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Happy Father's Day: Praises for Pops!

     I call him Dad,.  He is medium height, strong, dark, agile, sensitive, a great song writer, and an even better father.  In this space, I can write of his wonder without having to trying to express it through the threat of tears.  They are inevitable.
     My dad is a songwriter and artist, I will share his music at a later time.  One of my dads favorite songs is by Kem:  You Just Might Win.  In the many years I have watched my dad, both consciously and unconsciously, I understand wholly why this is one of his favorite songs and likewise Kem is one of his favorite artists.  Life doesn't discriminate, "There is sorrow and sadness here but there is  Heaven and sunshine too..." sings Kem on This Place.  I have seen my dad endure both, full on.  He has taught me that very important lesson, to endure, to keep walking as fearlessly as possible.  This is a HARD lesson, one that is never exactly mastered and a task often required.  My dad has shown that the lesson can be learned and each time the task is required, I can endure.
     As for the winning, I have learned that one can never win if one does not try.  He always says never be afraid to do what you want in life, even the far-fetched, the ridiculous,  and the things that no one sees but you.  After all, you just might win.   So, to all who read this, rather Father's Day has passed or the sun and moon still hangs within the day, lift up a glass in toast to my dad, and yours, for our existence and whatever lesson you have learned because of him.   I also lift up a toast for my dads many dreams and efforts, he just might win....

                                                                                    Chasitie Sharron Goodman,  © 2013, All Rights Reserved
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Why the Movie After Earth is Important

Why After Earth is Important

By Keith D. Young

I was born in 1976 and outside of “Blaxploitation” movies, there were no African American action or science fiction stars. My favorite movies included Tron, Superman, The Last Star Fighter, and Dune. The heroes in those movies had super powers, super intelligence, and had to dig deep to overcome extra-ordinarily difficult situations, often at great personal cost. It is worth noting here that the stars of these movies were all Caucasian males, and none of them looked like me. Hell, in most of the movies with a futuristic theme there was not even a Black person cast as an extra! As if, as Richard Pryor so eloquently put it, white people were not expecting us to be in the future.

It is no secret that many action, fantasy and science fiction movies contain ancient magical and mythological elements incorporated into the fabric of their stories; to see titans, gods, goddesses and fairies as characters in modern day cinema is a fairly commonplace occurrence – with one caveat, these characters almost never appear in movies written or directed by Blacks, or with an all Black cast.

When it comes to Black cinema we have few choices for our movie going pleasure. We have comedies, action comedies, the all important “Jesus Will Fix It” film and “Hot Ghetto Mess Drama,” (usually not the good kind), and last but not least is the “Catharsis Drama” – movies about profound suffering and abuse and how the characters where able to somehow carry on after being both victimized and traumatized. Few Black writers explore the realm of science fiction, fantasy, or create movies with a magical or mythological theme.

To add levels of depth and subtle complexity to their stories, adept writers and directors are able to use the archetypical and symbolic elements of the heroes and heroines of ancient mythological stories and folk and fairy tales. Many times these elements are used so skillfully as to be hardly recognized by the majority of the movie going public, but to the trained eye, these elements are obvious. However it does take a study of classical literature, world mythology and symbology in order to use these elements with any level of effectiveness. Study that many burgeoning African American film makers seem all too willing to ignore in their movie making process, as these elements are often sorely lacking in the plots and storylines of Black cinema.

But it seems like all that is changing with Will and Jaden Smith’s Sci-Fi epic “After Earth”. The After Earth screenplay was written by Gary Whitta and M. Night Shyamalan, with the story by Will Smith, tells the type of story that Black entertainment hasn’t seen the likes of in a very, very long time.

Critics dislike this movie because they know what Mr. Smith is trying to accomplish with this type of movie, and they don’t like it. While Smith’s traditional audience may be slow to co-sign this movie for two reasons, one is they are not used to seeing African Americans play these types of roles, (although they will pay top dollar to watch Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Keanu Reaves play these roles over and over again,) and two, they don’t really understand the themes portrayed in this movie due to the fact that as a culture, we were stripped of our initiatory practices and our stories, and as a result we are used to seeing these types of roles played by White or Asian actors and actresses. Our legends and folklore have been demonized through religion and western culture, and so it seems we shun the magical and fantastical images of ourselves as sorcerers, demigods and heroes.

Below I will outline various elements of the movie “After Earth” that make this movie worth seeing over and over again. Fathers, if you have been looking for a movie to take your sons to that will help you to begin a profound conversation about rites of passage and growing into a man, you’ll want to check this out.

!!!SPOILER ALERT!!! – We are going to be discussing the story and plotline from this movie and by doing so parts of the actual story are going to be revealed. If you don’t want to spoil the movie before you’ve seen it, STOP NOW, and then come back after you’ve seen it to participate in this analysis.


Let’s begin by taking a look at the theme of initiation that runs throughout “After Earth”.

Initiation was important in indigenous tribes because it was a system by which the young boys and girls of a given culture or tribe were guided through in order to educate, prepare and move them through the phase of childhood into adulthood and all the attendant rites and responsibilities which adulthood entailed.


Initiation always begins with education and training, and in the movie we begin with the main character training with his military academy class. Readers will take note that cadets in the military go through a process of initiation designed to strip them of their life as a civilian to remold them as a soldier, and make no mistake, this system of initiation was taken from the ancient indigenous cultures of Africa and passed down through other cultures and societies throughout the world.

Training involves physical and mental exercise and tests designed to give initiates/cadets control over their bodies, their emotions and their minds.
It is at this point in the movie that we find that young Kitai, while exhibiting impressive physical abilities is lacking in emotional and mental control, issues which he will be forced to deal with later on in the movie.

Below is an outline of initiatory steps as experienced by the ancients and portrayed in “After Earth”

  • Trek Through Nature in Solitude With a Mission to Complete
  • Initiate Versus Nature, Beasts, and Self (FEAR)
  • Initiate must face and overcome several trials in order to reach their goal (manhood)
  • Endurance (Breathing linked to inhalers)
  • Initiate must protect and ration limited amount of supplies, ie; food, water, medical
  • Handling confrontation with potential danger.

It is worth noting here that Kitai failed his first encounter with danger (the monkeys)spectacularly! His Father told him to take control of his Power and watch what he creates. Kitai could not control his fear and anxiety and thus created a scenario where his life was in danger and forcing him to flee from the confrontation he created out of fear. In initiation, this is to be expected. The initiate must fail in order to understand what can result from recklessness and unchecked fear.

This same scenario played itself out in the movie Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, when Luke was sent into the "Cave of Darkness" by Yoda. Luke took FEAR into the cave with him and was confronted by it in the form of his Father, Darth Vader – though this Vader was purely a creation of Luke’s fearful thoughts.

  • Facing medical emergency – poisoning by river leach and self administration of anti-venom.
  • Surviving the elements – finding thermal heat vents and shelter to keep warm during cold spells.
  • Defying Authority or “The System” in order to do what is right.
  • Leap of Faith – Jumping off a cliff in the hopes that his brash act will carry him to his goal.
  • Surviving a predator – The Raptor or Hawk representing Heru*
  • Assisting Mother Nature to defend her children – fighting for the lives of the baby hawks against the attacks of the feline predators.
  • Divine Aid – Initiate is pushed to his physical limits and thus transcends and is able to make contact with the spirit world where he is able to make peace with his dead sister and is given the aid and the protection of his spirit totem, the hawk.
  • Initiate reaches physical goal but must still go higher in order to reconnect spiritually with his Father – Kitai finds the beacon however it does not send the signal. Out of anger and frustration he hears the spiritual voice of his Father telling him to take a knee, (lower his physical nature so that he may listen to his higher “spirit” nature) - his father then tells him that he must go higher, to the top of a nearby mountain so that he can send their beacon signal (plea for assistance) into the heavens.
  • Initiate must face and overcome his fear here symbolized by the “Ursa” monster. Note here that "Ursa" is another name for a Bear which in some native tribes had to be faced and overcome by the young teens of the tribe in order for them to become men.
  • Initiate has to enter the Cave of Darkness/Fear. It is here that the monster reveals itself to the initiate and must be fought to the death.
  • Initiate is hurled into the abyss and must experience death. This death is not a physical one usually, but represents the death of the childish nature of the boy and the birth of the man. Fear, doubt and disbelief dies here , and the man, the warrior is able to be born. Initiate is put in mortal danger in order to force a change of mind and heart.
  • Upon reaching the mountaintop, the initiate is able to completely conquer himself and as a result his own fear and is thus able to destroy the monster and send a beacon into the heavens to receive a rescue and a return to his heavenly home.
  • By completing his task, the initiate is able to return home and redeem (save) his Father who was symbolically dead and in the underworld or in a deep soul sleep from which only the sons sacrifice could save him. **


The makers of “After Earth” also make use of archetypes to help them tell their story. According to the Concise Encyclopedia an “archetype” is “Primordial image, character, or pattern of circumstances that recurs throughout literature and thought consistently enough to be considered universal. Literary critics adopted the term from Carl Gustav Jung's theory of the collective unconscious. Because archetypes originate in pre-logical thought, they are held to evoke startlingly similar feelings in reader and author. Examples of archetypal symbols include the snake, whale, eagle, and vulture. An archetypal theme is the passage from innocence to experience; archetypal characters include the blood brother, rebel, wise grandparent, and prostitute with a heart of gold.”

Some of the archetypes that “After Earth” makes use of include, the “Father,” wise and valiant, yet fundamentally separated from his son, due to some perceived weakness or character flaw within the Son. The Son has let his Father down in a profound way, which has caused emotional and physical detachment.

The archetype of the "Son/Sun" in movies has the son following in his Father’s footsteps, while at the same time trying to make his own mark. He loves his Father but is resentful of him because he knows that he has fallen short of his Father’s expectations and/or achievements and he yearns to be like his Father and even to surpass him, in order to gain his love and respect. It is the Son’s job ultimately to redeem or save his Father, which makes him a suitable replacement for his Father, and which earns him the right to become a Father in his own right.

The steps that the Father and Son archetype takes in the movie “After Earth” are listed below.

  • Son in search of Father
  • Son fails to achieve an expected goal, and is judged by Father to be a failure. In After Earth this is unspoken, though in some stories the Father tells the Son outright that he is a failure.
  • Father and Son embark on journey to attempt to mend the rift between them. (This is a mask for the beginning of the initiatory journey.)
  • Father and Son encounter disaster, which only the two of them survive, leaving the Father severely wounded and having to rely on the Son for salvation.
  • Father demands absolute obedience and adherence to his rules and commands as he does not fully trust the mental and physical abilities of the Son.
  • Son is sent out to face the elements and enemies alone, but with the “spiritual guidance” of the Father. In After Earth, the spiritual guidance of the Father is represented by the com-link that keeps them in voice communication, and the “All Seeing Eyes” or cameras that the Father deploys in order to observe his Son’s progress and to watch out for danger.
  • Son VS Father – The Son begins to question his Father’s authority when his Father exhibits a lack of faith that the Son can accomplish his goals. This is perhaps the MOST important part of the movie when Kitai chooses to outright disobey the direct order of his Father. The lesson is this: when authority is wrong or becomes oppressive, it must be disobeyed by the hero in order for justice to be done.
  • Son Disobeys Father and is Cutoff, Cast Out or Cast Down. Being cut off from communication with the Father is symbolic of being cast down from heaven, which was shown literally as Kitai took a leap off the top of a waterfall in disobedience to his Father’s order that he return home. This event caused his communication link to his Father to be broken, leaving the Son alone and without guidance at a critical stage of the mission/initiation.
  • Son Forced to Face Enemy (FEAR) Alone – In the movie fear is represented by the Ursa, which is a monster that tracks its enemies through pheromones released when its prey is afraid. This creature can literally smell your fear. It is only when the Son has mastered himself that he can overcome the fear inside him, which the Ursa beast in the movie symbolizes.
  • Son Redeems (SAVES) Father, Returns Home a Man, Understands and Becomes Father.

The Heru Mythos

Every hero story you have ever read or saw played out on the silver screen is based on the mythos of Heru. Heru was an ancient African deity or Neter (force or aspect of nature) and the template for all good kings. You can read about his exploits in “The Passion of Osiris (Ausar)” and “A Tale of Two Brothers”. These tales come down to us from the land of ancient Kemet, now called Egypt.

In the myth Heru’s Father Ausar (Osiris) is betrayed and murdered by his jealous brother Set. Ausar is resurrected as the spiritual ruler of the underworld or afterlife. As a ruler, he is perpetually made to sit on a throne and cast his judgment on those who have recently passed on. [This is shown symbolically as Kitai’s Father Cipher was stuck in the chair inside the ship and using the ships camera’s (spiritual eyes) and the comm. Link (spiritual communication) to watch over and provide guidance to Kitai]
This throne motif is important as it was foreshadowed in After Earth by the soldier in the wheelchair, who approached the General and his Son. Upon approaching the General, the soldier declared that the General had saved his life and asked to be “stood up,” or in Biblical terms, “made upright”, by his companions so that he could make a proper salute to his hero (savior). This theme would play itself out again as the General would make the request “stand me up”, so that he could salute his son. This symbol represents the son redeeming or saving his Father.

Getting back to the mythos of Heru… after his father Ausar (Osiris) is murdered and his brother takes over the kingdom of Kemet, it becomes the mission of Heru and is Mother Auset (Isis) to get Heru on the throne as the rightful ruler of the land. Heru has to go through years of training under the auspices of his Mother Auset, His Aunt Nebhet (Nephtys) and the diminutive Bes who is the Neter of child birth, happiness and war. It is Bes who trains Heru to be a warrior. In the movie Star Wars Yoda played the part of the trainer (Bes) to Luke Skywalker (Heru).

The symbol of Heru was the Hawk. He was often depicted with wings and having the head or mask of a hawk. In the movie After Earth we see the relationship of the Hero to the Hawk in the “Leap of Faith” sequence where the hawk chases Kitai down and then carries him off to her nest to be food for her baby chicks. Kitai awakes while being nibbled on by the newborn chicks, but finds that the hawk nest is under attack by feline predators intent on eating the chicks. Kitai helps the hawk to defend the nest but fails to keep the predators from killing all of the baby birds.
The hawk mourns the loss of her baby chicks with a screech of rage and begins to follow Kitai in the air, which seems menacing in the beginning, but we find out later that the Hawk has bonded with Kitai and she later drags him to safety and protects him from the cold by using her own body heat to keep him from freezing. This is an obvious symbol of Kitai’s mythic relationship to Heru the Neter** of the Sun and the Sky… the original sky – walker.
After many contentious battles and adventures, Heru, with the help of his Mother would go on to gain rulership of the land of Kemet (Egypt) and thereby redeem his Father Ausar (Osirus).

It is important that you know that the story of Ausar (Osiris) and Heru (Horus) has been told and retold across the world and can be found in many variations, the names and characters and even some of the circumstances may change, but the root of the story remains the same. It is the duty of the Son to succeed his Father as ruler of the land or EARTH, but only AFTER he has proven himself worthy to do so. So you can see that the movie After Earth has a lot more depth to it than meets the casual eye.

There are many other examples of the mythological and archetypal symbolism that are incorporated into the movie After Earth that I was not able to touch on like the Mother as the “Queen of Heaven,” or the Sister as the “Spiritual Guardian” of her Brother. This movie is chock full of all the elements that make a great story and I for one feel that the story of After Earth was masterfully told. I’m looking forward to more of this type of movie from not only Will Smith and crew, but from other Black film-makers as well.

*Also known as Horus, Heru wan an ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) Neter (Deity) of the Sun and Sky, his symbol was the hawk. Heru was often depicted with the head of a hawk and the body of a man.

**Kitai’s Father Cipher being trapped in the innards of a spaceship evokes the symbolism of Jonah in the belly of the fish as well as the Ausarian (Osiris) mythos of Ausar sitting on a throne and providing spiritual guidance to Heru from the spirit world.

*** Neter means aspect of nature or divine nature. Neter has been translated as God and Goddess.

All rights reserved. Copyright 2013 Keith D. Young |

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The Basis For A Great Story

I think this TED presentation has the kernel of a great story:

Theo Jansen: An Artist Creates A New Lifeform

"In my talk, I mentioned that the Strandbeest would develop a digital brain. But it turns out that working with an analogue brain is much simpler and weighs far less. The "brain" of the animal, which is actually a digital step counter, works -- but is a lot of work to make, and it uses up extra walking units simply to carry the brain itself."

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Baby Step...

"At the age of 12, I developed an intense interest in mathematics. On exposure to algebra, I was fascinated by simultaneous equations and read ahead of the class to the end of the book." John Pople

3x + y = 2

x + 3y = 0

It's the sort of easy maths problem that you can work out in a few minutes using pencil and paper, but physicists in China, Canada and Singapore have now solved pairs of linear equations like this one using a simple quantum computer. Their experiment involves encoding quantum information into four photons and sending them through a system of optical devices. The physicists claim that their set-up could be improved and modified further to solve other types of problems.

The computational feat has been carried out by Jian-Wei Pan and colleagues at the University of Science and Technology of China, the University of Toronto and the National University of Singapore, who used a quantum algorithm created in 2009 by Aram Harrow, Avinatan Hassidim and Seth Lloyd. For simple systems of linear equations, Harrow and colleagues showed that their algorithm can be exponentially faster than the best solving methods that use a classical computer. One important caveat, however, is that the algorithm does not find an exact solution, but only the most likely answer.

"As long as algebra is taught in schools, there will be prayer in schools." Cokie Roberts
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Happy FriYay, MOSS fans!

READER REVIEWS FOR AMAZON WANTED: If you've finished reading part I of Murder on Second Street, please do me a favor and head on over to and leave a review. Help this Sy Sanford series reach the masses, and get ready for part II (release date is July 1).

Happy Father's Day weekend!!!

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Interrupted Journey: Part 6

The pilot gripped the control levers as if they were attached to a lifeline. Air friction rocked the ship as it knifed into rapid deceleration. Bridge crew members were strapped to their chairs…except the captain, whose chair was occupied by Tunnal. The other hijackers held onto whatever they could to maintain their balance through the heavy jostling of a high-speed descent.
“We’re losing the central turbine,” announced the pilot.
“Compensate!” The captain held on tight to the back of his chair while Tunnal looked on stone-faced.
“32 percent deceleration,” said the engineer. “Increasing reverse boosters.”
“Initiate flank attitude thrusts,” ordered the captain. “That should aid our decel.”
Alita sat at the astrogation station observing the hijackers. She noticed how focused they were on the forward display screen, their faces wrought with trepidation. Her gaze slid to the bridge exit less than twelve feet from where she sat.
“Central turbine output is reducing.” The engineer paused to check a reading. “Damn! It’s shutting down…”
The ship took a gut churning dip, knocking most of the hijackers off their feet.
Alita seized her opportunity. She quickly unstrapped herself and shot out of her chair toward the exit. The door slid open and shut behind her.
One of the hijackers tried to go after her, but was upended by the ship’s wobbly motion.
“Forget about her,” Tunnal ordered the hijackers, forestalling their pursuit. “She’s on borrowed time.”

Alita made her way to the engine room, deftly maintaining her footing on a quaking ship. As she advanced further into the room a huge hole in the bulkhead brought her up short. The floor was littered with debris and smoke spiraled from a pair of severely damaged generators. Half the engine room lay in ruin.
Alita looked around, moving tentatively toward the hole. Was Dern down here?
A faint noise caught her ear. She whirled about, finding herself in the shadow of a towering figure in scorched armor. A mirrored faceplate retracted, revealing a familiar dark skinned visage.
“Dern…thank God!” She brushed over his armor. “What happened to you?”
Dern placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Let’s just say I was on the wrong end of a very powerful explosive. Are you all right? How’d you get away?”
Alita grinned in spite of herself. “I ran…as fast as I could.” Horror displaced the grin. “Dern, this Tunnal is an animal…a murderer. He killed our comm officer. Shot him down like it was nothing!”
“They’re all murderers,” Dern stated harshly. “The passengers are dead. They were massacred.”
Alita stepped back, her mouth and eyes agape. “No…”
An alarm blared from a status board above the nearest generator. Alita looked up at the board, skimming its data. “We’ve got less than five minutes of airborne time. It might be a hard landing!”
“Then we need to get you to safety.” Dern lifted the woman and draped her over his shoulder.
“Wait! Where are we going?”
“The stasis level. The tubes are crash fortified. I’m putting you in one.”
“What about you?”
Dern moved swiftly through the hole in the bulkhead and sprinted toward the cargo section exit. “I’m sure I’ll be able to withstand a hard landing.”

Alita gasped when she saw the stasis level corridor clogged with bodies. “Put me down!
Dern zeroed in on the first stasis room. “No time.”
“Put me down,” the technician repeated insistently.
The former SD soldier huffed impatiently but acceded to Alita’s request.
She slid off his shoulder and eyed the corpses around her in stunned, horrified silence. “I thought we left this behind.” Alita struggled to hold down her bile.
“I did too,” Dern said soberly. He tapped her elbow. “Come on, we’ve got to get you in a tube.”
Alita started forward, but paused. She bent and plucked an RI4 rifle from the cold, grip of a dead hijacker. She looked up at Dern with a sordid gleam in her eye. “Been a while since I held one of these. I’m going to enjoy this reunion.”

The sleeper ship screamed past a jagged mountain peak, avoiding a collision by inches.
That was expert maneuvering on the pilot’s part. The rest lay in the hands of fate as the ship lost power and fell into a perilous glide toward a rocky valley. It touched the ground, bouncing once, twice then sliding a half mile, dredging up a gusher of dirt and gravel, pulverizing rock outcroppings in its path. Finally it slowed to a grinding halt.
The crew faired well enough in the landing since they were strapped into chairs. A few hijackers were sprawled on the deck, having suffered minor injuries from falls or collisions. The captain held tight as he could to his chair, almost losing his grip on the ship’s second bounce. He let go, massaging a right that felt as if it had been pulled from its socket and reattached.
Tunnal released the chair straps holding him in place and rose. “Not a bad landing,” he remarked to the pilot in a tone more mocking than complimentary. To the engineer: “What’s the status? How banged up is this bucket?”
The engineer examined damage readings on his console screen. “Four generators and two turbines are down. Five coils, fractured…”
The hijack leader waved a hand impatiently. “I don’t need details just tell me if the ship can be fixed.”
The engineer shrugged. “It’ll take time since this planet likely lacks the fully equipped maintenance facility a ship of this class requires. I’ll need spare parts assembled to specs.”
“Routh’s maintenance accommodations may not be first class,” said Tunnal. “But the man running it’ll have whatever you need to make decent repairs.” The forward display caught his attention. “Speaking of which…”

Twenty-five Terrain Variable Vehicles sped toward the downed space vessel, whipping up voluminous clouds of dust in their wake. TVVs were large, thickly armored personnel transports, equipped with forward turrets, and flank mounted rocket pods. These were essentially discard vehicles, distributed throughout the colonies after their replacement by upgrades. They were not intended for illegal settlements. And yet, here they were, in the hands of a crime lord with the resources and tenacity to acquire the very best hardware that he possibly could.
Tunnal smiled admiringly. That’s why he enjoyed doing business with Hooper. And with Hooper’s added muscle, this Dern Lowtower’s chances of survival just decreased drastically, armor or no armor.
Tunnal turned to the engineer. “Get your techs together and get started on the repairs.”
The captain stepped in front of Tunnal, anger radiating from his eyes. “We have done what you wanted, yet the price we paid for our cooperation resulted in the death of my officer, a good man. The very least you can do is release us immediately so we can figure out a way to reach our original destination.”
Tunnal’s arm whipped out with expert precision, delivering a vicious chop to the side of the captain’s head.
The captain stumbled sideways, plopping on the deck when he tripped over his feet.
Several outraged crew members rose from their chairs, but guns thrust in their faces curtailed further movement.
The hijack leader stood over the groggy captain. “The passengers are dead, Captain. So don’t you dare presume to make demands of me. I’m already pissed off about the condition of this ship. Maybe I’ll let you and your miserable crew live after I have this Lowtower’s head in my clutches. If that be the case then you will spend the rest of your lives as Hooper’s slaves. That may or may not be a merciful outcome for you. Either way you’ll be in no position to report us to Coalition authorities.”
The shock in the captain’s eyes appeared to have accelerated his recovery from Tunnal’s abuse. “You killed the passengers?”
“End of discussion,” Tunnel growled, pointing his Viper at the captain’s head. “Open the emergency exit doors. We’re all leaving, except the engineer and his techs.”
“What about Lowtower?” Welch queried with bloodthirsty relish.
“Hooper’s people will handle him. And we’re going to help.”

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Quantum Invisibility Cloak...

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: The idea is simple in essence. Ordinary invisibility cloaks work by steering light around a region of space to make it look as if it weren’t there. The mathematical approach that describes this is called transformation optics. It starts with Maxwell’s equation which govern the behaviour of light as it passes through space.


One way to think of light is as a field in space. In transformation optics, this field can be stretched and squeezed like a rubber sheet when it passes through certain types of material. The goal is to engineer this material so that it stretches the sheet around regions of space and so make them invisible.


The approach developed by Jeng Yi and Ray-Kuang is mathematically identical to this. But instead of starting with Maxwell’s equations, they start with the Schrodinger equation which governs the probability of an object being present in a region of space.


Their idea is to treat this probability field like a rubber sheet that can be stretched and squeezed. So the goal in designing a quantum invisibility cloak is to stretch this sheet around a region of space so that the probability of existing inside it is zero. In effect, they’re designing a cloak that shields its contents from reality.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke


Physics arXiv:
Hide The Interior Region of Core-Shell Nanoparticles With Quantum Invisible Cloaks

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Panspermia (Greek: πανσπερμία from πᾶς/πᾶν (pas/pan) "all" and σπέρμα (sperma) "seed") is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids and planetoids. (Wikipedia)

So you won't think I just pulled the title out of...well, you know. Almost sounds like an old George Carlin skit...Smiley

Early Earth was not very hospitable when it came to jump starting life. In fact, new research shows that life on Earth may have come from out of this world.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientist Nir Goldman and Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology colleague Isaac Tamblyn (a former LLNL postdoctoral researcher) found that icy comets that crashed into Earth millions of years ago could have produced life building organic compounds, including the building blocks of proteins and nucleobases pairs of DNA and RNA.

Comets contain a variety of simple molecules, such as water, ammonia, methanol and carbon dioxide, and an impact event with a planetary surface would provide an abundant supply of energy to drive chemical reactions.

"The flux of organic matter to Earth via comets and asteroids during periods of heavy bombardment may have been as high as 10 trillion kilograms per year, delivering up to several orders of magnitude greater mass of organics than what likely pre-existed on the planet," Goldman says.

Goldman's earlier work is based on computationally intensive models, which, in the past, could only capture 10 to 30 picoseconds of a comet impact event. However new simulations, developed on LLNL's supercomputers Rzcereal and Aztec, Goldman used much more computationally efficient models and was able to capture hundreds of picoseconds of the impacts—much closer to chemical equilibrium.

"As a result, we now observe very different and a wider array of hydrocarbon chemical products that, upon impact, could have created organic material that eventually led to life," Goldman says.


R&D: Life on Earth comes from out of this world

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After Earth

The reviews, most of them anyway, have been terrible.  However, I am not sure what movie the so-called critics were watching, furthermore, what the agenda is for the heavy-handed upbraiding towards Hollywood's Golden Boy.  For twenty years now, Will Smith has made us laugh at and cheer for his corny relatable nature with aliens and otherworldly cinematic endeavors.  Even more, he has proven himself a cash cow, unbeatable in first week movie ticket sales for what is for some, 18 years of child support payments and two years of celebration.  So what has changed... perhaps nothing, perhaps everything.      The movie I saw chronicled a Black man and his son through accidental journey back to Earth, the most perilous of all places for human life.  Everything, warns Smith's character, General Cypher Raige, has been evolved to destroy them.  Funny, with the current situation going on in Chicago, now sadly known as "Chiraq", unemployment at an all time high, prison sentences as easy to catch as the common cold, food deserts, and disease, is that not similar to the current state of being for the Black man on Earth?       Nonetheless, Smith's character is one of the only human men in existence who is able to ghost, that is, evade a ghastly looking creature that can smell your fear.  This creatures victims are hung on trees, displayed for examples like the Strange Fruit  Billie Holiday sang about so many years ago.  General Raige's son and likewise Smith's son Jayden Smith, Kitai in the movie, is a  ranger hopeful, and otherwise adolescent boy both eager to win his father's approval and simultaneously escape his shadow, is set to escape the call of death alongside his father in this steady, inspiring, futuristic foray.       After Earth has been criticized for its alleged pushing of Scientology dogma which frankly, I find, laughable.   Seriously folks?  Every Friday, as sure as sunrise, a new movie is released, and this has been so since the inception of cinema. For years, movies have pushed drunken, drug infested, racist, sexist, Whites-only, dogmas on viewers and for the most part, many of these messages are so subliminal they are not even caught.  Oh, and don't even get me started on television...  So now, when Smith decides to write a story, star in its movie, along with his son, produce that movie with his Black partner, and his  Black wife and Black brother-in- law, the movie gets shunned....for pushing an agenda?  Even if he was, would he not be protected under free speech and artistic freedom, not to mention the legions of other films that promote religious dogmas?      I will say this, Black people, this is what you have been asking for, aching for, waiting to see.  A movie written by a Black person, with a complete family, yes Smith's character is married to a sister, with a great storyline, metaphysical elements, fatherhood, unquestioned manhood, no  unnecessary violence, no wince-worthy cursing, and Black people that make to the future, alive.   For all you that spray vitriol on every movie starring Jezebels, mammies, bucks, Uncle Toms, Sapphires, Tragic Mulattos, and Stallions, and for all of you whose stomach turns everytime you see a 6 foot man with a high-ass and gray lace front wig, here is your offering.  Go see it.   Black folks finally make it to the future, outlast Earth even, and we are not sad or dead.  GO SEE THE MOVIE, its worth it.                     Chasitie Sharron Goodman,  © 2013, All Rights Reserved

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Note: the NEWSY embed refers to Curiosity, not Opportunity as the article elucidates. Wonder if caught this discontinuity? (NEWSY is correct)

NASA's Mars rover Opportunity has made perhaps the biggest discovery of its nearly 10-year career, finding evidence that life may have been able to get a foothold on the Red Planet long ago.

The Opportunity rover spotted clay minerals in an ancient rock on the rim of Mars' Endeavour Crater, suggesting that benign, neutral-pH water once flowed through the area, scientists said.

"This is water you could drink," Opportunity principal investigator Steve Squyres of Cornell University told reporters today (June 7), explaining why the rock, dubbed "Esperance," stands out from other water-soaked stones the rover has studied. Rover Finds New Evidence That Ancient Mars Was Habitable

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I've not written much since January of this year.  The only writing that I've been doing is for my sim. I'm trying to change that.  Not sure what to write but I want to get something out; if I ever plan on finish my stories (even one of them) I need to be more diligent. 

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Multiverse Discussion...

Get's kind of lively... NEW YORK — Whether you believe our universe is unique or one of many coexisting realities, there's a scientific model that backs up your views. Cosmologists on both sides debated the issue June 1 here at the "Multiverse: One Universe or Many?" panel at the World Science Festival.

"Is the multiverse idea something that's implied by deficiencies in existing cosmological theories, or is it something some scientists need to help them explain certain unresolvable problems in existing theory?" journalist John Hockenberry asked, acting as moderator to scientists Andreas Albrecht, Alan Guth, Andrei Linde, and Neil Turok, who took the stage at New York University's Skirball Center for the Performing Arts.

The possibility of a multiverse is raised by the theory of cosmic inflation. This idea posits that the universe grew exponentially in the first fraction of a second following the Big Bang, expanding even faster than the speed of light. Some versions of this theory suggest that certain areas of the universe expanded faster than others, creating separate bubbles of space-time that might have developed into their own universes.

Science How Stuff Works: How Quantum Suicide Works
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Short Visual Fiction


Every so often, we come across works that are incomplete but compelling. Some combination of tone, world, and voice conspires to make us want to know more. However, due to deadlines, budgets and other commitments, some concepts get left to wither. Short Visual Fiction posts attempt to reconcile some of the art work we have laying around with some text that never went any where. 

-The Bear-Men of Kodiac Island:

Jonah pulled the handle. As he did, orange flames shot from the top of the central stack. The quilted frame of the Aeypher expanded, pulling the guide line tight.

"More!" Captain Bluenose shouted from behind the giant steering gear. "We need more altitude if we are to catch the Prince of Crystal River."

Jonah took the iron handle and yanked with both hands, laughing as he did. Slowly, the Aeypher began to rise.

Below them, in the wilds of Kodiac Island, the Bear-Men called in loud grunts and hollers.

"The Bear-Men hold no love of the Prince!", Bluenose called through the wind. 

"Why?" Jonah asked as he peered over the side railing. Below the wisps of sooty smoke wafted from the Wigwams of the Bear-Men.

"The Prince and the Bear-Men both love the Salmon of the Crystal River. The Prince pays a handsome price for any fish brought to his cooks. Knowing his appetite, the Red Catchers swarm the River and catch as much as they can. This leaves the Bear-Men very hungry. Very hungry indeed."

"Hungry enough to eat people?" Jonah stepped back from the abyss. A breeze caught his school coat and flung his tartan tie around his neck like a scarf.

"Silly boy!", tall Captain Bluenose laughed as he tucked long braids under the Gold trimmed Tri-corner hat; "Bear-Men will always eat a tasty man...or boy...hungry or not."

Jonah stared, trying to decipher if the statement held a hidden jest. If not, there was a lot he had to learn about being a Pirate of the Western Sky.

-An excerpt and artwork from the unfinished and unloved  "Pirates of the Western Sky" by Grant Chambers - If you want more "Short Visual Fiction" - drop us a line.

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Sticking to Warmer Physics....

Not mad at you, though...

A massive telescope buried in the Antarctic ice has detected 28 extremely high-energy neutrinos—elementary particles that likely originate outside our solar system. Two of these neutrinos had energies many thousands of times higher than the highest-energy neutrino that any man-made particle accelerator has ever produced, according to a team of IceCube Neutrino Observatory researchers that includes Penn State scientists. These new record-breaking neutrinos had energies greater than 1,000,000,000,000,000 volts or, as the scientists say, 1 peta-electron volt (PeV).



"Scientists have been searching high and low for these super-energetic neutrinos using detectors buried under mountains, submerged in deep lakes and ocean trenches, lofted into the stratosphere by special balloons, and in the deep clear Antarctic ice at the South Pole," said Penn State Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Astrophysics Doug Cowen, who has worked on IceCube for over a decade. "To have finally seen them after all these years is immensely gratifying." The discovery was announced this week at the IceCube Particle Astrophysics Symposium in Madison, Wisconsin.


R&D: Record-breaking high-energy particles detected by telescope buried in Antarctic

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I find most of my cable provided music channels to be mostly worthless. So using the excellent technology provided by WorldTV -- unless you can do your own coding which I can't, yet -- I created two channels. The channels are called "The Acid Jazz Channel" and "More Acid Jazz". I really think this is the personalized television of the future. I also think the channel is politically conscious, always nice. You can embed the channel anywhere. So here it is:

If you like some trad jazz, mostly acid jazz, some alt rock and left wing politics, then its the best music channel ever. There's also a steady diet of science fiction and political trailers. I'm curious about what people here think. Related: You can find my sites embedded here and here just in case the embed here doesn't work. More Related: The Acid Jazz Channel has 1000 videos in full rotation. Every single video I've ever played is at the More Acid Jazz channel which has around 5000 videos. So if you need something to watch for the rest of your life...The theory behind the channel is that you should always find something new to listen to. You can find the "More Acid Jazz" embed here. Not Related: Still upset about Gidas Flowers and the somewhat sloppy work of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC).

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R-C Manifest Destiny...

Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities, War. He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold blood and calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the only animal that for sordid wages will march out... and help to slaughter strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and with whom he has no quarrel... And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for 'the universal brotherhood of man' - with his mouth. Mark Twain


Editor’s Note: This story relies upon anonymous sources who could not have spoken on the record without prosecution or other serious repercussions. The author revealed their identities to MIT Technology Review.


A little history is helpful. The drone as we know it today was the brainchild of John Stuart Foster Jr., a nuclear physicist, former head of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (then called the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory), and—in 1971, when the idea occurred to him—the director of defense research and engineering, the top scientific post in the Pentagon. Foster was a longtime model-airplane enthusiast, and one day he realized that his hobby could make for a new kind of weapon. His idea: take an unmanned, remote-controlled airplane, strap a camera to its belly, and fly it over enemy targets to snap pictures or shoot film; if possible, load it with a bomb and destroy the targets, too.


Two years later, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) built two prototypes based on Foster’s concept, dubbed Praeire and Calere. Weighing 75 pounds and powered by a modified lawn-mower engine, each vehicle could stay aloft for two hours while hoisting a 28-pound payload.


A meme on FB has a man presumably in the 80s with a cathode ray tube television: the TVs fat, and he is skinny. In the era of flat screens - as the illustration shows - the reverse is now true.


The evolution of warfare is becoming mechanized, mechanical: distant. There is no longer the dread to invest "our national treasure," since wars as Machiavelli pronounced are "the extension of politics by other means," usually started by the 'canopy class'; fought by the lower caste in their rainforest's shadow. We're apparently training more joystick pilots than aircraft pilots in the US Air Force, further removing/distancing ourselves from the responsibility of corpse manufacture.


The opportunity to elevate oneself from lower to at least middle class - somewhere mid-trunk beneath social canopy, but still shadow - is offered as well as to "see the world" by all major branches of the services. The trick for that opportunity is to survive your deployment, and even your garrison service in the company of fellow members with limbs attached, perhaps some educational/vocational training and without sexual or other assault; harassment or PTSD. All branches are now embroiled in an in a record increase of sexual assault cases - on men as well as women - and the lack of accountability/prosecution by higher ups on perpetrators, the same higher-ups from the "good old boys" club often rendering ham-fist, half-witted pardons to assailants and no help of recovery for victims.

Manifest destiny: 1.historical expansionist doctrine: the doctrine or belief prevalent in the 19th century that the United States had the God-given right to expand into and possess the whole of the North American continent.

We are children of this sense of destiny/entitlement (if ever truly used in its correct application), and a reflection of this mechanized distancing through technology of mankind from itself.


Childhood as I recall it, with imagination creating my own space battles, "rattle snake eggs" with rubber bands, paperclips and an envelop; origami figurines; rubber band guns with clothes pins, stick ball and snow ball fights now kowtow to $25 - 50 video game programs with more than a million players online. Babies and Toys-R-Us makes children a consumer commodity after clearing placenta. Hours are spent by young people to master the next level while education is transformed into meaningless "teach-to-the-test" Pavlov drivel: it makes for an orderly society [of sorts] without critical thinking subjects that will question authority; the enjoyment of creativity for its own sake or expressive insight. Thus, we breed bottom-line capitalists at best; sociopaths at worst.


"It's Time to Tackle Interstellar Flight": please understand this apparent leap (shortly, I hope). The space race began after the launch of Sputnik, due to the fear in the US the Russians had developed the means of launching intercontinental ballistic missiles - armed with the threat of mutually assured destruction - which was quite an accurate assessment. Fear is a great motivator. Al Capone said: "you can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." The spin off nostalgia science fiction shows - I Dream of Jeanie, Lost in Space, the Jetsons, Star Trek - were the "kind words"; nukes were "the guns."


It is an interesting title by Mike Wall (, and I like how he makes his case, but what would we be taking with us (in US) to space if successful? Will our drones/death stars follow; the arrogance of Manifest Destiny to the stars; will we cast the natives we find to their asteroid belt reservations; see the universe as "free-fire zone"? I recall some advice a noted martial artist friend gave another: "you fight like a bull. That's OK, until you run into a bigger bull." What if the bigger alien bull sees us as hostile, inconsequential...or, as food?


And even more soberly: With growing inequality, gynophobia, xenophobia, is the silence not golden from space, but the darker conclusion to the Drake Equation: the aliens did not survive themselves, let alone invaders? What if they concluded their third world war, and are fighting their fourth (if survived) fulfilling Einstein's surmise: "with sticks and stones"?


Maybe before warp drive, we need to tackle our materialism and conflict resolution skills.


Technology Review: The World as Free-Fire Zone

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Graphene SEP

The world's first single-electron graphene pump has been built by researchers at the UK National Physical Laboratory and the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. The device could be used to redefine the standard unit of current, the ampere, in terms of the electron charge – a fundamental constant of nature.


The international system of units (SI) is made up of seven base units, which are the metre, kilogram, second, kelvin, ampere, mole and candela. The ampere, volt and ohm are the three fundamental units of electricity.


Ideally, a new definition of the ampere would be based on an extremely accurate source of electric current, capable of delivering one electron at a time. A single-electron pump (SEP) could be ideal in this respect because it produces a flow of individual electrons by shuttling them into a quantum dot and emitting them precisely one at a time. A good SEP also pumps the electrons quickly, so a sufficiently large current is generated.


Until recently, two types of SEP were promising contenders: tunable barrier pumps made from semiconductors, which are fast, and so-called hybrid turnstiles made from superconductors, which can be mounted in parallel to make the output current larger. Although the most accurate, a third type of pump usually made from metallic islands is too slow for making a practical current standard, but the UK researchers have now improved its performance by making it from graphene, which is a semi-metal. Graphene is a sheet of carbon just one atom thick that has a honeycomb lattice structure.


"Our experiments have shown that graphene is ideal for pumping large currents and its 2D crystal structure is just what is needed to make electrons pass through the SEP quickly," team leader Malcolm Connolly told The electron flow can reach near-gigahertz frequencies, very close to what is needed to create a current standard, he added.


If it proves accurate enough, the SEP could also help close the "quantum metrological triangle", which relates current, voltage and resistance. Voltage can be measured using the AC Josephson effect, while resistance can be related through the quantum Hall effect. Both these relationships include the same two fundamental constants – Planck’s constant, h, and the charge on the electron, e. A metrological current pump would allow physicists to directly relate current to frequency, and thus test whether e and h are as universal as we think.



Physics World: Redefining the ampere with the help of graphene?

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SETTING FOR MURDER ON SECOND STREET: So where is Jackson Ward and what's its link to American History?

"Richmond's Jackson Ward neighborhood is located on the northern edge of the downtown district. It was originally built by European immigrants attracted to and made prosperous by Richmond's status as a central retail hub. Freed slaves began moving into the neighborhood during Reconstruction, and by 1920 Jackson Ward was one of the most active and well-known centers of African-American life in the country.

Jackson Ward hosted a thriving entertainment district centered on the famed Hippodrome theatre. Among the names that appeared regularly were Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, and Richmond's own Bill "Bojangles" Robinson. The neighborhood was the home of a number of large and well-known African-American churches, including the Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church, founded by famous orator John Jasper. It also hosted a strong retail and business community in which Maggie L. Walker became the first woman in America to found and lead a bank in the United States when she opened the St. Luke Penny Savings. Jackson Ward was also the home and headquarters for civil rights advocate John Mitchell, Jr., editor of the Richmond Planet, which crusaded against the discrimination and persecution of African-Americans in the South."

To learn more about Jackson Ward in Richmond, VA, visit Or, order your very own piece of African American and America History with Murder on Second Street, part 1 (see additional posts for order link).

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