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Tomorrow night watch 'HOST' online!

Halloween Night the only Reality-TV Show that counts comes to DEU-TV...'HOST'! After you tune into the GENESIS RADIO SHOW with host William Hayashi, you can stream the gameshow where 'getting voted off' means getting 'offed!'

HOST start time for streaming will begin at 8pm CST and will run all of Halloween Night. So after hearing from the brightest in sci-fi, watch the award winning horror film, HOST directed by the BSFS' own 'H. Wolfgang Porter'.

Halloween Night, 'YOU are the next contestant!'

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November 15th, 'The Priestess' Returns!

Mid-November, the Priestess returns and though all seems well as the fall harvest begins in the Valley Realm, forces beyond the tranquil land threaten the life of she who has made the land what it is! Little Fish now a young man is still missing somewhere in time and a massive army is forming which will attack the Priestess' home and take her life!

Not even the mighty Goddess within can raise a hand against the coming force, but one man can and will...the Valley Knight! As the Priestess' mortal husband and sworn protector, the Valley Knight prepares to go forth to stem the tide of an army to save his Goddess-Wife. However, he will not have his stalwart companion the Aesir Chieftain with him on so perilous and potentially hopeless a labor for the Chief must venture forth to save his people once again! 

Can even the mighty Valley Knight stop an entire army alone in order to fulfill his oath to protect the Priestess from all 'Mortal Threats' or will he need to call upon darker powers to aid him in the coming conflict?

All the intrigue, romance and bloody conflict will be revealed in Season 4 of 'The Priestess'!

'The Priestess' © H. Wolfgang Porter. All Rights Reserved.

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Back to Emmett Brown...

Source: Back to the Future Wikia

Marty: "Wait a minute, what are you doing, Doc?"

Doc: "I need fuel!"

— Marty and Doc while Doc refuels Mr. Fusion with garbage

Yes, I flashed back to the end of the first in the trilogy - I saw it with my cousin in Atlanta, Georgia just after graduation and commission in the US Air Force. It was 1985...I was young...I had hair...

Largely due to previous reports of cold fusion back in the late 80's and being a fan of the National Ignition Facility, I casually viewed this story with some a considerable distance.

However, Lockheed is not a fly-by-night outfit as aerospace defense contractor, and I doubt their reactor will use ordinary garbage. The claim that it could develop a portable "Mr. Fusion" if successful will address energy needs, potentially diffuse global tensions over resources and unfortunately, bring out the less than savory that will mount a clear defense against it in favor of the current fossil fuel/scarcity economy status quo. This is similar to the spirited defense Thomas Edison gave of direct current by showing the dangers of alternating current electrocuting elephants. Tesla: 1; Edison: 0, and we are all using alternating current with no deleterious effects. I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that inhumane extreme.

I will reserve some skepticism and guarded optimism: the division of Lockheed working on this is "Skunk Works." It has a registered trademark, so I don't think it's a Nerd prank, just a PR faux pas. Link below; stay tuned... Lockheed Martin pursues compact fusion reactor concept, Nancy Owano

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Halloween Night Director H. Wolfgang Porter's disturbing horror spoof on Reality-TV 'HOST' will be shown as a one night event! DEU-TV will present the film at 8pm CST online at:

Watch as 'Fixer' Nick Hawshaw turns up to fix a client's problem with a pushy mistress and finds himself as an unwilling contestant on a Reality-TV Show where 'getting voted off' is deadly! Can Nick survive the ever sinister show challenges and if so, will he survive the plans of the maniacal gameshow 'HOST'?

DEU-TV will present the film at 8pm CST online at:

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Fear Bola and Duct Tape...

"Sell the fear": it was the instruction I received in a very uneventfully short career as a sales representative for an electronics security firm. Part of the memorized script I recited that entailed sharing horrid crime stats to wearied prospective buyers was "how did that make you feel?" It was of course, supposed to make you feel afraid, very afraid...for your lives and reaching for your checkbooks. At an appointment scheduled through the office, before I could launch into my memorized banter, the woman said: "I was just burglarized last night." Undoubtedly, the fastest sale I ever had. She knew exactly how she felt: violated, angry and afraid.

It is interesting then, that this definition is put forth. All the networks do this: posing simultaneously as the voice of reason and prophets of doom. It looks for answers while promoting doubt post "X-Files" that the "truth is out there." It makes a rational discussion and discourse almost impossible to attain.

This fear is unfortunately the byproduct of 9-11, reminiscent of the fear of Anthrax attacks that spurred the prodigious purchases of duct tape (I'm sure like manufacturers appreciated the bump in sales). Currently, a mint is being made in HAZMAT suits and other emergency supplies, just in time for Halloween. The governors of Illinois, New Jersey and New York are now competing in the silly season on which can suspend the Civil Rights of medical professionals the fastest, NJ and NY's main men potential presidential candidates in 2016, but I'm sure that has nothing to do with it. Both have used the now bipartisan, feckless dodge "I'm not a scientist" to defend inaction on climate change and fracking (NJ's chief executive selective ignorance notable after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy and his previous complaints of congressional inaction).

The danger of these draconian measures will be eventually discouraging military and medical professionals from doing what we did after 9-11 (paraphrase): "fighting terrorists/Ebola over there before they/it comes over here." What nurse or doctor will WANT to volunteer for hazardous duty when instead of a hero's welcome, they get thrown in a gulag? Kaci Hickox has tested negative, NEGATIVE for Ebola 2X! The protocol for self monitoring has worked successfully since developed for dozens of volunteers that have come to our shores after duty since 1976, when the virus was first reported on the continent of Africa. Nina Pham (RN), Amber Vinson (RN) both of Texas Presbyterian and Doctor Craig Spencer are medical professionals that knew these protocols and reacted to them swiftly. Could they be tightened? I'm for lowering the standard of the 103 degree temperature to any low-grade fever when you've deployed to an affected area along with the self-monitoring/isolation and reporting to medical authorities when anything changes. Ms. Vinson was diagnosed with a low-grade fever of 99.5 degrees after travel, and not infectious (a TV host in New York got explicitly graphic on the unlikelihood of casual infection). It does appear catching the infection prior to any forthcoming vaccine early is the key to survival.

The problem with this lack of appreciation for STEM fields, atomizing humanity to islands of xenophobia in our Solar System's outer asteroid belt (a mythical "over there" that will magically not affect us); tying the hands and feet that must combat Ebola [actually] "over there" that will tragically affect us, the inevitable outcome is the very thing no one wants: a modern plague, first in Europe then in America. We will fair better as currently not being torn asunder by Civil War (imagine the impact if this struck us during our actual Civil War). As a nation, we seem determined to do the stupid, and swiftly.
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The path into a dark and malevolent universe has been found and the Trynaught's sinister goal is revealed...destroy his creator the 'Dark God!' But even with the replenished replicated hordes and his cadre of gods fresh from their conquest of Heaven, will even this mighty force be enought to bring down the master of all darkness? The answer will be revealed in the stunning 'Dark God's Gift' season 2 conclusion!

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Apps and Ebola...

Technology Review

Perhaps the sanest proposal I've heard so far, using technology to get people to the necessary treatment, track patients accurately; contain and control a pathogen before its R0 of 2 out of apathy based on xenophobia and tribalism grows exponentially to Bubonic proportions. With this country's current disastrous love affair with austerity, I'm not talking about the ubiquitous "there"...

"We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology." Carl Sagan.

Nigeria is Ebola is Senegal, largely due to both countries having enough infrastructure and concerted effort to combat it, proving it can be contained and conquered. Thomas Eric Duncan has died, and two nurses that worked his case have been affected and are receiving the best treatment available. But, we've been exquisitely conditioned via initially pamphlets, chat rooms, talk radio and the Internet to not trust the government or technology - the moon landing never happened; a stateless cabal rigs every election to their desired outcome, not voter apathy, suppression-cum-"integrity" or Supreme Court judicial activism; "jack-booted thugs" will come, in black helicopters to intern us all in FEMA camps taking our guns and freedoms. The wondrous beauty of most conspiracy theories is they never have to be proven, and actual plots can be conveniently ignored.

In this election season especially, fear must be sold from those with no other plan than to just be afraid; Nigeria and Senegal's good news you'd never have known.

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Back in July, Cedric Moro started a crowdsourced mapping service to keep track of the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. Moro is a risk consultant who has created several crowdsourced maps of this kind using the openStreetMap project Umap.

Anyone can enter information about suspected or confirmed Ebola cases while hospitals and other health facilities can tell people whether they are open and functioning and how many spare beds they have.

The site tracks other information to such as unsafe burials, hostility towards health workers and links to information about the disease. It even tracks the movement of infected individuals to see how the disease spreads.

Moro’s work has been hugely important in helping to link potential victims with appropriate healthcare facilities and giving a broader overview of the tragedy as it unfolds.

But it also has an important limitation. Anyone hoping to contribute must have access to a computer or smartphone to upload their information. That means the system is accessible only to a relatively small portion of the population.

Today, Mohamad Trad from Doctors Without Borders in Paris, France, and a couple of pals outline plans to build on Moro’s approach and make this kind of information available purely through ordinary mobile phones. “We propose building a recommendation system based on simple SMS text messaging to help Ebola patients readily find the closest health service with available and appropriate resources,” they say.


We propose to utilize mobile phone technology as a vehicle for people to report their symptoms and to receive immediate feedback about the health services readily available, and for predicting spatial disease outbreak risk. Once symptoms are extracted from the patients text message, they undergo complex classification, pattern matching and prediction to recommend the nearest suitable health service. The added benefit of this approach is that it enables health care facilities to anticipate arrival of new potential Ebola cases.

Guiding Ebola Patients to Suitable Health Facilities: An SMS-based Approach

Mohamad Trad, Raja Jurdak, Rajib Rana

Related link:
World Science Festival: Everything You Need to Know About Ebola

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Table-Top Gravity Wave Detector...

Gravitational waves travel through space and time much like ripples on the surface of water. (Courtesy: iStock/mic27)

I've used "table-top" for several postings before. I think science needs to come up with a less-cliche descriptor.

A coin-sized detector might observe gravitational waves before the giant LIGO interferometers, according to two Australian physicists who have built the device. The detector is designed to register very high frequency gravitational waves via the exceptionally weak vibrations they would induce. Other scientists caution that the astrophysical objects thought to emit such radiation may do so very weakly or might not actually exist.

Predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity but yet to be directly observed, gravitational waves are ripples in space–time generated by accelerating massive objects. The tiny detector has been made by Maxim Goryachev and Michael Tobar of the University of Western Australia in Perth and is based on the decades-old technology of resonant-mass detection.

Physics arXiv:
Gravitational Wave Detection with High Frequency Phonon Trapping Acoustic Cavities
Maxim Goryachev, Michael E. Tobar
Physics World: Tabletop experiment could detect gravitational waves

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Dystopian Economic Models

From the title of this post, you might think that we are going to discuss rapacious financial systems that leave bleak and shattered worlds in their wake. However, there are libraries full of critiques of every economic system under the sun, from Marx to Hayek to Piketty. If you want to understanding why the modern world looks, acts and even smells like it does, then a complete understanding of our economic system (neo-liberal capitalism) is a must.

What we are discussing is fictional governments and the economic systems that power them. In the same way you shouldn't trust a work of fiction that lacks a political view (post on that later), you should never trust a work of speculative fiction that fails to have a coherent economic model.

There are a number of hard science fiction stories that detail the economic model of the universe they inhabit. The anachro-capitlaism post-scarcity of The Culture universe, to the Techno-liberalism of Peter Hamilton's Nights Dawn and Pandora Star series and the Ur-libertarianism of Snow Crash.

With the increasing interest (some might say "peak interest") in YA anti-Utopian fiction, care should be made to create plausible economic models that support the oppressive government systems in your work.

As an example of a partially detailed economic system, take the Hunger Games series. The economic model of Hunger Games is never explicitly described. However, we do know that it features both low and high-tech manufacturing (and presumably some form of higher and advanced education), as well as massive resource extraction (see districts 12, 4, 3, and 7). Most of these resources appear to be earmarked for the use by the citizens of the capital. While there is some form of income and wealth generation in the Capital, the mechanisms of distribution, both in terms of employment and luxury end-products, is murky. Clearly, Panem operates on an authoritarian command economy (equal parts oppressive communist in the districts, and some form of open / limited market in the Capital), but there is no clearly identified private firms or companies. It is possible that everyone in the Capital works for the Capital, at which point it forms a closed economy independent from the rest of the districts, but receives tribute as a form of "Dividend on oppression".

What's the point you ask? The Hunger Games is about a contest (and thinly veiled allegory) of teenagers forced to kill one another for entertainment value, who cares about economic models? Well, arm chair economists for one, but authors and readers who appreciate detailed world building for another.

Economic systems influence political systems, and you can't world build without a political system. You can try, but your characters ( more so if they are plucky teens rebelling against authority) need to have a platform for their views. Why is the Authoritarian government bad? Because it controls people. In the Hunger Games, one of the reasons the Government is so terrible is that it appears to run forced labor facilities all over the country (See District 11 and 12 -  forced shaft coal mining and Farming. Lets avoid the fact that District 11 is full of African Americans forced to pick fruit).

Forced labor camps only make political sense in certain economic systems. If your economic system does not prize competition and liberty, your political system will reflect that, not vice versa. For instance, slavery is an economic system, racial supremacy and oppression come about as political rationals meant to justify the economic model. So in truth, the economic model (cheap/ free labor and resources) informs the political system (massive authoritarian repression), not the other way around.

Conflict, the lifeblood of good characterization, often stems from disparities in economic standing. As another example, the Lannisters of Game of Thrones are wealthy (or so they say ) patrons of the crown based, not on their knowledge of science or mathematics, but their ability to extract gold from the land under their feet. In contrast, the Iron Bank of Bravos yields capital in the form of interest bearing loans on prior loaned capital and merchant marine services. In both instances, their wealth and resources allows them to take political positions that lesser equipped houses and organizations could not implement. The golden rule abides. 

Therefore, when constructing a world for your characters to inhabit, look to the economic model to explain motivations of not only the government (if there is a government) but the people rebelling against the government.  When conducting analysis or reviewing the work of others, look to the naturalness of the political and economic systems. Is the world resource constrained? If so, the political system will seek to control individuals. If the individuals rebel, what will that rebellion do to the availability of resources? Does the author address the economic rational of the villains, and the economic downside of the protagonists goals? Working through these issues will leave less gaps that must be hand-waived through exposition or ball-hiding, resulting in a tighter work that focuses on plot.

2014 Moorsgate Media (

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The Everlasting: Da Eb'Bulastin


The Everlasting: Da Eb'Bulastin

After another incident of sleepwalking, Aiyana Gamelle wakes up lying under the stars on the Beach of Sa'Fyre Island, an island off the cost of South Carolina with a rich Gullah and Native American history.

Knowing these incidents of sleepwalking have something to do with her long awaited transition into queen of the island, Aiyana shrugs them off as little more than a nuisance to be expected since her lineage leads to a mysterious African goddess.

Aiyana moves forward with plans to host a week long festival that will end with her succession to the island throne, but the murder of an important guest and the passing of her grandmother bring the festivities to a screeching halt and Aiyana learns that the transition involves an unwanted possession and the revelation of a dark family curse.

Go to to purchase.


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The Bathtub...

Source: The Bathtub Theory of Economics and Life

"My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." Grover Norquist

The bathtub: source of childhood delight in soap bubbles and added flatulence. In Grover-the-Grouch's special case, it is clearly the latter...

My apologies for the unannounced "blog break." Posting twice a day for any celebratory month can be taxing mentally. I'm back, somewhat refreshed and perplexed at the same time...

It can be said I spend a lot of time thinking about Sequestration from the search results that will now include this posting. Likely because I think it is the dumbest idea of self-inflicted immolation on the altar of libertarian, free market austerity I think humans have ever conceived! It requires "magical thinking"; fairies with pixie dust and exacting miracles on drive-through demand to pull off. The pixie dust is someone, somewhere in the "free market" writing a big enough check to cover what would normally be the "collectivist conspiracy" also known as a democratic republic. It should have healed Thomas Eric Duncan and the two nurses affected with the Ebola virus. Cutting $490 million from the CDC; $2.5 billion from NIH and STILL refusing to confirm or appoint a Surgeon General the NRA loves puts a huge dent in Tinker Bell's pixie dust. Nate Silver gives the stats why an Ebola travel ban is pointless. Pixie dust...

Yet, Nate Silver gives a republican takeover of the US Senate a 60% chance at succeeding, but he hedges with reassuring nuance. Meaning: at the worst display of stupidity and cognitive dissonance, brace for more austerity cuts, magical thinking, "shining city on a hill" cliche bull excrement; repeal of The Affordable Care Act putting 10+ million recipients back to square one of waiting for death; further slippage internationally in our technological competitiveness and likely a sham impeachment trial that will make us permanently a mockery in the pages of history. We'll be the Proverb, the Byword of how a government of the people, by the people and for the people perishes from the Earth for the racial disdain of the real-life Huxtables at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (1400 is apparently the annex down the street). The charge has been levied back-and-forth from the last administration to the present, but Eric Fromm's treatise "Escape From Freedom" is instructive in this excerpt:

"The fact that somewhere else he declares that a boy should be taught to suffer injustice without rebelling will no longer strike the reader-or so I hope-as strange. This contradiction is the typical one for the sadomasochistic ambivalence between the craving for power and for submission.

"The wish for power over the masses is what drives the members of the 'elite,' the Nazi leaders. As the quotations above show, this wish for power is sometimes revealed with an almost astonishing frankness. Sometimes it is put in less offensive forms by emphasizing that to be ruled is just what the masses wish...While the 'leaders' are ones to enjoy power in the first place, the masses are by no means deprived of sadistic satisfaction. Racial and political minorities within Germany and eventually other nations which are described as weak or decaying are the objects of sadism upon which the masses are fed. While Hitler and his bureaucracy enjoy the power over the German masses, these masses themselves are taught to enjoy power over other nations and to be driven by the passion for domination of the world."

"Trickle-down = golden flow" as the working class ("middle class" a moribund label now) are taught to spit and stamp on those at the bottom that not for luck or grace they would quickly be, and will to their own self-delusion, not likely leave their current stations and social stratus without the advantage of connections the 1% nonchalantly enjoy.

Or in our case, why the country went insane in 2010 and seems determined to continue it in 2014.
Free Thought Nation and Google Books

Related link: Eric Fromm dedication site

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Monday October 20th Ronald T. Jones', 'Dark God's Gift: Of Mortals and Gods' debuts! What does a powerful god-like entity do to validate it's existence? Gather like minded Gods and rampage across the universe, that's what. With a cadre of displaced gods and a vast armada at the command, the Trynaught will lead the assault upon Heaven and Hell!

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In the aftermath of the EXWEPFAC Testing Chamber accident, rescue crews have abandoned the effort to seek survivors deep underground! Alicechild 88130 and her research team are presumed dead. Yet, strange incidents are occurring throughout the Facility. Strange and brutal deaths, disappearances and sicknesses abound forcing the corporate facility to remain on lockdown. However, the source and perhaps the solution to the situation lies deep underground in the sealed Test Chamber. Did Alicechild and her team unleash a terrible power upon ARES 04? All will be revealed in the exciting conclusion!

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Are you a YouTuber? Would you like to be? Now days, YouTube's becoming a hit with some people and in its right, launching careers of many of the YouTubers that have put so much hard work into their channels. I know BSFS has a channel (I've subscribed) (Channel Name: Black Science Fiction Society)

I have one as well: (Channel Name: SoveReign Universe)

At the moment I only have about 3 videos that I have done but eventually, I plan to turn this channel into a haven for individuals that want to learn to create comics. 

I, like a lot of people, have no clue on how to get a YouTube channel up and running (thriving); pulling in multiple viewers to where the things that I create, or choose to share with others, are being seen on a daily basis. However, YouTube has found a way to help people like me or you; people that want to create there own channels. Not just create mind you, but thrive with their own channels. This, is the reason for the blog really. I've come across a channel that helps those that want to be a YouTuber, or have a thriving channel, by giving advice to you, the newcomer, from some of the veterans of Youtube. I'm sharing this channel with you all here: (Channel Name: YouTube Creator Academy)

If you are interested, I recommend taking a look. There's so much you can do with YouTube...just think, TV...on the internet. You can release trailers to up coming books, animated shorts, movies your working on. You can show your work flow (how you do things from beginning to end), build an audience to support you and late buy the products that you are putting so much time into. The list goes on and on. Yea, it does take time but, time management is a detrimental tool for anyone trying to do anything more, than just work a 9-5,6,7,8 or 9. Time management and drive, that is.

This isn't for everyone, nor is it on everyone's to do list. I understand that. However, I wanted to spread the information that I learned, just in case there's someone that's interested.

Peace to you BSFS Fam,

Tyrone (Tyr1AR) Jackson

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