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A Golden Age...

From the site: NSBP member, Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, and colleagues discuss whether or not astronomy is in a golden age with Nobel Laureates Brian Schmidt and John Mather


From Wikipedia: The term Golden Age (Greek: Χρυσόν Γένος Chryson Genos) comes from Greek mythology and legend and refers to the first in a sequence of four or five (or more) Ages of Man, in which the Golden Age is first, followed in sequence, by the Silver, Bronze, Heroic, and then the present (Iron), which is a period of decline. By extension "Golden Age" denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. During this age peace and harmony prevailed, humans did not have to work to feed themselves, for the earth provided food in abundance. They lived to a very old age with a youthful appearance, eventually dying peacefully, with spirits living on as "guardians". Plato in Cratylus (397 e) recounts the golden race of humans who came first. He clarifies that Hesiod did not mean literally made of gold, but good and noble.


"Good and noble"...I wonder.


I'm not faulting the lecturers nor the audience. For there to be an actual "golden age" as has been defined in several cultural references, there needs to be a recognition of the impact of astronomy as the mother science; it is the oldest form of asking the question why and seeking answers. A primitive form of it is what guided the Magi; our reptilian brains, so conditioned to not accept things "new"; authoritarians threatened by concepts that would challenge their rule typically control public opinion on the emphasis, conclusions or the truth research reveals.


I'm still waiting for the Vatican to clear this little matter up. Not Catholic, it just quite understandably bothers me...


Galileo's indictment (still in effect):

1. The proposition that the sun is in the center of the world and immovable from its place is absurd, philosophically false, and formally heretical; because it is expressly contrary to Holy Scripture.

2. The proposition that the earth is not the center of the world, nor immovable, but that it moves, and also with a diurnal action, is also absurd, philosophically false, and, theologically considered, at least erroneous in faith.


Therefore ..., invoking the most holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Glorious Mother Mary, We pronounce this Our final sentence: We pronounce, judge and declare, that you, the said Galileo ... have rendered yourself vehemently suspected by this Holy Office of heresy, that is, of having believed and held the doctrine (which is false and contrary to the Holy and Divine Scriptures) that the sun is the center of the world, and that it does not move from east to west, and that the earth does move, and is not the center of the world; also, that an opinion can be held and supported as probable, after it has been declared and finally decreed contrary to the Holy Scripture.


"...Science is a reliable method for creating knowledge, and thus constantly disrupts hierarchical power structures and vested interests in a long drive [by science] to give knowledge, and thus power, to the individual, and that process is also political."


Fool Me Twice - Fighting the Assault on Science in America, Shawn Lawrence Otto

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Amazing illustration by Tina KrugerThere have been some great discussion on this topic since Childrens book council came out with some startling stats on the subject. Like this article by Lee and Low Books and this short on NPR. Weigh on yall. There are the obvious points, but who is leading the charge in changing this?

-Robert Trujillo

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Relativity Speaking...

Science Universe blog

Einstein is lauded for Special and General Relativity, but he stood on the shoulders of giants before him: Sir Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Albert Abraham Michelson and Edward Williams Morley; Minkowski, Joseph Larmor, Hendrick Antoon Lorentz and Jules Henri Poincaré.


Jules Henri Poincaré said that "... we have no direct intuition about the equality of two time intervals."


Poincaré came very close to special relativity: "... as demanded by the relativity principle the observer cannot know whether he is at rest or in absolute motion."


On June 5, Poincaré finished an article in which he stated that there seems to be a general law of Nature, that it is impossible to demonstrate absolute motion. On June 30, Einstein finished his famous article On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, where he formulated the two postulates of special relativity. Furthermore, in September, Einstein published the short article Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon Its Energy-Content? In which he derived the formula E0=mc2.

1905 being Einstein's annus mirabilis (Latin: Year of Wonders), which contributed to his considerable celebrity and our understanding of the universe.

Forgive the history lesson. In other areas of my life, I run into what I like to term "walls of willed ignorance," especially when I'm cornered in a social setting as "the science guy" on a question I'm sincerely not thinking about at the particular moment, or at least can't recall as quickly as "The Google": literally a Hail Mary out of "left field." (Clarification: the question was about quantum mechanics, but I decided to go here 1st - more next Sunday.) I do know when to call BS on persons that merely want to hear themselves pontificate and perform, versus inform. Thus, here is my info for the "walls" and their next spellbinding performance...

Nobel Prize: History of Special Relativity
Physics arXiv: Henri Poincaré and Relativity Theory, by A. A. Logunov

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Organizational Relationship and Contact Analyzer - ORCA

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: In the last 10 years or so, researchers have revolutionised the way military analysts think about insurgency and the groups of people involved in it. Their key insight is that insurgency tends to run in families and in social networks that are held together by common beliefs.

So it makes sense to study the social networks that insurgents form. And indeed that’s exactly what various military analysts have begun to do, including those in the US Army. A few years ago, a group of West Point cadets and offices developed some software for gathering information about the links between the people who make and distribute improvised explosive devices.

Now the US Army is adapting this technology to help the police tackle gang violence. Damon Paulo and buddies at the US Military Academy at West Point say there are a number of similarities between gang members and insurgents and that similar tools ought to be equally effective in tackling both.

To that end, these guys have created a piece of software called the Organizational, Relationship, and Contact Analyzer or ORCA, which analyses the data from police arrests to create a social network of links between gang members.

Realizing this evolution in technology was inevitable, some of what else the article said disturbed me:

“Police officers working in the district have told us that gangs of Racial Group A are known for a more centralized organizational structure while gangs of Racial Group B have adopted a decentralized model,” say Paulo and co adding that the results of their analysis seem to clearly show this.

The team is currently working to introduce a software in a major metropolitan police department throughout the summer of 2013.

Read that as: New York City, and a "scientific reason" for the continuance of "stop and frisk" and profiling...

Physics arXiv:
How Military Counterinsurgency Software Is Being Adapted To Tackle Gang Violence in Mainland USA
Related link:

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At 2:05 of the trailer, you'll see the words: "behind the world's greatest mind."

Granted, I'm looking forward to this documentary as any geeked physics major would be. I do take some pause to the trailer coining Professor Hawking the title of "greatest mind." He is a great mind, to be sure. The whole "G.O.A.T." thing is a bit of hyperbole to me.

He's overcome quite a lot of obstacles in his harried life, one of which is the shear act of living beyond the original expectations of his lifespan shortened by his disability.

He shows the famous British resolve: "stiff upper lip" determination. I did read "A Brief History of Time" and enjoyed it. I am familiar with the following I saw on Wikipedia:

"Among his significant scientific works have been a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularities theorems in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. Hawking was the first to set forth a cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He is a vocal supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

"He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009."


He had a great science fiction series and several other shows on the Science Channel I enjoyed. Dr. Hawking has lost some scientific wagers though: with Kip Thorne; a "black hole war" with Leonard Susskind and Gerard t'Hooft; most recently with Peter Higgs (of the Higgs Boson).

Professor Hawking is a remarkable man, but still a man, therefore fallible as we all are. To put him on a pedestal does him a disservice, and makes the attainment of a degree in physics or STEM fields the area that is "off limits"; "not normal"; "beyond human capability." I assure you it is not, and as a species, we should get out of boxing ourselves into the "us-versus-them": normals and nerds. Hence my objection to the trailer is in trying to get you to look at it...many may sadly look away.

This is a strange, dichotomous post after Independence Day. I sincerely hope you enjoyed BBQ in moderation and fireworks safely.

I'll still enjoy the documentary, as I hope you do too, mentally filtering hyperbole.
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Alfred Bernhard Nobel (21 October 1833 – 10 December 1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, and armaments manufacturer. He was the inventor of dynamite. Nobel also owned Bofors, which he had redirected from its previous role as primarily an iron and steel producer to a major manufacturer of cannon and other armaments. Nobel held 350 different patents, dynamite being the most famous. He used his fortune to posthumously institute the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element nobelium was named after him. His name also survives in modern-day companies such as Dynamit Nobel and Akzo Nobel, which are descendants of the companies Nobel himself established...In 1888 Alfred's brother Ludvig died while visiting Cannes and a French newspaper erroneously published Alfred's obituary.[1] It condemned him for his invention of dynamite and is said to have brought about his decision to leave a better legacy after his death.[1][8] The obituary stated, Le marchand de la mort est mort ("The merchant of death is dead")[1] and went on to say, "Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday."[9] Alfred was disappointed with what he read and concerned with how he would be remembered.


On 27 November 1895, at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris, Nobel signed his last will and testament and set aside the bulk of his estate to establish the Nobel Prizes, to be awarded annually without distinction of nationality. Wikipedia

The actual web site for the Nobel Prize appears to be down at the moment...

As I walked into the fab I work at, I heard the sound of firecrackers in the distance. Granted, they predate Alfred by several centuries, but the loud banging, the revelry will ensue again tomorrow as I come into work. There is a relation to Nobel, this posting and the 4th.

No one is going to use dynamite thankfully (unless earnestly competing for the Darwin Awards), but in 2011 an estimated 9,600 people were injured by firecrackers according to the Consumer Products Safety Division; some far worse than just injury.


Worry not only how you will be remembered, but how you will proceed through life until its end. Personally, I want to check out with the same digits and body parts I checked in with (a little worse for the wear, understandably).

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At long last....

It's been a long time coming but amidst economic meltdowns, personal health issues, family tragedies and the everyday fight to stay the course working in the field I love most, the sequel to 'The Gray Man' is complete! Hard to believe I was halfway through writing the initial draft when family tragedy and my work in film & TV production took off at the same time back in 2006.

I finished the first draft in 2010 despite everything happening (most of it bad!) I finally got the edits done last year and have been fighting tooth and nail to get the cover art done. After a (very) short break, it's off to the publisher and let the 'promotional games' begin!

If all that weren't enough (obviously it isn't), I've got several projects ongoing including one which is a collaborative work with some authors well known (and loved) here at the BSFS! So while I'm getting the new season of 'The Priestess' ready to go this month, I'll be working on a new television extreme sports show and prepping to make another movie (way overdue for that!) In the meantime, ETP (estimated time of publishing) for 'Book of Dragon's Teeth' is late July or early August. For you fans of TFLR, you have my sincerest apologies for the long wait!

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Quantum Remote Control...

...and, physicists know how to do it! ~!!!~

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Teleportation is one of the more extraordinary phenomena in the quantum world. It allows a quantum object, such as a photon or electron, to travel from one location to another without passing through the space in between.

Teleportation is a standard procedure in any decent quantum mechanics laboratory. Physicists use it on a daily basis for quantum communication and quantum computation.

If that sounds exotic, you ain’t seen nothing yet; teleportation is about to get a whole lot weirder. That’s because until now, physicists have only been able to teleport single particles, one at a time. Today, Christine Muschik at the Mediterranean Technology Park in Barcelona and a bunch of mates say they’ve worked out how to teleport quantum stuff continuously.

That will allow them to manipulate one quantum particle while watching the effects occur in another particle elsewhere. That’s essentially quantum remote control.


Physics arXiv:
Quantum Teleportation of Dynamics and Effective Interations between Remote Systems

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These three-dimensional tri-gate (FinFET) transistors are among the 3-D microchip structures that could be measured using through-focus scanning optical microscopy (TSOM) - Courtesy, Intel Corporation

Contact: Chad Boutin


A technique developed several years ago at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for improving optical microscopes now has been applied to monitoring the next generation of computer chip circuit components, potentially providing the semiconductor industry with a crucial tool for improving chips for the next decade or more.

The technique, called Through-Focus Scanning Optical Microscopy (TSOM), has now been shown able to detect tiny differences in the three-dimensional shapes of circuit components, which until very recently have been essentially two-dimensional objects. TSOM is sensitive to features that are as small as 10 nanometers (nm) across, perhaps smaller—addressing some important industry measurement challenges for the near future for manufacturing process control and helping maintain the viability of optical microscopy in electronics manufacturing.


Microscopy Technique Could Help Computer Industry Develop 3-D Components

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A Nobel Twofer...

A Student’s Guide to Einstein’s Major Papers, Robert E. Kennedy, Oxford U. Press, New York, 2012. $45.00 (296 pp.). ISBN 978-0-19-969403-7

Physics professors often refer to Albert Einstein’s work when teaching relativity, quantum mechanics, or statistical mechanics. I have never given his original papers to my students to supplement their learning, but that will change. I appreciate the importance of having undergraduates read classic and original physics literature, and I have tried to inspire my experimental physics students by assigning Albert Michelson’s 1880 description of his measurement of the speed of light or Robert Millikan’s 1911 oil-drop paper. I have egged the students on to try and do better than Michelson or Millikan using modern technology.

Some of Einstein’s classic papers could also motivate undergraduates, if the physics were fully explained. For instructors who choose to expose their students to Einstein’s scientific articles, Robert E. Kennedy’s A Student’s Guide to Einstein’s Major Papers will be a welcome supplement. Kennedy focuses on Einstein’s four classic papers published in the annus mirabilis of 1905, his doctoral thesis (published in 1906), and his 1916 general relativity paper.


Lectures on Quantum Mechanics, Steven Weinberg, Cambridge U. Press, New York, 2013. $75.00 (358 pp.). ISBN: 978-1-107-02872-2

Steven Weinberg, a Nobel laureate for his contributions to the standard model of elementary particles, has a well-deserved reputation as a writer who draws on great depths of physical insight to produce exceptionally clear prose. Until now, his books have been intended either for a general or advanced audience. For general readers, his books include The First Three Minutes: A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe (Basic Books, 1977) and Lake Views: This World and the Universe (Harvard University Press, 2010). For advanced readers, he has written Gravitation and Cosmology (Wiley, 1972), the three-volume Quantum Theory of Fields (Cambridge University Press, 2000), and Cosmology (Oxford University Press, 2008).

Weinberg now turns his attention to a core subject in physics with Lectures on Quantum Mechanics, a text based on a year-long course he has taught to first-year graduate students. The book begins with a 27-page “Historical Introduction” that concisely and elegantly summarizes the development of quantum physics, including an explication of Werner Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics and its equivalence to Erwin Schrödinger’s wave mechanics. We also find some little-known historical tidbits, such as who coined the word “photon.”

Celebrities, sports stars...bah. I have an autographed copy of "The First Three Minutes" (hardcover) and met Professor Weinberg. Nope...not parting with it. You won't find it on E-bay. Willing it to my heirs...Smiley
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So, I write comicns, among other things. One of them is a property called PRODIGAL i make with my partner, artist TODD HARRIS, and the nice folks at asked us if we wouldnt mind bringing over to their site for publication.

Since those nice folks are Mark Waid and John Rogers, we said, "Yes! Absolutely!"

What does that mean to you?

It means as of today, and every monday for the next few weeks, you can read chapters of the first PRODIGAL adventure, EGG OFF FIRST LIGHT, absolutely free.

FREE, damn it!

Here's the embed but, after this, you'll need to come by our site, GENRE19.COM or by the THRILLBENT site where you'll find lots more amazing free comics.

That's right, free. And not by wannabes and amateurs, either. The goods.

Here's the first part, as promised. You will enjoy. Guaranteed.

<iframe src="" width="633" height="660" scrolling="no" seamless></iframe>


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Ion propulsion drive - NASA

CLEVELAND - A NASA advanced ion propulsion engine has successfully operated for more than 48,000 hours, or 5 and a half years, making it the longest test duration of any type of space propulsion system demonstration project ever.


The thruster was developed under NASA's Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT) Project at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. Glenn manufactured the test engine's core ionization chamber. Aerojet Rocketdyne of Sacramento, Calif., designed and built the ion acceleration assembly.


The 7-kilowatt class thruster could be used in a wide range of science missions, including deep space missions identified in NASA's Planetary Science Decadal Survey.

This is a gridded electrostatic ion thruster, so it uses the Coulomb force to accelerate the Xenon ions in the direction of the electrostatic field. OK, it's not Warp Drive, but they are working on that too. Chemical rockets will not allow us to even explore the solar system in reasonable time spans, and we're too consumed with immediate gradification/ROI (return on investment) to stomach missions that could take months, decades or centuries - those being one-way trips obviously.


NASA: NASA Thruster Achieves World-Record 5+ Years of Operation

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It's July 1st, and that means, part II of Murder on Second Street is now available for purchase (E-book only). Here's the synopsis for "The Dogwoods": "It's two weeks into October 1929, and the bodies of four Negro women have been found in various locations throughout the thriving Negro community of Jackson Ward in Richmond, VA. WWI veteran Sy Sanford is now on the trail of a very clever and unusual killer, but his illegal drinking habit and horrid nightmares of the battlefields of France may get in the way of saving his business, the love of his life and another Negro woman from being murdered. Death, love and History collide during the season of the dogwoods in part II of this six part novel, Murder on Second Street: The Jackson Ward Murders." Order your copy today and one for a friend for just $1.99 at

Thank you for supporting Black Historical Fiction.


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Why Physics...

Honestly for myself, it was a challenge and the hardest thing "on the yard" I could think to study. It was an excuse as a young man to dress strangely, taking full advantage of the "socially inept Nerd" myth - walking around in an Army field jacket and a floppy yellow hat (I sadly still own) - and construct a wall between myself and others. I can see where that was off-putting and not helpful in getting more to at least have an appreciation for science. My mea culpa.

Physics requires a curiosity about how things work: I initially and admittedly, don't or won't know an answer (s), and through trial and a lot of error, I'll eventually figure out whatever is the problem. (That didn't work out too well for a few watches and clocks my parents owned.) Hence, buying me chemistry sets, a microscope, telescope and a toolkit was their way to channel my otherwise destructive impulses into something creative and less property-damaging!

It requires persistence, and frankly a kind of mental fortitude in that it's OK not to know the answer: it's having the courage to ask the question and pursue what might be initially fruitless paths. The lab notebook is your friend! I am in no way dismissing the fear people feel when they come up to a formidable task (or, at least one they feel is). If this blog does anything, I hope it encourages you to ask questions. Life is not pre-packaged with the contents known. We may never have all the answers, but we should not fear - nor be discouraged by bullies or authoritarian dogma - from asking questions.

I think for many, especially women and minorities, the "norms" of behavior are channeled early into other areas more acceptable to the social order and less threatening to the status quo: questions imply opposition.

As a whole, the American culture of phone apps, Google, downloads, microwave meals and popcorn, drive through restaurants and instant, 24-hour access to information has jaded our sense of adventure; the Romanticism of a really tough problem and the sheer JOY of solving it. Ironically, it was advances in applied physics that allow us to be so jaded. However, for those whom the adventure is everyday in the lab, pouring over notebooks and papers, staring at experiments, computer programs, circuit boards or stars, it's what keeps physicists, scientists and engineers up at night: their love affair with knowledge and discovery. It is how we all advance and survive as a species.

And, things are looking particularly good for physics students right now...


American Institute of Physics: US Physics Degrees Reach an All-Time High
American Physical Society: Why Study Physics?

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Tribal STEM...

Salish Kootenai College (SKC) is a four-year college located on the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana. It is one of 32 fully-accredited US colleges and universities in which at least 51% of students are enrolled in federally recognized tribes.

The US Department of Education classifies these higher education institutions as TCUs (tribal colleges and universities). Most of the TCUs are chartered and controlled by tribal governments. Three are controlled by the US Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes govern SKC.

The first TCUs were established in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and initially these institutions focused on vocational education programs. Although vocational training remains an important part of their mission, TCUs also offer a growing number of two- and four-year science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees.

SKC awarded its first four-year STEM degree, in environmental science, in 1997. Since then, SKC has added baccalaureate programs in computer engineering, forestry, hydrology, information technology, life science, and secondary science education. The programs aim to provide additional career opportunities, and to promote long-term economic development of reservation communities. Today's STEM graduates will be tomorrow's entrepreneurs who provide economic opportunities for tribal members. Economically-strong tribal communities help preserve the cultures, languages, histories, and natural environment of their constituents.

In many ways, SKU's programs mirror the curricula one finds at non-TCUs. But they also incorporate traditional indigenous knowledge of the natural world and pedagogical approaches that reflect tribal cultural norms. They emphasize a teamwork approach, and they focus on strategies to improve quality of life and preserve natural environments. SKC STEM faculty members generally view traditional indigenous worldviews to be complementary to, rather than in conflict with, Western science.




Physics Today POV: Teaching science and engineering at a tribal college

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The Science of Beatboxing...

As a young man, exposed to the first rap song - The Fatback Band: King Tim III - Personality Jock, and the first rap album, The Sugar Hill Gang (all in the same crazy week, mind you) - I could never do it, but it's nice to see someone has actually studied it.

However, as evidenced from the Large Hadron Collider rap... ahem, the physicists would need a few more decades of practice to master it (my humble opinion).

Many of the same mechanisms observed in human speech production were exploited for musical effect, including patterns of articulation that do not occur in the phonologies of the artist's native languages: ejectives, clicks and implosives.

Image credit: 


Rights information: 

The scientists found the beatboxer, a speaker of American English and Panamanian Spanish, was able to generate a wide range of sound effects that do not appear in either of the languages he spoke. Instead, they appeared similar to clicks seen in African languages such as Xhosa from South Africa, Khoekhoe from Botswana, and !Xóõ from Namibia, as well as ejective consonants — bursts of air generated by closing the vocal cords — seen in Nuxálk from British Columbia, Chechen from Chechnya and Hausa from Nigeria and other countries in Africa.


"A key finding of our work is to show that we can describe the basic sounds used by the artist with the same system used to describe speech sounds, which suggests that there is a common inventory of sounds that are drawn upon to create any vocal expression," Proctor said.


The research also sheds light on the human ability to emulate sounds, and on how the human instincts for music and language can overlap and converge. Also, "learning more about beatboxing and other forms of vocal musical expression may offer insights into novel future speech therapy," Narayanan said.


Inside Science: The Science Behind 'BeatBoxing'

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Mandela, Man of Mission

  I paused to praise a man in the twilight of life.  One brave enough to fight for his brethren, sacrifice 27 years of his life in a small dingy cell on an island that seems a lifetime away from everything one loves, and one who rose to exultation in 1994 to become president of the very people he was shackled for defending.  AMANDLA! 
     Mandela, there are few like you past and present, that have ever walked the earth.  A man who could stare down fear and hate, and survive!  There are no words that could truly do you justice.  As you prepare to leave this place, as you prepare to lock in the embrace of the heavens and continue your great work in the Angelic realms, just know that I, that we, are grateful that you walked amongst us.  I would like to thank your children, your wives, and your close friends, for their hardships and sacrifices as well.  I would like to thank them for lending you to us, for supporting you, and helping you to become the hero that you are.
     Mandela, my eyes widened with wonder when you were released from prison on February 11, 1990.  I sat on the chest in my grandmothers room and asked, "Who is this man?  Why is everyone sooo happy?" I was seven years old.  Henceforth, I read all of the articles and watched all of the news reports about the horrors of apartheid and your hero's journey.  20 years later, I had the opportunity to visit South Africa, to understand what Hell apartheid was, to see the ineffable poverty, and  to bear witness to the journey of healing that South Africa still must travel.  Again, to what you have given, there are truly no words.
     Mandela, you are about to join Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Marcus Garvey, Medgar Evers, and so many other freedom fighters, my God, what good company you are in!  I cannot wait to see what amazing work you do from the heavens!  I'm just glad that I was able to see your amazing work in my lifetime.  Thank you Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, you are appreciated. AMANDLA!

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Outsmarting Heisenberg...

Laser interferometers detect tiny distance changes with high precision. Stray light reduces and limits the measurement accuracy of these instruments. Researchers at the Albert Einstein Institute in Hannover have now shown for the first time how to discriminate between measurement signal and stray light using lasers with tailored quantum properties. The novel measurement concept circumvents the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and could enhance the precision of gravitational-wave detectors like GEO600 or the closely cooperating Advanced LIGO (aLIGO) detectors in the USA.


The scientists at the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI; Institute for Gravitational Physics at Leibniz Universität Hannover and Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics) in Hannover are hunting for elusive gravitational waves—a prediction from Einstein's general theory of relativity. Their first direction detection will open a new window to our Universe and usher in the era of gravitational-wave astronomy. The AEI researchers aim to detect these tiny space-time ripples using detectors like GEO600 near Hannover, Germany, and aLIGO in the U.S. These detectors use lasers to measure the tiny distance changes caused by passing gravitational waves. Thus, the continuous improvement of those lasers and the minimization of disturbances like stray laser light is of great importance.


R&D Mag: Outsmarting Heisenberg

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Hello again!  I know it's been a little while since I've blogged, but after getting in a few online scrapes, I felt I just had to clear things up for future reference.  I've found that most people, Christian or otherwise, really do have this candy-coated picture of what Christian mercy and forgiveness is supposed to be.  They're under the peculiar impression that the Biblical definition of mercy and forgiveness is "anything goes".  I will agree that Jesus Christ does want all Christians to be forgiving and He desires us to be merciful.  What's been lost is the context in which this was said. 
Let's begin with God, also known as Jehovah, the God of the Covenant that was established in the book of Leviticus (which is also in the Bible).  Christians are supposed to worship Jesus Christ because we believe that He is the son of Jehovah, the God of the Covenant.  In this Covenant, rules are laid down as to what Jews, Christians, and even some Muslims, should and should not do.  Leviticus is quite simply "The Law" as far as Judeo-Christian religions are concerned.  Now when the Law was written it also established the punishment that was required for each infraction.  Feel free to read it on your own, but in the meantime,  here's an abstraction:
If you committed adultery, you were killed.
If you had sex with an animal, you were killed.
If you were gay, you were killed.
If you were a woman that kicked a man in the nuts, you were killed.
If you raped a woman, you had to marry her.  If you didn't, you were killed.
You're probably starting to notice a theme here.  Don't worry.  If you were found guilty of theft, you only had to repay the value of what you stole seven times over.  However, if you were caught in a person's home stealing, there was a good chance you'd be killed.  Also...
If your child was a hellion no one could control, he/she was killed. 
If you went to worship while on your menstrual cycle, you were killed.
It is worth noting that if you beat your meat (masturbated), you were not killed.  You were merely considered unclean and could not participate in any holy ceremony until you had bathed and waited until evening.  However, if you went to worship without doing this,  you were killed.  
Now this is The Law.  This is what Christians are talking about usually when they say that the Bible forbids something.  Have you ever heard the saying, "The wages of Sin are Death"?  That's not a metaphor.  The Bible is filled with metaphors, I'll admit, and there's a bit of "spiritual death" in the book, but, more often than not, Biblical characters (including Jesus) took that saying VERY literally.  Also that verse about "Thou shalt not kill" was a mistranslation if you didn't get the memo.  The correct translation is "Thou shalt not murder".  The difference?  Killing is the ending of a life, any life, human or otherwise.  Murder is usually defined as a human specifically that kills another human being that has not wronged them or committed an immoral act.  In practice?  You can kill bugs, but not children, unless the community has deemed the child an uncontrollable hellion. 
Now The Law did have some escape clauses in it.  Certain crimes could be forgiven with the sacrifice of a certain animal.  If you did this correctly, you would be FORGIVEN (not killed).  Of course, if you sacrificed the animal after having terrific sex with your wife that morning, well, you would be... deprived of your breathing privileges.  This is what FORGIVENESS means in the Bible: a lighter sentence than what the Law would prescribe, i.e. you weren't killed.  This is the Law that Jehovah, the God of the Covenant, gave to us.  So if you cheat on your Christian wife and she slashes your tires, she is being FORGIVING because according to The Law, she can get her brothers to kill you and be well within her rights.  I reiterate, having your cheating spouse killed, according to Levitical Law, is not a sin.  It's illegal.  It's unmerciful.  It's unforgiving, but not immoral.
This is Christian forgiveness.  Then again, you probably think that Christians should be more God-like in how they forgive.  Well, let's take a look at how the Judeo-Christian God forgives.  The character of David in the Bible is one of the most important as he is considered to be God's favorite, second only to Jesus Christ Himself.  However, David, like all humans, sinned against God.    He had a man killed so that he could sleep with the man's wife.  The Law specifically says not to lust after another man's wife.  Would you like to take a wild guess as to what David's punishment should have been?  But NO!  David begged, prayed, and pleaded with God for His Forgiveness.  Then God, in His Great Mercy, forgave David.  He gave David a lighter sentence.  The sentence?  His next baby would be killed and "evil" would rise against David from his own house.  What kind of evil, you ask?  His daughter was raped by her brother.  That brother was killed by another brother, then that brother tried to kill David.  This was David's punishment AFTER he was forgiven.  Dead sons and raped family. 
Remember this when you chastise another Christian for not showing, what you believe to be, God's Forgiveness.  David was not killed for his transgression.  His children were.  Oh, and a couple of his wives were raped too.  FORGIVENESS is such a beautiful thing, isn't it?  Now I've said and done some harsh things to people who have wronged me, but, yes, I do walk around with a very clear conscience.  Why?  Because I showed mercy and forgiveness.  I didn't kill any of the offenders (although the thought did cross my mind) and I didn't rape or slaughter their children.  Thus I have forgiven my offenders and shown them mercy.  Their refusal of my non-murderous and non-sexually-aggressive harshness I simply see as an act of ingratitude. 
Oh, but still, some of you believe that Christians should focus less on the Old Testament and more on the New Testament because the New Testament has Jesus Christ in it.  Ah, Jesus Christ!  The greatest person in history!  What a wonderful man!  He's here to save the day!  Here it comes:
"He who is without sin cast the first stone"
BAM!  POW!  ZING!  That metaphor has destroyed my whole argument.   But wait...  You've forgotten the context again.  Jesus Christ wasn't being metaphorical.  He was talking to a crowd of people intent on throwing actual stones.  Thus Christian forgiveness is still centered around giving lighter sentences than what The Law prescribes.  The crime here?  Adultery.  Hmm...what's the sentence for adultery again?  Oh yeah!  Death.  The person being stoned was a woman, which the scripture explicitly states, was caught in the act of adultery.  Jesus prevented her from being killed for this crime.  He also told her not to sin again, i.e., screw the same guy they caught her screwing before.  This is another part of Christian forgiveness: the cessation of the offense.  Jesus Christ doesn't want us to kill people for their sins, but he would like for those people to stop sinning. 
Now you're probably still grinning about the non-murderous Messiah and you're planning on berating some more Christians that take you to task for your lifestyle since they're not being the pacifist punk you believe our Savior to be.  Well...I'll try to make this brief:
This is how Jesus Christ would speak to the Pharisees, the people who were constantly trying to trick, deceive, and destroy Jesus, a.k.a. his "haters". 
"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?"  (Matthew 3:7 NIV)
"You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?"  (Matthew 23:33 NIV)
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!"  (Matthew 23: 23, 25, 27 & 29 NIV)
Oh, and that last notation isn't a mistake.  Jesus Christ repeated that exact same line four times in the same chapter.  Then there was that incident with the money changers in the temple:
"Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves."  (Matthew 21:12 NIV)
Then there was the Syro-Phoenician woman:
"She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.
'First let the children eat all they want,' he told her, 'for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.'
'Lord,' she replied, 'even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.'
Then he told her, 'For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.' "
For those of you who missed that, yes, that passage contains a woman begging for her child to be healed and Jesus not wanting to because the woman is not Jewish, or even Samaritan (Samaritans used a different Torah).  Yes, Jesus Christ, a Jew, had a strong preference for other Jews.  The original twelve Apostles?  All Jewish.  Today, we would call that racism.  I just call it good Christian fun.  With that being said, what were you telling other Christians about tolerance again? 
Well, let me tell you how Jesus actually treated people.  He would call you names and insult you if He didn't like you or were "proud" of the sin you were committing.  If you brought your mess into a church, he would knock over your tables and tell you to leave.  And when you finally came to Him asking for FORGIVENESS and mercy, His race would get preferential treatment, although he wouldn't reject you outright. 


Jesus didn't kill anyone and he didn't rape or murder any children.  Why?  Because He was FORGIVING.  Now you actually know what you're asking Christians when you tell them to have Christian forgiveness.  You're simply telling us not to kill you or rape your children.  I mean, we're Christians.  We kill people, and much like the ancient Hebrews we strive to emulate, we've been killing people for a very long time.  We follow a more forgiving Deity in that He preferred to insult people rather than butcher them, but if you're looking for quiet pacifists, go dig up Gandhi or call the Dalai Lama.  Do not ask Christians for forgiveness or mercy because if you're still alive and your children are living and un-raped (in the  literal sense), then you have already received it. 
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