Kori Miller's Back Porch Writer site interviewed me Tuesday morning about writing, the Darkside Trilogy, hosting the Genesis Radio Show and more.
To listen to me being on the other side of an interview follow this link: Back Porch Writer Radio Show
Kori Miller's Back Porch Writer site interviewed me Tuesday morning about writing, the Darkside Trilogy, hosting the Genesis Radio Show and more.
To listen to me being on the other side of an interview follow this link: Back Porch Writer Radio Show
Source |
It started right before the dawn of the 21st Century, the hand-wringing with regards to the "information superhighway" and access to it by minorities, or the fear of lack of access to what was then essentially emerging as a global database. Knowledge is power, advantage; hope.
Expertise, as the definition above suggests, can be acquired from skilled practice; repetition its mother; skill its patriarch. What is now understood as muscle memory, ancients mystified as "no mind." Expertise suggests a teacher-disciple relationship, tutelage and qualification from some combination of observation and tasks performed. It used to be an earned credential that qualified for a specific line of work endeavor.
The site now reflects to Health Central, may Dr. Koop rest in peace. Hopefully, their financial situation is not as dire as reported in 2000. However, one of the causes of the dot com bubble bursting was the notion of assumed expertise and viability because of the existence of a web site. Venture capitalists threw money at start ups with abandon and aplomb, knowing how to make money in the old world; arrogantly not perceiving or researching the viability of their gambits in the cyberspace of the then emerging new one. They fed and inflated the bubble.
I say assumed because pre-Google, one had to study for and pass a test administered by most librarians on the Dewey Decimal System. Knowledge was and is precious, as well as the development of basic research and critical thinking skills. With the diminishing importance of Dewey Decimal and the perceived public lack of Boolean logic in search engine queries, we have collectively lost our curiosity; our ability to separate the biblical "wheat from chaff"; to discern facts from loudly declared opinions. We are thus participant in inflating a bubble of dangerous ignorance.
The democratization of information has meant we have access to a global database: true. Teenagers as a demographic however, tend to use it to keep up with one another, bored with any other application; knowledgeable with regards to the opinions of other peers versus laws of nature, mathematics or critical thinking. Pundits have become entertainers, the lines blurred utterly between Comedy Central and so-called Cable News. Networks have sued for the right at the very least, to not run a story unfavorable to a major sponsor; many hired to disseminate information or disinformation in prime time are not educated nor trained in journalism, nor increasingly do actual journalists feel it is their duty to hold power accountable in a democratic republic.
Conspiracy theories used to be passed around on pamphlets by fringe groups whose meeting places you had to seek out and find on your own. Now: you may join a chat room, and become angry about anything fed you via cookies after a few search engine queries. The fringe are not only mainstream; they are AstroTurf movement, wielding power in principalities and higher offices of gerrymandered localities; temporarily shutting down democratic republics.
It is a power reinforced by uniform resource locator, the digital equivalent of preaching to a choir of the already convinced; similar to teens online - tweeting during the State of the Union; playing poker during senate hearings on Syria - our political leaders seem only interested in the echos within their own bubble chambers, reinforcing unyielding opinions. And like some pundits and most developing teenagers, they do not have to be skilled in governance to win higher office. Thomas Gray said "ignorance is bliss"; George Orwell "ignorance is strength." And when this bubble pops, there will be massive casualties.
Related links:
Successful Workplace: Is social BPM the end of focused expertise?
The Atlantic: The End Of Expertise?
The End of the Expert: Why No One in Marketing Knows What They're Doing
Your memories will truly outlive you by eons...
Physics arXiv:
Towards Gigayear Storage Using a Silicon-Nitride/Tungsten Based Medium
Source: link below |
Nanotech Web: Silica nanoparticles deliver anti-cancer drugs
University of Edinburgh: The Discovery of the Higgs Boson (click "Join this course")
Amazon is running a sale on Conception: Volume 2 of the Darkside Trilogy for less than $20 + shipping!
That, is a load off my mind (you have no idea)!!
Credit: Physics arXiv Blog; paper link below |
Physics arXiv Blog: When the new ideas of quantum mechanics spread through science like wildfire in the first half of the 20th century, one of the first things physicists did was to apply them to gravity and general relativity. The result were not pretty.
During the discussion of high-quality and low quality fiction, a argument is usually made concerning antagonistic frequency rates. Simplified, this argument goes something like this:
Book proponent: "Sexy Vampires IV is the best Historical Slash-Vamp Dom Fiction out there!"
Book Detractor: "Man! Slash-Vamp fiction is totally played, everyone is doing that these days."
Insert you proposed antagonist into that conversation and you will get someone who will tell you that the Genre is over done, played out, or no longer interesting. Additionally, any conversation of reasonable length with agents, publishers and marketers will eventually result in them telling you which particular genera of fiction they are tired of seeing.
The rise of self-publishing has pushed this situation into overdrive. Where originally, you had maybe a half-dozen entries in a particular genera a year from major and minor publishers, you now have hundreds, if not thousands, of attempts to tell a particular story.
What is lacking is historical perspective. Google's Ngram viewer gives some imperfect, but interesting, historical context to the antagonistic frequency debate.
(the charts here are pngs, check the Moorsgate Media Blog for interactive charts)
As shown above, the frequency of various antagonist (this is current through 2009) in English fiction is charted. Generally, in current fiction debates, Vampires and Zombies are singled out as being over-done in terms of genera. However, Aliens as a concept has held a pretty consistent lead, and it currently, even though there has been some decline,is at a historically above average position. Interestingly, the concept of plagues, which can be related to Zombies, has been on a historical downward slop ever since a peak some time in the 1810's.
Robots, the term being unknown prior to Capek's seminal work, takes off after the publication of R.U.R., and hits a peak in the mid eighties (think original Terminator, transformers, etc.) that surpasses the popularity of vampires today. Sadly, we appear to be living in a world of "Peak Robot", due possibility in part to the rise of non-fictional robots in our everyday lives (e.g murderous drones, vacuum cleaners).
As a point of comparison, the next chart looks at the frequency of some events in fiction (we use aliens as the cross reference to the above chart)
As shown, the concept of the Rapture is down from its historical heights, but has recently made a resurgence, and appears to be on track to overtake Aliens in frequency. However, from a Genera standpoint, no one argues if Rapture based fiction has reached "peak rapture". [ed. This chart only goes to 2009, it is goes to 2012, it might be that there was a serious crash after the Mayan Calendar failed to turn us into orbs of pure something.]
The point here is that Genera antagonist come and go, but without data, it is difficult to determine if present, or short term historical bias is altering peoples' perception of what is or is not a popular genera. Having some data is always a good rule of thumb changing behavior, concepts or positions.
Twitter: Moorsgate
Scientific American, see [2] below |
I recall once that observation being made by someone I worked with at Motorola: "we're the 'only black engineers' in the room," my fellow alumni said. "And, we're the best damn engineers IN the room" I shot back. Despite that bravado, I wish I had Dr. JC Holbrook's paper on survival strategies [3] in many instances I felt the pressure of stereotype threat. Religion and spirituality - as she mentions - are forms of mental survival strategies (go see 12 Years a Slave) and cultural expression that if not abused by charlatans, pundits, lying politicians and political machinations spewing manipulative talking points, propels individuals and groups forward despite near insurmountable obstacles. Think of the Civil Rights movement. Unless society were to make a massive, herculean change towards eliminating inequality, this will remain necessary.
1. Reducing Stereotype Threat: What is 'Stereotype Threat'?
2. SciAm Beautiful Minds: The Need for Belonging in Math and Science
3. P4TC: Survival Strategies
BBC Universe: Quantum Mechanics |
Seebeck Effect - see arXiv (1) below |
1. Physics arXiv: Evidence for a Magnetic Seebeck Effect
2. Thermomagnetism: Using Heat to Make Magnets, Nik Papageorgiou, EPFL, Scientific Computing
It is well known by those of the Christian Faith that the Lord God created the Earth, the Heavens and their Multitudes in six days...and He rested on the seventh day.
But what I'm interested in is what happens on the Eighth Day...after Creation has been lived in awhile...after the end of the Millennium and Satan is once more allowed to run free...after the Four Horsemen have mounted their steeds...after the spawn of Hell rises up from the Dark Realms and invades the Realms of the Living?
What happens on that day?
That is precisely the focus of the next exciting chapter in The Soul Eater Chronicles!
Chapter One has just been put to bed and we're already on to the next installment.
I can't wait to see how it all turns out!
I'm also playing around with possible artwork for the new eBook cover...check out this comp image...neat, huh?! I'm definitely feeling this one!
Your buddy,
Wm Kane
There's a new little monster everyone should be afraid of. The Booty Goblin is a little demon that has the strangest means of killing his victims. I love the mythos Pudge creates around this character. I love how the only thing it can say is 'booty booty booty'. And per usual, Pudge's easy style makes reading this story a breeze. I bought this book 2 days ago and barely read any of it the first day. One of the things I love most is the complete impossibility of predicting who is going to make it to the end of the story. Once again, I was wrong. Pudge isn't afraid to kill major characters before the third act. Ramps up the tension, leaving the reader wondering whom to hang his hopes on. I would highly recommend this story to anyone who has ever read and enjoyed a book by Jimmy Pudge. Download a copy here. Only $0.99.
Physics arXiv: Near-field thermal transistor
StopBullying.gov |
For those interested in previewing the first two installments of the Darkside Trilogy, follow these links to the first four chapters of Discovery and the opening chapter of Conception:
Discovery tells the story of what happens in the United States of America when the country discovers a secret colony of African Americans living on the backside of the moon who have been there since before Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon.
For writers who may be interested in the construction of the story, these four chapters introduce the four main subplots of the story.
One of my main goals in writing the Darkside Trilogy was to make sure that the story was exciting, consistent and that the science and technology within the story was true-to-life. This series was written with an eye toward honoring the classic style of pioneers of the genera from the early years of the 20th Century.
Conception begins as a prequel, telling the 40-year story of how an extraordinary community of African Americans stole the world's march in the race to the moon, arriving several years before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the lunar surface.
And, Conception ends with the same events that conclude Discovery, however they are seen from the perspective of those who left Planet Earth for a new beginning, away from any influences of a still prejudiced United States of America.
Four high school friends, who bond over the dream of living somewhere free of the racial deprivations of America, come up with the most ambitious plan ever conceived by man.
That plan, carried out in secret, and without the influence of white America, launched an exodus from Earth that bore the most unbelievable technological, medical and scientific fruit known to man.
For those here on BSFS who do purchase either or both of the installments of the Darkside Trilogy, please let me know so I may send you something by mail as a personal thank you for supporting my work.
I hope you enjoy the ride...
...or at least found on the former planets around them.
Science Mag: Stellar Graveyard Shows Signs of Possible (Past) Life
Water discovered in remnants of extrasolar rocky world orbiting white dwarf
T Shirt Guru |
I've long championed what I like to term "conversational physics concepts," as well as diversity on this blog, particularly gender ascendancy in science, technology, engineering and math. Thus, my concentration this month wasn't all physics (though, I'm admittedly partial). For the nation to advance in the future, we need every one of us.
Hispanic Americans have contributed to our country in measurable ways in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Knowledge is power: a cliche to be sure, but a commanding statement. Its corollary leads to poverty and personal powerlessness. Carl Sagan said: Science confers power on anyone who takes the trouble to learn it (although too many have been systematically prevented from doing so). Resist that systematic effort when you detect it with all your might. Get help and study; form groups; connect to local chapters of NSHP and SHPE; invite speakers. Too many ethnic minorities drop out of STEM because it is difficult. Anything worth mastering is. Think of the other things in your life that were hard, and you didn't give up. That is the determination I'd like you to bring to this fight. It's more than just a career in science: it is literally learning how to think, and you can apply that in any area of your lives. For a democracy to function, we need an electorate with critical thinking skills. The cost you pay in this challenge I offer to you will be evident and measurable; the cost of the loss of your genius to this country is frightening and incalculable.
I post this as a father, with two young men with dreams, hopes and futures in Education and Civil Engineering. I have watched over Robert and Mildred Goodwin's grandsons. As they did for me, I hope and work for a future that they can contribute to positively.
Shout out to the students and teachers at Manor High School
For students, your futures lie not just in sports or rap music; a future in science, technology, engineering and math is not only possible: it is "what you can do for your country" (John F. Kennedy)...and for yourselves.
El reto: ¿Qué vas a celebrar? Adios...
If you haven't gotten a copy, download yours here. I would like to say thank you to everyone who already has one! I had no idea how this relaunch would go, but it has been a fantastic experience so far. A lot of people are responding to the new cover and I couldn't be happier with it. Now if we could just do something about that 47,700 number. My next goal is to crack the top 100 in Kindle sales.
NASA bio: Franklin Ramón Chang Díaz, PhD
Personal Page: Franklin Ramón Chang Diaz