My son turned me on to this spoof of Cliff Notes and Spark Notes. It is clever and entertaining! Find it here on YouTube and subscribe!!
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Okay, the Supreme Court, with five conservative white men (we’ll argue about that later, I’m sure), displaying the fear conservative whites have over losing their racial majority and traditional white privilege in these United States of America, has rolled back one of the few protections non-whites in traditionally racist states have against complete political irrelevance.
The political ramifications aside, let us imagine today’s America degenerating into a 1850s social, economic, political and cultural landscape.
Let’s imagine women no longer able to vote, and once again the property of men, unable to own property on their own.
Let’s imagine Black men relegated to slave status, also not having the ability to vote and to only be counted as 3/5ths of a man in the census.
Let’s imagine Black women as little better than sex slaves and the subjects of breeding experiments to try to produce that “perfect” slave; big, stupid and compliant.
Let’s imagine Blacks unable to own property or to be allowed to have or control their own money.
Let’s re-imagine those Blacks who will curry favor from the white masters in order to eat in the big house, wear better clothes, and most importantly, lord their status over the rest.
This trend in conservative strategy just begs for a look at just how America would turn out today with early 1800s', Paula Dean type sensibilities...
Novella anyone?
This was unveiled at the Paris Air Show as "radical and unpractical." Possibly why EADS is giving itself until 2050 to bring it to fruition. Superconductivity seems to be a part of the design - currently only used on Maglev Trains in Japan and Shanghai - some considerable technological advances are required to make such a hybrid mostly electric/minimized fuel engine.
For my sons...
West African: 82%
Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Gabon, Congo, and various other nations along Africa's west coast, from The Gambia to the Equatorial Guinea
Scandinavian: 13%
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Greenland, Iceland
Uncertain: 5%
Most likely, Cherokee (credit: mom/grandma)
About Your Region
Your ethnicity indicates that you have ancestry from West Africa, an area that stretches along the continent's Atlantic coast from the desolate sands of the Sahara in Mauritania and Mali to the humid canopies of the central African rain forests in Gabon and Congo. Camel caravans once hauled rock salt from desert mines through the legendary city of Timbuktu. And it's the only place on Earth where you can see a lowland gorilla outside of a zoo.
The people of this region trace their ethnic and cultural roots to numerous different sources. The Tuareg Berbers in the predominantly Muslim north are descended from the desert nomads of the Sahara; the sub-Saharan African populations including the Hausa, Mandinka, and Youruba are descendents of the ancient western kingdoms that dominated the region before the arrival of European colonists; the Baka of Cameroon and Gabon, previously referred to as "pygmies," are some of the oldest residents of the area; and the Bantu language group, which originated in Cameroon, is spoken across the entire southern half of the continent.
European colonialism and exploitation, including a centuries-long slave trade, as well as brutal civil wars, despotism, and uncontrolled governmental corruption in the post-colonial era have kept the region mired in poverty. Since the end of Liberia's second civil war in 2003, the region has seen a stretch of relative peace and a decrease in corruption. Hopefully the future will bring prosperity to this region.
Migrations into this region
Western Africa was first occupied by modern humans about 50,000 years ago. More recently, the colonial period saw immigrants from many European countries establish colonies and trading posts throughout Western Africa. However, the genetic impact of these historical Europeans is thought to be very small.
Migrations from this region
The majority of African-Americans ancestry derives from Western Africa. This is mostly because during the Atlantic slave trade of the 18th and 19th centuries, African slaves from the coastal regions of Western Africa were captured and shipped to the Americas. Even groups further inland were sometimes captured and traded out to the coast for slavery.
From the start I face palmed my entire time seeing the trailer for once again while White audiences are given Superman and Thor, Black audiences are graced with yet another Black maid/servant movie. Now don't get me wrong the movie seems to have a solid cast and I would give anything to bet one of the Black cast members will be rewarded with an Oscar for being a maid or butler. While watching the movies trailer on YouTube I couldn't help but to look at the comments to see what others were saying about the film and one comment posted was that stories like these need to be told. While I agree to a certain extent I still beg the question how long will this story be told? Is this the only story Black Americans have to tell? Are moving stories from the Black mind only about being some "dignified" Black servant for White America?
The character of the Black servant be it historical or fictional has been a character that Hollywood has had no problem marketing. From Gone with the Wind in 1939 to The Help in 2011 to The Butler in 2013 the character of the black servant is slowly being reintroduced in modern society. All these films seem to tell the movie going audiences that no matter how bad Black servants where treated during these time periods Black maids and butlers didn't care and saw some type of dignity in what they are doing. On top of that you throw in a few "Good" White people to let both white and black audiences know that not all Whites were bad doing this time. To many times we get into the habit of believing these stories are true simply because there was a time when these things did happen and that somehow these films are good to the black mind to see what we know to be untrue to suddenly become true because "good" white people are behind it.
When it comes to historical movies about African-Americans the only movies that are successful are Black servants films but movies depicting African-Americans as heroes like in Red Tails or a messiah type character like in Malcolm X seem doomed to fail. Why? Because it is my opinion that Black people have been conditioned only to see themselves in a certain way. White audiences are given the images of themselves as Superman, Iron man, and Thor but Black audiences are given Precious and The Help and I believe that there is a reason for this. How many movies have been made on Abraham Lincoln? How many World War 2 films have been made? How many American western films are made? My point in saying this is these films are Historical films yet they all showing different sides of White American history. When it comes to Black American history or The World history of Black people we are only given one side of the story as if our history begins and ends in a state of servitude. Where are the epic films on the Nubian Pharaohs of Africa? We seem to have hundreds on the "great" accomplishments of the Greeks and Romans!
Films like The Butler may be true stories and may move hearts, but I believe those are stories that white audiences are comfortable seeing and Black audiences are conditioned to accept. Anything beyond that territory will ultimately begin to wake up the hearts and minds of black people.
Given his calm and reasoned academic demeanor, it is easy to miss just how provocative Erik Brynjolfsson’s contention really is. Brynjolfsson, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, and his collaborator and coauthor Andrew McAfee have been arguing for the last year and a half that impressive advances in computer technology—from improved industrial robotics to automated translation services—are largely behind the sluggish employment growth of the last 10 to 15 years. Even more ominous for workers, the MIT academics foresee dismal prospects for many types of jobs as these powerful new technologies are increasingly adopted not only in manufacturing, clerical, and retail work but in professions such as law, financial services, education, and medicine.
That robots, automation, and software can replace people might seem obvious to anyone who’s worked in automotive manufacturing or as a travel agent. But Brynjolfsson and McAfee’s claim is more troubling and controversial. They believe that rapid technological change has been destroying jobs faster than it is creating them, contributing to the stagnation of median income and the growth of inequality in the United States. And, they suspect, something similar is happening in other technologically advanced countries.
I talked about this here, here, here and here. Wrote a book about it (literally).
We're given ourselves self-serving mythologies of "shining cities on a hill"; "chosen nation"; pursue multiple choice exams over education, creationism/intelligent design and other made-up "controversies"; junk science in the halls of congress, #scamdals, chimeras and "created realities" because pursuit of poltergeists allow pols not to do their actual elected jobs of managing the commonwealth for the common good (i.e. redistricting = Zombie government).
Our technology is literally superseding our need for certain workers.
For example, when some of us just "couldn't do college" a generation ago, Americans could get a job in a factory - I'll use the automotive industry - and build a decent middle-class life for themselves and a family. A blue collar job might have been to use a drill on an assembly line for lug nuts, bolts, etc. Now, that's done by a robot that doesn't call in sick; doesn't need vacation; won't demand a retirement. Most hiring by US firms is abroad where pay is lower than our national minimum wage. The other good option was the military - recall it was a "peacetime force" post Vietnam.
I am not advocating slowing down, "crawling in a cave"; running for the hills. The genie is out of the bottle now, and we're debating (if you want to call it that) problems that have no impact. Period.
Our sense of the "American Dream" is changing daily, as should our definition of middle class, upper class and financial plasticity - the ability to move freely from class-to-class (hopefully upward). We've got the most expensive health care on the planet, and I've had two good friends - one my fraternity line brother - perish due to lack thereof: insurance is an expensive business with real casualties. Our living longer puts stress on geriatrics, resources and food supplies. Weather, whether you want to call it climate change or a rather heated solar cycle, is now part of what is briefed in the actual Situation Room. We either accept these realities, and prepare our children academically and morally for them: or, inherit the whirlwind of societal instability. This is Sky-net in slow-mo, and "The Hunger Games"; "Brave New World" nor "1984" should not be a blueprint for our collective futures.
What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions". In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.
This book is about the possibility that Huxley, not Orwell, was right.
Neil Postman, "Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business"
Technology Review: How Technology is Destroying Jobs
Marks the 1,215th post (also, my childhood street address).
Don't panic: I know school's out for summer...and that's the chant from the teachers!
This is something I've thought about. In the seventies we had School House Rock (you better believe I have this DVD). A lot of great memories: multiplication, science, grammar, government and how it should work. As a teacher, I recall having to compete with the district demands of test prep, video game systems, mobile devices and the latest script-and-drama from reality TV. Rock was the innovation of its day, a way to engage us in passive learning. I can still sign most of the songs and recall things from its lessons (what I don't remember, I can now review in my living room).
This is just another means to engage kids in science, something as a nation we still need to do...
As part of a program created by Columbia professor Christopher Emdin, 10 New York City high school classes have been writing raps as a way to learn about science. The program is called Science Genius, and it sounds like the sort of patronizing pop-culture hijack kids hate more than anything. But when Wu-Tang’s GZA drops by a Bronx classroom to discuss the importance of scientific inquiry, you can see the actual moment when the students realize the program is legit.
Wu-Tang’s GZA Teaches Kids Science With Least-Lame Classroom Rap Ever
Saw this on my FB feed from "I f#&$ing love science." This is REALLY fantastic...
A research team from Harvard University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has demonstrated the ability to 3D print a battery. This image shows the interlaced stack of electrodes that were printed layer by layer to create the working anode and cathode of a microbattery. (SEM image courtesy of Jennifer A. Lewis.) |
Cambridge, Mass. – June 18, 2013 – 3D printing can now be used to print lithium-ion microbatteries the size of a grain of sand. The printed microbatteries could supply electricity to tiny devices in fields from medicine to communications, including many that have lingered on lab benches for lack of a battery small enough to fit the device, yet provide enough stored energy to power them.
To make the microbatteries, a team based at Harvard University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign printed precisely interlaced stacks of tiny battery electrodes, each less than the width of a human hair.
“Not only did we demonstrate for the first time that we can 3D-print a battery; we demonstrated it in the most rigorous way,” said Jennifer A. Lewis, senior author of the study, who is also the Hansjörg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and a Core Faculty Member of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University. Lewis led the project in her prior position at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in collaboration with co-author Shen Dillon, an Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering there.
The results have been published online in the journal Advanced Materials.
Harvard SEAS: Printing tiny batteries, Dan Ferber, Wyss Institute
By Chaz Ebert, wife of the Late Roger Ebert
Roger was writing reviews right until the very end. One day in the hospital I suggested that he take a break from work-related writing and write something creative that made him feel like he did when he was writing science fiction articles for fanzines when he was a boy. He began writing "The Thinking Molecules of Titan", a story about space exploration set in part at his beloved University of Illinois.
He never got a chance to finish it.
In the spirit of Roger's belief in crowd participation, we're having a contest to help complete the story.
Write your own ending and email it to us at, with the subject header "TITAN ENDING", followed by your FULL NAME.
We'll gather the submissions and narrow it down to a select group of finalists, solicit your votes on which is the best, and announce the winner on the site. -- Chaz
The story so far:
Researchers in the US and Italy have made the first integrated graphene digital circuits that function at gigahertz frequencies. The circuits are ring oscillators and the work could be an important step towards realizing all-graphene microwave circuits, says the team.
Graphene is a 2D sheet of carbon just one atom thick and it – along with similar 2D materials such as carbon nanotubes and molybdenite – shows great promise for future electronics. This is because electronic devices smaller than 10 nm could be made using these 2D materials – at least in principle. Below the 10 nm length scale, devices based on conventional silicon are expected to be too small to function properly and therefore graphene and similar materials offer a route to making ever-smaller electronic devices.
One major challenge facing those developing such 2D devices is speed. Modern silicon processors operate at microwave (gigahertz) frequencies, as do communications chips in devices such as mobile phones. Therefore, any practical 2D device would have to run just as fast. Until now, however, the fastest 2D device – a carbon-nanotube ring oscillator – operates at a lethargic 50 MHz.
Now, a team led by Roman Sordan of the Politecnico di Milano and Eric Pop of the University of Illinois says it has made the first integrated graphene oscillators – with the added bonus that the devices operate at 1.28 GHz. The graphene ring oscillators also appear to be less sensitive to fluctuations in the supply voltage compared with both conventional silicon CMOS devices and earlier oscillators made from the 2D materials.
Physics World: Graphene circuit breaks the gigahertz barrier
TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Chlorophyll is one of the most efficient light-absorbing materials known to science. It also happens to be remarkably stable and abundant beyond imagination.
Researchers studying ways to capture and exploit photons view the amazing capabilities of chlorophyll with green-eyed wonder. Indeed, they would dearly love to copy this extraordinary light-gathering ability.
But there may be a quick way of catching up. Instead of designing and making artificial materials that attempt to copy chlorophyll, researchers have begun to think about using this naturally-occurring material itself and attempting to bend it to their will.
Today, Shao-Yu Chen at the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences in Taiwan and a few buddies reveal how they have incorporated chlorophyll into graphene transistors to make light-activated switches.
The new phototransistor design is relatively simple. It consists of two silver electrodes connected by a sheet of graphene. The graphene is then covered by a layer of chlorophyll using a method known as drop casting. This involves placing a drop of liquid containing chlorophyll on top of the graphene and letting it evaporate. This coats the graphene with a layer of chlorophyll.
Physics arXiv:
Biologically inspired graphene-chlorophyll phototransistors with high gain
I just got a message from someone who thinks that I should change the page name from "Black" to "African Heritage".
She feels that everyone else is identified by their ethnicity, but that page is identified by color and so she doesn't feel comfortable recommending the website to children and young people because she doesn't feel that the label is suitable.
One of the reasons I have "Black" is that not all those who are called "Black" are African or of (recent) African heritage. The indigenous people of Australia are considered Black, as are the native peoples of the Philippines.
Also, honestly, I am U.S. based and Black is how most of my brothers and sisters refer to themselves.
Please be super honest with me. If you need to rip a hole because I'm wrong, wrong, wrong, then please do tell me. I'm a big girl, I can handle it.
Thanks so much, Ruth
July, the Priestess Returns!
Many new questions rose at the end of Season Two as the now grown Little Fish set out from the protection of Valley Realm as he learned to control the power of the mystical Fishscale! Who is the mortal threat to the life of the Priestess the Valley Knight was warned of by the Dark God Qatula? Can the 'truth within lies' from Qatula be trusted? What unseen consequences from the Aesir Chief's breaking of the conditions for his return to the Valley set down by the 'Future Little Fish' will come to pass? What role will the new Goddess Okavanga protector of the Delta Boundary play in the coming events foreseen by the Priestess? And, what great power will come forth to challenge the Mighty Priestess and bring the shadow of destruction to the Valley? Much will be revealed and risked by all in Season Three of 'The Priestess!'
When looking at this picture I was initially amazed, since I believed it to be something that it is not.
What it is, is a group of businessmen looking at the hull of a larger early 20th century cruise liner. Possibly the Titanic, but it could be anything from the Lusitania to some unknown ship that was sunk during the Battle of the Atlantic.
However, what it looked to me at first glance, was the undercarriage of a great Airship. These gentlemen, these Aeronauts, were proudly embarking on a circumnavigation of the globe in their floating dreadnought. Armed with wits and guns and inevitable communicable diseases, they would venture into the dense jungles of Amazonia . On their journeys, they would encounter the fabled lost cities described by defrocked Jesuit Francisco DeOriana, fight dangerous Air-Pirates and commit wanton acts of Derring-Do.
Of course, none of this happened, but it is an important lesson for any story teller or historian. Context matters. Context told me I was looking at the ribs of a giant inflatable balloon, not the walkways to a ship deck.
Context matters to story tellers because we can slant stories in a certain way. Make certain people the heroes or the villains, depending on the context, depending on the point of view.
In fiction, it used to be that POCs were typically the enemy, or if not worthy of fear, then contempt.
(See Armageddon 2419AD for a pretty racist view of both Asians and Africans)
POC and depictions of them have changed in the 80 years since 2419 published. Partly that is because of context. Consumers and their tastes have changed. While POC have not achieved parity in terms of "hero" status, actors such as Will Smith and Vin Diesel have proven that there is a commercial market for a POC as the heroic lead. In order to see greater representation in both interactive and static entertainment, authors have to continue to shift the context.
However, context shifting has to be more than preaching to some POC choir. It has to involve moving the context of what a hero does, what he or she looks like, and what is the nature of heroism. If you are fighting on someone else's ground, you will always be seen in their context.
It would like to say that we at MM are doing that, but the honest truth is that we haven't done it well enough.
By far, one of the most enjoyable novels of science fiction I've ever read, Ender's Game predicted things like the world wide web (a "net" in the novel), as well as laptop computers, and like the martial arts movie "Game of Death," it used levels to tell the story. That's not giving much away if you've read the series. Hollywood's apparently rediscovered science fiction, and yes, I'm amped for this one in November! Ender's Game Box Set
Dern initated a sequence, opening the stasis lid’s cover.
Alita rose and hopped out of the tube. She gave Dern a quick appraisal. “Are you all right?”
“It was a rough landing,” Dern commented.
“I barely felt it. Great idea throwing me in one of these.” Alita patted the side of the stasis tube in amused gratitude. What’s next?”
“There’s an emergency hatch in the ship’s rear compartment. That’s where we’re headed. Once outside I’m going to do everything I can to rescue the crew.”
“We’ll go out together.” Alita checked her rifle’s round clip.
Dern shook his head. “No. This is what I need you to do…”
The hijackers prodded crewmembers down the protruding ramp leading from the forward exit hatch. Tunnal was the last to emerge from the ship. He breathed in a lungful of warm, crisp, clean planetary air and with uplifted spirits proceeded down the ramp.
The TVVs assembled in a semi-circular laager twenty yards from the ship. Their desert camouflage colors perfectly blended into the desert backdrop.
Armed men in gray one piece active garb, black helmets and flak vests poured out of the vehicles’ side doors. There were anywhere from fifteen to twenty men per TVV. They carried duel purpose Venom 12 assault rifles with directed energy emission capability. A smaller segment wielded portable fusion launchers. Clearly they knew what they were up against and equipped themselves accordingly.
A large black bearded man strode toward Tunnal with a launcher cradled in his arms. Scowl lines wrinkled his forehead highlighting his displeasure. “You should make a habit of checking passenger manifests before you steal sleeper ships.”
“That wouldn’t make a difference,” Tunnal retorted in his defense. “You can’t expect ex-military to announce themselves as such. I don’t. Let’s just get rid of this fly in our soup and call it a day.”
Hooper thumbed a control on the fusion launcher, activating its scope. “I would hardly refer to a person with an SD background as a fly. But as you say, let’s get to it.”
A commotion rang out among Hooper’s enforcers and the hijackers.
Tunnal and Hooper pivoted at the same instant to see a person in armor standing at the rear of the ship.
Tunnal instinctively reached for his sidearm, but Hooper raised a hand. “Wait.” He elevated his voice to everyone. “Hold your fire!”
“What are you doing?” Tunnal demanded.
TVV turrets whirred ominously in figure’s direction.
“I think he wants to talk,” Hooper replied.
Tunnal’s face reddened with fury. “I say let our guns do the talking. Blast the son of a bitch!”
“Relax,” the crime lord said wryly “We can at least hear him out.”
“Who’s the leader here?” Dern called out, using his suit’s voice amplifier.
“That would be me,” a large, bearded man next to the exit ramp responded. “My name is Urias Hooper, Administrator of Routh Settlement.”
Dern observed the vehicles and the armed men, taking their measure like a hawk studying its prey. The fifteen crew members sat huddled on the ground with hijacker guns trained on them.
He began walking toward the procession and could not only see the armed men tensing, but felt their disquiet.
A rush of Flare tickled his senses, heightening his urge to shed blood. He reveled in these criminals’ fear.
“I have no quarrel with you,” Dern explained, though it made him queasy to say those words. This so-called administrator’s association with a group of murdering thugs made him every bit as much a target for Dern’s contempt as the hijackers themselves. “Since you are an administrator that means the prisoners taken by that man…” Dern indicated Tunnal with a raised chin. Any hand gesture was likely to provoke a response from nervous men with itchy trigger fingers. “…have fallen under your custody.”
“They have,” replied Hooper.
Tunnal shifted, hissing a virulent whisper. “Like hell.”
“Shut up,” Hooper ordered. “This is my show now.”
“You also have the power to release them,” Dern reminded.
“Is that what you want? The prisoners?” Hooper asked.
Dern nodded. “Yes. I also want you turn the hijackers over to me so that they can be punished for their crimes. You can keep the ship.”
“You’ve clearly lost your mind, Lowtower!” Tunnal mocked with a burst of scathing laughter. “I’ll tell you what you can do. You can kiss my ass and walk away. We’ll keep the prisoners!”
Hooper favored the hijack leader with a long suffering glance. He returned his attention to Dern. “You can have the prisoners. As to your other request, no deal. I reside over a sound and effective judicial system. Tunnal and his people will be tried before a judge and jury. If found guilty, they will be punished in accordance with our laws.”
Dern wasn’t surprised that Hooper turned down the second part of his demand. But he figured it didn’t hurt to make the demand. As for Hooper’s claim that Tunnal and his minions would be tried…well he chose not to justify that fiction with a response.
“There are three crew persons aboard doing repairs,” Tunnal protested. “They can’t go anywhere until those repairs are complete…at least two of them can’t go. The engineer is with us.”
Dern bristled. The engineer. He was the traitor, the hijackers’ inside man. It would have taken a crew person with intimate knowledge of ship operations to change the ship’s coordinates, redirecting it and everyone on board to this godforsaken corner of the Coalition frontier. Reprehensible as the hijackers were, Dern reserved special enmity for the person who betrayed his own.
“Agreed,” he bit off. Dern sent a signal.
Seconds later the top of the sleeper ship retracted. A small globular craft with a flat bottom rose from the ship.
“That’s an evacuation pod,” Dern said, allaying Hooper’s concern. “The pod will pick up the prisoners.” Through the pod’s mildly tinted panoramic window, Dern saw Alita at the control. The facility with she handled the craft demonstrated her better than average proficiency as a pilot.
The pod made a gentle touchdown a few short yards from the crewmembers. The hijackers looked to Tunnal who offered a reluctant nod. The prisoners were ushered to their feet by their captors and practically shoved into the pod.
Dern accessed a private link. “Alita, as soon as the crew are onboard and secured I need you to get out of here at maximum acceleration.”
“I’ll push this thing as hard as I can,” Alita replied.
The last crew person stepped inside the pod and its hatch hummed shut. A few seconds later, the small craft shot into the air at full power.
Hooper tapped his subdermal. “Open fire, open fire!”
Turrets on half the TVVs redirected on the fleeing evac pod and spat searing bursts of tungsten shells. Flocks of rockets followed, screaming in pursuit of the pod like a horde of rabid insects.
Alita wrenched the control lever, forcing the pod into a tight swerve that it barely possessed the tolerances to withstand. The maneuver enabled her to avoid a cluster of rockets. Fortunately, the rockets were dumb munitions so she didn’t have to worry about shaking target locks. Tungten shells were a different matter, being far more numerous.
The smaller projectiles peppered the pod’s hull, striking seven crew members. Three died instantly as shells turned their bodies to bloody tatters.
A shell swished inches past Alita’s head, exiting through the window just left of her view. Alita tried to gain altitude, but the control lever seized up. Damage alarms clamored and the acrid stench of burnt relays filled the pod. Through a spider webbed view Alita saw a rocky plain below give way to a maze of deep canyons. The pod was going down, and she struggled mightily to control its descent…
From the link:
The European Space Agency plans to launch a real-life mission to Europa in 2022 to explore it and several other Jupiter moons as part of the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (nicknamed JUICE) expedition. NASA will provide a radar instrument for the JUICE spacecraft to peer beneath Europa's surface, but the mission will be completely robotic - no astronauts aboard.
This will be available apparently on I-tunes and video-on-demand June 27. It will hit theaters on August 2.
BTW: "Man of Steel" rocked! If you're just curious, the producers have released a "Kryptonian Glyph Generator" online. I am apparently of the "House of LOR": evolution, adventure, rhythm and dance.
Space.Com: First Trailer for Sci-Fi Thriller 'Europa Report' Unveiled
Man of Steel:
Since I reposted for mom...Happy Father's Day Pop. (Chief)
“New Light Beulah was organized in December of 1867 when some 565 African Americans opted to withdraw and worship on alternate Sundays from the white members of Beulah Baptist Church. Both congregations worshipped in the same sanctuary. The eleven-member White Beulah Baptist Church worshipped on the first and third Sundays. The Black congregation of New Light Beulah worshipped on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Prior to the organization of New Light Beulah, one other Black congregation had been organized out of Beulah Baptist. That congregation was Shiloh Baptist Church when 40 Black members withdrew on May 14, 1866. Shiloh's pastor was Reverend William Weston Adams, a former slave and member of Beulah Baptist who had been ordained November 12, 1865. Reverend Adams along with two other former slaves were ordained by Beulah's Pastor James Lawrence Reynolds shortly after the Civil War.
“New Light Beulah Baptist Church extended the call to Reverend William Weston Adams to serve as her first pastor in 1867. Reverend Adams accepted the leadership of the church as a supply pastor initially. Within one year, Reverend Adams became the permanent pastor on New Light Beulah Baptist Church, about the same time that Reverend James Lawrence Reynolds resigned as the pastor of the small Beulah Baptist Church. The Beulah Baptist Church elected Reverend Thomas Mellichamp as pastor who had a cordial relationship with Reverend William W. Adams.
“The two congregations continued to share the same sanctuary for three years until the White congregation dispersed in 1870. The Black congregation continued to flourish. Spiritual leaders of the church included Preston & Eliza Moody Richardson, John & Ann Reese Dinkins, Pharoah & Racheal Ward Smith, Robert & Hagar Green Jones, Lewis & Suckey Smith Tucker, Paul & Matilda Hopkins Sims, Simon & Mariah Tucker Jenkins, Charles & Leah Reese Howell, Ned & Phyllis Brevard Middleton and James & Tansy Smith Taylor. These leaders guided the church through its transitional period. Beulah's Black congregation desiring to assert its independence, changed it's name to New Light Beulah Baptist in 1870.
“Shortly after the White members ceased using the sanctuary, questions about legal ownership of the church property began. The members of the New Light Beulah claimed ownership, as well as former white members of Beulah Baptist Church. The continuing dispute and the distance traveled by some members resulted in more than half of the membership securing letters of dismission in 1871 to organize the Zion Benevolent Baptist Church, Hopkins, S. C. Complicating the issue of ownership even more was a dispute between Anthony Morris (Black), a member of New Light Beulah and Jesse Reese (White), a former member of Beulah Baptist Church. December 2, 1871, apparently Brother Anthony Morris purchased a cow from Mr. Reese for $34.00 placing $21.00 down with a promise of possession with payment of the balance. Brother Morris later came prepared to pay the balance, but was told by Mr. Reese that the cow was sold and there would be no refund. Consequently, conflict arose between Reese and Morris, along with several members of the New Light Beulah Baptist Church who supported Morris. Subsequently, one of Mr. Reese's cows was maimed resulting in accusations of several New Light Beulah members who were eventually tried in General Sessions Court. Tense relationships developed in the Grovewood-Congaree community between Black and White citizens.
“Animosity within the community intensified when Mr. Jesse Reese's nephew Jesse Reese Adams moved himself and family into the sanctuary formerly shared by Beulah and New Light Beulah. This was the same sanctuary that was being used by the Black members of New Light Beulah Baptist at that time. The following Sunday when New Light Beulah members arrived for worship, they found Jesse Reese Adams armed and were forced to leave the premises. The land that the sanctuary sat on was originally purchased from the Reese family in 1832.
“New Light Beulah elected Nazareth's Reverend Isom William Simons as her third pastor. Just prior to Reverend Simons arrival, the church had elected Brother Frank Smith as church clerk to replace Andrew Richbourg. However, Brother Richbourg was reelected church clerk in 1885 for 1 year. Burrell J. Goodson was elected church clerk in 1886. Isom Harrison Goodwin was then elected clerk in 1887. Frank Smith served as clerk again in 1887. New Light Beulah's clerks Smith, Goodson and Goodwin were all at one time students of Benedict Institute.
“The church purchased two acres of land from the Kaminer brothers on December 26, 1886 for $25.00. Trustees signing the deed were Abram Weston, Jacob Gallman, Pompey Smith, Thomas Stocker, Warwick Howell, Hampton Jamison and Julius Goodwin.”
Julius Goodwin was my great-grandfather. He and his brothers would take the name of Goodwin after emancipation in 1865, giving it to his wife Epsy and his children, one of which Moses Pickett Goodwin: my grandfather.
Robert Harrison Goodwin was born June 19, 1925, on the same day celebrated in Texas, nationally and internationally as Juneteenth.
Robert lost his father Moses, a sharecropper and school teacher, at the age of three. From all descripts, a voracious reader, and that desire to learn transferred to his son. Raised by his “village” at the time, Robert would quit formal education in the 6th grade to work, bringing home money for his mother, Estelle. He would be drafted in the US Navy in a segregated squadron. He was a ship weapons expert, a cook and a Navy boxer: my first martial arts instructor. He took and passed a college entrance exam, despite his lack of formal education. He opted sadly, not to go, the challenge of the times and the need to make money for his mother, which he dutifully sent home from his meager enlisted check of $92.00.
On his departure after World War II from the Navy, he brought his clothing to a dry cleaning business in Winston-Salem, NC, where a young woman named Mildred would see him. Impressed with his looks and muscles (he was a boxer), she convinced her manager to give the person she’d eventually call “Boot” Goodwin a job. They married April 8, 1950 and Robert became an immediate father to my sister Mamie, who was 8 at the time. I came along 12 years later.
Nanos gigantium humeris insidentes – I stand on the shoulders of giants. I am here because of them. I studied physics because my great-grandfather and his brothers in their own way were fighters, and did not let challenges of violence defeat their dream; my grandfather Moses was an educator and sharecropper who provided mightily for his family; having friendships that endured after his passing and men to raise his son, and my father (Pop) mechanically gifted, brilliant and kind: enduring years of discrimination to bring home money for his family, passed over for promotions and did not let bitterness poison the dreams of his son: me.
He and my mother would help me achieve the rank of Brigade Commander of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools: the highest rank in the city, and the first African American. He was instrumental in my learning the fine art of military drill with a rifle, and how to shoot both rifle and pistol, orienteering and public speaking. He and my mother were Deacon and Deaconess at Galilee Missionary Baptist Church.
In college on my initial troubles with Calculus, Pop purchased a book on the subject; studied it for two weeks and tutored me! Problems solved.
(I attended coincidentally, New Light Church when I lived in Austin, Texas before I knew this history or its significance.)
Happy Father’s Day, gentlemen: I thank you all.
First conceive of a story bigger than any other story about white and black America previously written. Set it in an alternative present so that the actions, characters and story line are all as plausible a reality as the world we live in today.
Next, populate the story with characters as completely realistic as possible; characters we know as friends and family in our own lives.
Finally, craft a story so compelling, so realistic that readers need do little to suspend disbelief, to become so completely absorbed in the story that the events they read about are as real as those they see in the news or read about in print or online.
The Darkside Universe is an alternate past, present and future history where four black high school students, whose bond is closer than that of family, turn a chance discovery in the physics of gravity into the most closely held secret in the history of man. These four, along with a number of like-minded recruits along the way, build earth’s first interplanetary spacecraft, travel to the moon prior to NASA’s expeditions, and create a hidden colony on its backside.
Discovery is, at its heart, a mystery. How did the FBI overlook over two thousand missing African Americans for over four decades? How did these four friends acquire the technical expertise to design, build and launch the most advanced spacecraft in history? And finally, how did they keep their secret in the midst of recruiting several thousand like-minded Blacks to join in their adventure?
This is the basis for the seven volume Darkside Universe, two trilogies and a concluding seventh volume that tells a story as real as the lives we’re all leading right now.
The final question asked by the Darkside Universe is: if you were offered the opportunity to leave Earth and immigrate to the moon to live with the most advanced technology and medical care in the known universe, but were forbidden to tell anyone of your plans including family, you would just disappear from your daily life, would you go and live in this extraordinary all Black community?