Like Me.
We believe that everyone deserves heroes that look like them.
We will see you on January 15th 2014.  We will have some great new stories waiting for you in the New Year. 
Chris Love
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One of the things that stands out as the deliminator between great fiction and mediocre fiction is the ability to build credible worlds.

 Building a credible world is more than a sweet premise, like say Vampire Ninjas who wear awesome reflective ninja suits (Ed. Sparkly Ninja Vampire Boyfriend: coming soon from Moorsgate Media).  A credible world starts from a reasonable (or not so) premise, and then builds a realistic world around that premise.  Credibility in world building comes from making the incredible credible.

 If upon reading your story or your game plot summary, your testers keep telling you "I don't understand why Ninja Vampire Lestapolizes would rebel against the Triamphumphrate of Zoldan?" then you have a credibility problem.

However, solutions to the credibility problem are easier than you think. One of the reasons that A Song of Fire and Ice is so popular is that the author has taken a fairly fantastic premise and built a credible world around that premise. Sure, dragons and ice zombies are fairly fantastic notions. However, backstabbing alliances of rich people, wars over rightful succession, and the obligations of a liberating power, are all credible everyday topics. GRRM has explained that most of his source material comes from "The War of the Roses" a 15th century British civil war. GRRM added fantastical elements to a historically supported story and wound up with a massive hit that has spawned a hit TV show and a legion of fans giving Tolkien a run for his money.

While not everyone's story will take off like GRRM's, there is no reason to not explore the possibility of using a historical platform to tell an ahistorical story. Human history, written and oral, is full of tales of heroes and villains and political machinations.  A story can not be hurt by researching a historical event that has parallels to the world you are building.

 Writing a zombie apocalypse story? Check our the Black Death for inspiration. What did people do when faced with the seemingly realistic proposition of the end of the world? Alien invasion? Look to the Macaque, the Sioux, the Taliban (depeding on your character's POV).

The world building process does not have to take place in a vacuum. Science Fiction is built on historical allegories, there is no reason to abandon that path. If you are finding that your world isn't credible, motivations are murky, check to history, and it might provide the future.

reprinted from:

Site: www.moorsgatemedia.blogspot.com

Twitter: Moorsgate

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To say the very least, it's been a challenging year. I had a final with Stevens, and as finals in Solid State Electronics go, it was adequately challenging, but doable. Solid State II in 2014. There's a lot of breadth in physics as far as areas of study; I seem comfortable working in the area of the very, very small.

Without going into a lot of detail, I've had to fill in as operations manager on 2 night shifts while holding down a load in online graduate school. That yellow orb in your sky is for you day walkers...

I've also been thinking about Maslow's pyramid of basic needs. Initially, there were 5:
Simply Psychology

That list now includes beyond the apogee of actualization (and sandwiched right after Esteem: Cognitive Needs, Aesthetic Needs, THEN Self-Actualization and finally Transcendence. Elaborated further:
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

So, as stressful as the year was, it was also rewarding.

It's the top of the hierarchical structure where I think many of us - STEM people included - become discouraged in the sheer difficulty of understanding, let alone mastery in your chosen field (many drop out and go the non-technical route mid matriculation); or, on-the-job many may get confused and frustrated by the slow pace of our careers; the biases we may encounter; the "politics" we say we don't play (but on certain levels, we all do). That frustration can lead you astray to outside interests that have no bearing on what, and more importantly: WHY you initially chose a career based on studying the hard sciences and applying them to solving problems. Astray meaning in activities outside of STEM; investing time in businesses that function more like authoritarian cults without structure and realistic goals whose achievements outside its echo chamber makes a notable difference in the world. Desperate for the esteem/actualization portions of this new, faux pyramid (and, INTJ types are not very good at selling), every conceivable person you meet becomes a "mark"; no relationship or conversation about the weather seems genuine. Social media automates the process of commodification. You loose yourself in this wilderness of distraction, departing from your "first love," when you did science for the sheer joy of it. I speak from experience.

Similar to Rubik's cubes (dating myself); crossword puzzles or Sudoku, self-actualization is at the end of any struggle in STEM. Every expert started out as a novice; every scientist and engineer have/had problems that stump (ed) them. You've put pencil-to-paper or spent hours banging at a keyboard to master a software package. Whole forests have died in wastebaskets due your efforts in Calculus, Chemistry, Differential Equations (affectionately referred to as "Diffy Q") or the Schrödinger equation; sweat, body odor, unkempt hair (if, unlike me, you have any) and for men at least, the "5 o'clock shadow" dominates. Like a chess match when you have your opponent in check; like a fencer that finds her/his mark, there is a euphoria that is quite pleasant; not sure if that's "transcendence." Two quotes from Einstein come to mind:

"Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater."

"Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas."

Looking forward to the middle of the pyramid now that this semester is over...and a shower.

"Word porn" on Facebook is the source of this post's title, an encouragement never to lose the poetry of mathematics; the transcendence (if, or not STEM) of your first love.

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Body of Proof: Proofreading

Proofreading is a necessity for any writer.

And you should proof to the best of your (and the Internet’s) ability before you send it to anyone else to read. Even your Beta readers or your Mom. They may not say anything but they’ll notice.


What is proofreading? It’s checking the basics. Are the words spelled correctly? Is it the right version on the word (to, too, two for example).  Has a word been left out of a sentence?


Maybe you used a word you didn’t mean. Sometimes spellchecking programs will not catch these. Especially if you leave the “l” out of the word public. Cringe.


It happens, even after you’ve read over your own work ten (or more) times. You’ve looked at this piece over and over again and your brain is filling in the words that you meant to write. That’s why I recommend you find someone else to proofread for you.


Your proofer should catch oversights like these for you before your work goes to print. If you’re proofreading for yourself, give your eyes (and your brain) a break from looking at the same text it just created. 


How much time? It varies from a few hours to a few weeks. In my opinion for the best results, you need to fill that time with something non-writing related.


I’ve had my work go to an editor and then to a proofer. They each knew the lines of their duties and didn’t cross them. But some presses have one person that does both.


When it comes to some vanity presses, you’re one your own because the publisher tells you upfront that your work will not go through a proofing process before it goes to print. Same goes if you’re self-publishing. If you find yourself responsible for your own for proofreading your work, read and re-read the text or ask a friend that will be honest with you to read it.


A friend commented once during a writer’s dinner out: “Get someone to read your work that doesn’t like you and hasn’t slept with you.” (Well, he didn’t use the word “slept” but I have to edit myself before I put these posts up. But more on editing in the next segment.)


But I agree to a certain extent. Find a proofreader that won’t hold back on their corrections. Even if the paper fills up with red ink or the screen gets overloaded with tracked changes. And don’t be offended or discouraged if your work is returned to you that way.


It may save you from having your mistakes seen in “pubic”. 

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Energy and Employment...

From the credits:

Eugene Chudnovsky holds the position of Distinguished Professor of Physics at City University of New York in New York City. He is also a fellow of the American Physical Society.

This kind of stuck out to me since the physics Dr. Chudnovsky refers to is thermodynamics: "the study of energy and its transformations" (as I recall my undergraduate textbook's definition).

His article appeared on Physics Today's under the title "The Physics of Unemployment." From the provided link:

 photo pt52006figure1.jpg

 photo pt52006figure2.jpg

The author points out the close correlation between employment and energy consumption, which almost seems oxymoron: employed people spend more in goods as well as energy usage (new gadgets; more electricity usage). We also we may inevitably have to face two physics facts possibly:

  1. Alternatives like wind and solar sound green and attractive, but we've historically gotten more "bang-for-the-buck" from deceased dinosaurs.
  2. "Green" battery-powered vehicles can also be quite dangerous, and have a few bugs to work out in its own right.
  3. We may inevitably have to come to the reluctant conclusion that nuclear energy will have a "greener effect" on the environment (just need a way to store fission byproducts while waiting out the half-life); fusion for that reason being the more desirable of course.

It is naive at best to think our consumption can go on forever; that our assumptions of how to fix things scientifically takes us only in one direction. It is equally naive to ignore the impact of fossil fuels on our climate.

This article attracted my attention largely because for point 3, we'll have to plan and design accordingly to avoid another Fukushima. I believe examining other people's experiences works as the best teacher.
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Feynman Lectures - Quantum Mechanics...

Image Credit: CapeRay blog, The Promise of Nanotechnology

Preface to the New Millennium Edition

Nearly fifty years have passed since Richard Feynman taught the introductory physics course at Caltech that gave rise to these three volumes, The Feynman Lectures on Physics. In those fifty years our understanding of the physical world has changed greatly, but The Feynman Lectures on Physics has endured. Feynman's lectures are as powerful today as when first published, thanks to Feynman's unique physics insights and pedagogy. They have been studied worldwide by novices and mature physicists alike; they have been translated into at least a dozen languages with more than 1.5 millions copies printed in the English language alone. Perhaps no other set of physics books has had such wide impact, for so long.

This New Millennium Edition ushers in a new era for The Feynman Lectures on Physics (FLP): the twenty-first century era of electronic publishing. FLP has been converted to eFLP, with the text and equations expressed in the LaTeX electronic typesetting language, and all figures redone using modern drawing software.

The consequences for the print version of this edition are not startling; it looks almost the same as the original red books that physics students have known and loved for decades. The main differences are an expanded and improved index, the correction of 885 errata found by readers over the five years since the first printing of the previous edition, and the ease of correcting errata that future readers may find. To this I shall return below.

The eBook Version of this edition, and the Enhanced Electronic Version are electronic innovations. By contrast with most eBook versions of 20th century technical books, whose equations, figures and sometimes even text become pixellated when one tries to enlarge them, the LaTeX manuscript of the New Millennium Edition makes it possible to create eBooks of the highest quality, in which all features on the page (except photographs) can be enlarged without bound and retain their precise shapes and sharpness. And the Enhanced Electronic Version, with its audio and blackboard photos from Feynman's original lectures, and its links to other resources, is an innovation that would have given Feynman great pleasure.

I sincerely hope you find this as useful as I do! Volume I on mechanics/radiation/heat is still up; they're apparently still working on Volume II (electromagnetism/matter).

CalTech: Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume III: Quantum Mechanics

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Pick up a copy of Where the Monsters are here. I will let the review speak for itself:

By Keith Milstead
Gerald Dean Rice’s novelette WHERE THE MONSTERS ARE so befuddled me the first time I read it that I believed I should read it again. Not to say it was anything but genius, it was. I just kept feeling the need to reread Mr. Rice’s journey into madness. Upon my first reading, I looked at Mr. Rice’s story at face value, a man’s journey through the rabbit hole where he meets people who think they know him from the past and then begin showing up again and again, affecting his life by going as far and destroying a co-workers career and killing another. His journey is diluted by the fear he will kill his wife and destroying his life.

Now, if I had chosen to stop there, it would have been like eating the cherry off a cake but not eating the cake. I am not even sure Mr. Rice had this deeper meaning that I perceived because as a nightmare story, this tale would have been sufficient and well worth the price of admittance. Instead, I read it again and as I moved through the main character’s nightmarish journey, I, being a long time student of clinical psychology began to see the symptoms of schizoaffective disorder and the horrible influences that this disease has on people.

I cannot be sure that this is what Mr. Rice wrote about but it is how his work influenced me. People affected by schizoaffective disorder experience strange thoughts and perceptions along with paranoid thoughts and ideas. This is definitely what the mind of our main character, Gerald Parsons, seems to be filled with. A victim of schizoaffective disorder experiences delusions, hallucinations, a manic mood as well as thoughts of homicide and suicide. People who are affected by this disorder also have problems with attention and memory and display behavior at the extreme ends of the normal spectrum. My first clue that Gerald is being treated for something is indicated when he takes medication of an unknown type and that he has seen a psychiatrist before.

I will not reveal any more of this story and plot line because Gerald Dean Rice is a master story teller and you should obtain this e-book to fully enjoy a story that works so well on so many levels. Reading it through the second time is where I let my imagination open up and gained a whole new since of Mr. Rice’s story. So to me, it was like reading two different stories with the same characters. This is an incredible book, an incredible story and an awesome journey into madness. I cannot recommend this book any more than I have.

Literally, buy this book and figuratively, get your mind blown! Kudos Mr. Rice, kudos!

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Is it the same for you? I was remembering the dude called "Face" in "The A Team". Total character immersion was his stick and I wondered if he was going to come out of it. He would even select a character before the mission started which seemed a psychic choosing and necessary down the line.

Although I don't do character design, I do put myself in the room when I am imagining a house design or a piece of art. It seems essential to be in that "space" to explore the spiritual dimensions before I commit to physical form. And it is kind of out of whack with all this virtual reality, because I can fully realize an idea in a virtual form and be satisfied enough as to not desire to see it in physical form. Now I can imagine, sketch it flatly, draw it in 3d and walk around and through it. The drawing is not real but I can get enough cues to realize the great possibility of materialization. Easy on a desktop model, overwhelming engineering feat in sticks and stone.

Writers never seem to get this bent. They are used to visualizing a character and watching it come to life in the story. The extra layer of having to materialize a form in this dimension, this material plane is a great stress. I design a house, no I formulate the idea of a house, do a drawing of it. The first comments I get are "that's cool, what are you going to do with it?" and "are you going to build it?" Of course now I'm full of anguish, I do not have the means to materialize this idea. I feel a rush of urgency followed by a weight of inability. I move on to the next idea, the next design because it is easier and more economically sound to imagine.

Maybe we are all like this in our perspective roles, playing characters with all seriousness, immersed to the point no one can doubt our sincerity. They even hope for you, push you to the characters goal. Now I really don't care much if the thing becomes a pale physical reality, the glory is in having the vision, can you see what I am seeing. I try really hard to illustrate it so that you see it too. There is not enough time in one life to realize all the dreams. Don't you see dreaming is the reality? And we all take on the myths and legends and hero personalities, immersing ourselves to follow paths in guises, dipping our souls in paint to color our canvases uniquely.

Total character immersion is our stick and I wondered if we are going to come out of it. We even select our life's character before our mission started which seems a psychic choosing and necessary down the line.

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Comic Con can be a mind bender in itself, with rows upon rows of artists, promoters, writers, creatives, and more! Not to mention the programming that is non-stop. I was lucky enough to be invited to listen to Donald Lanouette, a Canadian entrepreneur that has been working in the comic book industry for a long time. His most recent incarnation is as the founder of UCreateComics, an online platform that hopes to help writers and artists find an opportunity to build, grow, and promote their talent.

UCreateComics is a place for fans, writers, artists, and freelancers; and with 7,000 members it's a growing resources. It also clocks roughly 100,000 hits in traffic. Not bad for an independent endeavor. Donald had managed to raise a capital of around $1,000,000 to kickstart this company. His vision was simple: give artist a chance to get their first opportunity. UCreateComics has built relationships with independent publishing houses like Valiant and once they develop volume hope to connect with Marvel and DC Comics. They help distribute the created work in comic book stores all across the country.

So how does it work? Well there are monthly opportunities for artist to pitch their story via UCreateComics. Pitch100 is for graphic novels that are at least 90 pages but there are other non-graphic novel pitches. Donald stressed that graphic novels had longevity and allows artist to take their time with the creative process compared to monthly comic books. Candidates who pitch then garner a fanbase on the website and the most votes receive the opportunity of a $5,000 funding. For those who are writers not artists, UCreateComics helps the writer find an artist by creating a competition for artist to apply to. The winner is paired with a writer to help them develop the work.

Once the comic/novel starts selling, there is a 60-40 split between the artist and UCreateComics. This is because UCreate makes the product, help the writer refine the script, solicits artist bids, films, promotes/markets the item, and distributes. Freelancers are encouraged to join the platform for $70 a year, which allows them to enter competitions and build a fanbase. There is also a pay per pitch model where members can pitch their stories as many times as they want for $15 a pitch. This is an interesting platform and funding model, and may just be what the independent comic world needs in order to launch raw and relatively unknown talent.


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Austin Comic Con and Writing Comics

So you want to write comics! Well Austin Comic Con had a panel on that with Daniel O'Neil (Batman; Iron Man), Danny Fingeroth (Spiderman; Darkhawk), and Paul Benjamin (Pantheon High; Spiderman). So what did these veterans have to say about delving into comic book writing?

1. Do not be afraid to add details to your characters that may seems unimportant, especially if it adds to the plot because it shows how important that detail is to the character

2. Everything should stick to the spin of the story. Every scene or panel should move the plot along.

3. Don't get hung up on a title. It can always change. Give the story a title and move on; spend more time on developing the story. Finish the story as good as you can get it and then focus on naming it. Sometimes you find a title that inspires a story but usually the story comes first.

4. Establish conflict no later than the page 2. This is an archaic rule but it basically just means you need to establish conflict as early as possible in the story. This will hold your audience's attention.

5. You also want to keep ramping up the conflict as you go through the book. You should constantly be building and building. 

6. Cliff hangers are good!

7. Get characters talking as soon as possible to hold the audience's attention.

8. You've got to be ruthless! If it is not pertinent to the plot, cut it! If you are not attached to the character and they don't move the plot along, cut them out!!

9. Sometimes dialogue comes first before you figure out the action and that's fine.

Sounds good right?! What would you add?

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One of the more interesting panels that I attended involved Jus Riddick, an actor, independent director, writer, and producer from Atlanta (now in L.A.) who is known for his feature length film Only in L.A. He provided some interesting tidbits for budding filmmakers who wanted to create but did not have the budget to do so! Here is what I gathered from the short panel:

1. Most important positions on screen to have apart from actors, writers, and director is

  • DP/Director of Photography (even better if he has his/her own camera)
  • Make up! More important that people think - go to film/make-up school to get free/low cost help
  • Sound guy!!! People will forgive grainy images but not bad sound!
  • Gaffer (I think I spelt this wrong) - Person who directs the lighting. 
  • First AD - This is the mum on set making sure everyone is where they need to be. he/she is extremely organized.
  • Visual effects depending on what you are filming
  • Production assistant

One person can play one or more of the roles listed above. Teaching yourself to do certain things will save you money!

2. Feed your crew home cooked meals - cheaper and they will thank you for it. People are willing to work for free if they are fed.

3. Never take budget into consideration during the writing stage. Write what you want to make! Someone may like it and fund it but if not, you can figured out what you need after you detail what you would like to do.

4. Location. Location. Location!! Use friend’s houses, use social media and emailing to find locations. You may get hits from people who want to help you.

Another a great source is craigslists. Even if your post gets removed, keep posting till you get what you need!

5. Interview people before you put them on your team! The more people you get the more you need to trust them. Make sure you gel with them creatively. Make sure they are friendly and humble! Don’t hire anyone blindly.

6. Resources: Mndy or Mandy.com; craigslist, staffmeup.com, shortfilmstexas.com << use these to find crew work, post what you are looking for, get actors etc.

7. Cameras: Canon, DSLR, Black magic camera - new one coming out that may be cheaper.

8. Highlighted this the most! Spend most of your time on pre-production! 

  • Plan everything out in detail!
  • First AD is involved in this process from the beginning
  • set list figured out, finding locations.

The more work you do at this stage, the less things can go wrong, the less money you will end up spending!

9. Utilize people from film school and film students. Some resources are available to them for free i.e. locations (they are fill out forms for you so you can get free locations), equipments, and knowledge.

10. Production Stage: Remember that something will always go wrong! You can’t do anything about this. This is why it is important to pick good people and plan in post production stage to avoid these issues!

For those seasoned filmmakers, what else would you add to this list?

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Sciences As One Would...

"The human understanding is no dry light, but receives infusion from the will and affections; whence proceed sciences which may be called 'sciences as one would.' For what a man had rather were true he more readily believes. Therefore he rejects difficult things from impatience of research; sober things, because they narrow hope; the deeper things of nature, from superstition; the light of experience, from arrogance and pride; things not commonly believed, out of the deference to the opinion of the vulgar. Numberless in short are the ways, and sometimes imperceptible, in which the affections color and infect the understanding." Sir Francis Bacon, NOVUM ORGANON (1620)

"A clairvoyance gap with adversary nations is announced, and the Central Intelligence Agency, under Congressional prodding, spends tax money to find out whether submarines in the ocean depths can be located by *thinking hard* at them."

Both quotes from "The Demon-Haunted World: Science As A Candle in the Dark," chapter 12 - "The Fine Art of Baloney Detection," Sir Francis Bacon's quote is in the chapter intro.

Sciences as one would: Sir Francis Bacon was part of Thomas Jefferson's "Trinity of Three Greatest Men." That simple fact of history is clouded by the David Barton's of the world that would have history as they would; science as they would and magical thinking as salvation.

This is the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. It's larger than I remember as a young boy. My elementary class visited it. It was a lot different then than this current photo. I'm not sure it was the faux conservative Steven Colbert referring to North Carolinian's as bumpkins or the documentary on climate change that caused its censor - or both.

This is Alayna Wyland:

The tumor on her innocent and beautiful 18-month-old face with its remainder of an eye, the result of zealous parents, apparently so invested in faith healing they put their child in jeopardy. Cosmetic surgery will reconstruct her face. She'll have to adjust her depth of focus; lateral vision for the rest of her days; a prosthetic versus a genetically-generated eye. Numerous other parents have similarly endangered their offspring as well (see the link).

For what a man had rather were true he more readily believes. Therefore he rejects difficult things from impatience of research; sober things, because they narrow hope; the deeper things of nature, from superstition; the light of experience, from arrogance and pride; things not commonly believed, out of the deference to the opinion of the vulgar.

There should be no need to rearrange recorded history for one's authoritarian whims. There should be no departure of critical thinking skills and science reason to push an agenda. There should be no endangerment of the environment, the planet, children, the geopolitical balance of nations...but, there appears to be a danger in this charade, essentially this "science as one would." An actual fabrication of facts appears to have addled a few of us; the casualties are young, old, all of us. Pray...and take your medicine. Pray...and go to the doctor. Bedouins had not the advantage of professionals certified by the AMA; priests gave up prognosticating weather conditions long ago. Learn real, not pseudoscience because its conclusions challenge your beliefs. A great many questions and motivations science is bereft of talents to handle: abolition, birth ceremonies, charity to the needy, last rites, The Underground Railroad, the March on Washington. I'm frustrated with modern-day Charlatans encouraging us all to chase chimeras outside of their lane of expertise, usually to sell a product of snake oil. 

I've come to the sad conclusion from some exchanges with trolls on the Internet, firm residents in the dimension of the fantasy-based community that facts - those pesky things - don't really matter. This willful ignorance appears corporately and individually to affect us all as a species. We're in the life-threatening danger of "sciences as one would" and the "opinion of the vulgar," our common sense lost near the cereal box next to the AM talk radio blathering nonsensically nostalgic utopia.

We've lost our baloney detection kits to our own peril.
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Breaking The Rules...

UNUSUAL BONDS: Chemical bonds between cesium (Cs) and fluorine (F) might form with not just valence electrons, but inner-shell electrons as well under very high pressures, new calculations suggest.
Image: Maosheng Miao

A study suggests atoms can bond not only with electrons in their outer shells, but also via those in their supposedly sacrosanct inner shells

By Clara Moskowitz

Most of us learned in high school chemistry class that chemical bonds can only form when electrons are shared or given away from one atom’s outer shell to another’s. But this may not be strictly true. A chemist has calculated that under very high pressure not just the outer electrons but the inner ones, too, could form bonds.

Inside atoms, electrons are organized into energy levels, called shells, which can be thought of as buckets of increasing size that can each hold only a fixed number of electrons. Atoms prefer to have filled buckets, so if their outer shell is missing just one or two electrons, they are eager borrow form another atom that might have one or two to spare. But sometimes, a new study suggests, atoms can be incited to share not just their outer valence electrons, but those from their full inner shells. “It breaks our doctrine that the inner-shell electrons never react, never enter the chemistry domain,” says Mao-sheng Miao, a chemist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Beijing Computational Science Research Center in China. Miao predicted such bonds using so-called first-principles calculations, which rely purely on the known laws of physics, and reported his findings in a paper published September 23 in Nature Chemistry. Such bonding has yet to be demonstrated in a lab. Nevertheless, “I’m very confident that this is real,” he says. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)

Scientific American: A Basic Rule of Chemistry Can Be Broken

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We Chose To Go...

Mr. President,

We chose to go because you challenged us. I was barely a month on the planet when you spoke this dandelion seed into the wind. It culminated with a chemistry set, science kits, interrupted cartoons and "one small step for mankind." That seed of science made its landing on me in an urban neighborhood in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, a degree in physics and a career in science.

Sadly, you didn't live to see its fulfillment, as is equally sad those that have reduced this technological achievement that set the modern electronics age; an accomplishment that riveted the WORLD'S attention into conspiracy theory in line with your own assassination, UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot.

Sadly, your successors have looked at science as anathema to national prosperity; they have clouded facts; created faux "controversies" tainting K-12 education to cater to the myopic view of a dwindling few who's choice of living in the darkness of ignorance is threatened by Darwin, Einstein, Feynman, Galileo, Hawking, Hubble, Krauss, Raizen, Sagan, Susskind, Tyson, Weinberg. Depressingly, this ignorance is foisted upon us by elected officials more interested in their personal enrichment and retirements than doing the business of the nation.

I will always remember you for this...when your words, your vision for this nation's science sagacity was so clearly set.


From the You Tube page this embed originates (part of the speech):

"Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Mount Everest, was asked why did he want to climb it. He said, 'Because it is there.' Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked."

-John F. Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962

Dallas News: JFK50

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Quantum Dot Chains...

FIG. 2.
(a) 5×5 μm 2 AFM topography image of QDC sample C. The chains are aligned along the [1¯10] crystallographic direction; (b) 1×1 μm 2 AFM image of the same sample; statistical distribution with Gaussian fits of the (c) QD height; (d) distance between QDs, d in , within the chains (peak-to-peak) measured along [1¯10] direction; and (e) distance between neighboring chains, d bc , measured peak-to-peak; (f) hall bar structure used for electrical characterization with a channel width of 25  μm.


Detailed experimental and theoretical studies of lateral electron transport in a system of quantum dot chains demonstrate the complicated character of the conductance within the chain structure due to the interaction of conduction channels with different dimensionalities. The one-dimensional character of states in the wetting layer results in an anisotropic mobility, while the presence of the zero-dimensional states of the quantum dots leads to enhanced hopping conductance, which affects the low-temperature mobility and demonstrates an anisotropy in the conductance. These phenomena were probed by considering a one-dimensional model of hopping along with band filling effects. Differences between the model and the experimental results indicate that this system does not obey the simple one-dimensional Mott's law of hopping and deserves further experimental and theoretical considerations.


Journal of Applied Physics: Electron Transport in Quantum Dot Chains
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