It creeps into the background of my thoughts. After months of watching uTube vids, scholarly works, reading scripture and Facebook Afrocentric friendly posts. Like the biblical children of Israel (not saying we are them), a people carried off into captivity, made slaves. The ones remaining beat down and neutralized, colonized. One day the children of them all wake up to remember. Only whispers of the past remain but that knowledge spreads via the Internet and the hunger to know. Several ones had the nerve to return, but who is today's Daniel, Nehemiah. Who finds and reads the book into all our ears to cause us to choose to stay or return. The book is a metaphor that fits sometimes, bends sometimes and misleads sometimes. Who stirs the hearts to return in mass to rebuild a people.
Now what will they face in their return, a colonized land for sure. But the cry has been made, both the returning and the ones on the land need a restoration, nobody knows what that looks like. The spirit is there, the minds are confused, all requires experience to work it out. And that's the enigma, we have always worked it out, it's recorded in stone.
There are cities, modern cities to move to. The question with us are we brave enough to go and blend with the sons of Africans, are they brave enough to receive us. Can we accommodate each other long enough to have a new generation that binds us? Not just business, but family? Can we bare the same stake in the land and in each other? I'm an old man, it's my job to ask these questions and dream like this. I am so ill-equipped to convey this to the young ones as I have only discovered the weight of this in my old age. I lost contact with my contemporaries of the discovered mind. Been of that god cult, professing god, not having god in reality. There is no unity of mind, heart and matter. You must have your people and your land for that.
So consider that equation in your stories, what will it look like, construct possibilities, then step into them.