I'm one of the women interviewed in a Free eBook "Sixty Black Women in Horror Writing".
It is currently on Smashwords, within the week it will become available in other places that Smashwords distributes to such as Barnes & Noble and Kobo...
I'm one of the women interviewed in a Free eBook "Sixty Black Women in Horror Writing".
We are all - every single human that has ever walked the face of the Earth - from what is now known as the African continent, the soil for the root of humanity's Baobab tree starting 6 or 7 million years ago, thankfully well past the Cretaceous Period. About 200,000 years ago, the wanderlust inherit in us all led us to explore and leave Eden. The angle of incidence for ultraviolet radiation, environment adaption and physical separation for millennium did the rest. We are likely as a space faring species to encounter this Punnett Square diversity on distant worlds - if we survive long enough to reach them, and should not [then, or now] find it at all remarkable.
Hi everyone, this is the week of our campaign to raise funding for our Earth Squadron Afrofuturistic Sci-Fi Action movie! We need your support by donating to this worthy cause. If you think it is time for more movies that showcase positive and uplifting Black leads and multicultural characters we do too.
Rather than complain about what others are not doing we have assembled a great team to make this movie something to be proud of that you and your entire family can enjoy. We need everyone that reads this to please donate to make this a reality. It does not matter if it is $5, $10 or more, each donation ads up. We have some great benefits like posters and t-shirts for donating at different levels for participating.
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Source: New York Public Library |
From "Ideas and Opinions," by Albert Einstein:
"The resolute efforts of the American Negroes in this direction deserve approval and assistance."
Mein Weltbild (my conception of the world), Amsterdam: Querido Verlog, 1934, pp 117-118.
Authors' website: Einstein on Race and Racism
Amazon.com: Einstein on Race and Racism
Alas, my scroll HTML is not working in Ning. You can see my original intent here. Enjoy the sample below...
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Queen Genesis: Actress Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Nyota Uhura |
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Actor William Marshall as Dr. Richard Daystrom |
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Actor Paul Winfield as Captain Dathon on TNG |
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Actor Avery Brooks as Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, Deep Space Nine |
Actress Felicia M. Bell as Jennifer Sisko |
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Actress Penny Johnson as Kassidy Yates-Sisko |
I'm one of the women interviewed in a Free eBook "Sixty Black Women in Horror Writing".
Clever NIST/JPL Technology Decodes More Information from Single Photons, Laura Ost
First, Black History Month for me is an open public window. I hope you all looked through it a little more than the generic institutional shows. BUT, it is a time to share at events with others, cause I like to hear what I haven't heard about what others have discovered. The age of the Internet has opened many research streams and thank the creator for ghetto scholarship. Those who speak and can only hear our natural english dialect are blessed, not having to decipher academese.
So at the Gallery 737 in Lorain OH we had Marcus Cross sing gospel and soul songs and then Madelyn Sanders portrayed Mary McLeod Bethune. They were great. The Lorain women of the National Council of Negro Women who co-sponsored this event were there and many local residents. There was art from the community, my own included and refreshments. It was a great time. We talked about history, the present and asked what the future might look like.
Around the 3 African sculptures are my works. Photoart, digital graphics and paper plate art, plus I had a video montage running on a big monitor. In Lorain we are still trying to wakeup, we like to talk, we don't like to do much. Everybody wants credit, open acknowledgement, to get paid, trust is low, suspicion is high. I'm talking about Black people. Lorain is station 100 of the Underground Railroad, we are still underground. Reality is like sci-fi you have to work it up from your core and fire it through your actions. More collaboration the more power, the more stuff gets done. What does the future look like? Wait and see...........
NASA: Leland D. Melvin (Mr.)
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Comparing the value of mass in the universe derived using the CMB as compared with counts of galaxy clusters and gravitational lensing. (Courtesy: Adam Moss, Planck Collaboration) |
Physics World: Could sterile neutrinos solve the cosmological mass conundrum?
NASA: Bobby Satcher, M.D.
Sometimes when I write I like to visualize the characters. I was working on one of my stories and wanted to see what the character would look like in the outfit I visualized her in. I was so thrilled with the textures of the skin and materials after they were rendered that I thought it would be fun to share.
The fabric looks so detailed and real.
The stockings even have wrinkles in them!
I'm not quite done with the story yet, but doing the renders keeps me inspired!
I have the opportunity to have a movie project that I have been trying to get off the ground for three years finally a chance to see the light of day.
Amazon Studios, a divison of Amazon.com, is considering optioning the rights to my filmThe Alien Ambassador.
They will make a decision by March 26th 2014 to consider turning my screenplay into an actual film thru their partnership with Warner Brothers.
We all have been trying to see a black superhero movie on the screen for years. I'm just a guy who writes about black superheroes at heroeslikeme.com. I have pitched my idea in various forms, but nobody wants to make a film with a superhero who has a black face.
Thru the power of crowd sourcing and online submission, you can make this project happen and its FREE
Just go to my project on Amazon Studios and leave a comment and tell others to leave a comment PLEASE.
You can watch a six minute video, also I have created a storyboard video of the the first twenty minutes of the film and you can view and download the entire screenplay to read and enjoy.
This is our chance to compete with Man of Steel, The Dark Knight, The Amazing Spiderman, Iron Man and The Guardians of the Galaxy.
Again, please spread the word, and let Amazon Studios know how you feel about The Alien Ambassador.
Thank you
Christopher Love
Heroes Like Me Entertainment
Time: 02/22/2014 04:00 PM EST
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